University Chronicle: May 29, 2011

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Page 4 Winona State wins

Serving SCSU and the St. Cloud Community

Sunday May 29, 2011


Volume 88, Number 2

Community responds to assault Molly Wilms Managing Editor

After an assault outside a popular downtown bar occurred last Monday morning, reports and questions abounded with regards to every aspect of the attack. Who was assaulted? Was it a hate crime? Was it reflective of local attitudes to the LGBT community? Mark Miller, the victim of the assault, is a student at SCSU and a member of the LGBT community. He is a 22-year-old undergraduate student studying art and dance who is originally from St. Louis Park. “Honestly, I don’t remember the whole fight

thing that happened,” Miller told the University Chronicle. “I got beaten pretty well in the face, so I think some of my memory is gone from that.” Miller said that when he combined his limited memory of the evening with what witnesses told him, the evening pieced together. “I was hitting on them, on this guy, and apparently he did not like it too much,” Miller said. Miller said he later went out for a cigarette, and one of the alleged assailants followed him. “He and his friends were out there and, you know, just decided to beat the crap out of me,” Miller said. Miller said that his friend

heard the fight and came out to break it up. Later, Miller said he was punched again by one of the suspects in front of D.B. Searles. The police arrived a short while later. “They arrived and they were like, looking for the fight, and it was obviously over already. The cops always show up after the fight’s over,” Miller said. “They found me, I was at one of my friend’s places like right next door, cleaning my wounds.” Miller said he is unsure of the motivation of the attack. “It’s my experience in St. Cloud, people will start a fight over anything,” Miller said. “I don’t know if it was whether I was bisexual or

what have you, it seems like at the playground, like kindergarten all over again. “Some people are turning it into a big thing, there’s like a lot of anti-gay in St. Cloud, I know. It’s a culmination of a lot of things I think.” The mugshots of the three suspects were released and quickly spread from local news sites to national and international LGBT rights pages. 21- year-old Chad Hands of Elk River and 24-year-old Matthew Thomas of Rogers, two of the suspects, are charged with fourth-degree assault. The designation of fourth-degree assault includes bias-motivated offenses.

Ryan Frane, a 23-yearold from St. Cloud, is charged with domestic assault. Frane is a student at St. Cloud State University majoring in criminal justice. Frane declined an interview, but said he and his lawyer will release a statement on Monday. The Wednesday following the incident, three local women organized a rally near the site of the assault. “We want this young man who was treated poorly in our community to realize that’s not who we are as a community,” said Janet Cleland-Dullinger, one of the event organizers. “This is what we are as a community.”

Jun-Kai Teoh / staff photographer

Rally supporters gather to hear Justin Lewandowski speak about equal rights

The rally was attended by about 100 people. Some held signs bearing messages like “Love Prevails” and “LGBT? Fine by me.” The event was planned and publicized via social media. “No formal group, nothing like that. Just talking in the morning. We started out with a few people, and invited a few more people,” said Pat McDonald-Ditlevson, another event organizer. Members of the LGBT and ally community alike turned out, as well as a number of SCSU students. “I’m personally standing up for my rights to be able to walk around St. Cloud safely without being afraid of being discriminated, attacked, just for the way I look, the way I talk, for any reason whatsoever,” said Veronica Mora, an SCSU student. “It’s sad. I’m kind of ashamed for St. Cloud State when I hear things like that, because we’re not all like that at St. Cloud State,” said Katelyn Carter, an SCSU student. One person absent from the rally was the victim. “I don’t know if I will be attending. I’m in the middle of moving right now, and there’s really a lot of stuff going on. It’s just like another thing on top of my list,” Miller said. “I think it’s a good thing, but I mean, we should really focus on antihate in general, on a broader scale. Or just anti-violence in general. “Like why are we beating each other up, like what’s the point in that?”

A common pest: bedbugs and how to avoid them Samantha South News Editor

Bed bug infestation cases have been on the rise around the country the past few years. The SCSU campus community has proven it is not immune to these pests. It is officially the time of year for moving out of last year's apartments, dorms, and houses and into new housing around the campus area. Some have decided to move home for the summer and others have decided to go with a change of pace where they are living. No matter what a student has decided to do, it’s time to pack up all of our furniture and personal belongings and get to moving and cleaning. What many students haven’t realized is that moving can mean a lot more than just moving all of our things. It could mean moving bed bugs. According to pest control companies (Terminix and Orkin) websites, there are a lot of unknown facts most people do not realize about bed bugs. For starters, what are bed bugs? Bed bugs are very small, nocturnal parasites that feed on warmblooded animals; mainly humans. When they bite, they can leave red welts, swelling and itching. They are very hard to see, but adults can be seen by the human eye.


News.................1 Opinions...........2 Marquee............3 Sports...............4

They live in very small areas near where their food source will sit or lay for long periods of time; under headboards, mattresses, baseboards, floor cracks, and under carpets. These little infectious parasites are anywhere from 4–5 mm long and 1.5–3 mm wide with a small head and larger oval-shaped body. Their bodies are flattened, making it easier for them to get in small crevices such as mattresses and in between wood furniture. How does one get bed bugs? According to these pest controllers, the easiest way to transport bed bugs is through travel. Transporting luggage, clothing, bedding, and furniture from other places can easily bring them into a new home. So moving out of an apartment that may be infested with them can carry them over to new places. House parties and staying the night at others houses can quickly carry these parasites to a new home as well. It is common for students around the area to place old and used furniture on the streets and by dumpsters for others to pick up. Picking used furniture up could be the most likely way to obtain a bed bug infestation. What are the first signs for having bed bugs? Bed bug bites come in tight lines of multiple, small, red marks. At night, you can see them appear if

Born on the Bayou

you lay down on a bed for more than few minutes at night where they may be. They tend to stay close together and have a distinctively sweet but unpleasant smell. Blood spottings on mattresses and nearby furnishings are also signs of a bedbug infestation. How does one get rid of bed bugs? There are not very many easy ways of treating for bed bugs, considering they can go for months without feeding. But there are some simple ways to prevent them. After traveling, stick luggage and suitcases into large sealed bags outside the residence; garages are best. Washing clothing immediately is also recommended. Another idea is placing clothing into a bag and placing into the dryer on high heat. Bed bugs are not tolerant of high temperatures. If there is an infestation, removing all cloth and linen is the first step. Start looking around the rooms, in between mattresses, under headboards and under any small areas of wood furniture. When the infestation has been located, call a professional exterminator for best results of getting rid of them. There are treatments, but they should be done by professionals. Other ideas are to get rid of all mattresses and furniture. This way is

Page 3 Justin Ploof and his band revisited the CCR rockumentary at Pioneer Place last week.

photo courtesy of Oxford

A to-scale photograph of a bedbug. Adult bedbugs can grow up to 5mm very expensive and inconvenient but one of the most effective. Telling the landlord or owner is also best so that they can inform other tenants to check for them as well. Bed bugs have been a serious problem up until WWII when modern insecticides were introduced. Since then, these insecticides have

SCSU pitcher Scott Lieser

been banned due to harmful affects on the environment. Therefore, increases in bed bugs are now an issue. Taking cautionary steps, such as not picking up used furniture on the road and cleaning all travel equipment will help. As we move into our new homes, make sure to take steps so the bed bugs do not move with you.

Page 4 SCSU sophomore pitcher gives an insight into his personal life and baseball career.

Opinions Sunday, May 29, 2011

Page 2 - University Chronicle

Remember on Memorial Day Christian Bursch SPORTS & FITNESS EDITOR

Memorial Day is a holiday many look I\ I[ I TWVO _MMSMVL _Q\P IV M`\ZI LIa WNN WN _WZS To some it is more than that. It’s a LIa \W ZMUMUJMZ \PM NZQMVL[ IVL NIUQTa that have served this country paying the ]T\QUI\M [IKZQÅKM While some see sales, camping or a JIZJMY]M \PW[M TQSM UM ZMUMUJMZ NZQMVL[ WZ NIUQTa ZM\]ZVQVO QV I JW` LZIXML QV ZML white and blue. .WZ \PM UIVa \PI\ LWV¼\ [MM \PW[M QUIOes replayed in your mind, take the time on \PQ[ 5MUWZQIT ,Ia \W ZMÆMK\ IVL ZMUMUJMZ \PW[M \PI\ PI^M NITTMV IVL XIQL \PM ]T\QUI\M XZQKM NWZ aW] \W OW KIUXQVO PQ\ ]X \PM [ITM[ IVL PI^M I JIZJMY]M These are the things those soldiers died NWZ <W SMMX )UMZQKI [INM IVL O]IZIV\MM \PM VM`\ OMVMZI\QWV _QTT PI^M \PM [IUM NZMMLWU[ _M PI^M \WLIa <PMa TMN\ \PMQZ NIUQTa IVL NZQMVL[ NWZ \PM unknown. Most soldiers realize the price they might have to pay, yet they still signed up to serve our country. <PMa NW]OP\ IV MVMUa \PMa KW]TLV¼\ [MM NWZ XMWXTM \PMa LW VW\ SVW_ .WZ \PQ[ _M [PW]TL ITT [\WX IVL [Ia \PIVS aW] <PM VM`\ \QUM aW] [MM I [WTLQMZ \MTT them thank you. I know how much this means to a soldier. 0I^QVO [MZ^ML [Q` aMIZ[ QV \PM 6I\QWVIT

/]IZL 1 _QTT VM^MZ NWZOM\ \PM [UITT _WZL[ that mean so much. Dressed in my uniNWZU 1 UM\ Ua UW\PMZ NWZ T]VKP I\ I [UITT KINM QV 5WV\QKMTTW )[ _M _MZM ÅVQ[PQVO ]X our lunch the waitress came over to tell us \PI\ [WUM XMZ[WV R][\ XIQL NWZ W]Z T]VKP ;PM _MV\ WV \W [Ia \PI\ \PM XMZ[WV _Q[PML to remain anonymous but wanted to buy W]Z T]VKP \W [Ia \PIVS aW] NWZ _PI\ 1 _I[ doing in the military. ) _PQTM TI\MZ 1 _I[ QV ]VQNWZU WV Ua _Ia PWUM NZWU LZQTT 1 _I[ P]VOZa IVL _I[ going through the drive through at Taco Bell. When I went to the widow to pay, the I\\MVLIV\ \WTL UM \PI\ \PM XMZ[WV QV NZWV\ WN UM R][\ JW]OP\ Ua UMIT IVL _Q[PML \W [Ia \PIVS aW] NWZ [MZ^QVO These may have seemed like small gestures to those people but it meant so much to me. It does not take much time to walk up to a soldier shake their hand and say \PIVS[ 1N \PMZM _I[ I LWTTIZ JQTT WV \PM ground we all know you would take the \QUM \W MIOMZTa XQKS Q\ ]X ;W ][M \PM [IUM time and eager energy to thank those that SMMX W]Z KW]V\Za [INM On this Memorial Day remember what aW] PI^M IVL _PI\ Q\ _W]TL JM TQSM QN \PW[M JZI^M UMV IVL _WUMV _MZM VW\ LMNMVLQVO it. To close I would like to say thank you \W ITT WN \PW[M \PI\ PI^M [MZ^ML IZM [MZ^QVO and those blessed souls that are no longer with us - may we always remember you.

‘South Park’ continues to provide smart satire Salem Mahmoud

0M WNNMZ[ PQ[ ¹IL^QKMº IVL ÆQM[ I_Ia LWing nothing to help the situation at hand. ¹<PMa [PW]TL PI^M PIL I JIKS]X [INM\a Over the years, the television show ^IT^M \W \PI\ JIKS]X [INM\a ^IT^M º +IX\IQV ¹;W]\P 8IZSº PI[ \W]KPML WV VMIZTa M^MZa 0QVL[QOP\ Q[ IV WJ^QW][ [I\QZM WN \PM UMLQI K]ZZMV\ Q[[]M QV XWX]TIZ K]T\]ZM NZWU QV \QUM[ WN KZQ[Q[ <PM WVTa \PQVO \PM UMLQI ¹2MZ[Ma ;PWZMº \W \PM +I\PWTQK +P]ZKP does is look at what could have been done, [M` [KIVLIT .ZWU KPWW[QVO _PW \W ^W\M WNNMZQVO VW [WT]\QWV[ NWZ \PM [Q\]I\QWV ]T\QNWZ JM\_MMV I OQIV\ LW]KPM IVL I \]ZL mately doing nothing but stoking the blaze [IVL_QKP QV \PM MTMK\QWV \W I MXQ[WLM WN KWVN][QWV IJW]\ ¹0QOP ;KPWWT 5][QKIT º <PM [PW_ As soon as they make it seem as though has truly run the gamut when it comes to it was entirely the media blowing the situpopular culture and social issues plaguing I\QWV W]\ WN KWV\ZWT \PM [\INN \]ZV[ \PM \PM =VQ\ML ;\I\M[ ÅVOMZ \W TI_UISMZ[ IVL W\PMZ XMWXTM _PW With the ability to write, produce, and KWV\QV]M \W ITTW_ WNN[PWZM LZQTTQVO animate an entire episode within a week’s <PM UQVQ [MZQM[ PI[ I []KKM[[QWV WN time, the show has been able to stay curX]JTQK [MZ^QKM IVVW]VKMUMV\[ NZWU * 8 ZMV\ )[ I NIV WN \PM [MZQM[ [QVKM Q\[ LMJ]\ QV + - 7 <WVa 0Ma_IZL IXWTWOQbQVO W^MZ !! \PM NWTTW_QVO IZM \PM ZMI[WV[ _Pa 1 and over and over again, every commerIZO]M \PI\ ;W]\P 8IZS Q[ \PM UW[\ QV\MTTQOMV\ cial getting more ridiculous than the last. show on television. This suggests that, even though this keeps <PM UM\IXPWZQKIT [I\QZM 5I\\ ;\WVM PIXXMVQVO _M SMMX TM\\QVO \PMU LW Q\# \PMa Trey Parker, and crew use every week IZM VW\ OWQVO \W [\WX QN \PMa IZM VW\ UILM KWV[Q[\MV\Ta NWWT[ \PM I]LQMVKM \W JMTQM^M \W [\WX 1N _M _IV\ \PMU \W [\WX _M VMML they have chosen a side on a controversial \W LW [WUM\PQVO \W [\WX \PMU M^MV QN \PMa issue, only to lead them around, ultimately keep apologizing. TMI^QVO \PM I]LQMVKM Y]M[\QWVQVO _PMZM ¹;W]\P 8IZSº Q[ I VW PWTL[ JIZZML I\they stand. Last season’s three-part series, tack on anything ridiculous in the world. ¹+WWV IVL .ZQMVL[ º _I[ JI[ML IZW]VL \PM Yes, the show is sometimes graphic or out[XQTT QV \PM /]TN +WI[\ <_W KPIZIK\MZ[ QV right disgusting, but sometimes the world XIZ\QK]TIZ IZM XMZNMK\ M`IUXTM[ WN \PQ[ just needs a laugh. .QZ[\ Q[ +IX\IQV 0QVL[QOP\ I NWZUMZ 1N \PMa \PQVS I [Q\]I\QWV PI[ OW\\MV W]\ news reporter who received the uncanny WN PIVL \PMa \Za IVL ÅVL I [IVM UQLLTM IJQTQ\a WN PQVL[QOP\ IN\MZ I NZMIS IKKQLMV\ ground on which people should stand. CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Objectivity does not exist Hannah Swift ASSOCIATE EDITOR

Ethics and the media are not two things the average person pairs together. When I told my dad I was taking a summer course called “Media Ethics” he chuckled and said, “the media has ethics?” 0Q[ KWUUMV\ ZMÆMK\[ PW_ 1 \PQVS UW[\ XMWXTM XMZKMQ^M \PM UMLQI" I TIZOM UI[[ WN WZOIVQbI\QWV[ ZIKQVO \W X]JTQ[P \PM R]QKQM[\ [\WZQM[ ZMOIZLTM[[ WN \PM KWV[MY]MVKM[ *a VW UMIV[ LW 1 KWV[QLMZ Ua[MTN IV M`XMZ\ WN \PM UMLQI VWZ KIV 1 [XMIS NWZ M^MZa UMLQI W]\TM\ J]\ IN\MZ \ISQVO \PQ[ KW]Z[M 1 VW_ SVW_ \PM LQNÅK]T\QM[ \PM UMLQI QVL][\Za NIKM[ _PMV XZWL]KQVO KWV\MV\ <PMZM IZM UIVa NIKM\[ \W \PM LQ[K][[QWV WN M\PQK[ QV \PM UMLQI -\PQK[ I[ \PMa IXXTa \W photojournalism, the boundary between news and entertainment, justice, and transparMVKa IZM R][\ I NM_ WN \PM \WXQK[ _M KW^MZML QV KTI[[ 7JRMK\Q^Q\a PW_M^MZ _I[ \PM M\PQKIT LQTMUUI \PI\ 1 NW]VL UW[\ QV\MZM[\QVO ,]ZQVO \PM MZI WN [MV[I\QWVITQ[U IVL aMTTW_ RW]ZVITQ[U QV \PM =VQ\ML ;\I\M[ \PM UMLQI ZMKMQ^ML I TW\ WN KZQ\QKQ[U JMKI][M [\WZQM[ WN\MV \]ZVML W]\ \W PI^M NIT[M QVNWZUI\QWV JIL [W]ZKQVO IVL MUJMTTQ[PUMV\[ WN \PM \Z]\P 2W]ZVITQ[\[ I\ \PM \QUM ZMITQbML \PI\ QN \PMa _IV\ML \W []Z^Q^M \PMa PIL \W ¹XZWNM[[QWVITQbMº \PM ZWTM WN \PM ZMXWZ\MZ 1V WZLMZ \W LW \PQ[ [WUM RW]ZVITQ[\[ JMOIV \W LM^MTWX I KWLM WN M\PQK[ \PI\ XZWNM[[QWVIT RW]ZVITQ[\[ _W]TL NWTTW_ 5IVa QV \PM QVL][\Za JMOIV \W ^IT]M truth and objectivity above all. The ethics derived at the time have remained dominate even today. Journalists are

LETTER TO THE EDITOR ID at polls bill <PM 5QVVM[W\I 0W][M WN :MXZM[MV\Itives, in a vote largely along party lines, XI[[ML I JQTT \PI\ _W]TL ZMY]QZM KQ\QbMV[ \W show a government issued picture ID when voting in elections, on Thursday, May 5. ;QVKM UIVa [\]LMV\[ TQ^M I_Ia NZWU PWUM I\ IV ILLZM[[ LQNNMZMV\ \PIV \PM WVM [PW_V WV \PMQZ LZQ^MZ[ TQKMV[M QN \PQ[ JQTT JMKWUM[ TI_ Q\ _QTT LQ[MVNZIVKPQ[M ^W\MZ[ ;WUM IZO]M that, indeed, this is the bill’s intent. In 2008 and 2010 we had two massive statewide recounts which turned up no in[\IVKM[ WN QV\MV\QWVIT ^W\MZ NZI]L ?Pa \PMV IZM :MX]JTQKIV TMOQ[TI\WZ[ \ZaQVO \W [WT^M I XZWJTMU \PI\ LWM[V¼\ M`Q[\' <PMZM Q[ VW KTMIZ answer. <PM KPQMN I]\PWZ WN \PM 0W][M *QTT NWZUMZ ;MKZM\IZa WN ;\I\M 5IZa 3QNÅUMQMZ knows all too well the voting blocs this bill _W]TL LQ[MVNZIVKPQ[M \PM XWWZ \PM MTLMZTa IVL aM[ [\]LMV\[ ITT WN _PWU \MVL \W NI^WZ \PM XIZ\a \PI\ [PM LWM[ VW\ JMTWVO \W 1V I[ ;MKZM\IZa WN ;\I\M 3QNÅUMQMZ WZLMZML =VQ^MZ[Q\a WN 5QVVM[W\I [\]LMV\[ I_Ia NZWU \PM XWTT[ _PW KW]TL VW\ XZW^M their residency by her standards. A judge later overruled this decision, but by this

\QUM U]KP WN \PM LIUIOM PIL ITZMILa JMMV done. >W\QVO I[ I [\]LMV\ Q[ LQNÅK]T\ MVW]OP ?M UW^M WN\MV PI^M PMK\QK [KPML]TM[ IVL aren’t necessarily able to prove our residency with current utility bills. Why are they makQVO Q\ UWZM LQNÅK]T\' <PM JW\\WU TQVM Q[ QN aW] TQ^M I\ IV ILLZM[[ \PI\ Q[ LQNNMZMV\ NZWU \PM WVM WV aW]Z LZQ^MZ[ TQKMV[M aW] _QTT JM \]ZVML I_Ia NZWU \PM XWTT[ 1N aW] UW^M QV\W VM_ PW][QVO QV ;MX\MUJMZ IVL LW VW\ KPIVOM aW]Z TQKMV[M by early October, allowing the state three weeks to mail your new ID back to you, then aW]¼ZM W]\ WN T]KS QV 6W^MUJMZ Paul Crawford Former Student, Concerned Citizen

) VW\M \W ZMILMZ[" <PQ[ TM\\MZ _I[ _ZQ\\MV JMNWZM \PM JQTT _MV\ \W /W^ 5IZS ,Ia\WV <PM JQTT _I[ ZMKMV\Ta ^M\WML Ja /W^ ,Ia\WV IVL PI[ JMMV [MV\ JIKS \W \PM 0W][M NWZ reconsideration.

Escaping gender roles Kyra Loch

The moment we come into this world, the people _PW QVÆ]MVKML ][ _PMV ) KW]XTM NZWU +IVILI we were young most likely has recently been receiving raised us to adopt gender attention due to an unconroles. ventional decision they have This can be done in UILM NWZ \PMQZ UWV\P WTL many seemingly harmless KPQTL ;\WZU ways, such as whether we They have decided to were dressed in pink or blue VW\ X]JTQKTa ZM^MIT \PM [M` clothes, were told stories WN \PMQZ KPQTL# WVTa \PM about heroes or damsels in parents, the toddler’s two distress, or given Barbies or [QJTQVO[ I KTW[M NZQMVL Hot Wheels to play with. and the two midwives who The simplest thing can helped with the delivery M^MV MVNWZKM OMVLMZ ZWTM[ SVW_ _PM\PMZ ;\WZU _I[ IVL [\MZMW\aXM[ ;IaQVO[ born a boy or girl. such as, “Don’t throw like It can be agreed that a girl,” or, “That’s not the parents’ decision has a TILaTQSM º _QTT Y]QKSTa \MIKP TIZOM KPIVKM WN JMKWUQVO I a child what behavior is ZQ[Sa [WKQIT M`XMZQUMV\ \PI\ considered appropriate or could possibly be damaging acceptable. \W ;\WZU¼[ N]\]ZM ?PI\ QN I TQ\\TM JWa However, the decision would have rather played could also be considered with an Easy Bake Oven inprogressive by rejecting the [\MIL WN / 1 2WM' ?PI\ QN I ILWX\QWV WN W]Z [WKQM\a¼[ little girl wanted to cut her gender roles. hair short and wear jeans ;\WZU¼[ XIZMV\[ [PW]TL QV[\MIL WN PI^QVO TWVO PIQZ JM IKSVW_TMLOML NWZ JMand wearing a dress? ing brave and considerate While the child is just MVW]OP \W ITTW_ ;\WZU \W M`XZM[[QVO _PW \PMa _IV\ choose whom he or she to be, this behavior does _IV\[ \W JM _Q\PW]\ NITTQVO make some parents uncominto society’s gender role NWZ\IJTM QN Q\ LWM[ VW\ IOZMM guidelines. _Q\P \PM \aXQKIT ZWTM WN \PI\ Whether we want to child’s gender. admit it or not, the majority Parents have been givWN ][ PI^M JMMV ZIQ[ML \W Å\ ing their children more and adopt certain gender NZMMLWU _Q\P KPWQKM[ \W roles. PMTX XZM^MV\ \PMU NZWU STAFF WRITER

8IZSMZ ;\WVM IVL KZM_ [MMU \W JM \PM WVTa TM^MT PMILML UMLQI ÅO]ZM[ QV I \QUM WN XWTQ\QKIT XWTIZQbI\QWV UI[[ KWVN][QWV IVL TIKS WN TMILMZ[PQX <PMa IZM VW\ INZIQL \W ZMN][M \W \ISM I [QLM <PMa IZM _QTTQVO \W UISM [MV[M WN I KWVN][QVO [Q\]I\QWV <PMa are even willing to show us where they think we should go. With their new broadway show, “The

NITTQVO QV\W \aXQKIT OMVLMZ roles and these parents have IT[W JMMV ZMKMQ^QVO I TW\ WN KZQ\QKQ[U NWZ Q\ Kids are making these choices because it is who they are and what they want to do. We should ZM[XMK\ \PMQZ NZMMLWU \W choose what they want to do and be who they want to be. It is interesting to think about what it would have JMMV TQSM QN _M OZM_ ]X with no gender roles to ILWX\ TQSM ;\WZU Q[ IJW]\ to. Would our young selves have chosen to play with the same toys or dress in a certain way, because that was what society deemed acceptable? 1N _M PIL UWZM NZMMLWU I[ KPQTLZMV \W M`XZM[[ IVL M`XTWZM _PW _M _IV\ML to be without being told it was wrong, we might be KWUXTM\MTa LQNNMZMV\ XMWXTM today. 5IaJM OWQVO I[ NIZ I[ \W PQLM \PM KPQTL¼[ [M` Q[ I TQ\\TM M`\ZMUM J]\ ZMKWOVQbQVO PW_ XW[[QJTa PIZUN]T I[signed gender roles are and taking the steps to allow NZMMLWU QV WVM¼[ KPQTLPWWL is a big step in the right direction.

*WWS WN 5WZUIV º OM\\QVO ZI^M ZM^QM_[ <WVa VWUQVI\QWV[ WVM [Pa WN \PM ZMKWZL set by “The Producers”), and a new season ]VLMZ_Ia \PM ;W]\P 8IZS KZM_ PI[ I JZQOP\ N]\]ZM IPMIL WN \PMU 1\ _QTT JM QV\MZM[\QVO to see where the smartest writers in televi[QWV \ISM ][ <]VM QV\W +WUMLa +MV\ZIT WV Wednesdays at 9 p.m. to see what they have to say about the latest issues.

M`XMK\ML \W JM WJRMK\Q^M _PMV ZMXWZ\QVO IVL _PMV \PMa¼ZM VW\ \PMa OM\ KZQ\QKQbML <ISM .7@ VM_[ NWZ M`IUXTM 5IVa JMTQM^M .7@ PI[ JQI[ML VM_[ ZMXWZ\QVO WV Q[[]M NZWU I KWV[MZ^I\Q^M WZ ¹ZQOP\º XWQV\ WN ^QM_ ) [QUQTIZ KZQ\QKQ[U KW]TL JM IXXTQML \W 5;6*+ VM_[ [IQL \W TMIV \W \PM UWZM TQJMZIT [QLM WN Q[[]M[ :MOIZLTM[[ WN QN aW] \PQVS .7@ WZ 5;6*+ Q[ KWUXTM\M KZIX JMKI][M WVM WZ \PM W\PMZ is biased, I would argue that there is no such thing as true objectivity. Objectivity is an ideal that humans created. While it may be a good thing to strive towards as a journalist, I believe it is impossible to obtain. -^MZa XMZ[WV PI[ I LQNNMZMV\ _Ia WN ^QM_QVO \PM _WZTL <PM _Ia _M KWUM \W ]VLMZ[\IVL W]Z MV^QZWVUMV\ Q[ LQZMK\Ta INNMK\ML Ja ITT WN \PM NIK\WZ[ WN W]Z TQNM · XI[\ XZM[MV\ IVL N]\]ZM +PQTLPWWL M`XMZQMVKM[ \PM NIUQTa _M OZM_ ]X QV \PM ML]KI\QWV _M ZMKMQ^ML \PM people and issues that we care about all change how we see everything. Don’t get me wrong, I believe trying to be objective is much better than sensational _ZQ\QVO J]\ 1 \PQVS Q\ Q[ \QUM \PM X]JTQK [\WX[ NWWTQVO \PMU[MT^M[ QV \PQVSQVO \PI\ IVa UMLQI W]\TM\ Q[ KWUXTM\MTa NZMM WN JQI[M[ <PM JM[\ \PQVO I XMZ[WV KIV LW Q[ \Za \W ZMIL _I\KP IVL TQ[\MV \W M^MZa \aXM WN UMLQI \PI\ Q[ XZWL]KML 1N aW] ZMIL I [\WZa QV WVM XIXMZ ÅVL IVW\PMZ [W]ZKM \W ZMIL IJW]\ \PM [IUM \PQVO 8MWXTM _W]TL JM _Q[MZ QN \PMa TMIZVML IJW]\ [\WZQM[ NZWU [M^MZIT XMZ[XMK\Q^M[ -^MV QN aW] JMTQM^M aW] WVTa []J[KZQJM \W ]VJQI[ML [W]ZKM[ 1 KPITTMVOM aW] \W OW W]\ \PMZM IVL [MMS \W ]VLMZ[\IVL \PQVO[ NWZ aW]Z[MTN /I\PMZQVO I[ UIVa XWQV\[ WN ^QM_ I[ XW[[QJTM Q[ \PM WVTa QV\MTTQOMV\ _Ia \W KWV[]UM UMLQI W\PMZ_Q[M aW] _QTT UW[\ TQSMTa WVTa JM TWWSQVO I\ I XQMKM WN \PM _PWTM The opinions expressed on the Commentary and Opinions pages are not necessarily those of the college, university system or student body.

Marquee University Chronicle - Page 3

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Reborn on the Bayou: CCR tribute returns Chris Bremseth staff writer

Justin Ploof played the most recent show in his throwback “rockumentary” series Tuesday at the Pioneer Place. Ploof has previously played works by artists like Bob Dylan and Tom Petty, but this time he and his band took on one of the biggest and most famous groups in rock and roll history, Creedence Clearwater Revival. The show, entitled Born on the Bayou: A Tribute to Creedence Clearwater Revival, began with a narrated

chronicle of the group’s rise to fame in 1964, the release of their most popular albums, reported fights between the bandmates and their eventual downfall, ending with their split in 1972. The narration was accompanied by a screen with a slideshow depicting the various moments in the band’s history. During the show, slides of the original band were shown and during the popular anti-Vietnam War songs “Fortunate Son” and “Run Through the Jungle”, video taken during the war was played to enhance the atmosphere of the room,

while placing context behind the songs. Ploof, who played the show last fall in the same venue, stated that he and his group were back by popular demand, something that he was very excited about. “It’s great, anytime you do anything, you hope people like it and the fact that they like it enough for you to come back and do it again is awesome,” Ploof said. He also recognized the universal appeal that Creedence seems to have to the people at the shows. “I don’t know if it’s us,

hannah swift / staff photograper

Justin Ploof sings CCR hits with Jason Ploof on lead guitar.

Pioneer Place on Fifth still growing after 12 years Molly Willms managing editor

A local business, built from the ground up and family-run, caters to the arts and entertainment needs of a mid-sized community – all during an economic recession. The real kicker is that they’re growing. Pioneer Place on Fifth Theatre has been growing for over 12 years under the direction of Dan and Mark Barth, the brothers who own and run the business. They started working together on a video production company 18 years ago. Dan happened upon their current location when searching for a new studio for DMR Productions. “I happened to walk by this building and saw a sign in the door that said ‘For Lease,’” said Dan Barth, Executive director of Pioneer. “It was owned by the HRA. So I called them and we rented it for a couple of days to do this video shoot.” After looking around, the building appealed to Dan more and more. He called his brother over to take a look at the space. They made an offer to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and bought the building. “We walked out, and that was in 1998, and looked at each other and said, ‘What did we just do now?’” Dan said. The brothers began remodeling the space as a television studio. “We were gutting the theater and we had another video shoot and an actor form the Twin Cities came up and peered around and said, ‘What are you doing?’ We said, ‘Well, we’re gutting this for a TV studio.’ And he said, ‘You really shouldn’t do that. Theaters are just too difficult to build. Why don’t you keep it?’ I said, ‘Why would I want to do that? We don’t know anything about running a theater, nor do we want to,’” Dan said. They decided in the end to take his advice and started with a small, four-show theater season of traveling shows. Twelve years later, Pioneer Place has its own inhouse productions that regularly sell out as part of seven-show seasons. Another component of Pioneer Place is the Veranda Lounge, which has changed dramatically over the years. “We’ve had a number of things up here. We had it rented for the first few years, then we had a gift shop that was called The Veranda,” Dan said. Eventually, the brothers thought that adding a lounge to the theater would be worthwhile. “The difficulties in a city like St. Cloud is obviously securing a liquor license,” said Mark Barth, Operations Director of Pio-

neer Place. “So that was the first step that we had to take and, lo and behold, after several meetings, we were able to secure a liquor license and we thought, ‘What the heck, let’s give it a try.’” The bar expanded from initially selling only beer and wine and opening before and after shows to having a full bar and being open normal bar hours. In addition to theater, Pioneer Place also offers a variety of music performances. This began when an artist on tour asked to use their space. “It must have been about 2000 or 2001, Mason Jennings was very popular but not quite selling out joints like he does now,” Dan said. “I got a phone call from his agent that they had a layover date and were looking for a place in St. Cloud, was any available, would we be interested. “We didn’t have a PA system, we didn’t have anything, but he was traveling with his own.” The very first music performance at Pioneer sold out – people were sitting on the floor for lack of chairs. Since then, artists like Collective Unconscious and the Fabulous Armadillos have been selling out themed shows and touring acts have played in both areas of the building. “We started live music now on weekends here in the Lounge,” Mark said. “It can get to be a pretty busy place on Fridays and Saturdays, which has been a lot of fun.” The 100-year-old building has not always been an easy thing to work with. “This old building was so fascinating when Dan called me up and said, ‘Come on, Mark, take a look at this, we’re gonna buy it,’ I said, ‘You’re nuts.’ We’re no longer spring chickens,” Mark said. After receiving his general contractor’s license, Mark and some friends got to work on the building. “It may sound a little weird, but today it’s almost like the building speaks a little bit, that it’s happy,” Mark said. Though both of their careers took a different direction than they anticipated, the Barths love where they ended up. “To be able to be doing something so different than what I was trained to do or what I had done for the rest of my life has been a real joy for me,” Mark said. “I think that this building has a lot to do with that, and the audiences that come. “ “There’s a lot of special moments here. There really are,” Dan said. “You see it in people’s eyes when they walk out. Whether it’s music where they’ve been entertained or plays where they’ve been challenged. That’s really what does it for me, when you see them coming out and you know that you’ve touched them somehow.”

I think it’s the material that we’re doing that brings people back,” Ploof said. “They’re just one of those bands that no matter who you seem to talk to, no matter how old they are, everybody likes Creedence Clearwater Revival.” He also postulated the reasons for their classic, timeless feel. “That’s why ‘Fortunate Son’ is such a classic; it’s like Bob Dylan’s ‘Blowin in the Wind.’ He doesn’t refer to one specific thing so I think it is all still relevant,” Ploof said. It’s not only the fans that love the music, but Ploof and his band were unable to hide their excitement about the show. “The thing is with these theater shows, it’s not something we do all the time so getting to come do these is like an outlet to do things like this. That’s the nice thing about it, you can never get sick of it,” he said. “When the last night goes, you’re like ‘wait, I’m not done with this yet.’” Ploof, the lead vocalist, is backed by his father, Dan Ploof on keyboard, his older brother, Jason Ploof on lead guitar, Casey Smith

hannah swift / staff photographer

Peter Anderson, drums, and Casey Smith, bass, perform CCR songs at Pioneer Place.

on bass guitar and Peter Anderson on the drums. The band, soon to be called Justin Ploof and the Throwbacks, just made a deal with the Pioneer Place starting a series of their

“rockumentaries”, with their next installment in the fall focusing on the history and works of the Rolling Stones.


photo courtesy of

‘Some thing Borrowed’ disappoints.

‘Something Borrowed’ borrows too many clichés

Hannah Swift movie review

The film adaptation of the book “Something Borrowed” by Emily Giffin gave movie-goers a taste of the classic, and often cliché, romantic comedy. “Something Borrowed” was released in theaters on May 6 and stars Ginnifer Goodwin, Kate Hudson, Colin Egglesfield, and John Krasinski. The story closely follows the book, centering on Rachel, played by Goodwin, a 30-something New Yorker who realizes she is in love with her best friend’s fiancé. Rachel’s best friend, Darcy, played by Hudson, is beautiful, blonde, and a huge flirt; everything Rachel is not. Rachel and Darcy have been best friends for their entire lives, even though their personalities are vastly different. Rachel actually met Darcy’s fiancé, Dex, played by Egglesfield, while in law school. Dex and Rachel grew close as study buddies, but on the night they finished law school, Dex was introduced to Darcy who grabbed his attention. Rachel thought someone like Dex could never love someone like her, so she encouraged Dex and Darcy to date and eventually they got engaged. Many of the scenes in this two-hour movie are Rachel’s flashbacks to her time in law school with Dex, as well as her memories of her and Darcy’s friendship over the years. Krasinski’s character, Ethan, plays the part of Rachel’s best guy friend. Darcy and Ethan don’t get along, providing some comical interactions throughout the movie. Without giving more away about the love square that develops, the worst part about the movie is how easy it was to figure out. The acting itself wasn’t bad, but the story overall was just boring. If you have seen one romantic comedy, sometimes it feels like you’ve seen them all. “Something Borrowed” definitely did nothing different to break the mold. The most disappointing part of the film was how little John Krasinski’s character was in it. The main reason I was interested in seeing the movie was because Krasinski was featured often in the trailer and his fame from the television show “The Office” drew me in. I wish he would have been in it more. Another criticism of “Something Borrowed,” which could apply to many Hollywood films, is how everyone seemed to be very wealthy, but no one ever actually worked. There were trips to the Hamptons, driving in fancy cars, going out to expensive restaurants, but their occupations was never mentioned. This gives such a false view of real life that it makes the whole movie even less believable and further lost in the depths of Hollywood’s picture perfect “reality.” Overall this movie provided a few laughs and some cute, yet predictable moments, but don’t waste your money or time seeing it in theaters. This one is definitely only worth the dollar rental from Redbox. If “Something Borrowed” had borrowed fewer clichés from other romantic comedies, it would have been a much better film.


Sports & Fitness Page 4 - University Chronicle

Sunday, May 29, 2011

SCSU sophomore pitcher shares his story Christian Bursch Player Profile

According to sophomore SCSU pitcher, Scott Lieser, recently pitched “the game of his life.” “I started playing baseball probably as soon as I could walk.” Lieser said. He grew up with three older brothers and said his mother wished for a girl but that didn’t happen. Although for Halloween one year she had a daughter. “They dressed me up as a was embarrassing,” Lieser said. Growing up on a dairy farm, Lieser and his brothers became close. Lieser and his brothers would all play baseball in the backyard every night. “Any chance we got got between working on the farm we would go play baseball until dad would see us and yell at us to get back to work,” Lieser said. After evening chores they knew their dad would hit them grounds balls. “I would do anything to go back to those days where I’d get beat up by my brothers and have them make fun of me,” said Lieser. Throughout high school Lieser played football, basketball and baseball. In his senior year he tore an ACL in football which prevented him from playing basketball his entire senior year. He recovered enough to play baseball his senior year and after high school he hit the rehab hard to make sure he could play college baseball. Two of Lieser’s brothers went to SCSU but he wanted to be different. He wanted to play baseball down South. However, coach Dolan convinced him to come and play for SCSU. “Dolan did a good job convincing me to come play here, especially when I had no intention of playing here,” said Lieser. Lieser admitted that the worst moment of pitching baseball came on his birthday this past April when he pitched against Augustana.

“It was embarrassing to go just over an inning and give up eight runs,” Lieser said. The team went to Old Country Buffet after the NSIC tournament, where Lieser learned he would be the starting pitcher for the first game in the NCAA Division II Central Regionals. The game was to be against Augustana. His father talked to him before the game on May 19, telling him to go out there and show them that he was better than them. “We knew we would have a lot of fans there at the game on May 19. I was pretty excited to start the first game,” said Lieser, adding “I knew I had to get a pretty good start to the tournament and start the tone early to give our guys some hope to win the first one.” The best moment Lieser had in baseball was winning the game on May 19. “It felt good to come back and beat them with only giving up one run. It showed that they weren’t that much better than me, I just didn’t have my stuff on April 23,” said Lieser. SCSU found themselves eliminated from the tournament by Winona State in 10 innings. WSU went on to win the tournament. “I was pretty excited (to be named NCAA Division II Central Region All-Tournament Team pitcher). I was just hoping more of our guys would make it on there,” said Lieser. Next season he hopes to make it to the World Series saying they were one step away from making it this year. He added the goal won’t change from this year to next year. “You can always learn to pitch more,” Lieser said, adding that he wants to get physically stronger in the off season and learn to pitch more. He also said he wants to learn to be more relaxed on the mound and not let little things like giving up a base hit get to him. Lieser enjoys spending time with his family outside of baseball. He

Kai Teoh / staff photographer

Scott Lieser, sophomore pitcher for SCSU, throws a pitch during Thursday nights game against Augustana in the first round of the tournament. likes to go home and help on the farm on the weekends. Water sports like fishing, swimming and tubing are a favorite for Lieser. Lieser added he would try knee boarding or anything that had to do with the water. Majoring in elementary educa-

tion, Lieser said he also enjoys playing with children and teaching them about baseball. “In high school, I always thought I wanted to teach. Hopefully I will get into a school one day and become a high school baseball coach...That’s my dream or make it to the pros,” Lieser said.

If he made it to the pros he would like to play for the Twins. “I would do anything to throw to Joe Mauer, him catching, that would be special,” said Lieser. After all, Lieser added, “Baseball is baseball. It is fun to play whenever you can.”

Tournament survives despite heavy rain fall Christian Bursch

Sports & fitness editor

The NCAA Division II Central Regionals finished up on Dick Putz Field. The games were moved from Joe Faber Field due to over two inches of rain that fell over the weekend of May 20-22. The tournament was originally scheduled to start May 19 and finish May 22 with May 23 reserved for rain-outs. The tournament finished May 24 with the championship game between Winona State (WSU) and Nebraska-Kearney (UNK). The final games played May 22 featured UNK vs. WSU in their first meeting of the tournament and SCSU

vs. WSU. UNK beat WSU in their first meeting of the tournament 10-4. SCSU played WSU, SCSU looking for a win to keep them in the tournament. In the first inning Jordan Smith singled through the left side following Garrett Fischer’s single to right field. B. Hansen reached first base on a fielding error be WSU’s center fielder, Tony Mueller, allowing Smith and Fischer to score. WSU followed with three runs in the first inning. Scoring for WSU was Mueller, Derek Wojcik and Cody Strang. After SCSU pitcher, Nick Anderson walked his second

Christian bursch / staff photographer

Winona State celebrates after winning the NCAA Division II Central Regional tournament May 24 at Dick Putz Field.

NCAA Division II Central Regional All-­‐Tournament Team

First base Second base Third base Shortstop Catcher Pitcher Pitcher Outfield Outfield Outfield DH/Utility

person of the game and gave up a two run home run to WSU’s Seth McMullen Chris Kubitz relieved him and finished the second inning allowing no additional runs. SCSU’s Joey Benke hit a home run to right center to make the game 3-5 WSU in third inning. Phil Imholte singled to left field to start the seventh inning. Travis Cariveau followed with a single through the right side. SCSU’s Smith reached on a fielder’s choice followed by Benke flying out to center field allowing Imholte to score after a WSU pitching change. WSU started the eight inning with a new pitcher who walked his first batter, Joey Althoff. Travis Kulla replaced Althoff as a pinch runner. Travis Enger singled up the

Dustin Fackrell, MSC Jordan Mitchellhill, UNK Luke Valerius, UNK Ken Evanson, MSC Travis Enger, SCSU Scott Lieser, SCSU Kodey Simon, WSU tournament MVP Joe Kley, WSU Tony Mueller, WSU Jason Trulin, UNK Cody Strang, WSU

middle followed by two strike outs. Cariveau singled to center field but advanced to second base on a fielding error. The error allowed Kulla and Enger to score. The eighth inning left with a score of SCSU six to WSU’s five. The first batter, Wojcik, was hit by a pitch and scored the only run in the ninth tying the game at six. SCSU failed to score in the 10th inning. WSU responded with a run. The 10 inning saw Mueller intentionally walked and Wojcik reaching on catcher’s interferrence. With bases loaded Kley walked allowing John Magee to score. With this score SCSU was eliminated in the double elimination tournament. May 23 opened with Mesa State (MSC) playing

Minnesota State Mankato (MSU). MSU found themselves eliminated from the tournament by MSC with a score of 7-4. WSU played UNK for the second time in the tournament. This time WSU won 2-0. This win secured WSU’s spot in the championship game. WSU’s runs came in the fifth inning. With UNK’s loss to WSU, they played MSC with an attepmt to make it to the championship game to face WSU for a third time in the tournament. UNK scored first in the third inning with a home run by D. Grace MSC followed in the fifth with one run scored by K. Evanson. MSC scored again in the eighth, A. Kaiser and B. Bello, creating three unanswered runs by MSC.

UNK responded in the ninth with Felix Segovia and G. Henry scoring. UNK’s B. Chritz was hit by a pitch to start the 10 inning and eventually scored the winning run, sending UNK to the championship game to face WSU. The championship game was held May 24 at Dick Putz field. UNK facing WSU for a third time in the tournament. WSU’s Joe Kley scored off a double down the first base line by Kyle Sill in the second inning. Seth McMullen was walked by T. Stachura and scored off an error by UNK’s first baseman, Andrew Haake in the fifth. J. Mitchel scored the only run for UNK in the sixth inning. Kley singled to start off the eighth inning. Kley scored on a single by Cody Strang, giving WSU a 3-1 lead. This was the final score sending WSU to Cary, N.C. to play in the NCAA Division II World Series. WSU won their first game Saturday versus the NCAA South-Central Regional Champions of the University of Central Missouri 4-3. Advancing to the next round they play Monday at 4 p.m.

Daktronics All-Central Region Teams named Christian Bursch

Sports & Fitness editor

Five SCSU baseball players were named to the Daktronics All-Central Teams. The 2011 Daktronics All-Central Region Teams were announced with members of the teams voted by sports information directors throughout the

region. The Central Region consists of 21 baseball teams, including SCSU, from the Northern Sun and Rocky Mountain Conferences. SCSU’s Jordan Smith was Daktronics Central Region Player of the Year. Smith is a sophomore and is the Huskies third baseman. He was selected to the First Team last year as

an outfielder. This year his accomplishments as a third baseman and at the plate have given him national rankings. He committed only nine errors in 51 games and is ranked 19 in doubles, 22 in RBIs, 29 in total bases and 32 in hits. Smith is joined in the First Team with teammates Scott Lieser, sophomore starting pitcher and Ryne

Schwenke, senior relief pitcher. Lieser was nominated with an ERA of 3.2 in 59 innings pitched allowing 24 runs and 1o walks while Schwenke was nominated with an ERA of .89 in 30 innings pitched, allowed only three runs and walked nine batters. Travis Cariveau, SCSU’s shortstop, was named to the Second

Team with 42 runs, 62 hits and four home runs. The only other Husky player to make the Second Team was Logan Birr. Birr, a junior and starting pitcher, was named with an ERA of 2.04 in 57 innings allowing 21 runs and 19 walks. These statistics do not include the NCAA Division II Central Regional tournament.

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