Megan Russell (IMS Coordinator) • E: IMSport@exeter.ac.uk • T: 01392 722646 Sports Park Reception (Streatham Campus) • T: 01392 724452
UofExeterStudentSport @ExeterAUPres www.exeter.ac.uk/sport/studentsport/intramural
GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS ELIGIBILITY No previous experience is necessary and sports are open to all University of Exeter students, staff and alumni. Players are allowed to play for one team only per sport (players are able to play in both the 6-a-side and 11-a-side football leagues and for 6-a-side teams playing on different days). A maximum squad size applies for all sports. All players must be registered with Megan Russell (IMS Coordinator).
FINDING YOUR FIXTURES A fixture list will be posted on the balcony notice boards in the Sports Park and also online on the individual sport pages on the Intramural website http://sport.exeter.ac.uk/ studentsport/intramural. After the Intramural deadline (2nd October), all Captains will be emailed the fixtures and other information, including login details for the host website and sport rules. At the end of Term 1, there will promotions and relegations between the leagues (for Mixed Hockey, Mixed Netball, 6-a-side Football and 11-a-side Football) - you will be notified of the details after the start of the competition.
CANCELLATION OF FIXTURES Teams are not allowed to cancel or postpone fixtures except in extreme circumstances with prior agreement by Megan (imsport@ex.ac.uk) and/or a member of the Sports Park Reception.
Games can only be cancelled for bad weather by the Sports Park Reception and in these instances they will be rescheduled by Megan via email.
CONTINUED NON-ATTENDANCE If you do not turn up to a fixture your opponent will be awarded a walkover and will win 5-0 football, 5-0 hockey, 20-0 netball, 16-0 basketball, and 4-0 badminton. However, continued non attendance to league fixtures will incur the following penalties; • 1 match = a warning • 2 matches = 3 pt deduction • 3 matches = expulsion from the league (with no refunds available)
COMPETITION DISPUTE In the event of a dispute: A report is to be submitted by the Captains of both the teams involved and from the referee/umpire where applicable. The reports must be sent via email to Megan at IMSport@exeter.ac.uk. Megan, in consultation with the AU Executive Committee will then decide a course of action. All Intramural entrants are bound by the AU Code of Conduct, which is found at www.exeter.ac.uk/sport/studentsport/au
2 RESULTS PROCEDURE Students will not be able to input results on the fixtures lists on the Sports Hall balcony. Captains will need to follow the below process. Points are awarded as follows: • Win = 3 points • Draw = 1 point • Loss = 0 points
Goal difference, goals scored and aggregate scores will then be taken into account to separate teams on equal points. After each match Captains must submit their result by either; *You must be assigned as the Captain of your Team to text the Intramural Results Number (please ensure your mobile number is correct on your Fixtures Live account)
1) Texting the Intramural Results Number 07976 601028
www.fixtureslive.com – select the “Login” link in the top right hand corner. Log in to the screen that pops up (if you do not know your login and password use the “forgotten password” feature). Once logged in, select the Club Member role and then “enter results” option on the left hand menu and follow the instructions. This same administration area can be used to change your contact details and mobile number, and also provides a range of online tools to manage and communicate with your team, including entering match squads, goal scorers and match reports (all optional). Before you enter the result online please check if the other Captain has already entered the result via text (the result will show up on the league tables) as you cannot then amend or override that result.
EQUIPMENT All required equipment can be borrowed from the Sports Park Reception prior to your match starting.
(available for both HOME AND AWAY CAPTAINS) with the result in the format (a b xxxx) where (a) is the home teams score, (b) is the away teams score and (xxxx) is your 4 digit PIN number (everyone’s pin number defaults as 1234, unless you change it on your Fixtures Live account settings).
Please note – you will need to hand your student card into the Sports Park Reception when borrowing any equipment and you can collect it back once the equipment has been returned.
Here is an example – This message will submit a result of a 3-0 win for the home team (the home score must be written first and please take note of spaces and your PIN number e.g. 1234 ).
Important Information: •M atches must start on time as failure to do so will result in shorter matches as pitches are booked to strict time limits • Team members must all wear tops of the same colour (not applicable for netball and badminton) • I n the event of a colour clash, the second named team will wear bibs (please collect these from the Sports Park Reception)
You will receive an automated response from the Intramural Results Number once your results have been received. 6-a-side football captains will also be required to add their Fixture ID into the text message – please see 6-a-side section for additional information.
PLEASE NOTE • Chase messages are automatically sent by the Intramural Results Number to both Captains if a result has not be given • You can only text your result in on the day of the match (up to midnight) – if you text incorrectly you can text again to overwrite it
Please make sure ALL equipment is returned promptly after fixtures (to allow other students to use it) and report any damages.
Alcohol CANNOT be consumed during Intramural sessions under any circumstances. A member of the Sports Park Reception will patrol all matches during the allotted times. If alcohol is found during Intramural sessions individuals will be severely reprimanded. If required, First Aid is available from the Sports Park Reception. All injuries and accidents must be reported immediately to the nearest member of Sports Park Staff.
2) Alternatively you can enter your result online (only available for the HOME TEAM CAPTAIN) by logging into the Fixtures Live administration system accessible from the link
Intramural badminton will be played throughout the first and second terms in the Sports Hall on Streatham Campus on Sundays between 1800–2200.
Intramural basketball will be played throughout the first and second terms in the Sports Hall on Streatham Campus on Sundays between 1300-1800.
During matches, teams must contain at all times: • Only players registered for that Intramural Team
During matches, teams must contain at all times: • Only players registered for that Intramural Team • No more than one University 1st or 2nd Team Basketball Player
Games will be played in accordance with Badminton England rules (see www.badmintonengland.co.uk for more information)
Games will be played in accordance with FIBA rules (see www.fiba.com for more information) • • • • • •
Umpires are allocated to each fixture and their decision is final Team members must all wear tops of the same colour In the event of a colour clash, the second named team will wear bibs (please collect these from the Sports Park Reception) 1 hour of court time is allocated per fixture – it is the responsibility of both teams to be ready to start matches on time Matches will be 4 quarters of 10 minutes There will be no half time intervals; teams will change ends and restart play promptly • Substitutions may only be made with agreement of the official • Failure to start on time will result in shorter matches
Intramural 6-a-side football will be played throughout the first and second terms on the MUGA Pitch (the cage)/Rubber Crumb/Sand based astro pitch on Streatham Campus on Wednesdays between 1300-1700, Fridays between 1800-2200, Saturdays between 1600-2000, and Sundays between 1800-2200.
You must be assigned as the Captain of your Team to text the Intramural Results Number (please ensure your mobile number is correct on your Fixtures Live account).
During matches, teams must contain at all times: • Only players registered for that Intramural Team • No more than one University 1st or 2nd Team Football Player
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Games will be played in accordance with FA rules (see www.fa.com for more information) – with the following exceptions; • No slide tackles • No offside • The ball may not be played above head height • No players, except the Goalkeeper may enter the ‘D’ • Penalty = 1 step maximum • The games are friendly competitions which are self officiating • Team members must all wear tops of the same colour • In the event of a colour clash, the second named team will wear bibs (please collect these from the Sports Park Reception) • 20 minutes of pitch time is allocated per fixture – it is the responsibility of both teams to be ready to start matches on time • Matches will be 8 minutes each way • There will be no half time intervals; teams will change ends and restart play promptly • Failure to start on time will result in shorter matches • No Metal studs can be worn on the pitches • Please ensure you wipe your shoes before entering the pitches
After EACH match Captains must submit their result by either; 1) Texting the Intramural Results Number 07976 601028 (available for both HOME AND AWAY CAPTAINS) with the result in the format (1 2 xxxx oooooo) where (1) is the home teams score, (2) is the away teams score, (xxxx) is your 4 digit PIN number (everyone’s pin number defaults as 1234, unless you change it on your Fixtures Live account settings) and (oooooo) is the Fixture ID. Here is an example – This message will submit a result of a 3-0 win for the home team (the home score must be written first and please take note of spaces and your PIN number e.g. 1234). You will receive an automated response from the Intramural Results Number once your results have been received.
• You will need to include the Fixture ID when submitting ALL results • Your Fixture IDs can be found online, by logging into your Fixtures Live account and selecting ‘Fixtures and Results’ • Copies of your Fixture ID’s will be posted onto the pitches and the Sports Hall balcony • Chase messages are automatically sent by the Intramural Results Number to both Captains if a result has not be given • You can only text in on the day of the match (up to midnight) – if you text incorrectly you can text again to overwrite it 2) Alternatively you can enter your result online, as detailed in the general Results Procedure section.
During matches, teams must contain at all times:
Intramural 11-a-side football will be played throughout the first and second terms on the Duckes Meadow Pitches (http://sport.exeter.ac.uk/thesportsoffice/ directionsmapsandparking/) on Sundays between 1100-1700.
• Only players registered for that Intramural Team • No more than one University 1st or 2nd Team Football Player • The games are friendly competitions which are self officiating • Team members must all wear tops of the same colour
• In the event of a colour clash, the second named team will change
Games will be played in accordance with FA rules (see www.fa.com for more information)
• Matches will be 45 minutes each way • There will be a 10 minute half time interval • It is the responsibility of both teams to be ready to start matches on time • Failure to start on time will result in shorter matches • Any teams found driving onto the pitches and/or training at the Duckes Meadow pitches outside the allotted match time will be reprimanded and potentially disqualified from the league • Parking is limited at Duckes Meadow • Please ensure no rubbish is left on the pitches
Intramural mixed hockey will be played throughout the first and second terms on the water-based and sand-based astro pitches on Streatham Campus on Sundays between 1700-2200.
Intramural mixed netball will be played throughout the first and second terms on the covered Netball courts on Streatham Campus on Sundays between 1700-2200.
During matches, teams must contain at all times:
During matches, teams must contain at all times:
• A minimum of 7 players on the field of play • A minimum of 5 females (please note, you will only receive one warning from the umpire if you are not fielding the correct number of females. If it continues your team will be deducted points and if needs be removed from the league) • No more than one University 1st or 2nd Team Hockey Player • Only players registered for that Intramural Team
• A minimum of 3 females (please note, you will only receive one warning from the umpire if you are not fielding the correct number of females/males. If it continues your team will be deducted points and if needs be removed from the league)
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Games will be played in accordance with FIH rules (see www.fihockey.org for more information) • Umpires are allocated to each fixture and their decision is final • Team members must all wear tops of the same colour • In the event of a colour clash, the second named team will wear bibs (please collect these from the Sports Park Reception) • 1 hour of pitch time is allocated per fixture – it is the responsibility of both teams to be ready to start matches on time • Matches will be 25 minutes each way • There will be a 2 minute half time interval • Failure to start on time will result in shorter matches • Shin pads and gum guards must be worn at all times • Goalie kits are available to borrow and can be collected from the Sports Park Reception • Please ensure you wipe your shoes before entering the pitches
• No more than one University 1st or 2nd Team Netball Player • Only players registered for that Intramural Team
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Games will be played in accordance with IFNA rules (see www.netball.org for more information) • Umpires are allocated to each fixture and their decision is final • Do not slam dunk the netball posts (as goals will be disallowed if you are seen to be doing this) • All teams will be provided with bibs to play in (please collect these from the Sports Park Reception) • 1 hour of pitch time is allocated per fixture – it is the responsibility of both teams to be ready to start matches on time • Matches will be 20 minutes each way • There will be no half time interval; teams will change ends and restart play promptly • Substitutions may only be made at a break in play and must be done with agreement of the official • Failure to start on time will result in shorter matches
Sponsored by:
Megan Russell (IMS Coordinator) – 01392 722646 IMSport@exeter.ac.uk UofExeterStudentSport
2013 SPORT 130