Annual Report FMH

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2021-2022 Annual Report PDF Edition



Directors Welcome

New Hub Research Facilities

Hub Vision

Key Achievements

Why Metrology is Important

Hub Governance

Research Stories

Expanding the Research Network

Catapult and Innovation Activities

MACH 2022

Developing People

Contact Us


Director’s Welcome Welcome to the Future Metrology Hub’s fifth Annual Report and the first to be published in a new, more interactive, digital format.

2021-2022 Annual Report Director’s Welcome

Dear Friends and Colleagues, Over the past year, the Hub has been engaged in several exciting activities which have allowed us to engage with the broader metrology community. In April 2022 we participated in the week long MACH international trade show, displaying our work to an audience which ranged from manufacturers and industrialists through to school children. The event was also the first major opportunity for the Hub’s spin out company Cubit to showcase its innovative new technologies. We generated significant interest with many visitors fascinated by the machines’ sensitivity, with the footsteps of approaching visitors clearly visible on the live measurement feed.

Our team of world-leading staff and students are at the heart of everything we do and we are very proud of their continued success and recognition. In particular, I would like to highlight two of our PhD students: Daniel Townend, a member of our team working on metamaterials for metrology, has been awarded a prestigious scholarship from the Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers; and Kevin John who won the Euspen Talent Programme challenge. Both of these successes demonstrate our commitment to nurturing talent and providing our team with the support they need to develop their careers.

As we move into the later stages of the Hub programme, we are building on our early research outcomes and moving our focus towards delivering tangible industrial benefits. To accelerate the impact of our research outputs, we launched a call for innovation projects in collaboration with industry partners. I’m very pleased to report that we received an overwhelmingly positive response and have funded seven collaborative projects with match funding from industry. Building these relationships will ensure the benefits of our research are felt long after the end of the current Hub programme.

We were also pleased to be able to collaborate with the University of Strathclyde in hosting the 23rd International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces (Met & Props). Held in Glasgow in July, this was the first time the conference had run since 2019 and we were delighted to welcome over 60 international delegates and exhibitors to present their work, network and re-establish links with their peers in different fields. We see these face-to-face events and networking as a crucial aspect of building the metrology community and we look forward to hosting more events over the coming year.

Thank you for downloading a pdf version of our new digital format report. I hope you like the new layout and we look forward to seeing you at one of our future Hub events.

Professor Dame Xiangqian (Jane) Jiang Hub Director



Hub Vision Creating ground-breaking embedded metrology and universal metrology informatics technologies, to provide a critical enabling infrastructure for increasing productivity through future smart and connected manufacturing systems.

2021-2022 Annual Report Hub Vision

Hub Vision The Hub is led by the University of Huddersfield, with research spokes at Sheffield, Loughborough and Bath universities, and an innovation spoke at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) in Sheffield.

Our key objectives are to:




Deliver high-quality research programmes in two key areas:

Develop pan-sector impact through extensive industry collaboration to help transform UK manufacturing performance.

Act as a national focus and facilitator to build UK research leadership and capability in manufacturing metrology both nationally and internationally.

1. Sensors, instruments, controllers and measurement technologies; and 2. Mathematics, semantics and data analytics.

The Hub is addressing the major, long-term manufacturing challenges facing UK industries through innovative research and the development of enabling technologies in metrology.

Key strategic partners

Ultimately, the Hub aims to transform the UK’s manufacturing performance by delivering significant improvements in the speed, accuracy and cost of measurement.



Key Achievements The Hub uses a number of Key Performance Indicators to monitor our accomplishments. Our achievements up to February 2023 are detailed below.

2021-2022 Annual Report Key Achievements

Key Achievements




Keynote speeches

PhD and EngD starts across the consortium

Industry-led Leveraged Funding





Research-led Leveraged Funding

Interactions with companies



Why Metrology is Important “ Metrology is the science of measurement and underpins all manufacturing technologies. If you cannot measure, then you cannot manufacture.”

2021-2022 Annual Report Hub Vision

Why Metrology is Important

Professor Richard J.C. Brown, Head of Metrology at NPL Evaluation of outcomes consistently shows a clear economic benefit for investing in measurement capabilities and research. A recent paper, “The importance of the measurement infrastructure in economic recovery” by Professor Richard J. C. Brown, Head of Metrology at NPL, cites five key benefits of adopting the principles of metrology:

The vital role of metrology in manufacturing cannot be understated, and metrology affects all our daily lives. It allows manufacturers to produce products more accurately, more quickly and to a higher standard.

These benefits are passed on to consumers as products become cheaper to purchase and are made to higher quality. Measurement underpins many sectors of the UK’s economy and the development of new measurement knowledge will be essential for the UK to fully exploit important emerging technologies to improve productivity and support the drive towards a net-zero economy. Access to new metrology technology, high-level skills and expertise are vital to this effort.




Improves the effectiveness and efficiancy of science and the trust in it’s outcomes.

Reduce waste and increases value for money and productivity

Unlocks the potential of innovation faster, allowing earlier mareting entry.



Decreases the time to implement change and add value.

Is essential for the development and assessment of evidence-based policY and accelerates progress in science and in society.



Why Metrology is Important For high-value manufacturing sectors (e.g. aerospace, automotive, electronics, bio-engineering, optics) where precision is paramount, the development of new metrology technologies and capabilities is critical to success and growth in the UK economy. New metrology R&D is also essential in enabling future advances in sustainable energy (e.g. hydrogen, batteries & fuel cells, photovoltaics) and the realisation of the UK’s ambition for a net-zero economy. In many important sectors and applications (e.g. optics, bio-medical, additive), without the development of new instrument technologies/ methods it becomes impossible to manufacture economically because there is no effective way of measuring. Improved metrology technology, in particular embedded metrology, becomes an enabler to these new products and can have a dramatic impact on product quality by reducing defects/scrap rates and increasing productivity.

According to a survey of measurement in industry carried out by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), which examined the use of measurement throughout the manufacturing lifecycle:

75% 76% of companies take measurements during product design and development.

of companies take measurements during the production process.

80% 95% of companies test bought components to ensure suppliers meet quality standards.

of companies test that the final product meets quality standards.


Hub Governance The Hub has two main governance boards which are responsible for monitoring the progress of the programme and setting the strategic direction of the hub.

2021-2022 Annual Report Hub Vision

Hub Executive Group

The Hub Executive Group is comprised of the Hub director and Hub operations director, research spoke leaders and senior co-investigators responsible for managing research topics. The group meets quarterly and is responsible for monitoring the progress of research activities, allocation of resources and determining the strategic direction of the Hub.

Hub Director - Professor Dame Xiangqian (Jane) Jiang DBE • Professor Paul Scot - University of Hudddersfield • Professor Andrew Longstaff – University of Huddersfield • Professor Liam Blunt – University of Huddersfield • Professor Patrick Keogh – University of Bath • Dr Pablo Ruiz – Loughborough University • Professor Visakan Kadirkamanathan – University of Sheffield • Professor Ben Morgan – AMRC • Mr Simon McKenna – Hub Operations Director • Dr Christian Young – Hub Manager


2021-2022 Annual Report Hub Vision

Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) offers independent guidance and support to the Hub Executive Group by providing advice on areas such as strategic direction and research themes. The board is composed of a group of international experts in metrology technology and applications and meets twice per year.

Chair - P rofessor David Delpy, Emeritus Professor of Biomedical Optics, University College London Professor Ken Young – Technology Director, Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) • Professor Isobel Pollock-Hulf OBE – Visiting Professor in Engineering and Design, University of Leeds • Professor Ken Grattan OBE – Professor of Scientific Instrumentation, City University of London • Professor Vijay Srinivasan – Chief of the Systems Integration Division of the Engineering Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) • Professor Hans Nørgaard Hansen – Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark • Mr Gareth Edwards - AMPI Programme Director, National Physical Laboratory (NPL) • Mr Chaco van der Sijp – Innovation Lead Manufacturing, Innovate UK • Mr Mark Tarplee – Senior Portfolio Manager, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)



Research Stories Our research programme is continually evolving and developing. Read the stories below for some examples of recent outcomes.

2021-2022 Annual Report Research Stories

Toolkit for Deep Learning Model Robustness Testing

Deep Learning (DL) technology presents the potential for revolutionary changes to modern industries. However, as more Artificial Intelligence (AI) models are developed, trained, and deployed for different applications, more disadvantages of DL technology are discovered.

One of the critical issues is that bad-quality training data will lower the AI model’s accuracy. Another critical issue is that, in the practical working environment, it is hard to determine the quality of the measured signals because of the need for signal quality quantifying methods and reference to theoretical signals. To address these issues, a team led by Professor Andrew Longstaff at the University of Huddersfield is working to develop the manufacturing AI toolkit in order to implement measurement complexity analysis, system modelling based on DL technology and AI models robustness testing. To ensure the credibility of applied DL models and study the model vulnerability, the Hub created two core work packages which aimed to analyze measurement complexity and develop a reliable framework for studying AI robustness. To achieve this, the signal simulator module of system modelling with DL and robustness testing framework were developed and integrated into the toolkit.

The toolkit development follows the ‘Continue Integration/Continue Development’ (CI/ CD) procedures. Crucially the Technology Readiness Level is now approaching TRL 6-7 and is suitable for industrial R&D applications. Elements of the toolkit have already been developed into an Advanced Manufacturing and Productivity Institute (AMPI) project investigating thin wall milling using an industrial robotic arm. Further development of the toolkit will be continuing over the coming months and will involve inviting industrial partners to trial the system in real world manufacturing environments and integrate more advanced algorithms according to industrial needs.


Measurement of Workpiece internal Temperature During Manufacturing

Workpiece temperature throughout the manufacturing process can have a significant impact on the accuracy of machining and the quality of the finished part. Current methods of compensating for thermal expansion rely heavily on FEA simulation and surface temperature measurement. Work at the University of Huddersfield is investigating novel methods to accurately measure core temperature.

A team led by Professor Andrew Longstaff and Dr Simon Fletcher are investigating a new approach to workpiece core temperature measurement during manufacturing processes. This technique uses ultrasonic phase-shift to measure changes in ultrasonic time-of-flight which is related to the material temperature. By using the AD8302 phase detection board, the technique has demonstrated the capacity to achieve a high-resolution measurement with an accuracy of better than ± 1 c during an actual machining process of a 120mm steel workpiece. O

This method of temperature measurement gives a result that is more representative of the entire workpiece volume. The ability to accurately measure the temperature of the bulk material significantly increases the accuracy of models for thermal expansion, yielding a consequent improvement in the accuracy of thermal compensation during manufacturing. This work is a continuation and development of previous bench tests of the ultrasonic thermometry method carried out within the Hub. Future work will include the deployment of the method for thermal compensation and the qualification of the temperature/ultrasonic velocity relationship in a range of other materials.

2021-2022 Annual Report Research Stories


2021-2022 Annual Report Research Stories

Self-Calibrating Displacement Sensor

Structural deformation due to thermal expansion or finite stiffness effects is prevalent in most manufacturing machinery. Structural monitoring can be achieved using direct measurement of displacement or strain. Previous Hub work to design a low-cost, high sensitivity framework showed that embedding sensors into machine structures can allow for the accurate monitoring of non-rigid deformation, such as inertial or external loading, and thermal expansion.

Sensor frameworks are usually mounted on the machines cast structure and located under guarding, panelling and other additional machine components. This presents an issue when the sensor framework requires calibration, as the machine they are mounted on will have to be taken out of production and stripped down to allow access. The sensor framework then needs to be removed, calibrated, and reinstalled, then the machine reassembled before production can recommence. To counter this, a new self-calibrating design of sensor has been developed by a team of researchers at the University of Huddersfield, led by Professor Andrew Longstaff. This new design, based on the original, retains its low-cost, high-resolution functionality, but has the added benefit of a thermally induced calibration routine. During the calibration cycle, the Peltier heater heats the calibrated aluminium slug, displacing the slave caddy through the sensor’s measurement range regardless of any external factors that might be acting on the sensors master caddy. This isolated calibrated movement therefore allows for the periodic in situ calibration of the sensor without the need of removing the machine from production or stripping down.


2021-2022 Annual Report Research Stories

Self-Calibrating Displacement Sensor

After seeing the capabilities of the prototypes, several industrial partners have shown interest in applying this system for error monitoring issues, with one being interested in the wider commercial applications.

To date, three self-calibrating frameworks have been produced. The first was a test bench used to fully determine the frameworks functionality, and the other two are working prototypes currently mounted on industrial partner machines monitoring non-rigid effect caused by the machine’s inherent inertia.


2021-2022 Annual Report Research Stories

Adaptive Delay Lines

Adaptive Delay Lines (ADLs) can improve the performance of Frequency Scanning Interferometry, enablinghighcoordinate-rates measurement of metre-scale absolute distance, with low-cost photodetection and data acquisition, whilst maintaining high accuracy and precision. The team at the Loughborough University spoke are exploring two ADL concepts: active and passive, both offering different benefits and disadvantages.

Active ADLs Active ADLs are based on externally switchable optical paths that allow dynamic balancing of the object and reference arms of the FSI interferometer. They make an optimal use of optical power in the reference beam since light travels through a single unique path at any given time.

In 2021 the team at Loughborough developed an optomechanical system for evaluating chipscale devices, which they are now building on to evaluate the active ADL chip-scale devices. A new coupling scheme has been developed configured to match the input port geometry. Positioning and alignment has been optimized in terms of light coupling efficiency. In addition, electronic contacts are required to provide the drive current for the optical switches. This has been implemented using a micro probe consisting of eight contacts on a pitch of 100 microns, and driven externally by a DAC interface to Matlab.

A new calibration procedure is being developed to linearise the frequency vs time response of the tunable laser, to accommodate tuning limitations and is being evaluated experimentally. Finally, a moving target sub-system that can couple light from the cleaved end-face of the PIC to a moving retroreflector has been designed and manufactured.


2021-2022 Annual Report Research Stories

Adaptive Delay Lines

Passive ADLs Passive ADLs (pADL) offer an attractive solution to reducing acquisition requirements while maintaining long range, high-accuracy and high speed. Their lack of active switching makes them simpler and more cost effective to implement and integrate in ranging instrumentation, however, additional data processing steps are required.

A fibre optic based pADL system was implemented by Dr Pallikarakis and demonstrated to our industrial partners in the summer of 2021. From the initial results experiments using polarization maintaining optical fibres, it became apparent that extracting the range signal resulting from simultaneous interference of multiple delay lines without ambiguity was a significant challenge. Moreover, unwanted polarization effects in the fibres made the system sensitive to environmental disturbances. Over the past twelve months the team at Loughborough University have developed a new concept for a passive ADL that removes the need for special polarization optical elements and multiple cascaded MZIs, and thus less sensitive to environmental disturbances. A new algorithm was implemented in Matlab to postprocess the interference signal and resolve the peak order ambiguity to establish the absolute distance to a target. The system has been modelled numerically and a proof-ofprinciple setup has been constructed. Initial results are very promising and further experimental work will be conducted in the near future.

So far, the passive ADL results indicate the validity of the concept and a new chip-scale implementation has been designed. This platform offers low propagation losses and reduced temperature sensitivity, and will be fabricated in collaboration with the University of Southampton. Dr Russell Coggrave has led the experimental evaluation of the chip-scale active ADL device performance, including optomechanical rig assembly, instrumentation control, and algorithm development for data processing with initial results demonstrating active switching presented at the 2022 SPIE Conference.


2021-2022 Annual Report Research Stories

New Chip Scale Wavelength Meter

The team at Loughborough University have developed a chipscale wavemeter, calibrated against a Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) gas cell to provide traceable wavelength measurements. The device has demonstrated excellent wavelength resolution and thermal sensitivity. This work was presented by invitation in the Renishaw’s Physics Forum and also at the SPIE International Conference in Strasbourg.

Chip-scale wavelength meter devices are attractive as they offer high performance to cost ratio when manufactured at scale. In addition, chip-scale wavelength meter devices offer a small footprint that simplifies integration within portable instrumentation. Furthermore, recent independent research by Nokia Bell Labs indicates that thermal insensitivity can be achieved through small changes in the fabrication process. The concept of the chip-scale wavelength meter stems from the need to monitor the wavelength of tunable lasers in Frequency Scanning Interferometry (FSI), in order to provide traceable absolute distance measurements. The team anticipates that the chip-scale wavemeter device will provide an important building block for realizing a practical chip-scale FSI instrument for highprecision, traceable range metrology. This may form an integral component in our future chip designs. Dr Russell Coggrave has led the experimental evaluation of the device performance, including optomechanical rig assembly, instrumentation control, algorithm development for data processing and paper writing. In collaboration with Renishaw, the team are working on creating new PIC designs, hosting regular technical meetings on campus.



New Hub Research Facilities Last year the University of Huddersfield invested over £8 million in new Engineering and Computing research facilities as part of its commitment to providing an exceptional environment for research and delivering world-class research excellence.

2021-2022 Annual Report New Hub Research Facilities

New Hub Research Facilities The Hub continues to be committed to training and development, for internal members of staff, industry partners and the wider metrology community. The precision manufacturing labs are centred around key thematic research areas and include:

• A Zeiss Prismo co-ordinate measurement machine • A Hexagon / Romer 7 axis portable CMM arm housed within a temperature-controlled measurement facility • A Fanuc Robodrill • A Cincinatti Arrow 3 axis vertifcal machining centre • A Hurco VMX30Ui and Geiss axis machining centres fitted with Renishaw sponsored on machine part and tooling probing systems • A Kuka KR210 6 axis robot fitted with a machining spindle • Renishaw sponsored interferometry systems for machin tool measurement and calibration • A Leica Laser tracker from Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence for large volume Measurement

The ultra-precision machining lab includes a 3-axis freeform diamond turning system with machining capabilities for novel optics and functional surfaces. This year the University will be investing in a new optics lab to extend the current capabilities and ensure that the Hub can continue to deliver ground-breaking research and help solve the on-going long-term manufacturing challenges facing UK industries.



Expanding the Research Network

The Future Metrology Hub has built a large network of research partners beyond the original consortium. The projects either deliver new and challenging research investigating novel concepts with the aim of demonstrating feasibility and the opportunity to attract further grant funding, or complement the existing Hub work packages, bringing in new elements not envisaged in the original plan. Projects have been funded across the UK benefitting the broader UK metrology research community.

1. Heriot-Watt University

8. Cranfield University

2. University of Strathclyde

9. University of South Wales

3. Newcastle University

10. University College London

4. University of Sheffield

11. City University London


12. University of Bath

6. University of Nottingham

13. University of Southampton

7. University of Warwick/Warwick Manufacturing Group


Heriot-Watt University Towards 3D Volumetric Positioning and Tracking Using Dual-Comb Distance Metrology Professor Derryck T. Reid Two-photon dual-comb LiDAR, invented

This five-month project will evaluate its

The project’s objectives are to demonstrate

at Heriot-Watt University, uses the time-

feasibility for 3D volumetric positioning

a sufficient combination of precision and

of-flight of femtosecond laser pulses to

and tracking, which could ultimately be

acquisition rate (target: 1 µm at 1 kHz), and

measure absolute distance very precisely,

realised by recording the time-of-flight of

to demonstrate multi-channel acquisition

and provides a continuous, real-time

optical pulses from a reference beacon to

(target: 4 channels) as a precursor to

stream of absolute distance data at micron

a number of receivers, analogous to GPS

enabling high precisionoptical multilateration.

precision and kHz rates.

satellite navigation.


University of Strathclyde Automating Process Optimisation From a Metrology Digital Twin

Remote Ultrasound Tomography Using Deep Neural Networks and Laser Ultrasonics

Professor Jörn Mehnen

Dr Theodosia Stratuoudaki

Manufacturing processes have variation of input

The team at the University of Strathclyde will investgate a

conditions and environmental and operational

laser based system for remote and couplant-free ultrasound

disturbances such as material properties or equipment

that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to generate tomographic

condition changing the behaviour of machining

reconstructions of the interior of opaque, metallic

processes. This means that existing models cannot

components. The project addresses the call challenge of the

take the next step of in-process control without being

Future Metrology Hub by developing novel methods for future

dynamic, adapting to the specific conditions of each part.

inspection in manufacturing and improving performance

The aim of this project is to investigate new dynamic

through metrology. The technique will provide in-process,

process models that act as a “digital twin” for forming

tomographic information of the manufactured component and

and machining processes. Every part that passes through

facilitate early detection of flaws, allowing either modification

the manufacturing process will then carry its own unique

of the process parameters and repair, or early termination, thus

set of model parameters derived from metrology data.

minimising waste, improving performance and reducing costs.


Newcastle University Boosting Inpsection Metrology Productivity Through AI Professor Nick Wright Even the most skilled companies produce some

This project primarily addresses the efficiency

products that are of poorer quality than intended

and effectiveness of visual inspection which is the

and therefore must aim to both reduce the number

most important form of metrology measurement in

of them and to identify the substandard ones before

industries as diverse as car manufacturing, food and

they reach the customer – ideally before leaving the

luxury goods. To increase the efficiency of visual

factory. The identification of substandard products

inspection, the project will develop new artificial

is in itself a significant cost in many companies and

intelligence tools which can function effectively

can involve both numerical measurements using

and reliably in a factory environment. Such

specialist metrology and also visual inspection.

new techniques have the potential to make an enormous impact and to contribute to a significant improvement in UK manufacturing productivity.


University of Sheffield High-temperature, Highly Integrated, Aerosol Printed Metrology Sensors On-a-Chip

In-Situ Ultrasonic Sensors for Monitoring Tool and Workpiece During Grinding Processes

Dr Jon Willmott

Professor Rob Dwyer-Joyce

Modern optoelectronics centres on manufacturing

Grinding is an important machining process that is used to achieve high precision

techniques of CMOS electronics and CNC grinding

components with a fine surface finish. The precision and surface finish depend on

for optics. These are very expensive to produce,

feed and cut, the function of the coolant, as well as degradation of the grinding

with long lead times and lead to bulky instruments

wheel. In this feasibility study we want to see what measurements we can make

that are difficult to integrate into an industrial

during the grinding process about what is happening exactly at the cutting

process. This project aims to resolve these problems

edge. By bouncing ultrasound sound waves from the grinding tool / work-piece

by ‘Spray Printing’ optoelectronics on-chip: by creating

interface we hope to be able to see how much contact is taking place and how

aerosols of metal particles, dielectrics and organic

coolant films form. This could enable us to see monitor directly how many grits

semiconductors, before depositing them onto just

are cutting. We will also measure the removal of material to a micron degree

about any stable substrate. Specifically, this

of accuracy and see if it is possible to detect wheel clogging. If successful, this

project will address the feasibility of printing an

could be a new way to monitor grinding and so make in-process decisions such

optoelectronic spectrometer.

as when to change material removal rates or swap out a grinding wheel.


AMRC Prediction of Dimensional Errors in Robotic Milling Dr Erdem Ozturk The role of robots in machining is growing

Furthermore, their positioning accuracy

However, these works focused on characterising

as they are being used as machining

and repeatability are also relatively low

different error sources in robotic milling rather

platforms in an increasing number of

with respect to machine tools.Hence, in

than presenting a holistic approach that can

applications. They are approximately an

industry, robots are currently used only

include models of non-linear effects such as

order of magnitude more compliant and

for low cutting force processes such as

backlash in the joints of the robotic milling

their compliance is variable throughout

polishing and deburring or for processes

system. By including error sources in the

the working envelope.

with low accuracy requirements.In order

characterisation, prediction, and compensation,

to use robots for high cutting force and

this project aims to optimize the capability of

high accuracy processes such as milling,

robots to machine components with a higher

many researchers have been developing

accuracy, approaching that of some

compensation and optimisation strategies.

machine tools.


University of Nottingham Fast Instruemented Laser Cutting of Industrial Fibre Reinforced Composites

JetMet: Electrochemical Jets for In-Process Metrology and Digital Twinning

Dr Kate Voisey

Professor Adam Clare

Laser cutting has great potential to enhance industrial fibre

Electrochemical jets are an ideal platform for in-situ metrology

composite manufacturing. The basics of the process have been

development, as they can micromachine various conductive materials

demonstrated however the UK composite industry has not yet

without thermal or mechanical loading and allow excellent control over

fully embraced this technology. Industry needs to be convinced

removal volumes and surface profiles. Such methods are therefore

of the benefits of laser cutting before investing. This project

attractive to manufacturers reliant on premium surface integrity.

focusses on industry’s needs. It will carry out laser cutting case

However, they are sensitive to material composition variations, meaning

studies using industrially relevant speeds, thicknesses and

much experimental effort is required to calibrate a system to a material.

materials. Thermal measurements and modelling will provide

This project will investigate an entirely new metrology approach

vital information on the temperatures the material reaches during cutting. This combines to generate a technology demonstrator facility which delivers the information industry needs to know before making the jump to laser cutting.

using electrochemical jets for precision measurement and machining, exploiting electrical signals across the jet. This will allow metrology within a machine tool and could unlock significant efficiency gains.

University of Warwick/ Warwick Manufacturing Group Investigation of Fibre Content and Fibre Orientation Distributions in Compression Moulded Carbon Fibre SMC Professor Ken Kendall Compression moulding of high fibre content, long

This feasibility study aims to address the current

discontinuous carbon fibre based Sheet Moulding

challenges through the development of a robust and

Compound (SMC) is an attractive solution for high-rate

reliable experimental method for quantifying the fibre

manufacturing of high-performance composite structures.

content and orientation distributions in carbon fibre SMC,

Understanding flow induced fibre content and orientation

utilising a combination of resin burn-off, XCT scanning and

distributions is the key to improve the part quality, and

image processing techniques. The data collected from the

to better predict the structural performance of the part.

experimental work will be used to validate existing process

While there are existing process simulation models for

simulation models for carbon fibre SMC applications.

predicting fibre content and orientation distributions in compression moulded SMC parts, the confidence in using such models for carbon fibre SMC is low due to the lack of experimental validation method.



Cranfield University Multiplexed Optical Fibre Arrays Support for In-process Control and Through-life Monitoring of Coating Thickness Dr Claudiu Giusca The performance and reliability of modern products, such as thin film photovoltaics, automotive parts, aby the conformity of the next generation of surface coatings. This study addresses the in-process measurement of coating conformity with nanoscale precision over large area substrates, in conditions typically imposed by the industrial scale coating installations. The project will explore the potential of the optical fibre platforms to withstand the harsh industrial environmental conditions whilst maintaining their well-known exquisite measurement abilities necessary to provide through-life monitoring of coatings and deposition installations.


University of South Wales Silicon-on-Insulator Waveguide based Four-wave Mixing for Vibration Compensated Frequency Scanning Interferometry Professor Nigel Copner Frequency scanning interferometry (FSI) uses a

In this work package we will optimise design and

chirped laser source to make absolute distance

fabricate silicon-on-insulator (SOI) based waveguides

measurements and generates a signal with a

with integration of cladding waveguide and optical

frequency proportional to distance. However, FSI is

couplers based on inverse tapers. We hope to deliver

inherently susceptible to vibration during the finite

a demonstrator with highly efficient FWM and broad

measurement time. A second laser with frequency

frequency tuning band suitable for integration into

chirp with opposite direction (reducing frequency

a full FSI system for overall vibration elimination

instead of increasing frequency) can be used for the

performance to be validated.

error correction. Our innovative technique uses a smart low cost and instantaneous negative chirp laser signal generated from a master chirp laser by using non-lineal optical effect ie four-wave mixing (FWM).


University College London In-process Carbon Fibre Alignment Monitoring Professor Paul Fromme This project will investigate a novel phase-based

The technology for the future inspection of

X-ray system (EI XPCi – Edge Illumination X-ray

manufacturing and in-process metrology will improve

Phase Contrast Imaging) to accurately assess fibre

defect localization and quantification accuracy to

orientation, gaps, and in-plane wrinkles during

benefit the UK aerospace, automotive, and

automated fibre placement for the improved

renewable energy industry.

manufacturing of large composite structures. The X-ray methodology is capable of providing exact, user-defined resolution (including in-process), which does not depend on either X-ray focal spot or detector, and with metrology capabilities that can extend into the sub-resolution range.


City University London Development of A Contactless Dielectric Process Monitoring (CDPM) for Composites Manufacturing Dr Hamed Yazdani-Nezhad Serving the tremendous demand for high performance,

The CDPM feasibility study aims to develop a state-of-

lightweight structures in various industrial sectors and

the-art portable, contact-less, real-time CFRP composite

applications is pivotal to the use of carbon fibre-reinforced

measurement process which will be scalable to free-

polymer (CFRP) composites, which also play an immediate

form composite processes. It will not interfere with

role for the development of eco-friendly structures.

the structural integrity, can be equipped flexibly and

Various manufacturing techniques for CFRP composites

portably, and will boost the understanding and theoretical

have been developed, however, the majority of these

reasoning of the underlying process challenges in a

techniques are costly at large scale and time consuming.

quantitative manner. These outcomes are of great interest

Effects associated with process parameters control

to aerospace, automotive and research organisations and

can also have a significant effect on the quality of

discussions are on-going for industrial collaboration and

the composite structure and on the structure’s

further research projects.

mechanical performance.


University of Bath Immersive Metrology System (IMS) Dr Vimal Dhokia Mixed reality is an emerging technology that blends the real and virtual to create new environments where physical and digital objects interact and co-exist in real time. The full integration of mixed reality and metrology technologies for complex assembly inspection has not been previously investigated. In this ambitious project, IMS, mixed reality technologies will be used to increase productivity within industrial, metrology-led inspection by enabling hands free measurement whilst also minimising the adverse effects of environmental factors (temperature and vibration).


University of Southampton Compact Tailored Scatterings Spectrometer Dr Martynas Beresna Scattering spectrometers offer possess a number of advantages. However, unlike conventional spectrometers, these systems lack a one-to-one spectral-to-spatial mapping. This leads to poor signal to noise ratio limiting the applications of such scattering spectrometers. This project tackles this shortfall by replacing the random disordered media with an engineered, man-made, spectral scattering chip, fabricated using direct laser writing. This will be tailored to retain a near one-toone spatial to spectral mapping, thus exhibiting a far better signal to noise ratio.


Catapult and Innovation Activities

To accelerate the impact of or research outcomes, the Hub works with the High Value Manufacturing Catapult Centres through their Researchers in Residence programme or directly with companies through our Innovation Projects funding stream.

1. CPI


2. MTT Ltd

8. GKN Aerospace

3. Digital Surf Sarl

9. Warwick Manufacturing Group

4. Ian Macleod Associates Limited

10. MTC

5. Qioptiq UK

11. Sartorious Stedim Lab Ltd



CPI Wavelength Scanning Interferometry for On-Line Surface Inspection of Roll-to-Roll Processing Dr Feng Gao Industries which make high-volume, large-area foil

Due to the nature of these processes the inspection

products such as flexible electronics and solar Photovoltaic

methods cannot involve any contact with the film

(PV) film have manufacturing processes that often involve

surfaces. This project worked on implementing

the deposition and patterning of multi-layer thin films on

prototype instruments into the on-line inspection

large area substrates and foils. To achieve high yield in

of a solar PV production line.

the coating and patterning processes the films must be uniform and largely perfect over most of the area of the foil. To ensure high product yield, the key challenge is to inspect the foil surface at production speed with sufficient resolution to detect the presence of defects on the starting foil surface and as they appear during the coating and patterning processes.


CPI (continued...) Ultra-fast in-line surface metrology for roll-to-roll process Dr Hussam Muhamedsalih Direct interaction between in process metrology

To tackle this challenge, a full-package solution starting from

and the manufacturing process is a prerequisite

novel measurement sensor through to software development

for next-generation manufacturing processes. In

for handling large amounts of data is required. To address these

process metrology systems for large area substrate

challenges, technology consisting of a novel high speed “single

production, such as printable electronics, can

shot” in-line interferometry sensor and an accelerated computing

contribute to productivity via enhancing the product

method to handle large amounts of data has been developed.

performance and lowering the manufacturing

The sensor will be used for detecting and measuring micro/nano-

costs. However, the biggest problems in the

scale defects and critical dimensions on large-area thin films.

implementation of in-line precision metrology

This technology will benefit, in particular, the printed electronics

instrumentation for large-area substrates are: (a)

produced by roll-to-roll (R2R) process by allowing; tagging defect

the speed of production, and large amounts of data

areas, the use of less raw materials thus leading to reduction in

produced by measurement.

the overall system costs and consequent environmental benefits.


MTT Ltd Prediction of Part Accuracy using System Models Professor Andrew Longstaff A pilot project to test the Hub’s ‘Innovation Funding’

However, post-Covid the work has gone from

mechanism was initially established in 2019, with

strength to strength and has already led to

a focus on working closely with industry partner

significant new commercial and research contracts,

MTT Ltd to accelerate the application of machinery

and the creation of a new IP license to MTT. Perhaps

modelling and optimisation research at the University

most significantly, the project proved the validity of

of Huddersfield. The project was designed around

the mechanism, giving the team confidence to apply

extended testing (and refinement) of new methods

Innovation Project funding across a wider range of

with key MTT customers in the aerospace sector

Hub work packages, accelerating the realisation of

but, inevitably, suffered a lengthy Covid-enforced

impact from the Hub’s core research programme.

interruption to its delivery.


Digital Surf Sarl A Toolbox for Freeform Triangle Mesh Surface Characterisation Dr Wenhan Zeng Manufactured parts with complex freeform surfaces

The measurement data is represented by a polygon

have been widely used in aerospace, automobile, bio-

mesh, and usually, the underlying domain is non-

engineering, medical and consumer electronics etc.,

Euclidean in nature, which cannot be processed by

which makes surface metrology face a significant

conventional surface characterisation techniques.

challenge. For example, by selectively adding

With the Future Metrology Hub’s Core research,

materials layer by layer, additive manufacturing (AM)

the theoretical foundation has been built.

can construct very complex geometries that are not

This project’s aim is to accelerate the industrial

possible with traditional manufacturing processes.

impact by developing an operational toolbox along

These complex surfaces can only be measured by

with the verification tools to characterise these types

non-conventional instruments, such as 3D cameras,

of surfaces for quality control.

laser trackers, and X-ray computed tomography.


Iain Macleod Associates Limited ISO GPSV Smart App Dr Tukun Li ISO GPSV smart APP is a powerful tool for designers and metrologists who need to use the range of geometrical tolerance symbols in their daily work. The project consists of developing a number of individual modules including:

• A symbols dictionary to help find the symbols’ definition, interpretation, the default call-out, and the measurement methods. • The tolerance design assistant to help design the tolerance symbols. A step-by-step method will make the process easier, and the results will strictly adhere to the ISO GPS standards. • A tolerance calculator to obtain the value quickly. • The on-demand training video using an algorithm to select a set of training videos according to your requirement.

• A quiz to help you to check knowledge and understanding. • An instrument finder to help identify a suitable instrument to assess the ISO GPS symbols. • An expert finder to assist in finding the expert to address the problem. • An expert-assistant machine learning algorithm to check the correctness of the contents to make sure there are strictly adhere to the ISO GPS standard.


Iain Macleod Associates Limited (continued...) Smart GD&T Scanner Dr Qunfen Qi In manufacturing industry, interpreting GD&T (Geometrical Dimensioning & Tolerancing) symbols in a mechanical drawing requires specific expertise, and there are often questions and disputes about the meaning of these symbols which can sometimes become costly. This project is set to develop a prototype smart GD&T scanner App, which allows users to scan GD&T symbols (either on paper or screen) using the camera on their smart device. Once captured the image will be analysed and interpreted via AI-assisted algorithm and models, bypassing much of the need for having personnel with detailed GD&T expertise on the manufacturing shopfloor.


AMRC Measuring the Effect of Machine Tool Accuracy on High Value Manufacturing Professor Andrew Longstaff When a machine tool produces a component, a

This project aimed to embed novel, advanced

build-up of small errors in the machine, cutting

machine tool measurement strategies developed

process, for example, cause a difference between

at Huddersfield into the AMRC and to establish a

the intended design and its final dimensions.

correlation between the machine tool accuracy,

All manufacturing is subject to such errors.

on-machine inspection and post-process

However, high value manufacturing requires that

measurements across a broad range

components are produced with very little deviation;

of applications.

they must meet a tight tolerance. The accuracy of the machine tool is often poorly understood, with only a very few experts in the field.


NAMRC Reducing Uncertainty of In-Process Measurement of Large Components Dr Simon Fletcher There is significant investment in the civil nuclear

This project aims to increase machine accuracy

industry to increase UK power generation, for

beyond the current state-of-the art for large

example through the use of small modular reactors

component production using embedded structural

(SMRs), the provision of which poses significant

monitoring solutions and advanced modelling for time

manufacturing challenges. This is particularly the

varying error monitoring and correction. This will be

case for the supply chain when machining large

used in conjunction with in-process verification to

components with high precision. For large machine

enable traceable on-machine measurement with low

tools in the nuclear industry and related supply

uncertainty. On-machine tool measurement using

chains, improvement in the performance of machines

probing for part verification for rework and inspection

and the ability to reduce inspection times for very

will increase quality and productivity significantly.

large components are strategic research areas supported by the Nuclear AMRC.


GKN Aerospace Accurate Serial Arm-Robot Positioning Dr Nicola Bailey Current manufacturing techniques for

throughput whilst maintaining the accuracy

This project will build upon the success of

high-added value components of complex

and repeatability, is to introduce robotic

research completed in the Hub in terms

products, such as in the automotive

system control with feedback from sensor

of improved robotic based manufacturing

and aerospace industries, require jigs to

metrology networks. Due to their flexibility,

capability, specifically in regards to positioning

ensure precision and repeatability of the

low cost and large working volume, serial arm

accuracy. Working closely with the project

manufacturing process. However, jigs are

robots are well suited for this task.

partner, GKN Aerospace, the technology will

expensive to produce and are inflexible;

However, producing high-added value

be developed further for large volumetric

one small adjustment in the manufacture

components has demonstrated to be difficult

robotic working and creating suitable

of a component may require an extensive

due to the inherent problems of robots,

software for implementation on multiple

modification to a jig. One approach to

including low positional accuracy, limiting

systems. This will accelerate the impact of

advance the manufacturing process, making

manufacturing using robots to non-critical

outputs from the Hub and has significant

it more flexible and cost effective with higher

components and parts requiring low accuracy.

potential for large-scale application.


Warwick Manufacturing Group 3D Fibre Orientation using Micro-CT Scanning Technique Dr Connie Qian This project aims to develop a robust and reliable 3D fibre analysis technique for quantifying fibre orientation and fibre content distribution in carbon fibre composite parts with complicated geometry and hybrid fibre architecture. It will be based on the success of the completed feasibility study, through which a robust XCT scanning method has been developed, enabling complicated fibre architecture to be determined in 2D samples consisting of randomly orientated carbon fibres. The new development will further the technology by developing XCT scanning and fibre analysis methods for complex 3D geometry with hybrid fibre architecture.


MTC Surface Measurement Methods for Manufacturing, Functioning and Metrology of Additively Manufactured Products Dr Shan Lou To facilitate the uptake of additive

This project aims to investigate and develop

The project’s main objectives are to

manufacturing technologies into a wider

a set of bespoke surface topography

investigate various tactile/optical/X-ray

range of applications and foster Additive

measurement and characterisation methods

Computed Tomography (XCT) methods for

Manufacturing (AM)’s full commercialisation,

for AM. By measuring AM surface topography

surface topography measurement of AM

there must be focused attempts to overcome

accurately and reliably, the project will

components, develop the bespoke surface

existing technical barriers. A major challenge

contribute to the optimisation of AM process,

characterisation methods for AM planar

among these is that AM production machines

facilitate the functional evaluation of complex

layer surfaces, and to develop the advanced

lack sufficient process control, which

AM components, and benefit the geometry

surface characterisation methods for complex

consequently brings in various shortcomings

metrology of AM products. This will result in

functional AM surfaces.

that are commonly seen in AM products.

increased uptake of AM technologies into a wider range of applications.


Sartorius Stedim Lab Ltd Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Roughness of Polymeric Parts Dr Shan Lou Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a crucial element

This research project aims to improve the quality control of biopharmaceutical AM

in shaping the new paradigm of manufacturing

products of Sartorius Stedim Lab Ltd. by leveraging the existing research outcome of AM

technology. However, the uptake of AM technologies

dimensional and surface texture metrology recently undertaken by the Future Metrology

in biopharmaceutical industry lags way behind as

Hub. The project will tailor a bespoke solution for Sartorius by fulfilling three objectives:

compared to aerospace and automotive industries. To facilitate the uptake of AM into a wider range of applications and foster AM’s full commercialisation in biopharmaceutical industry, there is an urgent need for the development of AM specific metrological methods to measure, evaluate and validate both AM

1. To target the capable measurement techniques and associated optimum measurement settings for Sartorius AM parts. 2. To apply the developed advanced geometry characterisation techniques to verify the dimensional accuracy and surface roughness of Sartorius AM parts. 3. To optimise Sartorius AM processes and associated post-processing

processes and AM parts, and ultimately improve the

processes and to correlate surface geometry of Sartorius AM parts to their

reliability and functionality of AM products.



MACH 2022 After several years delay due to the Covid pandemic, the Hub was excited to finally be able to host an exhibition stand at the MACH 2022 trade show and exhibition.

2021-2022 Annual Report Hub Vision

MACH 2022 A week-long event which takes place at the NEC every two years, MACH is the UK’s largest showcase for manufacturing technologies with over 600 exhibitors and 26,000 visitors present.

Working on behalf of EPSRC to highlight their portfolio of Future Manufacturing Hubs, the stand featured displays from the metrology, composites, electrical machines, and powder processes Hubs. In addition to highlighting the Hub’s research programme, this was also the first international trade show for Cubit, the Hub’s first spin out company. Led by Dr Hussam Muhamedsalih, Cubit provides bespoke metrology solutions for real time surface measurement and displayed two machines, the Single-shot Dispersive Profile Interferometer (SDPI) and Multiwavelength Polarising Interferometer (MPI) and generated significant interest with their live measurement demonstrations.



Developing People To deliver our programme of ground-breaking research, we depend on a team of world leading researchers and students. Growing and developing this team is core to our success.

2021-2022 Annual Report Developing People

Early Career Researcher Symposium

After being absent for several years following the Covid pandemic, the Hub was very pleased to resume delivery of the Early Career Researcher Symposium (ECRS), hosted this year at our Loughborough University spoke.

Building on the success of previous events, this was the first opportunity for researchers from across the wider consortium to come together in person since the pandemic. The event was designed to offer a window into metrology research across the Hub, as well as provide a platform for researchers to promote their work and engage in academic skills development. The organising committee of Early Career Researchers, consisting of Drs Tom Furness, Dawei Tang, Felix Olabode and Ahmed Tawfik from the University of Huddersfield, and Dr Diogo Stuani Alves from the University of Bath, were responsible for developing the event programme and arranging the speakers. With support from the Hub operational team and local hosts Dr Pablo Ruiz and Dr Russell Coggrave, they delivered the event in July 2022. The two-day event offered a varied programme of presentations, discussions and tours of the Loughborough University lab facilities. The presentations by researchers showcased current metrology research and its applications in advance manufacturing and included contributions from core consortium members and with wider network of feasibility project partners.

PhD Student Daniel Townend from Huddersfield was awarded best presentation prize for “Metalenses for Metrological Applications” In addition to technical presentations, Dr Adam Warren, Research Development Manager at Loughborough University, gave a presentation on understanding the funding landscape and Prof. Mark Williams of Warwick manufacturing Group, spoke about ways to increase personal development and professional recognition, drawing on his fascinating career in forensic metrology. Attendees said that the symposium had been a great opportunity for them to network, to find out what colleagues in other centres are working on and to look for areas of collaboration.


2021-2022 Annual Report Developing People

Skills Development The Hub continues to be committed to training and development, for internal members of staff, industry partners and the wider metrology community.

Surface Metrology School

NPL Training Courses


In October 2022, Chris Jackson, an Early Career Researcher, took over the organisation and delivery of our Surface Metrology School for members of the Hub. The course ran over three days and was attended by 18 members of staff and students. Topics covered ranged from the basics of good metrology practice through to an in-depth examination of the theory and practice of good metrology and included seminars, industry demonstration by Taylor Hobson and hands on experience of instruments. Following this positive return of the Surface Metrology School after such a long break due to Covid, we hope to resume deliver of courses for industry partners in the near future.

In partnership with NPL, the Hub has delivered a number of on-line and face-to-face measurement and calibration training courses for staff and students. This metrology training has been designed to build and enhance measurement skills and capabilities and to encourage good practice. The courses provide a strong foundational understanding of the principles of metrology practice and are ideal for PhD students, researchers and application engineers who are regularly engaging in lab-based work. We are keen to explore further collaboration with NPL on the development and delivery of training including the potential to expand delivery to our industrial partners.

In his role as Vice President of EUSPEN, Professor Liam Blunt has collaborated in the development of an on-line taster course and a three-day face to face course in Surface Metrology. The training was developed as part of the ERASMUS EU PREFAM project. This project aims to provide a European framework for training in precision engineering for advanced manufacturing and to increase the availability and recognition of short, specialised training courses. The face-to-face training includes contributions from industrial partners and practical sessions with hands on experience of a range of equipment. EUSPEN offer a range of certified CPD courses in precision engineering and these new courses sit within their portfolio. A similar offering is planned in Machine Tool Technology and X-ray Computer Tomography for Metrology.



The Future Metrology Hub, in collaboration with the University of Strathclyde, hosted the 23rd International Conference on Metrology and the Properties of Engineering Surfaces at the Technology and Innovation Centre in Glasgow in June. This was the first Met & Props conference to take place face to face since 2019 with over 60 delegates and 8 exhibiting companies. There was a strong international presence, with delegates coming from across Europe and the USA.

Thought-provoking keynote speeches were delivered by Professor Dame Jane Jiang, from the Future Metrology Hub; Professor Henara Costa, from the Federal University of Rio Grande, Brazil and Professor Danielle Macdonald, from the University of Tulsa, USA. The 38 presentations and the 20 posters encompassed the latest research on instrumentation, applications, characterisation, data and maths. The prize for the best presentation was awarded to Dr Jesse Redford, from the University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA. The best poster prize went to Dr Dawei Tang from the University of Huddersfield.

The conference focussed on the progress in surface metrology, surface characterisation, instrumentation and functional properties of surfaces and provided an international forum for academics, industrialists and engineers from wide ranging disciplines to meet and exchange their ideas, results and showcase their latest research. The scientific exhibition featured stands from specialist companies demonstrating the latest software, optics and imaging equipment.

Fortunately, for delegates, it wasn’t all work. To give the attendees a chance to rest and enjoy their surroundings, the organising committee put on an impressive array of social events including a drinks reception and civic welcome from a representative of the Lord Provost of Glasgow in the magnificent, marble-interior of Glasgow City Chambers. The conference dinner was held in the equally impressive surroundings of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons and included a tour of the building and look at some of the College’s historical artefacts.


Meet our Early Career Researchers How did you first become involved with the Hub? I got involved in the hub through my placement during my masters at the University of Huddersfield and have continued to be here as an affiliate and then, now as a research assistant in quality engineering with the Engineering control and Machine performance Group (ECMPG) at CPT.

What impact did your placement have on your degree and you personally? The impact my placement had on my degree and me personally is huge because looking back almost a year and a half ago, I was unsure about what I wanted to do in my career after university. Getting an opportunity to work here broadened my knowledge, learning new skills in a specific area of research in manufacturing which I found extremely interesting and felt I would be able to contribute to, from where I’m coming from in terms of both engineering and management.

What skills and experience do you hope to gain/develop?

Haritha Devaraj Research Assistant, University of Huddersfield

After undertaking a placement with a Hub research group, Haritha has joined the team as a research assistant and hopes to start her PhD studies soon.

I’m new to this specific area of academic research. Moving forward I would like to develop both theoretical knowledge in terms of understanding standards, existing techniques to work towards achieving Quality 4.0 and practical skills in metrology such as in machine applications and best practices to carry out research with more confidence. I also hope to get opportunities to engage with industrial partners to be able to gain and transfer knowledge and experience in this specific area.

What is your role within the Hub? I’ve been newly recruited as a research assistant in quality engineering for manufacturing machines at CPT working with the Engineering control and Machine performance Group (ECMPG) on different projects such as sensitization, digitalization and smart manufacturing workshop covering areas of Industry 4.0. I’m also in the verge of pursuing my PhD with the hub on quality engineering in the era of digital design and commissioning.

How do you think working in the Hub will impact on your future career? With all the resources available in terms of both research facilities and the knowledge and experience of various other researchers that I’m working under and working with, there will be a lot for me to learn and gain from, which will be beneficial for my career development in the research environment. Working within the HUB will also help me cultivate a strong professional network. It will also help me develop my skill set both in the academic area and also in potential industry settings.


Meet our Early Career Researchers What is the topic of your PhD, your supervisor and where you are based? The focus of my PhD project is the development of stable, mechatronic structural components for precision machinery. The design will incorporate alternate materials, adaptive design principles, and embedded metrology to achieve high performance standards while also minimizing environmental impact. My supervisory panel consists of Dr. Simon Fletcher, Prof. Andrew Longstaff, Prof. Paul Needham, and Dr. Thomas Furness, and my research is based at the University of Huddersfield at CPT with the Engineering control and machine performance group (ECMPG).

Kevin John PhD Student, University of Huddersfield

Hub PhD student Kevin John participated, and ultimately won, the 2022 EUSPEN Talent Programme challenge.

What attracted you to the Hub to continue with your studies?

What did you gain from participating in the EUSPEN Challenge?

The Hub has got huge reputation in the field of metrology, manufacturing technologies and its focus on developing innovative solutions for complex industrial problems. Doing research in the hub provides opportunity to work with experts in this field, access to cutting edge facilities, and possibility to collaborate with industrial partners.

Last year, I had the opportunity to participate in the esteemed EUSPEN talent program and our team ultimately emerged victorious. The team was composed of three candidates from three different countries. The program began with a virtual challenge, in which we were tasked with designing a 6 degrees of freedom measurement solution for aligning components of the proposed CLIC project. The top three teams were invited to the CERN laboratory for the finals, where we had to present a proposal for aligning components in micrometric precision and practically implement it. My role in the team was focussed on measurement process, conduct simulations, and putting everything into report.

What skills and experience do you hope to gain/develop during your time with the Hub?

How do you think researching in the Hub will impact on your future career?

I hope to gain advanced technical skills in the field of manufacturing technology, including expertise in precision machines and measurement. I also aim to develop better understanding on the latest design techniques, optimisation methods and identifying problems existing in manufacturing machineries. Working within the Hub also allows me to form connections, not only with researchers within CPT, but also with the many others form other institutes that make up the Hub.

There are two key reasons why I am interested in pursuing research at the Centre. Firstly, the cutting-edge research being conducted here will offer me an in-depth understanding of the latest developments and advancements in the field of manufacturing technology. Secondly, the chance to collaborate with industry partners will provide me with exposure to real-world engineering problems and practical experience in developing solutions that are applicable in industry.

This challenge provided an opportunity to meet with different researchers working in the field of precision and nano technology, as well as to witness the ongoing research at CERN laboratories. It was not only about acquiring technical skills, but also about effective teamwork, clear communication, efficient time management, and a burning passion for learning.


Meet our Early Career Researchers What was the subject of your PhD and when did you complete it? The subject of my PhD is ‘Design and evaluation of phase mask for high-speed fringe projection’. It was completed in May 2022.

Please could you describe your current role? I am currently working as a research associate on the Midlands Centre for DataDriven Metrology (MCDDM) project at the Intelligent Automation Centre (IAC) within Loughborough University. My role involves developing a digitised lab using a network of stereo cameras. The goal is to produce real-time digital twins of an observed scene with accurate target detection and tracking within complex industrial environments.

Why did you decide take up this role?

Dr Claire (Wen) Guo Research Assistant, Loughborough University

I decided to take up this role because it involves combining photogrammetry with artificial intelligence techniques, which is a highly relevant current area of research. This project allows me to continue my research in vision metrology while also learning new skills. Additionally, I have the opportunity to engage with world-leading experts through project events, conferences, and collaborations with industry partners. Overall, this role expands my knowledge base and exposes me to the potential of future advancements in metrology.

“ Researching for my PhD in the Hub was a truly invaluable experience.” - Dr Claire (Wen) Gou

How did your experience in the Hub contribute to your success and what was your favourite part of being in the Hub? It was my first introduction to metrology, and I quickly discovered its inherent attractiveness. Working in a professional group was a tremendous opportunity, as my supervisors and colleagues not only imparted professional knowledge but also helped me develop my independent research abilities, guiding me to become a qualified researcher. One of my favourite aspects of the Hub was the regularly held seminars and meetings, which provided a great opportunity to catch up with project partners. These meetings often sparked new ideas for my project and exposed me to exciting cutting-edge research. Being part of the Hub community was a significant benefit to my research and contributed to the successful outcome of my PhD.

For more information please contact: Dr Christian Young Hub Manager EPSRC Future Metrology Hub Centre for Precision Technologies University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield HD1 3DH Tel: 01484 257076 Email: Twitter: @HudMetrology Website:

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