…what happens now?
Congratulations on your offer… Look out… …for The Manchester Advantage which you will receive from us shortly. This tells you more about the University, the city of Manchester and gives you an insight from some of our current students. You’ll also soon start to receive the e-advantage, so keep an eye on your emails to make sure you get all you need to know about your application and studying at Manchester.
Any questions? If you have any general queries about The University of Manchester, please contact us on +44 (0)161 275 2077 or email admissions@manchester.ac.uk. If you have a question about your programme of study, you need to get in touch with your School – see www.manchester.ac.uk/schools for contact details.
You’ve been made an offer to study at The University of Manchester – congratulations! We’re delighted that you’re considering Manchester to be part of your future. Now that you hold an offer from us, we want to give you all the information you need to know over the coming months to let you know what happens at every stage until you arrive. So don’t worry – we’ll tell you what you need to do and when. We will send you e-newsletters and publications that will tell you about everything from accommodation and what Manchester has to offer, through to how to register. So that you know what to expect from us, the communications you will receive are detailed in the centre of this leaflet. In addition, you will also be sent some information from your Academic School at the University which will be more focused on your area of study. It’s important to understand that if you have not yet received the results needed to meet the conditions of your offer, then your offer is still conditional. You can find more information about this and the general terms and conditions of your offer in your offer letter.
Follow us: /AdmissionsUoM @admissionsuom
The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL United Kingdom Royal Charter Number RC000797 | DW3068.01.16
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Look out for‌
tel +44 (0)161 275 2077 | email admissions@manchester.ac.uk | web www.manchester.ac.uk 3068_SCM_offer_letter_flyer_EU.indd 2
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