2015 UON student living

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uon student living your home on campus


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contents Welcome....................................04 Maps...........................................05 Callaghan.........................................................05

Insurance, contents and ambulance.............................................19 Maintenance...................................................19

Central Coast................................................06

Security and emergency procedures...........................20

Who’s Who in UON Student Living..................07

Doors and locks...........................................20

Staying in touch........................08 ResLife........................................09 ResLife Team...............................................09 Residential Leadership Team.............10 The ResLife Program...............................11 Intercollegiate Competition and Shields ....................................................12

Mail........................................................................21 Important contacts......................................21 Getting connected with IT.....................22 The Serious Stuff......................23 Your Rights and Responsibilities......24 Expected Behaviours..............................25

ResWise............................................................13 Community Connections.......................14 Operations and Finance..........15 What to bring.................................................16 Overseas Residents..................................17 Facilities.............................................................18 Parking permits............................................19

Residents should note that the 2015 UON Student Living Handbook applies in conjunction with the 2015 UON Student Living Occupancy Agreement and UON Student Living Rules – Community Standards found here

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welcome Dear Residents, Welcome to UON Student Living! Living on campus at UON is like no other University experience. You may be from around the world, or from around Australia, but one thing is certain, at UON Student Living, you will make memories that will last a lifetime. At each residence, the importance of community is paramount. At UON Student Living we respect diversity and aim to make sure you leave UON with more than a degree. With 2015 exciting change comes in the presence of the four new residences, North, South, East and West. To all the new residents, we welcome you to this new chapter in the life of UON Student Living. To all the returning residents at the new residence, we hope to work with you on building a strong sense of community. Whether you live at Edwards Hall, Blue Gum House, NewRes, Evatt House, International House or Barahineban, the opportunities for personal growth are endless. We know that the Residential Leadership Teams will make you welcome, get you active and be there when you need them. This handbook is just a snapshot of what we offer our residents. We hope that living at UON allows you to grow as a person and to make life-long friends, while gaining a first class education. From all at UON Student Living, welcome! Jennifer Smith Associate Director, Campus Services, Infrastructure and Facilities Services, Resource Division.

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callaghan campus Accommodation precinct 45





Map key: Accommocation Services

Block J..............................................12

The Cottage (ResLife)................A

Cat Room .......................................14

Accommodation Services.........1

Laundry ...........................................15

Accommodation Office

BBQ x2 ............................................16

Dining Hall Forsythe Cellar Music Room EH Mail Collection

Accommodation Pools...............2 Study Space.....................................3

Evatt House Block A...............................................4 Block B...............................................5 Block C ..............................................6 Block D ..............................................7 Mail collection Study Room

Block E................................................8 Block F ...............................................9 Block G ............................................10 Block H.............................................11

Block K ............................................13

Bike Shed........................................17

Evatt House

Television Room Design/Study Room Bike Shed

Mail collection Study Room


Block 5.............................................34

Convocation House..................22

Block 6.............................................35


Tunra House..................................23 Laundry

Levels 1-4 Common Room Mail Collection Laundry (Level 1) BBQ x 2 Bike Shed

Friends House..............................24

Edwards Hall

Block 14..........................................27

Laundry Recreation Room Television Room Design/Study Room Bike Shed

Block 4.............................................33

Callaghan House........................21


Culter House..................................19

Block 3.............................................32

Forsythe House...........................25 Laundry

Block 12..........................................26 Laundry Laundry

BBQ...................................................28 Laundry

Bike Shed.......................................29

International House

Burnet House...............................20

Block 1.............................................30

Laundry Recreation Room


Block 2.............................................31

Block 7.............................................36 Block 8.............................................37 Block 9.............................................38 Block 10..........................................39 Block 11...........................................40 Green Room..................................41 BBQ Bike Shed

Laundry x 2.........................................42 BBQ x 2.................................................43

New Accommodation West Residence..........................44 North Residence........................45 East Residence...........................46 South Residence........................47

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central coast campus

Key: Pro Vice-Chancellor’s Unit IT Services Clinical Skills Labs Work Cover Research Centre of Excellence................................AB Horticulture (Acacia)................................AC Building & Construction Studies................................BC Business & Investment Centre of Excellence Faculty of Health Offices.......................BE

Community College Classrooms 7 - 8.....................................CCC

The Hermitage.............................................HE

Community College Classroom 6..............................................CCD

Information Resource Centre (Library)........................................................IRC


Classrooms North 1...............................CN1

The Blue Room Blue Gum Cafe

Ponds 4............................................................P4

Classrooms North 2...............................CN2 The Cottage..................................................CO Classrooms South Cafe East........................................................CS

Business Offices........................................BO

Early Childhood Studies (Yerra) Student Accomodation (Blue Gum House)......................................EC

Horticulture (Brackenview)...................BR

Education and Nursing Building.........EN

Business Incubator....................................BI

The Castle.....................................................CA Child Care Centre......................................CC Community College Classrooms 1-3........................................CCA Community College Classrooms 4 - 5.....................................CCB

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Exercise Sports Science, and Psychology.....................................................ES Fine Art / Drama Studio..........................FA Facilities Management............................FM NSW Department of Sport & Recreation Regional Office (The Glen)......................GI

Humanities Offices...................................HO

Cafe Express...................................................IT Studies Centre................................................IT Community College Administration (The Lodge) ..................LO

Central Coast Primary Industry Centre..............................................PI Ponds 2............................................................P2 Campus Central Co-op Bookshop Student Amenities Student Support Unit................................SA Science Laboratories 1..........................SL1

Lecture Theatre 1.....................................LT1

Science Laboratories 2.........................SL2

Lecture Theatre 2.....................................LT2

Sciences Offices........................................SO

Central Coast Environment Network (The Manor)..............................MA

Preview Restaurant Tourism & Hospitality................................TH

Tennis Courts..............................................MC

Technology Offices ...................................TO

North Sydney/Central Coast Area Health Service.................................MP Nursery ...........................................................NP Student Hub.................................................OH

who’s who in UON student living Making sure your experience living on-campus at UON is hassle-free, fun, enriching and memorable takes the hard work of several dedicated and passionate teams. Find out who does what below:

ResLife Team: The Residential Life Team (ResLife) is here to help you in the transition from living at home to living in a more independent environment at UON Student Living. The ResLife Program is full of activities and experiences. It aims to provide all residents with the opportunity to make the most out of their time at uni and to become involved in all aspects of UON Student Living. The ResLife manager and coordinators can be found in The Cottage. The Cottage is located next to Cutler House at Edwards Hall, opposite International House. The Residential Leadership team form an integral part of the ResLife team. It is made up of fellow residents from your block or floor. They are your first port of call for any questions, queries and help in relation to welfare and pastoral care, academics, events, health and sport. If need be, they will be able to refer you to the right support services.

Finance and Operations Team: The Finance and Operations team manage the daily operations of both on and off-campus facilities for Callaghan and Central Coast campuses. They are responsible for the overall practical and day to day operations of UON Student Living and will ensure the bills are paid. When you need things fixed, they organise it. When things need cleaning, they make sure they get cleaned. They are the go-to people for all practical aspects of living on campus. You can find your Finance and Operations team in the UON Student Living office, in Edwards Hall – the same building where you will find the Dining Hall.

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staying in touch The UON Student Living team want to keep you informed on the many different aspects of living on campus. So make sure to update your email in the Accommodation Portal to your student email address (NUmail) and check your email on a regular basis. We send out a regular Resident Outlook Newsletter. This has updates about everything happening across the residences. Also we regularly seek feedback from our residents via the Resident Survey. This is sent out to random samples of residents throughout the year. The survey is your opportunity to let us know what we are doing well and what we need to improve. Your feedback helps us make your experience here the best it can be.

Important Emails: Have a general inquiry? Please email: UONStudentLiving@newcastle.edu.au

If you have a question about anything ResLife, please email inquiries here: uonstudentliving-reslife@newcastle.edu.au

If you have been fined for a breach of the Residential Standards, been involved in discipline procedures and wish to lodge an appeal, please forward all correspondence to: UONStudentLiving-Appeals@newcastle.edu.au

Any general inquiries about finance, please direct all emails to: UONStudentLiving-Finance@newcastle.edu.au

Connected via social media? Check out UON Student Living on:

UON Student Living

UON Student Living


UON Student Living


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your reslife team ResLife implements a wide variety of activities that cater to the diverse range of residents that call UON Student Living home. The ResLife team consists of the ResLife Manager, Coordinators and the Residential Leadership team. The Manager and Coordinators work closely with the Residential Leadership teams to ensure that residents make the most of their UON Student Living experience and address any issues should they arise. The ResLife team deals with welfare concerns and discipline issues and plays a large role in the day-to-day lives of all the residents. The ResLife team is passionate about supporting you and making sure all residents enjoy their time living on campus. You can contact the ResLife team by calling 4931 8888, emailing UONStudentLiving-reslife@newcastle.edu.au or simply visit the team in The Cottage. Drop in times are from 2 - 4pm Monday to Friday. Please phone or email if your concerns are urgent and you need to see us outside these times.

Brid Corrigan

Michelle Nunn

Acting Manager

ResLife Manager

(Until April 2015)

(From April 2015)

Jennifer Elhindi

Djoeke Van Loon

Reslife Coordinator

ResLife Coordinator

Jamie-Lee Costa

Stefanie Taylor

ResLife Coordinator

ResLife Coordinator

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residential leadership team In 2015, the Residential Leadership Team at each residence is made up of a number of different positions, all of which are in place to support you and to help you have a fantastic time while you live on-campus. The Residential Leadership Team are made up of the following positions: • Residential Mentor (RM)’s are responsible for specific areas at each residence. They are in charge of supporting the wellbeing of the residents and providing generalized support. RMs are provided with extensive training across a number of different areas including Senior First Aid, mental health, creating respectful environments, and drug and alcohol education. They are also a wealth of knowledge regarding the support services available at UON. If you need help, with anything from homesickness to picking up your student card, your RM will be able to point you in the right direction. Throughout the year, your RM will also hold activities that will help you get to know your fellow residents.

• Health and Sports Officers are responsible for organising your residences involvement in the hotly contested Intercollegiate Sports Shield. They will also be working to promote and support the health and wellbeing of all residents. • Academic Mentors are in place to help you achieve the best academic results possible. Academic Mentors will host weekly facilitated study sessions, as well as some events throughout the year that celebrate outstanding academic achievement and activities to help you get to know other residents who study the same subjects as you!

• Event Officers are responsible for organising a wide range of social events throughout the year. Activities ranging from formal dinners, to charity fundraisers and parties. Your event officers are responsible for seeing the event through from start to finish and ensuring that residents are having a great time in a safe environment.

Every member of the Residential Leadership Team is a staff member of UON Student Living and may approach you if you are behaving inappropriately. You are required to adhere to reasonable requests that are made by all staff members, including members of the Residential Leadership Teams. If you are interested in joining the Residential Leadership Teams in 2016, you will need to participate in the Residential Leadership Development Program (RLDP). Keep an eye and ear out for information throughout the year on the RLDP so that you are eligible to apply for a 2016 leadership position when applications open in Semester two.

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the reslife program The ResLife Program includes a calendar of resident-driven activities in response to the changing needs of the residents; and a fun and diverse program to support the development of the skills of all residents. A highlight of the ResLife program is the long standing Intercollegiate Competition (ICC), which is entered upon with vigour and passion, celebrating the diversity of talent and strengths within our community.

ResLife Mission Statement: To facilitate an integrated of inclusive activities that promote social responsibility, personal achievement, community spirit and selfdevelopment. We do this with principles of community strengthening and residential wellbeing in mind; valuing and recognising the skills within our community; providing opportunity for all residents to participate; encouraging leadership and provision for further academic support and the development of lifelong learning.

The ResLife program will achieve this Vision through an integrated program of activities in the following areas:

cultural support Promote self sufficiency and physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing

academic Support academic achievement, skill building and the development of lifelong learning

Foster community awareness and celebrate the diversity of the UON Student Living community


ResLife Program

social Foster inclusivity and develop interpersonal and social skills

sustainability leadership Develop and foster employability and life skills for the future

Raise awareness and promote sustainable ways through better environmental practices

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intercollegiate competition (ICC) There’s no shortage of activities to take part in when living at UON Student Living; the events are what makes life at UON amazing. The Intercollegiate Shields events are an integral part of our history giving students the opportunity to do their residence proud!

ICC Sports Shield

There’s an event for everyone and it’s a great way to get involved and have some fun! To participate in any ICC Shield event just talk to ResLife or any member of the Residential Leadership Team.

2014 Winners: Edwards Hall.

ICC Academic Shield The Intercollegiate Academic Shield is made up of multiple events that take place throughout the year, including Speech Night, a Battle of the Brains tournament, and a Science and Engineering Challenge. Don’t think that academics competitions or public speaking are your forte? Not to worry - you can still help your residence win the Academic Shield by achieving good academic results throughout the year and by supporting your fellow residents at each of the events.

2014 Winners: Edwards Hall.

ICC Arts Shield The ICC Arts Shield allows you to show off your skills in the areas of art, drama and music. In 2015 the Arts Shield includes the Art Show, Short Film Festival and Music Night.

The ICC Sports competition has a long and proud history at the University of Newcastle. It involves each of the residences competing against each other in a variety of different team and mass participation sporting events.

ICC Shields Dinner The ICC Shield Dinner is when all of UON Student Living get together and the winners of the Annual ICC Shields are announced. It’s a night of glamour and an opportunity for all residents to get together one last time before the end of year. Most importantly this is when your residence can celebrate and show off their achievements.

Residence of the Year: This is the most prestigious award and is seeking for the Residence that has addressed the focus areas of UON Student Living to provide all residents with a unique and memorable experience. The winner is determined using the following criteria: • The results of the four (4) Intercollege Shields (50% weighting)

2014 Winners: Evatt House

• Community Standards: Number of discipline/behavioural issues at each of the residences throughout the year (25% weighting)

ICC Community Shield

• A 500 word submission from each leadership team on why they deserve the award (25% weighting).

The ICC Community Shield is presented to the residence which raises the most funds and accumulates the most volunteer hours. In 2015, it also incorporates the ICC Bloody Shield- the residence who donates the most blood throughout the year. All of the residences organise and run numerous charity events during the year, helping those less fortunate in our community, throughout Australia and overseas!

2014 Winners: Evatt House. In 2014 Barahineban won the Bloody Shield.

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In 2014, Barahineban successfully defended their title to take out Residence of the Year.

reswise UON Student Living takes the health, welfare and wellbeing of the students who live on campus very seriously. Issues arising from attitudes and behaviours that exist within the wider community can be magnified within a communal living setting. By recognising and proactively addressing these issues, UON Student Living aims to create an environment that facilitates academic achievement, plus safe and positive social engagement for all residents living on campus. ResWise is an on-going project based on the wellbeing and pastoral care principles that underpin the mission of UON Student Living. The aims of the ResWise project are to examine and address potential barriers to resident success and ensure that UON Student Living fulfills its duty of care to residents and staff. Two of the issues identified as being possible barriers to a fulfilling student experience are the misuse of alcohol and risky event management practices. As part of the ResWise project, evidence-based research, resident consultation, staff feedback and comparative best-practice within the university accommodation sector have all informed the customisation and implementation of several strategies designed to address these barriers. Changes to the way events and alcohol are managed at UON Student Living will come into effect across all the residences at the start of 2015. Resident Event Officers have been engaged to facilitate large-scale events and activities.

Residents who wish to run smaller scale events will be offered training, and ResLife have engaged staff skilled in this area to offer support for hosts of events of all sizes. An application process will be undertaken for every resident event, including parties. Night Support Officers will be on-site to assist with managing incidents and ensuring resident well-being when the ResLife staff are off-site. The ResWise Social Toolkit comes on-line in 2015. The Toolkit is designed to encourage event autonomy, diversity and safety, as well as develop the skills of residents through detailed information regarding planning, managing and evaluating a successful event. Also included are factsheets regarding alcohol guidelines, health risks, impacts on others, consent and emergency first aid to assist residents to make informed choices related to alcohol. Contact details for face-to-face counseling and links to on-line resources will be included for those who wish to address drinking that may be problematic. Also included will be an incident reporting form that enables all residents to flag concerning or unsafe practices related to events and alcohol use. These strategies will be continually evaluated to ensure they are minimising harm and making UON Student Living a safer, more enjoyable place to live. The next phase of the Reswise project will begin in 2015, with resident well-being barriers related to sex and gender to be identified and addressed.

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community connections

About Community Connections @ UON Student Living: The Community Connections program is designed to help new international residents settle into their home with UON Student Living. This program connects international residents with returning domestic residents and offers new students linguistic support, cultural guidance and information about life at UON. We promote a globally minded community and peer support in finding ways to be actively involved on campus.

Benefits of Participating


• Practice; conversation English.

The goals of the Community Connections Program are: • To offer friendship and practical support to international students. • To assist international students adjust to life in Australia through language, cultural and social experience. • Both the student and volunteer’s life can be enriched through the sharing of their culture, food and language.

International Buddy (IB): While there will be various events throughout the year promoting our goals, the IB will allow domestic and international residents to engage with each other and make moving from across the world a positive experience.

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• Friendship; building a relationship • Support; emotional, loneliness, home-sickness • Knowledge; experiences, local information • Sharing; culture, ideas, food • Network; developing support network, relevant contacts To be a buddy, all you need to do is be a domestic resident at UON Student Living for at least one year.

How can you join? Simply head here www.newcastle.edu.au/international/whileyou-are-here/get-involved/community-connections, complete the registration, make sure to select you want to be involved in the on campus program. Check out the UON International Office for more details on how to be involved in events across campus! www.newcastle.edu.au/international

all the extra information you need to know about living at UON

UON student living operations and finance

what to bring If this is your first time living away from home – or even if it isn’t – there are lots of things you need to know about practical day-to-day life as a student resident. Below are some of the things you may be wondering about, but for more information please visit our website or contact your friendly UON Student Living teams. All of our Residences are fully furnished except for bed linen, which can be bought from home or purchased on arrival or through our online shop if necessary. All rooms include a single bed, study desk and chair, study lamp, wardrobe and storage for books and personal items. Barahineban rooms contain two king singles which can be converted into a king size and larger rooms at Blue Gum House have the luxury of a king single bed. Kitchen equipment: All catered residents have access to a shared tearoom equipped with a microwave, fridge, instant hot water and sink. Self-catered residents share a kitchen equipped with kettle, toaster, microwave oven, electric stove and fridge/ freezer. Students living in any of the self-catered residences will need to bring along all cooking and dining utensils. This includes your cutlery, crockery, cooking utensils such as tongs, spatulas, sharp knives and wooden spoons. Please note you will also need pots, pans and chopping boards. All residents must bring their own dining utensils or may purchase dining packs containing 1x large plate, 1x small side plate, 1x bowl, 1x drinking glass, 1x coffee/ tea mug, 1 each x knife, fork and spoon.

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Kitchen and bed linen packs will be available for purchase via the Accommodation Portal We recommend that you bring the following items with you to UON Student Living: • Licence/photo ID- (birth certificate and passport) and make copies of the originals, signed by a JP! • Medicare card • Kitchen equipment, utensils • Bed linen, including sheets, pillows, blanket. Or you may wish to order a bed linen package for your room through the Accommodation Portal. • Bath towels • Toiletries • Computer/Laptop • Alarm clock • Clothes • Clothes Hangers • Laundry basket/bag • Headphones • Mosquito Repellent/Sunscreen • Study Stationery

coming from overseas? Passport and Visa:

Contact details:

Check that your passport is valid for at least 6 months prior to your entry arrival in Australia, and that you have all your visa documentation. It is also a good idea to make copies of your passport in case you lose your passport.

You may want to have a list of emergency contact details for family, as well as your embassy, accommodation and institution details. If you have used an education agent, keep their contact details on you, in case you need to contact them once you arrive in Australia.

Medical: Arrange for immunisations and/or medication from your doctor. Have your eyes tested and a dental check-up.

Student enrolment and orientation documents: You will need your electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) and student information pack, which you will have received from your institution.

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC): This is a requirement for entry to Australia, so make sure you have your health cover policy arranged before you leave home.

Travel Insurance: If you are living on campus you must have travel insurance!

Australian currency: There are money exchange places available at Australian airports and in cities, but it is recommended to have some Australian currency on you prior to leaving your home country. Confirm overseas access to your funds with your home bank. Apply for a credit card and/or arrange sufficient funds.

Transport from the airport: Whether you are taking public transport, a taxi, or you are being picked up from the airport by your education provider, it is important that you have all the details including the time, the route and, if your travel has been arranged by your institution, their contact details. If you need a map to assist you in getting to your accommodation from the airport, they will be available at the airport, or you can print one prior to leaving. You can find more information at www.newcastle.edu.au/international

Airfares: Make sure you are aware of the date and time of your flight. Keep your flight details in a safe and secure place, with your passport and visa.

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facilities BBQ Areas BBQ Areas are provided in each Residence for all residents to use for social occasions such as BBQ dinners with friends at UON Student Living. Please clean the BBQ and BBQ area when you are finished so that it is ready for others to use.

Bike Storage We would love you to bring your bicycle to residence and provide bicycle storage sheds for you to securely lock away your bike. Please see the UON Student Living Office to obtain a key for the bike shed, and don’t leave your bike in living or common areas as they are Workplace Health and Safety hazards.

Common Rooms The Common Rooms (i.e. Blue Gum House Common Rooms, NewRes, IH Green Room, Evatt House CAT Room, Bara Common Room & Teds Cellar) contain equipment for all residents to use while socialising. Stereo’s and TV’s, foosball/ ping-pong tables, pool tables and lounges are located in the common rooms for your enjoyment. If you notice a problem with any of the equipment in the common areas, please report it to UON Student Living. Please note, if the equipment in the common areas is not treated with respect, the equipment will be removed. Please treat these areas in the same way to you would treat your own home.

Dining Hall The Dining Hall is located at Edwards Hall, and for those who have meals included in their contract you are going to spend a lot of time here!

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Opening hours may vary throughout the semester, however they will be advertised. A weekly menu plan will be available for your viewing and for those who don’t have meals included in their contract, casual meals are available for purchase. Please note that you must wear shoes and a shirt and pants when using the Dining Hall. Please always treat the kitchen staff with respect. If you have special dietary needs please email UON Student Living outlining your requirements as soon as possible after accepting your offer so that UON Student Living can inform the kitchen staff and cater to your needs.

Swimming Pools Fact: Summer in Newcastle is hot! There are two pools at UON Student Living (located at Edwards Hall and International House) available for all residents to use. Pools are open at specific times throughout the day. Please see signage on the pools for more information. The pools will be closed at points throughout the year for cleaning. For your own safety, please do not enter the pool area during these times. Please do not jump from a height into the pools as you risk significant injury.

Laundry Facilities All residents have 24 hour access to laundry facilities. This includes washing machine, dryers and clothes lines. At Callaghan residents pay a small fee for the use. Blue Gum House laundry facilities are free. Residents are required to bring their own washing powders/ fabric softener. Please note that you will require front loading powder for all machines at UON Student Living.

parking on campus We understand that sometimes parking on campus can be challenging so here is a quick overview of the type of parking available for residents on campus.

Resident Only Carparks We have a limited number of resident only car parks within the accommodation precinct. You will need to purchase and display a valid Residential Parking Permit to park in either car park 11, car park 15 or car park 18 (adjacent to Evatt House). A new resident only car park is currently being built adjacent to car park 15 however this will not be operational until April. As an interim measure we also have car park 10 and car park 6 operating as Temporary Resident Overflow carparks. A valid Residential Parking Permit must be displayed if you choose to park in either of these car parks. Note that if you park in any other car park on campus you will need to purchase a daily parking ticket as Residential Parking Permits are only valid for the resident car parks.

General Parking The majority of your car parks are general parking whereby a valid Student Parking Permit must be displayed or you must purchase a daily parking ticket from the machines. Residential Parking Permits are not valid for use in general car parks.

Free car parks Car park 16 (near the train station) is a free car park. From 16 February we will also be opening a Temporary Overflow car park on Oval 5. A free shuttle service runs throughout the campus and its car parks during the semester. You can also call for a pick up and they will take you, and your shopping, to your accommodation building. Currently the cost of a parking permit is $151.66/year (subject to change). Residents Parking at Blue Gum House is free.

insurances, contents and ambulance Your contents are not covered for theft or damage while you are living on campus. We strongly recommend that you take out insurance to cover any items of value such as computers, cameras, jewellery and electrical equipment that you may bring with you. As part of your health care cover it is also recommended that you take out ambulance cover in the (hopefully unlikely) event that you will require an ambulance while on campus. The cost of ambulance can be quite high – particularly if you are on a student’s budget. OSHC insurance

(required for all International students) covers emergency ambulance. If any UON Student Living staff member or Residential Leadership Team member believes you require medical attention, an ambulance will be called to transport you to hospital/medical centre. It will be your responsibility to pay the cost of the ambulance if you do not have ambulance cover. Check with your parents to see if you are covered by their private health insurance.

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maintenance For urgent maintenance requests (over-flowing toilet, loss of power or water etc) during office hours contact the UON Student Living office (Callaghan: Extension 41000) or Facilities Management (Central Coast: Extension 84291), or after-hours phone the Night Support Officer (you will be supplied with the Night Support Officer contact details on arrival).

Non urgent requests are when there is no or minimal safety risk to residents and you can wait comfortably until the next working day for your request to be attended to. Non-urgent maintenance issues in your room or shared living areas can be requested online. To lodge a request you need to go to the UON Student Living Online Portal and enter your login ID and password.

security and emergency procedures The role of University Security is to ensure an effective and efficient safety and security overlay by providing quality, proactive, customer oriented services for the University Community.

Do not hesitate to contact Security if at any point you feel unsafe, or if an emergency occurs. Phone 15888 from a room phone or 4921 5888 from a mobile.

The UON Student Living Precinct has a designated guard each night from 10pm to 6am, with campus security available 24/7 outside of these hours.

If you notice any suspicious individuals or have any security concerns please don’t hesitate to report them to University Security.

doors and locks Please do not prop the doors to your unit open, this affects the safety of your fellow residents, yourself and property. There are fines in place for door breaches noted by University Security. Disciplinary action may be brought against residents who continually risk the safety of themselves and their fellow residents through regular door breaches.

Report Suspicious Behaviour to Security. Security is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: • Call 4921 5888 for Newcastle campus (ext.15888 from a Resident’s room) • Call 4348 4222 for Central Coast campus • Program University Security’s phone number into your mobile phone • N ewcastle 0407 951 470 or 49215888 • Central Coast 0414 411 799 or 43484222 • Remember, most mobile phones will call 000 even when no credit is on the sim card.

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mail Your new mailing address

Collecting your mail


Residents from Blue Gum House can collect their mail from the Student Services Building which is located opposite the library.

Name of residence (plus room number if Barahineban) University of Newcastle 130 University Drive Callaghan NSW 2308 AUSTRALIA

important contacts General email inquiries:

Emergencies (Central Coast):

UON Student Living – Operations:

Security Shuttle (Callaghan):

UON Student Living – ResLife:

Security Shuttle (Central Coast):

Emergencies (Callaghan):

IT Support:


02 4924 1000 (Extension: 41000)

02 4924 1015 (Extension: 41015)

02 4921 5888 (Extension: 15888)

02 4348 4222 (Extension: 84222)0

0407 951 470

0414 411 799

02 4921 7000 (Extension: 17000)

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getting connected with UON IT Services For most of you, connecting with home and services at University of Newcastle will be an important part of settling into life at UON Student Living. Once you know your student ID and have completed the IT Services checklist below, you will have access to a range of campus wide student services, including the Internet, so you can stay keep up to date with what’s happening around the university, at home and around the world. You can complete this checklist and find out your student ID before you arrive at Uni, so your accounts are ready and waiting for you.

Connection checklist:

Need help setting up?

• Accept your offer from UON

IT Rovers will be on site at UON Student Living throughout February.

• Activate your account • Change your password • Answer a set of authentication questions

Still stuck?

• Accept the UON’s terms and conditions of use

The IT section on the UON website is full of handy hints on trouble shooting.

Visit www.newcastle.edu.au/current-students/campusenvironment/information-technology/your-student-id-andaccounts/setting-up-your-account for more information.

The 17triplezero IT Service Desk can help you out with connection and account questions - call 4921 7000 (or 17000 from any internal phone).

With your student ID you can access:

For course related questions, call the Student Enquiry Centre – 4921 5000 (or 15000 from any internal phone).

• The student portal to manage your enrolments and UON finances • Printing, scanning, and copying services • Your student email account • Free cloud storage for your personal data • Free Microsoft Office software • Social media via WiFi • Our virtual learning environment • Library catalogue • Internet • Log in to any student computer located in a lab or hub

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the serious stuff

your rights and responsibilities While you are living on campus there are guidelines that you need to abide by. Within your Occupancy Agreement you would have noticed reference to the UON Student Living Rules and Discipline Guidelines. Please note that these do not provide a comprehensive list of dos and don’ts and as a general rule, common sense prevails. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have read all appropriate documents (e.g. Community Standards and By Laws), along with the University of Newcastle’s Code of Conduct. These guidelines are in place so that all residents can enjoy a safe and comfortable place to live while living in a community with hundreds of residents. In some cases, referral to the Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) for assessment under the Student Misconduct Guidelines will occur. If you are suspected or reported as being involved in an incident, an investigation will be carried out by ResLife, with the opportunity for you to clarify or agree to the report of misconduct. Statements from other residents may also be taken. Please see the 2015 Occupancy Agreement and UON Student Living Rules – Community Standards for a full list of responsibilities and standards.

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expected behaviours and the UON Student Living Rules As a student of the University of Newcastle, you are bound by the University’s Code of Conduct. At all times there is an expectation that you will behave in a way that upholds the values of honesty, fairness, trust, accountability and respect. You can read the University’s Code of Conduct in the University’s policy library. Within the Residences you are expected to follow the Occupancy Agreement. These are always available on the UON Student Living website. Please read through them again for a full breakdown. In a nut shell though...

Residents’ Rights • You have the right to live in a safe, clean, comfortable environment. • You have the right to privacy, and for your information to be stored in a secure manner. • You have the right to live in an inclusive, and bullying and harassment-free environment. • You have the right to smoke, but must follow the University’s Smoke-Free Environment Policy, so no smoking unless you are in the designated smoking areas. Read the policy thoroughly for further details. Check out the maps of designated smoking areas on campus here: www.newcastle.edu.au/about-uon/our-environments/ourcampuses/smoke-free-campuses-at-uon • You have the right to change your room, but must do so through the use of a room change request form that you can pick up at the UON Student Living Office. Unauthorised ‘swaps’ may result in a $250 fine and will probably mean moving back to your original room also. Totally not worth it! • Guests must be registered! You have the right to have guests come and stay for reasonable periods of time, but check that this is ok with everyone else that you live with. You are responsible for them and their behaviour at all times and they are also governed by the conditions in the Residential Agreement. Each Friday we send the list of guests out to Security and our Residential Leadership Team, they have every right to direct an unauthorised guest to leave if no registration form was submitted.

Residents’ Responsibilities • It is your responsibility to check your NUmail email account on a regular basis as all accounts and correspondence are issued to you ONLY through this medium. You are then responsible to action any such communication, don’t ignore it! Come and talk to us if you don’t understand what has been sent. • You are responsible to ensure your Accommodation Portal is kept up to date. Contact UON Student Living Operations EARLY ON if you are struggling with this. • You will be responsible for the cost of any damages, additional services or administration fees that may be incurred to the Residences either by your own or your guest’s actions. This is if it was done either deliberately, through neglect, or by accident. • Report any damage through the Accommodation Portal! This way we can make sure maintenance is on top of things. • You need to participate in fire drills and emergency evacuations. This is for your own safety and it is compulsory for you to do this. Fines apply if you fail to participate. • Please leave sub-woofers at home. • Same goes for beer bongs and any other apparatuses that promote excessive drinking. • If you wish to use any University, residence, or UON Student Living logos please seek permission by contacting ResLife. • Subletting is not looked upon kindly and may result in the termination of your contract. Don’t try moving other people into your room with you. • Unfortunately, no pets allowed. • You need to keep your door locked when you aren’t in your room! You are also responsible for making sure that the doors to your unit or building entry doors are locked. Although we are a close community, there is the potential for non-residents, guest visitors, and even non-students to be on-campus. • Any weapons will be confiscated. If you are an official member of a sport that uses weapons, we have protocols in place that you must follow for you to keep your sporting equipment on site. Please notify UON Student Living if this applies to you.

Please note: No Guests are allowed during Autonomy Week.

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Residents’ Responsibilities (cont.)

UON Student Living’s Rights

• Cleaning and rubbish. Clean up after yourself and make sure that all rubbish is placed in the appropriate bins. If you live in Blue Gum House, Evatt, IH or Teds Self Catered, or in North, South, East, West 5 and 6 shared apartments, you are required to participate in weekly cleaning jobs. This helps ensure that units are kept clean and that everyone remains happy and healthy.

• We have the right to charge fines for a number of misdemeanours. Refer to the Occupancy Agreement.

• This goes for your room also, make sure you keep it clean and tidy for your own health and wellbeing. • Personal hygiene. When you are living in a shared- living environment you need to think of others as well as your own well-being. You are expected to maintain a healthy standard of personal hygiene. Shower daily, brush your teeth, and make sure you are frequently washing your clothes. If concerns about your personal hygiene have been raised, you may be spoken to by your RM or by UON Student Living staff. This can be awkward for all involved. • You are required to follow any reasonable requests of UON Student Living Staff, including Residential Leaders, Night Support Officers, Security, Cleaners, Maintenance and Contract workers. Failure to follow a reasonable request may result in disciplinary action.

UON Student Living’s Responsibility • Ensure a clean and safe residential environment. • Provide a well-rounded program of activities and events that meets the needs of all residents. • Promote the health and wellbeing of all residents with the provision of support or access to specialised assistance where identified. • Instigate regular emergency evacuation drills and ensure that all fire systems are properly maintained and in good working order.

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• We have the right to raise a negative service indicator (NSI) against your account for any overdue fees or charges until the debt has been paid in full. (An NSI prohibits further enrolment, graduation, access to course results and the issue of transcripts. In short. . . you don’t want one of these!) • We access and use your personal information only for the purposes for which you gave it to us. We do not disclose information unless it: • Is necessary to provide you with a service that you have requested; • Is required or authorised by law; or • Will prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to somebody’s health. • If we or anyone in the Residential Leadership Team has reason to believe you may have hazardous or illegal items in your room, we will enter your room in the company of Security.

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