Principal Markus Stock delivers his installation address. Photograph by Sean Story.
The following is an edited version of the address given by Professor Markus Stock on the occasion of his installation as University College’s 17th principal on February 5, 2020. 6 UC ALUMNI MAGAZINE
WE OFTEN END BY GIVING THANKS to people around us, but I would like to begin by thanking Rory Sinclair, our piper, for the impressive introductory performance. The tune took me back to a time in my life that was both formative and without which I wouldn’t be here in Canada now: my year abroad at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. To this day, I remember the moment almost 30 years ago, when I stepped out of Waverley Station, looked at the stunning Castle Hill, and heard a bagpipe play, as I would often in the year ahead. For sure, this was cliché-laden and tourist-geared folklore, but who cares? I certainly didn’t care. I was happy, and thought: this city, mine, for a year!