University Chronicle: May 22, 2011

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Serving SCSU and the St. Cloud Community

Sunday May 22, 2011

Volume 88, Number 1


Crime levels affected by summer Hannah Swift Associate editor

St. Cloud, like many college towns, sees a population shift during the summer months. Many college students leave the city for the summer, making campus often feel like a ghost town. With less people around, some might think that the crime rates in St. Cloud decrease during the summer, but quite the opposite occurs. Police Sgt. Martin Sayre, who has been working at the St. Cloud Police Department for over 10 years, said he generally has seen crime stay the same or increase during the summer. “Once it warms up, you get the whole population that’s outside a lot more,” Sayre said. “They’re out later, because the weather allows it, which gives more opportunity for crime to occur.” Sayre said that as a patrol officer, there’s a big difference when the whole student population is there and when that population changes for the summer. “The crime rates do change, but it depends on the type of crime you’re talking about,” Sayre said. “We tend to see less noise violations, public disturbances, and disorderly conduct types of things, but the more serious crimes are pretty consistent throughout the year.” More serious crimes include assault, theft and burglary. According to the St. Cloud Police Department’s annual report, larceny accounted for about 77 percent of serious crimes in St. Cloud in 2009. The report also showed that dispatch calls for service dipped to 4,294 in June, but steadily rose again to a peak 5,044 calls in August. These numbers include off-campus and oncampus calls to 911. Public Safety at SCSU sees a different summer trend with dispatch calls, according to their associate director, Jennifer Furan Super.

“Our incident reports go down during the summer in part because we go down to one residential hall,” Furan Super said. “Mitchell Hall is the only one that has residents living in their facility over the summer. Our on-campus residents decrease, so our population on campus drops by a couple thousand on a daily basis.” Furan Super said that the biggest change in crime on campus during the summer is the types of crimes that occur. “We’ll see an increase in bicycle theft and we’ll maintain the level of theft in general, even though the on campus population decreases,” Furan Super said. “Thefts from Halenbeck, the Miller Center, and Atwood are the most common reports.” The type of people who are committing on campus crimes changes slightly during the summer, according to Furan Super. “We’ll see a little bit of increase in vandalism,” Furan Super said. “We’ll deal more with younger people using bicycles inappropriately, or rollerblading where they shouldn’t.” Campus Rec works to provide summer activities for local neighborhood kids, Furan Super pointed out, giving them an alternative to summer boredom that could potentially lead to issues on campus. Furan Super said the best thing for students to do to prevent bicycle theft is to make sure they are using their bicycle lock properly. “Research the type of lock you buy, so that you put it on properly,” Furan Super said. “Riders need to ensure the safety of their whole bicycle and not just their front tire.” Public Safety also encourages students to write down the information about their bicycle. The make, model, and the color of the bicycle are all useful bits of information when reporting a stolen bicycle to Public Safety or the St. Cloud Police Department. Both Furan Super and Sayre said that people tend to let their guard down when the

Hannah Swift / contributing Photographer

The Public Safety office, located across from the Miller Learning center, stays open throughout the summer. warm weather hits, making themselves more susceptible to crimes. “People get comfortable in the summer, and they don’t realize that an environment that they’ve spent the last nine months in can change so drastically,” Furan Super said. “In the summer the lighting changes; bushes grow leaves, creating better hiding places, so make sure you are more aware of your surroundings can help you stay safe.”

Sayre also shared some advice on how to stay safe. “In the summer you are going to encounter more people outside than in the winter because of the warm weather,” Sayre said. “If you run into someone you don’t know, and they’re trying to get you to do something, or go onto their property, it is probably safest just to go your own way.”

Miles Heckendorn shares 30 years of public safety experience Molly Wilms Managing Editor

Photo Courtesy of

Google announces the ‘Chromebook’ subscription program.

Google pushes ‘Chromebooks’ Jun-Kai Teoh Editor-in-chief

Google’s recent “Google I/O” conference surprised people a fair bit with their announcement of their “Chromebooks” and their subscription service. A quick recap for those that have missed Google’s somewhat lowkey push of their “Chromebooks.” “Chromebooks” are essentially netbooks that run Google’s Chrome OS, an operating system that’s Google App oriented and “cloud” oriented. Google announced that Chrome OS will offer both online and offline access to some of their apps, notably their Calendar, Docs and Email services – acknowledging many people’s fear of not being constantly connected to the internet. And for those worried about the Chrome OS not being able to run fullsuited Windows applications: Google showed off Chrome OS running a


News.................1 Opinions...........2 Marquee............3 Sports...............4

beta build of Citrix Receiver and through it, a Windows server running Adobe Photoshop CS5. Suffice to say, the average consumer wouldn’t be able to do that, but some businesses or even universities - like SCSU - where Citrix is already being used, will. To top it off, Google is currently offering/pricing subscriptions for their upcoming “Chromebooks.” Samsung’s Series 5 and Acer’s Chromebook are the first two lines of “Chromebooks” to be announced. Enterprise customers can purchase these “Chromebooks” for $30-$35 a month while Education customers can purchase them for $20-$25 a month. However, these are all 3-year contracts and there’s a minimum limit of 10 units. They’re also available for non-Education or non-Enterprise customers for unsubsidized prices of $349-$499.

Hip Hop College Conference

While student officers and dispatch personnel may be surprised by some of the stunts pulled under the jurisdiction of Public Safety, there isn’t a lot the director hasn’t seen. Having been in the business since young adulthood, Miles Heckendorn has spent years in different fields of the business of criminal justice. “I’ve been in the business over 30 years. I started when I was 12,” he jokes about his extensive experience. While working at the local YMCA, he got to know a secretary whose husband worked for the local sheriff. “I’d hear Bill talking to his wife, and telling her what he’d done,” Heckendorn said. “It wasn’t necessarily rambunctious, it wasn’t over the top, it wasn’t out to lunch like you see on TV so to speak. But it was busy and it was interesting and it was helping people. “So I asked him one day, I said, ‘Bill, can I ride along with you one day?’” As Heckendorn was not yet 21, his visit required permission from the sheriff. Having been granted it, Heckendorn rode along one night. That was all the experience Heckendorn needed to know it was time for a career change. “Well, I caught the bug. Changed my major to criminal justice,” Heckendorn said. From college, Heckendorn spent some time working in various sheriff ’s departments and as a parole officer. When he got the opportunity to work with campus law enforcement in North Carolina, he took it. He has been at SCSU since 1997. The biggest difference between his recent and past experience with campus law enforcement has been the nature of the department. While most universities in the country are allowed to have sworn officers I na campus police department, some are not. “Minnesota is a very different duck. It’s a very different bird. The only schools in Minnesota, the whole state, that are allowed to have their own campus police departments are the University of Minnesota schools.” In other words, MnSCU and private colleges are not allowed to have their own campus police depart-

ments – only civilian-status public safety departments. This is due to state legislation regarding campus safety departments. “Which creates an interesting situation, because we’re still addressing the same responsibilities,” Heckendorn said. “We are a secondary receiver of all 911 calls made from hardline phones in desks and offices. Here’s the problem: we don’t hear the call. We don’t know what is said, we don’t know what the problem is, we don’t know if it’s somebody with a gun, somebody fainted, somebody’s sick, we don’t know what it is.” This creates concern for the safety of officers and victims of crimes or health problems, Heckendorn said. “I’m sending uniformed student officers who are 18 to 22, 23 years of age into the same type of calls that any community our size sends in sworn police officers,” Heckendorn said. He equated SCSU to a city within a city, saying that, population-wise, SCSU ranks in the top 10 percent of cities in Minnesota, being 58th in size out of 585 and containing all the things a city does: shopping, restaurants, long-term residents, employees, visitors and utilities. “Do we need campus law enforcement? One would say yes.” Over the years, Heckendorn has worked in sheriff ’s departments, crime labs, as a sworn and un-sworn officer and as a director of campus security. Along the way, he’s learned about his business. “Down deep, this profession, it’s not supposed to matter what your personal opinion is on anything,” he said. Heckendorn says the best part of his jobs is the success of his students. Former criminal justice students and Public Safety workers from SCSU now work as doctors, in homeland security and as border patrol. “That’s my reward, that’s my applause, that’s my cup on the mantle that says I’ve been able to contribute to people to do a better job in their profession in my career,” Heckendorn said. After over 30 years in the business, Heckendorn is happy with his career choice. “It’s still a good job,” he said. “It’ll frustrate the heck out of you, but there’s nothing like it.”

Baseball plays through rain Page 3 The Power in Diversity Hip Hop College Conference explored hip-hop and its role in community building.

Page 4 SCSU hosts the NCAA Division II Central Regional tournament at Joe Faber Field.

Opinions Sunday, May 22, 2011

Page 2 - University Chronicle

Life changed by local hospitality Jason Tham Opinions editor

While waiting for the next connecting flight to Moscow at Houston George Bush International Airport on my way back to Malaysia, I can’t help but be reminded of the past two years of hospitality provided to me by a local American home. I vividly remember my naïve self when I first stepped foot on this foreign ground – the unfamiliar surroundings, the different strangers that I met the first week of school here at St. Cloud State. Many have no idea how tough it may be in the first few weeks of school for an international student. It was as if I was born again on a new planet, only to find that I was supposed to adapt to this new life on my own. It was Dave, a campus pastor I happened to meet the first week of school, who helped me overcome this distressing fear. I saw Dave as more than simply a pastor on campus; he has occasionally invited me and other international students over to his home for meals and gatherings. As a father of three, Dave had to juggle work, family and student ministry. He managed to balance everything well. The hospitality I received from Dave and his family granted me a feeling of security and comfort in the midst of finding myself a fitting space amongst the Minnesotan society. I daresay it takes more than a big heart to receive international students, who had zero connection with Dave beforehand, and making them feel at home during their course of study here. For the past two years, I have spent countless hours with the family – sharing updates about our lives, celebrating significant occasions together, playing sports, and even attending the children’s school

concerts. Being away from home, I saw Dave as my American dad and his family my second home. Many of those who have participated in the International Friendship Program (organized by the Center for International Studies) will agree with me as to how having a second home has made an impact on their lives. Speaking about the program; the International Friendship Program pairs up international students with local families for the main objectives of cultural sharing and understandings. Some call these the “host families” program. It was this feeling of knowing someone “has your back” that keeps me strong and motivated. I often look to Dave whenever I needed help or advice. In return, Dave always tries his best to help solve my problems, giving a smile that indicates everything is alright. Even more, my heart melts when the kids of Dave insisted to call me “family” instead of “a friend” because of the bond we have built over the years. Sadly, Dave and his family will be moving permanently to a state far away from Minnesota this summer. I was upset to know about his transition, yet I wish him best for his future undertakings and life. I look forward to seeing him and the family again in the near future. My point of this editorial is, through my story, to encourage those international students out there to tryout a fostered relationship with some local families and communities. On the other hand, I would also like the local folks to open up their homes for these new foreign students. The experience is definitely rewarding for both the hosting families and international students.

Quote of the Day:


don’t know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.” Bilbo Baggins - The Fellowship of the Ring J.R.R. Tolkien

A reflection on the death of Osama bin Laden Christian Bursch Sports & Fitness Editor

The first time I remember hearing about Osama bin Laden was after Sept. 11, 2001. I was a freshman in high school. I remember sitting in civics class watching the footage on TV, seeing live, the second plane into the World Trade Center. For days after they replayed the footage, the number of missing people and the death toll rising. The death of bin Laden has been a long time coming. For all of those that lost loved ones in the Sept. 11 attacks and in the war in Afghanistan this is a welcomed blessing. Although he deserved his fate, we have given a marytr to his cause and beliefs. His followers will avenge his death and make life for our soldiers overseas more dangerous. Not only will life be more dangerous overseas, we at home in the states must ask ourselves: are we in danger? They have attacked civilians before, will they do it now?

Bin Laden and his followers may be labeled extremists or lunatics to most, but are we so different in our culture? Their culture, their way of life is just different than ours. We let our daughters run around in short shorts, mini skirts and tube tops, our sons with their pants half way down to their knees with their boxers showing. Twelve-year-olds are wearing make up and having sex. This is our culture today. To some, our culture seems crazy. So who are we to judge what beliefs are right and wrong? Why did Americans hate bin Laden so much? Was it American pride? Avenge the deaths of our fellow citizens? The protection of our rights or freedoms? What rights and freedoms did he take away? He took the right to live from those that have perished in 9/11. He took the right of Americans to feel safe. But if you are afraid of terrorists, shouldn’t you be afraid of the car next to you on the road, the person

walking by your house late at night, the person standing behind you in the gas station? All these situations could potentially take away your right to life or right to feel safe. Due to the Sept. 11 attacks, Americans have lost many freedoms we used to enjoy. These were either taken from us or restricted by the USA PATRIOT Act enacted by Congress the end of 2001. This act gives police the unprecedented ability to access Americans personal information, search houses, vehicles and offices, listen to phone conversaions, read emails and detain persons of interest indefinitely in the name of homeland security. No wonder Americans hated him so much, wanted revenge and him dead. But what if the reason was simply the significant loss of life, civilian and military, because of his ideology and teachings? If this is the case, then shouldn’t we eliminate every person responsible for significant loss of life?

Living with roommates helps build character Hannah Swift Associate Editor

When I was a wee freshman at SCSU, one of the first campus events I went to was “The Naked Roommate” speaker. Author Harlan Cohen, was brought in to talk about his book, titled “The Naked Roommate,” which gives college students advice on how to deal with living with a roommate. The one thing that Cohen said that will always stick with me is, “There are only two times in your life when you will be forced to live with a stranger: in prison and in college.” For some, life in the small college dorm can sometimes feel like prison, but it is really up to the individual to decide their attitude towards their college experience. Freshman year I didn’t get to choose my roommate, but I did get to choose how I communicated and interacted with her. Even though we had very different schedules and personalities my roommate and I were able to talk things through and figure out a system that worked for us. I’ve spent that last few years as a community advisor

in the residential halls. One thing I’ve noticed again and again about roommates who have conflicts is they fail to communicate with each other. The first thing I ask if one roommate comes to me with a complaint about their roommate is, “Have you talk about this with her?” Most of the time I get a “no” or the classic “I was hoping you could talk to her about it.” Don’t get me wrong, I understand my job is to help roommates work through conflicts, but sometimes I wonder why people struggle so much to simply say what they feel in a calm manner. This summer I’m living with a roommate again for the first time since freshman year. My roommate is one of my best friends. We went into this living arrangement with the agreement that we would talk about any issue we have. So far there has been a few things we have had to talk out, such as how to arrange the room, what we should take home and what should stay in the room, and if we want to share food. These discussion may take time out of my day, but I would much rather talk about things than have one of us

displeased with what the other is doing. It is always better to have everything out in the open, than to hold back feelings. That being said, there are some things that roommates need to learn to compromise on. You can’t always have things your way. The biggest issue my roommate and I have had to deal with is when our sleep schedules differ. She has had to get up for an 8 a.m. summer class, while I don’t have to work till later in the day. We always try to be quiet and courteous, but when you are living in a small space, you pretty much have to deal with being woken up every now and then. Living with a roommate is a good experience. It teaches you how to be patient, respectful, and thoughtful about other people, helping to build character. Also, it is a great way to learn about people who are different from you. Perhaps people shouldn’t view roommates who are different from themselves as unrelatable, rather a way to understand how others live. Having roommates has made me feel pretty prepared if I ever have to live with a stranger again, even if it is in prison.

Anti-Semitism should not be tolerated in any context Kyra Loch staff writer

One of the signals of the beginning of the summer season is the Cannes Film Festival during the month of May. The festival, which is currently in full swing, allows many movie stars, directors, celebrities, and fans to head to France and celebrate this year’s new films. However, such an event is not likely to escape some controversial drama. Lars Von Trier, a Danish filmmaker, was recently kicked out of the festival due to controversial comments said during an interview to promote his new film. The interview took an anti-Semitic route when Trier called himself a Nazi and claimed to understand and sympathize with Hitler. Trier later apologized and said his remarks were a just a joke, and that he is not a Nazi or anti-Semitic. Despite his apologies, he was still asked to leave Cannes before the festival ended. A similar event happened not too long ago, where fashion designer John Galliano was caught on tape at a Paris

bar during an anti-Semitic rant. He yelled at a group of Italian women also at the bar, claiming he loved Hitler and people like them should be dead. Galliano was fired from his job at Christian Dior; he later apologized and went to rehab, blaming his outburst on his alcoholism. While Trier’s and Galliano’s words clearly alienated and angered many, including people they worked with, a few others came to their defense. An actor who worked with Trier claimed the actions taken by the Cannes Film Festival were ‘silly’ and ‘ridiculous.’ He believed Trier was being punished unfairly because they should know he is not a Nazi, and his comments were all a joke. One of Galliano’s fellow stylists also defended him, saying that Galliano’s actions were just ‘theater’ and ‘farce.’ For someone to even try to publicly defend remarks such as the ones Trier or Galliano made is just as offensive as the remarks being said themselves. There are no excuses for this kind of behavior, whether it is a joke in bad taste or being theatrical under the influence of alcohol.

Trier and Galliano are public figures that made these remarks in very public ways; they may not necessarily be role models, but their interviews and words reach out and impact audiences around the world. While Trier was “only joking” about understanding Hitler and being a Nazi, that is not something anyone should joke about at any time. His remarks did not even make any sense with the time and place he was at, or what he was supposed to be doing, which was to promote his new film. The Cannes festival did the correct thing by kicking him out, and should not be criticized for their response to Trier’s remarks. People should realize how much impact their words have on others. These are hateful words that only hurt, and should not be defended or tolerated.

The opinions expressed on the Commentary and Opinions pages are not necessarily those of the college, university system or student body.

Marquee University Chronicle - Page 3

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Diversity conference explores hip-hop Hannah Swift associate editor In honor of the 10th anniversary of the Hip Hop Declaration of Peace, the Power in Diversity Hip Hop College Conference was held in the Ruth Gant Recital Hall at SCSU on Friday. The event was slated to begin at 3 p.m. but the first speaker didn’t start until after 4 p.m. Tamarat Tademe, associate professor in the department of human relations and multicultural education, was a speaker at the hip-hop event. “Hip-hop is about peace-making, it’s about emancipation, and it’s about liberation,” Tademe said. Tademe’s presentation was a mixture of sound, speech, and dance as he shared his thoughts on the “toxic-ism” that many face. These “toxic-isms” include racism and sexism, among others. “The African tradition, the hip-hop tradition, the indigenous tradition is inclusive -- it includes all humanity,” Tademe said. “Hip-hop is a state of mind.” Tademe said hip-hop is a way for people to spread a message of inclusiveness and freedom. “The challenge for the message of hip-hop is what is the message and whose message are we telling?” Tademe said. “Are we telling the story of the indigenous people? Or are we talking about our communities?” Hip-hop has changed a lot because of the music industry, Tademe pointed out, but he said that it is important to look at the roots of hip-hop and bring the original ideas and messages back. After Tademe presented, the entertainment portion of the conference began. Several different hip-hop artists were able to showcase their skills. The first artist to perform goes by the name Koleem. He is a 13-year-old rapper from the Twin Cities, and his performance at the conference was his first live show. After his set, the emcee for the night, Master Mind, Koleem’s father, asked him why he decided to get into hip-hop. Koleem replied, “To be honest, my dad was the main reason. He taught me that it’s not just about the dancing, the jewelry, and the fame; hip-hop is about how you live.” Koleem said and embodied what the conference was all

hannah swift / contributing photographer

Rapper Mastermind performs with a DJ from Spitflame at Friday’s Power in Diversity Hip Hop College Conference in the the Ruth Gant Recital Hall. about; spreading the idea to a younger generation that hip-hop is a tool that can be used to create peace and equality. Tomorrow, another young performer from Minneapolis also performed at the conference. This 15-year-old said he had been writing, recording, and performing since he was 13. Master Mind himself also performed at the event. Between songs Master Mind would share what hip-hop means to him and


how he teaches young artists that hip-hop can make a positive change in the world. All of the artists performed with a DJ and sound crew from Spitflame, a local hip-hop production team. KVSC, The Temple of Hip Hop, and Vigilant Promotions all helped put on the conference, which was part of the national Hip Hop Appreciation Week.

‘Thor’ smashes boredom Jun-Kai Teoh movie review

photo courtesy of

‘Destroyed’ is another terrific album from electronic giant Moby.

Moby still impresses Chris Bremseth album review

Moby, one of the most successful electronic artists in the history of the genre released his newest album, “Destroyed.” He first gained prominence in 1991 with his first single “Go” which landed him a record deal with Mute Records, with whom he still records. In his career, Moby has remixed and worked to create songs for popular artists such as Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Britney Spears and Metallica, as well as breaking the record for most copies of an electronic album sold for his album “Play.” Moby began work on his twelfth album in January of 2010, stating that the record would be less electronic that his previous work and more acoustically influenced. Despite this, Moby described the album after its completion as “very melodic and atmospheric and electronic, and if I had to sum it up I would describe it as: broken down melodic electronic music for empty cities at 2 a.m.” The album’s release coincides with a photograph album that has been designed to fit the mood of the music. The album’s first haunting track, “The Broken Places,” fits Moby’s stylistic pursuit perfectly. It’s almost as if he was able to capture the sounds that your mind creates as you walk

down an abandoned street where you once saw people, but is now empty. The pieces that make up the song are indescribable, not due to how good or bad sounding they are, but rather due to the fact that they are infrequently used in music. “Be the One” suffers from the plague that most electronic music tracks face in the form of very few words repeated ad nauseam from start to finish. While some may recover through extensive use of bass lines and the like, the ambient tones fail to create something that demands listening again. The sixth track and first single off the album, “The Day,” is most certainly the standout song on the album, mixing lyrics with the ominous type ambient sound that Moby worked to create. The electronic style of the rest of the album is accented by the use of strings, producing a full sound that one could easily become lost in, especially when in an isolated state of mind. “Destroyed” can be described best as a tremendously large wall mural. Parts of the mural feel uninspired and don’t seem to have any direction, but as one steps back and looks at the whole picture, its whole potential can be seen. Keeping this in mind, the less artistically adventurous tracks contribute to the overall feeling of isolation and keep this album from falling into obscurity in the face of this current electronic revival.

For the Marvel comic fans out there, “Thor” is a movie that simply cannot be missed – it’s everything and more a Marvel fan could wish for. For the average Joe out there, “Thor” is fun, intense and downright entertaining. Let us all just be thankful that Uwe Boll wasn’t the director of the movie. The movie plays out distinctly in two different parts, the first part is primarily set in Thor’s homeworld of Asgard, while the latter part of the film takes place in New Mexico. Without revealing too many spoilers, the movie starts off with Thor’s supposed coronation, follows through with his banishment to Earth and ends with his eventual return to Asgard. Along the way he falls in love with an astrophysicist, played by none other than the beautiful Natalie Portman. While Thor spends much of the movie battling the Frost Giants of Jotunheim, there’s a slight twist in the movie that may or may not be surprising to people (Marvel fans will probably see it from a mile away). The movie actually did a surprisingly wonderful job with its artistic direction. “Thor” attempts to blend both mythology and magic with science fiction and technology – and they did that surprisingly well. The semi-futuristic looking Asgardian armor and the magical feel of the “bifrost bridge” went hand-in-hand amazingly well. The jarring disconnect between magic and science was nonexistent throughout the film. It’s a fun movie, but it’s drastically different from “Iron Man” or “The Incredible Hulk,” even though all three of these movies were meant to eventually lead up to 2012’s “The Avengers” film. In both “Iron Man” and “The Incredible Hulk,” Robert Downey, Jr. (as Tony Stark/Iron Man) and Edward Norton (as Bruce Banner/Hulk) carried the film forward with their spectacular performance. They were witty, emotional, and sometimes even inspiring in their little moments. Chris Hemsworth, as the eponymous Thor, was stuck in a tricky role to play. He does a fantastic job playing the sometimes arrogant, pretentious and pompous Norse god, but as a result Thor seems to be a bit one-dimensional. Then again, Thor is supposedly a Norse god, and in that sense Hemsworth did a wonderful job. On the other hand, Tom Hiddleston’s

performance as Loki was simply superb. His portrayal of Loki as a cunning, sinister and sly god was second to none. Hiddleston was easily the star of the movie with his raw and powerful performance as Loki. If anything, Loki was the most human and relatable of all the Norse gods/Asgardians in the movie. “Thor” follows the footsteps of other Marvel movies, scattered out throughout the movie are small hints, nudges and winks at the Marvel fans out there. From references to comic characters like Bruce Banner/Hulk to cameos from superhero Hawkeye and Thor-creator Stan Lee, “Thor” is a treasure trove of Easter eggs for the Marvel Universe enthusiasts out there. “Thor” is a distinctly different movie altogether compared to earlier Marvel Cinematic Universe movies (Iron Man 1 and 2, The Incredible Hulk), but it’s altogether still a fantastic movie. As a standalone, it might not provide Marvel fans or the average movie-goer with as much character depth and growth as they might like, but it’s a really fun and entertaining summer movie to go to. And as movies go, the movie’s not really meant to be a standalone either. It’s a primer, a lead-in, to next year’s “The Avengers.” It does a fantastic job at setting up and introducing to us the god-like superhero of the Avengers team of superheroes.

photo courtesy of

‘Thor’ is fun for all.

Sports & Fitness Page 4 - University Chronicle

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Huskies host NCAA Division II Tournament Christian Bursch Sports & fitness editor

NCAA Division II Central Regionals is being hosted by SCSU for the first time in school history. Six teams made it to the double-elimination tournament which began on Thursday. The final game of the first round had sixth-seed Augustana play the first-seed SCSU. The game was played in front of a record crowd at Joe Faber Field with 1,108 attendees. Sophomore Scott Lieser pitched for the Huskies allowing six hits and one run in nine innings. Lieser got the start, though in the last game he pitched against Augustana he didn’t make it out of the second inning. “I didn’t want to have another bad outing against them again,” Lieser said. “I told him [coach Pat Dolan] I wanted it. I know he had in trust in me. This was the game of my life in front of all these fans,” Lieser said. “I don’t want to say he’s our number one guy because we have five guys that are pretty equal,” said Huskies head coach Pat Dolan of Lieser. “Lieser’s a biggame pitcher. For him to come back after the last time he faced them and shut them down, that says a lot about him.” Augustana had two errors in the second inning allowing Brian Hansen to score. The fourth inning was tough for Augustana. Sophomore Derek Hansen pitched for Augustana. He allowed six hits with five scoring. Third baseman Charlie Dubanoski had an error early al-

lowing Joey Althoff to reach third and scored on a single by Travis Enger. In the fifth inning, the Huskies’ Kent Koch scored making it a 7-0 game. In the eighth inning Augustana scored their only run. Brian Voigt walked, stole second and scored on an error by Huskies’ Travis Cariveau. “It was one of those nights for me where everything was working,” Lieser said. “I got in on them with the fastball and that had some nice sink today. I just tried to keep them off-balance. If they were getting on the fastball, I’d mix in a curve. I gave it everything I had.” Freshman Enger went 4-4 at the plate, scoring once and with one RBI. The second game of the second round had SCSU facing Minnesota State Mankato (MSU). Fans braved the weather to watch the Huskies play Minnesota State Mankato. The game started an hour later than scheduled due to rain. In the second inning, senior Danny Miller scored for MSU. Garrett Fischer, freshman, scored for SCSU in the fifth inning. The game was delayed after the fifth inning for 35 minutes then play resumed. Miller scored again in the eighth inning for MSU and Aaron Berner, senior, scored. This made the game 3-1 MSU before the game was delayed after the eighth inning until Saturday. The score: SCSU one to MSU three. Saturday found all NCAA Division II games rained out. The games resumed Sunday at 10 a.m. The ninth inning was played with no score. MSU winning 3-1.

Kai Teoh/staff photographer

Scott Lieser, sophomore pitcher for SCSU, throws a pitch during Thursday nights game against Augustana in the first round of the tournament.

Outdoor Endeavors hosts day camp Christian Bursch Sports & Fitness editor

Christian bursch/staff photographer

Joey Benke, junior, hits a foul ball in the fourth inning during Friday’s game against MSU.

NCAA Division II Central Regionals survives rain Christian Bursch Sports & fitness editor

SCSU is hosting the NCAA Division II Central Regionals which started Thursday May 19. The first game of the first round faced Winona the fifth seed against the second seed Mesa State (MSC). Winona beat MSC 5-1. MSC’s Anderson scored in the first inning with Winona’s Seth McMullen scoring in the third. Adam Gemuenden, Joe Kley and Nate Van Roekel scored in the fourth inning for Winona. McMullen scored again in the seventh inning. The second game in the first round the third seed Minnesota State Mankato (MSU) faced Nebraska-Kearney the fourth seed. Nebraska-Kearney won 5-3 with Brandon Buchanan, Tim Urban, Patrick Oliver and Jason Trulin scoring. MSU’s Zach

Rowles and Matt Kuchenbecker scoring. The third game in the first round first seed SCSU played sixth seed Augustana. Augustana had two errors in the second inning allowing Brian Hansen to score. The fourth inning was tough for Augustana. Derek Hansen, sophomore pitched for Augustana. He allowed six hits with five scoring. Third baseman, Charlie Dubanoski had an error early allowing Joey Althoff to reach third and scored on a single by Travis Enger. In the fifth inning the Huskies Kent Koch scored making it 7-0 game. In the eighth inning Augustana scored their only run. Brian Voigt walked, stole second and scored on an error by Huskies Travis Cariveau. The second round of the tournament found Augustana eliminated by Mesa State. In the 4-3 game Branden Box, Greg

Anderson, Erik Nordine and Dustin Facckrell scored for MSC. Augustana’s runs were scored by Drew Heithoff, Nate Baumann and Derek Hansen. Friday in the second round of the tournament SCSU played MSU. In the second inning Danny Miller, senior, for MSU scored. Garrett Fischer, freshman, scored for SCSU in the fifth inning. The game was delayed after the fifth inning for 35 minutes then play resumed. Miller scored again in the eighth inning for MSU and Aaron Berner, senior, scored. This made the game 3-1 MSU before the game was delayed after the eighth inning until Saturday. The score SCSU one to MSU three. Saturday found all NCAA Division II games rained out. The games resumed Sunday at 10 a.m. The ninth inning was played with no score. MSU winning 3-1.

Outdoor Endeavors is hosting the fifth year of Adventure Day Camp this summer. Two sessions are being held, June 20-24 and Aug. 8-11. The camp is $185 for children ages 9-12. “It started as a time filler, to keep student workers busy during down time,” said Ivan Bartha, the coordinator for experiential programs at SCSU and creator of Adventure Day Camp. Due to resource constraints the camp is held for 10 children only. This allows the 10 children and two staff to fit into one van, keeping the costs lower. “Until we get more resources we can’t expand,” Bartha said about the possibility of expanding the camp to more than ten children. Cory Mooney, a junior majoring in recreation sports management is one of two staff working during the day camp. Activities that children will do during the camp will vary stated Bartha. “We have A plans and B plans,” he said. “Children will learn about maps and compasses, fishing and rock climbing in Quarry Park,” Mooney said. The children will first practice rock climbing on the rock wall at Outdoor Endeavors before heading to Quarry Park said Mooney. They may also receive boating safety and instruction added Bartha. Bartha believes that parents want to keep their children busy and experience new things through this day camp. “We measure our success by when the kids go to sleep,” said Bartha, adding, “if they are falling asleep on the way home.” Mooney said he wants to teach children about the outdoors. He likes the outdoors and wants to share his experiences. “I like seeing how people react in the outdoor environment,” Mooney added. Adventure Day Camp is not the only event hosted by Outdoor Endeavors this summer. Starting June 8 Summertime by George starts. This event is coordinated by Outdoor Endeavors and the Rotary Club. They also hold paddling clinics for canoes and kayaks. Staff will work in the boathouse at Lake George renting paddle boats.

“W e measure our success by when the kids go to sleep.”

Ivan Bartha

Coordinator for Experiential Programs

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