There are five different investment pools in The University of Alabama Donor Advised Fund program. Each pool reflects an investment strategy designed to match the various time horizons and cash needs of a particular fund’s charitable objectives. As a Donor Advisor, you may recommend that your funds be invested in one of the following five investment pools:
Target investment mix
Money market
100% Money Market funds
70% fixed income funds/30% stock funds
45% fixed income funds/55% stock funds
30% fixed income funds/70% stock funds
Equity Index
100% in an Enhanced Market Fund that mirrors the S&P 500 Index
The University of Alabama Donor Advised Fund Trustees and their independent investment advisor, Regions Bank, have reviewed and approved each investment pool and the daily-valued mutual funds of which they are comprised. Each pool is reviewed to ensure that it meets performance and quality benchmarks over time. To learn more about the current quarterly investment performance of each pool and/or the underlying mutual funds that comprise them, please visit our Web site,, or telephone us at (205) 348-4767, or (888) 875-4438.
Your Donor Advised Fund may be invested in one of these investment pools. Please use the following guidelines and make your recommendations in terms of the degree of market risk (i.e. change in value) and a rate of return that is consistent with the amount and timing of your intentions for grant recommendations.
Recommended pool
Payout is soon, preservation of value is sought and need for return is low
Money Market
Payout is relatively soon, and risk and return sought is low-to-moderate
Payout, risk and return sought are all moderate
Payout is long-term, and risk and return sought are moderate to high
Payout is long-term, high return is sought and fluctuations in value can be tolerated
Equity Index
Important: Both determination of the investments of each Donor Advised Fund and the choice of the underlying investments of each pool are the responsibility of, and must be made by, the Trustees of the University of Alabama Donor Advised Funds. A Donor Advised Fund is not to be considered an investment by the advisor under federal or state securities laws. For more detailed information about our Donor Advised Fund and the investment pools, please consult the Handbook for Donor Advisors. If you have any questions, please call us.
Donor Advised Fund Box 870122 284 Rose Administration Bldg. Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 (205) 348-4767 888-875-4438 Fax: (205) 348-8871