2012 Yapug Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Enabling Program The Wollotuka Institute Application English Language and Foundation Studies Centre
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The Wollotuka Institute Birabahn Building The University of Newcastle University Drive Callaghan NSW 2308 T +61 2 4921 6863 F +61 2 4921 6985
UoN 2012 Yapug
Yapug Application Foundation Studies English Language & Foundation Studies Centre The University of Newcastle Callaghan NSW 2308
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Table of Contents What is Yapug? .......................... 4 Where is Yapug offered? .......................... 4 Why enrol in Yapug? .......................... 4 Who Can Apply? .......................... 4 How to Apply .......................... 5 Orientation and Information Workshop .......................... 5 Semester Dates for 2012 .......................... 5 Fees .......................... 5 Scholarships .......................... 5 Financial Assistance .......................... 5 Academic Program .......................... 5 Attendance Pattern .......................... 5 Course Choices ....................... 6-9 Course Descriptions ................... 10-13 Callaghan Campus Map ........................ 14 Yapug Application Form ........................ 15 Declaration ........................ 16 Evidence of Aboriginality/Torres Strait Islander Status ..................... 17
Yapug is a program designed to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people gain entry into undergraduate degrees at the University of Newcastle. Yapug may be taken as a full-time program of study over two semesters or as a part-time program over three or four semesters. There are two entry points: students may enter the program either in March or July. People who successfully complete the Yapug program are eligible to apply for various degree programs at the University of Newcastle or many other Australian universities. The Program allows people to: (1)
discover their own interest in and capacity for on-going tertiary studies;
prepare for study at university level; and
obtain, on successful completion of the program, a ranking which allows them to apply for a place in an undergraduate degree program at university.
By the end of the Yapug program, students will have an appreciation of the scope of a university course and they will have had an opportunity to gain skills such as critical analysis, observation, essay and report writing. WHERE IS YAPUG OFFERED?
Yapug is offered at the Callaghan campus of the University of Newcastle. The Callaghan campus is situated about 12 kilometres west of the city of Newcastle, New South Wales. Most Yapug classes are held in the Birabahn Building, home of The Wollotuka Institute.
A Pathway: Yapug was established in 1999 as a pathway into health-related professions. Since 2002 Yapug offers entry paths to a wide range of study areas. Throughout their time in Yapug, students are encouraged to develop the academic skills and self-discipline required for success at undergraduate study. Students are encouraged to participate fully in university life. Social activities can be enjoyed in the Student Union and Birabahn facilities and students can participate in both competition team sports and recreation activities. Wollotuka Support Services - Wollotuka provides a range of services to assist students both academically and personally: –
Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS) - ITAS arranges for qualified tutors to help students with their studies whether it be in essay writing skills or any other relevant area of study.
Counselling/Student Support Officer - Offers guidance and counselling to students who are experiencing personal problems including stress about their studies, personal and/or social concerns, loss and grief, family conflicts and relationship difficulties. The Student Support Officer provides guidance to ensure you are prepared and informed about all aspects of your studies.
Intensive Student Support Program (ISSP) - All Yapug students are supported through the ISSP. A staff member regularly meets individually with the student to discuss any questions or concerns they may have.
Other Support Services - The University of Newcastle also offers students the benefits of numerous support services. The University libraries hold an extensive collection to meet the teaching and research needs of students and staff. For students experiencing difficulties, help is available through a confidential Counselling Service and a Health Service. The Disability and Student Support Unit assists students with disabilities and provides emergency loans if a crisis occurs. The Learning Development Program assists students with their academic work, while the Careers Office provides advice about careers and employment assistance. Accommodation - On-campus accommodation at Callaghan is available for around 800 students. The Accommodation Service helps students and staff looking for off-campus rental accommodation. Duragaling Aboriginal Hostel also houses students in nearby Lambton, telephone (02) 4952 4062. WHO CAN APPLY?
4 - 2012 YAPUG Application
Any Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person, who will be at least 18 years of age in the year they commence Yapug, can apply to enter the program. You do not need any prior expertise or to have met requirements for entry to university. If you have already successfully completed a degree you are not eligible for entry into Yapug. Applicants will be required to provide Evidence of Aboriginality.
Fill out the Application Form at the back of this booklet. You will be invited to attend a pre-semester workshop and enrolment will be initiated at that time. Further advice about course choices will also be available at the workshop. Semester 1 applications should be returned by Friday 27 January 2012. After that date please contact the staff at Wollotuka on (02) 4921 6863. If you are applying for mid-year entry the Application should be returned by Friday 23 June 2012.
To establish your status as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander you will need to complete the Evidence of Aboriginality and/or Torres Strait Islander Status Form and submit it with the application form. You may be required to have an interview to assist you in providing this evidence.
The workshop provides an opportunity to talk to people about Yapug and gain advice on choosing the most appropriate courses to prepare you for undergraduate study. A number of staff will be available to counsel and support you, and you will have the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the campus and its facilities. The date for the workshop will be sent to you once we receive your application.
Semester 1 commences Semester 1 Recess (includes Easter) Semester 1 Resumes Anzac Day Public Holiday Semester 1 Concludes Formal Examination Period Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday End of Semester 1 Recess
Monday 27 February 2012 Friday 6 April to Friday 13 April 2012 Monday 16 April 2012 Wednesday 25 April 2012 Friday 1 June 2012 Monday 4 June to Friday 22 June 2012 Monday 11 June 2012 Monday 25 June to Friday 20 July 2012
Semester 2 commences Monday 23 July 2012 Semester 2 Recess (includes Labour Day Public Holiday) Monday 24 September to Friday 5 October 2012 Semester 2 resumes Monday 8 October 2012 Semester 2 concludes Friday 2 November 2012 Formal Examination Period Monday 5 November to Friday 23 November 2012 FEES
There are no tuition fees for Yapug. Yapug students are exempt from Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) payments. If you have outstanding University library fines or unredeemed student loans at the end of the program, your academic results will be withheld until all outstanding monies have been paid.
Yapug students are eligible to apply for Indigenous Enabling Scholarships which are designed to help them financially while they are studying. Students who relocate to Newcastle to take the program may be eligible for additional financial support. Contact The Wollotuka Institute for more information.
The Yapug program is Centrelink approved and as a full-time Yapug student enrolled in 30 or 40 units of study per semester you may be eligible to apply for financial assistance through the ABSTUDY scheme. Please contact your local Centrelink office for details.
Yapug is an 80 unit program of study. To meet the requirements for the Yapug program a student must complete 80 units and achieve passing grades in at least 70 units from the 80 units of study. Requirements for assessment in all courses must be completed. The assessment requirements will be set out in the course outlines provided for each course at the start of the semester.
Students may complete the program in two semesters (one year) of full-time study, or over three or four semesters of full and/or part-time study. The maximum time allowed to complete the program is two years. Students should take no more than 40 units in any one semester.
2012 YAPUG Application - 5
COURSE SELECTION – SEMESTER 1 COMMENCEMENT Yapug is an 80 unit program. To complete the program in two semesters of study, you will need to enrol in 40 units in each semester. Further advice regarding your program of study will be available at the Orientation and Information Workshop held prior to the start of Semester.
COMPULSORY COURSES There are two 10 unit compulsory courses which all students must complete: Semester 1
Semester 2
These two courses provide students with an excellent introduction to study at university level. They will help you develop independent learning skills, and you will have the opportunity to meet with your Yapug lecturer to discuss progress on a weekly basis.
RECOMMENDED ENROLMENT PATTERN You should select your other courses (60 units) based on the degree program that you wish to enter as outlined below. Unless otherwise specified, courses are of 10 unit value. BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE, EXERCISE & SPORTS SCIENCE, MEDICINE, MIDWIFERY, NUTRITION & DIETETICS, NURSING, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, ORAL HEALTH, PHYSIOTHERAPY, PODIATRY OR SPEECH PATHOLOGY Semester 1 - 3 courses (30 units)
Semester 2 - 30 units
EPHUMA110 Community and Research
EPCHEM314 Chemistry and the Life Sciences (20 units)
EPHLTH160 Introduction to Health Professional Studies I
EPHLTH161 Introduction to Health Professional Studies II
AND ONE of the following: EPMATH134 Core Mathematics 1 OR EPHUMA111 Professional Practice 1 MEDICAL RADIATION SCIENCE Semester 1 - 3 courses (30 units)
Semester 2 - 30 units
EPHLTH160 Introduction to Health Professional Studies I
EPHLTH161 Introduction to Health Professional Studies II
EPPHYS152 Physics 1
EPPHYS252 Physics 2
EPMATH153 Science Mathematics
EPMATH253 Science Mathematics 2
Semester 2 - 30 units
EPHUMA110 Community and Research
20 unit elective chosen from the Elective Courses listed on page 9
AND TWO of the following:
AND ONE of the following depending on completion of Part 1 course:
EPHUMA149 Linguistics 1 OR EPHUMA158 Aboriginal Studies 1 OR EPMATH134 Core Mathematics 1 OR EPHUMA111 Professional Practice 1
EPHUMA249 Linguistics 2 OR EPMATH258 Aboriginal Studies 2 OR EPMATH234 Core Mathematics 2 OR EPHUMA113 Professional Practice 2
Semester 2 - 30 units
EPHUMA110 Community and Research
EPARTS256 Visual Art 2*
EPARTS156 Visual Art 1*
20 unit elective chosen from the Elective Courses listed on page 9
EPHUMA111 Professional Practice 1 TEACHING/TECHNOLOGY (SECONDARY) Semester 1 - 3 courses (30 units)
Semester 2 - 30 units
EPMATH134 Core Mathematics 1
EPMATH234 Core Mathematics 2
AND TWO of the following:
EPARTS156 Visual Art 1*
20 units from EPARTS* courses OR
EPARTS190 Design Drawing*
EPCHEM314 Introduction to Chemistry and the Life Sciences
EPHUMA110 Community and Research EPHUMA111 Professional Practice 1 EPINFO150 Information Technology EPSCIE120 Studies In Science * Maximum of 20 units of Visual Art or Design courses may be studied 6 - 2012 YAPUG Application
Semester 2 2012 - 30 units
EPHUMA110 Community and Research
EPARTS191 Design In Society*
EPHUMA111 Professional Practice 1
EPARTS192 Graphic Design Fundamentals*
AND ONE of the following:
AND ONE of the following:
EPINFO150 Information Technology OR
EPHUMA113 Professional Practice 2 OR
EPMATH134 Core Mathematics 1
EPMATH234 Core Mathematics 2
DEVELOPMENT STUDIES OR SOCIAL WORK Semester 1 2012 - 3 courses (30 units)
Semester 2 2012 - 30 units
EPHUMA110 Community and Research
EPHUMA310 Social Enquiry (20 units) OR
EPHUMA111 Professional Practice 1
20 unit elective chosen from the Elective Courses listed on page 9
EPMATH134 Core Mathematics 1
AND EPMATH234 Core Mathematics 2
Semester 2 2012 - 30 units
Three courses from:
EPHUMA247 Studies in Law 2 OR
EPHUMA147 Studies in Law 1
EPMATH234 Core Mathematics 2 (if taken in Semester 1)
EPHUMA110 Comunity and Research
EPHUMA150 Information Technology
EPMANC320 Business Organisation and Management (20 units) OR
EPMATH134 Core Mathematics 1
20 unit elective from the Elective Courses listed on page 9
EPHUMA158 Aboriginal Studies 1 EPHUMA111 Professional Practice 1
Semester 2 2012 - 30 units
EPMATH153 Science Mathematics 1
EPMATH253 Science Mathematics 2
AND two of the following:
EPHUMA110 Community and Research
EPCHEM314 Introduction to Chemistry and the Life Sciences (20 units) OR
EPHUMA111 Professional Practice 1 EPSCIE120 Studies in Science
EPPHYS308 Physics (20 units) OR EPGEOS301 Earth Science (20 units)
PSYCHOLOGY OR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Semester 1 2012 - 3 courses (30 units)
Semester 2 2012 - 30 units
EPHUMA110 Community and Research
20 unit elective course from the Elective Courses listed on page 9
EPHUMA111 Professional Practice 1
EPMATH234 Core Mathematics 2
EPMATH134 Core Mathematics 1
Semester 2 2012 - 30 units
EPMATH134 Core Mathematics 1
EPCHEM314 Introduction to Chemistry and the Life Sciences (20 units)
EPSCIE120 Studies In Science
EPMATH234 Core Mathematics 2
AND one of the following: EPHUMA110 Community and Research EPHUMA111 Professional Practice 1 * Maximum of 20 units of Visual Art or Design courses may be studied
2012 YAPUG Application - 7
COURSE SELECTION – SEMESTER 2 COMMENCEMENT Yapug is an 80 unit program. Students who commence the program mid-year are advised to take the program over three semesters of study. Further advice regarding your program of study will be available at the Orientation and Information Workshop on Wednesday 13 July 2012.
COMPULSORY COURSES There are two 10 unit compulsory courses which all students must complete: Semester 2 - 2012
Semester 1 - 2013
These two courses provide students with an excellent introduction to study at university level. They will help you develop independent learning skills, and you will have the opportunity to meet with your Yapug lecturer to discuss progress on a weekly basis.
RECOMMENDED ENROLMENT PATTERN You should select your other courses (60 units) based on the degree program that you wish to enter as outlined below. Unless otherwise specified, courses are of 10 unit value. BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE, EXERCISE & SPORTS SCIENCE, MEDICINE, MIDWIFERY, NUTRITION & DIETETICS, NURSING, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, ORAL HEALTH, PHYSIOTHERAPY, PODIATRY, SPEECH PATHOLOGY Semester 2 - 2012
Semester 1 - 2013
Semester 2 - 2013
EPHUMA113 Professional Practice 2
EPHUMA110 Community & Research
EPHLTH161 Introduction to Health Professional Studies II
EPHLTH160 Introduction to Health Professional Studies I
EPCHEM314 Chemistry and the Life Sciences (20 units)
Semester 1 - 2013
Semester 2 - 2013
EPHUMA113 Professional Practice 2
EPHUMA110 Community & Research
EPPHYS308 Physics (20 units)
EPHLTH161 Introduction to Health Professional Studies II
EPMATH153 Science Mathematics 1
EPMATH253 Science Mathematics 2
Semester 1 - 2013
Semester 2 - 2013
EPHUMA113 Professional Practice 2
AND courses from
EPHUMA258 Aboriginal Studies 2
EPHUMA149 Linguistics 1
AND courses from the following depending on completion of Part 1 course:
EPMATH134 Core Mathematics 1 EPHUMA158 Aboriginal Studies 1 EPHUMA111 Professional Practice 1
EPHUMA249 Linguistics 2 EPMATH234 Core Mathematics 2 AND/OR 20 unit elective chosen from the Elective Courses listed on page 6
Semester 1 - 2013
Semester 2 - 2013
EPARTS191 Design in Society*
AND courses from
AND courses from:
EPHUMA113 Professional Practice 2
EPHUMA110 Community & Research
EPARTS256 Visual Art 2*
EPARTS192 Graphic Design Fundamentals*
EPARTS156 Visual Art 1*
EPMATH234 Core Mathematics 2
EPARTS190 Design Drawing*
EPMATH134 Core Mathematics 1
20 unit elective chosen from the Elective Courses listed on page 6
EPHUMA111 Professional Practice 1 TEACHING/TECHNOLOGY (SECONDARY) Semester 2 - 2012
Semester 1 - 2013
Semester 2 - 2013
EPARTS191 Design In Society*
EPMATH134 Core Mathematics
EPARTS192 Graphic Design Fundamentals*
AND two of the following:
AND courses from
EPHUMA113 Professional Practice 2
EPARTS190 Design Drawing*;
EPARTS256 Visual Art 2*
EPHUMA258 Aboriginal Studies 2
EPARTS156 Visual Art 1*;
EPBIOL259 Introduction to the Life Sciences
EPINFO150 Information Technology;
EPHUMA110 Community and Research;
20 unit elective chosen from the Elective Courses listed on page 6
EPHUMA111 Professional Practice 1; EPCHEM137 Foundation Concepts for Chemistry and the Life Sciences * Maximum of 20 units of Visual Art or Design courses may be studied 8 - 2012 YAPUG Application
Semester 1 - 2013
Semester 2 - 2013
EPHUMA113 Professional Practice 2
EPMATH134 Core Mathematics 1
EPMATH234 Core Mathematics 2
EPHUMA258 Aboriginal Studies 2
AND courses from:
AND courses from:
EPHUMA111 Professional Practice 1
EPHUMA310 Social Enquiry (20 units) OR
EPHUMA110 Community & Research
20 unit elective chosen from the Elective Courses listed on page 6
Semester 1 - 2013
Semester 2 - 2013
EPHUMA113 Professional Practice 2
EPHUMA147 Studies in Law 1
AND courses from:
EPHUMA258 Aboriginal Studies 2
EPHUMA110 Community & Research
EPHUMA247 Studies in Law 2 EPMANC320 Business Organisation and Management (20 units) EPMATH303 Core Mathematics (20 units) OR 20 unit elective chosen from the Elective Courses listed on page 6
Semester 1 - 2013
Semester 2 - 2013
EPHUMA113 Professional Practice 2
EPMATH153 Science Mathematics 1
EPHUMA258 Aboriginal Studies 2
EPHUMA110 Community & Research OR
EPCHEM314 Introduction to Chemistry and the Life Sciences (20 units) OR
EPSCIE120 Studies in Science
EPPHYS308 Physics (20 units) (for Engineering and Computer Science) EPMATH253 Science Mathematics 2
Semester 1 - 2013
Semester 2 - 2013
EPHUMA113 Professional Practice 2
EPMATH134 Core Mathematics 1
EPHUMA258 Aboriginal Studies 2
EPHUMA110 Community & Research
20 unit elective chosen from the Elective Courses listed on page 6 EPMATH234 Core Mathematics 2
Semester 1 - 2013
Semester 2 - 2013
EPHUMA113 Professional Practice 2
EPMATH134 Core Mathematics 1
EPBIOL259 Introduction to the Life Sciences
EPHUMA258 Aboriginal Studies 2
EPCHEM137 Foundation Concepts for Chemistry and the Life Sciences OR
EPMATH234 Core Mathematics 2
EPSCIE120 Studies in Science * Maximum of 20 units of Visual Art or Design courses may be studied
LIST OF ELECTIVE COURSES (20 UNITS) FOR RELEVANT STUDY STREAMS - SEMESTER 2 You may need to enrol in one of the following 20 unit courses in Semester 2. Selection should be based on the pathway you are undertaking in Yapug and the undergraduate program you wish to study next year. •
EPHUMA303 Australian History
EPGEOS301 Earth Science
EPHUMA304 Classical Studies
EPHUMA306 English Literature and Film
EPCHEM314 Introduction to Chemistry and the Life Science
EPHUMA307 Philosophy
EPMANC320 Business Organisation and Management
EPHUMA310 Social Enquiry
EPMATH303 Core Mathematics
EPHUMA311 Linguistics
2012 YAPUG Application - 9
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS The Yapug program is made up of courses available only to Yapug students and courses from other enabling programs. A brief outline of the recommended courses is listed below.
COURSES AVAILABLE ONLY TO YAPUG STUDENTS - SEMESTER 1 EPHUMA112 10 units Aboriginal Foundation Studies A core course for students enrolled in the Yapug program. It teaches the skills needed by students for successful completion of academic assignments. This course is compulsory. EPHUMA110
10 units Community and Research This course will provide students with an understanding and experience of community projects and teamwork. Students are expected to be involved in researching and designing promotion information with an Aboriginal organisation for the Aboriginal community. This course aims to integrate and develop skills in the area of community, and inter-professional interactions, basic research and communication. EPHUMA111
10 units Professional Practice I Professional Practice 1 is an option for students enrolled in the Yapug program. Professional roles are explored, including ethical behaviour. Skills in problem-based learning are developed including research skills, application of evidence, team and confidence building and time management. SEMESTER 2 EPHUMA135
10 units Directed Study I Directed Study I provides an opportunity for students to pursue independent research on a topic relevant to their future undergraduate studies. It introduces the academic skills that will be required in undergraduate studies, whilst allowing a degree of self-direction. Students must be capable of working with minimal supervision. This course is compulsory. EPHUMA113
10 units Professional Practice II This course builds on the knowledge acquired in EPHUMA111 Professional Practice 1. Using a combination of guest speakers, lectures and visits to organisations this course develops the students’ awareness of the theory and practice of various professions, including health-related professions.
10 units Visual Art 1 This course introduces a wide variety of approaches leading to a substantial and varied portfolio of work, suitable to assist admission to art and design studies at university level. Studio space restricts the class size. Class work includes: exercises and discussions to extend creative and personal expression; the development of observational skills through life drawing; design, colour, and compositional theory. Drawing, painting, and sculpture are reinforced by independent studies and home projects. Visits to art galleries provide insights into current art practice. An understanding of the language of art criticism and research methods will be provided. EPARTS190
10 units Design Drawing Design Drawing allows students to explore sketching, colour theory, design, concept visualization, drawing and basic rendering techniques. It is expected that students will acquire various resources that will be helpful in a teaching learning environment. EPHLTH160 10 units Introduction to Health Professional Studies I This course introduces students to basic scientific and health professional principles involving the Australian environment and culture. The course investigates and teaches the students about the maintenance of human health, incorporating learning of the human body system and investigates the social, cultural and political environment for professional practice in the health discipline. EPHUMA147
10 units Studies in Law 1 Studies in Law 1 provides students with a sound knowledge of legal principles such as the sources of law, the structure of Australian government and how courts and the legal professions work. This course also looks at what laws should be and what governments should do, questions that go to the heart of all societies. Whether or not students choose to undertake further legal studies, the course has many useful applications in everyday life. A good knowledge of how our legal system works is important for teachers, nurses, engineers, social workers, managers, retailers, indeed, every professional should know their legal rights and responsibilities. The course is designed to be both practical and engaging and will also help ease you into academic life by building the skills needed for your future studies, skills such as writing an essay. EPHUMA149
10 units Linguistics 1 Linguistics 1 provides an introduction to the study of language including theoretical and applied aspects. It includes language learning; language and communication; sociolinguistics; and language concepts, including basic grammatical terms.
10 - 2012 YAPUG Application
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS The Yapug program is made up of courses available only to Yapug students and courses from other enabling programs. A brief outline of the recommended courses is listed below.
EPHUMA158 10 units Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies 1 EPHUMA158 assists in the development of a comprehensive knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories through Australia’s development. It covers the traditional context through to the end of the 20th Century. EPCHEM137 10 units Foundation Concepts for Chemistry and Life Sciences Students will develop skills in observation, research and communication appropriate to further study in the fields of Science and Health Science. Topics include: the concept of atoms, molecules and ions; the periodic table; chemical bonding; chemical reactions and energy; properties of solutions; acids, bases and pH; organic chemistry and molecules of biological importance. There will be a laboratory demonstration session and associated assignments. EPINFO150
10 units Information Technology Information Technology is designed to build a foundation in computing. The course introduces general computer terminology and concepts relating to hardware, software and networks and also develops practical skills in the use of relevant software packages. A particular emphasis is placed on the role computers play in the management of data and information. EPMATH134
10 units Core Mathematics 1 Core Mathematics 1 is an introductory mathematics course which will cover basic skills in numeracy and algebra. The course aims to provide a sound foundation in basic mathematical skills and an introduction to their application to problem solving. EPMATH153
10 units Science Mathematics 1 Science Mathematics 1 prepares students for the commencement of undergraduate study in those courses that require a sound knowledge of mathematical principles. The depth and content is similar to the HSC 2 Unit Mathematics course. The course covers number systems, basic algebra, simultaneous and quadratic equations, functions and graphs, sequences and series. The course aims to develop the algebraic and graphical skills necessary for calculus. EPSCIE120
Semester 1 Studies in Science This course will introduce students to key principles and topics in chemistry, biology and other sciences. It will form the basis for subsequent study in science, but is also relevant to students wishing to improve their understanding and appreciation of the natural world in which we live. Topics include the diversity of life, genetics, biotechnology, diseases and pathology and current issues in these areas. The course is particularly valuable to students intending to study Science, Nursing, Health Sciences or Teaching degrees.
10 units Design in Society Today’s society surrounds us with examples of design. This course examines the effects design has on everyday life. Students are introduced to evaluation of design and design processes through projects and written research-based tasks. Awareness and knowledge of contemporary design and its pivotal role in today’s society is developed through the lecture program and tutorial discussions. EPARTS192 10 units Graphic Design Fundamentals - 10 units This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of design as a thoughtful process. It examines the tools and concepts that underlay the design process. Students are introduced to graphic skills, required within the design professions, building a knowledge of materials and equipment and an understanding of graphic modes. Emphasis is placed on the development of an awareness of the design process as well as skills in creative layout and presentation of design work. EPARTS256
10 units Visual Art 2 This course introduces a wide variety of approaches leading to a substantial and varied portfolio of work suitable to assist admission to art and design studies at university level. Studio space restricts class size. Class work includes: exercises and discussions to extend creative and personal expression; the development of observational skills through life drawing; printmaking and photography, reinforced by independent studies and home projects; thematic developments, intermedia experiments, and exhibition preparation and presentation. Visits to art galleries provide insights into current art practice. An understanding of the language of art criticism and research methods will be provided. EPBIOL259 10 units Introduction to the Life Sciences This course builds on EPCHEM137 Foundation Concepts for Chemistry and the Life Sciences and introduces concepts in the Life Sciences. Topics include the basic concepts of cell biology, anatomy and physiology: the nature and practice of biology, applications and uses of biology, the components of the cell, osmosis, homeostasis, body systems, tissues and organs, body functions and important biochemical reactions. Students will develop skills in observation, research and communication appropriate to further study in Life Sciences, Nursing, Environmental and Biological Sciences. Yapug was more than just a bridging course for many of us. It provided us with a support system, a second family if you will and, for me at least, has opened up an entire world that never in my wildest dreams did I imagine would be possible. Kathleen Jackson
2012 YAPUG Application - 11
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS The Yapug program is made up of courses available only to Yapug students and courses from other enabling programs. A brief outline of the recommended courses is listed below.
EPHLTH161 10 units Introduction to Health Professional Studies II Introduction to Health Professional Studies II expands on the concepts developed in Health Studies I and aims at providing students with basic biological and social science understanding relevant to subsequent training in a health professional field. The course investigates human biology, introductory pathobiology, human anatomy/physiology, biochemistry and the Health system and role of the Health professional. EPHUMA247
10 units Studies In Law 2 Students will study specific areas of law, which are both interesting and topical. The key topics include: Criminal Law; Negligence; Property Law; Health Law; and Consumer Law. EPHUMA249
10 units
Linguistics 2 This course expands the student’s knowledge through the consideration of theoretical and applied topics in Linguistics. The topics include: semantics (meaning), phonetics and phonology (sounds and sound patterns), morphology (word formation) and sociolinguistics topics such as Australian English and Pidgin and Creole languages. Students will learn about their own dialect (Australian English) and what makes it unique. EPHUMA258 10 units Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies 2 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies 2 assists in the development of a comprehensive knowledge and analysis of current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and issues. EPMATH234
10 units Core Mathematics 2 Core Mathematics 2 aims to consolidate and extend the topics covered in Core mathematics 1. The course includes basic skills and their application to problem solving in the topics of linear function, graphing, probability and statistics. Assumed Knowledge EPMATH134 Core mathematics 1 or equivalent EPMATH253
10 units Science Mathematics 2 Science Mathematics 2 requires the algebraic and graphical skills equivalent to those developed in EPMATH153 Science Mathematics 1. The course aims to develop the trigonometric and calculus skills necessary for entry into an undergraduate science or mathematics course and covers the topics of trigonometry, differential and integral calculus with some applications in the physical sciences. Assumed Knowledge EPMATH153 Science Mathematics 1
12 - 2012 YAPUG Application
EPCHEM314 20 units Introduction to Chemistry and the Life Sciences This course is designed to prepare students who intend to pursue further studies in Chemistry, Health Science or the Life Sciences by developing skills in observation, research and communication. The first part of the course provides a common introduction for both Chemistry and Life Science students. Topics include: introduction to chemical energy; isotopes; periodic table chemical equations; the concepts of atoms, molecules, ions, bonding; solutions studies, properties of solutions, concentration, pH; molecules of biological importance; the cell; cell ultrastructure; foundation concepts in biochemistry; anatomy, physiology; tissues and organs. EPGEOS301
20 units Earth Science This course provides a dynamic introduction to Earth Science systems and applications. It introduces the disciplines of Geology, Physical Geography and Environmental Science and affords a better understanding of the earth and its processes. No prior knowledge is assumed. This course provides a sound basis on which to proceed to undergraduate studies in the Earth and Environmental Sciences and provides a body of knowledge and skills, complete in itself, for those planning to continue their study in other areas of Science, Technology and Education. EPMANC320 20 units Business Organisation and Management Business Organisation and Management will provide an introduction to key concepts and skills within a number of areas fundamental to Business Studies. The course will begin with the study of general organisational theory and the behaviour of groups and individuals within organisations, including the processes of team work and team building. It will then focus on applications to specific business contexts with particular reference to fundamentals of management, the wider business environment and an introduction to marketing within that environment. Case studies will develop an understanding of the practical application of theoretical concepts. The course will develop skills in research, critical thinking, oral presentation, group work, academic reading and essay and report writing. It will provide a good preparation for prospective students of business, commerce, welfare, social science, tourism and hospitality, marketing, management and a range of humanities disciplines. EPHUMA303
20 units Australian History This course introduces students to the study of nineteenth and twentieth century Australian history at the tertiary level. Topics covered include race and gender relations, convict society, the growth of self-government, war and society and post-war developments. Emphasis is placed on academic skills, such as note taking, research, analysis and essay writing, which are widely applicable to the tertiary study of history and to humanities courses in general.
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS The Yapug program is made up of courses available only to Yapug students and courses from other enabling programs. A brief outline of the recommended courses is listed below.
20 units English Literature and Film This course explores a variety of representations of Australian identities and key facets of contemporary culture through the study of a range of imaginative texts. The course also examines the role, point of view and responsibility of storytellers in a range of literary genres. There will be particular emphasis on the art and language of narratives as they draw upon individual and collective memory, myth and the imagination in the periods and cultures from which they come. The course is designed to enable students to develop the skills of critical thinking, literary analysis and academic essay writing necessary for university study. EPHUMA307
20 units Philosophy Does God exist? Do we have a soul? Is there a real difference between right and wrong, good and evil? What is it to claim to know something? Deep and enduring questions like these are the business of Philosophy. In this course we will introduce you to the study of Philosophy by pursuing some of these questions, offering some answers while equipping you with some useful philosophical tools. The course examines central questions in four major areas of philosophical enquiry; theory of knowledge (What is ‘knowing’?), metaphysics (What really exists?), critical reasoning (What is it to think clearly?) and ethics (How should we act?). The course also aims to develop general academic skills in research, essay writing and reading academic texts. No previous study of Philosophy is required, and while the course aims to prepare students for entry into Undergraduate Philosophy courses it will also be of value to students intending to pursue studies in any area of Arts and the Humanities.
Student Testimonial When Sara Johnston finished school, she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life, so she took a job as a waitress. It didn’t take her long to realise that she was capable of more, and she decided that a career in teaching was what she wanted. She came across the Yapug program whilst looking for alternative pathways into uni, and she has not looked back. “I found the Yapug program to be most helpful. The staff and fellow students were really supportive and they motivated me to study hard and achieve. When I started my degree, I found that Yapug had taught me all the necessary skills to cope with university life and study.” “I completed the Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Teaching in 2008, and am now a qualified primary school teacher. Looking back, I can’t believe that I made it! None of this would have been possible without Yapug - it was the stepping stone into uni for me and it was well worth the effort.”
20 units Classical Studies This course introduces key aspects of the worlds of Ancient Greece and Rome in the context of Mediterranean civilisation. The course employs historical, archaeological and other written and literary forms of evidence to shed light uponGreco-Roman societies in the context of building of the Greek empires and the Roman world. EPHUMA311
20 units Linguistics Linguistics is the study of language, of what is known and used every day - the method of human communication. The complexity of language is explored through such topics as grammar, the nature of language, animal and human communication, first language acquisition and the use of language in society. Other topics include how meaning is made (semantics), the nature and patterns of sounds (phonetics and phonology), the patterns in word formation (morphology). This is a relevant subject for students aiming to study Education, Speech Pathology or other Humanities and Social Science courses. Academic skills such as essay writing, analytical and critical evaluation and research skills necessary for university study will also be gained. EPHUMA310
20 units Social Enquiry Social Enquiry offers an introduction to the discipline of Sociology, which represents the study of people and cultures in industrial societies. The course provides an understanding of social structures and interaction, rule breaking, social inequality, the sociology of Health, gender identity, education, socialisation and deviance. A range of sociological theories are taught, providing frameworks for analysing many aspects of social life. An introduction to research methods allows students to gain insight into the complex dynamics of social interaction. Sociological thought provides a different perspective for looking at social life and culture. This viewpoint challenges the taken for granted, or commonsense, view of the world. EPMATH 303
20 units Core Mathematics Core Mathematics is an introductory mathematics course which will cover basic skills in numeracy, algebra, linear function, graphing, probability and statistics. The course aims to provide a sound foundation in basic mathematical skills and an introduction to their application to problem solving. EPPHYS308
20 units Physics Physics prepares students for the commencement of undergraduate study and requires a sound knowledge of fundamental principles of physics. The depth and extent of the course is similar to the HSC Physics course. It covers the basic concepts of mechanics, circular motion, wave motion, simple harmonic motion, sound, light, electricity, magnetism, electromagnetic waves and some modern physics. Physics may only be studied in conjunction with Science Mathematics.
2012 YAPUG Application - 13
2012 Yapug Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Enabling Program The Wollotuka Institute Application English Language and Foundation Studies Centre
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The Wollotuka Institute Birabahn Building The University of Newcastle University Drive Callaghan NSW 2308 T +61 2 4921 6863 F +61 2 4921 6985
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Yapug Application Foundation Studies English Language & Foundation Studies Centre The University of Newcastle Callaghan NSW 2308
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