7 minute read
Six years as Vice-Chancellor
Organization and structure, that is what Eva Wiberg strived for during her six years as vice-chancellor at the University of Gothenburg.
– Many people may think that work with employment regulations, auditing and disciplinary management seems boring. But on the contrary, it has been an absolute pleasure to be involved in developing one of Sweden's most extensive and most dynamic universities.
WHEN EVA WIBERG left her job as pro-vice chancellor at Lund University on July 1, 2017, to take over as vice-chancellor at the University of Gothenburg, she came to an institution that in many ways was similar to the one she had left.
– The two universities are roughly the same in size and scope with many similar challenges. But there were differences too. The University of Gothenburg had carried out the organizational change GU Förnyas (University of Gothenburg Renewed), which I am sure was effective at the time. But the faculties had lost influence and mainly devoted their time to allocating funding while all other responsibilities/ were brought down to the departmental level and the heads of department. After an investigation by Håkan Pihl, the University Board decided, in autumn 2018, to revise the internal rules of procedure. Now the dean and the faculties have a distinct role between university management and departments at the same time as the head of department's role has been clarified.
A university has billions of kronor in turnover. Eva Wiberg wanted to familiarize herself early on with how the University of Gothenburg's finances and governance worked.
– I FELT THAT internal governance and control could be improved, for example the Board's work with audit issues and the transparency of the work of the Central Administration. In dialogue with the then chairwoman of the board, Cecilia Schelin Seidegård, I suggested that the University of Gothenburg should introduce an audit committee, which was set up in autumn 2017.
Eva Wiberg was also involved at an early stage in disciplinary and misconduct matters.
– We have made a change and introduced increased clarity concerning disciplinary matters, which are often difficult processes that need to be carried out with respect and dignity. We now have a revised procedure for handling disciplinary cases, which took us some time to develop, and the pro-vice chancellor and lawyers and other employees, as well as the doctoral representatives, have done an exceptional job. The role of the student representatives has been made clear and also what is required in the department's notification to the Disciplinary Committee. The many complaints received in connection with the pandemic related to digital examinations at home, and they have been a considerable challenge.
ONE OF THE ISSUES that Eva Wiberg was closely involved in was student influence.
– The students are the ones who make us a university, and their contribution to the organization is extremely important! Today, they are represented in the university's
2017 2018 2019 2020
Audit Committee appointed
Procedural change for the Disciplinary Committee management team as well as in all preparatory and decision-making bodies. And all the student unions, including the School of Business, Economics and Law, are part of the University of Gothenburg's student unions. We are now establishing revised rules for student influence, and with Deputy Vice-Chancellor Pauli Korteinen's commendable work, we have established both guidelines for study places and student social activities.
THE UNIVERSITY management's decision-making has also been made more rigorous.
– So that the employees do not have to work on weekends, we moved decision-making meetings and management councils from Mondays to Thursdays. And the matters raised must be so well
Revised internal rules of procedure
The University of Gothenburg joins Mirai (takes over the presidency, we joined well before)
New ceremony: Thecertification ceremony
New allocation method for direct government funding based on the number of full-time students
Internationalization Council established
RED 19 investigation completed
The University of Gothenburg joins the Climate Framework
The University of Gothenburg joins EUTOPIA, the University of Gothenburg takes over the presidency clearly contribute to the green transition.
But the most important thing was, of course, that it was at that time that the extensive work on a new vision commenced.
– THE WORK ON the new vision began with a workshop during the spring. Among other things, we decided to arrange a number of vision seminars, open to both employees and students, in order to get as many points of view as possible. It was also important to keep the vision simple and focused, without a lot of unnecessary verbiage.
Covid-19 pandemic Email crash
Construction of Natrium commences
The vision A university for the world for 2021–2030 the world is one of the most important things that I have worked towards. During my time as vice-chancellor, several collaborations have been initiated, including the Mirai collaboration with Japan and EUTOPIA, which now includes ten universities. But we also have to collaborate with the city and the region. One example is Lärosäten Väst (Western Sweden Universities) which was established in March 2021, and includes six universities in western Sweden. prepared that decisions are normally made at the meeting. During the pandemic, we also decided that decision-making and staff meetings should be conducted and signed digitally, a practice with which we continued. This means, for example, that a new professor can receive a decision on their appointment on the same day that the decision was made, instead of having to wait for a piece of paper to arrive in their mailbox.
2019 was an eventful year. Eva Wiberg appointed an internationalization council, and RED 19, i.e. the major review of research conditions at the University of Gothenburg, was completed. The University of Gothenburg also joined the Climate Framework, which means that all higher education institutions in Sweden undertake to
On April 15, 2020, the University Board decided on A university for the world, a vision that will extend right up to 2030. The vision is special, as it contains very specific goals and action plans divided into three-year periods, Eva Wiberg explains.
– Being a university for
THE PANDEMIC WAS a major and abrupt challenge where the entire university had to change its entire operations in just a few days, Eva Wiberg recalls.
– Everyone, both employees and students, made huge contributions; despite considerable difficulties, they managed to keep both teaching and other activities going. No one wants terrible
2021 2022 2023
Digital inauguration of the new Humanisten
Construction commences of new building for the School of Business, Economics and Law
New working hours agreement for lecturers
The collaboration Lärosäten Väst is established
Inauguration of the research vessel Skagerak
New ceremony: Jubilee Doctoral Conferment Ceremony things to happen, but when they do, it's important to learn as many lessons as possible. The pandemic made us realize that some meetings can be held remotely and that online teaching offers new opportunities, especially for those who have difficulty getting to campus. But we were also reminded of the importance of sometimes actually meeting face-to-face, if only at the coffee machine.
ANOTHER SIGNIFICANT event was the email crash in the autumn of 2020.
– It placed a huge strain on the entire university, but also provided incentives to really take IT security seriously. Today, we are significantly better equipped for that type of serious incident.
The University of Gothenburg starts an initiative for Ukrainian visiting professors
Sweden's largest professorial inauguration comprising 106 professors
During Eva Wiberg's term as vice-chancellor a number of government initiatives were introduced. For example, in the spring of 2021, when the previous government wanted to introduce a new allocation system where universities would apply for funds for different profile areas. What is going to happen with that system is still unclear.
AT THE END of April this year, another government initiative was introduced: the members of the new university boards can only sit on the board for 17 months instead of the standard three years.
– It has led to a tremendous amount of anger at all the universities. In a letter, signed by 37 vice-chancellors, we highlight the extreme
Construction commences for the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts
Natrium is completed and the inauguration will take place during the autumn
All student unions are now part of the University of Gothenburg's student unions disrespect in changing the conditions for the new boards just a few days before they plan to take office.
A number of construction projects also took place during Eva Wiberg's time as vice-chancellor. The new Humanisten building was completed in December 2019, and staff will move into Natrium in August. The School of Business, Economics and Law and the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts also have new buildings under way, and there are also plans for a new University Library.
– SAHLGRENSKA LIFE is an important strategic investment for the university that our board supports. The proximity to the hospital and the Public Dental Service is important for future developments. Now we have admittedly turned down a lease proposal, but together with Region Västra Götaland we are looking for new solutions regarding how to realize the project.
During Eva Wiberg's term as vice-chancellor, two new festivals were also introduced: The certification ceremony, which recognizes students who are active in the student unions and members of doctoral student committees, as well as the Jubilee Doctoral Conferment Ceremony, which honours people who received their doctorates fifty years ago.
The fact that Eva Wiberg the time am will be leaving her position as vice-chancellor on June 30 does not mean that she will be idle.
– I will continue my involvement in Mirai and in the Sweden-Japan Foundation. I also sit on the board of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München as well as in several foundations and will also be undertaking assignments for Lund University. I am pleased and satisfied with what I have achieved, but at the same time I am cognisant of the fact that there is always more to do. Soon I will hand over the reins to Malin Broberg, who will manage and renew the organisation. I have the utmost confidence that she will do it in an excellent way.
THE UNIVERSITY of Gothenburg is an inclusive university that it was easy to become a part of, explains Eva Wiberg.
– During my years here, I have met many fantastic people and made a lot of new friends. But mainly I want to draw attention to the management team and the staff. Being able to work in a team with these knowledgeable and at the same time selfless employees has been an honour and an experience that I will happily carry with me for the rest of my life.