UCF Downtown Concept Report

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UCF Downtown Concept Report November 2014





Project Summary

The University of Central Florida (UCF) is considering an expansion of its campus into downtown Orlando and invited CannonDesign to investigate the opportunities for incorporating complementary academic programs, associated amenities, and ancillary developments into a concept development plan. In partnership with Wellington Reiter, Senior Advisor to Arizona State University President Michael Crowe, the CannonDesign team met with over 30 representatives from UCF and over 20

• opportunities for incorporating regional employers and employment initiatives, • opportunities for incorporating local government and community organizations, • understanding high-level social and economic opportunities and impacts of the new development, and • associated recreation, residential and civic programs required to complement the academic facilities.

representatives from partner organizations to develop ideas and

The following pages summarize these findings, which were used

recommendations focused on:

to inform the public announcement by President Hitt at the UCF

• determining the appropriate colleges and programs to

Focus Breakfast on September 23, 2014. As the development of

relocate to the new site, • opportunities for programmatic partnerships with Valencia College and K–12 providers,

UCF Downtown is in the early stages of planning, this summary is meant for the UCF community and stakeholders to use as a common starting point for future planning efforts and discussion.



Partner Participants

Arizona State University

City of Orlando Mayor’s Office

Valencia College

Wellington Reiter, Special Advisor

Buddy Dyer, Mayor

Falecia Williams, President, West Campus

to the President

Frank Billingsley, Chief of Staff

Stacey Johnson, President, East and

Heather Fagan, Deputy Chief of Staff

Winter Park Campuses

Kathy DeVault, Director of Strategic

Terry Allcorn, Dean of Business and



Brooke Rimmer Bonnett, Director of

Meg Curtiss, Professor and Chair,

Economic Development

Interactive and Graphic Design

Braden Kay, Sustainability Manager

Pierre Pilloud, Culinary, Baking and Pastry

Marcia Hope Goodwin, Director of


Community Affairs & Human Relations

Craig Rapp, Professor of Hospitality and

Orlando Economic Development Commission

Restaurant Management

Rick Weddle, President & CEO


Central Florida Partnership

Creative Village

Mark Whiteley, Principal

Jacob Stuart, President

Craig Ustler, President, Ustler

Jill Kurth, Associate Vice President

Development Brooke Myers, President, Emerge Real Estate Ventures




Office of the President

Administration and Finance

College of Engineering and

College of Sciences

John C. Hitt, President

William F. Merck, Vice President

Computer Science

Michael Johnson, Dean

Daniel Holsenbeck, Vice President for

Lee Kernek, Associate Vice President

Michael Georgiopoulos, Dean

Robert Chandler, Director, Nicholson

Fred Kittinger, Senior Associate Vice

The Burnett Honors College

College of Graduate Studies

President for University Relations

Alvin Y. Wang, Dean

C. Ross Hinkle, Dean

University Relations

School of Communication Interdisciplinary Studies Michael Hampton, Director

UCF Community Relations

College of Business

College of Health and Public Affairs

Helen Donegan, Vice President


Michael Frumkin, Dean

Diane Trees, Associate Vice President and

Paul Jarley, Dean

Maribeth Ehasz, Vice President for Student College of Medicine

Director, Metropolitan Center for Regional

UCF Student Services


College of Education and

Deborah C. German, Vice President for

Maritza Martinez, Associate Vice

Human Performance

Medical Affairs and Dean


Grant Hayes, Interim Dean

Development and Enrollment Services Office of Undergraduate Studies Elliot Vittes, Interim Vice Provost and

College of Nursing


Office of the Provost

College of Arts and Humanities

A. Dale Whittaker, Provost and Vice

JosĂŠ FernĂĄndez, Dean

President for Academic Affairs

Lynn Hepner, Associate Dean

Rosen College of Hospitality

Polly Anderson, Executive Director

Ronnie Korosec, Associate Provost and

Byron Clercx, Director, School of Visual


William Dotson, Director of Content and

Special Assistant to the Provost for

Arts and Design

Abraham Pizam, Dean


Strategic Initiatives

Ben Noel, Executive Director, Florida

Paul Lartonoix, Assistant Vice Provost

Interactive Entertainment Academy

Mary Lou Sole, Interim Dean WUCF TV

John Brady, Director of Development



Urban, Neighborhood, Community Partnerships

Visionary and Iconic

The City as Learning Environment Building the Orlando Creative Economy Technology



Engaged Student Community


8 Context

Orlando: A Vibrant Downtown

Creating Opportunity UCF Downtown



Academic Concept

Programs Enrollment Academic Experience



Development Concept

Area and Cost Ancillary Developments



UCF Downtown Next Steps



ASU Case Study




More People & Lake Eola / Nightime! Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts

Lake Eola and Downtown Orlando

Orlando Magic’s Sports and Entertainment District

MLS Orlando City


Citrus Bowl



City Hall

Orange Avenue

Orlando: A Vibrant Downtown

Wall Street Plaza

As one of the world’s fastest-growing

when it moved its NBA team to a newly

cities and nation’s top travel destination,

built arena about a mile away. This

Orlando is the center of a dynamic

developable area, adjacent to Interstate 4

metropolitan area of more than 2

and the historic Parramore Community, is

million people. As a hub for business,

the home of Creative Village, the largest

government, entertainment, and culture,

mixed-use project in downtown Orlando.

downtown Orlando is experiencing

Building upon the success of Orlando’s

tremendous change. New venues in

digital media industry and creative

performing arts, entertainment, and

knowledge economy, Creative Village

sports are contributing to downtown’s

embodies Orlando’s pursuit to attract and

transformation. As a growing metropolis

cultivate a workforce by creating a high-

with vibrant neighborhoods, the city is

quality, urban neighborhood that equally

experiencing pronounced growth in

supports high-tech companies. Envisioned

residential and mixed-use development

as an integrated mixed-use development,

while leading the state and the nation in

Creative Village will provide space for

job growth for the past several years.

K–12 education; residential units; retail, commercial, and office space; a hotel;

UCF Center for Emerging Media

public parks; and civic space. About 20

Creating Opportunity

acres of the project have been zoned for

The city is actively engaging residents,

partner, Valencia College, the opportunity

business owners, community leaders, and

to help shape this innovative area.

higher education, providing UCF and its

stakeholders in visioning the next chapter in Orlando’s evolution. Project DTO Advancing Downtown Orlando is a comprehensive visioning process currently underway, with its Vision, Marketing Strategy, and Downtown Community Redevelopment Area Plan culminating in March 2015. The City of Orlando created a

Creative Village

development opportunity of 68 acres




Florida Hospital

Orange County Courthouse LYNX Central Station Ultimate I-4 Project Orlando Tech

UCF Florida Interactive Entertainment

UCF Downtown Creative Village Orange County Public Schools K–8 Parramore Neighborhood



UCF Downtown

Central Business District Orlando Health Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts Orlando City Hall UCF Executive Development Center Amway Center Orlando Magic’s Sports and Entertainment District

This project offers UCF and Valencia

preparing them for productive and

College an extraordinary opportunity

independent futures.

to organically mix education into the downtown fabric and Creative Village

Integral to the development of UCF

development. A vision for a downtown

Downtown is the creation of a 24/7

UCF campus would redefine the future

campus where learning and living are

of “America’s Partnership University,”

intertwined. Planned for a critical mass

offering a leapfrog strategy to develop

of about 10,000 students — with the

an innovative living-learning environment

opportunity to serve upward of 13,000

that immerses students in the hub of

students from UCF and Valencia over

economic and cultural activity of a major

the next several years — UCF Downtown

metropolitan area. UCF Downtown

would transform the student experience,

would be a modern, accessible university

as well as revitalize surrounding downtown

that is embedded and engaged with its


surroundings and is envisioned as an

Academy / Center for Emerging Media

interface with the community to build

As a dynamic and engaged “live, learn,

connections and foster relationships.

work community,” students would be able to experience UCF not just as

MLS Soccer Stadium

Aligned with the 21st-century urban

being in the community but being of

model that integrates anchor institutions

the community. A UCF and Valencia

directly into a city’s core fabric, a UCF

College joint-use downtown facility would

downtown presence would create

expand the existing partnership and K–12

positive local community impact, increase

pathway opportunities. For UCF, the

partnerships with government and

downtown campus should also include

businesses, enable greater alignment with

student services in the form of advising,

job creation and economic development,

admissions, registrar, student government,

and help foster a lively and vibrant

and health services. Equally important is

downtown Orlando. As a transformative

the development of a strong UCF culture

place for all learners, UCF Downtown

and identity. No matter where students

would provide an immersive college

are, they should have a unified experience,

experience for students with intellectual

with both campuses acting as a single

disabilities by enriching their lives and

entity with synergy and mutual support.



Academic Concept Education and Human Performance Instructional Technology Early Childhood Education Communication Sciences and Disorders


Health and Public Affairs

Hospitality Music Culinary Child Welfare Interactive Community Graphic Design Public Design Partnerships Legal Admin Public Innovation Social Studies Urban and Regional Venture Affairs Lab Nonprofit Work Planning Architecture Lab Mgmt Government Criminal IdeaLab Justice Health Mgmt and Informatics Studio Arts Health Services Admin


Va l e n c i a C o l l e g e

Programs The academic concept for UCF

Arts and Humanities, Sciences, and others

Humanities, the gaming and venture

university’s listener-supported public

Downtown is built upon downtown

with specialist programs from Valencia

labs of the Florida Interactive

radio station.

Orlando’s emerging creative technology

College. It also could include UCF’s public

Entertainment Academy, together

economy. It should be an interdisciplinary

television station, WUCF TV, and student

with the film, digital media,

and Computer Science, the gaming

campus that simultaneously stimulates

services components.

animation, studio arts, and emerging

programs along with new IdeaLab

media programs of the School of

and Innovation Lab.

economic generation, community integration, social impact, and vibrant

This report envisions UCF Downtown as a

educational experiences. UCF Downtown

four-phase development, and preliminary

should bring together programs in visualization, digital arts, and communications. The new campus


To embed UCF in local neighborhoods and create positive local impact, the

discussions have identified the following

the journalism, radio and TV, and

College of Health and Public Affairs

programs for possible inclusion.

advertising and public relations

(COHPA)’s Centers for Community

From Valencia College, the

programs of the Nicholson School

Partnerships, Public and Nonprofit

hospitality, culinary, and

of Communication. Complementing

Management, Community Schools

graphic design programs

these media-related programs could

and Child Welfare Innovation, and

From UCF’s College of Arts and

be WUCF TV and WUCF-FM, the

Law and Policy, as well as the John

Colleges of Education and Human


From the College of Engineering

From the College of Sciences,

could combine programs from UCF’s Performance, Health and Public Affairs,

Visual Arts and Design (SVAD)

Innovation Advertising Journalism Gaming Animation Emerging Media




Public Relations

About 13,000 Students

Human Communication

Digital Media


Arts and Humanities

Enrollment The College of Education and

From the proposed academic programs,

A preliminary breakdown based upon a

Government, could be included.

Human Performance could

UCF Downtown would serve about 10,000

population of 13,000 students could look

COHPA also could relocate public

complement COHPA’s outreach

students, with the opportunity to serve

like the following:

administration, public affairs, social

capabilities with early childhood

upward of 13,000 students from UCF and

work, criminal justice, legal studies,

education, instructional technology,

Valencia over the next several years.

urban and regional planning,

and career and technical education

These numbers, however, are preliminary

health professions, communication

programs, and its Community

at this stage and do not account for

Humanities and Nicholson School

sciences and disorders, and health


enrollment growth, program change,

of Communication undergraduates,

management and informatics. These

online learning, or part-time versus full-

with a small complement of graduate

could be complemented by the

time equivalents. Future investigation

students from SVAD,

possible inclusion of the architecture

with individual schools and programs

program from SVAD and the human

needs to be undertaken to ascertain exact

communication program from the

enrollment projections in this project’s

Nicholson School of Communication.

next stage.

Scott Dailey Florida Institute of

2,000 undergraduate students from Valencia College,

3,000 UCF College of Arts and

7,000 students, inclusive of about 2,000 graduate and postgraduate students from COHPA, and

1,000 students from the College of Education and Human Performance.



Academic Concept 75,000 jobs in Downtown Orlando

Solutions-focused Service-based Liv e

Mass Transit

By 2019, 300,000 people within a 5-mile radius of Downtown

Pla y

W o rk

Lear n

15,000 people live Downtown

Parks and Amenities

Seven Neighborhoods Source: www.downtownorlando.com projectdto.com

Academic Experience The UCF Downtown campus would

entrepreneurship, technology transfer,

approaches, with an aim to create engaged

To create a unified and shared UCF

provide a vibrant environment for

and civic development.

citizens and future leaders who have the

culture, it is important that transit directly

dynamic, authentic, and memorable

hard and soft skills needed to navigate

and reliably link UCF Downtown with

student experiences. The downtown

The downtown campus’ design would

their careers. Programs should focus on

the main campus. Future studies should

campus expands the UCF and Valencia

focus on incorporating new methods of

T-shaped learning that reflects a deep

also identify cost-effective education

partnership to link the K–12 community,

service- and solutions-focused learning.

expertise in a single area, complemented

operations opportunities, such as sharing

workforce development, and UCF

These methods would promote student

with a broad working knowledge of

of facilities, flexible and adaptable

programs into a seamless stream of

success through integrated learning

multiple areas of inquiry. The academic

space, and maximizing timetables as top

accessible academic opportunities for the

paradigms, which would cross the

experience on the UCF campus would also

planning priorities. The goal should not

whole community. As a hub for Orlando’s

boundaries of schools and disciplines.

be one of support and balance. Academic

just be to achieve a sustainable future,

emerging creative technology economy,

These new learning methodologies would

attainment would not only be supported

but also to make education a valued and

the downtown campus would be a

simultaneously incorporate technological-

by student advising and development

affordable investment for all students.

place that attracts industry, government,

based learning with creative,

services, but also with health, wellness,

and other partners to engage through

team-focused, and problem-solving

and recreation provisions.



Development Concept

Area and Cost

Ancillary Developments

As outlined here, this report projects

Although it is envisioned that the UCF

resources for student housing. Branded

to examining parking feasibility and

the campus to cost an estimated $210

Downtown campus will be part of a

as UCF and including retail and education

finding effective solutions through further

million and cover about 600,000 square

dynamic “live, work, learn environment,�

facilities, this housing could seamlessly

study and potential partnerships with

feet. These numbers are preliminary and

this report does not cover nor propose

complement the overall identity and

external parties. These solutions could be

could change due to a variety of factors,

university investment in housing, retail,

image of UCF Downtown. For student

provided by separate funding sources,

including building efficiency, construction

entertainment, and recreation facilities or

sports and recreation, Arizona State

possibly in conjunction with a private

scheduling, inflation, site and building

transit, roads, and other city infrastructure.

University formed a partnership with the


infrastructure, specialist facilities and

Because of their importance, many of

YMCA for its downtown Phoenix campus.

equipment, enrollment growth, and

these topics should be addressed in

For UCF Downtown, a private partner

Of equal importance are underground

changes in programs. Future investigation

subsequent studies.

could provide recreation service in a UCF-

infrastructure, roads, and public transit.

branded manner similar to the housing

The university should continue to study

described above.

these issues with a particular focus on

is needed to ascertain exact financial projections at the next stage of this

Similar to the successful experience


at Arizona State University and its

providing dedicated transit for students,

downtown Phoenix campus, private

The costs of parking structures are not

faculty, and staff to serve the UCF

development partners could provide

included in this report. UCF is dedicated

Downtown campus.



UCF Downtown Next Steps Simultaneously occurring initiative streams to create and inform the planning, programming, design, and construction of UCF Downtown

Economic Assessment, Capital Planning Academic Planning, Programming Student Engagement, Services Master Planning, Urban Design Communications, Change Management






Next Steps A more elaborate planning process is

staff, and administration population

Student Engagement, Services

Parramore community leaders

needed to further develop the UCF

requirements; operational methods

Detailed provisions for student

and residents.

Downtown concept, strategy, and

related to ownership and utilization of

services and best practices for student

its potential economic impact on

space; projected enrollment growth;

engagement and enrichment for the

Master Planning, Urban Design

downtown. The university will undertake a

and the provision of core requirements

most robust student life and campus

Design, phasing strategy, and cost

comprehensive strategic master planning

through partnership with Valencia College.


estimation for the academic programs,

multifaceted initiatives associated with

Economic Assessment, Capital Planning

Communications, Change Management

infrastructure and technology, transit

UCF Downtown. These areas of study

Economic impact projections for the

Consensus-building among faculty,

and accessibility, neighborhood

should include the following.

campus development and programs;

administration, and staff; strategies

integration, and civic space; performance

process to develop and integrate the

including ancillary development, site

socio-economic and demographic

to steward the organizational changes

criteria related to state requirements,

Academic Planning, Programming

analyses in support of academic planning

inherent to the academic program;

sustainability, and life cycle costs of the

Detailed assessments of the academic

and programming; financial and business

an internal communications strategy

development; and design guidelines

disciplines and programs for UCF

modeling for new revenue streams and

for the UCF community; an external

for the architectural character and

Downtown, including interdisciplinary

online learning; and a public-private

communications strategy for potential

public realm.

learning opportunities; new learning

partnership assessment for Creative

partners and the general public;

methods, and sharing of space; faculty,

Village development.

and an engaged strategy with



Arizona State University Case Study “Reinventing the university...in the city”


Emergent Universities: UCF and ASU


Emergent Cities: Orlando and Phoenix


Cities and Universities: conjoined futures


Location: be strategic, be inclusive, be opportunistic


Programs: the city as inspiration, laboratory, partner


The Urban Setting: a site for experimentation


A Complete Student Experience: leveraging place


The Borderless Campus: an invitation for engagement


Inspiring Others: private sector development


Sustainability: the university as model

Excerpts from Wellington Reiter’s “Reinventing the university...in the city” presentation include the ASU project sequence over the past 10 years, the Phoenix Urban Lab development program and massing study, and an image of the downtown campus today.

Learning from ASU Ten years ago, Arizona State University

than 1,300 faculty and staff work on the

The College of Public Programs operates

President Michael Crowe announced that

downtown campus, and many live in close

a center that assists local nonprofits.

ASU would create a major new campus

proximity. ASU has changed the face

Within a few weeks, construction is

in the heart of downtown Phoenix. Today,

and feel of downtown Phoenix. Formerly

expected to begin on the Arizona Center

woven into the downtown business and

desolate, downtown is now home to

for Law and Society, which will be home

professional community, ASU’s Downtown

a central civic park. Award-winning

to the Sandra Day O’Connor College of

Phoenix campus creates strong learning

academic buildings have replaced empty

Law.Sharing strategies for transformation

and career connections for more than

parking lots. Formerly deserted streets are

in the creation of the Downtown Phoenix

11,500 students with media, health care,

alive with activity, and new restaurants and

campus at the UCF Focus Breakfast,

corporate, and government organizations.

retail are thriving. Hundreds of students

Wellington Reiter, senior advisor to the

Students live and learn in 11 buildings

are engaged in internships with local

ASU president, addressed the Orlando

across a vibrant 20-acre campus that is

businesses. The College of Nursing and

community alongside President Hitt and

home to five colleges and 84 degree

Health Innovation runs two clinics for local

Mayor Dyer. The following 10 points

programs. The campus today includes

residents. The Walter Cronkite School

outline Mr. Reiter’s presentation:

nearly 1,200 students living in twin

of Journalism and Mass Communication

13- story residence halls and another

covers the city and region with a daily

1,200- plus who live within 5 miles. More

news service and nightly PBS newscast.





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