WELCOME TO THE UNIVERSITY OF EXETER Keeping our community safe is our priority. We have been working hard to make sure everyone living with us from September feels safe and informed about the changes we’ve made to ensure our spaces are COVID-19 secure.
We realise this year is different and you might be arriving feeling excited but equally a little worried. We have created this guide to let you know what safety measures we have put in place in our accommodation to ensure your living environment is COVID-19 secure and that your experience with us is enjoyable and memorable for years to come.
Living in your accommodation Whilst living in University accommodation the Government guidelines around households will apply: coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-isolation-forresidential-educational-settings/coronaviruscovid-19-guidance-on-isolation-for-residentialeducational-settings#defining • In self-catered accommodation your standard or ensuite flat will be considered a household. One studio flat will also be considered its own household. • In catered residences, individual rooms on a floor with other bedrooms which share a communal facility such as a utility area, will be made into a household. There will be signage in place which will detail the size of your household. • You won’t need to keep the 2m social distance when you are within your household. However, you will need to socially distance when you go out. This includes social and communal space within the building you live in where students from other households are present. • It’s really important to continue to practise good hygiene, such as regular hand washing. Hand sanitiser units will be available across the site at entrances and exits to most buildings, including residences. • We will provide guidance on which bathrooms and/or utility spaces and kitchens are available to your household. • If someone in your household develops symptoms of COVID-19, the whole household must isolate whilst a test is undertaken. You must let us
know by emailing our Rapid Response Hub – This will ensure that we can provide the support you need during your isolation. You will still be able to socialise within your household.
Social space • W e know you’ll still want to meet friends, and this will be possible in the available social spaces, within your residences. Please take note of the signage advising the maximum number of people who can use the space at any one time. Social distancing rules will apply within these areas as they are outside of your household and you may be advised to wear a face covering.
Cleaning in your accommodation • S hared bathrooms, showers and toilets will be cleaned more frequently. • S ignage promoting good hygiene standards will be in place throughout your accommodation and there will be additional hand sanitiser facilities available. • W e will let you know the cleaning schedule for your flat in advance so that you can schedule your day accordingly. For your own and our staff’s safety, we will ask you to leave your room/bathroom/kitchen/ lounge during cleaning. • I f your household is in self-isolation our cleaning services will be suspended and we will provide you with cleaning products so you are able to maintain good hygiene standards.
Moving to another residence • A s part of our standard approach to allocation we have tried our best to match you with other likeminded students in your flat or on your corridor. • T o keep everyone safe room moves will not be possible unless there is a maintenance fault or a wellbeing need.
What to expect in catered residences
Self-isolating in our accommodation
If you are living in one of our catered residences, once you have been allocated to a room we will assign you to a zone in the dining room. This will be your dining zone for all your meals throughout the duration of your stay in catered halls. This is important to ensure your safety and to help us with contact tracing should a need to do so arise.
• S ome people arriving from other countries will need to self-isolate – please review the link below to check the latest UK Government guidance:
• W e are aiming to provide an excellent dining experience with a choice of delicious meals. • W e have developed an app that will allow you to choose when you want to enjoy your breakfast, weekend brunch or dinner. In your room you will find a poster on your noticeboard with a QR code, follow the instructions as this will be the way you book the time you want to dine. You will be able to change or cancel your booking up to 1.5 hours before your booking if your plans alter. • O nce you arrive at the dining room a host will take you through the process step-by-step, to ensure you are looked after and dine comfortably. Please remember to bring your booking confirmation email as well as your student ID otherwise access cannot be granted. We are implementing the following safety steps: • Y our table will be 2 metres apart from the next with sufficient space to move around safely • D ining rooms will be ventilated to allow free flow of air • C leaning will be increased and all touchpoints will be sanitised regularly • A ll areas will have clear signage • H and hygiene sanitisation stations will be installed throughout the dining areas If you prefer to eat in your room you will have the option of selecting our takeaway service using the app. When you arrive you will be directed to the takeaway waiting area and will be able to collect your meal and drink from the host when ready. You can then return to your room and enjoy your meal there.
• D uring your stay with us, if you develop COVID-19 symptoms, however mild (high temperature, new, continuous cough, loss or change to your sense of smell or taste), you will need to selfisolate and and email our Rapid Response Hub – or call 01392 722 929. The Rapid Response Hub opening hours can be found at: • T he team at the Hub will advise you on how to get a free test and, if your test comes back with a positive result, will work with you to give you the support you need so that you can safely self-isolate. The Hub will use information you’ve given about when and where you have worked on campus, so that other colleagues or students who were in the same place, at the same time, will be able to take appropriate action if they begin to show COVID-19 symptoms. • W hilst you are self-isolating there will be restrictions on your movements and you should not leave your accommodation unless there is an emergency or you need to collect a grocery delivery. Please follow the Government self-isolation guidelines government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-homeguidance • I f you are worried about your welfare or you feel that you might come to harm if you remain in your accommodation, you should call our Security team on 01392 723999. • S tudents that are required to self-isolate due to government quarantine restrictions will have the ability to order meal plans during isolation. This link will be sent to you separately. You will need to order your meals plans in advance to ensure your delivery. • W e have support in place for students that may wish to order essential groceries, cleaning or homeware packs. These can be ordered through our online store via this link: eatandshop/orderonline
• Don’t forget we have our own onsite campus food delivery service Isca Eats – for information on food and drink visit • For information on self-isolation and the support available visit our dedicated Coronavirus webpage: accommodation/students/prospectivestudents/ coronavirus • We have an online social programme which includes fitness classes, welcome sessions, cooking classes, online faith-based sessions and more. Everything we have on offer will be listed on our website – take a look at the link below and get involved! We also have lots more information on student life and what to expect in our New Students’ Guide – newstudentsguide.
Visitors to rooms • For the time being and to ensure everyone’s safety, overnight visitors are strongly discouraged in University accommodation. However, we understand there will be some married students and others in long-term relationships whose partner lives sufficiently far away to merit an overnight stay. • If you have guests visiting during the day please consider your flatmates by meeting in a communal area considering maximum room capacity and social distancing. • Any student wishing to have overnight guests must advise the Residence Management Team via accommodation-guest@ This is to ensure we have a log of who has stayed to support contact tracing.
Student behaviour Within the residences, students are expected to behave in a way that is respectful and courteous of their neighbours and other members of their community and not to engage in anti-social behaviour that causes distress or harm to others. When instances of student anti-social behaviour are reported, the University may take action to address any concerns that arise as a result. Where appropriate (depending on the seriousness of the complaint) we will attempt to resolve the matter through informal means, by discussing with the student the impact of their behaviour, and seeking assurances that they will refrain from this behaviour in the future. Repeat and/or more serious allegations may require a more formal response and may result in referral to the University Disciplinary Procedures. Section 2.8 of the Accommodation terms and conditions sets out the expectations of students whilst living within the residences.
Harassment, bullying or racism The University of Exeter is an inclusive community where everyone is welcome and everyone has the right to be treated with respect. Harassment, bullying, intimidation and discrimination (for example racism, homophobia, sexual discrimination) go against all we stand for and will not be tolerated. If you’ve experienced or witnessed any of the above we encourage you to report it and to get the support you might need. • S howing respect, being kind and compassionate during this uncertain time is more important than ever. Inappropriate behaviour or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. • I f you experience, or witness any behaviour of this type, please report it to the police immediately: • Y ou can also report any concerns or incidents to the University via our Speak Out web pages speakout We will investigate and if appropriate disciplinary procedures will be followed. • I f you are feeling anxious during this time, further support is available via • W e have signed an open letter with partners across Exeter on tackling hate crime and racism in our community, particularly in light of recent incidents in relation to coronavirus. This is a time when we must work together and support each other – not create more division and hurt. Read the letter in full
And finally….We are so pleased that you have chosen to study at Exeter. We want to ensure you have a great experience whilst staying in University accommodation. This guide has been written to ensure the safety and wellbeing of you and the wider community, and the content has been developed by taking into account the latest Government and sector guidance at the time it was published. If this guidance changes we will update you by email and through our web pages. If you have any questions please contact your Reception who will be very happy to help you. More COVID-19 information can be found on our website: prospectivestudents/coronavirus currentstudents/coronavirus currentstudents/resinfo
• There are also a wide range of supermarkets and local food outlets that can deliver to you – search online for your local services.