Your I.T. Services

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2020 The University of Newcastle Staff

WELCOME TO THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE On behalf of the University of Newcastle’s IT Services Division, I am delighted to welcome you to the University as a staff member. As a University staff member, you will be part of a dynamic community committed to making significant contributions to knowledge that impacts our world. Here in IT Services, we put our students and researchers at the centre of our IT Strategic Plan, which is embedded in everything we do. By partnering with internal and external stakeholders, we work to give our staff the best opportunity to succeed in their education, research and professional endeavours. IT Services is in the process of increasing our digital maturity, effectiveness and capabilities to enable improved staff experience. We are doing this by increasing self service capabilities, cloud infrastructure utilisation and anytime anywhere access through any device. We strongly encourage collaboration across the University and we always welcome

your feedback and suggestions. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team throughout your tenure. I hope you enjoy your time at the University and that your experience with IT Services exceeds your expectations.

Anthony Molinia Chief Information Officer IT Services

FOR YOU The University of Newcastle provides a computer and a range of software to all applicable professional and academic UON staff. To help you perform your role, the computer will be provisioned with university licensed software and supported by the IT Services Team. We have a collection of knowledge base articles specifically chosen to help new staff become familiar with our information technology environment. Search #welcome2ITS on serviceUON, home to a range of UON services including ITS information, throughout your time with UON.

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YOUR COMPUTER Your new Windows or Mac computer will be managed by the university’s IT Services team for the duration of your employment. To keep your computer secure, IT Services will automatically update your computer’s features and security software when connected to the University’s network. When this occurs, we recommend that you save and close all of your work, then restart your computer for optimal performance.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQS): How do I start/activate my accounts? You will need to activate your computer account before it can be used to log in or to access university resources. When you start at UON you are allocated a six digit staff number in our HR and Payroll system. This will be included in the letter/email sent to you before you start. Your manager or supervisor can give you your staff number on your first day, if you don’t have the letter. You use this staff number to create your unique Uni-ID and password, which are your key to accessing your UON computer and online systems. Click here for instructions. What happens if I no longer work at the university? Your computer remains the property of the university and must be returned along with any accessories. Your computer accounts, including your Staff Advantage Microsoft Office 365 and HROnline will be automatically disabled. 6 | The University of Newcastle

Is personal use allowed? The university’s Information Technology Policy states that university IT resources, including your staff computer are intended for legitimate work purposes. Minor and incidental personal use is a privilege that can be revoked if personal use is excessive or inappropriate. Downloading or transmitting unauthorised copyright material is never permitted. You should be aware that personal use of university IT resources is not private, and may be audited to ensure compliance with university policies. What if my staff computer is lost, stolen or damaged? If you find yourself in a situation where your university computer or other IT equipment is lost or damaged, report the incident immediately to your supervisor.

LOGGING IN TO YOUR COMPUTER For security purposes, your computer is password protected. Log into your computer using your University credentials (your staff number plate e.g. abc123) and your university password.

FAQS I want to reset my password or I have forgotten my password: If you want or need to reset your current password, visit the IT Services Portal at and search for “#SecureMe” for detailed steps depending on your situation. If it is urgent, call the IT Service Desk on 02 4921 7000 between 8am-6pm Monday to Friday.

browser (SEE NOTE BELOW) and type the following URL into the address bar: uon. Save this address as a bookmark in your preferred browser. Log in using your staff or student details to ensure you are accessing the right applications and services. NOTE: Try and use different browsers when accessing your staff and student emails from your UON laptop. For example, if you usually use Google Chrome for your student email, open up a Firefox browser to access your staff applications separately. Or right-click your internet browser icon in the Start menu, and select “New incognito window” or “New private window” and access your Staff applications in a private browser instead.

I am a student and a staff member, which account do I use? If you are appointed as a staff member and also a current student at UON, your staff UON provided computer is for the completion of your staff work only. This is recommended to ensure that there is no confusion between your profiles and devices – in particular if you are a Higher Degree by research student and therefore have a staff and student provided computer from IT Services. We recommend this based on issues that have occurred where information has been lost, or stored on the wrong user profile. If you are logged into your student/staff account and need to access your staff/ student email for example, you may receive an error that you are unable to use OKTA, the University’s single sign on solution. To log into your staff/student profile, open up a separate internet The University of Newcastle | 7

MYUON myUON is your personalised gateway to the most commonly used systems and information sources, designed to enhance your University experience.

Access myUON via your desktop at OR download the myUON:Official mobile app available on iOS and Android from the app stores.

In consultation with students and staff, myUON has been developed by IT Services, with new and enhanced features being released on a regular basis.

You can explore the details relating to the features and benefits that myUON has delivered to improve research, teaching and operational management at serviceUON by searching #welcome2myuonstaff.

Whether you’re focused on research, teaching, operational matters, projects or a combination, as a University of Newcastle staff member you can save yourself time and effort navigating between systems and improve your productivity with myUON.

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SOFTWARE ON YOUR COMPUTER Your computer is already set up with the following software: • Microsoft Office 365 – This gives you access to common Microsoft tools such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook Additionally O365 has collaboration tools that may support your needs: ○ OneDrive – 1 Terabyte of free online data storage for your work as part of the O365 suite. This ensures your data is backed up to the cloud and should be more than enough storage for all your day-to-day data needs. ○ OneNote – A digital workbook. OneNote integrates with many of the other O365 applications and is a fantastic paperless solution to minimise your environmental impact.

• Zoom – This is the university’s video and audio conferencing solution. It is provided to all staff, students and affiliates enabling you to easily host or join a virtual meeting. You can screen share and collaborate with anyone, anytime, anywhere on any device, or from one of our state-of-the-art Zoom Rooms. Find out more at serviceUON by searching #welcome2zoom. • Internet browsers – Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome • Endnote – bibliography and referencing application • Sophos – antivirus • VLC – media player • Adobe products – Acrobat DC PDF reader, Livecycle designer

○ Teams – This digital hub provides a great workspace for your team, project, committee or working group. Chat, manage tasks, share, work on documents and more in a central place with this market-leading collaboration tool. ○ Forms – If you have non-sensitive data collection needs, Forms is a simple tool for collection of quantitative and qualitative data or feedback. ○ To explore these and more available to you in the O365 suite, check out serviceUON and search #welcome2o365.

WANT HELP PICKING THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR YOUR NEEDS? Have a look at our recommendations in the Getting Things Done booklet, it’s got some great tips and advice!

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SOFTWARE ON YOUR COMPUTER The university’s Software Center (Windows) or Self Service Center (mac) is the place where you can download available software at no cost onto your machine.

FAQS How do I install new software? The University of Newcastle provides access to free and discounted software downloads through the Software Center (Windows) and Self Service Center (Mac). If you need to install a new application, you can download and install it straight from the Software Center (please note that the application uses the American spelling of ‘Center’) and Self Service Center. To install new software on your computer click on the Windows Start Menu, and search for the “Software Center” application or click on the Launch Pad in the Menu bar on a Mac and search for “Self Service Center”. For instructions on how to use the Software Center or Self Service Center visit serviceUON and search “#Software4U”. Please be aware that you must be connected to the university network to use

the Software Center or Self Service Center. I cannot find the software I need. Is there another way to access software not found in the Software Center? If you require software that is not available in the Software Center, but is essential to your work, you can request the software in serviceUON. Once you have logged into serviceUON, click “IT Services”, then “Request a Service” and submit a “Software Installation” request. Once you have submitted the Software Installation request you will be contacted by IT Services. If you have a question, request, or are experiencing an issue with your computer, visit serviceUON to find information, request IT Services or report your problem.

PRINTING SERVICES There are a range of printing options depending on your location. More information can be found in the IT Services knowledge base on serviceUON.

RESEARCH TECHNOLOGIES IT Services is also responsible for supporting the specialised computing needs of UON researchers, academic staff and HDR candidates. If you require access to High Performance Computing facilities or a research application not provided in the standard suite of software, you may request it under the Research Technologies category in serviceUON. 10 | The University of Newcastle

If you have larger storage needs or sensitive data, we suggest you explore the other options available to you such as ownCloud. Search #welcome2owncloud on serviceUON.

YOUR COMPUTER SECURITY Your computer is provisioned with Sophos antivirus software which offers real-time protection from the latest ransomware, malicious software, and hacking attempts. However, if you have particularly sensitive data, or wish to ensure you have a further security control, the University offers Multi Factored Authentication (MFA). MFA is a security measure that requires you to provide an additional method of authentication when you log onto your UON computing account, making it more secure. You can opt in to MFA by visiting serviceuon and searching “#welcome2mfa”.

USING EXTERNAL DEVICES: IT Services do not recommend using unknown USB devices or external hard drives as they may carry viruses and malware. If you do connect an external device to your computer when you attempt to open any files, they will be scanned automatically by Sophos “onaccess scanning”. If the Sophos scan detects any suspicious contents within the external device, eject and remove the device from your computer immediately.

ADMINISTRATION RIGHTS ON YOUR COMPUTER: By default you do not have administration rights on your staff computer. In accordance with the University’s security policy, you are unable to install external software on, or make changes to your device. This is done to protect your computer ,your research, and the University of Newcastle network from viruses and malware. If you require admin rights to perform research activities or fulfil your role, your supervisor will need to approve a request form through serviceUON. IT Services will then review the request based on the information provided.

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IT SUPPORT Throughout this booklet, we have referred to serviceUON often. ServiceUON is a core service management platform and home to the IT Services portal. ServiceUON gives you the ability to self-serve information at your own pace from a range of knowledge base articles, report an issue or make a request. You can access ServiceUON directly from a browser or via the IT Support Tile on myUON. 1. Using the IT Services Knowledge Base In many cases, with the right information you will be able to resolve or help yourself with an IT problem quickly. Therefore, before you submit a request or report an incident through serviceUON, we recommend checking for information in the IT Services Knowledge base. Known errors, ‘how to’ and instruction based documents as well as curated information from technology providers like Microsoft are among some of the helpful information provided here. 2. Issues and requests If you have an IT incident or request, this can be submitted online via serviceUON. Include as much information as possible when logging incidents or requests – E.g. screenshots, contact information and if applicable error descriptions. Once submitted, your request or incident report will then be directed to the appropriate area of IT Services for action.

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3. Contacting the IT Service Desk by Phone If you are unable to access the IT Services Portal, or are experiencing an IT emergency, contact the IT Service Desk on: • Extension 17000 (on campus); • 02 4921 7000 (off campus); or • +61 2 4921 7000 (overseas) The IT Service Desk Call Center is open between 8am & 6pm (AEST/AEDT) Monday to Friday, university working days.

DATA STORAGE & BACKUPS When you save your data in one location, it can be irreversibly lost if your computer is damaged, hacked or stolen. IT Services recommends storing your data in Microsoft OneDrive (a cloud storage solution) as well as saving data locally to your computer.

GETTING STARTED WITH ONEDRIVE: Through your staff account you are provided with 1 Terabyte of free data storage. Storing your data in the cloud (OneDrive) gives you a range of benefits including flexibility with anytime, anywhere on any device access.

DATA STORAGE POLICY The use and storing of data are bound by the university’s Information Technology Conditions of Use Policy (D09/1993P) and Information Security Policy (D09/1992P), both of which can be found at newcastle. Additional obligations relating to your grants, ethics, or other policy requirements should also be considered when storing data.

To find out more, check out the ITS recommendations in our guide for getting things done.



Routinely test your backup solution to ensure you can properly recover all of your essential data in the event that you need to restore your computer.

Search data storage on serviceuon for a range for knowledge base articles. Training is also available through Discover.

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Brought to you by IT Services

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IT Service Desk (02) 4921 7000 OPEN 8:00am -6:00pm Monday to Friday, University working days

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