University of Exeter postgraduate taught prospectus 2017

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VISIT US Visiting our beautiful campuses and speaking to our academic staff and current postgraduate students is the best way to find out about studying for a postgraduate degree with the University of Exeter.

Postgraduate Open Days Our Postgraduate Open Days are much smaller-scale events than our large Undergraduate Open Days, and they offer fantastic opportunities to speak to our academics and current postgraduate students one-to-one so that you can find out more about our individual programmes, about scholarships and about funding, and experience our campuses and facilities first-hand. We run Postgraduate Open Days in Exeter and Cornwall each autumn and spring.

Streatham Postgraduate Open Days 2016/17

Autumn Term: Friday 18 November 2016, 11:00 – 14:00, the Forum. Spring Term: Friday 3 March 2017, 11:00 – 14:00, the Forum.

P enryn Postgraduate Open Days 2016/17 Autumn Term: Monday 21 November 2016, 11:00 – 13:30, the Exchange. Spring Term: Saturday 4 March 2017, 11:00 – 12:30, the Exchange. For more information about our Postgraduate Open Days, visit opendays

Visiting at other times If you cannot come to one of our scheduled Postgraduate Open Days then you may want to arrange to visit one of our academic departments at another time. For further information on arranging a department visit, please see individual College webpages. Directions to our campuses are on p108.

CONTENTS Postgraduate study at the University of Exeter 2 What is postgraduate study? 4 Continuing professional development 7 Inspiring research 8 Your successful career 10 Fees and funding 12 Scholarships 14 How to apply 16 The Exeter alumni community 17 An international university 18 Investing in world-class facilities 20 Living in Exeter 22 Living in Cornwall 24 Accommodation 26

Our subjects 28 Accounting 30 Arab and Islamic Studies 32 Archaeology 34 Biosciences 37 Business and Management 40 Drama 45 Economics 48 Education 51 Engineering 55 English and Film Studies 59 Finance 62 Geography 65 Geology and Mining Engineering 68 Healthcare and Medicine 73

History, Classics and Ancient History 76 Law 79 Mathematics and Computing 83 Modern Languages 86 Politics and International Relations 88 Psychology 92 Security and Strategy 95 Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology 97 Sport and Health Sciences 101 Theology and Religion 104 Useful contacts 106 How to get here 108 inside back cover Programme index



About this prospectus This prospectus primarily details our taught postgraduate programmes; for more information on our research degrees, please see our website:

THE BENEFITS OF POSTGRADUATE STUDY Professor Sir Steve Smith, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive The contribution of postgraduates to our financial, scientific, and intellectual futures is critical. A modern, global economy needs a highly skilled workforce, and postgraduates bring essential specialist skills, train future generations, and make the discoveries that drive progress and innovation.

where further expertise can give you the edge, and especially to the joy of discovering and understanding a subject you feel passionate about to the very deepest level, you will find that a postgraduate qualification will be one of the most rewarding things you ever do.

The contribution of postgraduate study to the individual is even more profound. As well as the economic benefits – people with a postgraduate qualification earn £5,000 more a year on average (or £200,000 over a 40-year working life*) than someone only holding a Bachelors degree – a postgraduate degree can open a world of other opportunities.

I come from a working class background and, despite being told ‘people like you don’t go to university’, I was the first person in my family to do so. I believe university is about achieving potential, individually and socially, and to do this we need to invest intellectually and financially in the people who are generating new knowledge and teaching future generations. The key way to do this is through postgraduate education.

From careers that require specialist training – such as engineering, education, academia, or healthcare – to highly competitive sectors and industries * According to research undertaken by the Sutton Trust, 2013








 In the Times Higher Education 2015 global top 100  C onsistently in the top 10 of major UK higher education league tables1  A member of the prestigious Russell Group of research-intensive universities

 O utstanding results at the Research Excellence Framework 20142  F unded Doctoral Training programmes with all major UK research councils  H igh proportion of postdoctoral and early career researchers, supported by our Doctoral College


 O ur international students are the most satisfied in the UK3


 W e have invested £350 million in our campuses and facilities over the last 5 years





 T he career prospects of our students have continued to rise despite the global recession  N amed as The Times and The Sunday Times Sport University of the Year 2016

 S treatham Campus is a registered botanic garden covering 370 acres  T he Penryn Campus covers 100 acres at the heart of the living laboratory that is Cornwall

7th in The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide, 9th in The Guardian University Guide 2016


16th nationally by proportion of staff submitted, 3rd highest funding increase


‘International Student Choice Category’ at the Whatuni Student Choice; best in the UK for international student satisfaction. The StudyPortals International Student Satisfaction Awards 2014



The life of an MA student is busy. When I applied I was aware there would be a step up, but the levels of commitment demanded from you are pretty large. Not so large that they’re unmanageable, but you do have to dedicate a lot of your life to organisation and reading. That said, this has undoubtedly been the best six months of my life. I can’t wait to begin my dissertation in April. Tom Oberst, MA Classics and Ancient History

WHAT IS POSTGRADUATE STUDY? Postgraduate study is a level above undergraduate study and covers a range of taught and research degrees. The majority of taught postgraduate programmes at Exeter are Masters degrees. These normally combine advanced-level tuition with the completion of a dissertation under the guidance of an individual member of staff. You will usually have a choice of modules enabling you to tailor your programme to your own interests. Most are 11-12

months full-time, with part-time options often available to UK/EU students. Contact hours vary widely, but as a general rule you should expect a full-time Masters degree to occupy as much time as a full-time job, whether this is in face-to-face contact time or individual study. This prospectus focuses on our taught degrees, however we also offer numerous PhD and other research degrees through our Doctoral College.




Interested in a PhD at Exeter? You can browse our subjects and specialisms available, search for a supervisor or investigate funding at All research students and early career researchers are supported by our Doctoral College, regardless of subject or college. This fosters our vibrant interdisciplinary research community and provides a rich array of resources to help you succeed in your research project.

INSPIRING RESEARCH We are the fastest growing research intensive university in the UK and 98 per cent of our research was rated as international or world-leading quality in the national Research Excellence Framework (REF)*, with world-leading research and impact in all subjects.

A global reputation Our research reputation has moved from international recognition to globallyrespected. Our research income grew by 87 per cent between 2008/09 and 2014/15, enabling us to recruit the best academic researchers and to offer hundreds of funded PhD studentships annually.

Collaboration locally, nationally and internationally We are at the forefront of global and national research collaboration, actively supporting our staff and students to build working relationships with counterparts overseas. In addition to the array of partnerships we hold with other Russell Group universities and publically-funded bodies, our industry partners include Airbus, GlaxosSmithKline, IBM and Rolls-Royce.

* Taking account of our quality and the proportion of staff submitted

Investing in our future research Investment in our research infrastructure extends to our facilities, with £340 million invested in science alone since 2008. On the Streatham Campus, the Living Systems Building will pioneer novel approaches to understanding diseases and how they can be better diagnosed, while our new £1.2 million Digital Humanities Lab will allow researchers to use high-tech equipment to explore our cultural heritage and creative past, and to share their discoveries with the public. The new Science and Engineering Research Support Facility on the Penryn Campus builds upon the £30 million investment in the Environment and Sustainability Institute, and the St Luke’s Campus has undergone a £10.5 million redevelopment of the South Cloisters building. This offers a new home for the Institute of Health Research, as well as high-quality student learning and study spaces available to all.

Research-inspired teaching Our research strength not only benefits our postgraduate research students who are supervised by experts in their field, but our taught Masters students also gain: often our lecturers are also our researchers – those writing the books and research papers. The teaching and knowledge received is at the forefront of knowledge and you will benefit from access to the latest thinking, equipment and resources.

Nurturing talent Postgraduate research students and early career researchers are integral part of our research community and success. A large proportion of papers submitted to the REF2014 were from these groups. Thirty per cent of our research staff are early career researchers; a much greater proportion than most universities. This creates a dynamic and collaborative environment that we support through high-quality training and supervision.

Research Council Doctoral Training Partnerships and Centres Our research reputation means we, with our partners, have been awarded over a dozen externally-funded doctoral training centres. These centres offer fully-funded PhD studentships covering the cost of doctoral research. Research students aligned to these centres of excellence also benefit in the form of supervision from more than one institution, bespoke research training and opportunities to engage in research collaborations from across the partnership.

Interdisciplinary research is an engine to innovation and a hallmark of Exeter’s recent success. Our research bridges the gap between the arts, humanities, social sciences and pure sciences to tackle global challenges, such as food security and ageing, in a holistic way. Professor Nick Talbot, Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Research and Impact



Events and services Career Zone

Award winning careers service, where you can access careers advice, resources and enhance your interview and application skills.

My Career Zone

Provides an online hub for all your skills development and career planning needs, including access to vacancies advertised by over 700 employers.

Careers fairs

Attended by numerous local and multinational companies and organisations.

Skills training

Workshops and seminars on all aspects of career development, recruitment and selection.

Exeter Award and Exeter Leaders Award

Boost your experience and abilities to demonstrate to employers that you have developed transferable skills.

Enterprise and entrepreneurship sessions

Develop skills for self-employment and enterprise. Support provided if you wish to start your own business.

Internships for postgraduates Internships offer valuable commercial awareness and are a great way to improve your employability.

YOUR SUCCESSFUL CAREER The skills you develop at postgraduate level are essential to business success, both in the UK and internationally. Postgraduates help the organisations they work for think creatively, achieve more and innovate better. This in turn boosts profitability and competitiveness within the global economy. Our reputation, and that of our graduates and postgraduates, is second-to-none. When you embark on your career it’s important to us that you have the range of business-critical skills employers demand, beyond specialist subject knowledge alone.

Our postgraduates are regularly employed by multinational organisations such as PwC, Reuters and Jaguar Land Rover; and in the public sector within the National Health Service, local government and the Armed Forces. We also have an excellent record in student entrepreneurship. Our careers service has links with a huge array of organisations big and small, across all sectors. Individual advice and guidance is blended with organised programmes and skills sessions, to help you achieve what you need in order to get the job you want, or make your own business succeed. Your Masters year will go quickly, so make sure you take advantage of the help and support we can offer.

Student Campus Partnership

Part-time, term-time and full-time vacation work at the University. Offers challenging roles and projects.

Student Business Partnership

Part-time, term-time and full-time vacation work with South West companies.

Graduate Business Partnership

Full-time work for the University or South West companies (£16,376 per annum minimum).

Access to Internships

Subsidies to help employers to employ you! It is up to you to find your internship but we can advise you how.

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

Undertake a one- to three-year research-based in a company project. You are paid a salary and given structured training and support.

CASE Studentships

Collaborative grants, between Research Councils and industry, offering students insight into partner organisations. The student’s research assists the organisation they are working with. Undertaken by all Research Councils except the AHRC, who operate the similar CDA awards scheme.

Employing you around the world Our dedicated Global Employability Team builds relationships with key global graduate employers to support your global career aspirations. We have a network of over 300 international employers including HSBC, Deloitte, PwC, IBM, Ernst & Young, Toshiba, Mars, Bosch and Siemens. All, and

many more besides, regularly seek to recruit University of Exeter graduates into their graduate and internship programmes. Employment can include one-year sandwich-style placements, summer vacation placements and short placements after graduation.

In a competitive job market, my MA helped me stand out from the crowd and develop the skills necessary to succeed on any career path. This included being able to analyse situations in a more thoughtful and detailed manner, and extensive interaction with subjects and arguments of a more developed calibre. My MA was enjoyable, challenging and memorable – getting to spend additional time in Exeter was a huge benefit. Stuart Still, Senior Research Associate at the Gerson Lehrmann Group (MA International Relations 2014)

PwC has worked alongside the careers team at the University of Exeter for over 10 years now, which has led us to recruit some very bright and engaging students from across a range of degree disciplines and year groups. We are always on the look out to find talented individuals from a range of backgrounds and are pleased to have such a strong working relationship with the University. We look forward to recruiting many more students in the years to come. Scarlett Seager, West and Wales Student Recruitment Manager, PwC


UK Government postgraduate loans  Borrow up to £10,000  Any Masters programme in any subject,

taught or research

 Full-time or part-time and distance

learning are included

 Loans will be available at any university

with degree-awarding powers in the UK


 Anyone aged under 60 is eligible

Money is the single biggest barrier preventing people studying for a postgraduate degree. Identifying and securing funding for your Masters is vital to realising your ambitions, even though everyone’s circumstances and needs are different. When planning how to fund your postgraduate degree, make sure you start early and think creatively; the sooner you start planning the longer you have to research opportunities and accumulate funds.

How much does a Masters cost? Your tuition fee is only one part of the cost of studying a Masters: you will also need to account for living costs and accommodation, as well as other potential costs of your specific programme.

Tuition fees

Tuition fees vary from programme to programme, and are detailed in each of the subject entries in this prospectus.

Scholarships For the 2016/17 academic year, we made available more than £500,000 worth of scholarships. Scholarships tend to be highly competitive and merit-based, so we recommend investigating options early as deadlines and eligibility vary. Many schemes will not cover full costs, but may go some way to reducing the costs. You cannot normally hold more than one scholarship awarded by the University, but you can apply for as many external schemes as you like.

Alternative funding

The National Union of Students estimates living costs outside of London to be approximately £12,000 per year, including accommodation. This figure is a guide only; depending on your priorities and how you budget, it could vary significantly.

There are as many ways to pay for your postgraduate studies as there are people undertaking postgraduate study: wages, bursaries, savings, inheritance and, increasingly, alternative methods such as crowdfunding and philanthropy, are all valid and useful alternative ways of funding your degree. A portfolio funding approach, where you use several different sources of income to fund your studies, is becoming popular and may prove useful.

Outline accommodation costs are detailed on p26. alternativefunding

Accommodation and living costs

Programme costs

Some programmes may have additional costs, for instance optional modules may involve field trips, or you may prefer to own textbooks rather than borrow them from our library. Please contact your college of interest to clarify.

In my city-centre library I looked at the Grants Register, which lists various grants available to local students studying at postgraduate level. My scholarship in particular was aimed at those who had lived in the area where I grew up and had attended college or sixth form within the borough. The application form asked what course I was hoping to study and why I thought it would be beneficial to me and the wider society in the future. I was awarded the full cost of my tuition fees which took a huge weight off my mind! Amy Huxtable, MSc Paediatric Exercise and Health

 Repayments are income-contingent

with a £21,000 threshold and will not begin until 2019




Further information  Search every single scholarship we

offer on our funding database

 Find out more about the Government’s

postgraduate loans

 Learn hints and tips and possible

external sources of funding

Whilst searching for funding for my Masters, I came across a local charity who provide grants to local people to support educational activities. Hearing that they were open for applications, I wrote a short letter explaining I was selffunding a Masters and wondered if they would be able to help. A month later they replied with a cheque for £750. Will Nicholson, MSc Psychological Research Methods



HOW TO APPLY CHOOSE YOUR PROGRAMME CONSIDER FEES*AND FUNDING In addition to tuition fees, you will also need to budget approximately £1,015 per month for living costs. See our website for scholarships and funding information, including the new Government Postgraduate Loan.

CHECK THAT YOU MEET OUR ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic and English language entry requirements can be found next to programme descriptions at:



As part of the application, we require supporting documentation: If you are a current student, please follow the Fast Track application link.


We aim to provide a decision in 20 working days for postgraduate taught applications, or five working days for Fast Track applications.


If you have accepted an offer to study a full-time postgraduate taught programme. For 2017/18: £250 for successful Postgraduate Loan Scheme applicants; £1,000 UK/EU students; £2,500 international students.


* Students of the Channel Islands should consult the Student Fees Team on

+44 (0)1392 724724 /



AN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY The University is a welcoming, multi-cultural community; more than 5,000 of our students are international, and come from more than 140 countries. Together they contribute to a thriving international community across our campuses in Exeter and Cornwall. The South West is a beautiful location for study, and offers the best in British countryside and culture.

In recent years we have been recognised for the quality of our international student experience; we won the ‘International Student Choice Category’ at the Whatuni Student Choice awards in 2015, and were named the best UK university for international student satisfaction at the StudyPortals International Student Satisfaction Awards in 2014.

Supporting you from application to graduation Before you arrive

We provide all the support you need to make the most of your postgraduate studies, and we are happy to answer any questions you have. Page 107 contains various contact details, and you can also contact our Academic Colleges directly in relation to programme queries; details are in the subject listings. You may also be able to speak with us in person through a visit to our campuses, at a worldwide recruitment exhibition, or with one of our local representatives. Please see our webpages for further details:


You can find out about how to apply on p16. Although there are no formal deadlines for many programmes, we advise international students to apply by mid-May in order to give enough time to process visa applications and University accommodation applications. Applicants who need to improve their English further in order to meet our entry requirements can enrol on a variety of English language preparation courses delivered by INTO University of Exeter on the Streatham Campus.

A warm welcome

We welcome new international students starting in September through a Meet and Greet scheme, and support your transition into UK university life with a programme of events during Freshers’

Week. This provides all the practical information you will need to study here successfully, and gives you the opportunity to make new friends too.

Support and wellbeing once you are here Our support and wellbeing services include:  International student advisers: to help with any questions or issues you may have  In-sessional English language support: offered at our Streatham Campus through www.intohigher. com/exeter and at Penryn Campus by the Academic Support Unit  Clubs and societies: offered by our Students’ Guild and FXU – the students’ unions for Exeter and Cornwall-based students  Employment: our careers services can help you find part-time work to help fund your studies; and a full-time job on completion. Please see our webpages for full details, including information about skills support, our Advice Unit, religious provision and support for students with disabilities. students

I am convinced that my choice to come to Exeter was a wise decision. The Streatham Campus is incredibly beautiful, convenient, with comfortable accommodation, stateof-the-art study facilities, professional and friendly staff and a reputation for excellence in research. Exeter is exactly the right place for me to do my Masters and I really enjoy my study and life here. Pisi Zheng, MSc Sport and Health Sciences (China)

I decided to attend Exeter because it is a top 10 UK institution making it the equivalent of a US Ivy League. Exeter is an incredibly beautiful and historic city. Despite my concerns about the educational and cultural differences, I was able to pick things up within a week. I’m having an excellent time and strongly encourage all Americans to give England a go. Rachel Gee, MSc International Management (USA)



WORLD-CLASS FACILITIES We are incredibly proud of our campuses and facilities, and have invested more than ÂŁ500 million in updating and developing them in recent years. This includes new and redeveloped spaces for teaching, learning, research and studying, as well as sport, accommodation and social spaces.



We have state-of-the-art laboratories for science, technology engineering, mathematics and medicine across all our campuses. These include the Environment and Sustainability Institute at our Penryn Campus, the Living Systems Institute at our Streatham Campus, and the Research, Innovation, Learning and Development Centre at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital Wonford site near St Luke’s.

Our main library facilities at Streatham and Penryn are open 24/7, and we also have specialist library spaces for postgraduate students, and extensive heritage collections, including the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum, Du Maurier archive, rare books and maps, and much more. We have invested heavily in digital library resources; what you see on the physical shelves of our libraries now makes up less than half the library resources actually available.



THE SOUTH WEST Students at the University of Exeter, whether based in the city itself or at our campuses in Cornwall, benefit from living in one of the most beautiful parts of the country. It’s no wonder our students are consistently amongst the most satisfied in the UK. All campuses are easily accessible from London by road and rail, and European flights are available from Exeter, Newquay and Bristol airports.


Set in the heart of the beautiful Devon countryside, Exeter is consistently rated as one of the best places to live, work, and study in the UK. The region’s exquisite coastline and impressive national parks are only a short drive, cycle, bus or train journey away. Boasting a high quality of life and low crime rate, a quarter of Exeter’s population study or work at the University, making the city a welcoming environment for students and academics alike, with a vibrant, cosmopolitan culture and relaxed atmosphere.

Streatham Campus The Streatham Campus, the University’s largest site, is built around a country estate overlooking the city and is readily acknowledged as one of the most beautiful in the country. Described by The Times as the “best-gardened campus in Britain”, its lakes, parkland, woodland and gardens make it a very special place and a safe and enjoyable environment for study. streatham

St Luke’s Campus The St Luke’s Campus is just over a mile away from Streatham, across the city centre. Home to Sport, Education, and Medical students, people have studied there for more than 150 years and although much has changed over the years, the campus retains a vibrant, collegiate atmosphere. stlukes

Exeter is very easy to fall in love with. It has one of the most beautiful campuses in the country, in one of the most beautiful counties in Britain. Virgin Alternative Guide to British Universities


LIVING IN CORNWALL Living in Cornwall Our Penryn and Truro campuses are in what many consider to be the UK’s most beautiful county. The Penryn Campus is just a few minutes’ walk from the centre of Penryn, home to a rapidly expanding collection of independent cafés, shops, galleries and restaurants, and a railway station with services to Falmouth and the city of Truro (10 and 20 minutes, respectively).

views to the sea. It offers peace and tranquillity as well as a lively student community. The campus is shared with Falmouth University. The two institutions have separate teaching and research facilities, but students share accommodation and social spaces. This creates a vibrant mixture of students from science, engineering, humanities and arts backgrounds.

Falmouth is a vibrant student town with a wealth of bars, pubs and restaurants and a lively café culture; its beaches, rivers and world-famous marina attract national and international visitors. Truro is the most southerly city in England, and the Cathedral’s impressive gothic towers dominate the city skyline. penryn

Penryn Campus The Penryn Campus is set in 100 acres of countryside, close to the waterside town of Falmouth, and boasts beautiful

Truro Campus Our Truro Campus, located in the Knowledge Spa at the Royal Cornwall Hospital, is the base for postgraduate students studying MSc Environment and Human Health (p73). It is also the home of the European Centre for Environment and Human Health (ECEHH). thetrurocampus

The location is beautiful. The campus is surrounded and built within such incredible scenery and biodiversity. There’s a great, youthful, inspired and energetic vibe. Luke Meadows, MSc Conservation and Biodiversity, Penryn Campus



University accommodation in Cornwall

ACCOMMODATION Studying in a new place is a big decision and it’s important to have somewhere to call home, whether that’s private accommodation or University halls.

University accommodation in Exeter Our student residences each have their own character and offer you safe and secure environments to live and study in. We know that postgraduate and PhD students have different needs to undergraduates. With this in mind, our accommodation offers the following benefits:  Guaranteed accommodation for international students who apply by our deadline date  Dedicated postgraduate accommodation

 A range of convenient locations  Contract lengths to suit you  No guarantor required – arranging accommodation with us is easy  All-inclusive rents – no extra bills to pay  W iFi  Postgraduate facilities and support across our campuses – including common rooms, computer access and desk space Find out more at our website: students/postgraduatestudents

Private accommodation in Exeter The city and surrounding area has ample private accommodation with various contract lengths and rent levels to suit different budgets. For more information visit For further information on accommodation in Exeter, please visit students/postgraduatestudents

Our university-owned, managed and approved halls include either campusbased en-suite accommodation, or offsite choices just a 15 minute walk away. You will be allocated to a flat with other postgraduate and mature undergraduate students. Please see details below:  G uaranteed University accommodation for postgraduates.*  H igh-quality, en-suite accommodation offered at The Sidings and Glasney Student Village, situated near or on the Penryn Campus.  R esidences are divided into self-catered flats with between four and seven study-bedrooms. A number of rooms have been modified for students with a range of disabilities.

 F urnished to a high standard with a double bed, wardrobe, desk and WiFi.  A ll inclusive fees covering all utility costs and contents insurance. The rent for the 2016/17 academic year was between £128.80 and £131.88 per week. * Please apply by 31 July.

Private sector accommodation in Cornwall A range of high-standard private housing is available for rent in Penryn and Falmouth. Rents are typically in the region of £75–£90 per week. In most instances this is exclusive of all services and utilities. Assistance in finding a private property is available from the Accommodation Office’s Private Sector Liaison Officer. The Falmouth and Penryn Student Pad is an online resource of available properties. For further general information and help on private sector accommodation in the area, please visit



OUR SUBJECTS Accounting 30 Arab and Islamic Studies 32 Archaeology 34 Biosciences 37 Business and Management 40 Drama 45 Economics 48 Education 51 Engineering 55 English and Film Studies 59 Finance 62 Geography 65

Geology and Mining Engineering 68 Healthcare and Medicine 73 History, Classics and Ancient History 76 Law 79 Mathematics and Computer Science 83 Modern Languages 86 Politics and International Relations 88 Psychology 92 Security and Strategy 95 Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology 97 Sport and Health Sciences 101 Theology and Religion 104

30 Accounting

Accounting 31

Programmes MSc Accounting and Taxation

Gain financial expertise alongside an understanding of the accounting process (management and financial accounting). Designed for those wishing to enter a career in financial markets, either as an analyst or professional accountant, or can be used as a preparation for further research at PhD level. Develops the ability to apply and evaluate models and methods that practitioners use to solve practical accounting and financial problems. Specialise your knowledge further with options in derivatives, investment analysis, international portfolio management, corporate finance, banking or international financial management.

The MSc in Accounting and Taxation is a unique programme designed to offer you a high-level academic understanding of contemporary developments in taxation policy and practice, together with accounting both in the UK and in an international context. Our aim is to give you the best possible preparation for a long and successful career in accounting and finance with a specialisation in taxation.

Compulsory modules

A dvanced Financial Accounting A dvanced Management Accounting C orporate Governance, Reporting

Accounting  11th in The Complete University Guide 2017  10th in The Times and The Sunday Times Good University

Guide 2016  Extremely strong links with several professional

accounting bodies, including ICAEW and ACCA, ensuring standards are aligned with the highest level of excellence  Simulations of global financial markets a component of

most modules  Intensive computer training covering Thomson Reuters

Datastream and other financial databases and software systems  Opportunity to participate in a financial European tour

during your studies  Option to extend your study with a partner university in France, Germany or China in order to gain a double degree

Our accounting discipline is growing rapidly, attracting some of the world’s leading accounting academics, and our accounting programmes are highly regarded by students and employers alike. Our research is hugely varied, with strengths including management control, capital markets accounting, accounting for sustainability, taxation, and corporate governance and audit. We have recently been awarded research grants from professional bodies including the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Our faculty members are regularly invited to advise policy makers at institutions including the Bank of England, the Department of Work and Pensions, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, and the Competition and Markets Authority.

I find the academics we work with very inspiring – many have worked at senior levels in industry and that motivates me to work harder and do as well as I can. Romrawin Thongsathitya, MSc Accounting and Finance

Compulsory modules

MSc Accounting and Finance

   

and Regulation OR Advanced Financed Analysis

Alongside traditional accounting subjects our programme covers all aspects of taxation, including policy development and implementation and practical operation of tax systems in the UK and overseas. The programme gives you an understanding of a broad-range of topics, which you can choose to focus on in greater depth when developing ideas for written assignments including your dissertation. The MSc in Accounting and Tax offers you the opportunity to specialise if you choose to do so early in your career.

T axation Policy and Comparative Taxation I ntroduction to UK Taxation P rinciples of International Taxation A ccounting for International Managers A dvanced UK Taxation A dvanced International Taxation D issertation

Optional modules Select two from:

 Advanced Management Accounting C orporate Governance, Reporting and Regulation

M ultinational Finance for Managers  S ustainable Enterprise Economy D igital Business Models

F inancial Modelling

F undamentals of Financial Management A pplied Empirical Accounting

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u

D issertation

Optional modules

 International Financial Management  Banking and Financial Services D omestic and International     

      

T opics in Financial Economics


Accounting and Finance



Accounting and Taxation







Portfolio Management D erivatives Pricing


Modular/ Distance learning


F ees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.



A dvanced Corporate Finance

C orporate Governance and Finance M ergers, Management Buyouts and Other Corporate Reorganisations

Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

A lternative Investments

LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Normally a 2:1 degree or equivalent in a related discipline from a recognised university. Evidence of mathematical/quantitative ability is required. Please see our website for detailed information.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US Business School: Postgraduate Admissions Officer Phone: +44 (0) 1392 723246 Email: SEE ALSO MSc Finance and Investment p63; MSc Finance and Management p63; MSc Financial Analysis and Fund Management p63; MSc Marketing and Financial Services p63 FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

32 Arab and Islamic Studies

Arab and Islamic Studies 33

The Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies is one of the most important centres of Arab, Middle East and Islamic studies in the UK. We enjoy an international profile for our pioneering regional focus on the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula and expertise in Islamic studies. The Institute holds the annual Gulf Conference and a seminar and lecture series featuring distinguished scholars and public figures from the Islamic world and the West. Our dedicated centre provides the perfect setting in which to study your postgraduate degree; our impressive building is the best purpose-built Middle East centre in the UK and is equipped with first class facilities.

Programmes MA Middle East and Islamic Studies This highly flexible programme enables you to select from a range of optional modules, followed by a dissertation on an approved subject of your choice to create your own personalised programme. This MA is well suited to students who need to study for the specific requirements of an employer, as well as those who welcome the opportunity to create an individualised study pathway.

Arab and Islamic Studies  Largest centre for Middle East Studies in a UK university

with excellent research links in the Islamic world

Compulsory modules

Two from:  Approaches to Middle East and Islamic Studies: States, Societies and Identities

 Islamic Culture and Civilisation  Studying the Contemporary Middle East Both:

 Research Methods in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies

 Dissertation

Optional modules

 MAs suitable for students from a wide range of

disciplines  Scholarships available and HRH Prince Alwaleed Al Saud

Awards to support study visits to Arab countries  Unique research resources including Europe’s most

important research collection on the Arab world  Students from all over the world including Brunei,

Malaysia, Indonesia and the Middle East  Strongest results of any UK Middle Eastern and Islamic

75 credits of optional modules. 45 credits must be taken from within the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies. 30 credits can be taken from elsewhere in the College of Social Sciences and International Studies which may include further study of Institute modules.

MA Politics and International Relations of the Middle East This very popular programme is the oldest Masters degree in Middle East Politics in the UK. You will examine key issues in Middle Eastern domestic and regional politics and develop a sophisticated understanding of international relations in the region. You will also have the opportunity to take a beginner’s level course in Persian, Arabic or Kurdish languages.

Compulsory modules

   

I nternational Relations of the Middle East S tate and Society in the Middle East D issertation Skills D issertation

Optional modules

60 credits of optional modules from a wide-range from either Politics or the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies.

MA Islamic Studies Whether you would like to further develop your understanding of Islam, or have no prior knowledge, this programme will cater for you. You will acquire a profound comprehension of Islam both as a religious, intellectual and cultural tradition, and as a powerful political ideology. Compulsory modules

 I slam in Practice: Contemporary Methodological Interpretations

MRes Middle East Studies

Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

This programme is designed to develop your research skills whilst providing an in-depth study of the recent political and social history of the Middle East. You will examine how the region has changed and developed over the last 150 years, and learn discipline-specific methodology and analytical techniques that lay the basis for you to progress to doctoral study.

Optional modules

Compulsory modules

   

A pplied Quantitative Data Analysis P hilosophy of the Social Sciences Q ualitative Methods in Social Research R esearch Methods in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies

   

Constructing Selves in Social and Political Contexts Independent Reading Course

Islamism and Politics in North Africa Palestinian Politics after Oslo The History and Historiography of the Palestine Question

 Th e Middle East Before 1945  The Revolution of 1978/79, the

 S tate and Society in the Middle East D issertation

Islamic Republic and the Politics of Contemporary Iran

Optional modules

30 credits of optional modules from within the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies.

N ew Approaches to Islamic Thought R esearch Methods in Middle Eastern

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u

and Islamic Studies

D issertation



Middle East and Islamic Studies


Islamic Studies Politics and International Relations of the Middle East











Modular/ Distance learning


Students must also choose TWO modules from the following:

A pproaches to Middle East and Islamic Studies: States, Societies and Identities

 I slamic Culture and Civilization  S tudying the Contemporary Middle East


Optional modules

30 credits of optional modules relevant to your research or career plan, including a range of language modules.

 Arabic for Beginners  Elementary Persian  Gender and Identity in the Middle East:

Middle East Studies u

F ees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic 2:1 Honours degree or equivalent in any discipline.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US College of Social Sciences and International Studies Phone: +44 (0) 1392 723192 Email: SEE ALSO Masters in Applied Security Strategy p95; Politics and International Relations p88 FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

34 Archaeology

Archaeology 35

Programmes MA Archaeology Provides the opportunity to study subjects such as landscape archaeology, material culture and a range of options in bioarchaeology and osteoarchaeology. Enables you to achieve a respected standalone qualification, or training for a PhD degree in line with UK Research Council requirements. Compulsory modules

   

F ield Study L andscape Archaeology M aterial Culture R esearch Methods and Archaeological Theory

R esearching the Historic Environment Online

A rchaeology Dissertation Optional modules

Archaeology  Top 100 worldwide in the QS World University

Rankings 2016  Top 10 in all major UK university league tables for the

subject  3rd in the UK for world-leading and internationally

excellent research


 £2.4 million external research funding awarded over the

past 3 years  25 fully-funded doctoral studentships over the last 3

years  Well-established national and international links with

The department of Archaeology at Exeter is currently involved in many exciting projects in Britain and around the world. In addition to academic classes for Masters students, there are many opportunities for Masters and Research students to become personally involved with the research conducted in the department. We currently have active fieldwork and research projects in Britain, Europe, South America, North America, Central Asia and South Asia. Students have participated in all of these projects. In addition to lectures we have regular visiting speakers who present their research. We encourage all our students to get involved and take an active role in our academic community. Archaeology, as a discipline, offers a wide range of personal, academic and practical skills. This suite of abilities will stand you in good stead for a variety of future opportunities – whether professional or academic. Our facilities include dedicated workrooms for postgraduate students, a landscape research room, and other laboratory facilities. Broadly speaking, our research encompasses evidence-based social archaeology – specialising in bioarchaeology, landscape, experimental and environmental archaeology – and material culture and social agency.

      

M usculo-skeletal Anatomy F uneral Osteoarchaeology P alaeobotany A dvanced Human Osteology Z ooarchaeology R esearching the Historic Environment A dvanced Zooarchaeology

MA Experimental Archaeology Explore experimental archaeology’s potential as a powerful research method, an effective educational tool and an excellent medium for public outreach. Undertake archaeological, taphonomy and material culture experiments. Links with museums and independent establishments provide opportunities for practical work. Compulsory modules

M aterial Culture R esearch Methods and Archaeological Theory

E xperimental Archaeology in Practice 1 E xperimental Archaeology in Practice 2 E xperimental Archaeology Dissertation Optional modules

     

F ield Study L andscape Archaeology M usculo-skeletal Anatomy F unerary Osteoarchaeology Z ooarchaeology A dvanced Project

MSc Bioarchaeology: Human Osteology This fast-advancing field combines archaeology with branches of the natural sciences. Study key topics such as past health and wellbeing, physical activities, trauma, death and funerary practices. Compulsory modules

R esearch Methods and Archaeological Theory

M usculo-skeletal Anatomy A dvanced Human Osteology B ioarchaeology Dissertation Optional modules

   

F ield Study

    

F unerary Osteoarchaeology

L andscape Archaeology M aterial Culture R esearching the Historic Environment Online P alaeobotany Z ooarchaeology A dvanced Zooarchaeology F orensic Anthropology: Principles and Practices

A dvanced Project

MSc Bioarchaeology: Zooarchaeology Develop an understanding of past human cultural and economic interactions with animals from the study of faunal remains. Learn bone identification skills and how to interpret ancient patterns of animal hunting and husbandry. Compulsory modules

R esearch Methods and Archaeological Theory

M usculo-skeletal Anatomy A dvanced Zooarchaeology B ioarchaeology Dissertation Optional modules

F ield Study L andscape Archaeology R esearching the Historic Environment Online

F unerary Osteoarchaeology P alaeobotany A dvanced Human Osteology

M aterial Culture F orensic Anthropology: Principles and Practices

Z ooarchaeology A dvanced Project

MSc Bioarchaeology: Forensic Anthropology A rapidly evolving field of study focused on the recovery, identification and analysis of human remains to aid in the resolution of medico-legal and humanitarian investigations. Compulsory modules

R esearch Methods and Archaeological Theory

M usculo-skeletal Anatomy A dvanced Human Osteology F orensic Athropology: Principles and Practices

Optional modules

    

Z ooarchaeology

   

Funerary Osteoarchaeology

Advanced Zooarchaeology Field Study Landscape Archaeology R esearching the Historic Environment Online Palaeobotany Advanced Human Osteology Advanced Project

36 Archaeology


Biosciences 37


Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u UK/EU




Experimental Archaeology









Modular/ Distance learning


MSc Bioarchaeology

The teaching collections are extensive and the excellent lab facilities are accessible to Masters students 24-hours a day. The coursework is challenging, but with such comprehensive resources and faculty support, the course has been incredibly rewarding.


Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

Biosciences  Top 10 in the UK for Biosciences in the Guardian

University Guide 2017

Alexia Bonfield, MSc Bioarchaeology (Human Osteology)

 Top 10 in the UK for world-leading and internationally

excellent research1  Top 10 for Zoology in the National Student Survey

20162  Excellent facilities with a £25 million investment in

state-ofthe-art laboratories and platform technologies  The current value of ongoing research within LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Please see individual programme descriptions at

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US College of Humanities: Postgraduate Admissions Administrator Phone: +44 (0) 1392 725306 Email: FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

Biosciences is more than £50 million funded from research councils, charities, UK government, the EU Commission and industrial companies  Research regularly published in peer-reviewed journals

including Nature, Science and the Proceedings of the

Biosciences at the University of Exeter is a vibrant and rapidly expanding centre for research and teaching across a broad spectrum of biological sciences. Our students join a community of world-leading experts in subjects ranging from molecular biology to cellular and whole organism biology, to conservation, ecology, computational biology and biological chemistry. As a highly research-active discipline, we are in an excellent position to offer taught Masters programmes focusing on a range of disciplinespecific and generic skills, designed to enhance your employability. We enjoy excellent links with key external agencies, enabling you to benefit from direct links to relevant employment opportunities within the UK and abroad. We provide state-of-the-art facilities for all students in Cornwall and Exeter. These include next-generation DNA sequencing and proteomics facilities, and an enhanced bioimaging suite in Exeter, as well as research laboratories, greenhouses and controlled environment rooms in Cornwall. The Centre for Ecology and Conservation in Cornwall shares the campus with the University’s £30 million Environment and Sustainability Institute – an interdisciplinary centre leading cutting-edge research into impacts of environmental change and the mitigation and management of its effects. Opening on the Streatham Campus in Exeter in 2016, the new Living Systems Institute (LSI) will pioneer novel approaches to understanding a broad spectrum of diseases and how they can be better diagnosed.

38 Biosciences


Biosciences 39


Programmes MSc Applied Ecology Designed in consultation with multiple external agencies and delivered by leading international researchers, this programme offers advanced training in ecological census techniques together with directed and independent projects. Substantial field work opportunities abroad and in the UK. Compulsory modules

    

R esearch Project K ey Skills A frica Field Course S tatistical Modelling E cological Census

Optional modules

P reparing for Ecological Consultancy T errestrial Biodiversity and Conservation MSc Conservation and Biodiversity Delivered by internationally recognised experts with input from multiple external agencies, this programme covers both fundamental and applied aspects of the subject with the flexibility to pursue those areas of most relevance for your academic and professional development. Significant research component and substantial field work opportunities abroad and in the UK. Compulsory modules

   

K ey Skills R esearch Project A frica Field Course S tatistical Modelling

Optional modules

A pproaches in Evolutionary and    

Behavioural Ecology

M arine Biodiversity and Conservation T errestrial Biodiversity and Conservation P reparing for Ecological Consultancy E cological Census

MSc Conservation Science and Policy Taught by internationally recognised experts with input from conservation practitioners, this programme examines scientific and policy-oriented aspects of conservation. Focused on the issues and scenarios around climate change, food security and social justice. Opportunity to tailor the programme to focus on those areas of most interest or relevance to your professional development. Includes a field trip to some of East Africa’s most famous conservation areas. Compulsory modules

 Transdisciplinary Methods for Sustainability Science

 Project Design and Grantsmanship  Africa Field Course  Dissertation Optional modules

   

Governing Sustainability Marine Biodiversity and Conservation Terrestrial Biodiversity and Conservation Statistical Modelling

MSc Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology This programme provides excellent preparation for a future research career, with a significant research component, taught modules that provide a theoretical background and extensive training in current research techniques. Conduct cutting-edge research that aims to make a genuine contribution to the field of evolutionary and behavioural ecology. Compulsory modules

 Key Skills  Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology  Approaches in Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology

 Africa Field Course  Statistical Modelling  Research Project

The Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture programme has given me the crossover knowledge between social science and applied science. I am now able to base development projects within their ecological and scientific contexts, and use my new-found research skills to create applied research programmes for development of appropriate sustainable solutions. Lorena Viladomat Davila Galindo, MSc Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture

MSc Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture Addressing the urgent need for trained food security scientists, this programme provides multi-disciplinary training in sustainable agriculture and global food security. Developed in collaboration with the agricultural industry, government agencies, farmers and food manufacturers. Opportunities to gain industrial and practical experiences, including field trips.

Masters by Research in Biosciences This degree provides the opportunity to carry out a supervised research project leading to a formal postgraduate qualification, without the longer-term commitment of a PhD. It is ideal if you are interested in pursuing a specific shorterterm research project, perhaps whilst working. The programme offers you the flexibility to shape your research in an area of particular interest to you. Penryn Campus

On our Penryn Campus, Cornwall, our MSc by Research offers you the opportunity to study in the Centre for Ecology and Conservation – a vibrant and internationally research-active environment focused on whole-organism biology, with leading research groups in:

I had never been to Falmouth, or the UK, but I read about the area and it sounded stunning. It definitely hasn’t disappointed. The lecturers really make the course; it’s a great experience to be able to learn from them. The Kenya field course is one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had in my life. When you add up the brilliant lecturers, beautiful campus, and state-of-the-art facilities, you end up with a great educational experience. My time here has truly been special. Matt Nicholson, MSc Conservation and Biodiversity

B ehaviour E cology and Conservation E volution

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u

Streatham Campus


Applied Ecology



Conservation and Biodiversity



Conservation Science and Policy



Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology



Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture






C ellular and Chemical Biology E nvironmental Biology M icrobes and Disease


Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).


 S ustainable Livestock and Fisheries  Research and Knowledge Transfer for Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture

R esearch Project/Dissertation  Political Economy of Food and Agriculture

LOCATION Penryn Campus, near Falmouth, Cornwall

Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Please see individual programme descriptions at

English language Please see our programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US Biosciences: Penryn Campus, Cornwall Phone: +44 (0) 1326 371801 Email:

Biosciences: Streatham Campus, Exeter Phone: +44 (0) 1392 723788 Email:

SEE ALSO MSc Animal Behaviour p93 FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:


Masters by Research


P rofessional Skills  Crop Security  Sustainable Land Use in Grassland



With the recent technological developments in biological sciences, in particular post-genomic technologies leading to data-rich research environments, many students are finding that conventional taught courses cannot adequately cover their research needs and ambitions. Our MSc by Research is offered in response to this situation and can be studied in any of our research areas at our Streatham Campus, Exeter:

Compulsory modules


Modular/ Distance learning

40 Business and Management

Business and Management 41

Programmes One Planet MBA The One Planet MBA equips aspiring business leaders with the knowledge, skills and tools to harness innovative business thinking and new business models that can deliver organisational growth whilst addressing global economic, social, environmental and technological challenges. Innovative and sector-leading, the One Planet MBA is regularly ranked among the world’s leading MBA programmes* and co-delivered and supported by partner FTSE 100 and other progressive organisations. The programme promotes the application of ‘fresh’ learning to real business challenges and has a profound focus on your personal and professional development to accelerate your career. * (CEO Magazine 2016, QS Top MBA 2014 and 2015, Corporate Knights 2014, Aspen Institute 2013)

Compulsory modules

 MBA Foundation Programme  Study Skills A ccounting and Finance pre-sessional

Business and Management  11th for Business Studies in The Times and The Sunday

Times Good University Guide 2016  8th for Business and Management Studies in The

Complete University Guide 2017  2nd for Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism in The Times

and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2016  Opportunity to study a semester abroad at one of our

partner institutions in Europe as part of the 12-month International Management programme  Award winning One Planet MBA programme where

business and sustainability join forces to create a new generation of entrepreneurs  Option to extend your study period with a partner


T ackling Global Challenges and

The department of Business and Management at Exeter is highly regarded and our academic staff engage in teaching, research and consulting across a broad range of management disciplines. The Business School’s Management Masters degrees focus on the academic assessment of organisations and the associated business environment. We draw upon disciplines from across the social sciences, and give emphasis to the dynamic nature of enterprise, global connectivity, and the management and leadership of global challenges ahead. The department is home to a number of leading research centres that capitalise on academic expertise in the school, including the Centre for Leadership Studies, and the Centre for Innovation and Service Research (ISR) also plays a key role in the interdisciplinary Centre for Sport, Leisure and Tourism Research. We also have links with many professional associations, including the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

    

Developing Resilience

F inance and Responsible Investment I ntegrated Accounting M arketing and Customer Engagement E conomics for Managers M anaging Strategic Resources and Operations

 S trategy C orporate Challenge P ersonal Transformations:        

Personal and Professional Development L eadership M anaging Around the World E merging Business Models S trategic and Responsible Innovation I gniting Change in Business Th e Entrepreneurial Mindset P ractical Insights Into Data Analytics L eading in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Optional modules

 S tarting Successful New Ventures G enerating Insights Through Deeper Analytics

P ractical Insights into Data Analytics

B iomimicry and Business:    

Learning from Nature

B usiness-to-Business Marketing S trategic Public Relations S ustainable Finance E merging Business Models in Context (overseas study tour)

M BA International Experiences (eg, Audencia/Kedge)

M BA Project

MSc IT Management for Business This programme has been designed to educate the next generation of IT management professionals. Taught in conjunction with the Department of Computing, it will enable you to work in high-level system development and employ the systems in a strategy to provide maximum competitive advantage for a business. Providing an excellent grounding in the creation and management of digital and technology systems in business and government organisations, the programme will include guest lectures from IT professionals and enable you to participate in industry leading schemes such as ITIL and PRINCE2. Compulsory modules

 I nternet Marketing in the Information        


S trategy M anaging Operations S trategic Innovation Management

Worldwide industry connections will enable you to study from an entrepreneurial, international, operational and strategic management perspective. You will be taught by internationally acclaimed experts who use real-life projects and case studies to ensure you leave Exeter with the best possible preparation for the next step in your career. Compulsory modules

     

L eading, Managing and Developing People I nternational Finance for Managers M arketing Strategy I ndustry Sector Analysis H ospitality Resource Management M ethods and Techniques for Independent Study

A pplied Research Project OR Dissertation Marketing Pathway

Select two options from:

E -Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Destinations

S oftware Development for Business

B rand Design A dvanced Marketing Seminars

M anaging IT Projects

Optional modules

I TMB Case Studies

N etworks, Data and Information B usiness IT Project

Optional modules

   

Offering an international experience, the programme will prepare you for a career in the global marketplace by immersing you in some of the South West’s premier hospitality businesses to provide you with the opportunity to work alongside some of the leading figures in the sector. You will have the opportunity to undertake summer school opportunities with some of our prestigious international partners, as well as a field trip to South Africa focusing on conservation and the lodging industry.

A ccounting for International Managers M anaging a Multinational Context N ature-Inspired Computation E volutionary Computation and Optimisation

MSc International Hospitality Management Developed in response to a rapidly expanding sector, this market-driven Masters is one of the first programmes of its kind offered by a Russell Group University and in a globally recognised EQUIS accredited Business School.

   

M anaging Operations S trategy W ork Based Learning I nternational Human Resource Management

A dvanced Marketing Seminars E -Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Destinations

B rand Design T ourism Business: Management    

Impacts and Evaluation S ustainable Tourism

R esearch and Consultancy Project E vents Management R esourcing and Talent Management

42 Business and Management

Business and Management 43

Business and Management uman Resource Management in Context H E mployment Law H ospitality Service Management Events Management Pathway Select two options from:

E vents Management R esearch and Consultancy Project Tourism Pathway

Select two options from:

   

T ourism Business S ustainable Tourism R esearch and Consultancy Project E -Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Destinations

MSc International Management We all now operate in a global market place, sourcing labour, logistics, materials, customers, services, products, technology and relationships from a variety of different economies at the same time. Understanding how business is conducted in different cultures is central to creating successful and sustainable business relationships. Our MSc in International Management is designed to equip you with the skills, knowledge and insights to help you achieve a successful and sustainable career in business and management anywhere in the world. A nine or 12 month programme is available. Option to study a semester abroad in Europe as part of the 12 month programme. Compulsory modules

    

F uture Trends for International Management I nternational Operations Management S trategy for International Management A ccounting for International Managers R esearch and Analysis Skills for Business Research

 I nternational Human Resource Management  P rinciples of International Business D issertation/Business Project (12 months only)


Select four1 or six2 from:

   

Marketing Strategy Sustainable Enterprise Economies Strategic Innovation Management Entrepreneurship: New Venture Development

 Managing Projects and Programmes    

of Projects

Leadership and Global Challenges Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Multinational Finance for Managers Global Career Management: Theory and Practice

 Innovating Business Models in Developing Economies

 Banking and Financial Services  Corporate Governance, Reporting and Regulation

 Global Sourcing and Logistics Management

 Digital Business Models 1

12 month programme


9 month programme

MSc International Tourism Management Equip yourself with the knowledge, skills and insight required to work in the diverse and dynamic tourism sector. This stimulating and challenging programme will help you develop the ability to think critically about the relationship between tourism and management in different contexts and across a range of functions eg, marketing, business, evaluation, strategy and applied research. Compulsory modules

 Methods and Techniques for    

Independent Research

Strategy Tourism and Marketing Sustainable Tourism Management Tourism Business: Management, Impacts and Evaluation

 Tourist Behaviour: Theory and Practice  Dissertation

Optional modules

Select two options from:

 Intercultural Communication in      

a Global World

I nternational Human Resource Management

Improve your employability and career prospects in human resource management. Understand contemporary developments and gain advanced human resource management skills. Includes the opportunity to gain Chartered status with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development along with residential sessions devoted to skills development. Option to undertake nine month PgDip leading to CIPD accreditation.


M anagement Resource Report

Events Management Managing Operations Work-based Learning Principles of International Business Marketing Strategy

 Entrepreneurship: New Venture MSc Marketing The CIM accredited MSc Marketing draws upon our unique expertise in the areas of marketing and society, consumer behaviour, services, psychology and branding. Especially relevant if you are seeking a career as a marketing professional. Provides an understanding of how marketing and consumption work at the individual level and across society. Compulsory modules

     

Advanced Marketing Seminars Marketing Analysis and Research Marketing Strategy Understanding Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Integrated Marketing Communications

Optional modules

B rand Design  Entrepreneurship: New Venture       

MSc/PgDip Human Resource Management


Principles of International Business Services Marketing Events Management Consumption, Markets and Culture Accounting for International Managers Digital Marketing Strategy Tourism and Marketing

Compulsory modules

       

(PgDip only)

L eading, Managing and Developing People R esourcing and Talent Management H uman Resource in Context H uman Resource Development E mployee Relations H R Skills R esearch Methods (MSc only) D issertation

MRes Global Political Economy Focusing on important contemporary issues such as globalisation, governance and inequality as well as other public policy challenges, you will acquire a wide range of quantitative and qualitative research skills to comprehensively assess the impact of such issues on the global political economy. As a cross-disciplinary Masters degree with offerings from economics, business, management, geography, sociology and politics, you will gain a diverse and intellectually stimulating perspective on how each area directly impacts on the global political economy. Learn how to fully comprehend, analyse and address issues affecting the global political and economic landscape, through the use of new international data sources and methods. This programme is accredited by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as part of the South West Doctoral Training Centre (SWDTC). It is a collaborative, interdisciplinary programme, delivered by three universities (Bath, Bristol and Exeter) and is ideal for those interested in a variety of careers including government agencies, think tanks, NGOs, policymaking, charities and the private sector.

Compulsory modules

   

Th eories of Political Economy M acroeconomic Theory G overnance of the Global Political System R esearch Methods

Optional modules

 Th e Politics of Global Capitalism  Th e Politics, Policy and Practice of Sustainable Development

 I nnovating Business Models in Emerging     


L eading, Managing and Developing People P rinciples of International Business S ustainable Enterprise Economy R esourcing and Talent Management I nternational Human Resource Management

M anagement and Governance: Comparing Public Administration around the World

MRes Management Ideal for anyone wishing to undertake research into management and its related disciplines. Provides thorough training in a range of research techniques and methods used in the social sciences. This programme forms part of the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Centre and studentship funding may be available for UK/EU students embarking on the programme and wishing to work towards a PhD. Compulsory modules

   

C urrent Research Issues in Management B usiness and Management Research Skills P hilosophy of the Social Sciences M ethods and Techniques for Independent Research

D issertation

Optional modules

      

A dvanced Marketing Seminars M anaging Operations P rinciples of International Business S trategic Innovation Management C onsumption, Markets and Culture U nderstanding Consumer Behaviour M arketing Strategy

 I nternational Human Resource Management

 S trategy E ntrepreneurship: New Venture Development

B rand Design INTO Graduate Diploma in Management Pre-Masters course for international students taught at INTO University of Exeter. Designed for students who have completed a first degree or equivalent and who need to enhance their subject knowledge and develop the necessary study and research skills for entry to one of the University’s postgraduate programmes in Management or (subject to appropriate work experience) the Masters of Public Administration or One Planet MBA. Requires a minimum of IELTS 5.5 with 5.5 in all subskills or equivalent. See exeter for full details. Compulsory modules

    

H uman Resource Management F inancial Management O perations Management M arketing Management E nglish Language and Communication Skills

B usiness or Public Administration Based Dissertation

Optional modules None

44 Business and Management

Drama 45

Business and Management


Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u UK/EU




IT Management for Business



International Hospitality Management



International Management



International Tourism Management








Global Political Economy











Modular/ Distance learning

MBA One Planet MBA


In my opinion, the best thing about studying at the Business School is the freedom to share ideas, both with my fellow students and with the experienced academics who work here. We have the opportunity to hear from high-quality guest lecturers as well, so we gain a lot of exposure to different subjects and perspectives on the course. Pranav Agarwal, MSc International Management

MSc/PgDip Human Resource Management MRes

INTO Graduate Diploma Management


Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

Drama  1st in The Complete University Guide 2016 and top 5 in

The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2016  79 per cent of research classified as world-leading or

internationally excellent1 LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Normally a 2:1 degree or equivalent in a related subject from a recognised institution. MBA requires careers experience. Please see our website for detailed information.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US Business School: Postgraduate Admissions Officer Phone: +44 (0) 1392 723246 Email: SEE ALSO MSc IT Management for Business p85; MSc Engineering Business Management p56; MSc International Supply Chain Management p56; MA Applied Security Strategy p95; MA International Film Business p60 FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

 5th for Drama in the National Student Survey 20162  22 fully-funded doctoral studentships over the last 3

years  Superb industry-standard practical facilities 1 2

Research Excellence Framework 2014 based on the percentage of research categorised as 4*and 3* based on the average percentage of positive responses across all survey categories for full service universities

Drama at Exeter is an internationally renowned centre for practice, research and teaching. As one of the largest and best equipped Drama departments in the country we have excellent teaching and performance spaces. There are three research centres in the department with wide-ranging and interdisciplinary research interests. We provide a highly supportive learning environment where you will become an active part of our postgraduate community. Our connections span the world and include European, American, Australian, Indian and Indonesian universities and practice-based institutions. Our students have benefited from collaborations with organisations like the Globe Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company, as well as local and national theatre companies, hospitals, prisons and schools. Our industry links are strong and our graduates have gone on to form such critically acclaimed companies as Theatre Alibi, Forced Entertainment and Punchdrunk.

46 Drama




Programme MA Theatre Practice Designed to nurture the practitioners and scholars of the future, this exciting and diverse programme gives you the opportunity to extend your practice, sharpen your critical skills and learn to contextualise your work socially and politically. It is ideal for anyone wishing to further their practical and theoretical knowledge along with advanced research skills - whether you seek to develop an area of theatre that you have enjoyed in your previous degree, or to tackle new horizons you have not yet had the opportunity to study. Learning within a vibrant research environment, you will cover a broad range of subject areas including directing, writing and psychophysical actor training. Delivered under expert supervision, our rigorous teaching fosters creative communities and encourages collaboration across genres, disciplines and cultures. The programme boasts an excellent mix of practical, theoretical and research methods that will help to develop your skills to an advanced level, whether you wish to pursue a professional or academic career. Compulsory modules

   

R esearch Preparation and Writing Skills

The staff and my fellow students have been really supportive and welcoming: I feel like I’ve become part of the Exeter Drama community. I think it’s important for any drama student to have access to performance space and the facilities at Exeter are amazing; the rehearsal rooms and studios are fantastic. Alice Zhang, MA Theatre Practice

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u UK/EU







Modular/ Distance learning

MA Theatre Practice u

Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

C ultural Adaptation D issertation C ontemporary Performance Practices

Optional modules

P erformance Practice Project R esearch Project Development

LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Normally a 2:1 Honours degree (or equivalent) in Drama or a relevant subject. Practical and/or professional experience may be taken as constituting the equivalent of a degree qualification.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US College of Humanities: Postgraduate Admissions Administrator Phone: +44 (0) 1392 725306 Email: FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

48 Economics

Economics 49

Programmes Please note, optional modules for all programmes listed below are as follows:

   

A dvanced Econometrics A dvanced Finance Theory B anking and Financial Services D omestic and International Portfolio Management

E conomics of Banking E conomics of Corporate Finance E xperimental and Behavioural Economics

F inancial Econometrics G ame Theory and Industrial Organisations

 I nternational Trade and Regional Integration

Q uantitative Research Techniques 2 T opics in Financial Economics

Economics  10th for Economics in The Complete University Guide

2017  12th for Economics in The Times and The Sunday Times

Good University Guide 2016  ESRC accredited Masters degrees enabling progression

to MPhil/PhD study  Small class sizes enabling more individual attention for

students  Research-led teaching from experts working at the

forefront of developments in their field  Finance and Economics Experimental Laboratory at

Exeter (FEELE), established with a grant from the

MSc Behavioural Economics and Finance Economics at Exeter has a long-standing reputation for providing outstanding teaching and research. Our academics are a dynamic and highly research-active group with a strong tradition of interaction and collaboration among the faculty. Within the current faculty, which includes members from many countries around the world, there is expertise and international reputation in a significant number of areas of economics and econometrics. We also engage in projects with international organisations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the United Nations (UN) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Our postgraduate MSc and PhD economics programmes are accredited by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the leading research council for social sciences in the UK.

This programme combines the intellectual rigour of a standard MSc in Economics with the insights stemming from the intersection of economics, social psychology and cognition. It provides the quantitative training of standard microeconomics, with a thorough grounding in the research methodology behind experimental economics, whether applied to laboratory studies, or to field experiments. It also provides the statistical training required to analyse and interpret data from experiments. Compulsory modules

     

M icroeconomics G ame Theory and Industrial Organisations O ptimisation Techniques for Economists Q uantitative Research Techniques 1 E xperimental Methods B ehavioural Choice and Financial Decision Making

E xperimental and Behavioural Economics E xperimental Economics Research Design and Dissertation

MSc Economics

MSc Financial Economics

Provides the opportunity to acquire professional training in mainstream economies, including analytical techniques and subject-specific knowledge. Provides rigorous training in the techniques of economic and econometric analysis to enable you to understand contemporary economic issues. Offers a great choice of modules so you can pursue your specific interests. This programme forms part of the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Centre and funding may be available for UK/EU students embarking on the programme and wishing to work towards a PhD.

This programme is a springboard into a career as an economist. Whether you are looking to work in the Civil Service, a leading bank, a multinational organisation or an insurance company, this programme can help you achieve your aims. It is also an ideal choice for anybody who sees his or her future as an analyst for a major investment company. This programme forms part of the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Centre and funding may be available for UK/EU students embarking on the programme and wishing to work towards a PhD.

Compulsory modules

    

      

M acroeconomics M icroeconomics O ptimisation Techniques for Economists Q uantitative Research Techniques 1 Q uantitative Research Techniques 2 G ame Theory and Industrial Organisations R esearch Design and Dissertation

MSc Economics and Econometrics Gain a solid foundation in economics, together with advanced teaching in econometrics in order to understand contemporary economic issues. Ideal for anyone wanting a career involving econometrics or economic research. This programme forms part of the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Centre and funding may be available for UK/EU students embarking on the programme and wishing to work towards a PhD. Compulsory modules

     

M acroeconomics M icroeconomics O ptimisation Techniques for Economists Q uantitative Research Techniques 1 and 2 A dvanced Econometrics R esearch Design and Dissertation

Compulsory modules F undamentals of Financial Management O ptimisation Techniques for Economists T opics in Financial Economics E conomics of Corporate Finance E ither Macroeconomics OR Microeconomics

E ither Quantitative Research Techniques 1 OR Quantitative Methods for Finance

E ither Quantitative Research Techniques 2 OR Financial Econometrics

R esearch Design and Dissertation MSc Money and Banking Designed for those who wish to pursue a career in finance and economics in the international banking sector. It draws upon the Business School’s long-standing reputation for creating top quality graduates in finance and economics. Focuses on the application of advanced economics and finance theory to commercial money markets and banking. Includes intensive computing training in financial databases and software. Compulsory modules

    

E conomics of Banking E conomics of Corporate Finance F inancial Modelling F undamentals of Financial Management M acroeconomics of Money and Financial Markets

Q uantitative Methods for Finance D issertation

50 Economics


Education 51


MRes Economics The MRes Economics will allow you to undertake research into economics and forms part of the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Centre – a hub of world-class social sciences research. Whether you want to get involved in research with a view to a PhD or academic career, or to improve your employability in industry or the public sector, this programme will provide you with substantial training in a range of research techniques and methods.

It has been fantastic to be able to hear experts describe their topics and to have that serve as the starting point for my own further studies. Shaun Grimshaw, MSc Economics

With an appreciation of theoretical underpinnings, this programme will develop critical thinking and evaluation skills, as well as giving the opportunity to organise a research project, manage self-driven enquiry and write up a research-based dissertation which includes critical academic argument.

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u

O ptimisation Techniques for Economics M icroeconomics M acroeconomics E conometrics D issertation

Optional modules

G ame Theory and Industrial Organisation  Experimental and Behavioural Economics B ehavioural Choice and Financial Decision Making


Behavioural Economics and Finance






Economics and Econometrics



Financial Economics



Money and Banking









Compulsory modules

    


Modular/ Distance learning

MRes Economics u

Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

Education  6th in the UK for world-leading and internationally

excellent research in Education1 and influencer of national education policy  Ranked amongst the top 5 university teacher training

providers in The Good Teacher Training Guide 2015 LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Normally a minimum 2:1 Honours degree or equivalent in a related subject from a recognised institution. Evidence of mathematical/quantitative ability is required. Please see our website for detailed information.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US Business School: Postgraduate Admissions Officer Phone: +44 (0) 1392 723246 Email: FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

 Recognised by Ofsted2 as an outstanding provider of

Primary and Secondary teacher education  Top 150 in the world for Education3  Funding opportunities available through the ESRC South

West Doctoral Training Centre – a hub of world-class social sciences research

We are a leading centre for the study of education, offering a wide range of postgraduate programmes, including the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) and other Masters courses. Our educational research advances policy, theory and practice, and contributes to the broader vision of education, both nationally and internationally. The roots of the Graduate School of Education predate those of the University itself, and as such we have over 160 years of experience in education. Our international community of researchers has an excellent record of winning external funding, and our research centres provide structure and support, promoting collaboration and impact. We are located on the St Luke’s Campus and provide excellent support for all our postgraduate students. This ideal setting is within easy walking distance of both the city centre and the University’s Streatham Campus, where students are encouraged to make use of the additional facilities available to them.

52 Education


Education 53


Programmes MA/PgDip/PgCert Education with specialisms in C reative Arts in Education L anguage and Literacy M athematics Education  S cience Education  S pecial Educational Needs T echnology, Creativity and Thinking  I ndividually constructed programme in Professional Learning

The MA Education is designed to develop your professional practice to enable you to innovate and make a positive impact either within the classroom, or more widely within the sphere of education. Highly flexible, it is designed for educators with a diverse range of experience, development needs and study requirements. You can choose an individually constructed programme, or follow a specialist route which may be reflected in your degree title. You may study on campus full-time, or choose distance-learning or weekend taught options if you wish to fit part-time study around other commitments. The advantage of this programme, over many other Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses, is that you will be taught by academics whose research sets the agenda, influences policy and leads to innovation in the classroom. Specialisms include:

Creative Arts in Education Develop your knowledge and understanding of arts education (eg, music, dance, drama, visual arts) and the central role of creativity in arts teaching and learning. Opportunities for hands-on experiences through participation in educational projects, artist-led workshops and visits to educational settings. Language and Literacy Develop the theoretical knowledge and practical techniques to improve the reading, writing and language skills of your students to give them the best possible platform for a successful future. Mathematics Education Suitable for maths specialists or those seeking to develop maths as a specialism, either at secondary or primary level. This specialism will encourage you to adopt the latest innovations, including the use of technology, within your own professional practice.

Science Education Explore the latest innovations in science education, while developing practical skills and techniques to enable you to communicate complex concepts in ways which inspire students to excel. Special Educational Needs (SEN) Develop your understanding of the theory and practice of special educational needs within both special and mainstream educational settings. Explore ideas around inclusion, disability and difference. Full-time students also have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience through practical school visits and a two-week experiential placement. Technology, Creativity and Thinking Explore the future of education looking at the role of technology and how to encourage creativity and flexible thinking within the classroom in order to meet the needs of pupils and employers in the 21st century. Compulsory module

 Preparing for Educational Research and Dissertation

Optional modules

The modules you take will depend on whether you are studying an individually constructed programme or wish to graduate with a named specialism within your degree title. Please visit our website for more information.

    

Action Research

   

Digital Futures for Education

Arts in the Curriculum Creativity and Education Futures Creativity and the Arts Critical Perspectives in Inclusive and Special Education Educational Issues, Policies and Practices Educational Technology in Practice Effective Mentoring in Initial/Early Career Teacher Education

 Independent Study  International Perspectives: Inclusion, Disability and Diversity

         

NQT and Beyond: Aspirational Practice Planning for Understanding in Science Reading the World SEN: Teaching and Learning SEN: Provision and Practice Science Education for Diversity Teaching Thinking in the Internet Age Technology in Mathematics Education The Arts and Educational Futures Writing: The Future

MEd Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Internationally-recognised professional qualification enabling you to enhance your career prospects. Gain hands-on experience in educational settings and move into new areas within TESOL such as teacher education and training, technology-enhanced language learning, bilingual and multilingual education, materials development and the teaching of English to young learners. Our MEd TESOL programme is suitable for teaching practitioners as well as those wanting to enter a career in language teaching. Compulsory modules

L anguage Awareness for TESOL  TESOL Inquiry and Dissertation Optional modules

Compulsory modules

L anguage Awareness for TESOL P reparing for TESOL Inquiry and Dissertation

P rinciples of Language Learning Optional modules

D esigning and Communicating Research D issertation I nterpretive Methodologies Th e Nature of Educational Enquiry S cientific Methodologies

EdD Professional Doctorate Gain professional development through research with one of the first EdD programmes established in the UK, now also available in Dubai*. Offers a ‘generic’ pathway (suited to a broad range of educational specialisms) as well as pathways in Special Needs and Inclusive Education and TESOL. Includes a modular phase as well as a thesis. Particularly suited to professionals who wish to link research with their existing professional practice.

on Language Learning and Teaching

Also available: DEdPsych Professional Training in Educational Psychology. Please refer to our website for further details.

Teaching Methodology

Compulsory modules

B ilingual and Multilingual Perspectives D eveloping an Appropriate Language      

    

D eveloping Language Teachers D eveloping Materials for TESOL F oreign Language Testing and Assessment I ssues in English Language Teaching N ew Technologies in Language Learning

Generic route:

E ducational Research: Theory and Practice 1

E ducational Research: Theory and Practice 2

P rinciples and Practice of Curriculum Development and Syllabus Design

P erspectives on Professionalism R esearch Networking  Th esis

Academic Purposes

Special field modules

T eaching English and Researching for

C orpus Linguistics for TESOL  Developing an Appropriate Language

T eaching English to Young Learners

C ritical Perspectives in Education,

MSc Educational Research

L earning Through Life: Personal,

Language Learning and Teaching

      

Teaching Methodology

Developing Language Teachers Developing Materials for TESOL Discourse and Language Education Foreign Language Testing and Assessment Issues in English Language Teaching New Technologies in Language Learning rinciples and Practices of Curriculum P Development and Syllabus Design

 Teaching and Researching English for

 Issues of Policy and Practice in Arts

 Teaching English to Young Learners


The only UK university to offer a face-toface summer intensive MEd TESOL, this programme has international recognition and is seen as an important professional qualification worldwide to enable TESOL teachers to enhance their career prospects. Taught in Exeter over two consecutive summers (fourweek blocks). Coursework and dissertation are completed off campus with tutor support.

Compulsory modules

 Bilingual and Multilingual Perspectives on

 Issues in Theory and Practice in Mathematics Education

MEd Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Intensive Summer Programme

Academic Purposes

Acquire general social science research skills that can be applied to a variety of problems. Specialise in a particular field of education within a research preparation framework. This programme forms part of the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Centre and funding may be available for UK/EU students embarking on the programme and wishing to work towards a PhD. This programme can be studied either full-time or part-time on campus in twilight sessions, or by distance learning, requiring no attendance at Exeter.

Training and Development

Political and Economic Imperatives

Please see our website for all programme pathways. * TESOL pathway only

The University of Exeter is one of the top 100 universities in the world; and Exeter is a peaceful city where you can enjoy beautiful sunshine and visit the beach during the summer time. The lecturers from the TESOL programme are very supportive for the international students as they understand the challenges that overseas students face and they provide instant advice on different issues. There are also a number of societies for the students to join in, such as international society and some other sportrelated activities where you can meet different people from different countries. Xuying Fan, MEd TESOL

54 Education


Engineering 55


Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)  Primary  S econdary (with subject specialisms)  S chool Direct

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u


Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Intensive Summer Programme* Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)* Educational Research

to specialise)

E ducation and Professional Studies  S chool-based Work  S pecialist Subject Knowledge and




part-time programme fee

part-time programme fee







EdD Professional Doctorate

(selected EdD TESOL pathways also available only) in Dubai+

PGCE Primary (with subject specialisms) Secondary (with subject specialisms) School Direct

Dependent on route taken





Compulsory modules

E ducation and Professional Studies  School-based Work C urriculum Studies (with opportunity




For more information on the PGCE and School Direct routes into teaching, please visit our website:




Our PGCE is uniquely characterised by innovative research-led teaching informed by professional practice and academic excellence. We provide unrivalled opportunities for trainees to achieve through our highly original PGCE teaching model which is praised by Ofsted and cited as an example of best practice. Depending on your chosen route, you are likely learn on campus for most of the first term, you then access the tools to rapidly build professional knowledge to underpin your work in school placements. We offer training in primary and secondary teaching in a number of subject specialisms.

Subject specialisms may change – please check our website for updates.


Modular/ Distance learning




Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes unless otherwise stated. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.



* Also available as PgDip/PgCert. +

Please check our website for the EdD TESOL (Dubai) fees.

Subject to approval.

Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

Engineering  1st for Overall Satisfaction in General Engineering in the

National Student Survey 20141  Top 10 for General Engineering in The Complete


University Guide 2017 and The Times Good University Guide 2016  A truly interdisciplinary approach to engineering LOCATION St Luke’s Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Most programmes require an undergraduate degree equivalent to at least a UK Second Class Honours and some require appropriate experience. Please see individual programme information on our website for details.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US College of Social Sciences and International Studies Phone: +44 (0) 1392 723192 Email:

PGCE enquiries Phone: +44 (0) 1392 723009 Email: FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

research, enhanced by strong industrial links  Specialist Engineering programmes with a choice

of pathways enabling you to focus on technical Engineering, or enhance your management skills  Professionally accredited programmes by the IET,


Our Engineering programmes maintain a firm focus on the current and future needs of industry. Our teaching is backed by internationally leading research, exploring various real-world problems such as water management, vibration engineering, manufacturing and advanced materials. We have an excellent reputation with employers and offer interdisciplinary, career-orientated postgraduate training in a friendly research environment, enhanced by strong industrial links. Many of our graduates become professional engineers and others are now working in senior management positions in manufacturing and industry. Our commitment to ensuring an exemplary student experience is confirmed in the 2014 National Student Survey in which we were ranked 1st in the UK.

56 Engineering

Engineering 57



Programmes Management

MSc Civil Engineering with Management MSc Civil Engineering These programmes bring together the latest scientific developments in a range of civil engineering disciplines to provide you with an in-depth knowledge of geotechnical and structural engineering. You will learn how to analyse, design, construct and maintain infrastructure, and put the theory you learn into practice. The programmes prepare graduates for a career in the civil engineering industry and will equip you with the knowledge and skills to play a leading role in providing essential infrastructure for society. The MSc Civil Engineering with Management provides a complementary mix of technical modules alongside the business-themed modules. It gives a solid understanding of leadership and management theory and its applications to engineering. The business modules are taught by our Business School, where you will get the chance to build an exceptional personal network to enhance your future career. These programmes are professionally accredited by the Joint Board of Moderator ( JBM), which includes the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Structural Engineers, the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation and the Institute of Highway Engineers. Compulsory modules

        

Compulsory modules

     

Project Management Manufacturing Supply Chain Management Multinational Finance for Managers Management of Product Development Management Concepts Professional Skills

Optional modules

 Agile, Lean and Competitive Enterprise OR Production Engineering

Mechanics of Materials

 Marketing Analysis and Research

Software Modelling Advanced Geotechnical Engineering Computer-Aided Engineering Design Professional Skills* Management Concepts* Active and Passive Structural Control Sustainable Engineering

Advanced Structural Engineering

Optional modules

   

This programme is designed for the engineering managers and leaders of the future. You will develop the techniques and analytical tools to enhance business operations, paired with a thorough understanding of the processes and practices of the engineering industry; a truly powerful combination. You will be taught in partnership with the University of Exeter Business School. This mix provides you with an exceptional learning experience, and the chance to build an outstanding personal network to enhance your future career. The programme provides a basis in management specifically focused for engineering students to allow them to move into management roles in engineering companies. This programme is professionally accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).

C onceptual Design of Buildings S ustainable Buildings S trategic Innovation Management* S trategy*

*available on MSc Civil Engineering with Management only  available on MSc Civil Engineering only

MSc Engineering Business

OR Marketing Strategy

MSc International Supply Chain Management Run in conjunction with Exeter’s Business School, this programme provides business and engineering graduates with the essentials of management theory and practice while increasing the scope of technical knowledge. The programme opens up the issues of supply chain management and introduces you to the modern approaches to doing business in this context. It provides global management career opportunities across the wide-variety of sectors involved in purchasing, supply chain and logistics. Compulsory modules

    

Agile, Lean and Competitive Enterprise Manufacturing Supply Chain Management Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Principles of International Business Sustainable Engineering

Optional modules

M anaging Operations  Research Methodology  Sustainable Enterprise Economy

OR Global Sourcing and Logistics Management

MSc Materials Engineering with Management MSc Materials Engineering These programmes bring together the latest developments in materials science and their application into new technology, providing you with specialist knowledge and skills which will enhance your engineering career. Focusing on the theory and computational simulation of material structures for application into automotive, aerospace, technology and energy sectors, you will gain a strong understanding of the properties and behaviours of different substances, from raw materials to finished products. By identifying their strengths and limitations, you will be able to find solutions to complex contemporary problems. The MSc Materials Engineering with Management is aimed at materials engineers with the desire to lead and manage teams. The programme is taught in partnership with our Business School and will enhance your knowledge of business theory and practice in an engineering context. Both programmes are professionally accredited by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3). Compulsory modules

        

Mechanics of Materials

with Management MSc Mechanical Engineering Teaching you to apply the latest techniques and technologies in mechanical engineering to complex contemporary problems, these programmes are supported by internationallyleading research projects in areas such as nano-scale materials, biomedical engineering and application and recycling of polymers and composites. Designed for mechanical engineers who want to progress within their careers, completion will enable graduates to proceed to Chartered Engineer status. MSc Mechanical Engineering with Management focuses on the management and leadership skills required to enhance business operations. You will study jointly with our Business School, enhancing your learning experience and providing you with the opportunity to extend your personal network outside of engineering. These programmes are professionally accredited by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).

Advanced Materials Engineering Computer-Aided Engineering Design Professional Skills* Management Concepts* Sustainable Engineering

Research Methodology

ew Developments in Materials N Engineering

Optional modules

 Contemporary Advanced Materials Research

F unctional Materials  Strategic Innovation Management*  Strategy* *available on MSc Materials Engineering with Management only  available on MSc Materials Engineering only

MSc Mechanical Engineering

Compulsory modules

N etwork Engineering, Monitoring and Management

R enewable Energy Systems R esearch Project and Dissertation Optional modules

       

M echanics of Materials S oftware Modelling

S ystems Analysis in Engineering

C omputer-Aided Engineering Design P rofessional Skills*

M anagement Concepts*

R esearch Methodology

S ustainable Engineering

A dvanced Computational Fluid Dynamics C ontemporary Advanced Materials Research

F unctional Materials  S trategic Innovation Management  S trategy *available on MSc Mechanical Engineering with Management only  available on MSc Mechanical Engineering

MSc Renewable Energy Engineering Climate change and the need to manage diminishing fossil fuel reserves are, today, two of the biggest challenges facing the planet. In order to secure a sustainable future for ourselves and generations to follow, the renewables sector demands renewable energy engineers with the right multidisciplinary skillset to pioneer the design, building and management of the infrastructure of the renewables sector. Drawing upon our particular research strengths in marine, solar and wind-based generation, alongside specialist modules in energy storage,

   

V ibration Engineering

M anagement Concepts*

S tructural Health Monitoring E arthquake Engineering

Optional modules

 S trategic Innovation Management*  S trategy*

   

E nergy Storage

*available on MSc Structural Engineering with Management only  available on MSc Structural Engineering only

S ocial and Technological Innovation

MSc Water Engineering with Management MSc Water Engineering

     

Th emes in Climate Change

Drawing upon the expertise of our internationally-renowned Centre for Water Systems, these programmes are designed for engineering graduates, or engineers currently working in the water industry, wishing to enhance their capabilities in urban water design, operation and management.

Compulsory modules

Optional modules

Software Modelling

this programme prepares you for a career in a variety of energy-related roles across the sector.

S ustainable Architecture

E nergy Policies for a Low Carbon Economy

S olar Energy Research and Innovation A dvanced Marine Renewable Energy A dvanced Wind Energy

A dvanced Energy Storage

F urther Electrical and Electronics Engineering

MSc Structural Engineering with Management MSc Structural Engineering With growing global demands on built infrastructure, the skills of structural engineers will always be needed to manage and maintain civil structures. Equipping students with a specialist skillset rarely taught to civil engineers, these programmes will integrate the internationally-leading expertise of our structures and dynamics groups in the areas of structural health monitoring, structural dynamics, infrastructure management, systems and informatics. MSc Structural Engineering with Management is delivered in collaboration with Business School and will inspire structural engineers with the desire to develop a solid foundation of business knowledge as part of their Masters degree. Taught in a rewarding and dynamic learning environment, these programmes are professionally accredited by the Joint Board of Moderator ( JBM), which includes the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Structural Engineers, the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation and the Institute of Highway Engineers. Compulsory modules

    

S tructural Design

S oftware Modelling

C onceptual Design of Buildings C onceptual Design of Bridges

A ctive and Passive Structural Control

Highly relevant to the needs of future water engineers, these programmes will provide you with knowledge and key skills in the broad area of urban water engineering and management. The MSc Water Engineering with Management combines technical engineering with focused management modules, delivered in combination with the Business School, enabling you to gain key business skills as part of your degree. Research-led, you will benefit from an exceptional learning experience and the chance to extend your personal network and enhance your future career. Compulsory modules

H ydroinformatics Tools  S oftware Modelling W ater Supply and Distribution Management

W ater Management in Developing Countries

W ater and Environmental Systems U rban Drainage and Waste Water Management

M anagement Concepts*  S ustainable Engineering E nvironmental Processes Optional modules

 S trategic Innovation Management*  S trategy* *available on MSc Water Engineering with Management only  available on MSc Water Management only

MSc Water Science, Policy

58 Engineering


English and Film Studies 59


and Governance Water management is fundamental to modern social infrastructure with implications for human consumption, agriculture, energy generation and the sustainability of the natural environment. This programme encompasses the social, political and scientific aspects of water management and comprises of modules from our world-leading Centre for Water Systems and the University of Exeter Business School.

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u UK/EU


Engineering Business Management



Civil Engineering



Civil Engineering with Management



International Supply Chain Management



Materials Engineering



Materials Engineering with Management



Mechanical Engineering



Mechanical Engineering with Management



Renewable Energy Engineering



Structural Engineering



and Stewardship

Structural Engineering with Management




Water Engineering



Water Engineering with Management



Water Science, Policy and Governance



Aimed at professionals and graduates wishing to develop a better understanding of the regulatory, policy-making and interpretive techniques required in a changing water industry, this course aligns itself closely to major national and international environmental and sustainability strategies. Drawing expertise from key technological and scientific developments, it provides a pathway to careers in a host of sectors. Compulsory modules

W ater Policy and Politics W ater Economics and Regulation W ater User Behaviour, Engagement W ater Policy Analysis and Engagement R esearch Project and Dissertation Optional modules

W ater Supply and Distribution Management




Modular/ Distance learning


English and Film Studies  4th in the UK for research power in English1  1st for Overall Satisfaction for Film Studies in the

National Student Survey 20162

W ater Management in Developing    


W ater and Environmental Systems M anagement Concepts S trategic Innovation Management H ydroinformatics Tools


Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

 Top 50 worldwide for English in the QS World

University Rankings 2015-16  Ranked 6th in the UK in The Times and The Sunday

Times Good University Guide 2016 and top 10 in all other major UK university league tables for the subject  £2.2 million external research funding awarded in the LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic A good honours degree in any discipline. We do consider all graduates or applicants with evidence of relevant work experience or professional qualifications.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences Phone: +44 (0) 1392 724061 Email: FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

past 3 years  69 fully-funded doctoral studentships over the last 3

years  Flexible English Literary Studies MA with seven

specialist pathways and a broad range of modules

English at the University of Exeter has an outstanding reputation, and is recognised as one of the best English departments in the country. We are a world leader for research, with particular expertise in Victorian studies, Renaissance studies, Romanticism, Modernism, creative writing and film. We have outstanding resources and support for projects in digital humanities and the study of writing from the South West of England. Teaching and research in Film Studies at Exeter draws on world-class film research resources, and a wide range of staff expertise which spans film history and theory across European and World cinemas. We encourage you to participate widely in the research culture of the department, the College and the University through exposure to a stimulating and diverse range of debates, and to enjoy a lively, productive and enriching environment which encourages and supports you to achieve your intellectual ambitions. The department of English is associated with eight unique Research Centres: the Centre for Intermedia; the Centre for Literature and Archives; the Centre for Victorian Studies; the Centre for Literatures of Identity, Place and Sustainability; the Centre for Interdisciplinary Film Research; the Centre for Translating Cultures; the Centre for Medieval Studies; and the Centre for Early Modern Studies. Each group is an active research community of both academic staff and postgraduate students.

60 English and Film Studies

English and Film Studies 61

English and Film Studies


Programmes MA Creative Writing

I’ve really enjoyed the seminars – having the opportunity to share ideas with a range of people from all over the world has really increased my confidence and my understanding of a range of issues. Everyone is really friendly here, so if you are struggling with the workload, or there is something that you don’t understand in class, there are always people there to help you. I would urge students not to be shy! Go to as many societies and events as possible, and don’t be embarrassed about sharing your ideas in class. Being brave is the first step to discovering new things. Zoe Alford, MA English Literary Studies

A varied programme that covers work in fiction, poetry and screen-writing. Taught by professional, published writers who will help you become an active member of the South West writing community. With regular writing workshops, research seminars and lectures from visiting authors you will have the opportunity to experiment with style, and develop your own creative voice. At the end of the programme you will produce an independent creative project which may form the basis of a portfolio, publication or production. Compulsory modules

General programme:

 Making Progress: Literature in a Changing Environment 1830 - 1870

C ultures of American Modernism  Country, City and Court:

Renaissance Literature 1558 - 1618

 S ense, Sensation and Cinema  Heretics and Mystics: Language, Society and the Divine, 1300 - 1500

 Revival and Return: Using the Past from Pope to Keats

 Dissertation

 Beyond the Border: The Politics of Place in

Optional modules

H earing Film: Film Sound and Music  Criticism and Theory: Current Debates  Empire, Decadence and Modernity:

Four from:

    

Fiction: Structures of Realism The Poetry of Events: Building a Plot Writing for the Screen Poetry: Image, Shape and Music Another Masters module available within the English department

MA English Literary Studies

Contemporary North American Writing

Literature 1870 - 1910

Exeter has a number of leading researchers in my field, as well as an exceptional English department. Having studied as an undergraduate here I was accustomed to Exeter’s teaching and already loved the department, the University, and the campus. I also enjoyed the wide variety of other activities on offer at Exeter which are important to connect with while doing a Masters, I feel, as it can be quite an isolating experience. I enjoy the contemporary relevance and creativity of my area of study and the insight it allows me into recent history. Furthermore, I like the focus on popular culture in more recent literary work. Bonnie Stephensmith, MA English Literary Studies

B ody and Identity Bodies Politic: Cultural and Sexual Politics  in England, 1603-1679

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u

 From Orientalism to Globalisation: Debates in Postcolonial Studies






MA International Film Business

MA Creative Writing



English Literary Studies



International Film Business



Compulsory modules

Our exciting MA in International Film Business inspires and trains the next generation of industry executives and entrepreneurs. Taught by leading academics at Exeter and expert practitioners at the internationally renowned, London Film School in Central London. Learn about the independent film industry of the 21st century, its practice, history, structure, innovations and challenges. Equips you with the business, production, financial and programming knowledge for a successful career in the international film business. Splitsite study between London and Exeter and incorporates a European field trip to the Berlin International Film Festival.

 Dissertation

 Business Skills and Concepts for

A flexible Masters which embraces the strengths of the English department. Choose either a specific pathway or a wide selection of modules. Pathways normally available include: American and Atlantic Studies; Criticism and Theory; Enlightenment to Romanticism; Film Studies; Renaissance Studies; Modern and Contemporary; Victorian Studies. Ideal for recent graduates wishing to extend and enhance their studies before taking up a career; individuals already in employment who are interested in pursuing study alongside work; training for PhD research; and those who simply wish to broaden their intellectual horizons. General programme: Specific pathways:

 Require two compulsory pathway modules and a dissertation relating to the pathway.

Optional modules


✓ and London

Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.

Modular/ Distance learning



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

Compulsory modules

   

Independent Film

Distribution and Markets The Entertainment Value Chain Models of Innovation Written Dissertation or Dissertation Project

LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Normally a minimum 2:1 Honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject. Please see our website for full details.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US College of Humanities: Postgraduate Admissions Administrator Phone: +44 (0) 1392 725306 Email: FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

62 Finance

Finance 63

Programmes MSc Finance and Investment Ideal if you want to pursue a career in investment analysis or portfolio management. This programme was the very first Masters degree in finance in the UK. Over the past 40 years the programme has gained an international reputation for providing excellent training in investment analysis and portfolio management. As a flexible programme it offers a wide-range of options. A nine or 12 month programme is available. Compulsory modules

     

Finance  11th for Finance in The Complete University Guide 2017  10th for Finance in The Times and The Sunday Times

Good University Guide 2016  One of a select group of universities worldwide with

CFA Institute Program Partner status ®

 Simulations of global financial markets a component of

most modules  Intensive computer training covering Thomson Reuters

Datastream and other financial databases and software systems

We offer well-established, research-led finance programmes relevant for professional careers. The MSc Finance and Investment was the first finance Masters to be launched in the UK, more than 40 years ago, and a succession of innovative programmes have been developed since, such as the MSc Financial Analysis and Fund Management. This was one of the first in the UK to be designed with the opportunity to complete a Masters programme with the opportunity to attempt Levels I and II of the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) examinations. A close association with the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (CISI) and the CFA Institute, the global membership organisation that awards the Chartered Financial Analyst designation, means that Finance at Exeter is positioned to align its standards with the highest level of professional excellence.

F undamentals of Financial Management I nvestment Analysis 1 I nvestment Research Methods 1 I nvestment Analysis Dissertation and Investment Analysis 2 (if studying 12 month option)

   

T opics in Financial Economics

    

A dvanced Corporate Finance

I nvestment Analysis 2 D erivatives Pricing D omestic and International Portfolio Management

Business School Rankings 2015

M anaging Operations M arketing Strategy P rinciples of International Business

Learn fundamental and advanced theory in investment analysis. This programme has been awarded ‘Program Partner’ status by the CFA® Institute and covers at least 70 per cent of the CFA® level 1 and 2 syllabus. Students also have the option to study for the level 1 and level 2 CFA® exams at the same time as the MSc. CFA® registration, exams and text books are included in the programme fee.

Remaining optional modules:

B anking and Financial Services D erivatives Pricing D omestic and International Portfolio          


E ntrepreneurship N ew Venture Development F inancial Modelling I nternational Financial Management I nternational Human Resource Management I nvestment Analysis 2 L eadership and Global Challenges P ortfolio Investment Simulation S trategic Innovation Management T opics in Financial Economics

12-month programme structure modules

A lternative Investments

MSc Finance and Management

Remaining optional modules:

I nternational Financial Management B anking and Financial Services C orporate Governance and Finance M ergers, Management Buyouts and Other Corporate Reorganisations

Provides a strong foundation in finance and an overview of management within an organisation. Ideal for anyone wanting to start or progress their career in finance with ambition to move into general management. Relevant for all types of business, small to large. Possible to tailor modules to fit your career goals. A nine or 12 month programme is available.

    

 Option to extend your study with a partner university in

MSc Financial Analysis and Fund Management

Two from:

      

9-month programme structure modules

during your studies

CFA® is a trademark owned by the CFA institute

F inancial Modelling

Optional modules

 Opportunity to participate in a financial European tour

France, Germany or China in order to gain a double degree

F inancial Instruments

Optional modules

A dvanced Corporate Finance F inancial Instruments F undamentals of Financial Management I nvestment Analysis 1 S trategy

A dvanced Corporate Finance F inancial Instruments F undamentals of Financial Management I nvestment Analysis 1 I nvestment Analysis 2 S trategy I nvestment Analysis Dissertation

E ntrepreneurship: New Venture Development

F inancial Modelling  I nternational Human Resource    


M anaging Operations M arketing Strategy P rinciples of International Business S trategic Innovation Management

Compulsory modules

F inancial Modelling  I nvestment Instruments: Bonds, Equities,        

Derivatives and Alternative Instruments F inancial Statement Analysis C redit Instruments and Derivatives T opics in Financial Economics I nvestment Research Methods 1 E quity Valuation Models and Issues I nvestment Research Methods 2

P ortfolio Management and Asset Allocation D issertation

MSc Marketing and Financial Services Acquire the technical knowledge to understand how financial services’ products work with the marketing acumen to complete successfully in this highly competitive sector. It is possible to tailor the programme to suit your careers goals and achieve Graduate Gateway status from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), or apply for Associate Chartered Banker designation and attain Associate membership status with the Chartered Banker Institute (CBI), or follow an accelerated route to work towards Chartered Banker status. This cutting-edge programme is not available at any other British university. A nine or 12 month programme is available. Compulsory modules

     

M arketing Analysis and Research B anking and Financial Services F inancial Instruments F undamentals of Financial Management I nvestment Analysis 1 I nvestment Analysis 2 and Investment Analysis Dissertation OR Marketing Dissertation

M arketing Strategy  I ntegrated Marketing Communications

64 Finance


Geography 65


Optional modules

Marketing/Management options:

    

E vent Management T ourism and Marketing B rand Design S ervices Marketing U nderstanding Consumer Behaviour

Finance options:

    

A lternative Investments F inancial Modelling C orporate Finance and Governance D erivatives Pricing D omestic and International Portfolio Management

 I nvestment Analysis 2 M ergers, Management Buyouts and

Compulsory modules

    

management and finance in order to gain entry to finance programmes offered by the University of Exeter. Requires a minimum of IELTS 5.5 with 5.5 in all sub-skills. See for full details.

Economics of Banking Economics of Corporate Finance Financial Modelling

Compulsory modules

Fundamentals of Financial Management

     

Macroeconomics of Money and Financial Markets

 Quantitative Methods for Finance  Dissertation INTO Graduate Diploma in Finance Pre-Masters course for international students. Designed for students who have completed a first degree or diploma in finance or another subject and who need to enhance their knowledge of modern business

Human Resource Management Financial Management Operations Management Marketing Management Fundamentals of Investment nglish Language and E Communication Skills

Other Corporate Reorganisations

T opics in Financial Economics

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u UK/EU


Finance and Investment



Finance and Management



Financial Analysis and Fund Management



Marketing and Financial Services



Money and Banking





MSc Money and Banking Designed for those who wish to pursue a career in finance and economics in the international banking sector. It draws upon the Business School’s long-standing reputation for creating top quality graduates in finance and economics. Focuses on the application of advanced economics and finance theory to commercial money markets and banking. Includes intensive computing training in financial databases and software.




Modular/ Distance learning


 Top 20 in the world for Geography1  7th in the UK for research2 and 3rd for research power3

in Geography and Environmental Studies and 4th in the UK for research in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences

INTO Graduate Diploma Finance u

Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.


 6th in The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Exeter


Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

Guide 2016 and 7th for Geography and Environmental Science in the Complete University Guide 2017  Excellent research facilities including £3.7 million SRIF-

LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Normally a minimum 2:1 Honours degree or equivalent in a related subject from a recognised institution. Evidence of mathematical/quantitative ability is required. Please see our website for detailed information.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US Business School: Postgraduate Admissions Officer Phone: +44 (0) 1392 723246 Email: SEE ALSO MSc Accounting and Finance p31; MSc Accounting and Taxation p31; MSc Financial Economics p49; MSc Financial Mathematics p84; Msc Money and Banking p49 FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

funded Sediment Research Facility in Exeter and the £30 million Environment and Sustainability Institute in Cornwall  Degrees in Sustainable Development provide a relevant

grounding to employment in this growing area  Recognised for the receipt of ESRC studentships in

Human Geography

4 5

Geography at the University of Exeter offers a lively, thriving and innovative research environment at campuses in both Cornwall and Exeter. We attract research funding from a wide-range of sources including research councils, charities, the UK government and industry, and we enjoy strong links with international and national research projects. Our research groups span the breadth of geography: Environment and Sustainability; Geographies of Creativity and Knowledge; Nature, Materialities and Biopolitics; Spatial Responsibilities; Environmental Change; and Landscape and Ecosystem Dynamics. We are engaged in a number of interdisciplinary areas of research at the University including Climate Change and Sustainable Futures, Environmental Sciences and Earth System Science. We offer a range of innovative taught programmes that are relevant to 21st century challenges and aim to provide a fantastic platform for future employment. The majority of our Masters programmes are based on the Penryn Campus in Cornwall, which is home to the University’s Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI) – an interdisciplinary centre leading cutting-edge research into impacts of environmental change and the mitigation and management of its effects. As a student with us you will be part of a vibrant postgraduate community benefiting from quality research-inspired teaching and access to outstanding facilities. We offer an intellectually stimulating experience within a supportive and inclusive environment.

66 Geography


Geography 67


Programmes MSc Conservation Science and Policy Taught by internationally recognised experts with input from conservation practitioners, this programme examines scientific and policy-oriented aspects of conservation. Focused on the issues and scenarios around climate change, food security and social justice. Opportunity to tailor the programme to focus on those areas of most interest or relevance to your professional development. Includes a field trip to some of East Africa’s most famous conservation areas. Compulsory modules

T ransdisciplinary Methods for Sustainability Science

P roject Design and Grantsmanship A frica Field Course D issertation Optional modules

   

G overning Sustainability M arine Biodiversity and Conservation Statistical Modelling T errestrial Biodiversity and Conservation

MSc Sustainable Development Sustainability and development lie at the interface of physical geography, human geography, environmental science, social science and conservation science. We offer a thorough grounding in the principles that underlie sustainability and provide a set of tools for careers and research in this very important global sector. Provides a practical and problem-based approach to learning focused on the study of sustainable development from a holistic and multi-disciplinary perspective, critical for understanding and tackling complex sustainability challenges. Offers opportunities to engage with local communities, connect with employers and undertake work-based learning. Compulsory modules

E nvironmental Sustainability in Practice T ransdisciplinary Methods for Sustainability Science

P roject Design and Grantsmanship D issertation

Optional modules

    

Climate, Hazards and Risk Assessment Governing Sustainability Independent Study Independent Work-based Learning Introduction to Energy Policy and Sustainability

 Environmental Science and Population Health

 Themes in Climate Changeility  Nature, Health and Wellbeing  Research Methods for Practice MSc Sustainable Development (Climate Change and Risk Management) Specialises in the central theme of climate change and environmental risks, and how these influence the principles, governance and practice of global sustainable development. Experts in climate and natural disasters provide theory and skills and demonstrate their application in careers in the environmental sector. Provides a practical and problem-based approach to learning focused on the study of sustainable development, climate and risk, from a holistic and multidisciplinary perspective, critical for understanding and tackling complex environmental challenges. Offers opportunities to engage with local communities, connect with employers and undertake work-based learning. Compulsory modules

     

Climate, Hazards and Risk Assessment Environmental Sustainability in Practice Transdisciplinary Methods in Sustainabilty Themes in Climate Change Project Design and Grantsmanship Dissertation

Optional modules

Prepares you for a career in social science and humanities research. Provides core modules in contemporary social and geographical theories, along with three research-led modules in which you experience the variety of cutting-edge scholarship undertaken in the department. All modules are compulsory. This programme forms part of the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Centre and studentship funding may be available for UK/EU students embarking on the programme and wishing to work towards a PhD. Compulsory modules

 Contemporary Debates in Human Geography

P hilosophy of the Social Sciences  Research Methods and Design in Human Geography

 Geographies of Culture, Creativity and     


Geographies of Life Space, Politics and Power Q ualitative Methods in Social Research

and Resilience

 Th emes in Climate Change Optional modules

    

S tatistical Modelling Understanding Environmental Change Environmental Sustainability in Practice Climate Hazards and Risk Assessment Independent Work-based Learning

Masters by Research in Geography Our MSc by Research in Geography has been developed to allow you to undertake a research project in an area that interests you, within a shorter timeframe than the two-year MPhil or three year PhD. If you are interested in converting to an MPhil or PhD at a later stage, the MSc by Research is sufficiently flexible to allow you to do so. We welcome applications for study in human and physical geographies, and are particularly interested in projects that complement and extend existing strengths within and across our research groups.

Md Arafat Alam, MSc Sustainable Development

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u

Engages the latest critical thinking on risk management, critical infrastructure, public regulation, policy studies and the environmental sciences. Designed to develop your understanding of environmental challenges, energy resource use and security, and the resilience and adaptability of human systems. Prepares you for a career as a professional researcher. This programme forms part of the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Centre and studentship funding may be available for UK/EU students embarking on the programme and wishing to work towards a PhD.

 Independent Study  Independent Work-based Learning  Introduction to Energy Policy and

 Contemporary Debates in Environment,

 Nature, Health and Wellbeing  Research Methods for Practice

G overning Sustainability  Key Skills


Energy and Resilience

 Introduction to Energy Policy and Sustainability


Conservation Science and Policy



Sustainable Development



Sustainable Development (Climate Change and Risk Management)



Critical Human Geographies



Environment, Energy and Resilience









MRes Environment, Energy and Resilience

 Advanced Interdisciplinary Research


Modular/ Distance learning



Compulsory modules

Population Health

D issertation in Environment, Energy

Applied Quantitative Data Analysis

 Governing Sustainability  Environmental Science and


MRes Critical Human Geographies

The diverse natural environment of the campus location attracted me a lot. To me, this location is like a ‘natural laboratory’ for the students of the University. Forests, hills, coast, mines and different weather patterns will make anyone think about climate change and sustainability. If anyone wants to learn geography and environmental issues and prefers learning by doing, I think the University of Exeter should be their first choice.

Masters by Research Geography


Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

LOCATION Penryn Campus, near Falmouth, Cornwall

Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Normally a 2:1 Honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant discipline. All applicants are considered individually on merit. Please see postgraduate/taught/geography for full and detailed information.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US Geography: Penryn Campus, Cornwall Phone: +44 (0) 1326 371801 Email:

Geography: Streatham Campus, Exeter Phone: +44 (0) 1392 723335 Email:

SEE ALSO MSc Environment and Human Health p74; MSc Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture p38 FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

68 Geology and Mining Engineering

Geology and Mining Engineering 69

Programmes MSc Exploration Geology This programme offers the opportunity to gain the specialist knowledge and skills used by geologists when exploring and evaluating new mineral deposits in complex geographical terrains and remote regions. Collection, interpretation and reporting of geoscientific data is the major focus of this course. You will have the opportunity to gain experience in acquiring, synthesising and critically evaluating data from a range of remote sensing, geophysical, geochemical and drillhole sources. Provides pathways to careers in the national and international exploration and mining sectors, as well as important transferable skills used in the broader geotechnical, site investigation and environmental industries. Modules include

Geology and Mining Engineering  7th for Materials and Mineral Engineering in The

Guardian University Guide 2017  7th for Geology in The Complete University Guide 2017  3rd for Mining Engineering in the National Student

Survey 2016


 Outstanding relationships and reputation with

international industry  World-class research facilities include £2 million

analytical mineralogy labs and an automated QEMSCAN scanning electron microscope; the first in any university worldwide  94 per cent for Overall Satisfaction for Geology in the

National Student Survey 20141  Superb field station for postgraduate teaching and

Based at the University’s £100 million Penryn Campus near Falmouth, the Camborne School of Mines (CSM) has an international reputation for research and teaching related to the understanding and management of the Earth’s natural processes, resources and the environment. We are a unique multidisciplinary department, offering a range of specialised programmes and drawing upon our research expertise in mining and minerals engineering, applied geology and mineralogy, and surveying. We offer postgraduates excellent graduate employment prospects and provide an outstanding research environment with stateof-the-art analytical facilities and laboratories.

       

O re Deposit Geology Economics, Processing and Environment Remote Sensing and GIS Applications Site Investigation including Geophysics Applied Geochemistry Resource Finance and Risks Mining and Exploration Geology Research Project and Dissertation

MSc Geotechnical Engineering This programme looks at the engineering behaviour of earth materials and provides the multidisciplinary skillset and specialist expertise in rock engineering site investigation and the data capture and analysis required to work in a range of engineering careers within the construction, environmental and extractive industries. Delivered by staff with strong research interests which directly relate to the topics covered, modules involve a broad-range of activities and teaching delivery methods. This includes workshops using the latest industry relevant computational tools, practical activities, group and individual exercises. Supporting the research-led teaching, key experts from the extractive and construction industry will provide topical insight to the state of the industry and clarify the context for the theory covered in the lectures. Compulsory modules

   

E xcavation and Geomechanics H ydrogeology S ite Investigation including Geophysics R esearch Project and Dissertation

Optional modules

    

H ealth and Safety in the Extractive Industry Project Management Surface Excavation Design Tunnelling and Underground Excavation G eomechanics Computer Modelling for Excavation Design

 Remote Sensing and GIS Applications  Mine Planning and Design  Soil and Water Contamination MSc Mining Geology

Understand the role of a geoscientist working in the mining industry and gain the ability to quantify the economic value of an orebody and assess its potential for exploitation. Attain new skills in underground geological and geotechnical mapping, mineral exploration, ore microscopy and ore deposit modelling. This course provides an intensive overview of the mining life-cycle (mining methods, processing and environmental management); and covers ore deposit geology, resource estimation, mining geology and grade control. Includes an overseas field trip and practical fieldwork in Cornwall. Compulsory modules

T echniques in Mining Geology R esource Estimation O re Deposit Geology and Industrial Minerals

Compulsory modules

   

E xcavation and Geomechanics H ealth and Safety in the Extractive Industry U nderground Construction R esearch Project and Dissertation

Optional modules

   

P roject Management S ite Investigation including Geophysics T unnelling and Underground Excavation G eomechanics Computer Modelling for Excavation Design

V entilation M ine Planning and Design P roduction and Cost Estimation

MSc/PgDip Applied Geotechnics This programme provides the training and skills for professional employment in the civil, environmental, engineering geology, geotechnical engineering and mining-related industries. Gain specialist knowledge in tunnel, surface and underground excavation design, and applied hydrogeology and risk assessment. Dependent on background, completion of this programme can be used to meet the further learning requirements for Chartered Engineer (CEng) status. Compulsory modules

E xcavation and Geomechanics E conomics, Processing and Environment R esearch Project and Dissertation

   

Optional modules

Optional modules

A dvanced Techniques for Mineral Analysis  S oil and Water Contamination MSc Tunnel Engineering This programme will enable you to become a qualified engineer with a multidisciplinary skillset and strong expertise in tunnelling, underground excavation and space utilisation. Gain specialist knowledge in the development of underground infrastructure and an understanding of its importance in relation to society’s need for transportation, storage and utilities. Learn the skills for safe, efficient and sustainable design of these excavations which are vitally essential for the optimisation and economic utilisation of underground space.

       

E xcavation and Geomechanics H ealth and Safety in the Extractive Industry P roject Management R esearch Project and Dissertation H ydrogeology T unnelling and Underground Excavation G eomechanics Computer Modelling R esource Estimation P roduction and Cost Estimation S urface Excavation Design M ine Planning and Design Economics, Processing and Environment

70 Geology and Mining Engineering

Geology and Mining Engineering 71

Geology and Mining Engineering MSc/PgDip Mining Engineering This programme provides specialist analytical, design and management skills. It is suitable for engineers and geologists already employed in the mining, minerals, quarrying, geology and civil engineering industries, and for engineering graduates wishing to specialise in mine and general management or excavation (geotechnics and tunnelling). This programme has excellent links with both the local and international minerals industry, which is reflected in its mix of UK and international students.

I chose to study at Exeter because of the reputation of the Camborne School of Mines. It is highly respected by employers and has unparalleled links within the minerals industry, which helped me to find internships during every summer break. The fact that the school is located at the Cornwall Campus made the decision even easier. Chris Mumford, MSc Mining Engineering

Compulsory modules

 Excavation and Geomechanics  Health and Safety in the Extractive Industry

 Economics, Processing and Environment  Project Management  Research Project and Dissertation Optional modules

     

Tunnelling and Underground Excavation Surface Excavation Design Resource Estimation Production and Cost Estimation Advanced Mineral Resource Assessment Geomechanics Computer Modelling for Excavation Design

 Mine Planning and Design

MSc/PgDip Surveying and Land/ Environmental Management Accredited by both the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the Institute of Civil Engineering Surveyors (ICES), this programme enables geography, earth sciences, economics and engineering graduates to train as professional surveyors. This programme introduces and develops surveying practice, provides training in land management and involves a field trip to put this knowledge to the test as a major case study. Graduate destination statistics show that over 90 per cent of students obtain related employment.


     

Land Management Project Management



Exploration Geology



Geotechnical Engineering



Mining Geology



Tunnel Engineering



Applied Geotechnics

£10,000 (MSc) (PgDip pro-rata)

£21,000 (MSc) (PgDip pro-rata)

Mining Engineering

£10,000 (MSc) (PgDip pro-rata)

£21,000 (MSc) (PgDip pro-rata)

Surveying and Land/Environmental Management

£10,000 (MSc) (PgDip pro-rata)

£21,000 (MSc) (PgDip pro-rata)

£8,700 (PGCert) £26,100 (MSc)

£8,700 (PGCert) £26,100 (MSc)

Land Surveying


GIS for Surveyors Law for Surveyors esearch Project and Dissertation R (MSc only)

MSc/PgCert Professional Mining Engineering/ Mining Life Cycle The Mining Professional Programme from the internationally recognised Camborne School of Mines is the future of mining education. This industry aligned course is open to experienced mining industry staff; even without degrees but with appropriate experience. The course opens up the entire mining value chain, from finance, mineral deposit geology and exploration through mining and mineral processing methods to environmental and social impacts and mine closure. Compulsory modules

       

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u

Mine Planning Mineral Exploration Mineral Processing Mine Waste Management




Modular/ Distance learning


MSc/PgCert Professional Mining Engineering / Mining Life Cycle u

Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

Economic Impacts of Mining Surface Mining Underground Mining Industry Based Project

Masters by Research in Geology, Mining and Minerals Engineering Masters by Research is also available in these subjects and may suit you if you would prefer to carry out an independent research project in a specific subject under the supervision of an academic expert. Visit our website for more details about this and other research degrees and the research interests of our staff.

Compulsory modules

 Advanced Surveying  Health and Safety in the Extractive Industry

LOCATION Penryn Campus, near Falmouth, Cornwall ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Please see individual programme descriptions at

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US Penryn Campus Admissions Phone: +44 (0) 1326 371801 Email: FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website: and


Healthcare and Medicine 73

Healthcare and Medicine  Top 10 in the UK for world-leading and internationally

excellent research in Public Health, Health Services and Primary Care1  83 per cent of research in Clinical Medicine classified as

world-leading or internationally excellent1  Programmes suitable for professionals from a wide-

range of healthcare, medical and scientific disciplines  A vibrant research student community supported

by excellent staff with wide-ranging opportunities to develop interdisciplinary and vocational skills  Major capital investment in new buildings and state-of-

the-art facilities  MSc Environment and Human Health developed by international researchers based at the European Centre for Environment and Human Health

At the University of Exeter Medical School we offer postgraduate programmes that aim to equip medical and healthcare professionals with the advanced skills and knowledge they need to make a positive contribution to the delivery of care. As healthcare systems are constantly evolving, practitioners need to be able to identify challenges and provide evidence-based solutions. Our graduates will develop the skills needed to critically analyse situations using a wide variety of information and data while considering the wider impacts of changes to medical and health delivery. The School is in a rapid of growth and we are continually increasing out postgraduate provision. We also offer a range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses with the aim to improve health outcomes in the region and to facilitate real change in the quality of care. Our range of expertise means health professionals can continue to learn and develop with us over their careers. For more information on upcoming CPD opportunities visit:

74 Healthcare and Medicine

Healthcare and Medicine 75

Healthcare and Medicine


Programmes MSc Applied Health Services Research

MSc Advanced Professional and Clinical Practice

The challenges of safe and accessible health services, and a global burden of disease, mean that today’s practitioners and researchers are engaged in a wide-range of highly complex activities that take place across multiple settings and sectors. You will consider solutions to such issues from a number of different perspectives and learn to analyse and evaluate the translation of research evidence into healthcare practice. Suitable for professionals from any health-related discipline, this programme will develop a career as a primary researcher, as well as enhance the skills and knowledge of healthcare practitioners who are actively involved in evidence-based health service redesign and innovation.

The programme is designed to enable students to adapt and develop new skills and roles throughout their professional lives, including clinicians preparing for independent specialist roles and other healthcare practitioners looking to progress into advanced practice.

Compulsory modules

C ore Concepts and Paradigms of Health Services Research

F undamentals of Health Services Research Methods

A dvanced Health Services Research Methods

 I mplementation Science R esearch Project/Dissertation MSc Environment and Human Health Develop a detailed understanding of ecological public health and the relationship of health to environment as well as healthcare systems. Explore how factors such as climate change, air pollution and microbes in the environment impact health, and critically analyse information from a range of qualitative and quantitative sources (such as the Geographic Information System). Learn to assess the health profile of a population group anywhere in the world and use this information to develop an action plan to improve the health and wellbeing of this group. Compulsory modules

F undamentals of Environment and Human Health

P ostgraduate Skills and Evidence N ature, Health and Wellbeing E nvironmental Science and Population Health

 I ntroduction to Public Health P roject Design and Grantsmanship Example optional modules

E cological Public Health R esearch Methods for Practice

Designed to be flexible, this programme can be completed over a period of up to five years and offers professional pathways in areas such as nursing, medicine, general practice, surgery and medical imaging. Learning will focus on the development of core capabilities and transferable skills through early modules aimed at improving patients’ outcomes through leadership, management, understanding and engagement with health services research. Modules include

 Clinical Complexity  Core Concepts and Paradigms of Health Services Research

 Implementation Science  Leadership and Management  Research Skills MSc Medical Imaging: Skeletal Image Interpretation This programme will build on previous learning to develop the expertise required to undertake appendicular and axial skeletal image interpretation and the provision of associated clinical reports. You will have the opportunity to complete a research methodology module designed to equip you with the skills needed to become a confident research-user and researcher who contributes to the evidence-base of the field. Run by staff with extensive image interpretation and reporting experience, stimulating lectures are supported through blended-learning and delivered via our online platform and formative self-assessments. Those whose roles do not require full image reports, may also attend and complete the programme, but will undertake fewer clinical competence assessments. Modules include

 Foundations of Appendicular    

Skeletal Reporting

Appendicular Skeleton 1 and 2 Foundations of Axial Skeleton Reporting Axial Skeleton 1 and 2 Research Skills

MSc Extreme Medicine

PgCert Clinical Education

This unique Masters programme is delivered in partnership with World Extreme Medicine, the world’s leading provider of specialist training for medics in challenging environments. You will develop the skills, knowledge and understanding required to thrive in the extreme medicine field across geographical and professional boundaries. Residential locations across the UK, as well as in mountain, jungle, desert and polar environments, will also provide a key feature.

There is an increasing expectation from the clinical and academic world that those who teach on clinically-based programmes will have a formal qualification in education. It is also recognised that there are major service pressures on these individuals and that time is a precious commodity. This Postgraduate Certificate is specifically designed for doctors and healthcare professionals wishing to develop their roles as clinical educators.

You will currently be working, or looking to work, in situations of rapid change and want to develop capabilities that extend beyond clinical competence into areas such as leadership, teamwork, resilience, humanitarian relief and conflict resolution. Delivered part-time, this programme will lead from the PgCert in year one to the full Masters qualification in year three.

Education in the digital-age, coaching and mentoring, and understanding patients as educators are the important and innovative concepts that run through all the modules. The programme is evidence-based and incorporates the latest research and current issues in academic clinical education.

Modules include (residential)

   

C ore Concepts in Extreme Medicine  Pre-hospital Trauma, Assessment and Treatment

 Human Factors: Situational Awareness MSc Genomic Medicine Developed by Health Education England, and aligned with the 100,000 Genomes Project, this programme delivers education and training that is focused on developing the capability of the NHS to apply genomic medicine for patient benefit. Offered by a network of centres across England, learning in this rapidly evolving field covers the genomics and informatics of rare and common, cancerous and infectious diseases. Educational aims are supported by the expertise, values and behaviours of the faculty. Students are likely to be clinical practitioners, diagnostic service providers, scientists and researchers, and those aspiring to an academic career-path. Modules can be taken individually and/or combined to form a Certificate or a Diploma. Full HEE funding is available to NHS employees. Modules include

 “Omics” Techniques and their Application to Genomic Medicine

E pigenetics  Genomics of Common and Rare Inherited Diseases

 Molecular Pathology of Cancer and Application in Cancer Diagnosis, Screening, and Treatment

 Application of Genomics in Infectious Disease

 Bioinformatics, Interpretation, Statistics and Data Quality Assurance

Compulsory modules

C ore Concepts and Paradigms of Health Services Research

 I mplementation Science MSc by Research

Masters by Research is also available in these subjects and may suit you if you would prefer to carry out an independent research project in a specific subject under the supervision of an

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u UK/EU


Applied Health Services Research


Environment and Human Health







Advanced Professional and Clinical Practice



Medical Imaging



Extreme Medicine



Genomic Medicine



Clinical Education



Health Services Improvement



Modular/ Distance learning


Modules include E ducation Essentials E ducation Design E ducation Evaluation I mplementation, Leadership and Change Management

PgCert Health Services Improvement This variation of the MSc Applied Health Services Research programmes is for those professionals who wish to engage actively at the forefront of health services research but who are not primary researchers within their place of work. It is suitable for people who are involved in evidence-based health service redesign and innovation, such as clinical practitioners, managers, leaders and commissioners both within the public or private sector.

academic expert. Includes Medical Imaging and Medical Sciences and can be in a speciality area of researchers’ own choice. Visit our website for more details about this and other research degrees and the research interests of our staff.



Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.

✓ ✓



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

LOCATION Exeter, St Luke’s Campus

Truro Campus, Cornwall ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Normally a minimum 2:1 degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline. Entry to the MSc Applied Health Services Research and MSc Environment and Human Health may be possible with suitable professional experience. Please see our website for further details regarding specific programmes.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US Exeter Medical School Phone: +44 (0) 1392 724891 Email: FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

76 History, Classics and Ancient History

History, Classics and Ancient History 77

Programmes MA Classics and Ancient History Our diverse MA in Classics and Ancient History will enable you to gain a critical understanding of Greek and Roman culture and society through guided study and independent research, developing advanced research skills and specialist methodologies for the use and analysis of a range of forms of textual and material evidence. Choose to study modules from one of our specialist streams or take a flexible approach and tailor a programme to suit your interests.

History, Classics and Ancient History

Compulsory modules

R esearch Methodology D issertation Optional modules

 Th e Roman Emperor: Powers and Authority  Th e Roman Emperor: Modern Receptions H ellenistic Culture and Society – history or


 Top 50 worldwide for History in the QS World Rankings

literature options


M igration and the Migrant through Ancient and Modern Eyes

 Ranked 4th in The Times and The Sunday Times Good

F ood and Culture: Ancient and Modern V isions of Rome: Uses and Abuses of the

University Guide 2016 and top 10 in all major UK university league tables for the subject  8th in the UK for world-leading research


 £5.9 million external research funding awarded over the

past 3 years  54 fully-funded doctoral studentships over the last 3

years  Top 10 for satisfaction in National Student Survey 20142 Classics and Ancient History

 6th for Overall Satisfaction in the National Student

Survey 20163  6th in the UK for research power in Classics4

Eternal City

A ncient Philosophy: Truth and Ancient Thought

The History and Classics and Ancient History departments at Exeter are amongst the largest and most successful in their disciplines in the UK. Both offer exceptionally broad expertise across the full-range of the traditional fields, from Greek and Latin language and literature, ancient history, ancient philosophy and classical archaeology, to early Medieval England, and from there through histories of religion, class, power, race, war and empire, via the Crusades into Nazi Germany and the late 20th century. Our programmes offer an exciting mix of subjects, approaches and time periods, and you will gain from the expertise, enthusiasm and commitment of our world-leading, researchactive staff. By experiencing new types of classics, ancient history and history, alongside innovative ways of thinking, you will develop new perspectives both on the past and the present by the end of your time at Exeter.

H istory Through Art and Archaeology C ultural Transformations in Late Antiquity L anguage modules (Greek and Latin) for different abilities

 Th e Western Dragon in Lore, Literature and Art

R oman Myth R ome: Globalisation and Materiality MA History This programme offers the opportunity to study an exceptionally wide-range of modules stretching from early Medieval and Renaissance England, through histories of religion, class, power, race, war and empire, to the late 20th century. Our varied research culture enables teaching in subjects as diverse as the Crusades, Nazi Germany, maritime and naval history, medical history, witchcraft, and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Our Dissertation and Supervised Independent Study modules offer the opportunity to work one-to-one with an expert in a field that interests you. Compulsory modules

A dvanced Historical Research Skills D issertation

Optional modules

 I nterpreting the Middle Ages C ritical Approaches to War, State and Society

C ritical Approaches to Medical Humanities C ritical Approaches to Early Modern History

C ritical Approaches to Imperial and Global History

C ritical Approaches to Maritime and Naval History

H istory Work Placement  S upervised Independent Study in the Humanities (15 or 30 credits)

Students also have the option of taking up to 30 credits in another discipline – popular choices are Politics, Modern Languages and Archaeology.

MA Medieval Studies Deepen your knowledge of this fascinating period in history, including society and culture. Covers a wide range of disciplines and specialisms from the Dark Ages to the Renaissance. Access extensive resources, including audio-visual collections as well as medieval manuscripts and early printed books in the University Library’s Special Collections and in Exeter Cathedral Library. Compulsory modules

R esearch Skills for Medievalists  I nterpreting the Middle Ages D issertation in Medieval Studies Optional modules

 I nsiders and Outsiders in the Middle Ages  S upervised Independent Study in the Humanities

L andscape Archaeology: Understanding the historic environment

F unerary Osteoarchaeology (Masters level) H eretics and Mystics: Language, Society    

and the Divine, 1300-1500 L atin I

C lassical Language and Texts: Latin II C ritical Approaches in Medieval Research H istory Work Placement

From Hellenistic poisons to a 5th century AD version of the Argonautica, Classics and Ancient History has led me to study things that I had never considered before. Although the first term was a steep learning curve, I have been able to choose my own essay titles which has been a freeing and exciting opportunity. Amy Down, MA Classics and Ancient History

78 History, Classics and Ancient History

Law 79

History, Classics and Ancient History MRes Economic and Social History Provides essential training for PhD study. Focus on methods and analysis in economic and social history. Choose an option module from our wide selection which covers AngloSaxon England through to modern Western and Eastern Europe; some parts of Asia; North and South America; and Africa. This programme forms part of the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Centre and studentship funding may be available for UK/EU students embarking on the programme and wishing to work towards a PhD. Compulsory modules

A dvanced Historical Research Skills D issertation Two from:

A pplied Quantitative Data Analysis P hilosophy of the Social Sciences Q ualitative Research Methods in


The History MA student community at Exeter is really supportive. We have our own Facebook group, we study together, socialise together, and we help each other with questions about research. The library resources are really good too, not just books and journals but the study space, original papers, and special collections, and the library staff give excellent support. I feel like I’m part of a first class History department with academics who are publishing books and articles of the highest standards: they challenge us to reach the same heights. Ghee Bowman, MA History

Social Sciences

Law  High-quality postgraduate legal education at a Global

Optional modules

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u

You may choose one optional module from the wide-range available including:

E mpires and Globalisation, c.1800-2000 E veryday Life in the Soviet Union G ender, Society and Culture in Early



Classics and Ancient History


History Medieval Studies









Modular/ Distance learning

 Personal tutor support and close contact with academic


Modern England

 S upervised Independent Study in the Humanities

W ork, Health and State 1830-1950

staff who are leaders in their fields  85 per cent of research classified as world-leading or

MRes Economic and Social History u



Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.


internationally excellent1 Cornwall

Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Normally a 2:1 Honours degree (or equivalent) in a related subject. Please see individual programme descriptions on our web pages.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

100 university

CONTACT US College of Humanities: Postgraduate Admissions Administrator Phone: +44 (0) 1392 725306 Email: FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our websites:

 Innovative, rigorous and flexible LLM which allows you

to specialise  Specialisms including International Commercial Law,

European Law, Maritime Law, Intellectual Property Law, and International Human Rights Law  Small seminar and teaching groups enabling you to

perform to the best of your potential

The Law School has a worldwide reputation for excellence in teaching and research, attracting academics, visiting lecturers and students from across the globe. As a postgraduate student at the School you will be part of a diverse and dynamic community. You will work alongside passionate academics who are at the forefront of developing new ideas, and will challenge you to approach your learning with the same professionalism, academic rigour and enthusiasm with which they undertake their research. Many are leaders within their particular fields and they include experienced legal practitioners, advisors to governments and international agencies such as the United Nations and World Bank. Our researchers’ specialist interests collectively encompass a wide-range of legal fields. We have an established research history in Family Law, European Law and Legal History; in addition to these we also have growing strengths in International and Comparative Law, Human Rights, Bioethics, Environmental Law, Criminology, Intellectual Property, International Commercial Law, Information Law and Technology Law.

80 Law


Law 81


Programmes LLM Master of Laws The Exeter LLM is a substantive, rigorous, and genuinely flexible programme designed for the most ambitious and capable students. Through an in-depth study of specialist topics, you will develop a range of skills and expertise necessary for a career in law. Delivered by some of the biggest names in legal research, our LLM allows you to create a bespoke programme of learning, addressing your specific academic and professional needs, readying you to fulfil your career ambitions or for doctoral study. You may graduate with a specialist LLM or general LLM depending on the extent to which you wish to specialise. Students choosing to specialise may have their specialism named on their degree certificate. General LLM

Construct an individual programme of study by choosing modules across a range of specialisms, supporting your personal interests and career aspirations. Specialist LLMs

International Commercial Law Learn from some of the most respected international names in the field and benefit from our strong links with top global firms. Opportunities to focus on banking and financial law, corporate law or general commercial law. European Law Exeter has a long-standing reputation as a pioneer in EU law. Study the constitutional issues arising from the concept of the European Union, including law making and the relationship between the EU and Member States. International Human Rights Law Suitable for those seeking advancement in private practice or public employment in the field of international human rights law. Includes a study trip to Geneva to gain first-hand experience of the work of the United Nations. Intellectual Property Law Explore the substantive areas of law which make up intellectual property while developing an understanding from both UK and EU perspectives. Maritime Law Designed specifically for students who wish to study shipping and international trade law in detail. Modules are particularly suited to students who intend to pursue careers in chartering, trade and marine insurance (including Protection and Indemnity Clubs).

Compulsory modules

 Dissertation

Optional modules

             

Admiralty Law Carriage of Goods by Sea Corporate Law and Governance Competition Law Consumer Protection Copyright Law and Policy Corporate Social Responsibility Cyber Operations Environmental Law and Energy European Constitutionalism European Convention on Human Rights EU Motor Insurance Law European Political Integration Human Dignity and European Constitutionalism

 Human Rights and International              

Business Policy

International Arbitration International Banking Law International Criminal Law International Human Rights Law International Law of Armed Conflict International Refugee Law International Trade Marine Insurance Mergers and Acquisitions NATO Legal Advisory Course Patent and Design Law Socio-Legal Research Skills Trademarks World Trade Law

MRes Socio-Legal Research Receive training in socio-legal research skills to enable you to carry out doctoral level research using legal and socio-legal methodology, or to embark on a career as a specialist socio-legal researcher. This programme forms part of the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Centre and studentship funding may be available for UK/EU students embarking on the programme and wishing to work towards a PhD.

Compulsory modules

      

Applied Quantitative Data Analysis Approaches to Research in Law Dissertation Philosophy of the Social Sciences Q ualitative Methods in Social Research Research Methods in the Social Sciences Socio-Legal Research Skills

Optional modules One from:

 Human Dignity and Human Rights in the EU

 Human Rights and International Business Policy

 The Family, Law and Social Change INTO Graduate Diploma in Law and Legal English Pre-Masters course for international students taught at INTO University of Exeter. This programme is designed for students who have completed a first degree or equivalent and who need to enhance their knowledge of law and develop the necessary study and research skills for entry to the University’s LLM Master of Laws programme. Requires a minimum of IELTS 5.5 with 5.5 in all sub-skills or equivalent. Compulsory modules

C ommercial Law*  English Language and    

Communication Skills

Introduction to English Law Law-based dissertation Law of Contract* Public International Law*

(*Please note that students choose two of these three options, subject to availability. This programme does not offer progression to Diploma in Legal Practice and is not a qualifying Law programme for professional purposes.)

Optional modules

Two from:  Introduction to EU Law

 I ntroduction to Human Rights  Introduction to International Trade and Business Law

Graduate LLB A two-year accelerated conversion programme for students who have a first degree in another discipline and want to pursue a career in law. You will cover all the foundation subjects required by the Joint Academic Stage Board of the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Bar Standards Board to pass the academic stage that forms part of the professional qualification as a lawyer in England and Wales. This is a vocation-facing programme for those wishing to pursue further training as a lawyer, or alternatively, provides preparation for further study through an academic Masters in Law. Please note that applications for this programme should be made through UCAS; please visit for full details.

The experience is challenging and enjoyable. The teaching methods are diverse and much freedom is given to explore our own interests. The communication of ideas is easy and you really feel that you are respected and valued. There are students from different backgrounds and the atmosphere is international and friendly. Exeter is developing fast and the University devotes a lot to promote its academic research. Yutong Fan, LLM Master of Laws

Compulsory modules

      

C onstitutional and Administrative Law C riminal Law E uropean Union Law L and Law L aw of Torts Th e Law of Contract T rusts

Optional modules

One from: A spects of Evidence

     

C ommercial Law E mployment Law F amily Law G ender, Sexuality and Law H uman Rights Law: The European Convention on Human Rights

L aw Conflict and Strategy P ublic International Law

Masters by Research in Law Masters by Research is also available in this subject and may suit you if you would prefer to carry out an independent research project in a specific subject under the supervision of an academic expert. Visit our website for more details about this and other research degrees and the research interests of our staff.

University of Law at Exeter Students planning a career in law are able to complete both the academic stage of their training and the Legal Practice Course at the University of Exeter thanks to an innovative collaboration with the University of Law. Non-law graduates are now able to convert to law after completing a Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) course taught by ULaw at the Streatham Campus. The Legal Practice Course, which is the next stage of the training for LLB and GDL graduates wishing to become solicitors, is also available by the same arrangement. The University of Law is responsible for providing the educational content of both programmes, which includes face-to-face teaching, tutor support and an employability programme to boost workplace skills. For further information about this ground-breaking collaboration please visit

Programmes Graduate Diploma in Law The Graduate Diploma in Law from the University of Law is the first step if you want to convert to law after completing a non-law undergraduate degree. The law conversion course offers unrivalled levels of face-to-face teaching, tutor support and a range of flexible study options.

Legal Practice Certificate The LPC provides excellent preparation for entering legal practice by offering you the skills to succeed in the business world. After all, they are the preferred legal training provider to over 30 major law firms.

82 Law


Mathematics and Computing 83


I chose the LLM at Exeter because of the international outlook, excellent research-led modules and prestigious team of senior lecturers. I’ve since found that the research quality is very high, with excellent guidance available to help you pursue individual interests. Exeter also has fantastic library facilities, a strong student support system, and of course a beautiful campus! The programme is both academically intense and has great practical elements, including a field trip to the United Nations in Geneva. I hope to join an NGO as a lawyer and activist when I leave, and I’ve received careers guidance to help me achieve this, including help with my CV. Siddhi Soni, LLM International Human Rights Law

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u UK/EU













Modular/ Distance learning

LLM Master of Laws

 Strong research links with Biosciences, Engineering,

INTO Graduate Diploma Law

Mathematics, the Met Office and industry corporations  Wide range of exciting and high-impact research

Graduate LLB Law u

Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years

may be subject to an annual fees increment. * Per year of two-year programme. ▲ Subject to approval.


projects Cornwall

Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Normally a 2:1 Honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject. Please see postgraduate/taught for full details.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

 Mathematics research expertise in climate modelling

and statistics; control and dynamics; systems biology; astrophysical fluid flows; and number theory

MRes Socio-Legal Research

Mathematics and Computing

 Combine the financial expertise in the University of

Exeter Business School with the department’s expertise in mathematics and computing

CONTACT US College of Social Sciences and International Studies Phone: +44 (0) 1392 723192 Email:

 Prepare for careers in areas such as international

FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

 Taught by expert business technology specialists and

banking or international business

experienced practitioners

As a postgraduate student in mathematics and computing at Exeter, you will be part of a friendly department which provides personal contact between staff and students, resulting in a highly productive and well-organised research environment. We have mathematics research expertise in pure mathematics, applied mathematics and statistics, and enjoy active collaboration with the Met Office in Exeter – one of the UK’s major users of advanced mathematics and statistics. Our MSc Financial Mathematics, MSc Computational Finance and MSc IT Management for Business link our expertise in Mathematics and Computer Science with the Exeter Business School. MSc IT Management for Business is endorsed by the Tech Partnership and has been designed in consultation with industry to provide graduates with the digital tech skills that are so highly sought after by employers. The course includes guest lectures by leading industry figures, and each student undertakes a placement in an IT role with a business or government organisation. In the field of Computer Science we maintain an excellent reputation for our research in machine learning, evolutionary and multiobjective optimisation, high-performance computing and networking, knowledge representation, image and video processing, and hydroinformatics.

84 Mathematics and Computing

Mathematics and Computing 85

Mathematics and Computing


Programmes MSc Advanced Mathematics This programme brings together the latest developments in a range of mathematical disciplines and includes a substantial project which can be used to tackle mathematical problems in current research and develop a specialisation. Internationally leading research supports this programme, with particular research strengths including magnetic fields, interface of algebraic number theory and abstract algebra, climate system dynamics and display-structure on crystalline cohomology. The programme prepares you for a career in numerous industries, or for progression to a PhD for those interested in pursuing a research pathway.


 Investment Analysis  Financial Modelling  Investment Analysis Projects MSc Financial Mathematics

M athematical Theory of Option Pricing

Compulsory modules

Optional modules A lgebraic Curves

D ynamical Systems and Chaos F luid Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans L ogic and Philosophy of Mathematics Th e Climate System A lgebraic Number Theory M odelling the Weather and Climate S tatistical Modelling in Space and Time

MSc Computational Finance Many areas of modern finance, such as risk management and option pricing, emphasise numerical and computational skills, as well as a mathematical understanding. This programme uses real-world problems in quantitative finance to give you the skills to help you stand out in today’s competitive jobs market. Learn how to review and implement complex financial models in a number of programming languages including C++, MATLAB and R. Compulsory modules

   


 Research Methodology  Advanced Mathematics Project

M ethods for Stochastics and Finance

R esearch in Mathematical Sciences C omputation and Numerical Analysis A dvanced Mathematics Project

    

Optional modules

Quantitative financial methods are one of the fastest growing areas of the present-day banking and corporate environments. This programme teaches sophisticated mathematical techniques used in the financial markets and corporate planning. Combines financial expertise in the Business School with expertise in the Mathematics department to prepare you for a career in international banking or international business. Available over nine or 12 months.

Compulsory modules

    

 Computational Finance with C++  Numerical Finance

M ethods for Stochastics and Finance A nalysis and Computation for Finance

   

Methods for Stochastics and Finance Analysis and Computation for Finance Mathematical Theory of Option Pricing Fundamentals of Financial Management

You will also study modules and undertake a research project from one of two streams:

 Mathematics stream within the Mathematics department

 Finance stream within the Business School Optional modules

         

MSc IT Management for Business This programme has been designed to educate the next generation of IT management professionals. Endorsed by the Tech Partnership, it is recognised as a producer of multi-skilled graduates who are highly sought after by industry. You will develop the latest skills and knowledge in computing and management relevant to the provision of high-quality IT services in business settings. Includes guest lectures from leading industry figures and the opportunity to undertake an IT management placement.

A Mathematics MSc at Exeter provides you with fundamental research skills in modelling applications and computational methods. The summer project gives you a great opportunity to tackle mathematical problems of current research interest. There is a vast range of topics to choose from, including number theory, financial modelling and understanding complex systems such as weather and climate. Dr Mark Holland, Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics

Compulsory modules

     

Business, Management and IT Digital Technologies

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u

Database and Information Management IT Project Management Information Systems IT Law and Ethics Software Engineering 1 Data Analysis 1 Business Analysis


Advanced Mathematics


Computational Finance






Financial Mathematics



IT Management for Business




Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.

Masters by Research in Computer Science/Mathematics/Physics Masters by Research is also available in these subjects and may suit you if you would prefer to carry out an independent research project in a specific subject under the supervision of an academic expert. Visit our website for more details about research degrees and the research interests of our staff.



Information Security

Optional modules

   


Modular/ Distance learning



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

Topics in Financial Economics Derivatives Pricing Advanced Corporate Finance Q uantitative and Research Techniques Advanced Econometrics Advanced Finance Theory Pattern Recognition Dynamical Systems and Chaos Advanced Mathematics Project Investment Analysis Project

M athematical Theory of Option Pricing I ntroduction to C++

LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Normally a 2:1 Honours degree or equivalent in a related subject, though relevant and related experience considered. Please see our website for full details.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences Phone: +44 (0) 1392 724061 Email: FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

86 Modern Languages

Modern Languages 87

Programmes Compulsory modules

MA Translation Our MA provides an industry-recognised qualification and excellent professional training for a career in the translation industry. You will have the option to select from one of three pathways: Specialist and Professional; Literary Translation; and Research in Translation Studies. Choose a language from: Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Russian and Italian, with translation into or from English normally dependent on your native language. You will learn through both small-size workshops and larger group teaching where students of all languages are brought together. The programme is taught by published literary translators, current industry practitioners, and specialists in Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools.

T ranslation Methodology P ractical Translation D issertation Optional modules

    

S pecialist Translation Th e Translation Profession R esearch in Translation Studies L iterary Translation: Method and Practice R evisiting Literature: Translation as (Re-)Creation

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u UK/EU







Modular/ Distance learning

MA Translation u

may be subject to an annual fees increment.

Modern Languages  Top 10 in all major UK university league tables for the

subject  Top 150 worldwide for Modern Foreign Languages in

the QS World University Rankings 2015/16  29 fully-funded doctoral studentships over the last 3

years  MA Translation taught by published literary translators,

experienced practitioners and specialists in the use of Computer-Assisted Translation tools

Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

The MA Translation programme is carefully designed to develop our translation skills and aims to prepare students to be professional translators. The support services for international students are very helpful and offer various job opportunities and internships, making it relatively easy to support my study. I would definitely recommend this university to international students who are eager to find a comfortable place to study and live. Qian Zheng, MA Translation

The department of Modern Languages at Exeter is internationally renowned for research quality and excellence. We are regularly ranked among the highest UK universities for our teaching, research, and student satisfaction. The translation industry is an area of growth in an increasingly global economy. If you choose to study at Exeter you will be taught by both academic staff and practicing translators, with excellent links to the industry. You might go on to become a Translation Project Manager, Subtitler, Editor, or work for yourself as a Freelance Translator. Our Centre for Translating Cultures takes a broad approach to the translation of film, literature, ideas and other cultural elements, often involving cooperation with research centres in History and English.

LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Normally a 2:1 Honours degree or equivalent in a field related to translation, such as language, literature, linguistics or philology. We also invite applications from translators with professional experience. Please see for full details.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US College of Humanities: Postgraduate Admissions Administrator Phone: +44 (0) 1392 725306 Email: FURTHER INFORMATION

88 Politics and International Relations

Politics and International Relations 89

Programmes MA Conflict, Security and Development Offers academic and vocational training in the international policy fields of conflict, security and development. Includes an integrated work placement module* and internship options with international organisations and nongovernmental organisations in the UK, the Middle East and Central Asia. Compulsory modules

C onflict, Security and Development

Politics and International Relations  5th in the UK for world-leading and internationally

excellent research


 7th for Politics in The Times and The Sunday Times Good

University Guide 2016  Top 100 worldwide for the subject in the QS World

University Rankings 2016  Extensive range of research expertise across all politics

disciplines including security, international relations, public policy and political theory  Research funded by EU, ESRC, AHRC, British

Academy, Leverhulme, Nuffield and others  Research published in leading international journals

and by the major academic and university presses, including Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge  Editorship of leading and cutting-edge journals

History of Political Thought, European Journal of Political

in World Politics

D issertation D issertation Skills W ork Placement in Conflict, Security and Development

Optional modules

The University of Exeter has one of the best all round Politics departments in the UK. We excel in research and teaching across all the main areas of political science including international relations, political theory, public policy and administration, comparative politics, public opinion and political behaviour. We rate highly for overall student satisfaction and our students benefit from above average employment rates. We have a thriving postgraduate community with over 80 Masters students each year and currently more than 60 PhD students. Our reputation for high-quality research has helped us recruit staff with excellent records, providing us with a breadth and depth of expertise. Research income has grown with major awards from the Economic and Social Research Council, the European Commission and Leverhulme Trust. Research by members of the department is used by governments, non-governmental groups and networks around the world. The department’s strong research culture is reflected in our regular seminars and workshops and visits from internationally renowned scholars. Whether you are considering an MA or a PhD, the University of Exeter is an ideal place to undertake further study in politics.

   

G lobal Security P olitics of Global Capitalism S tate and Society in the Middle East U S Foreign Policy

* Please see our website for details of arrangement requirements and costs associated with the MA Conflict, Security and Development work placement.

MA European Politics Covers the governance processes within the European Union and addresses key issues including European integration, EU policy-making, European federalism, democratisation/constitutionalisation and European identity and the public sphere. Opportunity for a period of study in Paris at Sciences Po, as well as two study tours to EU institutions in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg, and the annual SUNY Model EU simulation. Compulsory modules

D issertation D issertation Skills E uropean Political Integration Optional modules

Choose from a wide range including:

   

E uropean Public Policy E urope in the Digital Age G lobal Security Th e Political Economy of Food and Agriculture

MA International Relations Understand and contextualise major events, current crises and global trends within world politics with a particular focus on security, international political theory and foreign policy. A postgraduate degree in International Relations is a pathway to a range of careers in government, NGOs, international organisations, international charities and pressure groups. Teaching may include input from external speakers, debates, conferences, field trips and simulations. Compulsory modules

D issertation  Dissertation Skills Optional modules

Up to four from: E uropean Political Integration

       

G lobal Security I nternational Political Theory Th e Geopolitics of Peace Th e Politics of Global Capitalism Th e Politics of Human Rights The West, Civilizations and World Order U S Foreign Policy

MA Political Thought Offers the opportunity to study the thinkers who shaped the modern world – Locke, Hegel, Marx and others – as well as more recent debates in social and political theory. Teaching draws upon the diverse interests of our lecturers and refers to both AngloAmerican and ‘continental’ literatures, as well as employing analytic and institutional approaches. Compulsory modules

D issertation  S ources of Modernity and Postmodernity T opics and Texts in Social and Political Thought

U nderstanding and Interpretation of Political Thought

Optional modules

G lobal Justice  I nternational Political Theory  Th e Politics of Human Rights

MA Politics and International Relations of the Middle East Co-taught between the Politics department and the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, this MA examines patterns of state-society interaction, the processes of state formation and the constitution of social and political forces in the Middle East. Examine foreign policies and external interventions in the region to become aware of the different perspectives and debates. Options can be taken in the Politics department or the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies. Compulsory modules

   

D issertation D issertation Skills I nternational Relations of the Middle East S tate and Society in the Middle East

Optional modules

C onflict, Security and Development in World Politics

 I nternational Relations: Power and Institutions

 Th e Middle East Since 1945 U S Foreign Policy MSc Policy Analytics With specialisms in Public Policy, Social Research, Criminology and Security. Advanced training in data analytics with a focus on addressing real-world challenges through the formation and evaluation of public policy, and the implementation of evidence-based decisionmaking. Involving partnerships with industry and the opportunity to undertake consultancy, this degree aims to meet increasing demand in the private and public sectors for analysts able to unlock the potential of administrative, economic, social and political data. Delivered by the highly successful Q-Step Centre for applied data, this MSc draws on our outstanding policy expertise and offers specialisms in Public Policy, Social Research, Criminology and Security. Compulsory modules

C ommunicating with Data D issertation or Consultancy Project with partner

M aths and Programming Skills for Policy Analytics

P olicy Analytics: Data Driven

Policy Analysis and Evidence Based Decision-making

90 Politics and International Relations

Politics and International Relations 91

Politics and International Relations Optional modules

 Applied Bayesian Data Analysis  Conflict, Security and Development in World Politics

 Political Economy of Food and Agriculture  The Family, Law and Social Change Master of Public Administration (MPA)

Studying my MA at Exeter was a brilliant experience. In particular, the Global Security module allowed me to fully explore concepts I had encountered at undergraduate level but with a much deeper focus. During this module we were visited by interesting guests including an international development worker, a foreign office civil servant and a former general. These real-world insights were exceptionally helpful in connecting theory to practice, and served to provide exceptional depth to the Global Security module. Ben May, Politics Graduate

Benefit from the latest ideas on public policy, administration, regulation and leadership. Learn alongside practitioners working in a variety of roles and organisations from the UK and overseas. Acquire specialist knowledge relevant to your own career and professional development. Specifically designed to meet the needs of both those studying full-time and professionals looking to study part-time alongside full-time employment. Compulsory modules

 Dissertation or two work-based research projects

 Management and Governance: Comparing Public Administration Around the World

 Policy and Politics: The Theory and Strategy of Delivering Public Services

 Public Sector Finance for Managers Optional modules

A choice of three modules which may include:

 Global Governance and Administration  New Public Management: Principles, Practice and Prospects

 Past, Present and Future of Health Provision


MRes Politics

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u

Provides social science and politics-specific research training which is required for doctoral research or to pursue a career as a professional researcher. This programme forms part of the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Centre and studentship funding may be available for UK/EU students embarking on the programme and wishing to work towards a PhD.

D issertation  Dissertation Skills  Quantitative Data Analysis OR Applied Quantitative Data Analysis

Conflict, Security and Development


European Politics







International Relations



Political Thought



Politics and International Relations of the Middle East



Masters in Public Administration



MSc Policy Analytics






Q ualitative Methods in Social Research  Research Methods in the Social Sciences Optional modules

Two further modules of your choice from the full range of options offered in the Politics department.

Masters by Research is also available in this subject and may suit you if you would prefer to carry out an independent research project in a specific subject under the supervision of an academic expert. Visit our website for more details about this and other research degrees and the research interests of our staff.



Compulsory modules

Masters by Research in Politics


Modular/ Distance learning

MRes Politics u

Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes, such as part-time, where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

The academics leading the course were really keen for each student to pursue their individual research interests. As a result, I was able to investigate feminism in a range of contexts from the Middle East to the nanny economy. I also had an opportunity to study a law module, which helped me see how political philosophy has shaped our society. Rachel Sloan, Politics Graduate

Related programmes MA Applied Security Strategy, p95

MRes Security, Conflict and Justice, p96

through a Financial Looking Glass

 Policy Analysis and Evaluation  Politics, Policy and Practice of Sustainable Development

 Regulation and Reform: Analysis and Policy  Risk, Responsibility and Regulation: Whose Policy is it Anyway?

LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic All MAs: normally a 1st or 2:1 Honours degree (or international equivalent) in an appropriate subject from a recognised university. Please see our website for other programmes.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US College of Social Sciences and International Studies Phone: +44 (0) 1392 723192 Email: SEE ALSO Arab and Islamic Studies p32; Security and Strategy p95 FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

92 Psychology

Psychology 93

Programmes MSc Animal Behaviour Provides a broad cross-section of main topics and methods in animal behaviour and welfare research. Gain insight into the varied means of performing animal behaviour research in a wide-range of locations – in zoos, laboratories, or in the wild. Includes an in-depth research apprenticeship working under the supervision of experienced researchers or practitioners. Compulsory modules

A dvanced Statistics A dvances and Methods in Animal Behaviour


B ehavioural Science Research Skills R esearch Apprenticeship C urrent Research Issues in Animal

 Top 100 in the world for Psychology and 13th in The 1

Times and Sunday Times University Guide 2016  85 per cent of research classified as world-leading or

internationally excellent2  90 per cent of students satisfied with teaching quality in

the National Student Survey 2015


 Extensive research facilities, including eyetracking, EEG/

ERP and TMS laboratories, audiovisual recording suite and MRI scanner  Major centre for cognitive, clinical and neuroscience

research  Unique partnership with the NHS; contracts include the

high profile NHS Treatment Centre and Improving Access to Psychological Therapies

Psychology at Exeter has over 120 academic, research and clinical training staff, and more than 300 postgraduate students, including over 200 students registered on accredited clinical training programmes. Our staff are recognised internationally for their academic excellence, high-quality research and applied output. They actively research the areas of psychology they teach, so their expertise feeds directly into our research-led programmes. Members of staff have strong research links with universities in other countries and there is a flourishing international community. We work in partnership with a variety of public and private sector organisations to ensure our research has policy relevance. Unlike most other leading departments, we provide postgraduate training and continuing professional development (CPD) courses for Clinical Psychology and other psychological practitioners at the same site as our PhD and Masters degrees. We place a strong emphasis on your personal and professional development, as well as academic performance, and are committed to providing a friendly and stimulating intellectual environment. You will benefit from state-ofthe-art learning, teaching and research facilities, including well-equipped workshops, specialist laboratories, an audiovisual recording suite and a dedicated postgraduate computer laboratory.


MSc Psychological Research Methods Develop a range of methodological skills required for PhD study or professional research. Particular emphasis on research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience, and in clinical psychology and neuroscience. Includes an in-depth research apprenticeship, working alongside experienced researchers or practitioners, which makes a contribution to the discipline. Can be applied for as a stand-alone degree or form the first year of a PhD. Compulsory modules

A dvanced Statistics M ethods in Cognitive and Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience

B ehavioural Science Research Skills R esearch Apprenticeship C urrent Research Issues in Psychological Research

MSc Social and Organisational Psychology Taught by world-class social and organisational psychologists. Benefit from a friendly and supportive atmosphere as well as high-quality teaching and supervision, an exciting seminar series and workshops. Provides the skills required for PhD research and careers in the fields of social and organisational psychology. Includes an in-depth research apprenticeship working alongside experienced researchers or practitioners. Compulsory modules

A dvanced Statistics A dvances and Methods in Social and Organisational Psychology

B ehavioural Science Research Skills R esearch Apprenticeship C urrent Research Issues in Social and Organisational Psychology

Professional clinical training The following professional programmes are available to all students. Please see the Clinical Education Development Research (CEDAR) website for the complete list of programmes available to UK/EU students only:

Doctor of Clinical Practice Designed to provide clinical and research training for advanced and consultant practitioners in psychodynamic and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Provides the knowledge, skills and understanding required to critically appraise theory, practice and research in psychoanalysis and related fields. Includes a small-scale treatment-related research project linked to your own area of clinical work as well as a large-scale research project in your chosen area.

I now work as a research psychologist for the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) as part of the Ministry of Defence, where the skills, knowledge and expertise acquired during my degree is invaluable and forms a core part of the work I engage in. Laura Spear, MSc Social and Organisational Psychology

 Internationally respected and fast-developing social,

environmental and organisational psychology research group

Compulsory modules

A dvanced Clinical Skills and Critical Appraisal

A dvanced Theoretical Skills in Clinical Practice

 S ervice Related Research Project M ajor Research Project Proposal M ajor Clinical Research Project Doctor of Clinical Research Designed for senior managers who are expected, or wish, to undertake research as part of their role, with the aim of enhancing services, influencing system dynamics using psychological perspectives within an organisation, and developing improved outcome models. The research curriculum for this programme is underpinned by the Medical Research Council’s Complex Intervention Framework. Compulsory modules

A dvanced Skills in Clinical Research and Critical Appraisal

 S ervice Related Research Project M ajor Research Project Proposal A dvanced Clinical Research Leadership and Reflective Organisational Practice

M ajor Clinical Research Project

Masters by Research in Psychology This degree provides the opportunity to carry out a supervised research project leading to a formal postgraduate qualification, without the longer-term commitment of a PhD. It is ideal if you are interested in pursuing a specific shorterterm research project, perhaps whilst working. Our MSc by Research can be studied in any of our research groups, however, we particularly welcome applications in:

C entre for Research in Animal Behaviour  Clinical Research Group

If you are interested in pursuing the MSc by Research with us, you will first need to agree on a research project and identify a staff member for potential supervision.

94 Psychology


Security and Strategy 95


The programme was very interesting and the staff were very helpful. I was able to network with other researchers and people working within local zoos and rescue centres. I really enjoyed the close-knit campus atmosphere with lots going on. Emma Godsell, MSc Animal Behaviour Alumna

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u UK/EU


Animal Behaviour


Psychological Research Methods Social and Organisational Psychology









Modular/ Distance learning


Security and Strategy

Professional clinical training Doctor of Clinical Practice

Doctor of Clinical Research

£6,900 yr 1 and £7,900 yr 1 2; £1,700 yr 3 and 2; £1,800 yr and 4 (£17,200 3 and 4 (£19,400 total) total)

£6,900 yr 1 and £7,900 yr 1 2; £1,700 yr 3 and 2; £1,800 yr and 4 (£17,200 3 and 4 (£19,400 total) total)

 Exposure to industry practitioners through

opportunities including work placements, simulation exercises, field trips, lectures, workshops and networking

Masters by Research Psychology



 Extensive research expertise across a variety of u

Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.


Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints.


disciplines focusing on high impact priority areas directly related to current global issues  Hubs of excellence in research and consultancy such as

LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Please see taught/psychology for full details.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US Psychology enquiries Phone: +44 (0) 1392 724611 Email: FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

the Centre for Advanced International Studies, and the Strategy and Security Institute  Research funded by ESRC, British Academy,

Leverhulme, Home Office and others

We offer a suite of postgraduate programmes built around innovative approaches to the areas of conflict, security, development, strategy and justice. Each degree is tailored to suit particular career or academic aspirations. Features vary and include integrated work placements, simulation exercises, field trips, outside speakers, and practitioner-led workshops. Funding awards are also available.

Programmes MA Applied Security Strategy Designed to develop future leaders, decisionmakers and confident strategic thinkers who are able to drive and execute policy calmly, under pressure and at the very highest levels. The programme takes a sharp, targeted focus and employs simulations and field trips alongside lectures, seminars and conferences with leading academics and practitioners. Creates and trains experts in the fusion of strategic communications and intelligence to craft policy and strategy in the contemporary security arena. For more information please see

96 Security and Strategy

Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology 97

Security and Strategy Compulsory modules

   

C risis Watch: Active Strategy D issertation S ecurity Strategy and Resources S ecurity Strategy: Implementation, Adaptation and Evolution

 S ecurity Strategy in History and in Theory  S ecurity Strategy: Planning, Process and Product

MA Conflict, Security and Development Offers academic and vocational training in the international policy fields of conflict, security and development. Includes an integrated work placement module* and internship options with international bodies and non-governmental organisations in the UK, the Middle East and Central Asia. Compulsory modules


Compulsory modules

Masters by Research in Strategy and Security Masters by Research is also available in this subject and may suit you if you would prefer to carry out an independent research project in a specific subject under the supervision of an academic expert. Visit our website for more information about research degrees and the research interests of our staff.

MRes Security, Conflict and Justice Examine the latest critical thinking and the key issues surrounding the field of security studies; develop better strategies for resolving conflicts and securing social justice. Gain skills that have an impact on the research, policy and practice needed to avoid and mitigate security risks. This programme forms part of the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Centre and studentship funding may be available for UK/EU students embarking on the programme and wishing to work towards a PhD.

 Contemporary Debates in Security,    

Conflict and Justice

Interdisciplinary Research Design Qualitative Research Methods Quantitative Data Analysis Dissertation

Optional modules

Choose from a wide range, including:

 Conflict, Security and Development in World Politics

G lobal Justice  Global Security  International Politics

C onflict, Security and Development in World Politics

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u

W ork Placement in Conflict, Security and Development*

D issertation Skills D issertation


Applied Security Strategy


Conflict, Security and Development


Recommended examples: Global Security


Politics of Global Capitalism

Security, Conflict and Justice

State and Society in the Middle East U S Foreign Policy

* Please see our website for details of costs associated with the MA Conflict, Security and Development work placement.







Optional modules

   


Modular/ Distance learning


Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology  Ranked 4th in the UK in the latest Research Excellence



Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.

Framework 20141



 3rd for Sociology and 6th for Philosophy in The Times

and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2016

Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites). Note: all MA Applied Security Strategy modules are compulsory.

 Internationally recognised for work in science and LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic All MAs: normally a 1st or 2:1 Honours degree (or international equivalent) in an appropriate subject from a recognised university. Please see our website for other programmes. MA Applied Security Strategy accepts relevant work experience in lieu.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US College of Social Sciences and International Studies Phone: +44 (0) 1392 723192 Email:

technology studies, philosophical anthropology and the sociology of culture  Funding opportunities available through ESRC South

West Doctoral Training Centre – a hub of world-class social sciences research

SEE ALSO Arab and Islamic Studies p32; Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture p38; Politics and International Relations p88 FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:


Research Excellence Framework 2014 when intensity (100 per cent) and 4* and 3* grades are taken into account

We provide a dynamic environment for postgraduate study and our students work in close contact with internationally recognised researchers in their field of study. A distinctive feature is our commitment to interdisciplinary work. Philosophers, sociologists, and anthropologists work together to undertake postgraduate teaching and collaborative research projects. We are committed to the idea that drawing sociology, anthropology and philosophy together, and in ways that include empirical philosophy, enriches all fields.

98 Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology

Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology 99

Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology


Programmes MA Anthrozoology This award winning MA is directed by Dr Samantha Hurn, author of a core textbook on anthrozoology, the interdisciplinary study of human-animal relations. Designed for anyone who would like to investigate the ways in which humans perceive, engage, compete and co-exist with animals. Delivered via distance learning, the programme is particularly suitable for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for those who work with animals, eg, vets, animal trainers and conservationists. Compulsory modules

A nthrozoology: Theory and Method A pplied Anthrozoology D issertation Optional modules

   

A nimals, Health and Healing B ioacoustics F amily Hominidae and Other Primates H umans and Wildlife: Conflict and Conservation

 Th e Animal Mirror: Representations of Animality

R epresentation of Animals Through Religion

MA Philosophy This degree captures the distinctive approach to philosophy at Exeter, taking an interdisciplinary perspective on the some of the biggest questions facing mankind. Topics covered include: the philosophical, social and ethical dilemmas posed by science and technology; the nature of the human mind and its relationship to culture; and how can we better understand the way that societies function. You will also explore a range of different philosophical methods such as conceptual analysis, phenomenology, naturalism, and historical and sociological approaches, and learn to apply these methods in your own research. Compulsory modules

D issertation  I ntroduction to Philosophical Methods

Optional modules

     

Body and Mind Cultures of the Life Sciences Ethics Mind and World Philosophy of Science Philosophy of the Social Sciences

MA Philosophy and Sociology of Science This unique MA combines philosophical and sociological perspectives on science and technology. You can examine the concept of science, the knowledge it provides and the way in which the production of knowledge is organised in society. The programme is excellent preparation for further research or employment in the management and evaluation of science and its impact on society – an increasingly important aspect of science policy. Compulsory modules

 Cultures of the Life Sciences  Dissertation  Science, Technology and Society Optional modules

MRes Science and Technology Studies Acquire a broad-based knowledge of social science research methods, as well as core research training within a contemporary sociology context. Develop your understanding of the origins, history and development of science and technology studies and its theoretical underpinnings. Gain the skills for PhD research or a career as a professional researcher. This programme forms part of the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Centre and studentship funding may be available for UK/EU students embarking on the programme and wishing to work towards a PhD.

    

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u

Science, Technology and Society

Optional modules One from:

 Cultures of the Life Sciences  Independent Study in Sociology and Philosophy

 Knowledge and History: Theories

 Philosophy of Science

of Scientific Change










Philosophy Philosophy and Sociology of Science

Dissertation Research Methods in the Social Sciences




Philosophy of the Social Sciences


Modular/ Distance learning


Applied Quantitative Data Analysis

 Knowledge and History: Theories

of Scientific Change

Eimear McLoughlin, MA Anthrozoology

Compulsory modules

 Independent Study in Sociology and Philosophy

I chose the MA in Anthrozoology at the University of Exeter because it promised a variety of material and flexibility in approach that was ideal for my situation as a distance learner. I have learnt so much during the programme and been encouraged to push myself out of my comfort zone.


MRes Science and Technology Studies u

Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

 Methodology and Research Skills in Sociology

 Money, Ethics and Power  Philosophy of Science Masters by Research in Anthropology/Philosophy Masters by Research is also available in these subjects and may suit you if you would prefer to carry out an independent research project in a specific subject under the supervision of an academic expert. Visit our website for more details about this and other research degrees and the research interests of our staff.

LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic A 2:1 Honours degree or equivalent in any discipline.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US College of Social Sciences and International Studies Phone: +44 (0) 1392 723192 Email: SEE ALSO MA Political Thought p89; MA Applied Security Strategy p95 FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:


Sport and Health Sciences 101

Sport and Health Sciences  1st for Sports Science in The Times and The Sunday

Times Good University Guide 2016  1st for Sports Science in the Complete University Guide

2016  3rd in the UK for research (REF 2014)1  5th in the UK for Sports Science in The Guardian

University Guide 2017  The Times and The Sunday Times Sports University of the

Year 2015-16  2nd for Overall Satisfaction in Sports Science in the

National Student Survey 20152  Research expertise spans the full range of disciplines in

sport, health and exercise sciences  Internationally recognised, prize-winning Children’s


Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Exeter consistently ranks in the UK’s top three sport science departments and maintains an international reputation for excellence in teaching and research, as well as an exceptional track record for student satisfaction. Recognised for world-leading and internationally excellent research across the discipline (Research Exercise Framework, 2014), all of our teaching staff are active researchers and their work informs public policy on exercise and health. For example, we provide scientific support and consultancy services to national and international athletes and teams including Rugby Football Union, UK Athletics, England and Wales Cricket Board, and the Football Association. As a postgraduate student you will be welcomed into a friendly, intellectually stimulating and highly supportive learning environment. You’ll benefit from programmes enhanced by the current research of our academic staff who collaborate with industry, national and international organisations and professional athletes to advance knowledge within the discipline.

102 Sport and Health Sciences

Sport and Health Sciences 103

Sport and Health Sciences


Programmes MSc Paediatric Exercise and Health

MRes Health and Wellbeing

Informed by internationally recognised research conducted at the Children’s Health and Exercise Research Centre. Provides the theoretical knowledge and practical experience to understand the unique physiological responses of children and adolescents during exercise, and how physical activity and fitness can enhance the health and wellbeing of young people. Graduates have pursued careers in a variety of sport, exercise and health promotion settings.

Understand the social, biological and environmental drivers of individual health behaviours and interventions. Further your understanding of how the social sciences underpin the development of effective interventions, strategies and policies which aim to improve health and wellbeing, and reduce physical and psychological health inequalities. This programme forms part of the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Centre and studentship funding may be available for UK/EU students embarking on the programme and wishing to work towards a PhD.

Compulsory modules

   

L aboratory Techniques in Physiology P aediatric Exercise and Health P aediatric Exercise Physiology R esearch Methods and Analytical Procedures

D issertation ( Journal Article)

MSc Sport and Health Sciences Develop your scientific understanding of sport, exercise and health through theoretical concepts in applied sport, health and exercise settings. Programme content is underpinned by internationally recognised research with a diverse range of optional modules allied to our research expertise. Graduates have pursued careers in a variety of sport, exercise, management, consultancy and health promotion settings. Compulsory modules

Compulsory modules

 Contemporary Debates in Lifestyle  Interdisciplinary Research Design  Dissertation/Dissertation ( Journal Article)  Choice of research methods modules Optional modules

 Advances and Methods in Social and  Contemporary Debates in Human Geography

Xheng Pisi, MSc Sport and Health Sciences

B ioenergetics and Human Performance  Physical Activity and Health

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u UK/EU


Paediatric Exercise and Health


Sport and Health Sciences


 Current Research Issues in Social,

Economic and Organisational Psychology

D issertation ( Journal Article)

Psychology and Neuroscience











Modular/ Distance learning


MRes Health and Wellbeing

 Current Issues in Sport and Exercise

 Paediatric Exercise and Health  Physical Activity in the Prevention and

Optional modules

Our MSc by Research can be studied in either of our research groups:

Organisational Psychology

 Methods in Cognitive and Clinical

B iomechanical Aspects of Lower

This degree provides the opportunity to carry out a supervised research project leading to a formal postgraduate qualification, without the longer-term commitment of a PhD. It is ideal if you are interested in pursuing a specific shorterterm research project, perhaps whilst working. The programme offers you the flexibility to shape your research in an area of particular interest to you.

After I started my MSc, everything proved that my original choice to study at the University of Exeter was a wise decision: the incredibly beautiful campus, the convenient and comfortable accommodation, the state of the art study facilities, the professional and friendly staff and the reputation for excellence in research. Exeter is the exactly right place for me to do the MSc and I really enjoy my study and life at Exeter.

Behaviours and Public Health

R esearch Methods and Analytical Procedures

Masters by Research in Sport and Health Sciences

Masters by Research Sport and Health Sciences u

Fees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

Treatment of Chronic Diseases

Limb Injury

C urrent Issues in Sport and Exercise Psychology

L aboratory Techniques in Physiology P aediatric Exercise and Health P hysical Activity in the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Diseases

LOCATION Exeter, St Luke’s Campus ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Normally a minimum 2:1 degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/ TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US Sport and Health Sciences Phone: +44 (0) 1392 722774 Email: FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

104 Theology and Religion

Theology and Religion 105

Programmes Compulsory modules

MA Theology This is an imaginative and exciting programme designed to reflect the emphases and range of our research culture. All of the available modules offer a great breadth of learning, allowing for plenty of flexibility and room to specialise in the areas that interest you most. To further develop interdisciplinary approaches students may also take a module from another Humanities postgraduate programme, or may choose to build up the foundations of their learning with a module from the third-year undergraduate Theology and Religion course. Throughout your studies you will benefit from access to the department’s extensive resources and enjoy a close working relationship with our exceptional academic staff. The MA in Theology will help you to develop the research skills and tools to examine the subject in depth, whether or not you choose to pursue an academic career.

 2nd in the UK for world-leading and internationally

excellent research


 2nd in The Guardian University Guide 2017 and 4th in The

Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2016  £1 million external research funding awarded over the

past 3 years  15 fully-funded doctoral studentships over the last 3

years  Regular research seminars involving staff, students and

visiting speakers  Theologians, philosophers, biblical scholars, and

historians join in one united research culture to exchange and develop

Optional modules

A pproaches to Biblical Studies R eading Early Jewish and Christian Texts R eception of Christian and     

Jewish Traditions

Th eology, Ethics and Public Issues I ntroducing Biblical Hebrew I ntermediate Biblical Hebrew E lements of New Testament Greek I ntermediate New Testament Greek

Full-time programme fee 2017/18 u

Theology and Religion  1st in the National Student Survey (2015)1

R esearch Skills in Theology R esearch Proposal in Theology D issertation








Modular/ Distance learning

MA Theology

Research is at the heart of the department of Theology and Religion, which boasts a diverse and vibrant group of students from many parts of the world. Our current research interests and expertise encompass biblical studies, Jewish studies – from early rabbinic literature to the Holocaust and the State of Israel – early Christian history, modern theology, practical and ecumenical theology, ethics, philosophy of religion, the interface between science and religion, and much more. Postgraduate students in all of these fields are invited to become part of our academic community – in which both discipline-specific and multi-disciplinary skills are nurtured and tested, and where faculty work closely with students to encourage creativity and enable critical thought. The department places strong emphasis on research-inspired teaching, and enjoys an excellent reputation for teaching of the highest quality. Unparalleled league table rankings (including a satisfaction rate of 100 per cent in the National Student Survey for three consecutive years) are evidence of excellent undergraduate and MA-level teaching across a broad curriculum, as well as high-quality research student supervision. The department’s academic and administrativesupport staff are committed to helping you make the most of all that the University offers.


F ees quoted are pro-rata for other study modes where applicable. Please note study in future years may be subject to an annual fees increment.



Modules listed are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change and timetabling constraints. You may exchange up to 30 credits of optional modules from other University of Exeter Masters programmes (subject to approval from relevant College(s) and completed pre-requisites).

The Theology department has an extremely supportive group of staff and an exciting range of research specialisms. There are also postgraduate research seminars available to widen interest. The staff have a great mix of faith backgrounds, which is refreshing and very helpful in terms of an open study environment. It is small enough to have a supportive, ‘family’ feel but also has an excellent reputation for research and some wellknown theologians on staff. Catherine Matlock, MA Theology

LOCATION Streatham Campus, Exeter ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Academic Normally a 2:1 Honours degree in Theology or a related subject. Professional qualifications or experience may also be considered.

English language Please see our individual programme webpages for information on our requirements, including IELTS/TOEFL/PTE Academic and other qualifications we deem equivalent.

CONTACT US College of Humanities: Postgraduate Admissions Administrator Phone: +44 (0) 1392 725306 Email: FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including module details and staff profiles, please see our website:

106 102


USEFUL CONTACTS Useful webpages Postgraduate study webpages College webpages Virtual campus tours Teacher training programmes Exeter Students’ Guild/ Penryn Campus Students’ Union

Chevening Scholarships Fulbright Scholarships

Contact us Postgraduate Admissions (Streatham and St Luke’s campuses) Phone: 0 844 6200012 (UK callers)* +44 (0) 1392 723044 (EU/International callers) Email: *C alls to this number are charged at 3p per minute from a standard BT line. Calls from a mobile may vary.

INTO University of Exeter Centre

Postgraduate Admissions (Penryn Campus) Phone: +44 (0) 1326 371801 Email: (general enquiries) (admission/application enquiries)

UK Council for International Student Affairs

International Office Phone: +44 (0) 1392 723405 Email:


Teacher training programmes Phone: 0 844 6200012 (UK callers)* +44 (0) 1392 723009 (EU/International callers) Email:

International students International Office

University of Exeter funding studentfunding International scholarships scholarships UK government funding information British Council Student Funder

Accessibility Service (Exeter) Phone: +44 (0) 1392 723880 Email: Accessibility Service (Cornwall) Phone: +44 (0) 1326 370443 Email: University Switchboard Phone: +44 (0) 1392 661000 Alternative formats Please contact the Accessibility Service to discuss your needs.

108 104










M5 A30

All our campuses are well connected by road, rail, and air travel.

Streatham Campus and St Luke’s Campus

Both campuses are within easy walking distance of the city centre.

By train

The average journey time from London Paddington to Exeter St David’s station is 2 hours 30 minutes.

By coach

Exeter is well connected by coach, and local buses from the coach station can take you direct to either of our campuses.

By car

The M4/M5 links Exeter directly to London, the Midlands, South Wales and the North including Scotland. The average journey time from either London or the Midlands is 3 hours. For satellite navigation use postcode EX4 4QJ for the Streatham Campus and EX2 4TE for St Luke’s.

By air



Penryn Campus By train

There are regular services to Truro from all major British cities, and connecting services from Truro to Penryn. The average journey time from London Paddington to Truro is just over 4 hours, and from Truro to Penryn about 15 minutes.

By coach

For timetables visit or phone National Express on +44 (0) 8717 818178.

By car

The Penryn Campus is approximately 2 hours’ drive from Exeter. For satellite navigation use postcode TR10 9FE or TR10 9EZ.

By air

The closest airport to the Penryn Campus is at Newquay.

The nearest regional airports are at Exeter and Bristol. For full instructions and directions to each campus, please see

London LONDON London to Exeter: 200 miles

A Accounting and Finance£ 31 Accounting and Taxation£ 31 Advanced Mathematics£ 84 Advanced Professional and Clinical Practice£ 74 Animal Behaviour£ 93 Anthropologyl 95 Anthrozoologyp 98 Applied Ecology£ 38 Applied Geotechnics£² 69 Applied Health Services Research£ 74 Applied Security Strategyp 95 Archaeologyp 34 B Behavioural Economics and Finance£ 49 Bioarchaeology: Human Osteology£ 35 35 Bioarchaeology: Zooarchaeology£ Biosciencesl 37 C Civil Engineering£z 56 Classics and Ancient Historyp 78 Clinical Educationµ 75 84 Computational Finance£ 83 Computer Sciencel Conflict, Security and Developmentp 89 Conservation and Biodiversity£ 38 38 Conservation Science and Policy£ Creative Writingp 60 Critical Human Geographies£ 66 D Doctor of Clinical Practice Doctor of Clinical Research

93 93

E Economic and Social Historyu 78 Economics and Econometrics£ 49 Economics£ 49 Educationp 51 Education Professional Doctorateo 53 Educational Research£ 53 Engineering Business Management£ 56 English Literary Studiesp 60 74 Environment and Human Health£ Environment, Energy and Resilience£ 66 European Politicsp 89 Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology£ 38 Experimental Archaeologyp 35 69 Exploration Geology£ 74 Extreme Medicine£




INTO Graduate Diploma

F Finance and Investment£ 63 Finance and Management£ 63 Financev 62 Financial Analysis and Fund Management£ 63 Financial Economics£ 49 Financial Mathematics£ 84 Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture£ 38

H Health and Wellbeingu 102 75 Health Services Improvementµ Healthcare and Medicineª 73 Historyp 76 Human Resources Management£² 43

R Renewable Energy Engineering£ 57 S Science and Technology Studiesu 98 Security and Strategyl 95 Security, Conflict and Justiceu 96 Social and Organisational Psychology£ 93 Socio-Legal Researchu 80 Sport and Health Sciencesl£ 101 Structural Engineering£z 57 Surveying and Land/Environmental 70 Management£² Sustainable Development (Climate 66 Change and Risk Management)£ Sustainable Development£ 66

I International Film Businessp 60 International Management£ 42 International Relationsp 89 International Supply Chain Management£ 56 International Hospitality Management£ 41 International Tourism Management£ 42 Islamic Studiesp 33 IT Management for Business 41 L Law and Legal Englishv 80 Lawl 79 Legal Practice Certificate 81 LLM Master of Laws 80

T Teacher Training (PGCE) 54 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Intensive Summer programmen 52 Teaching English to Speakers of 53 Other Languages (TESOL)n Theatre Practicep 46 Theologyp 104 Translationp 87 Tunnel Engineering£ 69

M Managementvu 43 Marketing and Financial Services£ 63 Marketing£ 42 Master of Business Administration 41 Materials Engineering£z 56 Mathematicsl 83 Mechanical Engineering£z 57 Medical Imaging£ 74 Medieval Studiesp 77 Middle East and Islamic Studiesp 32 Middle East Studiesu 33 Mining Engineering£² 70  MBA


ª MSc




µ PgCert

Masters by Research

P Paediatric Exercise and Health£ 102 PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education) 54 Philosophy and Sociology of Sciencep 98 Philosophyl 98 Policy Analytics£ 89 Physicsl 84 Political Thoughtp 89 Politics and International Relations of the Middle Eastp 32 Politicslu 88 Professional Mining Engineering/ Mining Life Cycle£²µ 70 93 Psychological Research Methods£ Psychologyl 92 Public Administration (MPA) 90

G Geographyl 65 Geology, Mining and Minerals Engineeringl 68 Geotechnical Engineering£ 69 Graduate Diploma in Law 81 Graduate LLB 81



Mining Geology£ 69 Money and Banking£ 49


MRes MSc

by Research

W Water Engineering£z 57 Water Science, Policy and Governance£ 58

² PgDip z

with management option


Acknowledgements We acknowledge with thanks individual students and staff, and the University of Exeter Students’ Guild. Produced by Marketing Office, University of Exeter Designed by Design Studio, University of Exeter Photography by James Ram, Tim Pestridge, Matt Austin

Print Belmont Press Published September 2016 © University of Exeter Prospectus requests This prospectus can be downloaded from prospectus or additional copies can be ordered from prospectus Find us on Facebook and Twitter:

Accuracy of prospectus information Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in the prospectus is correct at the time of going to print. The University will endeavour to deliver programmes and other services in accordance with the descriptions provided on the website and in this prospectus. The University reserves the right to make variations to programme content, entry requirements and methods of delivery and to discontinue, merge or combine programmes, both before and after a student’s admission to the University. Full terms and conditions can be found at 2016CAMS096

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