Games and Web 2017/18 Undergraduate Guide

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Games and Web Undergraduate study 2017/18

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An award-winning University

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University of the Year 2013 The University of Huddersfield became the Times Higher Education University of the Year in November 2013. Our particularly ‘bold, imaginative and innovative initiatives’ were noted by the panel.

Queen’s Award The University received the prestigious Queen’s Award for International Trade in 2013, linked to the growth in our international student community.

Queen’s Anniversary Prize In 2015, the University’s role in expanding the global boundaries of new music earned a Queen’s Anniversary Prize, one of the most coveted distinctions in UK Higher Education.

A Four Star University Huddersfield is a four star university rated as ‘highly international, demonstrating excellence in both teaching and research with an excellent environment for students and staff’, as awarded by QS Stars.

Educate North Award The University of Huddersfield won New University of the Year at the Educate North Awards in 2015 which celebrate the crucial role of Higher Education in the North of England.

Athena Swan In 2015, we were recognised for our commitment to gender equality – including the recruitment and career development of female scientists and engineers – by being granted the Athena SWAN Bronze Award.

Read more about all our awards at

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Welcome to Games and Web The games and web industries are exciting, global and always evolving. They generate billions of pounds worldwide each year and play an increasing part in our lives. This is great news for graduates as there are career opportunities across the world. At Huddersfield, technology and creativity are at the heart of the student experience. We encourage web and games students to be ambitious, visionary and innovative. Our courses are designed to combine industry knowledge and academic theory with practical experience to support you in graduating ready for work or further study.

We aim to provide you with an insight into the latest developments in the games and web industries and the careers and opportunities that are open to you. You have the chance to complete a year-long placement in industry, or even start your own small company. We host an active industry guest speaker programme, giving you the opportunity to listen to and network with experienced industry representatives. Last year’s programme featured speakers from organisations including Rockstar and FormerDroid. I look forward to seeing you at Huddersfield. Dr Andrew Crampton Head of Department

What’s inside Study with us


Meet us Daniel’s student journey so far Hear how Dr Michael O’Grady helps our students see their place as future professionals

Our courses


p10-11 p12-13

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Study with us

I like the idea of being self-employed and the course covers this too. Daniel Park, Web Technologies BSc(Hons)

B ringing the real-world into your classroom. One of our students being supported by an industry guest lecturer   from Elder Studios – a local software development company 4

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The UK’s only University where all our permanent teaching staff are Fellows of the Higher Education Academy *

Some of our students spending their placement year in our Canalside Studios

The games and web industries need multi-talented individuals that can keep pace with technology and understand how it can be used creatively to inform, educate, innovate and entertain.

Enterprise Placement Year scheme where you have the chance to set up your own company (individually or as a group) in The Duke of York Young Entrepreneur Centre with support from business advisors.

Our courses support you in developing these skills and practical, hands-on knowledge. These fastmoving industries are fun to work in but can also help improve the way we live. At Huddersfield there are a wealth of activities for you to get involved in, such as national competitions, live projects and industry events.

Our annual Showcase event is an exhibition of the very best work produced by students. The event is planned, designed and hosted by final year students. It attracts an audience of students, academics and industry professionals. It’s a great chance to network with employers and show off your skills. You’ll also have the chance to interact with industry representatives through our guest speaker programme.

Graduates with experience are highly sought after. So, as well as the opportunity to work on live client briefs as a part of your studies, all our courses offer you the chance to undertake a placement year. We have established links with industry to support you and our Placement Unit will help you with the important things like your CV and interview techniques. Some students get the chance to spend the year in the University’s Canalside Studios, working on commercial projects for clients. The University also runs an

You’ll have access to software used by industry, whilst working on high-end PCs with dual monitors. You’ll also be able to loan video and photographic equipment. To support your studies we’ve invested in innovative learning resources from providers such as The Gnomon Workshop and 3D Motive. Our passionate academic and technical staff will be with you at every stage, so you’ll have the benefit of their years of industry and professional experience.

Games students won two1st place and two 2nd place awards at the Game Republic Awards 2015 * Permanent staff, after probation: some recently appointed colleagues will only obtain recognition in the months after their arrival in Huddersfield, once they have started teaching.

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Computer Games Design

Graduates employed:



This course covers the creative aspects of games design and development. It provides opportunities for you to specialise in more complex aspects of game and level design or games art as you progress.

Key information: UCAS code: G4W6 Duration: 3 years full-time, 4 years inc. placement year Entry requirements: ABB at A Level DDM at BTEC

companies including Rockstar, Formerdroid and Realtime UK. You’ll also have the chance to participate in our Game Jam events.

You have the opportunity to undertake a placement year and our Placement Unit You’ll be supported in will support you in this. The developing, designing, University also has a number planning and creating game of placement positions ideas and concepts. You’ll available in our in-house also have the opportunity to games development studio produce artwork and graphical – ‘Canalside Studios’. This assets for computer games. We gives placement students the introduce current issues, ideas opportunity to work as part of and emerging technologies a team developing games for used by the games industry a range of platforms including throughout the course. Xbox Live Arcade, iPhone and Android. We have many links with industry and run an active Alternatively, you could programme of guest speakers. consider starting your own Previous speakers include small games business by art directors, animators, applying for the Enterprise illustrators and designers Placement Year (EPY)***. who work freelance and from

128 UCAS points from a combination of Level 3 qualifications A Foundation course in Art and Design: Distinction Additional criteria: GCSE English and Maths grade C or above or equivalent

Hayley Parr, Games Design BA(Hons), undertaking an EPY setting up her own company * Percentage of graduates from this course who go on to work and/or further study within six months of graduating (Destinations of Leavers Survey) For detailed course information, including full entry requirements, please visit

“I’ve set up an indie game company with three friends. We’re producing a game for commercial release. We get free support from a team of business advisors and support from a sector specific industry mentor **. I would highly recommend the Enterprise Placement Year, it’s extremely rewarding and has been an invaluable experience so far!” ** Industry mentors are assigned to students from this course only. The Web courses benefit from the support of the team of business advisors based in The Duke of York Young Entrepreneur Centre. *** EPY only open to students from within the UK or the EU


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Web Design

Graduates employed:



We continually find new ways of accessing and interacting with the web. Social media and the apps we use for entertainment are just two of the examples that we encounter daily. The industry is growing and demand is high for graduates who have a wide range of skills.

Key information: UCAS code: G4P3 Duration: 3 years full-time, 4 years inc. placement year Entry requirements: BBB at A Level DDM at BTEC 120 UCAS points from a combination of Level 3 qualifications Additional criteria: GCSE English and Maths grade C or above or equivalent

This is a broad course encompassing both creative and technical elements. So in the first two years you’ll study the technical side of web development alongside gaining an in-depth understanding of web design. The aim of this is to help you gain a wide range of skills, which are in demand from employers and our placement providers.

You’ll study how to design and create content and experiences for a range of devices such as smartphones, tablets and watches as well as traditional computers. You’ll be supported in gaining creative skills in photography, video and motion graphics. You’ll explore technical subjects including web development, artistic video effects and graphic design. If you opt for the placement year we have many links with industry to help you secure a job, including globally recognised brands and small local companies. At Huddersfield we have a reputation for producing creative graduates with the technical and management skills that industry requires.

Callum Eddisford, Interactive Multimedia BA(Hons), placement with HRH The Duke of York, KG at Buckingham Palace * Percentage of graduates from this course who go on to work and/or further study within six months of graduating (Destinations of Leavers Survey)

“My placement experience gave me a feel for what industry is really like and what it has to offer. I got first-hand experience of working in a professional team, I increased my interpersonal skills and gained new connections that will hopefully benefit my future career. It was the best year of my life so far!”

For detailed course information, including full entry requirements, please visit  7

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Web Technologies

Graduates employed:



Web technologies are ever-evolving and most organisations now have some form of web presence. The latest developments in cloud computing, touch, gesture and motion based technology as well as mobile and tablet apps, mean there’s a demand for skilled graduates who are able to develop and innovate in these new areas. There are many opportunities for graduates who can bring creative ideas and who have the ability to absorb and use new techniques.

Key information: UCAS code: G422 Duration: 3 years full-time, 4 years inc. placement year Entry requirements: BBB at A Level

The optional placement year is an excellent opportunity for you to put your skills into practice and gain invaluable real-world experience. We have many links with industry to help you secure a placement. Placement positions are competitive and many are available through long-standing arrangements with companies. You can also find your own, subject to it being suitable for your course. This course aims to give Our Placement Unit are on you the skills to drive developments forward, making hand to provide you with the support and guidance you applications for web, desktop need when you begin to apply and mobiles. The course is for your placement position. focused on coding the web. You’ll explore how to enhance the user experience and

DDM at BTEC 120 UCAS points from a combination of Level 3 qualifications Additional criteria: GCSE English and Maths grade C or above or equivalent

* Percentage of graduates from this subject area who go on to work and/or further study within six months of graduating (Destinations of Leavers Survey) For detailed course information, including full entry requirements, please visit

embed data streams such as maps, Flickr pictures, tweets, eBay bids, Amazon offers and Facebook comments.

Leonie Mann, Web Technologies BSc(Hons), placement with the European University Institute, Florence, Italy “I spent a year in Florence working at the European University Institute (EUI) on the help desk, where I was a User Support Technician. The move to Italy was made miles easier by EUI, who even set up a visit so that I could meet other students I’d be working with.”


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Our Web and Games Design courses give students the opportunity to explore visual design and develop a portfolio of work.

Roshine Bagha Interactive Multimedia BA(Hons)* Branding and marketing campaign for new app

Rob Edwards Computer Games Design BA(Hons) 3D Environment Art

Kyriakos Kokkinos Web Design BSc(Hons) Concept logo design for a clothing company

Rumen Petrov Computer Games Design BA(Hons) 3D Character Creation and Modelling

* Former name for Web Design BSc(Hons)

Access to professional standard equipment and facilities to support you in producing your work  9

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My student journey so far

Daniel Park Web Technologies BSc(Hons)

“I grew up in central Doncaster, at the ease of returning to education, I thought I’d be the it was quite urban. In my oldest person here, but there’s first year I lived at home with people of all ages! my fiancée but I realised it would be cheaper to live “I’m really proud of a group in Huddersfield than to project I worked on. We had to commute. My younger sister create a website for an external was already here at university company and the company and coincidently we ended up chose our design. living next door to her which “In the future I want to be made the transition easier. financially secure, get married “When I was younger I wanted and have children, but mainly to be a Food Taste Tester, I I want to continue being this liked the idea of free food! But happy. I feel like I’m achieving I’ve always been fascinated by things all the time on this technology and before coming course, whereas before I came to university I worked closely to university I was doing jobs with other ICT professionals, where I didn’t feel challenged.” and realised it was the right path for me. “That’s why I choose my course, but I also like the idea of being self-employed and the course covers this too. I was surprised

Completing this course means I could go and work anywhere I want, as the language of computers is universal.

To hear Daniel talk about his student journey visit  XX 11

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Your place as a future professional

Dr Michael O’Grady Senior Lecturer, Department of Informatics

“I grew up in Huddersfield and when I was younger I wanted to be an engineer making huge dams in Africa. It was the romance of driving around the bush in an open top Land Rover that appealed! “I worked as a Civil Engineer until I was 40, down South and in Leeds before I decided on a career change. So I came back to Huddersfield to study for my Master’s in Interactive Multimedia Production. I was always interested in computing and computer aided design and development. It’s an exciting area and there are lots of opportunities. “The teaching team here are fantastic, I love working with my colleagues, there’s a real sense of camaraderie. I feel we’re in a position of great privilege being able

I enjoy helping students to realise their ambitions. to positively affect the lives, ambitions and psyche of students. “What’s great about this industry is how you can have fun whilst learning. All of the viral things you see on the internet – you can enjoy making these, whilst improving on your skills in animation, video, graphics, databases, coding etc. “I enjoy helping students to see their place as a future professional, for them to realise they have the tools to fulfil their ambitions. I encourage them to get involved in freelance work, raising their awareness of making money creating websites and apps for people, right from the first year.”


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Apply to us We hope you’ve found all the information you need to inspire you to become a student here at Huddersfield. Now all you need to do is apply. UCAS If you want to apply for a first (undergraduate) degree, you need to submit your application via UCAS. Go to

Senior Lecturer Daryl Marples in one of our PC labs.

If your present school or college is registered with UCAS (chances are they will be) just ask your teacher or careers adviser for help. Once you’ve applied we’ll guide you through the steps towards becoming a student from your application, to your offer and enrolment, so you’ll always know what to do next.

Make sure your application form is received by UCAS by 15 January 2017 (or even earlier if you’re applying from outside the EU). Course codes The UCAS website gives you codes for all courses but you’ll also find these with the course details in this brochure. Make sure you enter the right code on your application form. The institution code for Huddersfield is HUDDS H60.

When to apply through UCAS If you’re planning to start your course in Autumn 2017, UCAS will accept your application from 1 September 2016. If you want to defer entry for one year, please ensure this is indicated on your application form.

Contact us Got a question? Get in touch with us. Admissions and Marketing Office Tel. +44 (0)1484 473116 Email. Web.  @HudCompEng  HuddersfieldUniversityComputingandEngineering

Important Information This brochure is provided for information only and will not form part of your student contract. For full, up to date details on our courses, including when and how that information may change, visit our website at


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Come along to our Open Days Thursday 23 June 2016 Wednesday 29 June 2016 Saturday 17 September 2016 Saturday 22 October 2016 Wednesday 26 October 2016 Friday 2 December 2016 9.30am – 3.00pm

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See what our students have to say about Huddersfield, University life and events happening on campus. They’re also great at answering your questions – why not give them a try?

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University of Huddersfield Queensgate Huddersfield West Yorkshire HD1 3DH UK Tel. +44 (0)1484 422288 Email.

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