UCF Career Services - Career Guide

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UCF Career Services C A R E E R





























Contact Us CAREER SERVICES career.ucf.edu 407-823-2361 career@ucf.edu HOURS Monday - Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. During these hours, students and alumni are able to meet with career counselors (by appointment), access our comprehensive career library and attend workshops. To schedule an appointment, call 407-823-2361.

DROP-IN HOURS Monday - Friday, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. No appointment necessary. LOCATION Memory Mall in building 140 (Between the Psychology building and the FAIRWINDS Alumni Center)



INTRODUCTION TO CAREER SERVICES. . ..................................................... 4 HOW TO CHOOSE A MAJOR/CAREER. . ........................................................ 4 GAIN EXPERIENCE WHILE AT UCF................................................................ 7 HOW TO WRITE A RESUME. . ............................................................................ 8 Action Verbs............................................................................................................... 10 Sample Resumes...................................................................................................... 12 Sample Cover Letter............................................................................................... 16 Sample Reference Sheet....................................................................................... 17 JOB SEARCH STRATEGIES............................................................................... 18 Federal Jobs............................................................................................................... 19 Networking................................................................................................................. 20 Get the Most Out of Networking........................................................................ 20 Strategies for Networking with Faculty........................................................... 21 Social Networking — Another Option for Making Connections............. 21 Career Expos — Network with Employers...................................................... 22 Connect Your Experience — Demonstrate Your Value to Employers.. 23 On-Campus Recruiting........................................................................................... 23 PREPARE FOR THE INTERVIEW. . .................................................................... 24 Types of Interviews.................................................................................................. 24 Employer Practice Interview Program............................................................. 24 Interview Preparation............................................................................................. 25 Dress for the Interview........................................................................................... 25 During the Interview............................................................................................... 25 Behavioral-based Questions................................................................................ 25 Sample Interview Questions................................................................................ 26 Discriminatory and Illegal Questions................................................................ 26 Interview Follow-up................................................................................................. 26 Sample Thank You Letter...................................................................................... 27 WEIGH THE JOB OFFER. . .................................................................................. 2 8 Negotiate Salary and Benefits............................................................................ 28 FIRST YEAR ON THE JOB: HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL. . ........................... 2 9 Employee Resource Groups................................................................................. 30 VETERAN’S RESOURCES.................................................................................. 3 0 JOB RESOURCES FOR DIVERSE POPULATIONS....................................... 31 LGBTQ INTERNSHIPS AND JOB SEEKERS................................................... 3 2 STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES....................................................................... 3 4 STUDENTS SEEKING INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES.. ...................... 3 6 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AND THE JOB SEARCH.. ............................ 3 6 IS GRADUATE SCHOOL IN YOUR PLAN?.. .................................................... 37 CAREER SERVICES EVENTS.. ........................................................................... 39


Introduction to Career Services

Career Services will help you with information and resources to ensure that decisions you make today lead to job satisfaction tomorrow. A staff of career specialists will guide you through this planning process by assisting you with: • Identifying academic and career options

Exploring Self: Values, Interests, Personality and Skills To help you choose a major and career, it is important to know yourself, first. Look at the four puzzle pieces — your values, interests, personality and skills (VIPS) — and consider all four aspects when making a decision. Below are some questions to get you thinking about your VIPS.


• Gaining career-related experience

• What are your priorities?

• Developing resumes and interview skills

• What elements of your life do you want to remain in place for the future?

• Searching for full-time employment • Researching and applying to graduate or professional schools It is never too early to work on your professional development plan. The more time you invest in this process, the more likely you are to achieve your goals.

How to Choose a Major/Career STEP Model


Specify what you want • Explore interests, personality, skills, work and lifestyle values • Identify known or perceived barriers

Personality • What characteristics do you think describe you? • How would your friends describe you?

Interests • What do you enjoy doing? • How do you like to spend your time?

Skills • What do you excel in? • What things have you noticed that you are naturally more gifted in compared to your peers?

WORKSHOP. Your VIPS Pass: Exploring Major and Career Options. Attend this interactive workshop to learn more about exploring academic and career options related to your values, interests, personality and skills (visit our website for current dates).

• Recognize any potential ambivalence related to decision making Remember you are only looking for a place to start.


Track down information • Learn about career opportunities and majors by reviewing websites, such as myplan.com • Find out about occupations of interest: responsibilities, types of employers, salary, and supply and demand


Evaluate and decide • Evaluate options and consequences of options • Weigh pros and cons • Make a decision and begin moving forward


Plan next steps • Identify the first step of your career path • Set goals for obtaining your major or career • Develop plans necessary to achieve your goals • Test plan through volunteer work, part-time jobs, internships and/or job shadowing


RESOURCES What Can I Do With This Major? This resource includes a list of potential employers and strategies designed to maximize career opportunities. Access the Virtual Career Center section of the Explore Majors and Careers tab on the website. MyPlan. Take free assessments online to determine your values, interests, personality and skills. Access a database that includes extensive information on majors, colleges and careers.

Informational Interviews


If you want to know what a career is really like, ask someone already in the field. Informational interviews are a great way to talk to people about their field while getting the information you need to make the right career choice.

Externship/Job Shadowing. This program is held during the winter and spring breaks, and offers students the opportunity to shadow an employer in their professional area of interest. Apply early.

1. Select Individuals to Interview First, identify a few possible occupations — then look for people in those jobs. Ask professors, friends, family members or past coworkers if they know people in the field. You can also call professionals in the field. Most professionals are happy to talk to you about their jobs and will schedule an interview with you. 2. Research the Organization Knowing something about the companies will help you develop questions and show potential employers that you are interested in them and their organizations. 3. Develop Questions This is the most important step. Develop and write down open-ended questions. Think about what is important to you in a job. Get information about job tasks, working conditions and career preparation. 4. Demonstrate Professionalism • Dress appropriately. Dress the way the person you are interviewing would dress on an important work day. • Arrive early. Be on time, but no more than 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled interview time.

Mentoring Program. This program provides you with an opportunity to meet with professionals in various career fields and gain real-world perspectives. To access the list of professionals who have agreed to volunteer their time to meet with UCF students, register with KnightLink.

Orlando Business Journal/Book of Lists. This journal provides industry-specific employer lists for metropolitan cities across the nation that you can use to find individuals to interview. Access the online journal through myUCF. LinkedIn at linkedin.com. LinkedIn is an online professional networking site. You can use LinkedIn to connect with professionals in any field imaginable. You will create a profile much like an online resume. Search for people and send messages to individuals in your network. Consider joining groups to expand your network even further. Search for the “UCF alumni, faculty, staff and students” group to get you started.

CAREER COUNSELING. Meet with a Career Counselor to discuss major and career options. To arrange an appointment, visit the main office or call 407-823-2361.

• At the end of the interview, thank the interviewer for their time. A follow-up email or handwritten note also makes a great impression. Here are some sample questions to get you started: • What kinds of tasks do you do in a typical day or week?

• What do you like most about this job?

• What characteristics or qualities does a person in this job need to have?

• Do you usually work independently or as part of a team?

• Is your schedule flexible or set?

• What types of advancement opportunities are available in this career?

• What emerging trends do you see in this career field?

• How did you prepare for this career?

• What was your major? What are typical majors for this career?

• What type of entry-level jobs does the industry offer?



Gain Experience While at UCF

Do you want to start your career a step ahead? Workplace experience helps you gain the skills employers are seeking in new employees.

Students who had internship or co-op experience received an average salary offer nearly $7,000 more than their classmates who did not have these experiences. –National Association of Colleges and Employers KnightLink hrough the KnightLink database, students and alumni T can research information about employers, as well as upload resumes, apply for part-time and full-time job opportunities, and schedule on-campus interviews. Access this database on our website.

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e proactive and ask to participate B on committees or special projects Take initiative, ask questions and take advantage of mentoring opportunities

Develop the best possible relationship with your site supervisor Observe the organization’s culture, political climate, communication modes and dress code

5 6

Strive for perfect attendance and be punctual Send a formal letter of appreciation to your site supervisor for the opportunity

Lockheed Martin College Work Experience Program ockheed Martin College Work Experience Program L offers students an opportunity to gain professional work experience related to their academic discipline while maintaining full-time university enrollment. Lockheed Martin is a Fortune 500 company and one of the U.S. government’s largest defense contractors. For additional information or application guidelines, visit our website.

Office of Experiential Learning The Office of Experiential Learning (OEL) in Undergraduate Studies assists students to include major or career-related experience in their academic programs through co-op, internship, and service-learning courses. Each year, more than 20,000 UCF students benefit from participating in these applied learning courses and employers increasingly expect that students will gain this type of experience during their degree programs. Students can review open positions in the OEL online database and receive weekly advising, referral and instruction in experiential learning courses from OEL faculty. Drop-in hours are posted on the website and appointments are available, if necessary. For more information, come to CSEL 300, call 407-823-2667, or check the website at explearning.ucf.edu.

Other Options

ACCORDING TO A SURVEY conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), the top skills and behaviors employers seek include: • Communication skills • Honesty/Integrity • Interpersonal skills • Motivation/Initiative • Strong work ethic • Teamwork skills • Computer skills • Analytical skills

• Volunteer UCF

• Flexibility/Adaptability

• Study Abroad

• Attention to detail

• Student Clubs and Organizations • Undergraduate Research Whether the experience is paid or unpaid, short-term or long-term, it will be worth more than the money or the time you invest. Consider it a jump-start on your future.

• Organizational skills • Leadership skills • Self-confidence • Friendly/Outgoing personality • Tactfulness • Well-mannered/Polite • Creativity


How to Write a Resume Chronological Format

The chronological resume is time-oriented and lists employment experiences in reverse order, starting with your most recent job. This type of resume is typically preferred by employers and works well for students who have had several jobs and/or experiences showing advancement, increased responsibility and/or progression in their field of study. See page 12 for an example.

Functional Format The functional format can often be more helpful for individuals who change careers, have limited relevant experience or have gaps in their work history. This format focuses more on skills and knowledge and less on prior work experience or job progression. See page 13 for an example.

Federal Resume When applying for federal employment, a federal resume must be used. This format should be more detailed regarding skills, past duties and accomplishments. See page 14 for an example.

TIP: You may choose to write a combination resume, which encompasses chronological and functional format styles. For more information, contact Career Services or attend our resume workshops. TIP: Get your resume critiqued at Career Services during our drop-in hours from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday - Friday.





•U se standard fonts (Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial)

• Use 10–12 point type size

•P aper: White, beige or light gray quality bond paper — use the same color paper for your cover letter

•U se consistent formatting (italics, bold, underline, CAPS)

•U se action verbs to start each line (see following page for examples)



• Use one inch margins

• Keep to one page, no more than two


CORRECT • Check for spelling and grammar errors

WORKSHOPS. Access the calendar of scheduled workshops through the “events and workshops” link on the Career Services website. ONLINE WORKSHOPS. Access on the Career Services website. • Write Winning Resumes • Cover Letters and Thank You Letters • Write a Combination Resume

Emailing Your Resume It is acceptable to email your resume and cover letter to an employer; in fact, it is often preferred. • Convert your resume and cover letter to a PDF • Save your resume and cover letter documents using your name (WendyWorthResume.pdf) • Send the cover letter and resume as attachments — your email message should be a short introductory statement referring to your attachments

Online Applications Most online applications go through a keyword tracking system. When completing this form, it is important to use keywords and terminology specific to the employer or type of job to ensure that your application is considered. • Follow directions, being careful to enter the correct data in the proper fields • Complete all fields with detailed information, especially the “job tasks/responsibilities” sections, even though it may be on your resume; never include “See resume” on your application • Use the “comments” field to demonstrate you have researched the company or to provide additional information about specific qualifications or background • Proofread your application before submitting (run a spell check and grammar check, though they don’t catch all mistakes)

GET YOUR RESUME SEEN Employers may only spend 15-20 seconds scanning your resume. So your resume should be designed for readability.


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Target your education, experiences and skills at a specific employment objective or career goal; you may need to develop more than one version of your resume to apply for positions requiring different qualifications Prioritize the order of information to best support your employment objective; relevant information that is most important should be at the top of your resume or the beginning of a sub-category Carefully check grammar, spelling and punctuation to ensure the resume is error-free — spell check and grammar check will not catch all errors Use present tense for current activities and past tense for activities in which you are no longer involved Consider your resume an evolving document that needs to be updated as you develop new skills and experiences


BEGIN BULLETS ON A RESUME W I T H A VA R I E T Y O F A C T I O N V E R B S Management & Leadership Achieved Administered Analyzed Appointed Approved Assigned Attained Authorized Chaired Coached Considered Consolidated Consulted Contracted Controlled Converted Coordinated Decided Delegated Developed Directed Eliminated Emphasized Enforced Enhanced Established Evaluated Executed Exceeded Generated Handled Headed Hired Hosted Implemented Improved Incorporated Increased Initiated Inspected Inspired Instituted Led Managed Merged Motivated Negotiated


Organized Originated Overhauled Oversaw Pioneered Planned Presided Prioritized Produced Recommended Reconciled Reduced Reorganized Replaced Reported Resolved Restructured Reviewed Scheduled Selected Shaped Simplified Stimulated Streamlined Strengthened Succeeded Supervised Surpassed Transformed Unified Upgraded Vitalized Research Analyzed Applied Ascertained Assessed Audited Calculated Catalogued Charted Classified Collected Compared Compiled Completed Conducted Critiqued

Defined Detected Determined Diagnosed Discovered Dissected Eliminated Established Estimated Evaluated Examined Experimented Explained Explored Extracted Figured Formulated Gathered Identified Indexed Inspected Interpreted Investigated Judged Located Mapped Measured Modeled Observed Organized Researched Reviewed Searched Solved Studied Summarized Synthesized Systematized Tabulated Transcribed Technical Activated Adapted Adjusted Aligned Applied Assembled Built

Calculated Calibrated Computed Conserved Constructed Converted Created Debugged Designed Detailed Diagnosed Engineered Expanded Extracted Fabricated Fixed Formulated Guided Indexed Installed Integrated Invented Maintained Mapped Measured Navigated Operated Overhauled Painted Photographed Printed Processed Produced Programmed Rectified Regulated Remodeled Rendered Repaired Replaced Restructured Restored Shaped Sketched Solved Sorted Specialized Standardized Straightened

Strengthened Studied Surveyed Transformed Upgraded Utilized Teaching & Training Adapted Addressed Advised Applied Assisted Clarified Coached Communicated Conducted Coordinated Counseled Defined Delivered Demonstrated Developed Devised Dramatized Drove Edited Educated Effected Electrified Enabled Encouraged Examined Exhibited Entertained Evaluated Explained Facilitated Familiarized Focused Illustrated Increased Individualized Indoctrinated Informed Interpreted Introduced Instilled Instructed

Led Lectured Mentored Modeled Motivated Piloted Planned Reported Reviewed Scheduled Served Prepared Provided Recommended Referred Shaped Simplified Stimulated Summarized Taught Tested Trained Translated Tutored Finance & Data Adjusted Administered Analyzed Appraised Assessed Audited Budgeted Calculated Charted Collected Computed Conserved Consolidated Corrected Deferred Detailed Determined Developed Devised Diagnosed Dispensed Distributed Diverted

Drafted Established Estimated Evaluated Examined Figured Filed Forecasted Formulated Gathered Generated Governed Helped Identified Increased Indexed Maintained Managed Marketed Measured Modeled Planned Predicted Prepared Processed Projected Purchased Quoted Raised Reconciled Recorded Reduced Reported Restructured Reviewed Saved Sold Studied Tabulated Transferred Transmitted Helping Addressed Administered Adopted Advised Advocated Aided

Affirmed Aligned Alleviated Arbitrated Arranged Assisted Attended to Backed Cared for Clarified Coached Collaborated Comforted Consulted Contributed Cooperated Counseled Demonstrated Detailed Eased Educated Encouraged Ensured Expedited Facilitated Familiarized Furthered Guided Helped Improved Increased Indoctrinated Informed Instructed Insured Interpreted Introduced Joined Led Mediated Mentored Modeled Motivated Partnered Prevented Provided Referred Rehabilitated Serviced

Simplified Smoothed Supplied Supported Synthesized Teamed up Translated United Vitalized Volunteered Organization & Detail Administered Appraised Approved Arranged Audited Calculated Calibrated Catalogued Charted Classified Coded Compiled Completed Computed Controlled Coordinated Detailed Diagnosed Dissected Distributed Edited Eliminated Estimated Evaluated Examined Executed Figured Filed Filtered Gathered Generated Governed Identified Incorporated Indexed Inventoried

Investigated Logged Maintained Managed Monitored Obtained Operated Ordered Organized Planned Prepared Prescribed Processed Provided Reconciled Recorded Registered Reorganized Reported Reserved Researched Restructured Reviewed Revised Routed Scheduled Screened Set up Sorted Specified Standardized Straightened Streamlined Submitted Validated Verified


Chronological Resume JOSEPH J. JONES

355 E. Woodridge Road • Orlando, FL 32811 970 333 3333 • jjjones@aol.com _____________________________________________________________________________ OBJECTIVE Laboratory position in diagnostic microbiology or a related field EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Microbiology May 20XX Magna Cum Laude GPA 3.8 University of Central Florida • Orlando, FL Earned 75% of college expenses through work experience Relevant Lab Courses: Medical Microbiology Molecular Genetics Food Microbiology Microbiology Physiology Immunology Virology PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Microbiology Internship Jan 20XX-May 20XX Centers for Disease Control and Prevention • Orlando, FL • Characterized LaCrosse virus from mosquito field isolates to determine if genetic differences occur at various geographical locations • Extracted RNA from mosquito field isolates infected with LaCrosse virus • Performed RT/PCR on the isolated RNA • Purified complementary DNA products • Quantified DNA product using agarose gel electrophoresis • Analyzed sequence data using Seqman and EditSeq programs

Temporary Microbiology Position Aug 20XX & Apr 20XX Stewart Environmental Consultants • Orlando, FL • Conducted all microbiological water-quality testing • Sterilized laboratory media and equipment using autoclave • Performed total and fecal coliform counts, using membrane filtration and rapid assay techniques • Confirmed positive results by inoculating laurel tryptone broth and brilliant green broth • Reported results

OTHER EMPLOYMENT Part-time Sales Associate Target, Orlando, FL AWARDS AND HONORS Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society President’s Scholarship Mortar Board National Senior Honor Society Distinguished Scholars Award Golden Key National Honor Society Natural Sciences Alumni Award

Jun 20XX-Aug 20XX

RESUME COMPONENTS The following components of a resume are listed in the order suggested for new or recent college graduates. Resumes do not have to include all of these components. Heading • Begin with your name, address, email and a phone number where you can be reached • Make sure your voicemail and email are professional Objective • Write a clear and concise statement about the job title or type of position you are targeting (optional to include, but recommended) Summary of Qualifications • Provide a bulleted list with descriptions or overviews of relevant functional skill sets, including both hard and soft skills • Use keywords related to the field or industry. Consider incorporating related course work by providing descriptions of what you learned Education • List all colleges in reverse chronological order, beginning with the one you are presently attending • Include your degree, major and certification • Include your GPA if it is higher than 3.0 • Consider incorporating related course work by providing titles of courses you’ve taken


Functional Resume


Chronological Resume

Wendy Worth

Experience 54321 East 1st Street • Include related Orlando, FL 328170 employment (fulltime or part-time), 407-555-8355 wworth@aol.com internships (paid or PATTY PORTER 54321 East 1st Street • Orlando, FL 32817 unpaid), co-op, service OBJECTIVE position with a national marketing firm 407 555 8355 • pporter13@aol.com learning,Part-time volunteering, _____________________________________________________________________________ projects or academic EDUCATION of Central Florida Orlando, FL research,University work OBJECTIVE Position with a national accounting firm as a tax consultant Bachelor Science May 20XX experience abroadof Science in Political and capstone GPA: projects 3.26 EDUCATION University of Central Florida Orlando, FL

Earnedin75% of college expenses through work Bachelor of experience Science in Political Science • List employers GPA: 3.6 reverse chronological HONORSorder Florida Bright Futures Scholarship HONORS President’s List (4 semesters)

May 20XX

University of Central Florida’s Dean’s List (three semesters) Florida Bright Futures

• Create two sections if necessary:

Gold Key Scholarship

National Merit Scholar RELEVANT - - Speech Communication - Professional Selling 1. Professional/ COURSEWORK - Marketing Strategy - Marketing Analysis and Research PROFESSIONAL Management

Related Experience


2. Additional MARKETING Saks Fourth Avenue Experience

• Supervised, trained and selected the 15 tax auditors • Upgraded computer tax-related software that led to a 35% increase in sales Orlando, FL • Overhauled and restructured company’s budget that reduced Jun 20XX-Present shrinkage by 10%

Intern-Marketing Coordinator • Develop marketing concepts and campaigns for Spring 2010 clothing line Financeshoe line ADDITIONAL • Co-facilitate focus groups for upcoming • Charted company’s financial progress through various Excel COMPONENTS • Coordinate the store’s marketing goals and objectives spreadsheets and Access databases


• Analyzed performance of monthly billing reports and maintained accurate records of each report Apopka, FL • Verified performance of payroll on a bi-weekly basis

Optional — include those Travel Abroad, Inc. relevant to position Marketing/Sales • Professional affiliations

Jan 20XX-May 20XX • Advertised special events and promotions Organization • Honors and Prepared andeffective facilitatedtrips company workshops regarding • awards Researched travel opportunities to• create cost for international tours effective budgeting that led to a 15% decrease in office spending • Maintained database that included over 200 clients • Campus/community • Created and maintained database of all clients for quick reference service • Developed individual and group pricing strategies that boosted company profits by • Standardized polices and procedures for ethical accounting practice $50,000 in six months • Leadership experience • Volunteer experience Barefoot Shoe Sales • Military service Sales Associate


J.P. Morgan Accounting Firm Orlando, FL Financial Consultant May 20XX-Present

SunTrust Bank Accounting Manager merchandise questions

Orlando, FL Oct 20XX-Dec 20XX

Orlando, FL

May 20XX-April 20XX • Assisted customers with • Foreign language • Awarded bonus for highest monthly volume sales for November proficiency SKILLS Language • Fluent in Spanish and French, Intermediate German • Coordinated a team of five floor representatives Computer • Microsoft Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, working • Computer applications knowledge of Adobe Photoshop



CAMPUS Finance Club (20XX-Present) Language: Fluent in Spanish and English INVOLVEMENT Burnett Honors College (20XX-Present) Computer: Proficient in Microsoft Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, Excel, Access Golden Key Society (20XX-Present) Working knowledgeCampus of HTML and Java Activities Board (20XX-Present) COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER

Habitat for Humanity (20XX-Present) Ronald McDonald House (20XX-20XX) American Marketing Association, Recruitment Committee Fall Coalition for the Homeless (20XX-20XX) Harbor House (20XX-20XX) Rho Alpha Tau Sorority, Vice President

Meals on Wheels, Community Volunteer YMCA, Weekend Youth Director

20XX-Present Spring 20XX Fall 20XX Summer 20XX


Federal Resume IMA KNIGHT

111 President Drive • Washington, DC 20005 U.S. 202 200 2222 • imaknight@knights.com _____________________________________________________________________________

COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP: United States of America VETERANS’ PREFERENCE: No HIGHEST GRADE: GS-02-07, 06/20XX-08/20XX WORK EXPERIENCE DEPARTMENT OF STATE (EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS) 9/20XX – 8/20XX Washington, DC U.S. Grade Level: NA Public Affairs Assistant Hours per week: 20 Supervisor: John Smith (XXX-222-2222) Okay to contact this Supervisor: Yes • Supervised 10 contractors and ensured project was delivered on time and within budget • Contacted and pitched media for program publicity resulting in four newspaper articles and two interviews • Researched public affairs best practices in private sector and government, resulting in five adopted measures that improved agency performance • Facilitated biweekly team meetings and conducted monthly diversity training presentations for 20-30 internal staff members • Participated in team brainstorm sessions to analyze problems and improve efficiency DEPARTMENT OF STATE (EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS) 9/20XX – 8/20XX Washington, DC U.S. Grade Level: NA Intern Hours per week: 20 Supervisor: John Smith (XXX-222-2222) Okay to contact this Supervisor: Yes • Wrote 15 articles about foreign education initiatives in Bureau newsletter and press releases • Drafted 20 memoranda for the Undersecretary of State • Assembled budget information for use in Educational and Cultural Affairs internal materials • Assisted with administrative tasks, such as filing documents and organizing meeting logistics U.S. CONSULATE (DEPARTMENT OF STATE) 6/20XX – 8/20XX Madrid, Spain Grade Level: NA Political and Economic Section Intern Hours per week: 45 Supervisor: Jane Doe (XXX-111-1111) Okay to contact this Supervisor: Yes • Researched and wrote five regional economic and political briefs for U.S. • Ambassador’s Madrid consulate district visits • Compiled 10 briefs with 15 professionals in regional chambers of commerce, banks, nongovernmental organizations, and government offices to compile briefs enabling a shared understanding of material • Synthesized information from external research and interviews • Provided administrative support through sorting mail, filing documents, and answering multi-line phone • Utilized Spanish language skills and political and cultural knowledge in a variety of settings


Federal Resume Continued EDUCATION Marble House College 6/20XX Philadelphia, PA Semester Hours: 35 Bachelor of Arts in Economics GPA: 3.5 • Relevant Coursework: Macro Economics, Micro Economics, Statistics, Public Policy Process ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Skills • Grant-writing experience (awarded “Dream Catchers Award” by Community and Recreation Services, Delaware County Government, Dec. 20XX) • Regional expertise in Balkan, Post-Soviet, and Western European political issues (Including extensive regional travel) • Proficient in Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) Class Projects Western European Economy: Then and Now April 20XX • Completed a 75-page capstone paper including in-depth economic analysis of past and present financial concerns of Western Europe • Conducted research on historical implications of changes in economic wealth in Western Europe • Presented research in a 20-slide PowerPoint to 50 students and 10 staff in the economics department Leadership and Service Roles: Tri-College Institute, Diversity Workshop Facilitator Oct 20XX-May 20XX • Developed 12 forums for dialogue among diverse student groups • Built five partnerships among student groups through cultural programming Marble House Business Society, President Sept. 20XX-May 20XX • Recruited four executive committee members, planned meetings • Managed a membership base of 40+ students • Organized club involvement in business-related workshops/events Tucker Recreation Association, Basketball Coach Nov. 20XX-Feb. 20XX • Taught 10-year-old boys the fundamentals of basketball, sports ethics, and mental focus • Coordinated travel logistics for away competitions

FEDERAL RESUME TIPS What are the differences between a federal and a private-industry resume? • Federal resumes include citizenship, veterans’ preference, social security number, supervisors, hours and salaries • Longer than a private industry resume (can be up to 3-5 pages) • Federal resumes rely heavily on keywords to convey experience — use the language of the job description • Federal resumes are typically in chronological, traditional format


Sample Cover Letter 321 Graduation Way Orlando, FL 32817

April 15, 20XX

Ms. Connie Leinbach Employment Manager Electronic Media, Inc. 2287 Peach Avenue Atlanta, GA 30821

Dear Ms. Leinbach: I am forwarding my resume in response to your April 14 advertisement in the Atlanta Journal & Constitution for a Human Resources Specialist. My interest in a position with Electronic Media, Inc. stems from your reputation in innovative training and development programs. In addition to having a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Organizational Psychology, I focused on course work relevant to industrial and labor relations, along with mediation and conflict resolution. I also completed an internship with the Human Resources Department of ABC Enterprises, where I was able to implement a successful mentoring program that is still in place today. The mentoring project gave me an opportunity to work with a growing staff of emerging and seasoned professionals. This initiative resulted in a successful match for 100 percent of interested participants. Additionally, I assisted with a company-wide review and edit of position descriptions for all technical and support staff to improve hiring and retention. Since this position would require working with many department managers within Electronic Media, Inc., I would also like to stress my ability to work effectively with a team. My interpersonal communication skills, time-management skills, and enthusiasm have consistently contributed to my success with team projects. I would be pleased to have the opportunity to discuss my qualifications relevant to your hiring needs during a personal interview. I can be reached at ursula.smith@email.com or at 407-555-1212. Thank you for your consideration. I hope to hear from you in the near future. Sincerely,

Ursula C. Smith

3 PARTS OF A COVER LETTER 1. Introduction: Why are you contacting this person? How did you learn about the job? Who are you? What do you know about their organization? Do some research. 2. Body: How can you benefit them? Tell how you are an ideal match for the job. Expand on relevant education, skills and experience to offer additional details not found on your resume. 3. Conclusion: Focus on the next step: the interview. Thank the readers for their time and consideration. Request an interview to further discuss your qualifications.


Sample Reference Sheet WENDY WORTH

54321 East 1st Street • Orlando, FL 32817 407-555-8355 • wworth@aol.com _____________________________________________________________________________ REFERENCES Dr. Robert Jones Chair, Biology Department University of Central Florida 4000 Central Florida Blvd. Orlando, FL 32816 (407) 555-0000 rjones@ucf.edu Ms. Louise Parker Research Coordinator Centers for Disease Control & Prevention 101 Peachtree Center Atlanta, GA 30001 (404) 555-1111 louparker@cdcp.gov Dr. Jonathan Hopkins National President American Society for Microbiology 1000 DuPont Circle Washington, DC 58221 (202) 555-2222 drjohn@asm.org

REFERENCES TIPS References are always separate from the resume. If employers request references, they should be added as an attachment to the resume. A reference list should include the following information: • Heading (same as the resume) • Full name of reference (include Mr., Ms., or Dr.) • Title or position • Name and address of business/organization • Phone number • Email address Generally, employers expect three to five professional references. •R eferences may include former employers, internship supervisors, faculty members, or anyone else who would have direct knowledge of your professional skills and qualifications • Obtain permission and provide references with a copy of your resume and a summary of the position(s) you are targeting • Ensure reference contact information is current


Job Search Strategies

Start early, be realistic, and persevere. Start the job search process early. The sooner you begin, the greater your chance of having a job upon graduation. Peak campus recruiting periods for spring graduates begin the fall prior to graduation. Looking for a job is a full-time job, so be prepared to commit enough time to this process. Plan your time well and keep organized records of your contacts and employer research.

Don’t give up. Although you will receive rejections to your applications, don’t take them personally. Realize you may get a lot of “nos,” but you only need one “yes.” Visit the Career Services website for more job search websites and other resources.





CAREER EXPOS/FAIRS Attend career expos and fairs sponsored by Career Services, academic colleges and other community groups

Opportunity to meet with a number of recruiters in person and in one location; build networking contacts

Not all fields and areas of study are equally represented; students with very specific career goals may benefit from seeking field-specific or geographically specific fairs

Plan ahead and research companies attending; follow up to learn about opportunities in your area of interest; bring resumes and dress in appropriate business attire

KNIGHTLINK Update your personal and academic information, upload your resume(s) and cover letter(s), search for job postings, find details on employer recruiting activities

Access to a wide variety of jobs posted by employers; job listings are for UCF students and alumni only

Not all fields and areas of study are equally represented

Check postings regularly as they come in daily, or set up a job search agent so postings that match your criteria are emailed to you automatically

NETWORKING Talk to everyone you know to develop a list of contacts; ask these contacts for information on jobs/companies, and circulate your resume with them

Identify potential job opportunities and learn more about a position, company or industry

Takes time and effort to build your network; requires skill in organizing contacts and following through on recommendations received

Join networking programs: KnightLink, LinkedIn groups and college/department contacts

Learn more about the inner workings of a company and potential career opportunities

Requires flexibility in your schedule to attend with the dates and times offered

Check the UCF Career Services calendar frequently for added sessions

Allows you to be more proactive and take charge of your search, instead of waiting for companies to post positions

Requires investment of time to search and tailor your resume/ cover letter to the organization and the position

Use online resources on our website, Orlando Business Journal (access in myUCF), and employer websites

May help you identify types of positions available

Overwhelming number of sites and positions to sift through; may not receive responses

Check listing of recommended sites in this guide and use online resources on our website

A source of networking information and career opportunities; build contacts with individuals who share your professional interests

Entry-level positions may be limited; may need to belong to association to access job postings

Ask faculty to suggest professional associations to research, and research specific professional associations online

Helpful in identifying employment opportunities; some agencies offer temporary assignments and temporary-to-permanent assignments

May have fees associated with the employment services (legitimate agencies will charge employers, not candidates)

Research each agency before signing a contract; talk to others who have used employment agencies

EMPLOYER INFORMATION SESSION Attend sessions hosted by a variety of employers at Career Services to discuss their organizations TARGETED SEARCH Identify the types of organizations you would like to work for, develop a targeted list, research the companies, and apply directly through their websites JOB SEARCH ENGINES Scan job openings on various job search websites; most sites allow you to identify a career field and geographic location PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Research professional associations related to your career interests, as most provide a “career opportunities” section on their websites EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Inquire whether these agencies offer opportunities in your career areas


Federal Jobs

COLLEGE COUNSELORS’ TOP TIPS FOR STUDENTS APPLYING FOR FEDERAL JOBS Article reprinted with permission. Baltimore, MD. (PR Web) April 24, 2014

Many students and new grads are interested in federal employment. About one-fourth of U.S. college students list government as one of their top three targeted employers, according to the 2013 Student Survey. Yet just 8.5 percent of all federal workers are younger than 30. In a recent Washington Post article, Tom Fox of the Partnership for Public Service wrote that a crucial strategy for bringing more young people in is strengthening their understanding of the fed’s application process. However, as the article noted, they need to be better informed about how to apply. The Resume Place, publisher of the Student’s Federal Career Guide, 3rd Edition, and a certifying trainer on the federal hiring process, recently interviewed career counselors at two colleges. Tamara Golden at the University of California, San Diego and Emily Gomez, M.S. at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill shared tips for getting the inside edge in the federal job market. The counselors emphasized learning how to write the longer, more detailed federal resume and offered other important tips.

repeatedly being designated ‘best qualified,’ but never getting an interview,” says Golden. “The student had been using a one-page resume, which is a big no-no.” She told him to change to a multipage resume at the least and also steered him to using USAJOBS’ online resume builder. Many USAJOBS announcements even require applicants to utilize the resume builder option only. Draw on your student experiences to demonstrate your skills and knowledge. Academic activities can play an important role in showing that you have what fed HR wants. Class projects, presentations, papers and other academic accomplishments can be highlighted on your resume, along with internships and community activities. Golden has her applicants include this info in the work section of the resume builder. The Student’s Federal Career Guide includes eight sample resumes showing how college classwork and accomplishments can be addressed. Play the card you hold in terms of veteran’s preference. Vets get preferential scoring for their applications for many positions. If that’s you, make sure you supply all the needed paperwork. One exception to vet’s preference is for scientific and professional positions at the GS-9 level or higher. The Student’s Guide includes a helpful chart that lists these exempt positions. Golden has found these exemptions to be helpful for her non-vet students’ applications.

Learn how to cast a wider net on www.usajobs.gov (the U.S. government’s official job site).

Start to prepare your federal resume now — before you need it.

Both Gomez and Golden agree that many students make the mistake of searching for openings on USAJOBS by the limited number of federal agencies they know. “They don’t realize that there are a lot of similar positions and similar agencies,” says Gomez. Instead, the counselors recommend searching by “occupational series.” The Student’s Federal Career Guide walks you through determining which occupational series would fit you best. “By searching by occupational series, you can find those hidden gems,” advises Golden.

More and more often, fed job announcements only allow a limited amount of time to apply. Gomez says it would be difficult to create an outstanding federal resume if you only have a week before the deadline. “Start to build that fed resume today,” she advises, “and then you’ll just have to make minimal changes based on the specific requirements.”

Be sure you’re actually qualified before applying. “The vacancy announcements will literally describe who will be eligible to apply,” observes Golden. And the Student’s Federal Career Guide explains how to understand the complicated announcements, adding that they must be looked at carefully. Golden recommends that you also spend time reviewing the “Occupational Questionnaire” linked to the announcement. If you can’t score yourself at the highest level across most skill areas, then you won’t be qualified, she says. Avoid “status” positions only open to current or recent federal employees. And students interested in “Recent Graduate” positions need to note how close to graduation they need to be to apply. Know that federal resumes are longer, and different, than private-industry resumes. You can’t just attach a private-industry resume if you want to land a government position. Fed resumes must be longer (3 to 5 pages) and more detailed. “Just this afternoon, one of my students expressed frustration at

Gomez agrees that many times students have no idea what it entails to apply for a federal position when working on their own. “The federal government is not going to hire you because you’re a college student or new grad,” she points out. “They want to see that you’ve done what’s required as described in the job description. That’s why your resume needs to be so thorough.” The new Student’s Federal Career Guide, 3rd edition, by Kathryn Troutman and Paul Binkley, EdD, was just selected as a finalist in Career for the Book of the Year Awards! This informative 178-page guide is available in paperback, Kindle and PDF, and it’s sold at The Resume Place website and Amazon.com. Online Resources: usajobs.gov/ gogovernment.org/ tenstepsforstudents.org/

TIP: See Federal resume example on page 14



Article adapted from the University of West Florida Career Development Guide, 2013-2014, with permission.

Your ability to create and foster relationships may be your most powerful job-search strategy. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 80 percent of the time, individuals find their careers through networking. Networking can be done anytime, anywhere — at a coffee shop, through online social networking, at a job fair, or in a social setting. The most important first step in networking is to smile and be friendly. You never know with whom you might strike up an important conversation.

Get the Most Out of Networking Know what you want. Knowing what you want can help you identify new people who you should meet — people who have applied their skills and goals to their careers. Also, be specific about your career goals. Be assertive. Treat it like a political campaign and do not be afraid to promote yourself. Use your time with new people wisely. You need to give the impression that you’re confident. Don’t ask for jobs. Imagine calling an individual to ask if he/she has any jobs available. It may force the other person to say no to you. Instead, ask for advice, and people will be more likely to be generous with their time. Pack your marketing material. An up-to-date resume and networking or business cards with your contact information are great to keep with you and will make it easy to give people access to your information. Follow


up after meeting someone by making a call or sending an email telling the person how much you enjoyed your discussion, and never forget to say, “Thank you.” Don’t forget your current network. Your current network is comprised of family members, friends, teachers, coaches, pastors and community members that can be great resources — both as advocates and advisors. Use social media as a networking tool. Social media is a great tool to begin your professional networking. Once you have connected with someone through social media, try to connect face-to-face. Employers are actively utilizing social media to recruit and hire; therefore social media is an essential networking tool.

WORKSHOPS. Access the calendar of scheduled workshops through the “events and workshops” link on the Career Services website. • Networking Strategies • Social Networking Strategies • Preparing for Career Expos ORLANDO BUSINESS JOURNAL BOOK OF LISTS. Provides local business news and industry-specific employer lists for metropolitan cities across the country. Access the online journal through myUCF.

Strategies for Networking With Faculty • Visit regularly during the semester (appointments or scheduled office hours) • Attend departmental events and socials • Volunteer or apply to work on research projects with faculty • Ask faculty to review or provide feedback on your relevant projects

• Volunteer to serve on a departmental or university committee

Social Networking — Another Option for Making Connections Social networking can be used to locate and connect with people from a variety of different fields and occupations. This can be helpful in arranging informational interviews or researching job opportunities within a company. Do not underestimate the importance of using social networking. Always be professional when networking, whether it is in person or online.

TIP: Promote, don’t demote! When you post a status update or a picture on Facebook or Twitter, you are sending it out into the world. Be sure you are sending the image of yourself you want to display.

Open and Hidden Job Markets GENERAL PUBLIC


DECISION MAKER Job seeker directly known to decision maker

Job seeker indirectly known to decision maker

Job seeker unknown to decision maker

Open Job Market: Includes positions announced to the general public. Hidden Job Market: Includes positions that may not be announced to the general public.

RESOURCES LinkedIn at linkedin.com Linkedin is an online professional networking site. You can use LinkedIn to connect with professionals in any field imaginable. You will create a profile much like an online resume. Search for people and send messages to individuals in your network. Consider joining groups to expand your network even further. Search for the “UCF alumni, faculty, staff and students” group to get started. KnightLink Mentor Database at career.ucf.edu • The mentor database in KnightLink includes professionals in a variety of fields who have all agreed to be mentors to UCF students and alumni. • This is a great opportunity to network with someone in your major/career field. • Access the KnightLink Mentor Database under the “Networking” tab. • Click on the individual’s name that you would like to speak with to view their email address.


Career Expos — Network with Employers Career Services offers three career expos each year to give students the opportunity to meet with large numbers of potential employers. These campuswide expos are attended by companies and organizations representing broad areas of business, industry, government and nonprofit.

How to Make the Career Expo Work for You Before the Expo:

ppAttend workshops and events sponsored by Career Services that are focused on resume writing, interviewing and preparing for the expo ppDevelop a professional resume targeting the types of employment you are seeking — this may require several versions of your resume with different career objectives ppRegister with KnightLink and upload your resume — many of the employers use this system for scheduling interviews ppEmployers expect you to take the time to learn about what they do and the types of positions they offer, so research companies of interest ppHave a business suit or professional clothing ready for the day of the expo — business or professional attire is required to participate in these events (refer to page 25 for examples) ppPrepare a one-minute infomercial about your employment goals and qualifications During the Expo: ppArrive early. If you come during the last 30 minutes of the expo, you will limit your number of contacts ppStart with the employers you are most interested in meeting (If you are apprehensive about introductions and want to practice, start with an employer that is not your top choice) ppAs you stand in line, respect others’ privacy as they complete their conversations ppPresent a confident, professional image when approaching employers — establish eye contact, smile, present a firm handshake and introduce yourself using your one-minute infomercial ppAsk questions to show interest ppCollect business cards and literature from companies that interest you

QUESTIONS TO ASK EMPLOYERS: •W hat opportunities exist with your company for someone with my major and experience? •W hat are typical career paths for new employees in your organization? • What qualities do you look for in a candidate?

TIP: Ask specific questions that show your research on the company.

WHEN YOU WALK UP TO AN EMPLOYER’S INFO TABLE Develop a one-minute infomercial to help organize your thoughts and start a conversation. Prepare, but don’t sound rehearsed. Speak naturally. The better prepared you are, the more confident you will be. The infomercial should include: • Self-introduction • Brief summary of your academic program • Related experience and skills • Employment goal •R easons you are interested in this company or organization Infomercial Example: “I’ll be receiving my B.S. in Hospitality Management in May from the University of Central Florida, and I‘ve been working in the services industry for more than eight years, including hotels, private clubs and restaurants. This past summer, I worked as a concierge for the Ritz–Carlton Grand Lakes, which has been named best in brand for service in the U.S. I’m currently seeking a front-desk manager position in the Orlando area with a full-service hotel, where I can contribute my service and managerial skills.”

ppTake a few moments after each meeting to jot down notes about the company and positions After the Expo: ppSend a follow-up note or email to the employers you spoke with to thank them for their time and information. Tailor your thank you note to the conversation you had with the employer. ppFollow up with potential employers by completing applications and/or checking for on-campus interview options through KnightLink


TIP: Some employers may not be actively recruiting at the expo or may direct you to apply online. Keep in mind that the expo is an excellent place to network with and meet employers.

Glenn Hubbard, American economist and former chairman of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisers, networks with students after his presentation at UCF.

Connect Your Experience — Demonstrate Your Value to Employers

On-campus Recruiting Employer Information Sessions

Employers frequently conduct information sessions to inform students about employment opportunities within their organizations. Company information sessions are advertised on the Career Services website, KnightLink, and via emails.

Employers want to know how you can add value to their organization. When job searching, determine how your background overlaps the needs of the employer. How do your education, skills and experiences relate to your ability to perform this job? These skills and traits can be acquired through classes, jobs, volunteering, internships, cooperative education and involvement with student organizations, study-abroad programs and more.

Do you have any of these transferable skills?

Active participation in information sessions is an effective strategy to become noticed by employer representatives. These sessions help students better understand an organization and its culture. Additionally, information sessions are an excellent way to network and make connections with company representatives. Professional attire is encouraged.

• Writing

• Supervising

• Foreign language

• Planning

• Project management

• Coordinating • Decision-making • Interpreting data • Researching • Teaching/Training • Managing conflict • Delegating • Public speaking • Negotiating • Budgeting

• Proofreading/ Editing

Employer On-campus Interviews

• Goal setting

Students are encouraged to take advantage of interviews with leading employers who recruit at UCF.

• Marketing

• Use KnightLink to seek interviews and register

• Managing

•R eview applications and procedures before picking a date and time

• Problem solving

• I f cancelling, you must provide two business days’ notice

• Multi-tasking • Crisis management • Scheduling

Missing an interview without notification will result in suspension of access to KnightLink. Need help signing up? Call Career Services at 407-823-2361.

• Designing

Types of Employer On-campus Interviews

• Technology

WORKSHOPS. Access the calendar of scheduled workshops through the “events and workshops” link on the Career Services website. •S ocial Networking Strategies • Job-Search Strategies ONLINE WORKSHOPS. Access through the Career Services website. • Conduct Career Research

1. Open: Any student meeting the employers’ criteria can sign up for interviews

2. Pre-Select: Students who meet qualifying criteria may submit resumes for consideration via KnightLink. Employers then pre-approve the candidates they would like to interview 3. Reservation Only: Employers manage their own interview schedules, frequently identifying interview candidates at Career Expos, company information sessions, and from the KnightLink Resume Book (under privacy settings)

• Strategize for the Job Search


Prepare for the Interview

The interview provides the opportunity for face-toface communication and interaction to determine the fit between the job candidate and the position requirements.

WORKSHOPS. Access the calendar of scheduled workshops through the “events and workshops” link on the Career Services website. • Successful Interviewing • Employer Practice Interview Program ONLINE WORKSHOPS. Access through the Career Services website. • Interview Workshops

Types of Interviews Screening Interview

This interview is used to verify the candidate’s qualifications for the position and to establish a preliminary impression of the candidate’s attitude, interest and degree of professionalism. At this stage, the goal is to select candidates to meet with the decision-maker. Employers are increasingly searching for ways to save time and money. Telephone or Skype screening interviews are becoming a common practice. Telephone Interview Tips Before the Interview: • Approach this process as if you were in a face-toface interview • Arrange to interview in a quiet place where there are no distractions (roommates, pets, etc.) • When setting up the interview, learn as much as possible about the interview format and interviewers to better prepare • At a desk or table, have a notepad, pen and support material available (resume, company research notes, prepared questions, etc.) During the Interview: • When interviewers are introduced, write their names down to use when responding to questions and sending thank you notes • Write down key words or phrases to ensure that you answer all parts of each question • Think about the question and your response before answering — if you need to process your thoughts for a few moments, let the committee know that you are thinking about the question to effectively deal with the brief silence


•A nswer questions fully, but do not ramble — if the interviewers are silent after your response, you may have to signal you are finished — don’t allow their silence to unnecessarily extend your answer •B e especially attentive to voice quality — speak loudly since you may be on a speaker phone, convey confidence and communicate enthusiasm •T hank the interviewers for their time during the closing of the interview

Selection Interview

Conducted by the decision-maker, the purpose of this interview is to explore the candidate’s qualifications and to access the comfort level with which the candidate might establish working relationships. Your ability to connect with the employer and present yourself as the right person for the position is critical. There may be numerous interviews at this stage. As the number of candidates is reduced, you may be invited back to speak with the same person and/or with other managers or members of the work group. Even if there is only one decision-maker, the opinions of the others will be sought and will probably have an effect on the outcome. When you are invited to interview with a number of people, it is important that you present yourself effectively to each one of them. Remember, they will be evaluating your skills along with your ability to fit in with the organization.

Employer Practice Interview Program This program provides UCF students with an opportunity to practice their interview skills and receive direct feedback from our employer partners. The practice interviews are 30 minutes in length, and 10 minutes will be dedicated to feedback. Professional dress is required. Sign up at KnightLink. Students participating in Career Services coordinated practice interviews will learn about: • Pre-interview preparation • Suitable attire • Appropriate interview materials • Communicating skills, knowledge and experiences • The question-and-answer process • Interview follow-up

Interview Preparation

During the Interview

It is not easy to articulate your strong points to an interviewer if you cannot articulate them to yourself. Be sure you can discuss your related skills, training, experience, education and career goals. A common reason employers reject applicants is their inability to convey strengths and how they can add value to the organization.

•A rrive at least 15 minutes early to park and locate your check-in area, as well as to allow time to relax before the interview

TIP: List your strongest skills with examples of how you have demonstrated each of them. Be prepared to share details of the experiences during which you used those skills.

•R emember: the moment you arrive on site, you are being evaluated

Do Your Research Thoroughly research each employer with whom you have an interview to familiarize yourself with product lines, services offered and growth prospects. Possible Research Resources Include: • Company websites — most organizations have a wealth of information about their history, structure, locations, products or services available on their websites • Career Insider (access on the Career Services website) • CareerShift (access on the Career Services website) • Career Services Employer Information Sessions

•L earn the interviewer’s name in advance and greet the interviewer by name with a firm handshake. If you have sweaty palms, you should subtly wipe them prior to shaking hands

•B e aware that you are being evaluated on your communication and interpersonal skills •M ake sure you have a clear understanding of the position and the company; if not, ask clarifying questions •S tructure your answers to be specific, concrete and detailed when discussing your qualifications • Be yourself — let the interviewer get to know you •C onsider offering examples of your work (e.g., a portfolio) that will demonstrate your accomplishments •B e prepared to leave copies of your resume, transcripts and reference letters

• Personal contacts and networks

Behavioral-based Questions

• Magazines and newspapers (Orlando Business Journal — access online through myUCF, Bloomberg Businessweek, Fortune, Forbes, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal)

Most employers use behavioral-based questions on the premise that the most accurate predictor of future performance is based on past performance in a similar situation. Behavioral-based questions provide employers with more objective information about a candidate than any other type of question.

Dress for the Interview It is important that you wear professional business attire, unless you are specifically instructed otherwise (such as an environmental studies position where you may interview in the field). What to Wear FOR WOMEN

Sample Question: Describe a time when you “went the extra mile” to help a customer. The STAR technique offers a three-step process for answering behavioral-based questions: 1. Situation or Task: Describe a challenge you faced similar to the example posed by the interviewer

Conservative suit

2. Action: Explain the actions you took to resolve the situation

Light-colored blouse (avoid lace, ruffles and shiny fabrics)

3. Result: Detail the benefit or positive outcome that came from your initiatives

Closed-toe shoes Subtle jewelry and makeup Simple hairstyle

FOR MEN Dark-colored suit Light-colored dress shirt Conservative tie Polished dress shoes Well-groomed hairstyle


Sample Interview Questions

Discriminatory and Illegal Questions

• Tell me about yourself. Use a “one-minute infomercial” that gives an introduction to who you are, why you are interested in the position, and why you’re an ideal candidate. You may want to highlight your education and experience and briefly discuss your professional goals.

Various federal, state and local laws regulate the questions that an employer can ask job candidates. An employer’s questions — whether on the job application, in the interview, or during the testing process — must be related to the job you’re seeking. For the employer, the focus must be: “What do I need to know to decide whether this person can perform the functions of this job?”

• Why are you interested in this position? The employer is looking to determine your potential “fit” within their organization. Understand the responsibilities of the job for which you are interviewing and relate your skills to them. Discuss aspects of this job that make it ideal for you, and highlight your desire to work within the company’s culture, as well as in the specific role. • Where do you see yourself in five years? Provide a meaningful and realistic vision, and explain how your vision will motivate you to achieve a personal, professional and academic goal. Ensure that your example aligns with the organization’s interests. • What is your greatest strength/weakness? For strength, highlight a proven skill and relate how it is important to the role you are seeking. Be proud, not arrogant. For a weakness, talk about a skill you would like to develop and share an example of how you are already working on strengthening this area. • How have you handled a difficult working relationship? Describe the difficult relationship (be sure to keep a positive attitude), explain how you handled the relationship, and talk about what you learned from the experience. How did it help you understand diverse working styles?

Samples of Illegal Questions • What is your age or date of birth? •H ave you ever been arrested? (An employer has the right to ask if you’ve been convicted of certain crimes for certain jobs; however, it is illegal to ask questions about arrests.) •H ow many children do you have? What are their ages? Have you made child-care arrangements? • What is your race, religion or national origin? • Do you own your own home? • What is/was your spouse’s name or line of work? •D o you have physical impairments that would prevent you from performing the job? • I s there any health-related reason you may not be able to perform the job? • Are you taking any prescribed drugs? •H ave you ever been treated for drug addiction or alcoholism? If You Are Asked an Illegal Question, You Have Three Options:

• How would your supervisor describe you? Provide examples demonstrating that you have the skills and personal traits that match the organization’s values and culture.

1. You can answer the question. However, if you choose to answer illegal questions, you may be giving information that could unfairly reduce your chances of getting the job.

• Do you have any questions for us? Always have questions prepared for the interviewer in advance that demonstrate a genuine interest in the organization, as well as show that you have done your research.

2. You can refuse to answer the question, which is well within your rights. Unfortunately, depending on how you phrase your refusal, you run the risk of coming off as uncooperative or confrontational.

Deal-breaker: Employers who recruit at UCF stated that students who don’t ask questions at the end of the interview, typically are not considered for the position. • Questions May Include: • What are the three most important attributes for success in this position? • What are some of the challenges with this position? • What professional development opportunities are available? • When can I expect to hear from you regarding your hiring decision? For more sample interview questions, visit the Career Services website.


3. You can examine the question for its intent and respond with an answer that would apply to the job. For example, you are discussing travel. The interviewer asks, “Do you have young children?” You might answer, “I understand this position requires various shifts. I can meet the responsibilities of this position.”

Interview Follow-up Always send a thank you email, card or letter to the employer within 24 hours, indicating your appreciation for the interview and your interest in the position. Follow up with a phone call to the employer in one to two weeks (or employer’s designated time period) to check on the status of the hiring decision.

Sample Thank You Letter

Dear Ms. Smith: Thank you very much for interviewing me yesterday for the associate editor position. I enjoyed meeting you and learning more about your publications. My enthusiasm for the position and my interest in working for Atlantic Publishing were strengthened as a result of the interview. My technical writing skills, along with my internship experiences with copy editing and reviewing proofs, would allow me to make a significant contribution to your expanding Editing Department. I want to reiterate my strong interest in the position and in working with you and your staff. You provide the kind of opportunity I seek. Please feel free to contact me at 407-823-1234 or iknight@knightsmail.ucf.edu if I can provide you with any additional information. Again, thank you for the interview and your consideration. Sincerely, Ima Knight

THANK YOU LETTER TIPS In addition to expressing appreciation, the thank you letter should highlight positive aspects of the interview and reiterate your interest in the position. This is also a good way to include information you may have forgotten to discuss in the interview that you think is important for the hiring decision. This letter may be emailed or handwritten, depending on how quickly a decision will be made. Also, keep in mind the culture of the company. For example, if you’re interviewing with an environmentally conscious company, an emailed thank you letter would likely be viewed more positively.


Weigh the Job Offer

Before you accept or decline the offer, you should weigh the decision. In addition to salary, there are many other factors to consider in your decision. Develop your own list of criteria in order of importance. Areas to consider may include: Company • Is the company growing or downsizing?

Negotiate Salary and Benefits When evaluating job offers, pay attention to the benefits offered by each employer. A good benefits package can add up to 30 percent of your overall compensation.

WORKSHOP. Attend our Salary Negotiation Workshop (online or in-house) for more information.

• Does the company have a high retention rate? • Does the management team support employee development? Position • Are the job responsibilities consistent with your goals and expectations? • Can this position lead to future opportunities? Environment • Does the company demonstrate a positive work environment (high employee morale)? • Is the level of formality/informality consistent with your needs? • Does communication within the organization appear valued and effective?

COMMONLY OFFERED BENEFITS • Health insurance (medical, dental, vision) • Retirement plans • Stock ownership/Profit-sharing plans • Relocation costs • Flex scheduling/Telecommuting •P aid vacation time • Professional development opportunities • Tuition assistance • Employee assistance program • Child-care assistance • Parking/Transportation reimbursements


You should enter a negotiation with a clear idea of what is important to you. Rather than trying to negotiate every possible benefit, identify those that are critical to your acceptance of an offer and make those needs known early in the negotiation process. Knowing your value in the marketplace is the best way to ensure you are getting what you are worth. Reliable information pertaining to your market value will make you less likely to accept unreasonably low offers or expect unrealistically high offers. Check out Salary.com to get information about market value. Avoid discussing salary and benefits during the interview, unless the employer brings it up first. If you are pressed for an answer, refer to your research and quote a salary range. The bottom line is, you have more negotiation power once you know the employer is interested in hiring you.

First Year on the Job: How to be Successful

Treat your professional “launch year” as the transition period it is. Professional etiquette is of great importance in the workplace and will get you off to a good start. Understand Organizational Culture Identify the expected ways of interacting within the organization (company politics, formalities, confidentiality issues and communication modes).

Build Effective Relationships Understand the benefits of good working relationships with co-workers and supervisors. Being a team player means learning to share successes, becoming less competitive and possessive about your ideas, and being open to other viewpoints. •A lign yourself with positive individuals who have good reputations within the organization •T ake the time to understand how each member of the team functions and how their daily tasks connect with yours

Positive Work Behaviors • Review the employee handbook or any written policies

•T ake advantage of structured mentoring programs if they are available or seek out experienced colleagues who have expressed an interest in helping you

• Wear appropriate office attire representative of your workgroup or department

Master the Tasks for Your Position Identify skills you need to improve, seek out options for improving them, and develop a timeline for accomplishing this.

• Be attentive to personal hygiene and grooming • Use courteous and proper language when communicating verbally or through email • M aintain a professional demeanor at after-hour events, such as happy hour, holiday parties or sporting events • Demonstrate a positive attitude and a strong work ethic • Display a readiness to learn and ask questions to understand how and why things are done in the organization

•E stablish short-term, intermediate and long-term goals to help you gain acceptance, respect and credibility during your first year in the workplace. Talk with your supervisor to ensure your goals fit within the organization’s mission and goals. •T ake advantage of any training opportunities provided to enhance your professional development •D emonstrate commitment by volunteering for projects and putting in extra time to learn your tasks

• Demonstrate teamwork by helping colleagues do whatever needs to be done • Respect other people’s time by adhering to schedules and being punctual • Display appropriateness when decorating your work area — ensure you are not offending others • Clean up after yourself, so shared work spaces remain clean for others


Employee Resource Groups Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) connect employees of a particular organization who share common gender, nationality, ethnicity, lifestyle or sexual orientation. They provide professional and personal development through mentoring, volunteerism and community involvement. ERGs are voluntary, employee-led groups, also called affinity groups, employee networking groups or business resource groups. Benefits include: • Fosters diverse, inclusive workplace • Development of future leaders • Increased employee engagement and retention

Veteran’s Resources

There are myriad resources available for U.S. Military Veterans including career assistance, education and jobsearch strategy. See below for a list of special resources for this population. Our on-campus support for veterans is the Veterans Academic Resource Center (VARC), a one-stop solution for student veteran needs. You can visit them at varc.sdes.ucf.edu.

Online Resources • My Next Move for Veterans mynextmove.org/vets • O*Net Online onetonline.org • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs va.gov/jobs • G.I. Jobs GIjobs.com


• U.S. Department of Labor, Veterans Employment and Training Service dol.gov/vets

1. W omen

• American Council on Education acenet.edu

2. L esbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender

• Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) esgr.mil

3. M ilitary Veterans 4. P eople with Disabilities 5. M ulticultural Men & Women

• Lucas Group — Professional Recruiting Firm (works with former military) lucasgroup.com/recruitingmilitary/ • U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics bls.gov • Signs of a Great Resume - Veterans Edition scottvedder.com

Job Fairs • Employment Seeker employmentseeker.net • Recruit Military recruitmilitary.com

Job Search Resources • Careers for the Transitioning Military taonline.com • VetJobs vetjobs.com • Recruit Military recruitmilitary.com • Security Clearance Jobs SecurityClearanceJobs.org • Civilian Jobs CivilianJobs.com • USA Jobs USAjobs.gov • Job Opportunities for Disabled American Veterans JOFDAV.com • Careers in the Military careersinthemilitary.com • Military Hire MilitaryHire.com • Clearance Jobs clearancejobs.com • VetCentral vetcentral.us.jobs/vet_index. asp?stype=moc • Veteran’s Job Exchange veteransjobexchange.com


Job Resources for Diverse Populations

American higher education continues to experience rapid racial and ethnic diversification. In order to address this racially diverse student body, below is a list of careerrelated resources specific to this population.

Resources for Students of Multicultural Backgrounds • The Black Collegian, a career site for students and professionals of color, features, general information on college life, and news about what’s happening on college campuses today. BlackCollegian.com • Asian Professional Exchange provides an opportunity for Asian Pacific Americans to develop, refine, and achieve their full potential as future community and corporate leaders. APEX.org • Black Career Women, founded in 1977, addresses the needs of black women in the workforce. BCWNetwork.com • iHispano is a leading career site for Hispanic and bilingual/bicultural professionals. iHispano.com • CareerCross Japan provides resources and information for jobs in Japan and Japanese-related positions overseas, plus an in-depth look at living and working in Japan, job hunting tips, forums and much more. careercross.com • Job Latino allows job seekers to post their resumes; learn about the fastest growing occupations, read interview tips, review job-search techniques, study tips about body language during job interviews and more. JobLatino.com

• NativeWeb lists positions in the administrative/ clerical, home business and law enforcement areas nationwide. Nativeweb.org • Saludos Hispanos strives to be the conduit between applicants and employers with the objective of reflecting the diversity in today’s population in the workplace. Excellent introductions in their Career Guide section. Saludos.com

General Resources • The Riley Guide Minority Resources provides resources specifically set up to meet the needs or address the interests of various groups, such as women, persons of varied nationalities or ethnic backgrounds. RileyGuide.com/Diverse • Equal Opportunity Publication assists job-seekers in underrepresented groups with finding employment, and aids companies and government agencies that are eager to recruit from the diversified workforce. EOP.com • IMDiversity provides career and self-development information to all minorities, specifically AfricanAmericans, Asian-Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans. IMDiversity.com • Minority Affairs provides an up-to-date database of companies seeking minority applicants. The site can also be used to research the background, practices and policies of these companies. MinorityAffairs.com • Diversity Search is a career portal for minorities, females and others. DiversitySearch.com • Minority Professional Network helps minority professionals find positions that best suit their interests, aptitudes and needs. Job seekers have free, instant access to thousands of positions nationwide. MPNdiversityjobs.com

• Native American Jobs is dedicated to being your link to indigenous employment, career-minded individuals looking for employment and careers in Native American Communities, on or near Indian Reservations and Urban Native American communities with employers. NativeAmericanJobs.com


LGBTQ Internship and Job Seekers

Article written by Riley Folds from Out for Work and used with permission.

There are millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) job seekers struggling to find careers due in part because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. While the workplace is progressing, queer employees continue to be discriminated against. As a student transitioning from academia to the workplace, you may be surprised to learn some of the challenges and problems queer individuals have faced. Most academic environments pride themselves on being LGBTQ inclusive. You may feel safe being and expressing who you are in such an environment. The workplace is not academia, and being educated and prepared is imperative when looking for an internship or job. This article outlines four easy tips that can help you make better-informed decisions and excel professionally; know yourself, know the organization, know the law, know your options.


Four Tips 1.

Know yourself. Self-assessment is a great place to start when looking for an internship or job, regardless of your sexual orientation or gender identity. Take the opportunity to think about your skills, abilities and values. How have these been impacted by your sexual orientation/gender identity? For example, do you value a diverse workforce? This may have been influenced by the fact that as an individual that identifies as LGBTQ, you place high importance on equality and multiculturalism. Do you have the ability to quickly adapt to different environments? This could be a result of the need to fit into different queer-inclusive and non-queer-inclusive situations you have experienced personally. Also consider if you will only apply to organizations that have LGBTQ-inclusive policies/benefits and supports the LGBTQ community through philanthropic efforts; or are you willing to work for any organization regardless of having such policies and benefits? If so, will you act as a change agent within the organization or work within the status quo? Thinking about and answering these questions can help narrow the organizational search in your overall internship/job strategy.


Know the organization. Is the organization you want to intern or work at LGBTQ-inclusive? You can do some investigating. You can often find most of this information on the organization’s website and/or in the job posting. First, review the organization’s employment non-discrimination policy. Does it include sexual orientation and gender identity? Does the organization offer domestic partner benefits? Are they included on any LGBTQ best places to work lists? Does the organization have an LGBTQ employee resource group (ERG)? These are just a sample of the questions to use in your search. Affirmative answers to these questions would indicate that the organization is committed to diversity, including LGBTQ employees. Another way to know if the organization is LGBTQinclusive is to find current employees and ask them about the office vibe. Do they know other out and open employees? Have they ever heard of any LGBTQ employees being harassed or called derogatory names? If you don’t know anyone at the organization, try connecting to somebody at a networking event or on a professional social networking website such as LinkedIn.


Know the law. Due to the fact that the U.S. Congress has not passed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) since it was first introduced in 1994, selected States and municipalities have incorporated their own policies. ENDA would prohibit employment discrimination at all levels; hiring, promotion, compensation, etc. based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity at the federal level. It should be noted that ENDA is a base law, which means it does not provide special rights to LGBTQ individuals in the workplace; it only levels the playing field. Currently only California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington have laws that prohibit based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It is recommended that you investigate the local and state laws in which you work. Knowing if the state offers nondiscrimination protection can help you if you feel that you have been discriminated because of your sexual orientation or gender identity during the hiring or on-boarding process.


Know your options. Being out and open in the workplace is your choice. Your decision may be impacted by where you are in your queer identity formation personally. Just as you may only be out to a selected group of friends or family members, you may decide only to share this information with only other colleagues on your team and your direct supervisor. Or you may decide to be out to everyone. Why is your sexual orientation or gender identity a part of the work environment? Consider the fact that most employees spend a majority of their waking hours at work and form strong bonds with colleagues. A simple question such as “what did you do over the weekend?” can open the door to discussion. Or putting a picture

of a significant other on your desk can identify you as a queer employee. If you do decide to come out, there’s no need to march in with a rainbow flag. You may want to make a more natural approach. If you choose not to come out, it is suggested that you make a conscious decision not to let it hinder your exchange with others or participation in informal networking and meetings. Isolation can cause relationships between colleagues to not form to their fullest. In addition, productivity and selfworth could be impacted negatively if a prolonged period of isolation occurs. You are a proud, independent LGBTQ person with an outstanding career ahead of you. Applying these tips will help you choose an organization wisely and allow you to be the best intern or employee you can be. Your sexual orientation or gender identity may affect how people treat you in the workplace, but if you are true to yourself, you can smash through the discrimination and prejudices some people still hold. Additional resources can be found in Your Queer Career: The Ultimate Career Guide for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Job Seekers.

Online Resources Access online resources for job searching, learning about legal issues, and much more at career.ucf.edu/resources.


Students with Disabilities Career Services can provide assistance and educate students in the following areas:

• Career exploration of interests, strengths and limitations as they relate to academic opportunities and occupational requirements

• How to request accommodations and resources necessary for professional development and success

• Understanding the risks and benefits of disclosing disability status to employers

In order to keep the focus on your abilities when marketing your education, skills and experience to prospective employers, it may be helpful to understand the risks and benefits of disclosing disability status to employers at key points in the job search. It’s your choice when you decide to disclose. The following table provides advantages and disadvantages for each time of disclosure.

Disclosure Options for Job Search TIME OF DISCLOSURE




On resume or application

Honesty and peace of mind; allows employers to decide if disability is an issue

Might disqualify you with no opportunity to present yourself and your qualifications

You may have a harder time finding work, but you are less likely to have any disabilityrelated issues after hire

During employer call to arrange an interview

Honesty and peace of mind; reduces “shock value” upon initial meeting

May not get an interview or receive serious consideration during interview

Without “shock value,” employer may feel more comfortable

During initial meeting at interview

Demonstrates positive self-perception to employer

“Shock value” may distract employer

May have to refocus employer

During the interview

Offers you the opportunity to respond briefly and positively in person to specific disability issue — discrimination is less likely face-to-face

Responsibility is on you to discuss a disability issue in a clear, non-threatening way. Too much emphasis on the issue may suggest a possible problem and you may not be evaluated on your abilities.

A positive outcome may depend on how comfortable you are discussing your disability (without being pre-occupied with it)

After the interview but prior to an offer

Letting employer know prior to making an offer may convey honesty

Employer may feel you have been less than honest by waiting this long. This could lessen the chance of getting an offer.

If you require accommodations, you may need to consider disclosing at this point

After receiving a formal offer, but prior to accepting it

If the disability disclosure changes the hiring decision, there is legal recourse

Employer may feel you should have disclosed disability before hiring decision was made and could lead to distrust if hired

You may need to evaluate your disability and explain that it will not interfere with your ability to perform the job functions

After you begin the job

You have the opportunity to prove yourself on the job and demonstrate your value; if disclosure affects employment status (but not your ability to perform the job), you may be protected by law

Possible discomfort on the job with supervisors and co-workers and possible employer accusations of falsifying your application

The longer you put off disclosing, the more difficult it becomes

After experiencing a problem on the job

You have the opportunity to prove yourself on the job and demonstrate your value

Possible employer accusations of falsifying your application; may have prevented accommodations that could have helped to avoid problems

Relationships with co-workers may be affected if they feel you have not been truthful — leading to difficulty reestablishing trust


Avoidance of potential for a negative response from employer

If disability affects work performance, you may be dismissed and have no legal recourse

If you are sure your disability will not affect job performance, the issue of disclosure becomes less critical Adapted from Witt, M.A. 1992


ADDITIONAL RESOURCES • Student Disability Services advises students to learn about accommodations and helpful resources available for UCF students. sds.sdes.ucf.edu • Ask JAN (Job Accomodation Network) answers questions about workplace accommodations and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). askjan.org • Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities (COSD) is a unique and dynamic national professional association comprised of more than 600 colleges and universities and more than 500 major national employers. COSD’s mission is to improve the employment rate of college students and recent graduates with disabilities. cosdonline.org • We Connect Now is dedicated to uniting college students with disabilities in access to higher education and employment issues. weconnectnow. wordpress.com • Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation is a federal/state program that helps people who have physical or mental disabilities get or keep a job. rehabworks.org

• Two 6 Resources, Inc. is designed to promote inclusion and diversity in the workforce through the employment of individuals with disabilities. two6resources.org • Equal Opportunity Publications has led the way in diversity recruitment with a portfolio of seven national career magazines, a diversity website, online job board and career expos for people with disabilities. eop.com


Students Seeking International Opportunities

Our world is becoming a more global marketplace. Employers and graduate school recruiters know the importance of cross-cultural understanding and have an appreciation for different points of view. They gravitate toward students who demonstrate adaptability, maturity, initiative and creativity. All of these qualities can be demonstrated through international experience. Tips: • Identify international academic programs and specific courses of interest • Join international clubs and organizations

International Students and the Job Search

Career Services can help international students with academic and career planning, as well as employmentreadiness skills. The university’s International Services Center is knowledgeable about the legal requirements associated with employment in the United States and can assist you with information. They will also be able to help you with questions regarding when to disclose international status. Visit their website at intl.ucf.edu.


• Attend study-abroad fairs and participate in studyabroad programs

1. Cross-cultural communication skills

• Develop foreign language and cultural skills

2. C ultural awareness

• Network with faculty and advisors

3. E xpanded world view

• Research work permits and travel documents

4. F oreign language skills

• Research international organizations and employers

5. P roblem-solving skills 6. A daptability

GOING GLOBAL. Provides country-specific information and has more than 80,000 resources for finding employment at home and abroad. Updated daily, this resource includes worldwide internship and job postings, H1B employer listings, corporate profiles and career resources for numerous countries. Access this resource at career.ucf.edu.


Is Graduate School in Your Plan?

• Do you have clear career goals? Is a graduate degree required in your area of interest? • Will a graduate degree make you more competitive within your field of interest? • How will a graduate degree impact your career advancement?

Advantages of Working First and Going to Graduate School Later • Clarify your career goals and decide on the graduate program that is best for you • Bring a real-world perspective to the classroom • Obtain relevant work experience to strengthen your graduate school candidacy

Advantages of Going to School First and Working Later

• Will a graduate degree impact your earning potential?

• Gain entry to careers that require an advanced degree even for “entry-level” positions

• Are you a lifelong learner who simply has an interest in enhancing your knowledge?

• Receive grants, scholarships or assistantships that will help pay for your education

• Are you considering changing careers and feel that a graduate degree will ease your transition?

• Maintain the momentum of being a student

• When is the best time to enroll in graduate school? • Deciding the best time to apply for graduate school can be difficult. Is it better to attend graduate school immediately after completing a bachelor’s degree, or is it better to wait a few years and gain work experience?

Advantages of Working and Going to School Simultaneously • Apply what you learn in school to the workplace and vice versa • Be more marketable with an advanced degree and relevant experience • Advance your career with a graduate degree • Take advantage of employer tuition assistance programs


Choosing and Applying for the Graduate Program that is Right for You Three to six months prior to applying • Assess educational goals, career direction, financial resources, etc. • Meet with selected faculty/career counselor to discuss application requirements • Begin researching specific programs • Review the Peterson’s Guide to Graduate Programs, which contains admission requirements, acceptance rates and descriptions of most accredited programs • Check out the Web links for graduate and professional schools on this handout • Register and prepare for appropriate graduate admission tests • Investigate national scholarships • If appropriate, obtain letters of recommendation

Three months prior to applying • Write to targeted programs requesting application materials, course catalogue and financial aid information • Prioritize choice of programs • Begin drafting essays for applications; work with a faculty member and career counselor to critique responses • Research and apply for financial aid • Check on application deadlines and rolling admissions policies • Take required admissions test(s) • Request letters of recommendation from faculty, advisors and former employers

Fall, a year before beginning graduate program (assuming a fall program start) • Complete applications (note each application deadline and allow yourself plenty of time to thoroughly complete all forms) • Collect recommendations from writers, or if the letter is confidential, check with destination schools to ensure timely completion of letters (one month lead time for reference writers) • Take admissions test(s) if you haven’t already • Proof your application materials • Make a copy of your application for your records before mailing • Send in completed applications • Request transcripts to be sent from UCF Registrar (you may want to wait for your fall grades before requesting your transcripts to be mailed) to graduate schools of interest


Winter, before beginning graduate program in the fall • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and Financial Aid PROFILE, if required.

Spring, before beginning graduate program in the fall • Check with all institutions before their deadlines to make sure your file is complete • Visit the institutions that accept you • Send a deposit to your institution of choice • Notify other colleges and universities that accepted you of your decision, so they can admit students on the waiting list • Send thank you letters to people who wrote your recommendation letters, informing them of your success

ONLINE RESOURCES Researching Grad Schools • gradschools.com • gradsource.com • petersons.com • princetonreview.com • myplan.com Personal Statements • accepted.com/grad • uwc.ucf.edu • essayedge.com Financing Grad School • accessgroup.org • finaid.ucf.edu • finaid.org Standardized Testing Prep Classes • UCF Continuing Education ce.ucf.edu • Kaplan kaptest.com • Princeton Review princetonreview.com

Career Services Events

Events are planned throughout the year to help students with their career development needs, such as selecting a major, preparing for the career expo, meeting employers with current and future employment opportunities, and more.

Event Descriptions Employment Boot Camp: Career Services staff and/or employers are available to critique resumes and offer assistance with preparing an infomercial. Employers at Boot Camp may also conduct practice interviews, employer panels and more. This event is designed to better prepare students for success at the Career Expo. Career Expo: Held in the fall and spring, students meet with employers and discuss career and employment opportunities. Statewide Job Fair: Held in the summer, students meet with employers and discuss career and employment opportunities. Graduate and Professional Schools Fair: Students meet with representatives of graduate, law and professional schools nationally and abroad. Graduate and Professional School Symposium: Graduate students attend employment readiness seminars for all graduate students on a variety of topics. Education Career Fair: Held in the spring and fall, this event provides the opportunity for district and private schools to meet with UCF teacher candidates regarding employment opportunities. Majors Fair: Students explore the many academic areas of study offered at UCF and meet faculty and advisors representing these program areas. Externship Program: Held during the winter and spring breaks, students can shadow an employer in their professional area of interest to learn more about the career field, as well as the organizational culture, products and services. Rosen College of Hospitality Management Career Expo and Experiential Learning Fair: Held in the fall and spring, students meet with employers specifically in the hospitality field at the Rosen College campus to discuss internship, career and employment opportunities. Contact us at 407-823-2361 or visit our website at career.ucf.edu for specific dates and information about upcoming events.


“The Career Services’ practice interview program is one of the golden resources available to students on campus. I utilized this service for both my UCF College of Medicine and Order of Pegasus interviews, and without the advice I received from them, I would not have been nearly as prepared or successful.” Kumail Merchant Biomedical Sciences “The services offered at the Career Services Center have tremendously helped me fine tune and perfect my personal statement for law school. The genuine advice and critique that I was given about my statement was a major factor that contributed to my five law school acceptances and three full-scholarship offers.” Nicole Barrera Legal Studies “The personal statement critique was an excellent resource during my application process. With my counselor’s guidance, I was able to write a personal statement that highlighted my strongest accomplishments without hiding my personality. I was able to strike a perfect balance between professional and personal.”




Brittany Wycoff Health Sciences

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