1 minute read
Eye in the sky
CCTV is designed to help prevent and detect crime and to reassure the public about community safety.
It has a huge role to play in keeping people safe in Exeter - and the investment made in two Government funded Safer Streets projects has upgraded the city’s system to state of the art. In 2022 71 new cameras were erected in 32 locations.
In 2023 another 54 cameras have been installed in 21 locations. A further 58 cameras went on line at 27 locations funded by the city council and the police commissioner. Put together, by this summer, there will be over 200 cameras monitoring public spaces, shopping areas and car parks across the citydelivering high resolution images to the newly upgraded monitoring room. The council has also funded three new fulltime posts for monitoring staff.
“The benefits of CCTV are clear to Exeter quality evidence to the police and relevant enforcement agencies,” said newsletter is produced by Exeter’s Community Safety Partnership as part of the Government’s Safer Streets project. Find out more and follow us on
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“The advance our system has undergone in recent