Faculty of Health Strategic Plan 2011-2015

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Shaping the future of health Faculty of Health Strategic Plan 2011 – 2015

CONTENTS message from the pro vice-chancellor


Overview 3 Vision and Mission


Goals and Strategies Research






community engagement


sustainable development


Faculty Snapshot


1 I Strategic Plan

MESSAGE FROM THE PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR We in the Faculty of Health are proud to play an active role in the on-going growth and development of the University of Newcastle. Since its establishment in 1965, the University has dared to be different. Newcastle is a confident, competitive university. It is progressive, comprehensive, international and research-intensive. This Plan articulates our ambitions through detailing strategic goals and priorities for the next five years. It is underpinned by the University’s Strategic Plan 2011 – 2015 and recognises the University’s core values as our own. In this Plan we describe our role in transforming the health care landscape through providing an innovative and inspiring approach to teaching and learning and continuing to produce world leading research. Our Plan also highlights that our ability to build capacity for excellence in health care intervention and research can only occur through an ongoing commitment to our people – the exemplary students we help nurture, the staff that we support to achieve excellence in their chosen fields, and our continued mutually beneficial engagement with local, national and international communities. This commitment includes our continued recognition of the importance of cultural inclusion and equity in education, research and employment, and we look forward to building on our success in this area, particularly with our Indigenous communities. We recognise that we must maximise our investment in technology and infrastructure in order to promote excellence in research, teaching and learning and that this commitment will need to be sustainable and long term. This Plan is the result of the collective visioning and commitment of staff, students and colleagues from across the Faculty, in addition to many of our external partners who also took the time to be involved. I thank them for their considered and informed discussion regarding our strategic direction for the next five years. With the ongoing commitment and energy of the Faculty community I am confident that we can play an active role in transforming the health care landscape on a local, national and international scale. Professor Nicholas Talley Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of Health

Strategic Plan I 2

OVERVIEW In early 2011 the Faculty of Health engaged in a comprehensive planning process with the aim of providing a road map for Faculty development over the next five years. Key goal areas have been identified in addition to high level strategies that will assist the Faculty’s Schools, Centres and Departments in transforming the health care landscape in innovative and inspiring ways. The process began with the Faculty’s Planning Retreat in February 2011 which was attended by over 30 staff representing all Schools, the Family Action Centre and the University Department of Rural Health. The day was facilitated by Knowledge Teams International, a company specialising in leadership development with a proven track record of working in the Higher Education and Research sector. Part of this day included a comprehensive SWOT analysis which highlighted both the perceived challenges and opportunities surrounding the Faculty’s operations. The information from this day was summarised, synthesised, benchmarked to existing School, Faculty and institutional plans and then circulated to all participants who were asked to comment further on the emerging themes. On the basis of participant feedback, further consultation then occurred with Heads of Schools, Centres and Departments

3 I Strategic Plan

which led to the development of a draft map encapsulating the core strategic intent of the Faculty. Strategies were then identified to enable the five core goal areas. Over a period of six weeks Faculty staff were invited to further workshop the core goals and strategies so that a collaboratively agreed framework could be tabled to a wider audience for consultation, including the Faculty Board and other key stakeholders. During this consultation, staff also generated potential actions to operationalise the strategies within their School. These activities were further explicated as part of the School based action planning phase of the planning project, which commenced with with an Action Planning retreat in August 2011 and culminated in comprehensive action plans for each School. Basing the operationalisation of the plans at the School level will encourage realistic initiatives that can respond flexibly and contextually to the core strategies. The strategic plan is documented on the following pages, if you have any queries or would like any further information regarding the strategic plan please contact the Associate Director of Faculty Services, Elaine Terry on elaine.terry@newcastle.edu.au or (02) 4921 5678.

VISION A health faculty that has transformed the health care landscape through its innovative and inspiring approach to teaching and learning and the production of world leading research.

MISSION To continue to improve local and global health and well being the Faculty of Health is committed to: undertaking world leading research; producing exemplary health care practitioners through excellence and innovations in teaching and learning; providing a supportive work environment for our staff; engaging meaningfully with our communities of interest to facilitate mutually beneficial outcomes; and strengthening the sustainability of our financial resources and facility infrastructure.

Strategic Plan I 4

Research The focus of research activity in the Faculty is to establish multidisciplinary research clusters with critical mass. Each of these strategic groups integrate research across the basic, clinical and population health sciences, so that they can undertake activity that leads to evidence based practice as well as greater opportunities for the delivery of informed teaching across all of our campuses. The Faculty plays a key role in the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI), a joint venture between Hunter New England Local Health District, the University and the community. The Institute has grown to become one of New South Wales leading health and medical research institutes and is recognised internationally for its strength in health and medical research, education and training. Through our relationships with health services, research institutes and other key partners such as private health care providers, we are uniquely positioned to undertake clinically, socially and economically relevant research that can be seamlessly integrated across the bench-to-bedside-tocommunity-spectrum. We will also continue to strive to increase our research output that translates discoveries into therapeutic advances that add real value.

5 I Strategic Plan

Increase our output of world leading relevant research that builds capacity for excellence in health care intervention

Strategies Strengthen the provision of resources and

infrastructure that stimulate and support excellence in research and publication outputs

Maximise opportunities provided to high quality,

early career researchers at School level in order to nurture their professional growth

Emphasise translational research that improves

health and well being in local, national and international priority areas

Increase opportunities for multidisciplinary

research within, and between, Faculties

Strategic Plan I 6

Students We are renowned for our student centred approach to learning and our emphasis on the development of skills and knowledge necessary for careers in a rapidly changing health environment. As such we are committed to implementing programs that prepare students for rewarding careers in health care and health research aligned to local, national and international community needs. The diversity and calibre of students attracted to our programs continues to inspire us. In turn we strive to engage our students with learning opportunities that provide a platform for expressing excellence in their chosen field. This includes a commitment to high quality, multidisciplinary clinical placements that provide the opportunity to learn in a variety of health care settings. We appreciate that today’s students have competing demands for their time. As such we will develop opportunities to deliver our curricula flexibly, using blended approaches and maximising use of available technologies. We will continue to offer opportunities for students to effectively engage with their colleagues, staff and wider University community in a way that enhances their academic and life objectives.

7 I Strategic Plan

Create exemplary, career ready health care and health research professionals

Strategies Ensure programs reflect the aspirations of staff,

students, prospective employers and the wider community

Continue to attract high calibre applicants to our


Deliver renewed curricula that are underpinned

by enhanced technological tools

Encourage a holistic, reflective learning

experience that facilitates outcome based, lifelong learning

Maximise student exposure to simulated learning

environments that are multidisciplinary and integrated

Provide ongoing support to all students in order

to enhance their learning opportunities and University experience

Strategic Plan I 8

Staff We are committed to facilitating a culture that respects the needs and aspirations of our staff at all levels. We do this by encouraging them to pursue and demonstrate excellence in their chosen discipline. By actively engaging our staff within a safe, healthy and inclusive environment that explicitly promotes work-life balance and positive mental health, we aim to become the international workplace of choice for health researchers, teachers, technicians and professional staff. While we recognise that our geographical footprint is dispersed, we see this as an exciting opportunity to draw on the breadth and depth of knowledge and skills of our staff, including our conjoint staff based in a variety of clinical and community facilities. We will continue to encourage staff to foster collaborative networks across disciplines, across campuses and across clinical settings to promote innovations in health care education and health research. Underpinning this is a commitment to our staff that they will be supported by equitable and manageable workloads; quality, fit for purpose infrastructure; and instructional technologies that facilitate excellence in teaching, research and community engagement.

9 I Strategic Plan

Continue to foster a positive, progressive and supportive work environment for our staff

Strategies Enable staff to advance their career aspirations

through providing relevant, high quality professional development opportunities

Identify, support and celebrate high quality staff

who demonstrate excellence in education and research

Continue to actively recruit and retain leading

academics and researchers at all levels

Improve infrastructure, resourcing and workload

management to support innovative and high quality teaching and research

Facilitate cross disciplinary collaboration in

teaching and research

Strategic Plan I 10

Community Engagement The Faculty recognises that successful engagement with people, partners and our Alumni across a wide spectrum of communities of interest will ultimately improve the health of the broader community. We are actively involved in the local Hunter community in numerous ways, including the development of strategic research partnerships, such as the Hunter Medical Research Institute; community based research through the Family Action Centre; and facilitating health improvements through the participative research projects undertaken by our Research Centres. In addition our podiatry, oral health and nutrition and dietetics clinics encourage community based teaching and learning while providing a valuable service to community members. We are also committed to developing sustainable partnerships with often marginalised communities including Indigenous, low socio-economic and regional and remote populations in order to encourage inclusive and participative teaching, learning and research opportunities. Our presence internationally is demonstrated through research and teaching collaborations as well as affiliations with networks such as the internationally recognised Community-Campus Partnerships for Health. Our aim is to strengthen these collaborations and strategically pursue others that encourage our teaching and learning, research and student outcomes.

11 I Strategic Plan

Extend our engagement with local, national and international communities in order to enhance our staff and student experience, build our research capacity and improve the health of our community

Strategies Create engagement opportunities and

partnerships with internal and external stakeholders that enhance teaching, learning and research

Develop stronger relationships with current and

future alumni through activity and relationship based engagement opportunities

Strengthen our existing, and develop further,

relationships with local, national and international institutions

Strategic Plan I 12

Sustainable Development Building our vision of transforming the health care landscape means that the Faculty must manage financial resources sustainably to ensure that we are equipped to support quality teaching, learning and research over the next five years and into the future. Our medical and laboratory facilities are of the highest standard to support the training of our health care professionals, our researchers and their research projects, and we are committed to building on this through significant and relevant infrastructure development. This development will enable an extended footprint into both urban and regional New South Wales and by doing so promote greater student and staff access to life changing and diverse learning, teaching and research opportunities. In order to facilitate fiscal sustainability in this challenging and uncertain economic environment we aim to build partnerships that are of mutual benefit and allow us, and our partners, to prosper and grow. As a result we will continue to foster relationships with local health districts, private providers and the University of Newcastle Foundation Unit so that prospective donors and financial partners are welcomed and supported.

13 I Strategic Plan

Strengthen the sustainability of our financial resources and facility infrastructure to enhance our ability to respond competitively in the education and research market place

Strategies Establish mechanisms for creating access to

diversified funding sources

Proactively engage external stakeholders for the

purpose of building mutually beneficial financial partnerships and opportunities

Continue to develop facilities at each campus

that support high quality teaching and research

Strategic Plan I 14

Faculty Snapshot The School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy prides itself on being one of the most researchintensive Schools in the University and currently attracts around $12 million per year in research funding. It also hosts more than 100 Research Higher Degree students. The school has primary responsibility for the Bachelor of Biomedical Science program and the Master of Pharmacy program. The School of Health Sciences delivers a comprehensive range of health professional education programs primarily in the broad field of allied health and has a developing research profile. The School has, as a key focus, a strong clinical/workplace element within its 10 professional entry-level programs. The School of Health Sciences is one of the most diverse schools in the University, and is spread across two local campuses, Newcastle (Callaghan) and Central Coast (Ourimbah); and another in Singapore. The School of Medicine and Public Health is the highest earner of research income in the University attracting more than $20 million in external research funding. This School contains all the clinical disciplines involved in medicine as well as public health, epidemiology and behavioural sciences relating to health. The School is responsible for the Joint Medical Program (JMP), a unique partnership between the University of Newcastle and the University of New England and health services: Hunter New England, Central Coast and Northern Sydney Local Health Districts. The School of Nursing and Midwifery delivers high quality undergraduate and postgraduate training in nursing and midwifery and has a rapidly developing research profile. The School offers programs across three campuses: Newcastle, Central Coast and Port Macquarie. This School is committed to teaching and learning strategies that develop and enhance knowledge and the full range of clinical and interpersonal skills needed to function as effective practitioners. There is a strong linkage to clinical partners within Hunter New England, Central Coast, Mid North Coast and Northern Sydney Local Health Districts.

15 I Strategic Plan

STRATEGIC MAP: FACULTY OF HEALTH 2011 – 2015 University of Newcastle Strategic Priorities 2011 – 2015 Positive student experience and quality teaching and learning

Positive staff experience

Faculty Vision

A health faculty that has transformed the health care landscape through its innovative and inspiring a

Faculty Mission

To continue to improve local and global health and well being the Faculty of Health is committed to: u and learning; providing a supportive work environment for our staff; engaging meaningfully with our c and facility infrastructure.



Research excellence


Indigenous collabora


Faculty Strategies

Faculty Goals Increase our output of world leading and relevant research that builds capacity for excellence in health care intervention

Create exemplary, career ready health care and health research professionals

Continue to foster a pos supportive work environm

1.1 Strengthen the provision of resources and infrastructure that stimulate and support excellence in research and publication outputs

2.1 Ensure programs reflect the aspirations of staff, students, prospective employers and the wider community

3.1 Enable staff to adv aspirations through high quality profess opportunities

1.2 Maximise opportunities provided to high quality, early career researchers at School level in order to nurture their professional growth

2.2 Continue to attract high calibre applicants to our programs

3.2 Identify, support an staff who demonstr education and rese

1.3 Emphasise translational research that improves health and well being in local, national and international priority areas

2.3 Deliver renewed curricula that are underpinned by enhanced technological tools

3.3 Continue to actively academics and res

1.4 Increase opportunities for multidisciplinary research within, and between, Faculties

2.4 Encourage a holistic, reflective learning experience that facilitates outcome based, lifelong learning

3.4 Improve infrastructu workload managem and high quality tea

2.5 Maximise student exposure to simulated learning environments that are multidisciplinary and integrated

3.5 Facilitate cross disc teaching and resea

2.6 Provide ongoing support to all students in order to enhance their learning opportunities and University experience


International approach and engagement

Alumni, partnerships and communities

Sustainable perspective and actions

approach to teaching and learning and the production of world leading research.

undertaking world leading research; producing exemplary health care practitioners through excellence and innovations in teaching communities of interest to facilitate mutually beneficial outcomes; and strengthening the sustainability of our financial resources



sitive, progressive and ment for our staff

Extend our engagement with local, national and international communities in order to enhance our student and staff experience, build our research capacity and improve the health of our community

Strengthen the sustainability of our financial resources and facility infrastructure to enhance our ability to respond competitively in the education and research market place

vance their career h providing relevant, sional development

4.1 Create engagement opportunities and partnerships with internal and external stakeholders that enhance teaching, learning and research

5.1 Establish mechanisms for creating access to diversified funding sources

nd celebrate high quality rate excellence in earch

4.2 Develop stronger relationships with current and future alumni through activity and relationship based engagement opportunities

5.2 Proactively engage external stakeholders for the purpose of building mutually beneficial financial partnerships and opportunities

y recruit and retain leading searchers at all levels

4.3 Strengthen our existing, and develop further, relationships with local, national and international institutions

5.3 Continue to develop facilities at each campus that support high quality teaching and research

ure, resourcing and ment to support innovative aching and research

ciplinary collaboration in arch

Shaping the future of health

VISION A health faculty that has transformed the health care landscape through its innovative and inspiring approach to teaching and learning and the production of world leading research.


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Faculty of Health University of Newcastle University Drive CALLAGHAN NSW 2308 AUSTRALIA Email: Health-Enquiries@newcastle.edu.au Phone: +61 2 4921 6005 Fax: + 61 2 4921 5669 Website: www.newcastle.edu.au/faculty/health/

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