2 minute read
Informing the design of inclusive pensions
Professor Athina Vlachantoni has been examining ethnic differences in pension protection among mid-life and older individuals from minority ethnic communities in the UK to help policymakers understand inequalities in pension protection between minority ethnic communities, and how to reduce them. The findings show how individuals and families from a range communities prepare financially for later life. They highlight the barriers and opportunities that different communities face to build greater financial resilience.
The project team are working with people from minority ethnic communities in Southampton to understand pension protection, finances and saving, as well as working with research partners who have fed into the design of the project and will use the project findings in their work. The partners are: Southampton City Council; Department for Work and Pensions; AgeUK Southampton; Pensions Policy Institute; People’s Pension; Citizens Advice Southampton; and the Runnymede Trust. In January 2023, the project team hosted a meeting with the representatives from the research partners to discuss ways to work within communities, project considerations and desired outcomes for stakeholders.
In March 2024, the project team hosted a full day teaching event with 250 year 11 pupils from Cantell School in Southampton on financial resilience. Pupils discussed different ways of preparing for the future, using the project findings to discuss students’ future selves, saving for later life and opportunities and challenges of ageing and retirement.
Further reading
Informing the design of inclusive pensions (CPC-CG news)
Sharing study information on the radio (Awaaz.fm Community Hour)
Building financial resilience for later life (Virtual visual arts exhibition)