A beacon of learning and hope for the Cradle Coast The recently opened building on Burnie’s waterfront is the first of the University’s new, regionally distinctive campuses to be brought to life and is the realisation of a six-year journey to transform learning outcomes.
In September, a new chapter began for higher education
“Strengthening our presence on the Coast is part of a
in the North-West with the opening of the Cradle Coast
commitment to being regionally networked – ensuring
campus at West Park.
more people can gain the skills and knowledge they
Shaped by, and built for, the region and people it will serve, the campus will help more students study closer to home while enabling new courses to be offered locally. The $52 million vision to bring the campus closer to the heart of the community was realised through
need without having to leave their communities or incur the costs of living away. “This is a building that is all about hope, that looks to the future and all that is possible in it, and which enables people to take root, grow and flourish.”
contributions from the Tasmanian and Australian
The new campus is distinctive to the North-West region,
governments, Burnie City Council and the University,
responding to community, the environment and history.
as part of the Northern Transformation Program.
It takes its place at a site steeped in learning and
But the development is more than just a building:
recreational and cultural activity, and honours West
it’s a commitment to an entire region and a beacon
Park’s heritage as an educational precinct, with the
for transformational education.
Domestic Arts building living on as a central feature.
“In a time when universities around the country
“This is a campus you wouldn’t find anywhere else in
are pulling out of regions, we’re doing the opposite
the world,” Professor Black said.
because we know the benefit education can have for communities, whether that be through research, teaching or outreach programs,” Vice-Chancellor Professor Rufus Black said.
“The architecture reflects the headland forms that rise up along the coast, while the green roof speaks to the abundant agricultural fields. Each window frames views of the surrounding land and sea, while the use of concrete echoes the area’s industrial history.