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Summer Music Week
As the weather improves and restrictions begin to lift in stages, we have also started to be able to plan ahead to this year’s end-of-year musical celebrations, our annual Summer Music Week festival.
Although it won’t necessarily be able to unfurl in the usual manner, we all feel that something need to take place – not only musically to mark the end of the academic year, but also to have something to which we can all look forward! We are currently planning a series of small-scale events to take place between Sunday 6 and Saturday 12 June, including a Big Band Sunday Swing event and two recitals by University Music Scholars; initial plans are now online here. www.kent.ac.uk/music/summermusic-week
Vinyl Countdown
Our live webshow, Vinyl Countdown, has continued to grow, and last month featured two special episodes featuring University staff; the first episode with Chris Deacy, Will Wollen, Harmonie Toros and Olly Double; and an all-staff special from the Marketing, Outreach, Recruitment and Admissions team.