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EEIST’s findings

EEIST’s findings

Policy briefs

first supported the deployment of offshore wind, it generated around three times the market price. Few people guessed that within a would fall by 70 per cent, allowing offshore wind to provide electricity market price.

In order to engage with communities within its existing areas and reach new international audiences, EEIST is developing a number of topical policy briefs.

Its objectives are to: capacity to apply this thinking and these models as part of the evolution of public policy in support of the energy transition. The work has built on and extended the strong foundations established in EEIST’s Communities of Practice. aimed to deploy 20 GW of offshore wind in the UK by 2030. With the announcement last year Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, we doubled that target to 40 GW by 2030 –every home in the country. Meanwhile, the number of high-quality jobs supported by the industry and continues to grow.

1. Multiply the impact of EEIST’s findings;

The final reports

that progress in clean technologies has been faster than expected. The amount of solar power 2020 was over ten times higher than experts had forecast only fifteen years before. Similarly, the share of electric vehicles in global car sales continue to be revised radically upward. As we of the Paris Agreement within reach, and to maximise the benefits of the transition to net zero that we learn the lessons of these successes.

2. Increase the accessibility and influence of new solutions;

3. Provide practical advice on challenging policymaking decisions;

4. Provide input for events to stimulate debate on positive change.

Due towards the end of 2023, EEIST will publish a country report in each region that will summarise the findings, lessons learned and ongoing challenges in each area. These will be available on the website: eeist.co.uk

Government issued new guidance on policy appraisal in contexts of transformational change. This the future is uncertain, the aim of analysis is less to predict outcomes precisely, and more to find – places where a small intervention can have a large effect. I am delighted that researchers from and Brazil are working together to deepen our understanding of where such leverage points for change can be found, and to apply this to addressing climate change and ecosystem degradation, our challenge.

The legacy of EEIST

The project is designing and delivering bespoke programmes of workshops and training courses in India, China and Brazil, which will create a lasting legacy for the EEIST project. The sessions aim to inform a wide audience (including academics, thinktanks and policymakers) about a range of different modelling approaches, in order to ultimately build

Visit the website to see more details on the project’s work and future findings or to subscribe to the newsletter: eeist.co.uk

Energy Agency has estimated that without international collaboration, the transition to net zero global delayed by decades. On the other hand, if we work together, we can innovate faster, realise larger and create stronger incentives for investment. As countries of the world come together at COP26, this positive vision. With determined action and sustained collaboration, we can create new opportunities while securing a safe climate for the future.

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