3 minute read
Hello, I am delighted to be welcoming you to this edition of Changing Populations with some exciting news about the future of the Centre. You may have already heard by now that CPC members are to receive funding to carry out research on ‘Connecting Generations’.
Led by me and five Co-Directors, the programme is one of six new ESRC Centres which will tackle critical social and economic issues. From 2022, Connecting Generations will support a strategic partnership between CPC, the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Research at the University of Oxford, and the Resolution Foundation. Read the full story about the ESRC’s major funding announcement and find out more about the Connecting Generations research programme on page 4.
Also in this edition, we learn more about family life; from choosing between a home and becoming a parent (page 7) to how grandparenting in different countries affects mental health (page 14). On page 9, we find out about the effects of moving home during childhood, and page 11 features a summary of a workshop run earlier in the year by the Interdisciplinary Child Well-Being Network on the impacts of Covid-19 on child well-being.
We have an update on our members’ contributions at the 2021 IUSSP International Population Conference which took place in December (page 15).
Back in October, Alison Bowes received a special visit from the King and Queen of Sweden who came to learn more about research on healthy ageing at the University of Stirling. Find out more on page 13.
And finally, we meet some of the research team in our researcher spotlight, where we congratulate Dr Eren Dodd and Professor Sabu Padmadas on their recent Fellowship successes, and Seb Stannard discusses his PhD journey, see page 17.
As always, I hope you enjoy finding out more about our research activities. If you have any questions or comments, please email cpc@southampton.ac.uk
Professor Jane Falkingham OBE, CPC Director
Upcoming events:
31 January: Professor Sir Ian Diamond, UK National Statistician, will give a free public lecture on ‘How a National Statistics Institute responds to a pandemic’ in a CPC, University of Southampton and S3Ri event collaboration
17 February: CPC webinar with Peter Boden, Principal Consultant at Edge Analytics, on ‘Demographic change - the practical application of population forecasts to the planning process’
24 February: CPC webinar with Anna Matysiak, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw, on ‘Home-based work and fertility based on UK Understanding Society data’
31 March: CPC webinar with Sarah Amele, Research Associate, MRC/CSO Social & Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow
14 April: CPC webinar with Michael Thomas, Researcher in Social and Demographic Research at Statistics Norway
28 April: CPC webinar with Sophie Cranston, Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, Loughborough University
19 May: CPC webinar with Catherine Mercer, Professor of Sexual Health Science, UCL
26 May: CPC webinar with Helga de Valk, Director of the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) and Professor of Migration and the Life Course at the University of Groningen
For further details and full CPC events calendar, please visit
To keep up-to-date with our latest news, events and publications, visit www.cpc.ac.uk, follow us on Twitter @CPCpopulation and Facebook. For all the latest CPC news and comment, visit our ‘Centre for Population Change in the news’ page on Scoop.it!