GU-Journal 2-2020

Page 20

Considerable psychological stress among people subjected to isolation What happens to us when we have to endure forced quarantine? Leif Denti, researcher at the Department of Psychology, believes that the negative consequences of long-term enforced isolation are so serious that many things indicate that Sweden has made the right choice in opting for a less severe strategy in attempting to stop the spread of Covid-19. This is shown by recent research. “YOU SHOULD BE careful when it

comes to placing people in quarantine during virus outbreaks. Within as little as ten days, there are negative health effects: low mood, depression, frustration, confusion, various kinds of stress, rumination and exaggerated fear of infection”, says Leif Denti, referring to an article in The Lancet from the end of February. The article is authored by a research team at King’s College London who have



reviewed previous research into the subject. Above all, they have analysed studies into how people’s psychological health was affected by being in enforced quarantine in connection with outbreaks of Ebola and SARS. “IN THESE TYPES of situations, particularly if we end up in quarantine, there is also a craving for information. You wonder how long it will last, but receive no definitive answers. And the virus itself is not something tangible; it is something stealthy that we cannot see. In such situations, it is easy to start ruminating and creating fantasies about what will happen. Unfortunately, the internet exacerbates the confusion, as it is riddled with inaccuracies. At best, it involves people’s own home-made theories, at worst it is disinformation that may be intentionally harmful. The situation is not helped by the fact that the

authorities do not know what will happen either.” Being in enforced quarantine for an extended period of time is an unpleasant experience, the researchers argue. Separation from loved ones, uncertainty about the status of the illness and the level of infection, as well as boredom and mounting anger can have dramatic consequences. Suicides have been reported, as have acts of violence that led to criminal charges. Any benefits of mandatory mass quarantine must therefore be carefully weighed against the potential psychological costs. HOWEVER, THERE IS another

option. Appealing to people’s altruism and good will. “The researchers argue that the negative psychological effects can be ameliorated by people putting themselves in voluntary quarantine, which I agree with.”

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