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Fees and funding
Fees and costs
The fee you pay depends on several factors that are outlined here. Look online for more details and the latest information.
The tuition fees on this page are for students starting a university course for the first time in 2022–23. Fees for 2023–24 will be published on our website as soon as they are available. www.brighton.ac.uk/money

Tuition fees for UK students
You will pay fees for each year that you study with us. Fees are subject to an increase each year of no more than 5% or inflation (whichever is greater). Regulated fees will not increase more than the statutory maximum fee.
If you are eligible for a tuition fee loan, you will not need to pay tuition fees up front. See more information about the student loan for tuition fees below.
Check www.brighton.ac.uk/money for the most up-to-date information.
University of Brighton tuition fees 2022–23 UK students Fees per year
Undergraduate course £9,250
Placement year £1,370
Brighton and Sussex Medical School £9,250
Part-time students For most courses in this prospectus, charges for part-time students will depend on how many modules you study per year, and their credit value. For some courses the fee is a set amount. Government student loans may be available to part-time students. Fee information can be found at www.brighton.ac.uk/courses or contact our team at fees@brighton.ac.uk for specific advice.
All photographs taken before 2020
International students tuition fees table
For students starting their course in 2022–23 Fees per year Undergraduate Classroom-based From £13,842 Laboratory/studio-based From £15,462 Industrial placement year £2,120 Brighton and Sussex Medical School £39,150 The fees listed above here are for students starting their course in 2022.
International students tuition fees The fees that international students pay are determined by the type of course. Check the fee for your course at www.brighton.ac.uk/courses.
More information on international fees can be found at www.brighton.ac.uk/ money. Paying your fees if you are a fully self-funded student You are liable to pay tuition fees from the first day of your course following enrolment and there are a number of ways you can pay them, including in instalments. Find out more at www.brighton.ac.uk/howtopayfees.

University of Brighton funding
Depending on your circumstances you could be eligible for financial support from the university.
Bursaries can be money or other support, like discounts on university services. They do not need to be paid back when you finish your course. www.brighton.ac.uk/bursaries
Our Student Potential Fund helps students to make the most of their studies and student experience. There are a number of scholarships and funds that you can apply for, all created with donations from Brighton graduates and friends who care about their university and your success. www.brighton.ac.uk/ studentpotential Details of bursaries, scholarship and funds available in 2023 will be published on our website in 2022.
As a University of Brighton student, you will be eligible to apply for support with funding international study or work placements through the Turing Scheme government grant. www.brighton.ac.uk/turing
Help and advice from us
Our student advice service can provide personal financial advice, as well as information on money management. They can also advise on issues that might arise with student loan applications.
Visit www.brighton.ac.uk/money for the latest advice and further details on university fees and funding. And check our advice about living on a student budget. www.brighton.ac.uk/budgeting
What’s included in our tuition fee?
To help you budget, you’ll find information on what’s included, and any additional costs, on each course web page. www.brighton.ac.uk/courses
Government funding
Depending on your circumstances you could be eligible for financial support from the government or other organisations. The UK government’s funding package includes student loans for tuitions fees and living costs.
How do I apply for student funding?
The quickest and safest way to apply is online and it’s always important to apply early. Check the processing times for applications; if you haven’t heard anything back, phone your student funding body regularly for updates.
Students from the Channel Islands and Isle of Man
Island students pay fees at the same rate as UK students (except Brighton and Sussex Medical School). Contact the educational authority on your island for advice about financial help with tuition fees.
Student funding bodies
If you normally live in England Student Finance England www.gov.uk/student-finance 0300 100 0607
If you normally live in Scotland Student Awards Agency for Scotland www.saas.gov.uk 0300 555 0505
If you normally live in Wales Student Finance Wales www.studentfinancewales.co.uk 0300 200 4050
If you normally live in Northern Ireland Student Finance Northern Ireland www.studentfinanceni.co.uk 0300 100 0077