Page 19 - Celebrate with the Huskies
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Thursday, April 25, 2013
Volume 89, Number 36
St. Cloud has growing hunger and homeless population to help vulnerable homeless men get a fresh start. And as Laidlaw said, there are only about 130 shelter beds in all of St. Cloud to cater to this population. “Many of them are living in stairwells or their cars,” he said. Working with the homeless community for the past 18 years, Laidlaw said his organization primarily reaches out to those indi-
Two of life’s basic necessities are things many people take for granted: a roof over their head and having food to eat. But for hundreds of residents in the St. Cloud area those basic needs are far from a reality. As the problem of St. Cloud’s growing homeless and hungry population have become more visible on street corners in St. Cloud and in areas like Waite Park, members of the community are coming out to help those less fortunate. There are hundreds of homeless persons in the St. Cloud area, said Rev. Michael Laidlaw, Executive Director of the Dream Center, a shelter designed
other shelters. He said his shelter provides long term care for the chronic homeless, assisting those men with mental illness, traumatic brain injuries or who have been recently been released from jail. According to Laidlaw, two thirds of the homeGuests are served dinner at the Dream Center.
•See Hunger / Page 3
Panels talk community journalism ing relevant in the community and burnout for employees due to the 24/7 nature of journalism today.
Ryan Hanenburg STAFF WRITER
challenges, and the evolution of journalism. The panel was moderated by Rene Kaluza, training director for the St Cloud Times. The other members of the panel were Swift County Monitor in Benson; Julie Bergman, co-owner of Page 1 Produceditor of the Monticello Times; and Tom West, editor/general manager of Morrison County Record in Little Falls. The panel began with the question, etization and delivery systems. Bergman said there are two major problems in journalism, which are remain-
loss of reading population. He also said the consolidation of businesses was a bigger problem to papers than the internet. He also said paywalls for news sites are “undemocratic, but at the same time you can’t just give the content away.” West said knowing the community is key to working for a smaller town paper. He said you need writers and editors who know the community and that it’s all about readership and relevancy. West said that he has two rules. 1. Every issue needs a “Hey Martha” story, which is everyday news that normal townsfolk would converse about in day to day life; 2. “If it didn’t happen in Morrison County, it didn’t happen.”
•See Amendment / Page 4
Jun-Kai Teoh. a digital content producer for the St. Cloud Times, speaks during the 41st annual First Amendment Forum.
Mixed reviews on CPA
were watching very closely to see if this experiment was a good thing or a bad thing,” said Dan Pedersen, director of Residential Life. According to the numbers, it was good:
The biggest problems weren’t anticipated. Chief among them, said Pedersen, is safety. With the prevalence of crime in the Southside neighborhood, Pedersen said it didn’t occur to them that students would be routinely traversing non-campus property to get home. Between bus lines and the Public Safety escort service, Pedersen said he hopes students feel safe commuting the short distance to campus. The other problem has been wireless connectivity. On a given night, according to CPA resident Samantha Carley, it’s impossible to access email or stream video. Mike Schomer of the workstation sup-
differences between on-campus residents and those living in Coborn Plaza.
•See Coborn Plaza / Page 6
students moved in to Coborn Plaza Apartments.
private bathrooms.
Flood risk back to normal level According to the National Weather Ser-
risk situation, although earlier this year
Winter in Minnesota this year has been could be above normal for the upcoming spring. Snowfall in St. Cloud for these past few months has had some record-breaking has already surpassed the old record of 15.6 in., set in 1928. When all of the snow melts, could there “Basically yes and no,” Bob Weisman, Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at SCSU says. “The trouble is the ground is frozen, so the leftover water is pretty much going to run straight into the rivers and lakes.”
News...1-7 Opinions...11-12 Marquee...13-16 Sports..17-24
above normal. Now the expectancy is back to normal. “It depends on how fast the snow melts,” the NWS said. Weisman said, “The longer snow waits before melting or reinforced by new snow, the less likely we will have this slow melt and the more likely it will come all of the sudden.” According to Weisman, if the snow melted too rapidly, there would be greater “The last thing we need is temperatures would melt rapidly, and so that would
•See River / Page 4
Coborn Plaza is the high end dorm for students.
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“Rock Your Pop” closes semester
Page 7
Forever the Sickest Kids, Cute is What We Aim For play Atwood Ballroom
Page 2 - University Chronicle
Monday, April 25, 2013
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Thursday, April 25, 2013
University Chronicle - Page 3
Student volunteers chat while having dinner at the Dream Center.
Continued from Page 1 -less population has some type of mental health or physical health problems. With 38 beds at the Dream Center location in the St. Cloud area, Laidlaw and his staff not only give the residents of the Dream Center a place to sleep they provide numerous aftercare programs to help these men rebuild their lives. “We keep them focused. We encourage them to dream again,” Laidlaw said. Including medication management, the staff at the Dream Center provides their residents with GED classes,
work readiness programs, these men in repairing their rental history so they can out on their own. While Laidlaw said the St. Cloud area is making some great progress in addressing the needs of the homeless population, it is still a problem, especially in the winter months. Typically, winter months result in rather tight bed space, especially right after the holidays Laidlaw said. But he said with the help of
like the Dream Center, he hopes they can help the homeless succeed. The growing homeless population in Central Minnesota is coupled by another more widespread problem, hunger. cations specialist with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud, illustrated the impact of area food shelves. Catholic Charities Emergency Services Food Shelf serves approximately 2,000 households per month, with households ranging from single college students to
families with kids. This food shelf provides patrons a one week supply of food once per month. “We are really blessed to be housed in a former Giving residents a groare allowed to go through the aisles and choose what they want. Receiving most of their food donations through busiMy Church, which takes up of the month from all faith
they will always rely on donations from the public. During March, which is Minnesota Food Share are fundraised along with fellow food shelves in Minnesota to generate money for Second Harvest. Harvest, a food bank that partners with local grocery chains like Target, SuperValu, and Sam’s Club will then award the top fundraisers different amounts of money they in turn can use to support the hungry in their area. Last year’s drives gener-
ated about $20,000 all which went back into the community food shelf to aid those With so many needs in the surrounding the SCSU campus, both Catholic Charities and the Dream Center encourage volunteers or donations. The homeless and the hungry are a growing population in St. Cloud and with tions their volunteers hope that it is a trend that will not continue.
It is hard to describe the feeling one gets when stepping foot into the Dream Center on 16th Ave N. in St. Cloud. Three rows of tables surrounded by miss-matched chairs, taining religious pictures adorning the walls. The coffee pot and water jug on the counter next to bagels. The constant in and out of men going about their day. Some sipping coffee at the table. Others, shooting the of St. Cloud’s forgotten, St. Cloud’s voiceless. The men who inhabit the St. Cloud Dream Center are homeless. “When I came here, I was dealing with chemical and alcohol problems,” said resident Ray Hughs. Coming November 2012, Hughs found some much needed help with his chemical dependency problem here in St. Cloud. After attempting and failing to get into a recovery center, Hughs turned to the Dream Center after essentially having nowhere else to go. “The Dream Center said I could stay here,” he said. With no funding and very little money in his pocket, Hughs applied for aid from Stearns County. After citing multiple struggles, including a brain injury he sustained during a mugging in Minneapolis a few years back, the county agreed to sponsor his stay at the Dream Center. “I’m getting taken care of, both my chemical thing and my physical ailments,” he said. Hughs continues to receive treatment for his chemical dependency problems and trying to better understand the reasons why he uses. However, he still relies on the Dream Center for support. guy.” Hughs, who had only planned on staying a few months continues to stay at the Dream Center to settle his affairs in Minnesota before he plans on heading home to Louisiana, at least for a little while. But when he does leave the Dream Center, he said he will vow to pay it forward. “When I get ready to leave here, I will donate,” Hughs said. “It is a good place. The Dream Center is a very, very blessed center. And I will help to keep it strong.” One can only hope that the Dream Center will remain strong. For people like Bennie Wilson, a resident with a long and painful history, it has come in handy in more ways than one. “This is where I found myself,” Wilson said, “I learned how to live again.” Coming to Minnesota to start a brand new life, Wilson had hoped to rid himself of a nasty habit: selling and using drugs and alcohol. Originally from Gary, Indiana, Wilson said he became an alcoholic at the age of 13. By 15, he said he was into smoking marijuana and drinking heavily. After being arrested that same year for burglary, Wilson served six years in prison. After his release, he essentially became a drifter, moving into and out of towns such as Memphis, Denver and Des Moines. It was in these cities where he became caught up in the business of selling crack cocaine.
it now, Wilson said, “I had no idea this was running people’s lives. Especially the lives of their kids.” After running into trouble in Des Moines, Wilson headed north for Minneapolis. There, he maintained his drug and alcohol
Information from Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless and
problems from a tent he lived in for nearly four years. “Living in the tent was an experience,” he said. Living out of suitcases and relying on space heaters for heat during cold Minnesota winters and the local gyms for showering and hygiene, Wilson continued his drug business, employing associates to aid him in selling his products. It was in Minneapolis where he was arrested by the FBI in connection to selling crack cocaine. “I was afraid. I had never gotten busted with such a large amount,” he said. Looking at a possible sentence of 158 years in prison, Wilson had gotten a deal to only tion. In order to deal with his problems, Wilson was sent
to St. Cloud, where he was taken in by the Dream Center. “It’s not about the end of the world when you come here,” he said, “It’s about the beginning.” Beginning for Wilson meant the road to sobriety. Attending Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous meetings, Wilson said he hopes some of these men will be as fortunate as him to get their lives back on track. Wilson has remained sober for 7 years now. Without the help of the Dream Center, Wilson said a lot of people in similar conditions to him would be without a roof over their heads and be out in the cold. have people like us, to accept them in his home. I pray for it to stay open to help guys like us.”
Page 4 - University Chronicle
Amendment Continued from Page 1 coverage it’s easy to get burned out by the deluge of information. The second question for the panel was about the watchdog role of journalism. Bergman said the emleaves less time for journalists to take on the community leader role. porations aren’t interested in reports but rather on a return on investment. West ties in being a watchdog in a small town is that you’re reporting on your friends and neighbors. Hennagir said in today’s world where arrest records are publicly printed he gets a call asking him to remove them. He said the most important thing is “to remember journalist second.” “citizen journalism” because “real journalists have ethics and standards they are held to.” Hennagir said a resource that citizen journalists don’t have is source relationships that are cultivated over time.
River Continued from Page 1
instantly swell streams and probably produce overland
Kaluza said one of the most frustrating parts of her job is beating back the false information that comes through social media. She said that every time false information is posted on social media that it erodes journalistic credibility. The next question was about these challenges are affecting journalists ability to bring the news to new audiences. All of the panelists agreed that diversity is a major factor and something to strive for in every news outlet. they have to make the old new by creating a new role for community journalism. The panel then took a series of questions from the audience, which started with a question about CISPA and internet censorship. West summed up his feelings by saying “it’s dumb.” Hennagir said that “the government needs to stay out of it because they inevitably screw it up.” Another question was about the press vs the media. media is the circus and the press has a focused mission which is to bring the public information that has an impact on their health and welfare. -
tinction that the press and the media are two separate things. Panel II: The merit of community journalism was analyzed at the 41st annual First Amendment Forum at SCSU on Friday, April 19 Expert Panel, WCCOTV reporter Reg Chapman freelancer Taleiza Calloway, online reporter for Lake Minnetonka Patch Jay Corn, and Mille Lacs County Times reporter and columnist Lesley Toth discussed the future of reporting. The panel was divided on the issue of social media. Corn, who specializes in using the internet for journalism, defended the medium even as the others critiqued his craft. “They don’t know what Facebook is,” Toth said of her mostly senior citizen readership. She did not see the point in saturating social media with content when most of her readers would not even see it. Corn disagreed and said that more of the elderly used the internet than Toth gave them credit for. Calloway said that spending too much time using social media can distract from writing the actual stories themselves. She said she uses social media to try and start a discussion with
Thursday, April 25, 2013
her readers, and generate story leads. “I’ve used social media to cultivate a story many times,” she said. “It’s more of an advertising route,” Toth said, speaking of how journalists use Facebook and Twitter to get more viewers for their reporting. At one point in the discussion, Corn made a statement that caused the rest of the panel, as well as several audience members, to be visibly upset. “I get a lot of content through Facebook,” Corn said. He said his readers send him pictures through social media, and he will post them up to his news site. There are mistakes, but to break news, Corn said. Toth told a cautionary tale about a photo of a girl posted on her paper’s Facebook. The user who posted it said the girl from the county had gone missing. It caused the entire area to panic, even though the girl ended up being from a different county. time,” Calloway said. She stressed the importance of taking the time to get the published. Corn said that his critics were too hung up on the accuracy angle, and that most
of the content he posts is Even after a retraction, the damage is done, Toth said. Chapman said that journalists may stop being taken as seriously if they lose focus on being accurate. The panel went on to discuss the time needed to add depth to a news story. Obviously, print will have deeper coverage than social media reporter, Corn said. He aims to break the news before anyone else.
University Chronicle St. Cloud State University 13 Stewart Hall St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301-4498
said. “We’re in it to report said. By working for a weekly with an understanding editor, Toth said she had ample time to craft her articles. “My editor gives me the time to fully develop a story,” she said. The panel closed by discussing the lack of diversity in journalism. Calloway said that journalists need to reach out to communities who receive less coverage and build the connections so their voices can be heard. Toth agreed and said that journalists had to do damage control for the insensitivities of the past.
Mississippi River by: Babita Shrestha
St. Cloud is not anywhere people in Illinois and Iowa, although the frequent and heavy snowfall could cause additional runoff. cially started, yet outside, it still appears to be winter. When transitions into warmer weather, rain showers could heighten Over the past couple weeks in St. Cloud, there have been lingering snowfalls with With all of the snow that has fallen, precipitation levels and moisture in the air is high. If we were to be hit with heavy amounts of rain, it would certainly not help the potential “We are getting this snow, which is better than rain. Because nothing melts the snow-pack faster than a warm rain,” Weisman said, “and that would add precipitation and add water and make it melt off faster.” There is no immediate
Staff Faculty Adviser Michael Vadnie Editor-in-Chief Molly Willms Managing Editor John Russett Business Manager Kamana Karki Advertising Manager Ashley Kalkbrenner Ad Representative Brianna Heller Copy Desk Manager Lauren Willms Online Editor Meg Iserloth New Media Editor Leah Carr News Editors Tiffany Krupke Andrew DeMars Visuals Editor Shun Jie Yong Asst. Visuals Editors Pravin Dangol Sports Editor Mark Schrom Asst. Sports Editor Kyle Ratke Marquee Editor Andrew Gnirk Opinions Editor Jason Tham Graphic Designer Karly Herrera
History The University Chronicle It is published weekly during school semesters, including summer sessions. Schedule exceptions occur during
Sauk or Mississippi rivers, but only time will tell. The city of St. Cloud sits high up on the bank of the Mississippi, so more concern would be in the case of the Sauk River
breaks. The newspaper is funded with student activity fees through the SG Senate Finance Committee.
“There’s a risk of minor Weisman said. “The Sauk would cover bigger areas and it has bigger consequences.” Further north the Red Riv-
due to warming temperatures and melting snow. According to Bob Weisman, Lake Winnibigoshish and Leech Lake drain into the upper Mississippi, which will head towards St. Cloud.
The University Chronicle is distributed on the campus of St. Cloud State University along with businesses in the downtown St. Cloud area. For a complete list of distribution locations
The University Chronicle prides itself on journalistic integrity. We strive to publish the most accurate information, but we are prone to human mistakes. We will correct any errors of fact or misspelled names promptly. Call 308.4086 with any corrections.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
University Chronicle - Page 5
Energy drinks prevalent on campus TEAM STORY
Justin Kellen Emily Holoch Michael DeNucci Derek Ehlert
The sun creeps over the horizon. Students walk to class. Birds chirp. Bags develop under eyes. They pass colored beverages. Energy drinks have begun to take up more and more shelf space. Whether you’re going to the grocery store or the local gas notice their growing presence. Caffeine, glucose, sugar, vitamins, and herbal supplements; add about 16 ounces of water, package it with an edgy looking design, and you’ve got an energy drink. They range from carbonated 16 oz cans to 50 ml shots, all of which contain on average 80 to 300 mg of caffeine. They also contain herbal stimulants, such as guarana and taurine. “We sell quite a few energy drinks in a day. Between the shots and the drinks I would say 30-40 percent of beverages sold,” said Jenny Smolik, Sodexo convenience store employee. Some popular brands include Monster, Red Bull, Amp, Full Throttle, and NOS. “Monster is doing really good. Red Bull probably second most popular. They both do quite a bit to promote around here.” As energy drinks have become more popular, soda sales have plummeted. “[Young people] are the media’s target group, and they are pressured when are starting to stress about staying up late to get their studying in,” said Hannah Hokanson, Sodexo dietitian. This has prompted the “big two”, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo to come up with their own competitive products: Coke’s NOS and Full Throttle and Pepsi’s Amp. Monster and Red Bull, in particular, represent a unique threat to the carbonated beverage establishment. Neither are owned by the “big two”. As the semester comes to close, students will be tempted to pull all-nighters
to cram before their exams. Many will be fueled by energy drinks, unaware of the health risks involved. “Energy drinks have an enormous amount of caffeine. The recommended amount of caffeine per day in an upper level is 200-300 mg. Some energy drinks have it in just one can,” said Hokanson. “There are plenty of downfalls that come from drinking energy drinks. Even including it with fruit drinks, it’s still not going to offer much of a One can will not kill you. Some students have been known to consume as many as three cans in a day. “I don’t necessarily condone energy drinks all the time, but then again, once guess everything in moderation,” said Cassidy Dobson, an Assistant Chemistry Professor at SCSU. Caffeine is the most widely used stimulant in pretty much every age group. In humans, it is is absorbed by something called the gastrointestinal tract. It then disperses throughout the body. Caffeine from coffee is absorbed faster than caffeine from cold drinks. Major disadvantages to the nervous system range from minor anxiety to hallucinations. “You can get [caffeine] from some other healthier options. A cup of black coffee, a can of diet pop. A good one would be tea, which has some caffeine in it as well as a little bit more Hokanson said. According to The New York Times, over 20 thousand emergency visits reported in 2011 were caused by energy drinks. “Sometimes you have to studies with a grain of salt... there’s so many different things that people may not know about that study that The energy drink companies ensure us that their drinks are safe for consumption. However, they are not held to standards on how much caffeine they can put in. “Anything that contains herbal remedies, and things like that, are not technically FDA regulated. It’s only when it becomes a xenobiotic or an actual drug where
Multiple brands of refridgerated energy drinks are for sale at The Quick Zone in Atwood.
it,” Dobson said. There is still research being done on how much caffeine a person can have before it becomes unhealthy. Most energy drink companies say that the limit per day is one can. “You can drink too much of an energy drink and not get sleep for an extended period of time, that obviously can be catastrophic,” Dobson said. “If you actually read the ingredients labels on the that most of the ingredients that you have never heard of before are different
forms of caffeine in large amounts,” Hokanson said. Other health concerns appear when you mix your energy drinks with alcohol. “I wouldn’t recommend energy drinks for anyone or anything really. Especially being on a college campus, where energy drinks are mixed with alcohol, which is terrible,” Hokanson said. Alcohol is a depressant and caffeinated beverages are stimulants. These substances push and pull at each other in dangerous ways. This is why caffeinated alcoholic beverages are illegal in many states.
Differences in peoples’ viewpoints on energy drinks vary. People tend to express an extreme dislike for them. “They make me feel concept of them kind of takes a roll in that because I know they’re really bad for me,” said Liz Dirks, SCSU student. Smolik feels similarly. “I’ve tried the Red Bull and the Monster. I don’t drink a lot of them, but every once in awhile. I really think they’re probably not good for you.” Despite this, energy drink sales numbers alone
proval. All signs point to moderation. Consuming more than you should is what makes energy drinks harmful. Educating yourself is the best defense. “There is some pressure, I think, to really understand the negative effects and choosing healthier options. If you choose a healthier snack and a glass of water, it may ing versus going straight to energy drinks,” Hokanson said.
SCSU for Life brings MTV stars to talk adoption Ryan Hanenburg STAFF WRITER
On April 17, the SCSU For Life club hosted guest speakers Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra from MTV’s “Teen Mom”. The reason for the presentation was to promote adoption in the case of unwanted pregnancy. There was an incredibly large audience, who was there for a variety of reasons, chief among them seeing the guest speakers and being affected personally by adoption. The presenter, Dawn, began with an old 1940s pro-adoption video which displayed horribly offensive language, such as, “Kids are tested for intelligence to make sure that they go to the appropriate families.” This old video made adoption out to be like selling of children and it shows the vast difference in attitude
toward the practice from then and now. A major change that has been made recently is that the practice is no longer called “giving up a child for adoption.” This language made it sound like all birth parents wanted to cut themselves out of the child’s life, which is highly untrue these days. Adoption agencies now call the practice “parenting” or “making a life/adoption plan.” The presentation then showed a primer on the shows “16 and Pregnant” and “Teen Mom”, featuring Lowell and Baltierra, for those who were unfamiliar with them. The guest speakers then started off on a humorous note when Lowell said, “Hello Missouri… I mean Minnesota!” Dawn then interviewed both Lowell and Baltierra on their family histories. Lowell has a history of teen parents in her family, and grew up poor with a single mother. Baltierra also had a single mother due to his father’s addiction to
drugs. However, this family history didn’t plant any warnings in Lowell’s head of the risks of unprotected sex. She kept thinking, “Oh, it won’t happen to me.” It is worth noting that through the whole presentation, the idea of abortion was never even considered as an option by Lowell and Baltierra. When Lowell and Baltierra decided to parent their child, they chose to use Bethany Christian Services because Lowell’s sister had almost used them with an earlier pregnancy. They chose Brandon and Teresa Davis (the baby’s adoptive parents) because of a YouTube video they had made which featured multiple friends highlighting their excellent qualities as prospective parents. Baltierra watched the video and didn’t bother looking at any other choices. The birth parents originally wanted a closed adoption where the child never has contact with the child, but changed their minds when their
daughter, Carly, was born. Dawn then started a Q&A session with questions that had been submitted before the presentation. Some of the highlights were “Can you ever take back Carly?”, which Lowell answered was impossible as adoption legally terminates parenting rights. Another question was what Carly calls her birth parents and her adoptive parents. They responded that Carly calls Brandon and Teresa “Mom and Dad” while she calls Lowell and Baltierra by their names. Angela Duncan, Co-president of SCSU for Life, said that the organization wanted Lowell and Baltierra to speak at SCSU because of the March for Life in Washington DC where they saw Lowell and Baltierra speak and it “inspired them to ask them to speak here.”
United Way raises awareness of homeless students at SCSU Vicki Ikeogu STAFF WRITER
258. This number has been seen on shirts in Stewart Hall and Atwood, not to mention other places around campus. 258. The campaign to raise awareness to the SCSU community. 258. The number, according to Jessica Johnson, Marketing and Communications manager at the United Way of Central Minnesota, is an approximation of homeless students enrolled in the St. Cloud school district last year. 258. And as Johnson said, this number is speculated to be around 320 right now with the potential of
increasing. In partnering with the United Way to raise awareness about the growing problem in the community, the mass communications public relations class, COMM 438: Cases and Campaigns, is working together to get the attention of SCSU students about the issue of homelessness among children. “The United Way contacted Lisa Heinrich [the professor],” said Mass Communications senior Tess Slaggie. “And we found out about it at the beginning of the semester,” said senior Amanda Schiller. COMM 438, taught by Dr. Lisa Heinrich, involves students working together to
create a public relations (PR) campaign with last semester focusing on the NorthStar Link, said Shannon Koestler, a senior PR student. “It’s to simulate a real life PR campaign,” said senior Sydney Thompson. Working on a similar project as a Mass Communications student herself while she was enrolled at a different college, Johnson had said she thought it would be cool to work with the PR department here at SCSU. After meeting with the mass communications department chair, Mark Mills, Johnson said she was directed the Heinrich. And after brainstorming a few ideas, Johnson said they decided
upon homelessness in the St. Cloud school district. Students were then responsible for raising awareness of the problem on the SCSU campus. “We printed Slaggie said. On top of setting up the tables around campus, students also had to solicit local businesses to help. “We had Koestler. Those donations, she said, went into printing the black t-shirts with the number 258 on them for the PR students to wear and also for the prizes given out to people willing to donate money. The list of prizes includes gift cards, free oil changes, John Deere hats and
United Way t-shirts. Money is not the only things the PR students are willing to accept. Boxes have been placed at their fundraising tables in addition to the mass communications for students and faculty to drop off gently used clothing, nonperishable food items, and unused personal hygiene products. “Now is the time body is cleaning out their dorms and apartments,” senior PR student Jessica Nietfeld said. Spring cleaning, she said, would hopefully encourage students to go through their belongings and donate what they aren’t using.
Alongside the PR experience, students are taking away a real lesson in the problem of homelessness. “It’s not the stereotypical type of homeless,” Thompson said. “People just like you and me are homeless and we may not know it.” “People just don’t realize,” Nietfeld said. One thing Johnson hopes the United Way/SCSU PR partnership will result in is the added awareness of the SCSU community to the needs of others. “These are homeless youth.” he said, “They do not have a choice in the matter.”
Thursday, April 25, 2013
University Chronicle - Page 6
Williams determined to make difference Andrew Gnirk MARQUEE EDITOR
Carolyn Ruth A. Williams is an individual determined Williams is Associate Dean for Multicultural Affairs and leads Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Initiatives at SCSU. According to her biography on SCSU’s website, her degrees include Harvard University, Post-Doctorate Studies; Cornell University, Ph.D./M.A.; Northwestern University, Tennessee State University, B.S. Williams worked for several other universities before coming to SCSU, including Cornell University and Vanderbilt University. determined to help improve the level of education in science. “Just because you go to a public institution doesn’t mean you don’t deserve what the Ivy League schools have,” Williams said. “All students deserve it. I work very hard so that I can bring this to the students.” Williams also helps the education of secondary students by organizing and running SCSU’s annual STEM Summit. Junior high and high school students attend campus for a day of interactive, educational experience. At this year’s STEM Summit, over 1,000 students attended. Williams said K-12 classrooms need to be more hands on when teaching science. “If you sit in a classroom, just reading the book and passing the tests, that’s not going to [be enough],” she said. The STEM Summit is a part of going beyond typical classroom environment. The STEM Summit is allied with the USA Science & Engineering Festival in Washington, D.C. Williams brings a group of SCSU students to the festival each year. Last year SCSU students gave away 9,000 pinwheels at the festival to bring awareness to wind energy alternatives. SCSU has been one of the highlights of the festival, Williams said. One of Williams’ motivations for improving education is to improve the area’s economy. If there are more capable workers in the area, Williams hopes that additional employers will want to hire in Central Minnesota. The area needs to get back to its manufacturing roots, she said.
Atwood renovations are set to be complete mid August. Plans for a food shelf in Atwood are on hold until its completion.
Atwood food shelf delayed Staff Report
Plans for a food shelf to be opened in Atwood have been put on the back burner, partly due to Atwood renovations. A group of staff, faculty, and students hoped to create a campus food shelf that would be open in March. The plans were put aside after a trip to visit a college food shelf at Normandale Community College. Atwood director
Margaret Vos said the trip made the group realize the complexity of the project. Vos said they weren’t aware that the food shelf had to be licensed. They also need a full-time staff member to run the food shelf. “The project was a lot more complicated than we initially thought in our research,” Vos said. Vos said the group was surprised by the food Normandale had for students. The supply consisted mostly of snacks, not meals.
The group hopes to revisit the project after Atwood renovations have been complete. Vos said they will to seek help from community leaders. At the same time, Vos said they plan to continue supporting local food shelves, including donating fresh produce from the Atwood Farmer’s Market. As for hunger and homelessness at SCSU, Vos still said there needs to be additional resources for students.
“The question is, how do we meet a need that we still believe exists?” Vos said. Vos is set to retire this summer, after having served as Atwood director. She hopes however is selected as director of Atwood will take up the project. “We didn’t lose hope,” Vos said. Atwood renovations are set to be complete midAugust.
Mills to end term as Mass Communications chair Justin Kellen CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Over the years, Chair Mark Mills has headed the Mass Communications department. Elaine Pavin, the Mass Communications departthat Mills has headed the department for the last 6 years. He also teaches broadcast journalism and advises SCSU’s cable TV station, UTVS. Before
coming to SCSU, he was a professional journalist for over 13 years, including a position as a correspondent and bureau chief covering Capitol Hill and the White House in Washington DC. He has also produced three documentaries and wrote one book. The fourth documentary and second book are in progress. SCSU’s Mass Communications department is accredited by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass
Communication (ACEJMC). SCSU is one of only two colleges in Minnesota with this accreditation, the other being the University of Minnesota. The department and its student organizations have won many awards over the years, but Mills says that he is most proud of their 2007 and 2011 Emmys for Best Student Newscast from the American Academy of TV Arts and Sciences. That nomination pitted SCSU against the Univer-
sity of Minnesota, UCLA, Columbia University, and Northwestern (much larger universities). Guaranteed under Mills’ second term, an investment of $4.8 million dollars will be made to bring SCSU’s TV broadcasting into the 21st century. UTVS will be along with improvements to the broadcast journalism and production curriculum. Pavin says that Mills’ second term is ending after this semester. He will return
to his duties as TV broadcasting professor. “He teaches now, but he’s also the chair, so he teaches less courses. So he’ll go back to just teaching more courses in the mass comm department,” she said. Mills thinks he has the answer to what makes SCSU’s mass media department so unique. “Our faculty maintains a balance between the professional and the theoretical. Students learn
what they need to know to start their careers and the skills they need in order to remain competitive in a media environment,” Mills said. This alludes to the journalism industry’s move, as a whole, towards platform convergence. On a lighter note, Mills’ favorite part about working at SCSU is an easy answer. “I think for him, knowing him as well as I do, it would be the students. He loves the students,” Pavin said.
Coborn Plaza Continued from Page 1 -port team at SCSU says it’s partially because of new building materials that can block a wireless signal. Still, he’s not bemoaning building renovations that add bricks and steel: it’s an opportunity to pull wires and add more wireless access points, a necessary expense, as more devices require it. “It’s reasonably expensive, but it’s important to provide good wireless coverage,” Schomer said. “There are many devices that are coming out that only have wireless access.” There have been many complaints about wireless internet at CPA, Pedersen said, but the team will be changing the setup of the wireless network this summer to good. Even with an improvement in wireless, Carley isn’t impressed with Coborn Plaza. “I think it’s more expensive than it’s worth,” Carley said. “It’s supposed to be upperclassmen housing, but I feel like you get treated like a kid, for the price you’re paying.” Coborn Plaza is open to all students, Pedersen said, but it’s meant to be transitional housing from dorms to off-campus living. year applicants have gone down. Carley said the policies aren’t freshman-friendly, either. Her roommate pays
the $3,800 per semester for an apartment with a kitchen she also has to pay for a meal plan, which she can take advantage of several blocks from her home. Pedersen said these requirements are in place a sense of community and address their basic needs so that they can focus on adjusting to college life during “If you don’t have to worry about your food, you don’t have to worry about your shelter, and you don’t have to worry about your safety, we’ve covered a lot of Maslow’s needs,” Pedersen said. He said there’s a less expensive meal option geared toward off-campus students, but most in CPA choose the GRAPHIC BY KARLY HERRERA / GRAPHIC DESIGNER more expensive unlimited plan anyway. Coborn Plaza Apartments are higher-amenity, hence the higher cost. Carley’s other issues are given a warning. ning to return. Pedersen said building was at less than half a frame of reference to it.” with the age-old campus “I’m paying $800 a returning applicants are up occupancy. Thanks to an The department recently problem of parking. She says month to live here, and 28 percent from what he enrollment dip, occupancy there’s not enough for stuyou’re telling me I can’t have expected them to be at this stayed lower than expected living in Stateview and Codents and guests, and what people in my apartment?” time last year. born Plaza Apartments. is designated for the retail she said. If fall applications meet In a 2011 interview with Without diving into the stores is never used. Pedersen’s response: Res his expectations, the facility the Chronicle, Pedersen predata, Pedersen said it looks What’s more, students Life policies are part of the will be at 73 percent occudicted 90 percent occupancy mostly positive. pay $310 per semester to Student Code of Conduct, pancy, or 334 residents. by FY 15, or Fall 2014. Carley doesn’t feel posipark in the underground which applies to all students, They base these predicThe most recent predictive about her experience heated garage, which Carley everywhere. tions on projected enrolltion is that the 90 percent there, and said she wouldn’t also thinks is steep. Though it’s only part ment and students who mark will by reached in FY recommend the place to a Her other complaint is of the reason, Carley said reapply for housing. 17, or Fall 2016. fellow student. with Res Life policies exhousing has played a part in “I would be lying if I said “We knew it would be “Find somewhere offtending to CPA. She says she her decision to transfer to a series of years before we campus,” she said. “Even if was cited for having a friend the University of Minnesota Pedersen said. “It’s basically started to see the occupancy it’s the same price, at least in her apartment when she next year. using the best data you have numbers increase out there, you’ll get treated like an wasn’t home. The friend She’ll be leaving CPA, available.” because it was a new entity,” adult.” was kicked out, and she was but many students are planPedersen said. “Nobody had
Thursday, April 25, 2013 1. Part in a play 5. Overweight 10. Leave in a hurry 14. Region 15. Meeting place 16. Story 17. Sweet juicy grittytextured fruit 18. Extremely impressive 20. Half-naked 22. Speech 23. Fury 24. Leases 25. Conduct an inquiry 32. Seashore 33. Guys 34. Eastern newt 37. Modify 38. Skid 39. Salt Lake state 40. Lair 41. Soft leather 42. Avoid 43. The act of noticing 45. Lustrous fabric 49. East southeast 50. Exchanging 53. Implore 57. Circuit 59. Small island 60. Murres 61. Rock 62. Horse feed 63. Makes lace 64. Fruity-smelling compound 65. Iron oxide
University Chronicle - Page 7
Solutions for April 15
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1. Awestruck 2. Chocolate cookie 3. Jump 4. Soonest 5. Compensate for 6. Razzes 7. Mistake 8. Japanese wrestling
9. Arab chieftain 10. Condition 11. Log home 12. Bestow 13. Adolescents 19. Challenges 21. At one time (archaic) 25. Frozen 26. Connecting point
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27. Conceited 28. Runs in neutral 29. Direct the course 30. Venomous snake 31. T 34. Decorative case 35. Portuguese folksong 36. Not now 38. A type of large sandwich
39. Covert 41. Relating to audible sound 42. Where the sun rises 45. Swagger 46. A kind of macaw 47. Implied
48. Notions 51. Schnozzola 52. Fortitude 53. Feudal worker 54. Brother of Jacob 55. Anagram of “Salt� 56. Exam 58. Decay
University Chronicle - Page 8
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Chronicle Staff 2012-13 Position Next Year: Position Next Year: Position Next Year:
Lauren Willms
Brianna Heller
Position Next Year: Andrew Gnirk MARQUEE EDITOR
Position Next Year: Molly Willms EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Position Next Year:
Jeremiah Graves STAFF WRITER
Position Next Year: Position Next Year: John Russett MANAGING EDITOR
Position Next Year:
Karly Herrera
Position Next Year:
Position Next Year:
Tiffany Krupke NEWS EDITOR
Position Next Year:
Position Next Year:
Shun Jie Yong
Position Next Year:
Position Next Year:
Position Next Year:
Position Next Year:
Mark Schrom
Ashley Kalkbrenner
Thursday, April 25, 2013
University Chronicle - Page 9
1 9 8 8
Michael Vadnie University Chronicle Adviser
2 0 1 3
After 24 years, Vads passes the pen Leaves legacy of ethics, mentorship, camaraderie, hard work Chronicle Staff VADNIE FANS
Thumbing through the paper archives of the University Chronicle, it’s clear that a lot has changed since 1988. and Michael Vadnie was the new adviser on the block. In one of his early columns, Vadnie praised the outoing adviser, J. Brent Norlem. He went on to talk about the ethics of journalism. He channeled Tom Sawyer as he writes, “‘I’m afear’d’ I’ve got bad news. I’ve got lots of questions about ethics. Not many answers. “That’s the damn thing about ethics. People who indignantly bat an eyelid before proclaiming absolute adherence to most ethical principles are unrealistic fools. On the other hand, people who know the precepts of journalistic sion are moral and legal loose cannons.” Anyone who’s known Vadnie as a journalist, an editor, a professor, an adviser or in any professional capacity know he’s all about ethics. As adviser to the campus Society of Professional Journalists chapter, he’s used their Code of Ethics in the regular defense of student journalists. “Vadnie always has your back, because he always has good journalism’s back, and he’s always ready to teach if you’ve made a journalistic mistake,” said Molly Willms, outgoing editor-in-chief of the Chronicle. His former students and Chronicle staff say they wouldn’t be where they are if it weren’t for Vadnie. “I may have gotten into journalism without Mike Vadnie, but I wouldn’t have been as good at it without him,” said Frank Rajkowski, Chronicle alum. “He was a tremendous teacher, a tremendous mentor.” Rajkowski partially credits Vadnie with his current gig: sports writing for the St. Cloud Times. It was thanks in part to Vadnie that he got a part-time job there, and has since gone full-time.
Joey LeMay feels the same. “Michael Vadnie did not get me into journalism. He did, however, keep me in journalism,” LeMay said in an email. “It’s easy to be tempted or lured away from a career in print media. But every time I made that consideration, I remembered the man that motivated me through school and kept me going with challenge after challenge. A little apparition of Michael Vadnie appears on my shoulder from time to time, telling me to ‘Write hard, die free.’ I fully intend to. He is irreplaceable.” SCSU Mass Communications professor Tim Hennagir was editor of the Chronicle dur“Mr. Vadnie’s opus (see Mr. Holland’s Opus, movies) will be the thousands of well-trained mass communications and journalism students who have passed through his classroom in 32 years of teaching,” Hennagir said in an email. “His legacy will be historic if not legendary.”
SCSU. Some say they started because of recent changes in drinking regulations and a lack of activities around campus for minor.In the end, 34 SCSU students and 26 non-students were arrested. tipped cars and reports of police brutality, Hennagir and Chronicle staffers Brady Kreger and Bill Olson were among the crowd, shooting pictures and observing the scene. By most accounts, it was a bad time to be reporting at a diverse, lively campus in times of change and unrest. Vadnie has met the challenge with grace ever since. He’s no stranger to reporting unpleasant news. In recent years, an increase in focus on investigative reporting has led to praise and criticism from all corners of the community. There have also been mistakes. The Chronicle is a human institution, run by students. Vadnie takes all mistakes as teaching moments, and seeks to repair all damage in a way that serves all parties involved. Though he’s been nie for 24 years, he’s been at SCSU for 32. Former student Al Neff was 19 in 1981,
Vadnie. “He was the James Dean of SCSU,” Neff said in an email. “I would see him leaning back against the wall outside of his classes, smoking a cigarette. I was a radio guy but I decided to take some if his print journalism classes just so I could PHOTO COURTESY OF MICHAEL RUNYON, 2012 have an excuse to talk to him. “Over the next 32 years we evolved from the student-
teacher relationship to friends to colleagues when I began teaching at SCSU, and now back to friends. “He will always be my big brother and mentor, and always my James Dean.” Neff ’s story is common among the SCSU community. Tim Hennagir started as an advisee, turned into a friend and is now a colleague. The same can be said of Dan Barth, owner arts community. He graduated in 1989 with a mass communications degree from SCSU. He and Vadnie now play on a trivia team together for KVSC’s annual contest, and Vadnie has appeared in plays at Pioneer for the last three years. Working journalists say they still think of him and turn to him for advice. enced the way I approach journalism,” said Lesley Toth, who currently works at the Mille Lacs County Times, in an email. “Even after nearly 10 years have passed since sitting in his classrooms, I still hear his voice giving sage advice and turn to that whenever I’m struggling with an issue or story. “His knowledge, experience and counsel is such a deep reservoir of support. Generations
because Vads said you will.”
The story of Vadnie as a person, friend, husband, father, grandfather, professor, journalist, lawyer, mentor and community leader could take up an entire April 24-pager. We knew him as an adviser, and no matter how many words we use, it all comes down to this: Thank you. We would not be the powerful, independent voice for students if it weren’t for your hard work and dedication. We’ve all learned so much from you, most especially in our time working here. As you and you colleagues always tell us, there’s more to be learned working in news than reading about it. You gave us the tools in the classroom, then sent us into the community to use them. you’ve never let schooling interfere with our education, and we can’t thank you enough. VADNIE, 1988
from his pivotal role at SCSU, with SPJ and the University Chronicle. I have met dozens upon dozens of his former students throughout the years and have yet to hear one negative word about their experiences with Vads.” Emily Peterson, former editor-in-chief and currently a copy editor at the St. Cloud Times, ceed.
“Vads taught me not to take any crap from anyone, especially yourself,” she said. “He knew I could succeed when I was sure I ment in my stress and frustration as a tired college student because he knew I was having the time of my life. “He’ll gladly push you off the edge be-
read Vadnie’s farewell column
“Write hard, die free.”
Page 10 - University Chronicle
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Opinions Page 11 - University Chronicle
Thursday, April 25, 2013
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Are our priorities straight? I am writing this letter because I am concerned about the safety of St. Cloud State University students. Students now are afraid to walk the streets of their own town because they don’t feel safe. The St. Cloud police and public safety need to concentrate more of their work on violent crimes in the area. This is so concerning to me because I myself am a student enrolled at St. Cloud State, and I am worried about my safety and the safety of my friends and family. My brother is a junior at St. Cloud State and during his sophomore year he was walking to the gas station a few blocks from his house to grab a snack before the store closed. On his way back to his house, he was confronted by two men and they demanded him to fork over his wallet. Being the tough guy he thinks he is, he refused. The two men proceeded to mug him. Luckily he landed a few good punches, and managed to escape with his wallet and his life. Hearing this, I was a little intimidated to come to St. Cloud for college, but I didn’t think it was a serious reoccurring problem. I am a freshman this year, and like every other freshman I was out on
of school. A female friend of mine called me around midnight on the of the year asking me to walk her home. Naturally I agreed to come pick her up from the house that she was at. I was only a block away from my destination, when out of nowhere I was punched in the face. I immediately dropped to my knees, and got up just in time to block his next punch and land one of my own causing him to fall to the ground. I ran back to my brother’s house as fast as I could, and spent the rest of the night there. The following day I informed my RA and public safety about what happened. Public safety took my story and said they’d look in to it. On Thursday September 23, 2012 at around 10:45 pm, 20-year-old Colton Gleason was punched in the face once by a random attacker that had passed him in an alley near the St. Cloud campus. The following evening Colton died. The report was that he died from brain trauma. Colton had fallen and hit his head after being punched. This really hit home with me and my family because of what had happened to my brother and I. Colton was struck once, just like
me and my brother. That could just as easily been one of us. I had never really realized just how lucky we were to come away practically unharmed. According to St. Cloud State University’s own website, percent of students drink more than two drinks on an average week. Many would call this a HUGE understatement. In 2011 there were over 17,000 students enrolled at St Cloud State. Fifty percent of this would be over 8,000 students. That’s 8,000 students drinking on the weekend, and most of these students are out walking around. Whether it is to a party, to the bars, or back home, these are not thinking clearly. These are the perfect target for a mugger or someone performing a violent crime. According to crime records, St. Cloud is only safer than 14% of the cities in this country. According to neighborhoodscout. com, St. Cloud averages 204 violent crimes annually (3.08 per 1000 residents) and that’s only the number of the crimes that are reported to the police. In the same year there were over 1,000 alcohol or drug related arrests or citations just around
the SCSU campus alone. This is shocking to me because it seems like the police and public safety are concentrating more on preventing partying more than they are preventing these violent crimes from happening. I’m not saying that the school and police do not care about their students. I just get the feeling that the University is trying a little too hard to reputation that has been created over the years. But what’s more important, the image of St. Cloud State, or the safety and well being of those enrolled? The reason for me writing this letter was not because I wanted to I just think the approach on partying and the effort in preventing needs to be reevaluated. This is a college; most students are on their own for their very
or more stories with the amount of students that attend St Cloud State. The other down side to the parking ramp is the cost to park is very expensive for a day or a
semester pass. To park for a day at the ramp is eight dollars, to have a year pass is four hundred dollars. Eight dollars a day is not bad at all, but students who commute from off campus don’t have classes all day. Some students have classes spread out through the day. Having to pay every time you park in the ramp can get very expensive and that’s only a day. When you think of a whole semester, that’s a lot of money spent on parking when students have to stress about buying books and other expenses. Another problem parking spaces for students commuting and regular students on campus are the tickets. When people are in a hurry to get to class they will park in a parking spot and then get a ticket. I feel there are too many rules to the parking. I understand that if you buy a semester pass there should always be a spot for
By Tom Osterberg SCSU Student
but others who didn’t pay for a semester pass should be allowed to park where ever they please with out getting tickets and getting booted. Most people who come to college don’t have much money and usually receive loans to pay for college. College is very expensive, from buying books to loans and lousy parking tickets it can really add up. If I were able to make a change to the parking arrangement I would make the ramp bigger and make sure the amount of passes bought actually get a spot. Have a certain amount of commut-
Public Safety monitors parking. Attached to the SCSU.
ers allowed on the ramp and when that amount is reached, the ramp would be closed until there are more openings. Also, buy a cheap pass so you can park at any of the lots near campus. I personally think the students who don’t live on campus but have vehicles should have discounts on parking passes and such. I live on campus, which means I can walk to all my classes. Some people can’t, which is why it should be cheaper for them. They already have to pay for a lot more things, like gas, and having to pay the same parking pass amount as others who live on campus would not be fair. I would encourage having a parking lot strictly for the teachers. Right now, most teachers don’t have a designated spot to park, so they have to walk far to the buildings, and that interferes with students because that means less parking space. Making a parking lot only
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Is current SFC policy viable? that would bring nothing
to do what their parents never let them do simply because they can. But just ask yourself which is worse, some underage drinking, or having streets so bad that even the drunk kids don’t want to walk down?
Parking at SCSU: Problems, concerns, and frustrations Year by year St. Cloud State University has decreased issues with the campus and other issues. There are still current issues, and a major issue affecting student at this university is parking. Where can you park? Parking tickets? Any parking places for students who commute? This is a big topic that needs to be revised. First bullet to the issue is where can you park. St. Cloud State University is a relatively average-sized campus, which means there are many places to park. But that’s the problem, there aren’t many places to park. At SCSU there are 28 different places to park but they all require passes. Many of the sophomore students and up tend to not live in dorms and instead they live in houses and apartments off campus. Some for that reason need to drive because it’s too long of a walk, but when three fourths of the students drive, there is not enough places to park causing chaos and stress. From the 28 or so parking lots on campus most of them are not very close to the main campus. On the other hand, St Cloud State has a very nice parking ramp by the library, which is close to many classes. But the problem with the parking ramp is that it’s not
or visit:
the teachers and students would be happy. The main problem to the idea is it would cost SCSU lot of money to make and build parking ramps. When you look at in the long run, it could also be a win-win situation for the students and SCSU. That is because more parking spaces allows more students to park, and for the people who commute, they have places to park and it would be cheaper. In the end, SCSU has a parking lot issue. There is no place for commuters to park and tickets are constantly being written. If the university were to make a couple changes to the lay out of the parking and expand on the parking ramp, it would be a win-win situation for SCSU as well as the students. Ben Schreurs SCSU Student
It is not my intention to end this semester at a lower note. However, my recent experience in applying for funding from the Student Senate Finance Committee (SFC) has been disappointing. Any Student Government Association should exist to serve in the best interest of its students and campus community, in my opinion. This means that the association should be prepared to support its students in any way possible to help them achieve personal or professional development. However, there have been multiple occasions when me and my student organizations’ funding applications were turned down by the Senate Finance Committee this year. As part of the Communication Studies Club, I asked for funds this year to support our newly established professional speaker series, Direct Connect, which has been a real attraction for Communication Studies majors and minors as its success was ment of the Best New Program Award, given by the Department of Campus Involvement this year. Since we do not have a budget built in for this has been surviving on its remainings from past years on the 900 account (non-SFC allocations). These were hard-earned monies. Comm Club members spent countless hours cleaning the Husky Stadium and the Hockey Center in exchange for the few hundred dollars, which are then spent on expanding the speaker series. If you look at this from an ethical perspective, I urge you to question: why should students work their butts off to pick up popcorn and trash, just to be able to create a program
here? The answer that I usually receive from SFC is this: we do not fund food and we do not pay speakers. Reasons? I don’t know. I mean, come on, it is not like we are throwing a humongous party each time we host a speaker. Comm Club has been diligent in maintaining a professional mission of bridging our students with professionals in the workplace to help students develop a stronger network and connections to their they even graduate. Through the Direct Connect speaker series, our students have received enormously useful advice from communication specialists of all walks; two students have even established an internship with a guest speaker, which will count toward their majors. Therefore, such a program should receive proactive support from the Student Government and SFC, if they are honest about what they pledge to serve: to promote the best possible environment for learning (see the Student Government website). Yet SFC’s dismissive actions have not been well, at least for my whole four years of experience at SCSU. Nothing kills the morale of a student organization more than a rejection by the governing body to support its mission. If my organization wants to serve the students well and either the Student Government or SFC is standing in its way, I will take this as a challenge. I will, in all my capacity, strive to improve the current policy and bring forth what is in the best interests of the students. Even if this may mean a call to redesign the student activity fees allocation policy, I will do what is best for the students.
The opinions expressed on the Opinions page are not necessarily those of the college, university system or student body.
Opinions Thursday, April 25, 2013
Page 12 - University Chronicle
EDITORIAL OF THE YEAR The road taken...
community for a quarter of a century
by Michael Vadnie University Chronicle adviser 1988-2013 I’ve taken to calling my imminent retirement “rounding the clubhouse turn” after a famous call in the sport of kings. The privilege to teach and to mentor adult children of other people for 32 years during the one of most important times of their lives cannot be understated. Perhaps more challenging -- and
University Chronicle. The campus newspaper has delivered history-in-a hurry by freeze-framing events, sports and arts/entertainment through news and feature stories and photos. Understanding the informational value of advertising and learning business sense come with the territory, too. More important, University Chronicle told the stories of multi-faceted diversity before it was a fashionable buzz word. Its journalists shined a light on and poked fun at enduring trends and passing fads. And its opinion sections consistently challenged conventional wisdom as a safe catalyst for exchanging ideas. Like many college extra-curricular activities, Chronicle has been a proving ground for transition from classroom to newsroom and a real-life incubator where truth matters and missteps are I took the role of “adviser” seriously and there by sharing some insights born
Thanks for allowing me to serve you
What a trip. I’ve been employed at this newspaper for about as long as I’ve been a student at this university. These parallel experiences have taught me so much, mostly because they ran parallel. In my classes, I learned the tools, history, theory and practice of communication, between big groups and individuals, between people of differing cultures and people from the same family. At the Chronicle, I communicated. With individual readers, sources and clients, with campus leaders, with faculty and staff and with the everimportant student body. With 20,000 unique perspectives on every single syllable we publish. I’ve made my share of mistakes – maybe times doing all you can to verify a fact isn’t enough, I learned, and sometimes something as harmless as
a friendly email can make someone feel threatened and misunderstood. I’ve also voiced some opinions: some popular, most not. I rejoice every time I get an email about a column, probably even more so when it’s someone who’s telling me they disagree. That’s the point of a newspaper, and an opinions page in particular: to get people talking. I certainly did that with some of my reporting, too. I asked probing questions of administrators, employees, students, local businesses, campus institutions and society as a whole. I got criticism from readers, sources, faculty and industry professionals. I also got praise from many. Unlike on the opinions page, these stories had to be some combination of objective, neutral and fair. They always were, but they were never ignorant of contradicting facts or problematic actions. But those activities only took up maybe 5 percent of my time here. Mostly, I was laying out pages, copy editing issues, delivering papers, calculating budgets, taking photos, and writing, writing, writing. Like most of the peo-
ple at the Chronicle, I’ve spent my time working my butt off to serve my fellow students. Have I done that? I hope so. I’ve tried to do it, while taking a full load of classes, working multiple jobs, getting experience, and spending a hellish nine months watching my mother die. But in the spirit of a true social critic, I know I could always have done better. The paper has grown immensely since I started as a writer. We’ve become a force on campus again, the only independent student media covering a community bigger than many of its student’s hometowns. We’re constantly changing with technology, and our focus next year will again be on using that technology to get your input on how we can serve you better. Though our physical door is only open as often as we can be here, our website and social media doors are always there, waiting for students to enter. Your story deserves to be told, and your interests deserve to be protected. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of that for the last four years.
only of age, experience or context. I must admit to using a not-so-subtle, perplexed shake of the head to signal disappointment, which I hope was tempered with constructive criticism and deserved stories, unless asked, and never did my role include censorship or mandated coverage. In everyday conversation, I have always spoken about “Chronnies” in the third person, not because I had a turd in my pocket, but because we were family. We were in this together. My greatest hopes are that we learned: • storytelling is cool • “no comment” is a comment • to write hard, die free • new media tools change the method, not the message • a free press is crucial to democracy • good journalists are skeptical and curious • journalists must be watch dogs without losing sight of sensitivity
My greatest disappointments were when: • we made mistakes, especially hurtful ones • people who should know better blamed the messenger • political correctness corrupted meaningful dialogue • when it felt like someone wasn’t performing at his or her potential My greatest pride has been hard to hide when: • we did the right thing for the right reason • we made a difference • we formed lifelong friendships • the Chronicle journey helped mold a good citizen • the Chronicle experience took character and determination to the next level It’s been a hell of a ride. As for what’s next, the plan is to wear out, not rust out. dering down the “stretch run” with some different adventures.
Quote of the Week
dawns, quite like other days; in it a single hour comes, quite like other hours; but in that day and in that hour the chance of a lifetime faces us. Maltbie Davenport Babcock, Writer, 1858-1901
Tiffany Krupke Jason Tham Ashley Kalkbrenner Kamana Karki
Apply today! Apply today!
Meg Iserloth Leah Carr Kyle Ratke Lauren Willms Apply today! (2 positions) Brianna Heller Chris Dosch Apply today!
Andrew DeMars Apply today! Apply today!
Congratulations to all graduating Chronnies:
Looking forward to serving you this year made. Despite being unsure at the start of the year, I am very certain now. I have never for a second doubted that journalism is what I wanted to do with my life. Many people ask me what I see for the future of journalism. I have no magical words, but I have hope. I see a bright future because of the many talented students I have met. I know that there will always be a need for news, ries that might otherwise remain untold.
Tiffany Krupke NEWS EDITOR
Hello readers! to describe my year at the Chronicle. years during high school. real, but I feel as though I just scratched the surface of what being a college student really means. This year I took a chance and joined the Chronicle, also unsure of what I would It was the best decision I could have
purpose, unlike any I have felt before. I feel a strong pull and identity as a “Chronnie” to ask tough questions, to dig into sensitive issues, and to always put the When it comes to news, I feel that it is our job at the Chronicle to be an independent news source that students can trust. We don’t claim to be perfect, but through our shortcomings we grow stronger. And we are students – getting the valuable experience we need to push us out into the workforce. Being selected as editor in chief for
next year was such an honor. I can’t even begin to say what the position means to me. Writing has always been my solace. always felt that I could free myself through writing. I have been so fortunate for this year at the Chronicle. I work with so many great people and I look forward to continuing the connections I have built. I have so many ideas for the coming I am sad to say goodbye to our current editor, Molly Willms. I look forward to seeing what great things she goes on to do. I also am sad to say goodbye to longtime Chronicle advisor, Michael Vadnie. Though I was only able to be at the Chronicle for one a year during his time as advisor, he is truly a great advisor, journalist, teacher, and a person I admire. I hope to make you proud, Vads. And most of all, readers – this is for you. For every time you pick up an issue of the Chronicle, I want you to see stories that matter. We couldn’t be who we are if it weren’t for you.
I am looking forward to serving you this year.We are printing in the summer!
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Thursday, April 25, 2013
University Chronicle - Page 13
UPCOMING ‘Rock Your Pop’ closes semester EVENTS ON CAMPUS String Studio Recital April 26, 4-6 p.m. Performing Arts Center, Recital Hall Free Student Recital ft. Mark Rhodes, Trumpet April 26, 6 p.m. Performing Arts Center, Recital Hall Free American Dreaming: A Devised Bootstrap Play April 26-28, 7:30 p.m. Performing Arts Center, Center Stage $7-$10, Free w/ SCSU ID Sophmore Review ft. Josh Kegley, Trombone April 26, 8 p.m. Performing Arts Center, Recital Hall Free Atwood After Dark April 26, 9 p.m. - Midnight Atwood Memorial Center Free
From left: Kyle Burns, Jonathan Cook, and Austin Bello of Forever the Sickest Kids play the Atwood Ballroom on April 20.
The last major music event of the semester took place on Saturday night as Forever The Sickest Kids and Cute Is What We Aim For took to the stage in the Atwood Ballroom for a night of poppy riffs and onstage banter. “We like to play college shows as much as we can,” said Jonathan Cook, the lead singer of Forever The Sickest Kids. “It’s a good change of scenery. We get to see a lot of cool campuses and meet a lot of cool people. Last weekend played at a college in Illinois. We met a lot of the students and played basketball.” “Regular shows can get redundant,” Cook continued. “You do the same thing every day, but college shows the scenery changes and the people change. You never what you’re playing for. It could be a Spring festival or an event coming up promoting a football game or whatever.” “The protocol is different too,” added
Caleb Turman, one of the guitarists. “Every school is different. You never know what’s going to happen. Like we got stuffed animals today,” he said as he picked up a Stuff-A-Husky doll on a nearby table. “I can received a custom stuffed animal.” After Benjamin K, winner of Battle of The Bands a few weeks ago, opened up the show, Cute Is What We Aim For took to the stage, although it was only the band’s guitarist Jeff Czum on stage with an acoustic guitar. It was certainly not what the audience had expected. “It was only going to be me and the singer coming,” said Czum. “He was on his way to the airport and found out there’s a family emergency he really had to deal with, so I sat there and had to decide to cancel the show or suck it up and try to pull it off the best I can.” The audience was forgiving and helped Czum sing along through most of his half hour set. At one point Brent Johnson, an SCSU student, was pulled on stage to sing “Time”.
The energy got amped up once Forever The Sickest Kids got on stage. Drummer Kyle Burns ended up taking his shirt off to please the crowd, and the band attempted to write a song on stage for dedicated to SCSU. “They honestly have some of the best stage presence I’ve ever seen in a band,” said Robert Muschler, an attendee of the show. The show coincided with the six-year anniversary of the band’s signing to their Coordinator Erika Blank thought the concert went really well, despite the last minute confusion that occurred with Cute Is What We Aim For. “They have a lot of dedicated fans,” Blank said. “I know Jeff was really nervous about it, but I thought it went really been here, and this is the largest university Forever The Sickest Kids has ever played at, and I know they were really excited about that.”
Brothers Sing On April 27, 4:30 p.m. Stewart Hall, Ritsche Auditorium $3-$5, Free w/ SCSU ID Junior Recital ft. Eric Palmer, Percussion April 27, 7:30 p.m. Performing Arts Center, Recital Hall Free Wind Ensemble Student Conductor’s Concert May 1, 2:30 p.m. Stewart Hall, Ritsche Auditorium Free Sophomore Review ft. Janina Zywicki, Percussion, and Carolyn Ritter, Trumpet May 1, 6 p.m. Performing Arts Center, Recital Hall Free
SCSU student Brent Johnson joins Cute Is What We Aim For’s guitarist, Jeff Czum, onstage to sing the song ‘Time’.
(Above) 2013 Battle of the Unsigned Bands winner, Benjamin K, opens for the two other acts. (Right) Forever the Sickest Kids’ lead singer, Jonathan Cook.
Page 14 - University Chronicle
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Vinyl records have highest sales in over a decade
Sam Jansen (left) and Lindsay DeCleene of The Way She play acoustic guitars.
The Way She plays at Caribou Coffee Meg Iserloth
The crowd was shy, the coffee-makers loud, but despite the distractions Indie rock musicians played on in the corner of Atwood’s Caribou Coffee. fee Break performances of the semester, led by Wisconsin local artists The Way She and Darrian Kaye. Sponsored by the University Program Board Live Music Committee, Coffee Break is a free program which brings in local artists to play music for Caribou Coffee visitors in the afternoon. To learn more, visit UPB’s website at From noon to 1:00 p.m. last Wednesday, artist and musician Darrian Kaye persong, “Nowhere to Be”, when she jokingly said that clapping was allowed, that the crowd began to loosen up. A local artist from Appleton, Wisconsin, Kaye says she has “drawn recognition for her earthy soulful style, lyrical content with insight well beyond her years and melodies that the listener carries away with them.” ists, including Modest Mouse, Teagan and Sarah, the Cranberries, Traci Chapman, and Joni Mitchell. During and after Kaye’s performance, attendees and passerbys were given the opportunity to buy her CD “Wake Up For “trad[ing] something cool in your pocket for one.” The album, which features several
of the songs performed last Wednesday, was recorded by Appleton artist John Lambert. Kaye also has released an E.P. called “If I Were Right”. Although posters for The Way She depicted the three original members, only Sam Jansen and Lindsay DeCleene are gone separate ways with “no hard feelings” in February. At the very beginning of the duo’s performance, a curveball was thrown as they announced they were playing different instruments than they were used to, both settling on guitar instead of the usual set-up of Jansen on guitar and DeCleene on drums. Originally from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, The Way She describes themselves as “a female acoustic group that may be a little more edgy than meets the eye.” They tour in several parts of the Midwest, including this year’s Pridefest in Milwaukee. Earlier this month, the band announced on their Facebook page that “a lot of good stuff is happening and we will be hitting the studio in a few weeks to start making our CD!” They said that those who pre-order their album will receive a free poster and necklace with “The Way She” engraved into it. out in June. In the meantime, The Way She is urging fans to vote for them to get on this year’s Vans Warped Tour. Visit the website of Darrian Kaye ( and the Facebook of The Way She (https://www. for more information.
Appleton, Wisconsin singer-songwriter Darrian Kaye plays electric guitar.
According to IFPI, record sales jumped by $30 million from 2006 to 2008 alone. Christopher Timp STAFF WRTIER
Music media websites are beginning to of vinyl records. With the rumors from music industry insiders saying since 2011 that major labels are going to abandon the use of the compact disc to make way for digital-only sales, coupled with the fact that music sections in corporate stores are in fact shrinking the size of their physical music stock; the real question being asked is whether vinyl is here to stay, or just another nostalgia explosion like that of all things 1980s in the last “I think the popularity of vinyl is mostly centered around the 20 to 25 year old age group,” Paul Gertsen, a vinyl collector of 35 years, said. “I am not sure that vinyl is coming back, but I think that people may ing music in this format.” Warmer sound; the legendary crackle, pop and hiss; cover art that is big enough to Gertsen feels are turning people back onto vinyl records. Timothy Schloe, 10-year organizer of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Music Expo and 40-year record collector, said, “Vinyl records never really went away.” “In the early 1990s when CDs became the main format, people started getting rid of their records for a time,” Schloe said. “But now I think the younger generations are hearing how great they sound and that it is such an interactive experience in that the needle.” Schloe also stated that the fact that young people can go into record stores to-
dollars could be enough to get the people of the digital age coming back for the timetested format. Schloe’s speculation is not that far off. On April 11, the Washington Post Federation of the Phonographic Industry’s report: Recording Industry in Numbers 2013, stating that global vinyl sales had reached 171 million dollars in 2012, a 52 percent increase from 2011. This is the highest number of vinyl sales since 1997, the compact disc era Schloe was talking about, in which it reached $166 million. The lowest numbers came in 2006 with only $36 million in vinyl sales being recorded after a gradual drop since 1997. The rise of sales has, by many media sources, been cited as a direct result of what Record Store Day has done for physical music sales in a time dominated by digital sales made by corporation websites like iTunes. Record Store day was conceived in 2007 and since 2008, has been held every third Saturday of April at around 700 independent record stores. The special releases list for Record Store Day 2013 had 350 items exclusive to the once a year event, of which 92 percent of them were vinyl releases. The same table of statistics from the aforementioned IFPI report shows a $30 million jump in record sales from 2006 to 2008, in the period that Record Store Day The statistics are starting to indicate that vinyl record sales might be back for more than just a honey moon phase. With the rising popularity of events like Record Store Day, some believe that vinyl could outlive the threat from digital-only sales. The statistics in the coming years will either solidify this trend, or show that it was indeed a phase.
Coming Soon: Movies. Games. Albums.
The Big Wedding Pain & Gain Iron Man 3 The Great Gatsby Peeples
Deadly Premonition
Lights - Siberia Acoustic Sharks - Selfhood LL Cool J - Authentic Deep Purple - Now What?! Iggy & The Stooges - Ready to Die
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Zombie Tycoon 2 Metro: Last Light
Page 15 - University Chronicle
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Tyzen displays art of hypnosis Ryan Hanenburg STAFF WRITER
Some people scoff at the idea of hypnosis, but Tyzen the Hypnotist will make believers out of skeptics. Tyzen started his show by dispelling some of the myths about hypnosis. Hypnosis is actually quite common in everyday life in small ways, he said. When you do something and don’t remember why you did it, it’s an example of an everyday hypnotic state. Tyzen said that hypnosis isn’t a magic power, but rather, a highly suggestible state where actions are dictated by the subconscious. He also said that there are several people who can’t be hypnotized: small children who lack a good grasp of language, the mentally disturbed, the intoxicated, and -- most importantly -- anyone who doesn’t want to be. Tyzen also performed an opening act with basic magic. He did card tricks and used a spinning circle to fool the eyes into making things grow or shrink. He then proceeded in a hypnosis test by
were magnets and they truly did try to move together. He then selected a large group of volunteers from the audience. They were put through a hypnotic induction which lasted about 5 minutes, in which he put them into
A particularly hilarious act followed with the volunteers being told they were duck paramedics and Tyzen telling a female volunteer that she had snapped its rib to which she screamed, “I did not!” There was also a recurring bit with the same volunteer being hypnotized to fear the duck she was operating on. Another hilarious part came when Tyzen told the volunteers his butt was exposed to them and he asked them to describe the situation in one word. He received such answers as “perverted”, “gross”, and “put on some pants.” He then did another bit where his front was exposed and received the answer “small,” much to the amusement of the audience. He demonstrated that subjects retain their imagination in a hypnotized state by having them be bodybuilders from foreign places. The highlights included a Russian woman who preferred to lift her children, PRAVIN DANGOL / ASST. VISUALS EDITOR an African woman who only spoke in a clicking language, and a Scotsman who A volunteer is shocked as Tyzen pulls out a card from his mouth. Tyzen quoted William Wallace. performed several illusions before his hypnotist act. The hypnotism ended with the volunan incredibly relaxed state with some of when Tyzen told them to get angry and teers falling in love with him and getting the volunteers actually looking like ragdolls. they did so on command. This manipulasuper jealous when he was with someone Tyzen showed the power of hypnosis by tion was shown to an incredible degree else. He then proceeded to bring them out having them be able to relax on command when he told them to stay happy and they of the hypnosis at hilarious and inapproprieven from a fully alert state. laughed heartily at Tyzen telling them a sad ate times. The real show started when the volunstory about how his dog died. “[I heard of Tyzen through] a friend teers were told to become musicians and The volunteers demonstrated the exwho works with Husky After Dark,” said began performing incredible acts of air treme reactions one exhibits in a hypnotic Lola Bello, the event organizer from UPB. guitar and invisible drums. state when they pantomimed being bikers. He was highly recommended, she said. They were also shown to be able to They were jumping and crashing around as This was the last event for UPB this have their emotions manipulated as well Tyzen called out road instructions. semester.
Students of professors Givens and Verrilli give recital
(Left to right) Chris Nhotsavang, Dwight Przybilla, Hollie Bursch, Ian Hendrickson, and Ally Endersbe sing their solos on April 17 in the Performing Arts Center.
Department of Music hosts Celebrations 2013 concert
Luke Pickman is the 2013 Concerto Competition Winner.
Joseph Dillon is the principal cellist in the orchestra.
The orchestra rehearses before the concert. The Celebrations 2013 concert took place in Stewart Hall, Ritsche Auditorium on April 20.
Page 16 - University Chronicle
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Pianist adds electronic elements to sound Andrew DeMars
Keith Kirchoff plays in Stewart Hall, Ritsche Auditorium on April 16.
Jeremiah Graves
For those of us fortunate enough to have the wonderful
Parks and Recreation
The Man From Nowhere
Being Human (U.K.) -
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
Since I took over in February, I’ve had a great time being the editor of this section. I’d like to thank our writers and photographers for submitting excellent content. Thanks for reading, and look for more from us this summer. Have a nice break,
Andrew Gnirk Marquee Editor
Sports & Fitness
Thursday, april 25, 2013
University Chronicle - Page 17
Husky Sports
Head coach Bob Motzko tells a story about Herb Brooks during the press conference that revealed the new name of the Herb Brooks National Hockey Center.
IT’S OFFICIAL: SCSU is home to the Herb Brooks National Hockey Center Mark Schrom SPORTS EDITOR
St. Cloud - SCSU President Earl H. Potter III, husky hockey head coach Bob Motzko, and Dan Brooks -- son of the late great Herb Brooks -- came together Wednesday afternoon to announce that the National Hockey and Event Center has been renamed to the Herb Brooks National Hockey Center. They say renaming the newly updated facility is appropriate considering the vision and the legacy of the late great former Husky head coach. Herb Brooks, who is most famous for leading the U.S.A. hockey team to the 1980 ‘Miracle on Ice’, spent one season as the Huskies’ head coach (1986-87), coaching the team to
Brooks then helped get state funding for the National Hockey and Event Center. “Without Herb Brooks, we as a university would not be where we are today,” Potter said. “Just as Herb Brooks saw Division I hockey as important to the state of Minnesota, St. Cloud State University sees this facility as important to Central Minnesota.” Upon coming to SCSU, Brooks worked with SCSU ofDivision I competition. When SCSU became a Division I school, universities such as Bemidji, Duluth, and Mankato all followed in SCSU’s footsteps. “I think it’s safe to say that Herb Brooks put college hockey on the map in Minnesota,” Motzko said. “He looked at the opportunity at St. Cloud, to turn that into a Division I hockey program, and he took it on 110 percent,” Dan Brooks said of his father. “He was his happiest when he was in St. Cloud.” wasn’t about the money for him. He was grass roots, build the game from the ground up.” Brooks died in an automobile accident in August of 2003. Also at the press conference was a video tribute to Brooks. Featured on the video was Dan Brooks, former head coach Craig Dahl, Motzko and Mike Brodzinski. Brodzinski was a senior captain on the 1986-87 team
and is the father of Jonny Brodzinski, who was a freshman forward on this season’s hockey team. Since entering Division I in 1986-1987, SCSU has been guided by former head coach [Craig] Dahl and current head coach [Bob] Motzko to nine NCAA tournament appearances. Potter also voiced that phase one of the $30 million renovation and expansion is expected to be complete by
mid-June. Phase one is a $14.7 million renovation. Potter also said its goal. The Herb Brooks National Hockey Center will feature a four-story atrium, expanded suites, club-level seating, and is planned to have full entertainment and concert capabilities. A campaign to fund remodeled locker rooms and a training area for men’s and women’s hockey is currently under way.
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Page 18 - University Chronicle
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Monday, April 25, 2013
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Sports & Fitness
Thursday, April 25, 2013
University Chronicle - Page 19
SCSU Golf: NSIC Tournament results Jeremiah Graves ASST. SPORTS EDITOR
After a dominating performance by the SCSU men’s golf team, the wait to take the NSIC title is over. It’s been 38 years since the Huskies have won the title; in 1975 it was the Northern Intercollegiate Conference. The men have come close in recent years, placing second in 2012 and 2009, and third place in 2010 and 2011.
after phase one, but haven’t been able to seal the deal in the
“We stressed all winter long at the importance of the conference tournament,” said SCSU golfer Gordy Diekman. “We worked out as a team all winter and prepared better than anyone else.” The Paradise Pointe Golf Complex (Outlaw Course) in Smithville, Mo. played host to twelve teams that made up the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference tournament. The Huskies owned this tournament, winning by 32 “We are a team of very committed and driven athletes,”
could’ve won as an individual.”
were played in the fall in Brainerd, at the Classic at Madden’s.
play in the second part of the tournament.
Tyler Koivisto, Charlie West, Gordy Diekman, Devin
a four round team total of 1236, the second place Minnesota
The Huskies pose with the trophies and prepare to go on live television with Fox9 news anchor Jeff Passolt.
Fans ‘Celebrate with the Huskies’ Mark Schrom SPORTS EDITOR
“It feel really good,”Koivisto said. “I put a lot of hard work in and it seemed to have paid off at the right time.”
total; Holmes tied for ninth with 316; and Hahne wrapped the tourney up with a 318. “I feel all of us struck the ball incredibly well and putting in the work over the winter helped an awful lot,” Diekman said. The team had battled awful conditions on Sunday, with treacherous 40 mph winds on a course they’d only played the day before. “I think the difference is that our team is full of grinders,” Koivisto said. “When the conditions get tough like they were for the fall and spring portion of the tournament we don’t give up.” “There were some holes where you’d get to the tee box and have a tough time standing up,” Holmes said. “Hard to hit a ball that’s wiggling on the tee.” In her 11 years at the helm, coach Larkin has seen her fair share of good golfers, but never has she had a team this close. “In the past we have had that have had a strong indi
golfers, some of the pressure is off now, knowing everyone is going to score.”
perform, it’s been positive and healthy and has helped them perform.”
should expect the Huskies to have great representation on the list. Next up for the Huskies is a tournament in Iowa for the NCAA. The 24th of April will be at Sauk Centre against Saint John’s. The regional call list will be released before the Saint
in it just to remain competitive. SCSU 307 317 299 313 1236 +84 Koivisto 79 76 77 75 307 +19 West 72 86 72 79 309 +21 Diekman 76 80 77 79 312 +24 Holmes 80 76 78 82 316 +28 Hahne 80 85 73 80 318 +30
1st 2nd t-3rd 7th t-9th t-13th
On April 17, Husky fans from all over the region piled into the National Hockey Center one last time this season to congratulate the Huskies on their historic season. new hockey facilites the Herb Brooks National Hockey Center, the doors were opened to the general public for the ‘Celebrate with the Huskies’ party. hats, and other souvenirs for members of the hockey team to sign after presentation. Former Husky hockey player and Fox9 News anchor Jeff Passolt emceed the event, even leading a live shot of the stadium along with an interview with Dan Brooks, the son of hockey coaching legend Herb Brooks. Fans also heard from university president Earl H. Pot ter III, athletic director Heather Weems, head coach Bob Motzko, and Brooks. Brooks showed a lot of gratitude and spoke highly of the University and the hockey program his father helped build from the ground up. “He would be honored to have his name on the front of this beautiful new building. He was at his happiest when he was in St. Cloud,” Brooks said of his father during his speech. Fans got to experience and share video highlights of the season with the faculty and the players as well. “I’m an SCSU alumni, class of ‘87. I remember when Herb Brooks came to this program and it was the biggest news this hockey program could’ve ever asked for. And now, after all these years, to see what he did is astonish ing,” said Amber Wallace, mother of two. “My kids were so ecstatic to come here today and meet all the players and get their autographs. I’m sure they would say they’ll be the coolest kids in school tomorrow.” After the ceremony concluded, fans made a long line extending partially around the stadium to get autographs from each one of the players. All players were in atten dance other than Drew LeBlanc and Ben Hanowski, who are pursuing careers in the NHL. “It’s a pretty special experience, without the fans this wouldn’t be even half as special,” said sophomore goalten der Ryan Faragher.
Fox’s Jeff Passolt interviews Dan Brooks.
Paradise Point Posse Course in Smithville, Mo., played host the 2013 women’s golf Northern Intercollegiate Confer ence Championship (NSIC). The Huskies placed eighth out
total of 1,437. “The course was tough, it was one of the harder courses we’ve played,” said head coach Judi Larkin. “In addition to that, the winds were blowing, in the second day the winds
Augustana College took the title with a total score of 1,279, and they were on top of the leaderboard most of the Sophomore Katie Kruchten led the way for the Huskies
ninth place. Kruchten played a consistent golf game shoot
Augustana by 25 strokes. “It’s obviously tough playing without any outdoor practice in advance,” Kruchten said. “Being mentally tough
Freshmen Brooke Taylor, Taylor Chase and Ashlee Lindeen placed 32nd, 35th and 37th out of 75 golfers. Taylor Finishing in 40th was junior Husky Alex DeBoer after “I think this was great learning experience for every
tournament for all of the individuals that participated in it this year.” SCSU 370 362 348 Kruchten 87 83 83 Taylor 93 100 88 Chase 93 91 96 Lindeen 97 96 89 DeBoer 102 92 88
357 143 +285 85 338 +50 88 369 +81 92 372 +84 92 374 +86 98 380 +92
8th t-9th t-32nd t-35th t-37th 40th
Augustana College took the No. 1 spot with a total of
strokes ahead of her teammate Maggie Leland (320). This win makes four straight championship titles for Augustana’s women. “We are really looking forward to next year with the young team that we have,” Kruchten said.
Jonny Brodzinski chats with a young fan while he has his cast signed by other SCSU hockey players.
Check out the Chronicle’s photos and coverage of the Earth Day Half Marathon
Sports & Fitness
University Chronicle - Page 20
monday, April 25, 2013
The Univerity Chronicle’s top moments By Mark Schrom & Jeremiah Graves
Saturday was a special evening for the #1 seed SCSU Huskies. Not only did they punch their ticket to the WCHA Final Five in St. Paul with a 5-1 win over Alaska-Anchorhistory in front of 3,663 at the National Hockey and Event Center in St. Cloud.
Award Winner, which was announced on Friday afternoon at the CONSOL Energy Center in Pittsburgh. -
Luke Weber is named diver of the year; NCAA DII national champion WEBER NAMED DII NATIONAL CHAMPION; DIVER OF THE YEAR STAFF REPORT, MARCH 17
Men’s basketball wins the NSIC north division HUSKIES SEIZE THE NSIC NORTH MARK SCHROM, FEBRUARY 17
Sports & Fitness
Thursday, April 25, 2013
University Chronicle - Page 21
during the 2012-2013 SCSU sports season All photos courtesy of the University Chronicle
SCSU (17-7, 13-7 NSIC) refused to let Northern State (15-9, 11-9 NSIC) spoil a night that belonged to the Huskies, as they defeated NSU 59-48 in what was probably the most important win of the season. Saturday was special for the Lady Huskies. Saturday night was “Senior Night” for the Husky basketball teams. A win on the night also gave them at least a share of the NSIC north division title. “I’m so proud of them, and we’ve made so many memories. It’s not even on the basketball games, it’s the fun stuff on the bus and the friendship’s we developed,” head coach Lori Fish said of her team after the game.
The SCSU Huskies beat the University of Minnesota Duluth Bulldogs 51-49 in a thriller in which Phillip Klaphake found Mike Walker with 3 seconds, who dove for the end zone to win the game. The game saw Huskies trailing for most of the game and coming back at the “I couldn’t believe it, my heart was racing I saw the fans coming I couldn’t breathe it was exciting.” said Husky running back Mike Walker. When asked whether he had ever been in
The Huskies ended their season on a high note with a four-game winning streak all in three sets, defeating Minot State (25-17, 25-17, 25-17) in their last NSIC match. In the beginning of the match, the Huskies were having some troubles with the Beavers’ serving because they would use a lot of top spin. “We had trouble with that in the beginning but Dani, Jordan, and Brianne were clutch later on in the match, getting big digs for us,” Blaeser said. It was evident that the Huskies were on a high after winning three matches in a row; they seemed loose right from the start. “They were really loose before the game,” Blaeser
After a dominating performance by the SCSU men’s golf team, the wait to take the NSIC title is over. It’s been 38 years since the Huskies have won the title; in 1975 it was the Northern Intercollegiate Conference. The men have come close in recent years, placing second in 2012 and 2009, and third place in 2010 and 2011.
“We stressed all winter long at the importance of the conference tournament,” said SCSU golfer Gordy Diekman. “We worked out as a team all winter and prepared better than anyone else.”
University Chronicle - Page 22
SCSU baseball keeps up the blistering pace
Sports & Fitness
monday, April 25, 2013
The Huskies baseball team took a split with Concordia - St. Paul on April 21, losing a close game one 4-2 and the getting revenge in game two 11-1.
of a two RBI single from Sean Borman, scoring Eric Loxtercamp
bunt by Garrett Fischer. Sean Borman continues his success at the plate, posting a .367 batting average on the year and leads the team in homeruns (2) and slugging percentage (.600). Garret Fischer is also tearing the cover off the ball, batting .462 in his 78 at bats and currently holds the highest on-base percentage for the Husky starters at .494.
aggressive,” Fischer said.”I know a lot of the pitchers and have faced them before. When I get my pitch I try and take advantage,
where Concordia took a 4-2 lead. Five hits and a passed ball with the bases loaded amounted to four runs or the Golden Bears. Those four runs would be enough to silence the Huskies’ bats as they went scoreless in the next two innings, eventually falling in game one 4-2. “I felt we deserved to win that one, but Concordia is a good team and they rallied,” Fischer said.”We scored early and our offense struggled to produce any more runs.” Scott Lieser had only given up two hits that made it out of
Reese Gregory, who went the remaining 1.2 innings giving up two hits and striking out two batters as well. Adam Kramer of Concordia – St. Paul got the win, giving up four hits and two runs through six innings, improving his record to 4-1 on the season. “Our starting pitching continued to be good, we just need to come through with a couple more hits to back them up,” said sophomore Karl Sorensen. Fischer grabbed two of the four Husky hits, with Loxtercamp with Borman each getting one apiece. Game two showed the true Huskies we all love, tearing Concordia apart 11-1 and scoring 6 runs in the ninth inning. “Once we start rolling, we have a very dangerous lineup,” Fischer said. Like game one, the Huskies struck quickly, scoring three
single to center followed by Fischer who also singled. They would eventually score on a ground rule double hit by Borman, who then scored on another ground rule double this time hit by Zach Hoffman.
grounded out to second. Concordia managed to scrape a run across in the bottom of the sixth inning on a throwing error by Borman from third base. SCSU went off in the ninth inning, posting six runs which got kick started by Fischer’s RBI triple to right center, scoring Travis Cariveau. Brian Hansen and Borman both followed up with RBI singles just one batter later. With some added walks, an error and a few unearned runs, the Huskies had more than enough insur-
“Our offense isn’t really clicking on all cylinders yet, but we’re getting closer and more guys are starting to heat up,” Fischer said. Starting on the bump for the Huskies was Kyle Fischer, who went six innings, giving up 5 hits, one unearned run and struck out seven, moving his record up to 8-1. Chris Kubitz was in relief for 1.1 innings giving up no hits,
eighth inning. Logan Spitzack shut Concordia down in the ninth, allowing just one hit, and striking out three. “With the way our pitching staff is dominating this year, they are going to keep every game close,” Fischer said. “If our offense can have more games like game two, we could make a deep run in the playoffs this year.” The Huskies record now improves to 23-5, and 11-1 in the NSIC, moving them up to third in the NCAA Division II ranks, which is the best in school history. Along with that impressive achievement, the Huskies also hold the lowest pitching staff ERA (1.57) in the NCAA Division II, topping the remaining 288 DII teams in the ranks.
Husky softball falls to Minot Jeremiah Graves ASST. SPORTS EDITOR
SCSU Husky softball was victim of a tough weekend dropping three games in their two double headers against Minot State and University of Mary. The Husky dome played host to NSIC competitor Minot State University on Saturday April 20, for a 3:00 and 5:00 doubleheader. In game one the Huskies had a hot start with senior Kelly Olson hitting her seventh homerun of the season just two SCSU hitters into the game. That solo homerun would give the Huskies
three times on two hits. The Huskies were down but not out as they stepped to the plate in the bottom of the seventh. Senior Husky Nicole Steinle stepped up and hit a bomb, tying the game at 3 runs apiece and sending the two teams into extra innings. Unfortunately the valiant effort by the Huskies wouldn’t be enough, as Minot State put up two more runs in the top of the 8th inning. Those two runs would hold up and put Minot over SCSU 3-5. Kelly Franks threw eight full innings, giving up just three hits 17-10. “Unfortunately we had some untimely walks that put some extra pressure on our defense,” said coach Paula U’Ren. “We had some key defensive plays and overall our defense is right where we want it to be this time of the year, as one of the best in the league.” In game two against Minot State, runs were abundant early inning. St. Cloud only grabbed one more run through the rest of the game, eventually falling to Minot 2-8. Kendra Merritt tossed all seven innings, walking three, giving on the year. “We don’t have anything to hang our heads about,” said U’Ren. “Minot was a quality opponent and we held our own.”
Read about Sunday’s games online!
This map illustrates the layout of the Beaver Island Trail just off of Clearwater road.
City council to expand Beaver Island Trail Staff Report The Beaver Islands Trail continues to expand. A resolution was submitted to the St. Cloud City Council on Feb. 25 titled “Resolution Ordering Beaver Island Trail Phase 4 Improvements”. The resolution stated the improvements to the trail as follows: 1- Installation of bituminous trail improvements connecting the existing Beaver Island Trail southern terminus located at 33rd Street South to River Bluffs Regional Park located at 38th Street South. 2- Construction of trail head parking facility. The resolution also stated these improvements as “necessary, cost-effective and feasible.” In a letter on Dec. 20, 2012 Courtland Nelson, director of Parks Trails Division wrote to Scott Zlotnick, director of Parks, City of St. Cloud, “I am pleased to inform you that your application to the 2012 Parks and Trails Legacy Grant has been selected for funding. A reimbursement grant in the amount of $580,000 plication.” The letter also stated that over $46.9 million had been requested from the Parks and Trails Legacy Grant, and $7.5 milNelson also wrote, “Thank you for helping to connect people and the outdoors by providing outstanding parks and trails in your community.” Here is a timeline of action taken from the St. Cloud city website:
January 03, 2006: The Park & Recreation Advisory Board approved a federal grant writing effort and provided a recommendation to move forward with this project. July 8, 2010: The Area Planning Organization Policy Board approved the Transportation Improvement Program containing the Beaver Island Trail Phase #4 project. July 7, 2011: The Park & Recreation Advisory Board approved the preferred trail alignment for the Beaver Island Trail Phase #4 project and provided the recommendation to the Mayor and City Council that the project move forward in the planning process to investigate the future trail right of way acquisition. August 9, 2011: The Planning Commission approved the preferred trail alignment for the Beaver Island Trail Phase #4 project and provided the recommendation to the Mayor and City Council that the project move forward in the planning process to investigate the future trail right of way acquisition. March 1, 2012: Project Memorandum approval granted through MnDOT for Federal Project SP 162-090-006 - Beaver Island Trail Phase #4 Improvements.
February 12, 2013: The Planning Commission provided an approval recommendation for this project.
December 21, 2009: Approved a resolution certifying public participation for a project to be submitted to the St. Cloud Area Planning Organization for FY 2014-2015 Federal Transportation Funding. December 21, 2009: Approved a resolution requesting funding assistance from the Federal Highway Administration under its Transportation Enhancement Program for the FY 20142015 to construct a bicycle/pedestrian trail from 33rd Street South to River Bluffs Regional Park. March 22, 2010: Approved a resolution agreeing to the St. Cloud Area Planning Organization’s local “Overmatch” for the Beaver Island Trail Phase #4 project. September 26, 2011: Conducted a public hearing and approved a resolution providing for the alignment for the Beaver Island Trail Phase #4 Improvements and authorized the acquisition of right-of-way and construction easements. January 30, 2012: Approved a resolution requesting funding assistance from the MNDNR under its Statewide Regional Trail Grant program to construct a bicycle/pedestrian trail from 33rd Street South to River Bluffs Regional Park. August 6, 2012: Approved a resolution accepting $200,000 in funding assistance from the MNDNR under the 2012 Statewide Regional Trail Grant program. January 28, 2013: Approved a resolution setting a public hearing for February 25, 2013, to consider the Beaver Island Trail Phase 4 Improvements. The project is slated to begin in late summer 2013.
A view of the Beaver Island Trail.
SCSU student to compete in World Dwarf Games Jeremiah Graves ASST. SPORTS EDITOR
SCSU student Colin Kraft will be competing in the World Dwarf Games on August 3-10, which is being held at Michigan State University. The World Dwarf Games are held every four years in countries around the globe, Dwarf Athletic Association of America. organization established in 1985 which creates equal and quality competition for dwarf athletes in the United States. The games include track and ming, table tennis, badminton, volleyball and soccer. “The DAAA gives us an opportunity to be apart of something and feel welcome, like one of the best athletes out there,” said Kraft. This will be Kraft’s fourth World Dwarf Games. He has competed since 2000 when the competition was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Since those games, Kraft has competed in Belfast, North Ireland and Toronto, Canada. “I have the privilege to compete in these games,” said Kraft. “At the end of the day it’s all about having fun, traveling and meeting new people like me.” To this day athletes from
36 countries have participated in the WDG, and the 2013 games will be the largest sporting event for athletes with U.S. with any type of dwarfism, regardless of talent, are welcomed to participate in the WDG as a part of team USA. Athletes do not need to qualify to compete, but registration by deadline is mandatory as well as funding their way to the Games. “Considering it’s a non-
makes money off of it,” said Kraft. “It takes a lot of fundraising to get there, support from friends and family means the world.” On top of all the previ-
Colin Kraft (right) poses with friends Tim Murray (left) and Bill Brogden (middle) at the 2009 World Dwarf Games.
hockey has been added to the competition. This suits Kraft, who is an active competitor in intramural hockey as well as being the Husky hockey programs Assistant Equipment Manager. “I’m really excited to see this implemented,” said Kraft. “I have a hockey mindset so I’m anxious to see where I’m at in this competition.” In past WDG Kraft has
sport, which I’m most competitive in is basketball.” Over 500 athletes from all over the globe are estimated to be competing in the WDG this year, all who have any of the
basketball. He has meddled in all of these events as well as others, and looking to improve on these already great achievements. “I’ve been working out
and shooting hoops a lot,” said Kraft. “I mostly look forward
is the most common type of 15,000-40,000 newborns. adult height of 5 feet 0 inches for people with disproportionate dysplasia. For a proportionate short stature due to medical reasons 4 feet 10 inches The age divisions include the Futures divisions for ages
6 and younger, Juniors 7-15, Open is for any age, and Masters for ages 35 and older. 1-2-3, which are based upon the athletes body proportions to assure their placed in the most competitive league for their abilities. The 2013 World Dwarf Games is the 20th anniversary place in the United States. Each country can now enter as many teams as they want, but only two teams per country nals. “Obviously there’s nothing better than representing your country on your chest,” said Kraft. “How many other people can say they’ve done that?”
Page 23 - University Chronicle
Monday, April 25, 2013
University Chronicle - Page 24
Sports & Fitness
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Column: A Chronnie’s take on the upcoming NFL Draft Kyle Ratke STAFF WRITER
1.) Kansas City Chiefs – Luke Joeckel, OT, Texas
11.) San Diego Chargers – Jonathan Cooper, G,
22.) St. Louis Rams –
if they
2.) Jacksonville Jaguars – Dion Jordan, DE/OLB,
3.) Oakland Raiders –
4.) Philadelphia Eagles –
12.) Miami Dolphins –
3.) New York Jets –
14.) Carolina Panthers –
23.) Minnesota Vikings –
24.) Indianapolis Colts –
25.) Minnesota Vikings – Manti Te’o, LB,
15.) New Orleans Saints – 26.) Green Bay Packers –
5.) Detroit Lions – 16.) St. Louis Rams – 6.) Cleveland Browns – Ezekiel Ansah, DE/OLB
7.) Arizona Cardinals –
17.) Pittsburgh Steelers – Jarvis Jones, DE/
8.) Buffalo Bills –
27.) Houston Texans –
28.) Denver Broncos –
the fact that they have such a great history of scouting the posi
29.) New England Patriots –
18.) Dallas Cowboys –
30.) Atlanta Falcons –
19.) New York Giants –
31.) San Francisco 49ers
9.) New York Jets – 20.) Chicago Bears – 32.) Baltimore Ravens – 10.) Tennessee Titans –
21.) Cincinnati Bengals –
NBA Column: Heat will repeat Kyle Ratke STAFF WRITER
Eastern Conference First-Round:
Heat in 5
Western Conference First Round:
Pacers in 5 they are better than the Clippers, Grizzlies or even Lakers for
Celtics will be playing with an extra chip on their shoulder, and
Western Conference Finals:
OKC in 5
NBA Finals: The Pacers are scrappy and Anthony doesn’t play defense, so been quoted saying that he doesn’t feel pressure heading into the
Eastern Conference Finals: