Faculty Scholarship 2023

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University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law Faculty Scholarship 2023

Mary J. Davis

Dean and Ashland-Spears Distinguished Research Professor of Law

Jennifer Bird-Pollan Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Judge William T. Lafferty Professor of Law

Michael Healy

Associate Dean of Research and Charles S. Cassis Professor of Law

Vanessa Linger Assistant Dean of Finance and Administration

Daniel P. Murphy Jr. Senior Assistant Dean of Community Engagement & Operations Chief Diversity Officer

Susan B. Steele Associate Dean of Career Development

Carlin C. Conway Assistant Dean of Student Services

Laken Gilbert Albrink

Assistant Clinical Professor of Legal Research and Writing


Trauma-Informed Legal Advocacy, 13 Wake Forest J. L. & Pol’y 67 (2023)

Promoting Resilience for Children and Families with Adverse Childhood Experiences, 87(4) KBA Bench & Bar Magazine 18 (July/Aug. 2023)

Tiffany D. Atkins

Assistant Professor of Law


These Brutal Indignities: The Case for Crimes Against Humanity in Black America, 111 Ky. L.J. 61 (2022)

Richard C. Ausness Stites & Harbison Professor of Law


Opioid Lawsuits: Is There Any End in Sight?, 33 Health Matrix 193 (2023)

Beneficiaries as Trustees: Here’s the State of Things, 36 Quinnipiac Prob. L.J. 277 (2023)

Jennifer Bird-Pollan Associate Dean of Academic Affairs Judge William T. Lafferty Professor of Law


Federal Taxes on Gratuitous Transfers: Law and Planning (Aspen 2d ed. 2023) (with Joseph M. Dodge, Wendy C. Gerzog, Bridget J. Crawford & Victoria J. Haneman)


Taxing Wealth and Wealth Transfers in the 21st Century in Inheritance and the Right to Bequeath: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives (Routledge 2023)

Taxation and Utilitarianism: The Historical in Evolution in Political Philosophy and Taxation, A History from the Enlightenment to the Present (Springer 2022) (with Stefan BirdPollan)

Zachary A. Bray

Ashland-Spears Distinguished Research Professor of Law


Precious and Dear to Us is Only This Place: The Transformative Potential of Monumental Remnants, 71 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol'y 1 (2023) (invited contribution)

James M. Donovan

Dorothy Salmon Professor of Law Director, Law Library


The University of Kentucky in Organizational Structures of Academic Law Libraries: Past, Present, and Future (Beth Adelman & Jessica de Perio Wittman, eds., Hein 2023)

Finding the Way Forward: Expectations for Interim Law Library Directors in Interim Leadership in Libraries: Building Relationships, Making Decisions, and Moving On (Jennifer Knievel & Leslie Reynolds, eds., ACRL 2022) (with Billie Jo Kaufman)


Reading Legal Ethnographies to Re-map Legal Pluralism: a Pospisilian Corrective to the Prevailing Dichotomous Description of Afghanistan’s Legal Order, LegaL PLuraLism and CritiCaL soCiaL anaLysis (2023) (with Tomáš Ledvinka)

In memoriam: Leopold Pospisil, 63(3) Anthropology News 41 (May/June 2022) (with Tomáš Ledvinka)

Joshua A. Douglas Ashland, Inc.-Spears Distinguished Research Professor of Law


Establishing Justice, Securing the Blessings of Liberty: Why Civic Duty Voting Is Constitutional in One Hundred Percent Democracy: The Case for Universal Voting (E.J. Dionne & Miles Rappaport, The New Press 2022) (with Allegra Chapman, Cecily Hines & Brenda Wright)


There Must Be Something in the Water – or the Bourbon – In Kentucky: Voting Rights in the Bluegrass State, 111 Ky. L.J. 581 (2023) (introducing symposium issue)

A History of Third-Party Voter Registration Drives, Institute for Responsive Government (May 2023)

State Constitutions and Youth Voting Rights, 74 Rutgers U.L. Rev. 1729 (2022)

Running in an Election Doesn’t Mean You Know How to Run Elections: The Case for Including Local Election Administrators in Voting Policy Debates, Constitutional Conversations, Center for Constitutional Design, Arizona State University (2022)

Brian L. Frye

Spears-Gilbert Professor of Law


A Moveable Brownbag in Teaching Methods in Intellectual Property Law (Edward Elgar 2023)

Personal Reflections on NFTs & the Death of Art in Posthumous Art, Law and the Art Market: The Afterlife of Art (Routledge 2022) (Sharon Hecker & Peter J. Karol eds.) (epilogue)


Should Using an AI Text Generator to Produce Academic Writing Be Plagiarism?, 33 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 946 (2023)

Tokenized Brands, 9 St. Thomas J. Complex Litig. 31 (2023)

After Andy Warhol?, 63 IDEA 280 (2023)

Are CryptoPunks Copyrightable?, 2021 Pepp. L. Rev. 105 (2022)

After Copyright: Pwning NFTs in a Clout Economy, 45 Colum. J.L. & Arts 341 (2022)

A Cento on Plagiarism, 11 Soc. Epistemology Rev. & Reply Collective 58 (July 2022)

The Art of the Token, 5 Stan. J. Blockchain L. & Pol’y 238 (2022)

Image Reproduction Rights in a Nutshell for Art Historians, 62 IDEA 175 (2022)

Review of Anjali Vats, The Color of Creatorship: Intellectual Property, Race, and the Making of Americans, 11 The IP Law Book Rev. 1 (2022)

How to Sell NFTs Without Really Trying, 13 Harv. J.

Sports & Ent. L. 113 (2022)

Karl Marx, Literary Landlord, 25 Va. J.L. & Tech. 279 (2022)

Melissa N. Henke

Robert G. Lawson & William H. Fortune Professor of Law Director, Legal Research & Writing Program


Persuasion Through Citation: Four Ways to Enhance Your Legal Arguments with Proper Legal Citations, 87(6) KBA Bench & Bar Magazine 34 (Nov./Dec. 2023)

Alan James Kluegel Assistant Professor of Law


The Ties That Bind: The Relationship Between Law Firm Growth and Law Firm Survival, 53 Seton Hall

L. Rev. 201 (2022)

Douglas C. Michael

Thomas P. Lewis Professor of Law


Legal Accounting: Principles and Applications (Carolina Academic Press 2022)


The Guardians of the New Internal Revenue Code, 25 Fla. Tax Rev. 695 (2022)

Kathryn L. Moore

Stites & Harbison Professor of Law


Excessive Fee Litigation in Light of Hughes v. Northwestern University in N.Y.U. Rev. of Emp. Benefits and Exec. Comp. 2-1 (Matthew Bender 2022)

Michael D. Murray

Spears-Gilbert Associate Professor of Law


Art Law: Cases and Materials (Aspen 3d ed. 2023) (with Leonard D. DuBoff)

A Short and Happy Guide to Copyright (West Academic 2d ed. 2022)

Right of Publicity in a Nutshell (West Academic 2d ed. 2022)


Artificial Intelligence and the Practice of Law Part 1: Lawyers Must be Professional and Responsible Supervisors of AI, 87(6) KBA Bench & Bar Magazine 36 (Nov./Dec. 2023)

NFTs Rescue Resale Royalties? The Wonderfully Complicated Ability of NFT Smart Contracts to Allow Resale Royalty Rights, 14 Case W. Reserve J.L. Tech. & Internet 206 (2023)

Trademarks, NFTs, and the Law of the Metaverse, 6 Ariz. L.J. Emerging Tech. 1 (2023)

NFT Ownership and Copyrights, 56 Ind. L. Rev. 367 (2023)

Transfers and Licensing of Copyrights of NFT Purchasers, 6 Stan. J. Blockchain L. & Pol’y 119 (2023)

Generative and AI Authored Artworks and Copyright Law, 45 Hastings Comm. & Ent. L.J. 27 (2023)

Ready Lawyer One: Lawyering in the Metaverse, 86(3) KBA Bench & Bar Magazine 40 (May/June 2022)

Cross-Cultural Communication in a Crisis: The Universality of Visual Narrative in the COVID-19 Pandemic, 32 Alb. L.J. Sci. & Tech. 23 (2022)

Toward a Universal Visual Language of Law, 48 Law & Psych. Rev. 1 (2022)

A New Methodology for the Analysis of Visuals in Legal Works, 16 FIU L. Rev. 381 (2022)

Robert G. Schwemm   Professor Emeritus


Housing Discrimination: Law and Litigation (Clark Boardman Callaghan 2023 annual update)

Housing Discrimination: Law and Litigation (Clark Boardman Callaghan 2022 annual update)

Jonathan David Shaub Assistant Professor of Law


Interbranch Equity, 25 Univ. Pa. J. Const. L. 780 (2023)

The Mixed Legacy of the January 6 Investigation for Executive Privilege and Congressional Oversight, 37 Const. Comm. 421 (2022)

Ramsi Woodcock

Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs Associate Professor of Law

Secondary Appointment, Gatton College of Business & Economics


Antitrust by Interior Means in Intersections

Between Corporate and Antitrust Law (Cambridge Univ. Press 2023)


Personalizing Prices to Redistribute Wealth in Antitrust and Public Utility Rate Regulation, 2022 Wis. L. Rev. 1407

University of Kentucky

J. David Rosenberg College of Law

620 S. Limestone

Lexington, KY 40506

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