English Language, Linguistics and Modern Languages 2017/18 Undergraduate Guide

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English Language, Linguistics and Modern Languages Undergraduate study 2017/18

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An award-winning University

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University of the Year 2013 The University of Huddersfield became the Times Higher Education University of the Year in November 2013. Our particularly ‘bold, imaginative and innovative initiatives’ were noted by the panel.

Queen’s Award The University received the prestigious Queen’s Award for International Trade in 2013, linked to the growth in our international student community.

Queen’s Anniversary Prize In 2015, the University’s role in expanding the global boundaries of new music earned a Queen’s Anniversary Prize, one of the most coveted distinctions in UK Higher Education.

A Four Star University Huddersfield is a four star university rated as ‘highly international, demonstrating excellence in both teaching and research with an excellent environment for students and staff’, as awarded by QS Stars.

Educate North Award The University of Huddersfield won New University of the Year at the Educate North Awards in 2015 which celebrate the crucial role of Higher Education in the North of England.

Athena Swan In 2015, we were recognised for our commitment to gender equality – including the recruitment and career development of female scientists and engineers – by being granted the Athena SWAN Bronze Award.

Read more about all our awards at hud.ac.uk/our-awards

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Welcome to English Language, Linguistics and Modern Languages Are you looking to bring alive your interest in English Language, Linguistics or a foreign language? Within this subject area we offer a wide range of full-time and part-time courses. You’ll be taught by people who are experts in their fields, in an environment characterised by its innovation. We undertake research that is internationally renowned and apply that knowledge to the design of our courses, enabling you to study real language in its wider social context. You’ll have opportunities to relate your studies to the workplace and also engage with us through our in-house Babel magazine.

We have excellent new specialist facilities for our students, including a research and resource centre for independent learning, a forensic linguistics lab, a conference lab and language labs. These are all equipped with the latest hardware and software for language and linguistics work to support you in your studies. We hope you’ll find this guide inspiring and look forward to hearing from you if you’d like to visit our campus or discuss your interests with us. Dr Malcolm Pollard Subject Leader

What’s inside p4-5

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Meet us Elliott Land’s student journey so far Hear from Dr Erica Gold on the science behind linguistics

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Study with us

Huddersfield is a well-respected university with a strong research focus and offers a variety of modules in Linguistics. Elliott Land, Language and Linguistics BA(Hons)


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The UK’s only University where all our permanent teaching staff are Fellows of the Higher Education Academy *

If you love language, we know how to sharpen and develop your skills as a linguist. We focus on the practical, real-world applications of linguistics, and offer a range of course options to suit your interests. You can study English Language and Linguistics on its own or in combination with a Modern Language, English Literature, or Creative Writing.

Our department magazine, Babel, has hundreds of subscribers around the world, including Stephen Fry

The ability to be aware of, and analyse how we communicate is a valuable skill. Through studying language and linguistics at Huddersfield you’ll have the opportunity to build practical, research and analytical skills that are appreciated by employers. Aspects of the course such as the Language in the Workplace module and opportunities to study or work abroad can help you build an attractive profile by the time you graduate.

As well as having a wide range of modules to choose from, our students are taught by academics who produce world-leading research in internationally recognised publications. If you choose to study a modern language, we cater for all levels whether you are a beginner or have some proficiency. Our specialist facilities and experienced staff will help you acquire valuable communication and cultural skills. All our courses also offer you the opportunity of a work placement in your second year and the chance to study and work abroad, both within Europe, as part of the Erasmus+ exchange scheme, and internationally, for part of your degree.

The modules we offer reflect the specialisms of our staff including Intercultural Communication, Style in Language, Conversation Analysis, Forensic Speech Science and Translation.

Our Modern Languages Programme allows you to study a modern language outside your degree programme. * Permanent staff, after probation: some recently appointed colleagues will only obtain recognition in the months after their arrival in Huddersfield, once they have started teaching.

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Graduates employed:


English Language BA(Hons)

The second year builds on this foundation by examining language use and its variation by region and social class (i.e. dialects and accents). As part of the compulsory second year Language in the Workplace module you will also have the chance to gain valuable experience spending six weeks in a work placement or You’ll have the opportunity work related activity. This will to explore areas such as help to increase your future phonetics, grammatical employability prospects and description and stylistic analysis give you the chance to make as well as being introduced useful contacts in industry. to important concepts in the The final year includes an world of linguistics. You’ll English language dissertation be encouraged to take a module where students carry modern foreign language as out their own research project, one of your options, though guided by a series of workshops this is not compulsory and supervised by a specialist and you may choose to in their chosen topic. Other study the communicative optional modules include differences between cultures Translation; Multilingualism; or languages instead. Child Language Acquisition; Forensic Phonetics and Forensic Linguistics; and Language and Power. This course aims to develop your knowledge around the theories, methods and applications of Linguistics to the English Language. In year one, we’ll aim to develop your analytical and descriptive skills and provide the basis for more advanced linguistic study of English.

Key information: UCAS code: Q301 Duration: 3 years full-time, 41/2-6 years part-time Entry requirements: ABB at A Level including a minimum grade B in any form of English DDM at BTEC 128 UCAS points from a combination of Level 3 qualifications including a minimum grade B at A Level in any form of English

* Percentage of graduates from this course who go on to work and/or further study within six months of graduating (Destinations of Leavers Survey) For detailed course information, including full entry requirements, please visit hud.ac.uk/courses

The University Languages Programme is open to all students and allows you to study a modern language outside your degree programme and receive formal recognition of your achievement. We offer a range of languages at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels including Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, British Sign Language, Professional and Business English (for non-native speakers).


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Graduates employed:


English Language and Linguistics BA(Hons) This course aims to develop your knowledge around the theories, methods and applications of linguistics. In year one, we’ll aim to develop your analytical and descriptive skills and provide the basis for more advanced linguistic study.

Key information: UCAS code: Q302 Duration: 3 years full-time, 41/2-6 years part-time Entry requirements: ABB at A Level including a minimum grade B in any form of English DDM at BTEC 128 UCAS points from a combination of Level 3 qualifications including a minimum grade B at A level in any form of English

You’ll have the opportunity to explore areas such as phonetics, grammatical description and stylistic analysis as well as being introduced to important concepts in the world of linguistics. You’ll be encouraged to take a modern foreign language as one of your options, though this is not compulsory. The second year gives you the opportunity to examine language use and its variation by region and social class (i.e. dialects and accents). As part of the compulsory second year Language in the Workplace module you will have the chance to gain

* Percentage of graduates from this subject area who go on to work and/or further study within six months of graduating (Destinations of Leavers Survey) For detailed course information, including full entry requirements, please visit hud.ac.uk/courses


An international language magazine for young readers is produced in our department.

valuable experience spending six weeks in a work placement or work related activity. This will help to increase your future employability prospects and give you the chance to make useful contacts in industry. Optional modules during the second year provide the chance to focus on more specific areas of linguistics such as Phonetics and Phonology; Syntax; Pragmatics; Stylistics; Corpus Linguistics and their application. You may also choose to continue with your foreign language, or start to study a new foreign language from scratch. The final year includes a linguistics dissertation module where students carry out their own research project, guided by a series of workshops and supervised by a specialist in their chosen topic.

Practical modules such as Translation in Practice and Intercultural Communications will train you for graduate employment.

Two Research Centres: Stylistics Research Centre and Centre for Intercultural Politeness Research.

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Graduates employed:


English Language with a Modern Language BA(Hons)

On this course you’ll combine English Language with a modern language of your choice, from French, German or Spanish in approximately a 2:1 ratio.

Key information: UCAS code: Q3R9 Duration: 3 years full-time, 41/2-6 years part-time Entry requirements: ABB at A Level including a minimum grade B in any form of English DDM at BTEC 128 UCAS points from a combination of level 3 qualifications including a minimum grade B at A Level in any form of English

With English Language we’ll help you develop knowledge of a range of language styles and the tools used to describe them and acquire a practical understanding of what language is and how it works. You’ll have the opportunity to explore the concepts, modes of analysis and theoretical approaches of different branches of linguistics and will study the role of language in society.

Additional criteria: Standard entry level point for your modern language is an A Level in the chosen language (e.g. French, Spanish or German). However, depending on your profile, it might be possible to start below this level as the School offers a wide range of modules. Please contact the Admissions Tutor to discuss.

In a competitive, global marketplace, by combining your major subject choice with a modern language you can add extra value to your skills and knowledge. Many companies have overseas * Percentage of graduates from this subject area who go on to work and/or further study within six months of graduating (Destinations of Leavers Survey) For detailed course information, including full entry requirements, please visit hud.ac.uk/courses

offices and do business around the world, and having language skills can make you more attractive to employers. Your studies will enable you to develop your language skills and understanding of the societies and cultures of the countries in which it is spoken. The course also aims to help you develop skills in communication, selfmotivation, teamwork, analysis, creative problem solving and persuasiveness. A compulsory element of the second year of the course provides the opportunity to complete either a two week work related project or six week work placement. The course also offers an optional year abroad, studying at a French, German or Spanish university as part of our Erasmus+ exchange scheme.

Amelia Sadowska, graduated English Language with a Modern Language BA(Hons) 2014, now Senior Project Manager at Absolute Translations Ltd Hard work and support from staff helped me graduate and get a great job. I learn about language nuances and work with people from all over the world. Speaking a foreign language gives a competitive advantage when job hunting.


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Graduates employed:


English Language and Literature BA(Hons)

This course gives you the chance to study both literary and linguistic approaches to English, with equal emphasis on each. You’ll be taught by expert staff who are actively engaged in writing and publishing.

Key information: UCAS code: Q300 Duration: 3 years full-time, 41/2-6 years part-time Entry requirements: ABB at A Level including a minimum grade B in any form of English DDM at BTEC 128 UCAS points from a combination of level 3 qualifications including a minimum grade B at A Level in any form of English

English Literature has been a source of inspiration, entertainment and education for hundreds of years, spanning from the English Renaissance of the 16th century through to the present day. Your studies will also help you to acquire a broad-based knowledge of English Literature and criticism from a range of genres. You’ll have the opportunity to explore a variety of theoretical perspectives, and to think critically about the relationship between literature, society and the environment, and the cultural, ethical and political issues arising from this.

* Percentage of graduates from this subject area who go on to work and/or further study within six months of graduating (Destinations of Leavers Survey) For detailed course information, including full entry requirements, please visit hud.ac.uk/courses

The University hosts the annual internationally renowned Huddersfield Literature Festival

You’ll also be supported to develop knowledge of key language styles and an understanding of what language is and how it works. You’ll explore the concepts, modes of analysis and theoretical approaches of different branches of linguistics and will study the role of language in society. As part of the compulsory second year ‘Language in the Workplace’ module you will also have the chance to gain valuable experience spending six weeks in a work placement or work related activity. Your learning will extend beyond the boundaries of the classroom, with events such as the Huddersfield Literature Festival and visits to key locations, such as the nearby Bronte Parsonage at Haworth or the British Library.


of work submitted by our English Language and Literature staff was classed as world leading or internationally excellent in the Research Excellence Framework 2014 hud.ac.uk  9

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Graduates employed:


English Language with Creative Writing BA(Hons)

Key information: UCAS code: Q3WV Duration: 3 years full-time, 41/2-6 years part-time Entry requirements: ABB at A Level including a minimum grade B in any form of English DDM at BTEC 128 UCAS points from a combination of Level 3 qualifications including a minimum grade B at A Level in any form of English

* Percentage of graduates from this course who go on to work and/or further study within six months of graduating (Destinations of Leavers Survey) For detailed course information, including full entry requirements, please visit hud.ac.uk/courses

On this course you’ll combine English Language and Creative Writing in approximately a 2:1 ratio. It’ll give you the chance to study the English language, and to apply what you learn to your own creativity.

public through the numerous opportunities afforded by our series of nationally distributed Grist publications and the internationally renowned Huddersfield Literature Festival.

The study of Creative Writing at Huddersfield is based on a philosophy that is both experimental and practical, enabling you to find your own creative voice and to reach audiences with it. Following an introduction to Creative Writing you’ll embark upon writing short stories, concluding with a creative writing project in your final year. Along the way, you’ll have the opportunity to study creative non-fiction, short stories, poetry, song lyrics, satirical sketch writing and experimental narrative. Finally, you’ll be encouraged to go

A compulsory element of the second year of the course provides the opportunity to complete either a two week work related project or six week work placement. Your tutors are active in their own specialist areas of publishing and writing and recognised by the Higher Education Academy. You can be confident your studies are led by experts with flair and enthusiasm, renowned nationally for their excellence in teaching.

Bethan Coates, English Language and Literature BA(Hons), placement at Numberworks n’ Words On placement I tutored children from reception through to year 11 in English. It really opened my eyes to the work that goes into education and showed me just how useful my degree is outside of a research field. I still work at Numberworks andsupply love every minute of it. School to up to 3 boasts


clubs and societies at the university


average undergrad starting salary


clubs and societies at the university


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Graduates employed:


History and English Language BA(Hons)

This is a broad ranging course allowing you to explore medieval and modern history and specialise within English Language and Linguistics. In History you will take modules in Early Medieval Europe and 20th Century Britain while English Language modules include Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, and Language in the Workplace.

Key information: UCAS code: VQ31 Duration: 3 years full-time, 41/2-6 years part-time Entry requirements: BBB at A Level including a minimum grade B in History or English Language DDM at BTEC 120 UCAS points from a combination of Level 3 qualifications including a minimum grade B at A Level in History or English Language or preferably both

All of our modules aim to help you to gain the skills needed by the world of work, such as good communication and analytical skills, independent and team working, and problem solving. The professional work placement module in year two provides an opportunity to apply what you have learned to gain valuable work experience.

* Percentage of graduates from these subject areas who go on to work and/or further study within six months of graduating (Destinations of Leavers Survey) For detailed course information, including full entry requirements, please visit hud.ac.uk/courses


of work submitted by our History staff was internationally recognised, with two thirds being world leading or internationally excellent in the Research Excellence Framework 2014

This course features innovative assessment methods which may include activities such as analysing children’s speech development, making a podcast on 1970s culture, or creating a visitor trail for a national museum. We have a friendly, hands-on approach to delivering our courses and all our staff are high achievers in their research fields. The subject areas of History and English have been highly commended in recent reviews, and employers respect this combination for its approach to research and analytical skills, developing graduates who communicate clearly both verbally and in writing.


In the subject area of History we scored 96% for student satisfaction in the National Student Survey 2015 hud.ac.uk  11

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Graduates employed:


Drama and English Language BA(Hons)

Key information: UCAS code: W401 Duration: 3 years full-time Entry requirements: BBB at A Level including a minimum grade B in two relevant subjects preferably Drama, Theatre or Performance Studies and English DM at BTEC in Performing Arts or related subject and a minimum grade B at A Level in English 120 UCAS points from a combination of Level 3 qualifications including a minimum grade B at A Level in a relevant subject, preferably Drama, Theatre or Performance Studies and English

This course offers you the opportunity to study a contemporary drama curriculum with great breadth and depth, alongside English Language. The wide range of production activity means you’ll be able to get involved with staff and student-led performances. You’ll also have the opportunity to work with internationally renowned theatre companies, which in recent years have included Slung Low, IOU Productions and Northern Broadsides.

Additional criteria: Applicants will be invited to attend a Selection Day, at which they will participate in a workshop by way of audition. Some applicants may also be invited to interview. You must provide evidence of practical and theoretical interest in drama.

* Percentage of graduates from these subject areas who go on to work and/or further study within six months of graduating (Destinations of Leavers Survey) For detailed course information, including full entry requirements, please visit hud.ac.uk/courses

professional theatre company which develops a project exclusively with our students for a two and a half week residency at the University, culminating in a performance on the University campus. The English Language component of the course is structured in a way that helps you to develop a range of subject specific and transferable skills. This will include analytical abilities and creative and interpretative skills, using a range of literary or linguistic approaches to texts and interaction.

You’ll have the chance to The compulsory second year be fully involved in theatre Language in the Workplace production throughout module will give you the the course, in a stimulating culture of hard work, creativity, chance to gain valuable experience spending six collaboration, investigation weeks in a work placement or and exploration. work related activity. Each year our first year students work with a

The ERASMUS+ exchange scheme provides an optional short term (12 or 24 weeks) opportunity to study abroad at one of our partner universities where you join in classes and receive credits towards your degree at the same time. We have partnerships with universities in Athens, Ghent, Granada, Hanover, Paris and the USA.


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The Oastler Building Opening January 2017

The new state-of-the-art language and linguistics facilities include: experimental laboratory, linguistics laboratory and language laboratories equipped with international multimedia viewing and recording facilities.

Artist impression of Oastler Building

The Language Research Centre will be integrated with four high quality sound booths with two way glass finish for students to carry out audio and video recordings, interpreting, video conferencing, aural and data analysis work.

The new forensic laboratory features ultrasound technology facilities with automatic speaker recognition software specifically designed for phoneticians to carry out forensic speaker comparisons.

All flexible teaching spaces have small breakout spaces for group work, and incorporate integrated satellite language viewing areas within specialised language labs and social spaces.

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My student journey so far

Elliott Land English Language and Linguistics BA(Hons)

Elliott has always been interested in speech and communication. “I find it fascinating that several intricate movements of the mouth can be involved in the production of just one, single word, let alone a sentence,” he comments. Elliott decided to study English Language and Linguistics to open the door to further study and a career in Linguistics. “I aspire to study and work within the field of Forensic Phonetics which applies the study of speech to a forensic setting, involving tasks such as speaker comparison of, for example, a criminal and suspect, to provide evidence in legal cases.” I knew Huddersfield was the right place for me when I came to an Open Day. It is a well-respected university with

a strong research focus and offers a variety of modules in Linguistics.” Elliott’s favourite module, Phonetics and Phonology, involves analysing the production of speech sounds. Specialist acoustic software allows Elliott to maximise his skills in this area. He makes use of specialist software in other modules too, such as Corpus Linguistics which involves the computerised study of large sets of language data. He also values the expertise of his lecturers who are all specialists in their fields. “Not only are they extremely knowledgeable, they are also very approachable, friendly and always provide timely and informative feedback.”

Elliott will be taking a work experience placement in a school as part of his second year of study. He explains, Lecturers are not only “As part of the placement I will extremely knowledgeable, be studying how people use they are also very language to communicate. I approachable, friendly and will be collecting data and always provide timely and producing a report and presentation of my findings.” informative feedback. hud.ac.uk/xxxxxxxxx  XX

To hear Elliott talk about his student journey visit   hud.ac/profiles


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The science behind linguistics

Dr Erica Gold Senior Lecturer in Forensic Speech Science

“I was born and raised in sunny southern California”, explains Erica Gold, Senior Lecturer in Forensic Linguistics. “When I was younger, I wanted to be a range of things from an astronaut to a foreign language analyst. But the thing I always said I wanted to do was have a positive impact on society. Now that I am a lecturer, I would like to think that my younger self would be very pleased. I am able to contribute to society through my research and through the students that I teach.”

We offer a degree that really emphasizes the applicability of linguistic research to the real world. “The aspect I enjoy most about teaching in my subject area is introducing students to more technical elements of linguistics. Students are often surprised by the level of science that is actually involved in phonetics, so I enjoy introducing the discipline at an accessible level and making students more interested in the topic.”

After studying in San Diego, Erica then came to the UK “Huddersfield is an amazing to do a Master’s degree. “My place to come and study area of expertise is in forensic English Language and speech science and phonetics. Linguistics. We have newly After completing my PhD, I developed facilities, a cohesive applied for my current position group of lecturers, and offer a as a senior lecturer, and degree that really emphasizes haven’t looked back since!” the applicability of linguistic research to the real world.”


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Apply to us We hope you’ve found all the information you need to inspire you to become a student here at Huddersfield. Now all you need to do is apply. UCAS If you want to apply for a first (undergraduate) degree, you need to submit your application via UCAS. Go to www.ucas.com If your present school or college is registered with UCAS (chances are they will be) just ask your teacher or careers adviser for help. Once you’ve applied we’ll guide you through the steps towards becoming a student from your application, to your offer and enrolment, so you’ll always know what to do next.

Make sure your application form is received by UCAS by 15 January 2017 (or even earlier if you’re applying from outside the EU). Course codes The UCAS website gives you codes for all courses but you’ll also find these with the course details in this brochure. Make sure you enter the right code on your application form. The institution code for Huddersfield is HUDDS H60.

When to apply through UCAS If you’re planning to start your course in Autumn 2017, UCAS will accept your application from 1 September 2016. If you want to defer entry for one year, please ensure this is indicated on your application form.

Contact us Got a question? Get in touch with us. English Language, Linguistics and Modern Languages Tel.  +44 (0)1484 472606 Email.  linguistics@hud.ac.uk  @Huddlinguistics   HuddersfieldUniversityLinguistics ModernLanguages Important Information This brochure is provided for information only and will not form part of your student contract. For full, up to date details on our courses, including when and how that information may change, visit our website at www.hud.ac.uk/courses


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Come along to our Open Days Thursday 23 June 2016 Wednesday 29 June 2016 Saturday 17 September 2016 Saturday 22 October 2016 Wednesday 26 October 2016 Friday 2 December 2016 9.30am – 3.00pm

Book your place www.hud.ac.uk/open-days

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University of Huddersfield Queensgate Huddersfield West Yorkshire HD1 3DH UK Tel. +44 (0)1484 422288 Email. askhud@hud.ac.uk www.hud.ac.uk

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