Portland Magazine Autumn 2013

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THE BEST PROFESSOR IN THE STATE OF OREGON Died four years ago, just about when you are reading this. She was a biology professor here. She had the coolest smile you ever saw, one of those smiles where when it starts it can’t stop and it lights up her whole face and then everybody else’s face lights up for about a mile around. It was one of those smiles that was nuclear like a star. It was one of those smiles that when it really got going you thought you might get sunburned. Her hair leapt up in aureoles and frazzles and you could tell it was Becky from all the way across the quad if the light was right. She had once won an award as the best university professor in the state of Oregon and if I saw her across the quad walking briskly I would happily shout O my god is that the best professor in the state of Oregon? and she would blush quick as a wink because of course she did not think she was the best professor in the state, although she was, and everyone else in the state knew it, even people with egos so big they have to cart them around in wheelbarrows. After she blushed she would smile that tremendous smile and everyone else on the quad would smile also, a remarkable thing. It always seemed to me that after she smiled there were more swallows and damselflies in the air than there had been before she smiled, but I could never prove that. As a child she craved the ocean and she became a marine biologist. One of her study projects was an octopus who spit at her every time she removed the lid of his tank; she had once accidentally pinched his tentacle and he never forgot or forgave. Not so many biologists can say they have been so thoroughly hated by an octopus, as she said. She also grew fascinated by embryology and the study of bats and antipodean fauna and she was so brilliant that she ended up teaching university classes in all of those subjects. She taught in classrooms and in her office and on the quad and on ships and while walking through the desert. Among her scholarly feats was identifying a new species of octopus and discovering that many bats are left-handed but her greatest feat as a professor was identifying the loneliness of freshmen and their despair at being far from home and losing their high school sweetheart and failing their first test and being afraid they were not cool enough to make new friends. She made the university create a whole thorough attentive huge project to care for these frightened children, and that was the best thing I ever did as a professor, she said, and she was right. How did you do that? I asked her once, fascinated, for I have studied university administrations for thirty years, and they are vast creatures who move toward new ideas with the alacrity and eagerness of telephone poles. I laid out all the facts, she said, and then I kept talking about all these children weeping alone in their rooms, a remark I never forgot. She was small in stature. She wore loose clothing that did not fit her form. She did not command the room with her beauty. She knew this and did not care a fig about it and laughed about it as she laughed about most things that we value that are not valuable. She knew children were valuable, and life, and laughter, and kindness applied like water to those who thirst. She knew who she was and did not care what the world thought. She knew her work and she did it with every iota of energy and creativity she possessed and in those sweet gifts she was rich beyond measure. She was blunt and glorious and her amused generous soul poured out of her face and eyes like she was lit from inside. She was more beautiful a being than I can ever find words for and by god I have tried. I will keep trying as long as I have fingers and a full heart. Rest in peace, Becky Houck. Rest in peace, my friend. n Brian Doyle is the editor of this magazine and the author most recently of the essay collection The Thorny Grace of It (Loyola Press).

F E A T U R E S 14 The New Old Library, photographs by Jose Velazco and Jeff Kennel Inside the University’s utterly amazingly renovated Clark Library, which reopens this fall after many months of reinvention and reimagination. 18 Why Not Us? by Brian Doyle The riveting road of Sharon Jones, dean of the University’s Shiley School of Engineering.

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22 We Are the Stories We Tell Ourselves, by Dan Wieden Why do words matter so? How is it they change everything forever in an instant?

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24 His Holiness, photographs by Steve Hambuchen A day on The Bluff with a remarkable man from Roaring Tiger, Tibet. 28 The Beautiful Game, by Dennis O’Meara The University’s most successful and renowned sport wasn’t actually born when Clive Charles arrived, grinning and cracking wise, in 1986. A look at a colorful 109 years of soccer on The Bluff. 32 Painting Salzburg, by Father Mark Ghyselinck, C.S.C. As the University begins the Salzburg Program’s golden anniversary year celebration, we set a fine painter loose in the city to catch what he liked of landscape and light.

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4 / The late wry quiet great biology teacher David Alexander 5 / The coach of the best basketball team in the world: Erik Spoelstra ’92 page 24

6 / It is not about you!: Kirk Hanson’s tart 2013 Commencement speech 7 / Thermoelectricity: a note 8 / The University’s epic Rise Campaign, at a glance 9 / Goodbye, Library!: students’ notes to the old library 10 / In memory of the murders of September 11 11 / Soccer star Danielle Foxhoven ’12 annually changes 3,000 kids’ lives, wow

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12 / Sports news & notes, as soccer and cross country chase national titles 13 / University news and notes, feats and fetes, facts and tales 48 / The late great Navy submariner Jim Link, Class of 1959

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THE UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND MAGAZINE Autumn 2013: Vol. 32, No. 3 President: Rev. E. William Beauchamp, C.S.C. Founding Editor: John Soisson Editor: Brian Doyle Witty Terse Croatian Designers: Matt Erceg & Joseph Erceg ’55 Mooing Assistant Editors: Marc Covert ’93 & Amy Shelly Harrington ’95 Fitfully Contributing Editors: Louis Masson, Sue Säfve, Terry Favero, Mary Beebe

Cover: His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, was back on campus for the second time in May. Photograph by Steve Hambuchen.

Portland is published quarterly by the University of Portland. Copyright ©2013 by the University of Portland. All rights reserved. Editorial offices are located in Waldschmidt Hall, 5000 N. Willamette Boulevard, Portland, Oregon 97203-5798. Telephone (503) 943-7202, fax (503) 943-7178, e-mail address: bdoyle@up.edu, Web site: http://www.up.edu/portland. Third-class postage paid at Portland, OR 97203. Canada Post International Publications Mail Product — Sales Agreement No. 40037899. Canadian Mail Distribution Information—Express Messenger International: PO Box 25058, London, Ontario, Canada N6C 6A8. Printed in the USA. Opinions expressed in Portland are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University administration. Postmaster: Send address changes to Portland, The University of Portland Magazine, 5000 N. Willamette Boulevard, Portland, OR 97203-5798.

Autumn 2013 1

L E T T E R S SENATOR HATFIELD The University’s highest honor, the Christus Magister (Christ the Teacher) Medal, was first presented to U.S. Senator Mark Hatfield, in 1995. A note on that late great man. When I was cataloging the Senator’s book collection, the family housekeeper would let me in at 7:00 a.m. so I could get a good bit of work done before 11:00 a.m., when the Senator would be ready for brunch. His health was already going downhill and his gift for words beginning to fade like the last sunlight on the ocean. After lunch, I would ask him questions, sometimes very personal questions, about the letters I’d read, and about his book collection. After an hour of candid talk, I would read to him for an hour or more. If the book wasn’t accurate, and he had a voracious appetite for history and knew his facts, that reading was quickly abandoned and I would read to him from his favorites: Homer Davenport’s Country Boy, or the Lincoln/Douglas debates, or perhaps a bit of poetry. He especially loved the selections I pulled from Henry and Pannell’s My American Heritage. Some mornings as I was quietly cataloging his letters and books, making notes, and organizing the materials, he would come out in his pajamas, oblivious to my presence, go to a special closet in his office and swing open the doors. I, of course, kept working, trying to not be noticed. One morning he happened to look over into the corner where I worked. His eyes lit up and he asked me what I was doing. I told him that I had been coming for over a year now and this was the best time for me to concentrate. He asked if I had seen him go to his office in the morn-

ings and I said, yes, I had, many times. He told me to come with him and he opened up the closet doors. “I want you to understand,” he said. I told him that it wasn’t any of my business, and he didn’t have to tell me a thing. But he insisted. In the closet there was a little Chinese lacquered box. Inside the box there were two small handfuls of sand and a small hourglass, also filled with sand. He pointed to the loose sand: “This is from Ground Zero, Hiroshima.” Then he pointed to the hourglass: “This is from the shores of Iwo Jima. You see, John, I was there, at each of those places. Every morning I try to come here. I am forgetting and I don’t want to forget. I must never forget. And we must never forget. They must never happen again.” His eyes were as full as the tide in his heart as he spoke. John Henley Portland, Oregon Editor’s note: John Henley, we should add here, is a quiet Portland legend. As Powell’s very first book buyer, he started its new books division, used book department, and rare books department.

YOU ARE READY The speaker at the University’s annual nursing pinning ceremony in May was Marla Salmon ’71, dean of nursing at U Washington and the nation’s “top nurse” during the Clinton years. Among her remarks: My husband asked me recently if I actually remembered anything said at my own pinning here, forty years ago, and I had to admit that I didn’t. What I do remember, though, was how I felt that day — and how much becoming a nurse meant to me and my family. All of this made me

wonder what memories you will take with you today. Perhaps the actual moment you received your pin? Or the hugs, joy, and tears of those you love. Or the texts that you are sending to one another today (yes, I can see you), trying to hold on to those connections that are already beginning to loosen. This day might also stand in your mind as the point at which you moved from the safety of being a student depending on others, to having others depend on you for their lives and their health. Each of us takes away something different from our pinning. What is common to all, however, is that pinning is the beginning of a wonderful, uncertain, and sometimes frightening time in your career. Here’s a story that I hope will shine a little light on your path ahead. Long ago I had a classmate here. I’ll call her Joanie. She was a class clown — and was also very smart and a major source of irritation to those who were doing their best to turn us into nurses. Joanie was a life force — she took everything head on. If we’d had mobile phones back then, Joanie would have been the one texting wickedly irreverent messages during our driest lectures. I loved her spirit and generosity. But, like most of my other classmates, I secretly wondered if she would actually ever graduate. She wasn’t the greatest student in the world and had challenged more than one faculty member along the way. But fortunately, she did…. I lost track of Joanie after graduation — we’ve never reconnected. But, years later, I learned about the nurse that she had become. I saw a photo in a newspaper of a figure huddled on a rock in the middle of a river. In the back-

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LETTERS POLICY We are delighted by testy or tender letters. Send them to bdoyle@ up.edu. ground was the rotor of a sunken life-flight helicopter. The story was one all too common in the early years of medevac — the hope of saving a life sometimes ending in the loss of patient and crew. The precious cargo on this flight was a critically ill baby — and the nurse was pushy, funny Joanie. But, somehow, she had become courageous, remarkable, never give up Joanie. Against all odds, she made her way out of that helicopter with baby held close, swimming to that single rock sticking out of the water. She cocooned the baby close to her, doing all that she could to keep it warm until rescue arrived. Joanie saved the baby’s life that day. She also left an indelible impression on me. More than once, her story has reminded me of the goodness and greatness that lie within all of us — and the remarkable power of being a nurse. Joanie’s story is a story about the nurses that the University of Portland prepares. Joanie was ready for what she faced — and so are you. She had the same strong character and commitment as you do. She also had the strong educational foundation that you have. You don’t know the power of your knowledge and skills until you actually use them. But you will… and you will touch the lives of so many others who need you in the same ways that Joanie and all nurses are needed. Look, I only have three words for you in the end: You are ready. Godspeed and congratulations.







“In the deep fall,” sings the glorious American poet Mary Oliver, “don’t you imagine the leaves think how comfortable it will be to touch the earth instead of the nothingness of air and the endless freshets of wind?” ¶ Autumn on campus is soccer and cross country season, and all four of those teams are good, again; see portlandpilots.com for schedules and news. ¶ Monday, November 11, at 11:11 a.m.: the annual Veterans’ Day ceremony at the Praying Hands memorial, erected in honor of alumni who fought and fell in too many American wars. A quiet and haunting and sweet and sad and brave and bracing event every year. Come if you can.

THE FACULTY Dedicated September 27 at noon, and open all afternoon that day for tours and astonishment: the utterly renovated and rebuilt and reimagined Clark Library, after more than a year of reinvention. You wouldn’t believe how much more open and bright it is now. Particular credit to library dean Drew Harrington for vision and perseverance. ¶ October 10: the University’s annual Zahm Lecture in Catholicism, delivered this year by Jud Newborn, coauthor of Sophie Scholl and the White Rose, an account of German Christian students (some former Hitler Youth leaders) who led an anti-Nazi movement. Free and open to all; for information call Jamie Powell, 503.943.7702, powell @up.edu. ¶ Coordinators of the University’s remarkable

discrimination by sexual orientation; two new staffers in career services; huge jump in job fair and internship programs; five new health center staffers; and new free selfdefense classes for all students. ¶ Among the new student clubs approved this year: skiing, snowboarding, Filipino students, student military veterans, and the dragon boat club.

THE UNIVERSITY STUDENT LIFE Arriving this fall: 840 freshmen and freshwomen, from 35 states and 24 countries (among them Australia, Egypt, Fiji, Greece, India, Peru, Spain, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, and Uganda); applications from abroad were up 12%. A quarter of the class is Californian, and 28% are from Oregon; 44% are male; 100 are from Hawaii or Guam; they boast a 3.62 average in high school; 11% are Hispanic; and they are slightly taller and kinder than the national average. ¶ Students living on campus in the nine residence halls this fall: 1,840, the most ever. Part of the reason: 90% retention rate, and a decline in students moving off-campus as they age. ¶ One plan for the future: requiring not only freshmen but sophomores to live on campus. ¶ New services for students recently: a pregnancy support committee led by sociology professor Deanna Julka; expanded programs in alcohol, drug, and sexual violence problem-solving; a new staff member for late-night campus programming; more help for first-generation college students (12% of the freshmen this year); a huge growth in the Green Dot bystander intervention program (now part of freshman orientation); creation of a faculty/ staff committee to deal with

On campus September 19 for the University’s annual Red Mass, celebrating lawyers and judges and those who work for justice: Justice Clarence Thomas of the U.S. Supreme Court, who will give a speech at 4.30, and attend Mass in the chapel afterward. Thomas is one of six Catholic justices on the Court. “Talk about a minority within a minority within a minority,” he has said of being raised “a black Catholic in Savannah, Georgia…I grew up in a religious environment, and I’m proud of it.” ¶ Late on November 8: the men’s and women’s basketball teams open their seasons together in a doubleheader. See portlandpilots.com for information. ¶ December 8, a newer campus tradition: everyone absorbed by Holy Cross education, especially University of Portland and Notre Dame alumni and staff in the Rose City, celebrates Mass together in the University’s lovely wooden Chapel of Christ the Teacher. ¶ Looking ahead a little: April 8 is the annual deeply moving Scholarship Lunch (when University donors meet the tall children whose lives they changed) in the Chiles Center, and May 9 will be the Formal Official Gala closing the Rise Campaign, which we hope will finish as the most successful fundraising effort by a private college in the history of the Northwest. What a sentence!

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ARTS & LETTERS On campus October Thursday October 24: the hilarious and piercing essayist and novelist David James Duncan, on whom the University draped an honorary doctoral hood in 2004 for the “poetry and prayer and passion and power” of his work. His 7 p.m. talk in Buckley Auditorium is free and open to all. Call Brian Doyle at 503.943.8225 for details. ¶ Poet Alan Shapiro visits Tuesday, November 12, reading from his work in BC 163 at 7.30 p.m. ¶ And for those of you making winter plans, the former Poet Laureate of the United States will be reading from her work on campus February 13, free as can be: the estimable Louise Gluck, whose father invented the Xacto knife! ¶ Mary Ellen O’Connell delivers the University’s annual Hesburgh Lecture, this year on the legal, moral, and strategic challenges of American drone use in wars; October 28, 7 p.m., BC Aud, free. ¶ February 6, 2014: Father David Guffney, C.S.C., director of film for Family Theater Productions in Hollywood, talks about grace and cinema; 7:30 p.m., BC Aud, free as can be.

FROM THE PAST September 5, 1901: the University is born, “at about ten in the morning,” when the president rang a cowbell to summon students to class. ¶ September 2, 1947: the University’s Columbia Prep high school moves to southwest Portland for its last eight years; it closed in 1955, but the University still hosts an annual Prep reunion every May. ¶ October 2: poet Wallace Stevens is born in Pennsylvania, Graham Greene is born in England, and Charles Schultz’s brilliant “Peanuts” comic strip first appears in American newspapers. Coincidence?



new Humor Project as of October 1: Clark Library’s Drew Harrington, communication studies’ Jeff KerssenGriep, and education’s Eric Anctil. Information on the Project (a great Campaign target): Brian Doyle, 503.943.8225, bdoyle@up.edu. ¶ February: the annual Diamond Dinner, as baseball season opens, to raise money for the Pilots and their wry Head Professor, Chris Sperry ’89. Info: Colin McGinty, 503.943.8005.













Returning to the Mercy in May: biology professor David Alexander, killed by cancer. A gentle quiet brilliant man, a wonderful advisor to students for 18 years. Microbiologist, soil science guy, bacteriologist, husband (to Paula, above), dad (of Kevin, above). Voted teacher of the year by the University’s Air Force cadets, many of whom become nurses. Famous on campus for lugging all his papers and equipment behind him daily in a rolling suitcase. Just a nicest calmest guy ever. Prayers for his soul and for the holes in the hearts of those who loved and admired him. Portland 4






The coach of the best basketball team in the world, for the second straight year: Erik Spoelstra, University of Portland Class of 1992. The National Basketball Association’s Miami Heat won their third title in June (2006, 2012, 2013), led by the incomparable LeBron James. We chatted with Erik two summers ago, when James joined his team, and we were impressed at his gentle articulate honesty. “Look, these men are among the best players in the world,” he said. “They know what they’re doing. My job isn’t so much technical matters as it is insisting on generosity, trust, sacrifice, selflessness. I learned as a player and a coach that it’s trust in your teammates, sacrificing your ego, sharing the ball, sharing the workload – that’s how a team rises to its possibility. The possibility for us is limitless, if we play that way.” Spoken like a man with a Holy Cross education, eh? Our thanks to Nick Maiorana of the Heat and NBA Photos. Autumn 2013 5


IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU! From the 2013 Commencement Address by business ethicist Kirk O. Hanson, director of the Markkula Center for Ethics at Santa Clara University. You do have to wonder why a Santa Clara professor is addressing the graduates of the University of Portland. I suspect it is because your president wanted to rub it in — you see, I am a women’s soccer fan of the first order, and I have been totally depressed in recent years watching Portland’s women’s soccer team knock Santa Clara out of tournaments, the NCAA, and the national rankings. But listen: commencement speeches come in two forms. There are celebrity speeches where you always remember who the speaker was, but not the speech; and there are message speeches, by non-celebrities like me, whom the school thought would have something useful to say. Surveys show that graduates don’t remember a thing speakers say at graduation in either case, so that relieves me of any real concern, and I also remember my own graduation, at which my godfather, a tough California Highway Patrol commander (perhaps many of you have met his successors?), couldn’t bear the commencement speaker and disappeared into a hotel bar. Well, I am the second kind of speaker, a non-celebrity with a message — something terse you might remember. Here it is, right up front: It is not about you.





You were showered with awards and trophies when you were young, just for showing up. You were told you were all winners. Now there are personalized license plates, personalized search results, personalized advertisements, personalized medicine, personalized everything. You would be justified in expecting that the rest of your life everything will be about you and your desires. You are told that there is nothing more important as you start out your career than building your personal brand. A standard Gallup Poll question of high school seniors is “Are you a very important person?” In 1950 12% answered yes. In 2005, that had risen to 80%. Now, I am glad you have good self-esteem, but I worry it has tipped over into a belief that you are so special that is only about your self-fulfillment. Nothing could be further from the truth. To be honest, my generation laid the groundwork for all this. We baby boomers have been self-absorbed and focused on pleasuring ourselves. We have spent beyond our means, and are now piling up a bloated national debt that we will gladly leave for your generation to pay when we check out. But your generation is already discovering that true happiness lies elsewhere. It lies not in a narcissistic fascination with ourselves, but in service to others; indeed in living a life of service to things that matter. Studies are finding that individuals find genuine happiness and fulfillment not just in finding a job that matches the skills you have, but also by choosing a job that you are passionate about, and believe contributes to others. Yours is the first generation of what

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we are calling social entrepreneurs, individuals who are finding ways to create new organizations for-profit and nonprofit that also serve humanity. The University of Portland has been telling you day in and day out for four years that life is about serving others — and thank God it has! Real self-fulfillment, real happiness, real enjoyment in life, comes not from focusing on yourself but from focusing on the needs of others. No, it’s not about you. From the moment you walk out of here, you will be making decisions which pit your interests against those of others. You will be asked again and again whether it is about you or others. It’s happening right now with your family. You understand that your family has lived for you for 21 years — feeding you, catching you when you stumbled, encouraging you to take risks, cheering your accomplishments, and paying for college. But it is no longer about you: now is the time for you to contribute to the life of your family. It will happen at work. Because it is not all about you, you had better pick a career, a life’s work, an organization that matches your passions and values, because that is where lies your deepest professional fulfillment. It will happen in love. You will likely pick a life partner and marry. This is the most important role in your life, and it is definitely not about you. It is about helping your partner have the kind of fulfilling and happy life that you want for yourself. And it is inevitable that relationships never run smoothly. A marriage is a series of unavoidable ethical choices — opportunities to put your partner’s interests ahead of yours. It will happen with your own children. They will be your chance at caring for a completely vulnerable human being, keeping them safe and helping them to find joy and meaning in the world, wiping their bottoms. The first time you do that you will know for sure that it is not about you. The message I hope you remember when you forget my name? The world is telling you that everything can be personalized to your tastes and your desires. Don’t believe it. Find your true joy by helping the others in your life, by focusing on the needs of your family, your partner, your coworkers and customers, your neighbors, the needy in your own area and in lands you’ll never visit. Remember who life is about.






Assignment for professor Heather Dillon’s mechanical engineering class: “explore one thermodynamic idea in a new context; explain thermodynamics in a way that a high school student could understand; engage the general public about the ideas of thermodynamics.” Two of the riveting results: top, Caroline Pisani, Audre Ramey, and sparklers (oxidizer, fuel, aluminum grains, radiation); below, Becca Baldwin and Kyle Zada and their illustration of “open system change in entropy with irreversibility.” The whole class, says Dillon, is about the transformation of energy from one form to another (often for use as power), loss during transformation (as in heat or friction), and thus design decisions. To see all the students’ projects, see sites.google.com/site/heatherdillon/teaching/highlights and look for thermodynamics.

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THE CAMPAIGN: A NOTE It was publicly launched in 2010. It ends on May 9, 2014, about eight months from now. So far it has raised more than 162 million dollars, a stunning amount of money. The goal for it is $175 million, which would make the Campaign the most successful such effort ever among Northwest private universities. But how, after six years, has the Rise Campaign affected the University already? Thus a cheat sheet, a glance, selected highlights. Clark Library. Total renovation, at a cost of more than $12 million. See pages 14-18 for highlights, and come to the official reopening September 27. Much brighter, front door now opens onto the west quad, totally networked and made modern. Unbelievable reboot. Library dean Drew Harrington floating on air. * Shiley School of Engineering. Another complete overhaul, with new labs, updated equipment, wired classrooms, the works. A tremendous lead gift from the late Donald Shiley ’51 and his effervescent wife Darlene made this possible, along with new engineering scholarships and funds for faculty research. The Shileys’ largesse is the biggest gift in University history, $20 million. Engraved on the wall as you enter is a quote from Donald: “Find the gifts God gave you, learn to shape and wield them, and then go use them.” Amen to that, you brilliant soul. * Scholarships. A whopping 168 new scholarships for everything you can imagine, from nursing to humor to entrepreneurship to teaching eighth grade. Some notables: the Molly Hightower Scholarship, for a kid from battered Haiti to come to the University, in memory of the sweet goofy alumna crushed in the 2010 quake; scholarships for students in the executive MBA program, which trains managers of non-profits; a million dollars in nursing scholarships from the Helene Fuld Trust; the Macias scholarship for kids from Benson and Central Catholic High who want to study languages; the Phil Cansler scholarship for trumpeters; the Bill





Reed scholarship for kids who are hard put financially… * All sorts of wild gifts through planned giving, which is to say wills, estates, trusts, gifts-in-kind, etc. Some notables: $4.8 million from the late Marie and James Riopelle ’50 for financial aid; house lots on Wallowa Lake, a mink stole, a 115-year-old dulcimer, airplane tickets, eight flashlights, a massive gem collection, a Paraguayan harp, a grand piano, a viola, cases of wine, the works of Shakespeare, lumber, Davis Cup match tickets, 40 pumpkins,a rabbitfur coat, computers, an oscilloscope, and a pool cue. Among other glories. Bauccio Commons. The old staid Commons cafeteria was doubled and reinvented as a cool restaurant, basically, courtesy of Fedele Bauccio ’64, founder of Bon Appetit. All local foods, organic, much better wines, much less energy burned on transport, much more kick to local farmers and ranchers and brewers and vintners. Speaking of reinventing old and staid, Buckley Center’s auditorium was rescued and remade and it no longer feels like the bottom of a pool in winter, and Kenna Hall (now all women) was hauled into the 21st century via Campaign gifts. * Cool new programs like the Dundon-Berchtold Ethics Initiative (which sparked the Character Project), and the Humor Project (sparked by a whopping gift from Patricia and John Beckman ’42). * Fields and Schoenfeldt Halls, the twinned new residence halls at the north end of campus, named for regent Sue Fields and her brother Father Art Schoenfeldt, C.S.C.; Fields is for women and “Padre” hall for men, but they hold hands in the middle, as it were – isn’t that cool? * The Bell Tower and Marian Garden. Aw, we didn’t think we needed a bell tower, so many colleges have bell towers…and we were totally wrong. It’s sweet and holy and immediately signaturesque and your heart shivers when the bells really get going. Thanks to chairman of the regents Allen Lund and his wife Kathie. And building it allowed for the redesign of the gentle open garden dedicated to the Madonna, thanks to the Galati clan of Portland. * Portland 8

The $100K Challenge. The entrepreneurship program used to host an annual $16K challenge for great business ideas from students and young alumni. Now, courtesy of Campaign gifts, it’s $100,000 plus investment from alumni and friends for the winners, who have to start their own businesses. We are approaching 100 small businesses started through this project. Wow. * The Chapel of Christ the Teacher. Another lovely and thorough renovation, after nearly 30 years since the extraordinary little sacred space opened its massive walnut doors. New altar, new floor, new lighting, and our particular thanks to Jim Price ’63 and Rich Baek ’93. Also refreshed and renamed is old Science Hall, now called Romanaggi Hall for its generous beardly lead donor Doctor Don Romanaggi ’56. * The Chiles Center. Expanded and updated largely due to the generosity of Earle Chiles and Hollmans, Joe ’64 and Travis ’92. One of the smallest NCAA Division I schools in America has one of the coolest places for student-athletes to train and play. * Opening work on the River Campus. It’ll take another decade to really start work there, probably, but Campaign gifts let the University finish cleanup efforts on the new property below Corrado Hall, and start serious planning for science labs, practice fields, and greenways on what will someday be the lower campus. Maybe even a cool modern 21st-century track. * The Trading Room & Finance Center in Franz Hall, the most extensive in the West, has nine Bloomberg terminals and lets students and faculty do instant financial analysis and research. * The New Recreation Center will be born on May 9, when University president Father Bill Beauchamp, C.S.C., who kicked harder for it than anyone, breaks ground for it. It’ll fill the huge field north of the Chiles Center, and finally, after 84 years, replace sagging weary creaky hardworking Howard Hall as a fitness and “wellness” center for students, staff, and faculty. Indoor track, climbing wall, yoga studio, basketball courts, maybe a pool. Bet you a buck it’ll be called the Beauchamp Center.






Last year, as the University closed Clark Library for a year of utter renovation, the staff invited students to write notes on the walls; and Diane Sotak, bless her soul, photographed the sweetest and funniest of them. The Clark opened again this summer, a whole new verb of a place; see pages 14-17. Autumn 2013 9

THE PIT From “Ground Hero,” a long poem by Father Mike McCullough, a Los Angeles Police Department chaplain who rushed to New York after September 11 to be of help where he could counseling responders. Our thanks to University regent Joe Allegretti for calling our attention to this and to Mike Nelson, editor of The Tidings in LA, where the poem first appeared. The cops are tough like their winters, But they break into a smile In a heartbeat How aw ya? they say with a big grin Though their eyes Tell another story, Betray exhaustion Marrow-bone sorrow. Ground Zero Became Ground Hero Cement and glass that Became Volcanic pumice ash Flesh and metal all churned Through the same grinder Still-red steel Dripping blood-molten liquid 2,000-3,000 degrees 22 days later. Sulfur fumes Bowels of hell. A port authority sergeant Made it all make sense: You know, 30,000 got out alive! Now I understand. The only sacrilege that remains Would be for us to forget What these public servants did To save so many. In 106 minutes 410 public servants purchased





with their lives The safe escape of Thousands of citizens Traded death for lives 350 fire fighters and EMTs 37 port authority police 23 New York City Police; For each one who died, 73 people got out 73 owe their lives. The firefighter Remembering the rain of body parts And bodies Falling from the sky As he tried to lead his three brothers to safety. All three brothers died. 10/06/01: found body 2200 hours: FDNY Carle Molinari. Out of the tiny opening in One of the mounds of Girder-twisted rubble Ground Zero rescue crew Carefully extracts the smoldering Steaming remains of One of their own. LAPD chaplain Dave, The Salvation Army chaplain And myself. Form up and lead The procession of six Carrying the body bag Of holy remains Draped in Old Glory. Three blocks the procession winds Past saluting, Red-eyed, Dust-covered Fire and police personnel Past emergency responders From 50 jurisdictions I will never listen to the Scripture passage The same again

Where Lazarus laid three days in The tomb and there was a stench. Our brother’s body laid 26 days in the tomb. And now it is my profound privilege To pray the blessing over his body. An FDNY EMT who helped Carry the body of NYC fire chaplain Father Mychal Judge After a deep conversation Tears and hugs exchanged Removes his FDNY collar pin and Attaches it to my police jacket Next to my chaplain insignia. God shed his grace on thee, brother. During the Port Authority Police Memorial service At one of the last names, A solitary voice stabbed the heart Of the silence: My baby! With all the terror and loss Of Rachel weeping for her children. I gave away about 400 Archangel Michael medals And a few of St. Florian, Catholic patrons of cops and firefighters And elicited many a smile. That was my joy. Wonder counselor God of the hurting Father of helpers, We prostrate ourselves before you We beg your mercy For our brothers and sisters in New York We plead for your wisdom, your strength As we reach out to others in pain. We humbly ask your forgiveness For the times we neglected to praise you. Show us the way To walk unaccustomed paths. For it is you who teach us, In the inmost recesses of our hearts, How to console the widow, Embrace the orphan, Shelter the homeless Listen with kindness Stand erect in persecution. You wept when the stench of death was strong And then raised us to new levels of life. Oh God, in our time of national crisis May each of us bring consolation to others As you have brought it to us. Amen.

Portland 10








She is renowned for her poised play on Merlo Field; she finished her career in 2011 fourth all-time in goals for the Pilots, behind only the greats Christine Sinclair, Tiffeny Milbrett, and Shannon MacMillan. She is renowned now for her play with the Portland Thorns professional team, with teammates Christine Sinclair and Angie Woznuk Kerr. She is renowned for her play with the U.S. National Team and with a Russian pro team. But there’s much more to Danielle Foxhoven. During her time on The Bluff, between scoring goals, being elected captain, and earning her marketing degree, Danielle started a non-profit called Equipment Across Continents. (See coachesacrosscontinents.org.) With all levels of soccer teams getting new gear every year, she thought, surely the slightly worn gear from the year before could benefit those who have none; and maybe provide a few more children with the sort of opportunities Dani got growing up in Colorado. And away she went, running the company from Russia after she graduated, and running it today, even as she stars for the Rose City’s Thorns. The numbers are staggering: Danielle Foxhoven has raised and distributed equipment worth more than $5 million to some 3,000 children a year in 18 countries, among them Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Haiti, Cameroon, Kenya, India, and Columbia. That’s ten thousand children around the world. That’s Danielle Foxhoven. That’s the University of Portland. Want to help Dani and the University reach more kids and wake them up to the zest and grace of soccer and sport? Tell Dani: dani@coachesacrosscontinents.org. Lisa Sari Chambers ’07, who starred for the Pilots’ 2005 national title team and also played on the U.S. National Team and in the pros, is an assistant coach on The Bluff. Autumn 2013 11

O N S P O R T S NCAA Postgrad Scholarships Cross country’s Lars Erik Malde ’13, who majored in engineering management, earned the University’s twelfth NCAA postgrad grant — $7,500, which he will use to study wind energy at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Malde is the fifth Pilot runner to earn the award; five others have gone to women’s soccer players, most recently Jessica Tsao in 2011, and two to women’s basketball players, Laura Sale and Martha Sheldon. ¶ Earning the WCC’s male postgrad grant: cross country’s Aiden Irish, who will study science at California State Polytechnic University in Pomona. Irish earned a 3.95 in political science and environmental ethics and policy, founded Schools for Schools (helping schools in Uganda), and spent many hours at the Oregon Food Bank and coaching the Roosevelt High School debate team. The kind of guy you hate to see graduate, really. Men’s Basketball The Pilots were in Spain this past August, playing the national teams of Angola, Venezuela, and Ivory Coast in Madrid, and against four school and pro teams in the Canary Islands. The last time the Pilots went abroad in summer, to Australia, they won 21 games in the succeeding season. Hmm. ¶ New faces for the men this fall: center Volodymyr Gerun, from West Virginia University and the Ukraine; guard Bobby Sharp from Santa Rosa JC; guard Aitor Zubizarreta from Spain, where he played for the national team; and guard Alec Wintering from North Carolina. Women’s Basketball New faces for the Pilots this fall: Greek national team player Stefania Sideri, from Athens, and Kaylie Van Loo from Glencoe High in Hillsboro, Oregon; Van Loo transfers from the U. of Idaho and has to wait a season to play, although she can practice. Baseball University alumni in the pros this summer: Rocky Gale was catching and hitting .241 for the Padres’ San Antonio Missions; Austin Bibens-Dierkx was 8-3 (with a 2.73 e.r.a) for Toronto’s Dunedin Blue Jays; Chris Johnson had a 2.31 e.r.a for the Giants’ Salem-Keizer Volcanoes; Owen Jones had a terrific 1.45 e.r.a for the Dodgers’ Great Lakes Loons; and Kyle Kraus had two wins for Boston’s Salem Red Sox. Do we produce fine pitching or what? ¶ We





report with sadness that former Pilot pitcher, major league scout, and benefactor Andy Pienovi ’47 died in July at age 90. Rest in peace, coach. ¶ New faces for the Pilots this year: catcher Cooper Hummel (from Lakeridge High in Oregon), all-Hawaii outfielder Jason Rosen from Punahou High in Honolulu, and pitcher Kevin Wade from Mission Viejo, California. Women’s Soccer The Pilots look to earn their third national title this year, and have the usual stacked schedule (ten NCAA playoff teams among their opponents) to prepare for it: see portlandpilots.com for times and tickets. ¶ Back at forward is the WCC’s leading scorer (33 points), senior Amanda Frisbie, one of nine returning starters. The Pilots have earned NCAA playoff berths in 20 of the last 21 seasons. Whew. ¶ Three of the Pilots’ incoming freshmen (Ellie Boon, Danica Evans, and Alison Wetherington) spent the summer with U.S. national teams, and Parkes Kendrick played with the Canadian

nationals; Wetherington was called up to the U-20 team by former Pilot star Michelle French, the head coach. ¶ New face on the coaching staff: former pro goalie Adin Brown, who played with Major League Soccer, with Aalesund in Norway, and with the Portland Timbers. He also played for the late Clive Charles on the U.S. National Team. Men’s Soccer Among the new faces: Aaron Caprio (from Utah state champion Lehi High), all-Utah Matthew Coffey, and all-Oregon Eddie Sanchez from Canby High. Back for the veterans are all-WCC players Derek Boggs, Michael Escobar, Jaime Velasco, and Hugo Rhoads. The Pilots, fourth in the WCC last year, are 408-236-82 alltime since their modern reincarnation in 1977, with two Final Four appearances (1988 and 1995). Men’s Cross Country Back for the men, twelfth in the nation last year, best in the West (yes, better than Oregon and Stanford), and WCC champs yet again, are junior Scott Portland 12

Fauble, who was both an athletic and academic All-American, and sophomore Danny Martinez, ninth in the U.S. Cross Country Championship meet. The new faces are Nevada state champ Jordan Cardenas and California’s Jeff Thies. ¶ The men’s team posted a 3.29 gpa in class last year, best in the league. ¶ Jared Bassett ’13 finished tenth in the nation at the NCAA steeplechase finals at Oregon’s Hayward Field. The Pilots have now sent runners to the NCAA Championship meet for 22 years in a row. Women’s Cross Country The women, second in the league last year to San Francisco, were first in the classroom, with a team 3.51 gpa. ¶ The Pilots return all-WCC sophomore Laura Hottenrott-Freitag and sophomore Tansey Lystad, who led them to an eighth-place finish in the West. Volleyball Back for the Pilots are four starters; among the six freshmen is three-time Oregon player of the year Makayla Lindburg from Crook County High in Prineville, Oregon, where she led the Cowgirls to four state titles. Wow. Rowing The new head coach, succeeding The Legend Bill Zack: Pasha Spencer, director of the Everett Rowing Association and former coach at St. Mary’s, Yale, and Trinity College. Bill sailed off to San Diego State.¶ Back for the women, third in the WCC last year: all-WCC Mia Tarte and Hannah Dahlem. ¶ Also back in the boats are National Scholar Athletes Sarah Donohoe (3.5 biology) and Jessica Osborn (3.9 biology, yoikes). Tennis Back for the men is all-WCC senior Ratan Gill from Canada (13 wins last year); for the women the leader is all-WCC sophomore Maja Mladenovic from Serbia (12 wins). Promising new face for the men: transfer Reid deLaubenfels, from Fresno State. For the women, a ballyhooed freshmen class includes two Women’s Tennis Association-ranked players, Lucia Butkovska (from Slovakia), ranked #22 in the world as a junior player, and Jelena Lazarevic (from Serbia). The League’s Most Sportsmanlike Program would be the Pilots, according to the West Coast Conference, which awarded the University its annual “Represent Cup,” earned by votes by member institutions. TICKETS, SCHEDULES, NEWS: PORTLANDPILOTS.COM

O N B R I E F LY The Rise Campaign, set to conclude on May 9 with a groundbreaking ceremony for the new recreation center and a gala closing event in the evening with the wonderful Portland band Pink Martini, has gathered more than $162 million of its $175 million goal for scholarships, programs, and facilities; among recent gifts are $960,000 from the Helene Fuld Trust for nursing scholarships, $1.5 million from the Northwest Evaluation Association for education research, $80,000 from 1,000 donors to this magazine, $3 million for the remarkable Humor Project and its Scholarships in Gentle & Sidelong Humor, and a flurry of gifts for the utterly renovated Clark Library; to gawk at some of the new library, see page 14. Faculty Feats Elected as chairwoman for the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses national certification board: nursing professor Mary Frances Pate. There are more than 500,000 critical-care nurses in America. ¶ Elected president of the national Council on Undergraduate Research (one of the University’s quiet glories), working with 650 universities and 9,000 professors: biology professor Amelia Ahern-Rindell. ¶ Co-winner of the Oregon Department of Forestry’s annual Mary Rellergert Award for contributions to information, education and understanding of forestry: education professor Tisha Morrell, whose Oregon Wood Magic Program for kids has reached some 73,000 kids in 14 years. Wow. ¶ Featured in Environment magazine: an essay by theology’s Russ Butkus and science’s Steve Kolmes about environmental issues and Catholic social teaching. “Only took 18 years to get that in there,” says Kolmes dryly. ¶ Inducted into the University’s Business Hall of Fame: business professor, dean, vice president, and acting president (twice) Arthur Schulte, who wept. Everyone else did, too. Great man. Devout, tall, blunt. The Garaventa Center for American Catholicism has two new directors: theology professor Father Charlie Gordon, C.S.C., and education professor Karen Eifler. They succeed the effervescent Father Gary Chamberland, C.S.C., who continues as campus ministry director and dean of the chapel. ¶ Among the Garaventa Center’s guests this academic year is U.S. Supreme Court





Justice Clarence Thomas, who will speak in the Chiles Center as part of the University’s annual Red Mass celebration on September 19. The Red Mass is an ancient Catholic tradition of prayer for those in legal professions. The Best Student Newspaper in Oregon, according to the state’s newspaper publishers association, is the University’s Beacon, which racked up 27 awards and a citation lauding its professional handling of controversial topics. The paper also earned 10 awards from the regional Society of Professional Journalists. Kudos. ¶ The best newspaper columnist in Oregon and the Northwest, according to various professional entities: The Oregonian’s Steve Duin, who again will teach feature writing this fall on The Bluff. The Rise Campaign, we note with amazement, has lured every sort of gift you can imagine to The Bluff; along with the checks and cash and pledges and bonds and stocks and wills you might expect, we have also received a house, a tree (from George Galati ’54), flute music, lab pipettors, cupcakes, a tensiometer, statues of University presidents Fathers Paul Waldschmidt and Tom Oddo, a First Communion missal from 1901, mineral rights in Texas, a golf cart, 1,000 pounds of strawberries, Butler’s Lives of the Saints, microscopes, Navy uniforms, Portland Timbers tickets, 300 cheeseburgers, 2 pizzas, a cassock, a trench coat, a catcher’s mitt, a muskrat coat, and a barrel of beer. Among much else. For more Campaign highlights see page 8. Faculty Notes Engineering’s Aziz Inan was featured on the Ford Motor Company website for his analysis of odd Fordian numerical coincidences; Aziz has devoted thousands of hours to numerology in recent years. We would grin but stories have been published about him all over the world. ¶ Theology’s Michael Cameron joined the editorial board of Augustinian Studies, the journal of the study of Saint Augustine. ¶ Languages’ Matthew Warshawsky co-edited a volume of essays on Don Quixote, pieces which grew out of a conference on the Don on The Bluff last year. ¶ Theology’s Father Jeff Cooper, C.S.C., happily back on The Bluff again after study elsewhere, delivered papers this year on the glorious Catholic mystics Thomas Merton and Meister Eckhart. ¶ Nursing’s Pamela Potter and Karen Cameron, nursing, have published the book Multicultural Autumn 2013 13

Population Health Promotion, with, sweetly, University of Portland students on the cover. Elected to the national Council on Social Work Education: Professor Anissa Rogers. ¶ Biology’s Tara McGinnis and fellow researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have published (in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences), their discoveries of ocean fish that camouflage themselves with a polarization-dependent reflective outer surface that changes properties to match conditions. Their work was funded by the U.S. Navy, which is understandably riveted by camouflage technologies. ¶ Delivering the commencement address to Michigan State U.’s nursing graduates in May: nursing’s Katherine Crabtree. ¶ Engineering’s Heather Dillon published a report for the U.S. Department of Energy comparing energy and environmental impact of LED, CFL, and incandescent lighting. For a look into one of Heather’s mechanical engineering classes, see page 5. Back on campus this year, to general delight and acclaim: Father Ed Obermiller, C.S.C., after seven years directing vocations, fundraising, and public relations for his Congregation of Holy Cross in America. Ed, the University’s cheerful parish priest as campus ministry boss from 1995 to 2006, will live in Kenna Hall and work in marketing and fundraising for the University. A pleasure to welcome him home.

The New Old Library Photographs by Jose Velazco and Jeff Kennel

Inside the University’s utterly amazingly renovated Clark Library, which reopens this fall after many months of reinvention and reimagination.


t took more than a year. It entailed the entire staff and most of the contents of the library moving to various locations on campus. It cost more than 12 million dollars, for which the University community is wildly grateful to hundreds of Campaign donors, among them alumni, regents, foundations, corporations, and many friends of clearly shining intellect. It allows glorious light into a building that could charitably have been called shadowy inside. It turns the library to face the busy quad rather than a narrow sidewalk. It boasts new Douglas fir ceilings, apt and suitable here in the fir forest. It has new display space for the

University’s copy of the rare Saint John’s Bible, and the musical scores that composer Aaron Copland gave us, and the vast collection of Northwest literature left by the beloved Father Art Schoenfeldt, C.S.C., at his death. There’s a beyond-cool digital lab for audio, video, photography, and design projects. There’s a classroom, bless its heart. There’s a fireplace lounge, bless Rich Baek’s generosity. There’s a study room named for University benefactor Lee Brenneisen, the bestread person we have ever met. There’s a study room named for Julia and Dan Danielson, which is apt because Dan’s firm Soderstrom Architects re-

built the library not to mention ten other buildings on campus over the last twenty years, bless their hearts for reimagining the entire Bluff. There’s a whole new energy conservation system which will save the University untold dollars. It is the herculean effort that completely renovated the Clark Library, which we can say, with admiration and something like awe, is the University’s newest educational space. More than fifty years after it was first built it is born again, dreamed anew. Come visit if you have a chance. Editor

Why Not Us? The long and riveting road of the University’s dean of engineering. By Brian Doyle



ere we are in the streets of Portof-Spain, on the island of Trinidad, in the Caribbean Sea. It is the first day of Carnival, the wild colorful seething peaceful musical hilarious festival before Ash Wednesday. The streets are filled with rambling musical bands: the Village Drums, the Young Harts, the Callaloo Company, Mas Jumbies, the Fever Crew, so many more you cannot count them. Many of the musicians and wandering minstrels have their faces painted white. African griot storytellers hold forth on street corners. Every kind of food and fruit and drink you could imagine is for sale, papayas and mangos and bananas and plantains and oysters and snowcones and masala and a hundred other delicious spicy things. The foods of Africa and India and Portugal and China and Guyana and Venezuela and England and Syria are here because the people here came from all those places long ago and they mixed together peacefully so that now everyone is brown and you cannot very easily say what heritage or race someone is. Running through the streets is a small girl. She is twelve years old. She is a gentle brown and you cannot say very easily what heritage or race she is. She was born in British Guyana and came to Trinidad when she was two years old. For as long as she can remember she and her mother and father and sister and brother have lived in a hill over the sea here. Her father is a boat pilot, among other things. Everyone has a few jobs in Trinidad. There is music everywhere. Much of it is parang, the lovely sinuous vibrant infectious music of the island. The small girl can play it on her cuatro, her four-string guitar. She is also a terrific reader and a fine scholar and she’s deft with her hands and she and her dad fix things together around the house and his boat. Also she speaks three languages already, four if you count Trinidadian patois. And she is running through the streets because she adores cricket and there

are casual matches today on the perfect lawns at Queen’s Park Savannah even in the midst of Carnival. Her parents are strict but not quite cold or rigid. Her mother never went to school past the age of twelve so she is intent that her children will finish school. Her father was the one chosen among his eleven brothers and sisters to wear the one school uniform the family could afford, so he is intent that his children will finish school. Both parents are intent that their three children will soar beyond their parents. The small girl is the oldest. Her sister is five years younger and her brother is the baby. She will say later that she thinks her parents staggered their children so that they could devote to each their full and undivided attention and resources. She will also say that maybe they secretly wanted a boy as the oldest child. Maybe that is why she is sent to the most rigorous high school. Maybe that is why she is expected to be able to fix anything and everything. Maybe that is why she is encouraged to finish high school early and go to the best college she can. And she is a superb student, this girl. She finishes at the top of her class at every level, and a Trinidad student who finishes at the top is admitted free to the University of West Indies. But she is not from Trinidad. She is from Guyana. So she must look elsewhere for college, and where are there more Trinidadians than even in Trinidad? Why, yes, of course: Brooklyn and Queens, in the City of New York, in the United States of America. It was either Columbia University or New York University, says Sharon Jones, now in her office in the University’s Shiley Hall, three decades after she ran through the street on her way to the Queen’s Park Savannah cricket ground. We had relatives there, so that’s where I looked, and... Bachelor’s degree, Columbia. Wanted desperately to study history; fell deeply in love with history; would Portland 18

have done anything to be able to major in history. Absolutely not, said her father, and in my family you don’t argue with dad, she says. Yet I never forgot, and even now when I teach I want to bring context and story to what we are talking about. How did we get here? From what did we grow? From whom do we derive our energy and direction and environment? So the girl fascinated by physics and mathematics and chemistry and technical drafting, the girl who was disencouraged to study those subjects in high school because those were the subjects that boys studied, the girl who loved to fix things and build things with her dad, decided that engineering was the best match for her interests in math and science and drafting and fixing and building things, and she majored in civil engineering. Then she worked as an engineer, first for the city of Los Angeles (solid waste, biosolids, recycling, composting, regulations) and then a private firm (hazardous waste). Then a master’s degree in Florida (geotechnical engineering, husband), and another master’s degree in California (public works). More work as an engineer, with CH2M Hill (waste management, Superfund cleanup, pollution prevention), and then a doctorate (engineering and public policy, children)... Along the way Sharon Jones also stepped back into the academic world not just as a student but as a professor, and increasingly as an administrator — Allegheny College, Caribbean Academy of Sciences, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, and finally Lafayette College, where she found herself, at age 43, running the engineering school. But along the way she has also begun to sense her real work. It’s not just engineering, or teaching, or running entities that teach engineering. It’s...bigger. It has something to do with showing children opportunities and paths and careers and possible absorptions they did not know they

I am an engineer for any number of reasons, says Sharon Jones, none of which is because I loved it passionately as a child. I didn’t. But I have come Carnival, held annually in the days before Ash Wednesday in Trinidad, is a wild affair of calypso and soca music, dancing, and incredible costumery. Carnival began in the 18th century as a way for slaves to lampoon their French owners’ lavish social events; today it is celebrated in cities around the world.

to love what engineering does, what it can do, how it affects every aspect of our lives. The problem is that it is a hidden profession, and that’s a serious problem. How are we going to solve the water problems of our time? How are we going to quell conflicts about water? How are we going to change from dirty energy to clean energy? How are we going to make energy sustainable? How are we going to make energy and water affordable for developing nations? Water, access, energy, sanitation — those are the problems of this century, and no discipline is as poised and ready and able to deal with those problems as engineering is. But we cannot solve those problems creatively unless we look up from widgets and see people. I want our students to think about more

than widgets — I want them to think about other people’s lives. The University of Portland is an extraordinary opportunity for me, of course — I have a chance to, at least, show women and minorities that they can be engineers just by standing up and speaking, and at best, spark an immense growth of creativity and influence for the school as a whole — but the University is also an extraordinary opportunity for all of us engineers, faculty and students and alumni, to influence people to see engineering’s use for good, use as a means of improving lives, especially in developing countries. Why not us? We are alert to spirituality here. We are alert to ethics and morality. We are alert to service. We see and talk constantly about how careers are not merely factories for money but means of service. Why not us? Our engineers have studied history and literature and languages and art and religions. They have a context for their technoAutumn 2013 21

logical work. Why can’t we be the newest kinds of engineers? Why not us? Look, I am not here to fix anything. Nothing needs to be fixed. We have an excellent curriculum, we now have excellent technological resources. I am here to maybe be a change agent, to push and build on what’s here. The deans and donors and faculty before me built a fine school. My job is to push us to dream bigger, to see a vastly larger impact for our skills and talents. I want to double the number of women and minority kids in engineering. I want to triple the attention we get nationally and internationally for our creative vision and innovative work. I want to quadruple our ideas for the impact of engineering on society. And even the effort for all that, the drive for it, will draw a huge number of kids to look at engineering, and engineering here at the University, in a way they never could have considered it before. You’re a dreamer? Be an engineer. You want to shape the future? Be an engineer. You’re creative? Be an engineer. You want to start your own business? Be an engineer. Do you have to be male? No! Do you have to be a genius at math? No! You want proof that anyone can be an engineer, and fall in love with it? Look at me! The girl pauses in the streets of Portof-Spain. She can see and smell the sea. She’s torn. The greatest Caribbean batsman ever is playing cricket today at the Queen’s Park Savannah. Viv Richards! But it’s Carnival!, and there are snowcones, and oysters with hot sauce!, and her friends are everywhere here, thrilled and dancing, and this is the greatest parade and party and happy mob scene of the year in Trinidad, you could moon all day just at the stunning music, let alone the costumes and stories and dancers! But the salt of the sea is strong in her nose now, and she remembers that her dad is off from work piloting the tugboat today, and he said he was going to take out the little sailboat, and the sailboat needs just a bit of tinkering and patching, if some daughter he knew would like to help...and she turns, the girl does, she spins on a dime, and runs laughing down to the sea to help her dad with the boat, and all the way down the hill the music follows her as sweet and wild as the wind. n Brian Doyle is the editor of this magazine. The Thorny Grace of It, a new collection of his essays on spiritual matters (many from these pages), will be published in October by Loyola Press.


could even dream of having. It has something to do not so much with the craft of engineering as with the idea of engineering — “the impact of technology on living,” as she says, succinctly. “The Big Picture — how do we live?” And it has something crucially to do with developing countries, and ignored and forgotten communities and populations and people. The Tohono O’odham people, for example, with whom Sharon Jones worked for seven years. The People of the Desert are a nation within the United States, mostly in Arizona. There are 20,000 people living there, on about 4,500 square miles of parched desert. Their nation is the secondlargest nation of first peoples inside America, after the Navajo. They are what you would politely call “severely underserved,” says Sharon Jones, “which means no one cares, no one thinks about them, and no one has any money for them.” Yet for a desert people who were for many centuries agricultural and nomadic, who now struggle mightily with diabetes and obesity because they cannot eat only their traditional foods or conduct their wide annual footloose travels as before, infrastructure is a problem. Waste is a problem. Water storage and distribution is a problem. Finding the money and design for a regional health center was a problem. Sharon Jones spent a sabbatical year helping with these problems, and then she went back, year after year, to keep helping with those problems. Much as she went back, finally, with her husband, to her native Guyana, to help with infrastructure and engineering problems. Much as she took a job, two years ago, that she thought would give her the largest stage yet for reaching more kids, for stimulating more engineers of all ages to think about the impact of technology on living, for leading more and more people in every discipline and occupation and absorption to think about how their work, their creativity, their energies, can help elevate people about whom no one cares, no one thinks, no one has any money.



THE STORIES WE TELL OURSELVES Why do words matter so? How is it they change everything forever in an instant? By Dan Wieden

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hen I was a small boy, eleven words saved my life. They were simple words, really. Nothing fancy. But they saved my life because nobody ever put those words together in the exact same order. At least, no one I knew. And no one my fourth-grade teacher knew either. Her name was Miss Allen. Miss Allen was soft-spoken and very beautiful. She read my short story assignment and circled eleven words with her pen and left a comment to my parents: Danny has a wonderful way with words! Exclamation Point! An Exclamation Point! From Miss Allen!! My heart swelled. I couldn’t wait to get home. My mother was ironing sheets when I burst in the door, unable to catch my breath, but waving a crumbled, rain-soaked ticket to my future. The eleven words with which I had had a wonderful way? I still know them by heart: The night was as dark as the inside of a whale. Now obviously that sentence didn’t save my life; my life was fine. I just didn’t know what to do with it. But thanks to Miss Allen, I was now... The Boy Who had A Wonderful Way with Words. And just like that, I had a place in the world. Which got me reading. I mean, if a guy has a way with words, the more words he knows, the better, right? I wasn’t picking up Tolstoy or Freud, of course. But man, did I devour every issue of Boys’ Life. Now, I didn’t really like the Boy Scouts, but I loved their magazine. It had stories, and jokes, and all sorts of hints on how to do things. You could even sell birthday cards and stuff to your mom and dad, your aunts and uncles, your neighbors and get enough points to buy a bike, a BB gun, a fancy drinking straw, magic rocks. Stuff like that. I mean, you could have a real job. As a salesman. And that was cool. Except for one thing: I hated being a salesman. When people opened their door, my pitch went something like So, um, you guys, you probably, um, you don’t want to buy some birthday cards, do you? So those particular words weren’t really working for me. Regardless of how I said them, or how often. But I liked the idea of making money. So in the seventh grade I told

my father I wanted a paper route. A morning route. Dad, I can make almost $50 a month!! Dad was quick to point out that this particular paper route meant me getting my skinny self up at four every morning of every week. It meant pedaling my bike into a sketchy quasiindustrial neighborhood before the sun even thought of coming up. Dad summarized the situation with the following words: Dan, if you take this job I’m afraid your allowance must come to an end. Forever. Now, forever is an interesting word. And it made me stop and think...for about two seconds, before I blurted out that’s great!, and I was on my own. Actually, I loved my paper route. So much so that I did it for five years. I loved pedaling through those deserted streets as if I was the last living person on the planet, the last vestige of human history. And suppose I was? What record should I leave, what important message could I share with aliens yet to come? It had better be astonishing, I told myself as I rolled another newspaper and tossed it on a porch. Yeah, I’d better say something important. Something pretty damn cool. It was around that time that a poet came to Grant High School and spoke to the entire school. He talked about poetry and why it was important, how it was a different way of seeing the world, hearing the world. He stood at this lectern, opened a book by e.e. cummings and read a poem called ‘Buffalo Bill’s Defunct.’ I didn’t know what defunct meant, but it was a strange way the poem talked about things. And then came this line that went “and he shot one-two-threefour-five-six pigeons just like that!” I nearly jumped out of my chair. This poetry stuff is awesome! I want to do that! That’s it! I want to be a poet! Didn’t happen. Oh, I wrote poems. Furiously. Read poems. Submitted a few. Got a few published. Went to college, met Robert Creeley. Wanted to be Robert Creeley. Met Bonnie Scott. Was obsessed with Bonnie Scott. Married Bonnie Scott, even though she wasn’t a poet. Became a father my senior year. Took one look at this 3 pound 11 ounce preemie, and smiled an enormous smile and said to myself, Dude, you gotta get a job.

A real job. And I wound up in advertising. Which was pretty ironic, because my father was in advertising. And that never made sense to me. I mean, how could such a great man as my pop end up in such an insipid business? Working late all the time, kissing up to clients, the very men who drove him crazy. Somebody’s gotta wake this man up... Fast forward to 1983. I have fallen asleep at the office of this little twelveperson startup called Wieden & Kennedy. It is two in the morning. And I awake to the flop flop flop of a tape recorder that has run out of tape. I had been listening to a collection of possible voice-over talent for a radio spot. But I’ve awakened to a deep personal crisis: what the hell am I doing? I’ve got a wife and four children whom I love and seldom see. What little money we’ve saved is being spent on copy machines and paper cutters and typewriters and for what? For advertising? You gotta be kidding. You have got to be kidding! And then the epiphany. Honestly, it was as if I heard a voice. And the words went something like this: “Wieden, this isn’t about you. It isn’t about Kennedy. It is your job to create a place where people can come and live up to their potential.” Well, hell, I thought, I can do that! It was like a weight just dropped from me. And we were off to the races... But ever since that moment I have tried to understand, really truly understand, why words matter so much. Why do they matter so? Where do they come from? Do we create words or do words create us? And my conclusion, after many years of advertising, and thinking, and reading, and listening, and writing: Story matters. It’s why Republicans and Democrats dropped billions of dollars to tell stories that would secure your vote. It’s why you and I talked to a mirror, telling our stories, before applying for jobs. Why we talked to the same mirror, getting the story straight, before quitting jobs. Why we are so careful about the books we read to our children, what movies they watch. We are the stories we tell ourselves. Let me make this bluntly personal. My wife Bonnie died after twenty years of illness. And my story died. Autumn 2013 23

And I shut down. And I didn’t care. About anything. Two years passed. And at seven o’clock on a May evening, a woman I’d never met before opened her screen door. We took one look at each other and a new story began. I proposed to Priscilla a year later as we watched the morning sun push its way through the clouds. We married this May. I could not be happier. My point: An exchange of words, thoughtful or not, can change the direction of our lives. Once they are spoken it is nearly impossible to suck them back. And likewise, the words we fail to say may never be given a chance to be spoken again. After my father entered his eighties, he began showing signs of dementia. He and I would get together for Tuesday dinners. One night he told me, “Dan, I’m losing my words.” It broke my heart. And it was especially painful for him, as he started his career as a copywriter at Gerber Advertising Agency in Portland. And although he rose through the ranks and became president of that agency, he loved writing, and was well-sought after as a speaker. He had a way with words. But the disease progressed, and he found it more and more difficult to communicate. Eventually he moved into a care facility and spoke only occasionally. As his memory worsened, he didn’t always recognize us. One particularly difficult morning, his wife Carolyn, who came religiously, received only a blank stare. His stare was long. Intense. And then his head tilted back, his eyes widened and he said, “Oh, you’re... you’re...my joy lady.” And he apologized, saying, “I’m taking things out of my mind and throwing them away. I am sorry, so very sorry.” And fell back into silence. If you ask me, my father died a poet. n Dan Wieden is co-founder of the legendary Oregon storytelling firm Wieden & Kennedy; our prayers for his dad Francis, who died last year. This essay is adapted from Dan’s talk at the Nature of Words festival in Bend. Our thanks to Dan for permission to adapt it here, and to Robert McDowell, Rene Mitchell, and Mary Normand for their help.

HIS HOLINESS All photographs by Steve Hambuchen

Back for his second visit to The Bluff in ten years in May, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama enraptured his audiences, chatted at length about pollution and education with University president Father Bill Beauchamp, cheerfully wore a Pilots cap all day, and said happily I love this college! I love the color purple!


n the morning he shared the stage with four other respected religious leaders: Father Bill, Grandmother Alice Baker of the Siletz people, Rabbi Michael Cahana of Portland, and Imam Muhammed Najieb of Portland, talking about spirituality and the fouling of our environment. “I was in Tibet until I was 24,” said His Holiness. “Tibet, the roof of the world, was very clean, a small population, everything simple. Only after I came to India did I first hear, this water, you cannot drink. I was very surprised. In Tibet, passing through waters, by a stream, we always enjoy, no problem. Then I began to learn...” “God’s work on earth must be our own,” said Father Bill, when his turn came. “We are always seeking right relationship with God’s creation. There is no contradiction in caring for the poor and caring for the Earth...” “Yes!” said His Holiness. “I agree with Father Bill!” In the afternoon the Dalai Lama was on his own, and with characteristic humor and range he talked about how he is convinced that the human mind is not intrinsically prone to violence, and that religion is not the answer to real change in this century as much as education is. “Moral ethics are not based on religious faith,” he said. “If we can nurture our basic human values, showing affection to each other, we can develop a generation which has more compassion. This is the way to build a century of peace. This we can do through education, not through prayer. Dialogue is the only nonviolent method to solve problems. We must cultivate oneness, a sense of care for others’ well-being. Then there will be no room for killing, stealing, abuse. There is compassion, and there is everything else...” Does the University’s Rise Campaign welcome gifts for spiritual study and dialogue? Heavens, yes. Consider the Garaventa Center for American Catholic Life, for example, which has brought visitors from every spiritual tradition we know about, so far. Or Alejandro Santana’s research in the spirituality of First Peoples in the Americas. Or scholarships for, say, students who want to explore the crossroads where Buddhist and Catholicism meet with joy and reverence. Interested? Call Diane Dickey, 503.943.7130, dickey@up.edu.



The University’s most successful and renowned sport wasn’t actually born when Clive Charles arrived, grinning and cracking wise, in 1986. A look at a colorful 109 years of soccer on The Bluff.

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act: the University of Portland, despite its relatively small enrollment, has been one of the giants of top-level college soccer for the past three decades. The Pilot men have made the NCAA playoffs 14 times in their 36 varsity seasons, risen as high as second nationally, and sent many players on to World Cup, Olympics, and professional teams. The Pilot women have been even better: 20 playoff berths, eight College Cup appearances, two national championships, two national players of the year (Shannon MacMillan ’95, Christine Sinclair ’04), and similar star alumni. Only a handful of other bigger and wealthier college teams — North Carolina, Notre Dame, Stanford, Santa Clara, and UCLA — can compare with the success of the Pilot women. Soccer has been hugely popular with Pilot fans, who have set NCAA records for attendance for eight years in a row. And, finally, the University is the only Division One school at which both the men’s and women’s teams have never had consecutive losing seasons. But for all its renown in recent years, soccer is a far older story on The Bluff. The first team took the field in 1904, when the university was called Columbia; by 1910 the Pilots (then called the Cliffdwellers) were playing Oregon, Oregon State, and Willamette universities. In those days, it was common for soccer to be played between football and baseball seasons, just when Oregon’s gray skies are at their loveliest; usually the season began with two or three games in December and continued in January and February, after the semester break. How did the Cliffdwellers come to be playing the Oregon Webfoots? Because of Bill Hayward. The Colonel — his military title was a tribute to his gruff, no-nonsense manner — is well known in Oregon’s athletic annals as one of America’s greatest track coaches: In 44 years in Eugene, he produced four world record holders, six American record holders, and nine Olympians. The world-class track and field stadium at UO is named for him, and the Bill Hayward Award is presented each year to the state’s top male and female amateur athletes. (Pilot women soccer players have won the award five times, so far.) While Oregon recruited the Colonel to coach track and field, he was also trainer for the football team, served two stints as basketball coach, and, in 1910, was appointed as the Ducks’ first soccer coach, apparently because he had seen soccer played in his native Canada. He was quickly able to

get games against the Aggies of Oregon Agricultural College in Corvallis and the Bearcats of Willamette University, and then he scheduled the Cliffdwellers, coached by math and art professor James Bach. There is no record of the score, but that is apparently the first time the schools met on the soccer pitch; they would meet again on the football field, in 1935 and 1936, with Oregon prevailing both times, 6-0 and 14-0. The two schools would not meet again in soccer for another half century. For the 1911 season, Bach’s young team (remember the “University” was still essentially a high school then) joined a Portland high school league with Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson high schools, and Portland Academy. Playing five matches in a season that began after football ended, the Columbias were undefeated and unscored upon, and according to the student newspaper, The Columbiad, most of the opposing teams failed to cross midfield during the contests. The Columbias repeated this feat in 1912 and 1913, permanently retiring the league’s Cameron Trophy, which now resides in the University Museum as one of the best preserved century-old athletic awards in sports. The next few decades saw the University’s students playing not varsity soccer but city league soccer — the 1926 “Thistles” team, said to be comprised mainly of University students, played a game against the Longview Timber Barons before a crowd of more than 5,000 fans at Columbia Park in North Portland. Most of the University’s athletic budget, small as it was, was devoted to football, which ended for financial reasons after the 1949 season. In 1951, an official University soccer team, wearing the former football team’s cleats and jerseys, played five games, but disbanded immediately after the season ended. Ten more years passed without formal soccer, but in 1961 a Pilot men’s team comprised entirely of international students took the field, dressed in distinctive imported jerseys with wide lavender and white stripes — a Northwest version of the Argentine national team gear. With the inception of this roster, soccer was at University of Portland to stay, although the stripes would eventually vanish from the jersey. I arrived as coach of the men in 1974, and soccer officially became a varsity sport in 1977 — at which point the University’s athletic director, Joe Etzel, sent me to Caplan’s Sporting Goods for new uniforms. Gerald HopAutumn 2013 29

kins, who handled team orders then at Caplan’s, tried to persuade me to settle for blue jerseys, but finally he found something for us deep in the basement. That’s how the Pilot men found themselves wearing purple mesh softball jerseys for the opening of the first varsity season, looking like a Minnesota Vikings fan club. A year later the men finally got soccer jerseys. (The women, I note, wore striped jerseys all the way through the Michelle French-Shannon MacMillan era of the 1990s, from adidas to Umbro to, finally, Nike.) That 1961 men’s team started six players from Chile, two from Iraq, and one each from Peru, China, and Canada. Its most enthusiastic supporter was Father Paul Waldschmidt, then a University vice president and later president from 1962-1977, who quickly adopted the soccer club as his pet project and actually participated in practice drills with the players — a startling image for those of us who remember Waldy’s heft. The men were successful immediately, going 11-3 and outscoring the opposition 76-22. A year later, now coached by Kurt Kornas, they were undefeated. In 1977, the first varsity season, they started one sophomore (captain Steve Campodonico, a leader of the club team who recruited almost all the players from his dormitory) and ten freshmen. Assistant coach Manuel Garcia, an energetic Spaniard, funded a scholarship that helped in recruiting the freshman class, including midfielder Martin Loftus, from Wolverhampton, England. I should note here that it was basketball coach Jack Avina (still the University’s most successful hoop coach, with 223 career victories) who offered the soccer coaches office space and great advice with scheduling, practices, staff, and game management, and a host of other things; a great man in University history, and a privilege for me to say so here in these pages. Jim Tursi’s high school transcript showed fine grades but without much of a curriculum that would entice our admissions department to consider him college material. When I informed him that he would not be admitted to UP, this tearful young man pledged he would be an outstanding student if I would go to bat for him in the admissions office. This I did, and indeed he turned out to be an excellent student and an even better soccer player. In his first game as a Pilot in 1977, he had a hat trick by halftime. He next scored in the first minute against

the Cal Bears, and the next night, against the San Francisco Dons and their All-American Andy Ategbu, before 3,000 fans. Tursi scored from a near-impossible angle, running toward the left corner flag on a break-away, for his sixth goal of the young season. The Dons, defending national champions, beat us 4-1 that night and went on to win another national title, but I remember our players surrounded by kids begging for autographs after the game — a taste of Pilot games to come. Tursi finished his Pilot career with 66 goals and 35 assists, a record that may never be challenged. When he graduated, he was the ninth-highest career scorer in NCAA history, and more than three decades later, he still ranks among the NCAA’s all-time career scoring leaders. Jim later started a successful soccer equipment supply firm with three retail stores in the Portland metro area, and he returned to The Bluff in 1986 to coach the Pilot women to a 35-17-5 record over three years, giving way finally to the legendary Clive Charles. Jim then took over at Willamette University, where he coached both men and women for 15 seasons and took the Bearcat women to ten playoff berths, including the Division III Final Four twice; today he is the esteemed coach of the Lewis & Clark College women’s team. He was the second soccer player elected to the Pilot Athletic Hall of Fame, and he was accorded similar honors at Willamette in 2009 for his coaching accomplishments. All of which should serve as a lesson for today’s high school studentathletes: if people tell you that you’re

not college material, don’t be offended. Just prove them wrong. Steve Barnes was another one of the huge freshman class in that first varsity season of 1977. Steve arrived at UP after a three-year academic break from high school, so he was one of the older players on the team, a walkon. He often gave the appearance of running too fast, a player whose body and limbs were virtually out of control as he flew full-speed down the pitch. Despite his well-hidden athletic talents, Steve was one of the hardest workers in practice and, when asked, there was nothing he wouldn’t try to accomplish. With a travelling squad of just 16

players on a brutal seven-games-inseven-days and 2,200-miles-by-van road trip through California, it was inevitable that Barnes would be called upon at some point to relieve the starters. His chance came late in a match at the University of the Pacific. “Where shall I play?” Steve asked. “Up front,” I said “We need a goal.” Sure enough, in the dying moments of regulation time, he connected on an improbable shot to lift us to a 2-1 win. He clearly had earned a chance to start the next afternoon against St. Mary’s at Moraga, where he came through again, scoring twice in a 3-0 victory over the Gaels. We then went unbeaten for 16 games (15 wins and a tie), tying UCLA for the longest streak in soccer that year. Steve never could resist a tough challenge, balancing a demanding engineering curricula and commitment to Air Force ROTC in addition to soccer. When he graduated, he went on to serve his country in a variety of postings. But he never lost his love for soccer, playing 11 more seasons stateside, three in Spain and five in Germany. In Germany, he coached the Ramstein Air Base team to the Air Force’s European championship. In subsequent years, the Department of Defense appointed him to referee the European championship game and he eventually became a referee in the German second division. Over the past 33 years, Barnes’ passport has been stamped in 77 countries and he’s now conversant in five languages. He recently completed his 15th overseas assignment in Afghanistan. In September 1978, I asked an unusual

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favor of midfielder Mike Cebula, one of three brothers who eventually played for the Pilots: could he gather as many young women as possible to form the first Pilot women’s soccer club? Girls’ youth soccer was beginning to take off but high school and college teams were still scarce. Mike went to work, and thanks especially to student nurses, he mustered a group of women who practiced for several weeks before their first and only game that season: a 1-0 win against Concordia. Like James Bach’s Columbia University prep team 67 years earlier, the first Pilot women’s team finished the season undefeated and unscored-upon. Title IX, passed into law in 1972, lacked any teeth until 1979, when the Carter Administration issued its Intercollegiate Athletics Policy Interpretation, which meant that girls and women would receive equivalent opportunities to those granted to boys and men for athletic participation at their educational institutions. A full season of club soccer followed for the Pilot women in 1979, and in 1980, with the arrival of Ken Robinette from Washington State University as head coach, women’s soccer was official on The Bluff. Over the next 30 years, the women’s program amassed 480 victories and scored 1,730 goals (2.9 for each goal conceded) with only three losing seasons. In 20 of those campaigns, the Pilot women went to the playoffs and reached the Final Four (in NAIA and NCAA) eight times. In 2002 and 2005, they reached the pinnacle of the sport, hoisting the NCAA Division I national championship trophy both years. Credit for that success goes to the late Clive Charles, who dreamed big things for both the men’s and women’s programs and then set about making them happen. In addition to his contributions at all levels of soccer including U.S. National Team and the Olympic program, Clive would become one of the greatest coaches ever at the college level. Few coaches in any sport more deservedly clutched a national championship trophy than Clive did on that cold, wet December 2002 afternoon in front of 10,027 fans in Austin. The Pilot women had defeated WCC rival Santa Clara, 2-1, on Christine Sinclair’s overtime tally. It would be the last game Clive coached for UP; he died of cancer in August 2003, only 51 years old. Over the years there has been a close link between the University’s soccer program and the Portland Timbers professional club, going back to its for-

mative days in the North American Soccer League. When the 1977 Pilot men’s varsity recruits graduated in spring 1981, the Timbers took virtually all of them as their first reserve team, to face the Vancouver Whitecaps reserves at Portland Civic Stadium. Portland’s Phil Cebula became the answer to a trivia question as the first Pilot ever drafted by the pros. As for the coaches, I came from the Timbers’ front office and Mike Davis, who followed me as coach in 1979, made the Timbers lineup for one game during a labor strike by the NASL players union. Clive Charles and Bill Irwin were top players in Europe and for Portland during the NASL era. Many Pilot assistant coaches over the years — including Roger Goldingay, Mick Hoban, and Ray Martin — played for the Timbers in the early years and one of my assistants, the venera-

taking. In all more than 50 Pilot men have made their way to the professional ranks; only about a dozen on the women’s side have been with pro clubs, but their numbers have been constrained chiefly due to the nascent nature of women’s pro soccer. When you look at the list of former players who have achieved conference, All America, Olympic and national team honors — including World Cup appearances — it is both stunning and glorious, taking up several pages each in the men’s and women’s soccer media guides.

ble Doctor Gus Proano, was one of the owners of the pro club. Garrett Smith, the current women’s head coach, also was a Timber during the Western Soccer League period in addition to playing for several other clubs. Current assistants Rob Baarts and Lisa Sari Chambers, in addition to being former Pilot stars, also have professional playing experience on their resumes. And the new incarnation of the Timbers, now members of Major League Soccer, continue to look to the University for players. Ryan Kawulok played on the Timbers’ U23 team for two years, a path current Pilot midfielder Steven Evans is now

measurement, the sport has been not only the most successful of all the University’s athletic pursuits (with respect to the men’s cross country team, annually ranked among the nation’s ten best), but the most popular (sellouts don’t lie) and most famous around not only the nation but the planet. That’s an amazing and wonderful sentence to write — and, I hope, to read. n

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By one measurement, the Pilot season that opened as this issue of Portland went to press is the 109th on campus, if we count from the mysterious 1904 club; by another calculation, it is the 101st, counting from Jim Bach’s undefeated 1912 boys; but by all forms of

Dennis O’Meara, coach of the Pilot men’s soccer team from 1974 to 1978, was the Portland Timbers’ first public relations director. He still coaches, at Westside Christian High School.

PAINTING SALZBURG As the University begins the Salzburg Program’s golden anniversary year celebration, we set a fine painter loose in the city to catch what he liked of landscape and light. by Father Mark Ghyselinck, C.S.C.

Salzburg’s Old Town (Altstadt), world-renowned for its soaring baroque architecture.

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St. Blasius church (Blasiuskirche), which lies at the end of Getreidegasse, Sazlburg’s most popular shopping street.

The Altstadt from the banks of the Salzach River.

The collegiate church (Kollegienkirche), a masterpiece of baroque design by Fischer von Erlach.

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St. Rupert’s cathedral (Rupertsdom), with the Fortress (Festung) towering above.

Salzburg with its friendly neighborhood Alp, the Untersberg.

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ALUMNI AWARD WINNERS FOR 2013 The 2013 Alumni Awards were presented by University president Rev. E. William Beauchamp, C.S.C., as part of the State of UP event held on Tuesday, March 19, at the Multnomah Athletic Club in Portland. The 2013 Rev. Thomas C. Oddo, C.S.C. Outstanding Service Award went to Jack Roscoe ’64. Jack currently works for Tectus Solutions, a company that provides security and trade compliance solutions. Jack is a retired full colonel and logistics officer from the U.S. Air Force. In both wartime and in peace, Jack directed logistics programs in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. In addition to serving in Vietnam, Jack taught logistics at the Air War College, was named the Air Force Logistician of the Year, and audited the space shuttle program. Jack has also held positions creating and managing supply chain networks for private industry leaders in the retail and high tech sectors. In addition to his B.A. in English from the University of Portland, Jack received a master of science and logistics management from Wright Patterson Air Force Base. His current volunteer activities include serving as a Deacon at Sacred Heart Catholic church in Battle Ground, Wash., and volunteering as an advocate for children under the care of the court. In his support of the University, Jack served as AFROTC commander, and as director of residence life. He was instrumental in moving residence life toward a much more Catholic-centered focus. Jack and his wife, Martha, also a UP alumna, are the proud parents of five additional UP alumni. The Distinguished Alumni Award went to John Lee ’64, ’73. John is the retired former chief executive of Providence Health System in Oregon, and continues to use his extensive




experience as a consultant to health care systems and health plans. Lee has chaired the annual Catholic Charities fundraising dinner and served as board chair for Loaves and Fishes, where he helped with strategic planning and raising funds for a new kitchen. In 2002, he was awarded the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Medal by Pope John Paul II, in recognition of his life of service to the Church. While a student at UP, John participated in the Air Force ROTC program and was a member of the Iota Kappa Pi fraternity. He was previously honored as a member of the Pamplin School of Business Administration’s Significant 75 Alumni. The Contemporary Alumni Award went to Holly Lynn Ellis ’01. Holly is a film producer and production manager living in New York City. Her first film, “Prairie Love,” premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2011, and has been exhibited at other film festivals to critical praise. She serves as a contact for alumni moving to New York, volunteers at a Greenwich Village soup kitchen, and is president (and founding member) of the Brooklyn chapter of P.E.O. International, a philanthropic organization that benefits women’s education. She was introduced to P.E.O. by UP professor Jill Hoddick, whose Portland chapter supported Holly’s pursuit of her graduate degree. Holly has traveled back to campus to participate in events, including singing at Roger O. Doyle’s retirement concert at Reunion 2010. The Student Leadership Award was won by Noelle Niedo ’13, a biology major from American Samoa who has been a leader in service, academics, and her faith, both on and off campus. She served in the international student services office and in the International Club, traveled to World Youth Day in both Madrid and Brazil, volunteered at the Brother Andre Café, sang in the Chapel Choir, and participated in Sunday Masses as a Lector. Noelle is part of the Praise and Fellowship group, serves as a leader with the Moreau Center, and volunteers at local hospitals in both their pediatric and physi-



cal therapy departments. Niedo plans to return to American Samoa as a physician, and to continue her leadership and service there.




and have time to take in the Field Museum and Shedd Aquarium as add-on options. We offer both inclusive pricing for the entire package and a la carte options for local alumni. Contact Ken Hallenius, halleniu@up.edu, for full details. We’ll “meat” you in Chicago!

SEEKING AWARD NOMINATIONS FOR 2014 Each year, three outstanding alumni are honored with the annual Alumni Awards: the Rev. Thomas C. Oddo, C.S.C. Outstanding Service Award, the Distinguished Alumni Award, and the Contemporary Alumni Award. Visit the alumni website at alumni.up.edu, look under “Events and News” and then “Alumni Awards” to see a list of past award winners, to view nomination criteria, or to fill out a nomination form. You can also contact the office of alumni relations at 888-UP-ALUMS (888) 872-5867 or alumni@up.edu. Nominations for the 2014 Alumni Awards are due by Friday, November 8, 2013.

HIVE ENTREPRENEURS NETWORK The UP Hive is an open forum for University alumni of all ages, current M.B.A. students, and University of Portland supporters interested in business and entrepreneurial activity within the community. The Hive organizes events focused on connecting and assisting UP alumni and supporters in finding new business partners, clients, and investors through networking and interactive and fun educational presentations. If you have a speaker in mind or would like to host a Hive event, please contact the Hive at hive@pilotwm.com. To learn more about upcoming events please visit the UP Hive website at uphive.wordpress.com.

CHICAGO CULINARY & CULTURAL TOUR: OCTOBER 16-18 Join Ken Hallenius, associate director of alumni relations and Kirk Mustain, the general manager of Bon Appetit on the University of Portland campus, for three days of exploration and feasting in the Windy City. Each night we will dine at a different landmark restaurant, enjoying a tasting menu paired with fabulous wines. During the midday of Wednesday and Thursday, we will join Chicago Food Tours to taste a different part of the city while taking a leisurely stroll to see the sights. On Friday afternoon, we’ll satisfy our sweet teeth at the Chicago Fine Chocolate and Dessert Show. We’ll also take a cruise up the Chicago River on an architectural tour,

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NOTRE DAME VS. NAVY IN SOUTH BEND, IND. The Notre Dame Fighting Irish will take on Navy on Saturday, November 2, in South Bend, Indiana. The alumni office will be leading a trip to support the team in their effort to win this annual football tradition. A limited number of tickets for the game are available through alumni relations. Kick-off is at 3:30 p.m., and be sure to make plans to join your fellow alumni for a tailgate party before the game. For more information contact alumni relations at 888-UP-ALUMS or alumni@up.edu.




And here’s your cool story of the day: Jim Christnacht ’54. Twenty years ago Jim gets annoyed that old bicycles are being abandoned in the town dump in Helena, Montana, instead of being fixed and shared. He fixes up one old bike and donates it to the Friendship Center, a shelter for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. The folks at the shelter are delighted: women at the shelter don’t have transportation. Jim keeps going. As we went to press, he was up to 980 bikes fixed up and donated to shelters in Helena. After a career with Boeing, in insurance in Seattle, and in government in Montana, why the incredible surge in bike repair? “I couldn’t stand such waste,” he says. “When our kids needed bikes, we got old ones and fixed ’em up. Never did buy a new one.” How long does it take to fix a bike? “Depends on the sickness of the bike.” Best part of the labor, all of which he donates as a Kiwanis Club man? “The thank-you notes from little kids. They love their bikes...” Autumn 2013 37


C L A S S Ever wonder who the first Columbia University/University of Portland Olympic athlete was? Wonder no more, it was Dan Kelly, Class of 1908. Many thanks to Karen Cumbers of Portland’s Multnomah Athletic Club for the loan of his photo. FIFTY YEAR CLUB Allan J. Lillis ’41 passed away on June 16, 2013. He served in World War II, arriving in Normandy two weeks after the D-Day invasion. He met his future bride, Marjorie, on his return to Portland; he then moved to Kansas City, Missouri where he attended a watch repair school until the summer of 1946. His love for Marjorie brought him back to Portland, and they were married on July 29, 1947, at Immaculate Heart Catholic Church. They had three daughters, JoAllan, Diane, and Carol. Survivors include his daughters; nine grandchildren; five great grandchildren; one great grandchild on the way; and numerous nieces and nephews to whom he was affectionately known as “Uncle Bud.” Our prayers and condolences to the family. Marguerite F. Rathgeber ’43 passed away on September 27, 2012. Born Marguerite Francis Venini, to Victor Venini and Mary (Cairns) Venini, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, she left this world surrounded by her children and grandchildren. She served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army Nurs-

ing Corps during World War II. Survivors include her children, Mary Ann Mitchael, James Rathgeber, Theresa Ellis, Patty Ryan, Robert Rathgeber, Thomas Rathgeber, Sally Scott, and Tim Hansen; 15 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Our prayers and condolences to the family. George “Bill” William Flynn ’43 passed away on March 29, 2013, at the age of 93. Bill served in the Navy during World War II, and upon returning he started his lifetime career at Pacific Northwest Bell, retiring in 1983 after 33 years of service. Bill married June Audrey Madson in 1952 and raised their three children, Karen, Laurie and Steve together until June’s death in 1983. Bill married Gloria Rieschel in 1986. He is survived by his wife Gloria; children, Laurie Ann Flynn and Stephen Charles Flynn; grandchildren, John William and Hanna Stupek and Ian Madson Moore; great-granddaughter, Sophia Rose Stupek; brother, H. Leo and Flynn; and many nieces, nephews, and cousins. Bill suggested donations be made to the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute in loving memory of his daughter, Karen Mary Flynn 1954-2011. Our prayers and condolences to the family. Col. Ruth Forsythe, USAF ’47 passed away on October 5, 2012, at Marysville Nursing Home in Beaverton, Ore. She and two friends enrolled to become real-life “Rosie the Riveters” at the Portland Shipyards, helping to build Liberty Ships for the war effort. She began

N O T E S her career as an operating room nurse in 1947; by 1950 she began work at the Veterans Administration Hospital receiving a commission as 1st Lieutenant in the Air Force Reserve Nurse Corp. By 1954 she was promoted to Captain and worked at the U.S.Air Force Dispensary as chief nurse. In 1958 she became the first Chief Nurse of the Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron. She was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in 1972 and awarded her Senior Flight Nurse Wings; she logged more than 2,300 hours as a flight nurse, many of them on medical evacuation flights out of Southeast Asia, and participated in three POW homecoming missions at the end of the Vietnam War. Her final promotion was in November of 1975 when she received a commission as Colonel. Survivors include her sister Frances Koehnke, step children Lynn Forsythe and Nancy Unsinger, five grandchildren, and dozens of nieces, nephews and great nieces and nephews. Our prayers and condolences to the family. Carl Victor Sundborg ’47 passed away on February 7, 2013, in Concord, Calif., at 91 years of age, after a long struggle with Alzheimer’s disease. His family was with him. He was a first generation Swede in America, born in Seaside, Ore. He met his wife Mary Martin in 1944, while stationed at the U.S. Army Air Force Base at Pratt, Kansas. They were married May 15, 1944 and were together for 68 years. Survivors include Mary; his son Victor; his daughter Carol and son-in-law Michael Curtiss; and his much-loved and only grandchild, Justin. Our prayers and condolences to the family. Andrew A. Pienovi ’47 passed away on July 6, 2013. He was 90 years old. Andy went to Columbia Prep high school,

which was on the University of Portland campus, then later graduated from UP with a master’s in education. He later joined the Navy and served during WWII. He met Helen Henry in Bremerton, Wash., while they were both stationed

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there; they were married in 1946. He became a high school teacher and coached baseball for 18 years, winning the state championship in 1959 as head coach at Jefferson High. Andy became a professional baseball scout for the Minnesota Twins, Kansas City Royals, San Diego Padres, Chicago Cubs, Los Angeles Dodgers, and the Toronto Blue Jays, earning two World Series rings. Survivors include Helen; sister, Reca Cereghino; children, Silvio, David, Andrea Baffaro and Brian; 11 grandchildren; and three greatgrandchildren. Our prayers and condolences to the family. Vito Andrew “Andy” Ditomasso, Jr. ’47 passed away on April 23, 2013. He displayed business leadership in many ways; through ownership of his first garbage route at age 19, to owning a grocery store, and then back to the garbage business. Upon the sale of Canby Disposal he went into selling real estate full time as broker and owner of what became Century 21. Survivors include daughters, Diane Shannon, Nancy Koerner, Kathy Ditommaso Owen, and Susie VanDerZanden; seven grandchildren; and three great grandchildren. Our prayers and condolences. Mario Joseph Campagna ’49 passed away on July 3, 2013, in Medford, Ore., after a long battle with congestive heart failure. Following his service in World War II, he attended the University as a premed student and graduated magna cum laude. In 1952, he graduated with a medical degree from the University of Oregon in Portland (now OHSU). Mario practiced medicine and neurosurgery for over 40 years. Survivors include his four children and spouses, Paul (M.D.) and Denise Campagna, Marla Campagna, Robert and Kitty Campagna, and Patrick Campagna and Leily Esteghlalian;

C L A S S and six grandchildren. Our prayers and condolences to the family. Robert Louis Kolibaba ’49 passed away on June 11, 2013, surrounded at home by his family. During his years on The Bluff he met Carolyn Breen, a Marylhurst College student, and after their marriage they were blessed with three beautiful daughters, Carol Nieman, Anne Kolibaba, and Mary Fuhrer (Greg). Survivors include his wife; three daughters; seven grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Our prayers and condolences to the family. Edward Roderick Hannigan ’49 died on May 15, 2013. He served in World War II in the Army Air Corps, flying over 500 combat missions as an aerial photographer. Like so many of his generation, he earned his degree at the University of Portland after his military service. Survivors include children Kathleen HanniganMcnamara, Teresa Walden, Steven Hannigan, and Darla Paulsen; and eight grandchildren. Our prayers and condolences to the family. Archille “Archie” F. Rischiotto ’50 passed away on August 28, 2012. Archie served in WWII, US Army Air Corp 644th Bomb Squad, 410th Bomb Group, and was a security officer for Cryptographic 9610, England. He continued his military service with the U.S. Air Force reserves, retiring as a lieutenant colonel. He pursued a career in social work. He met his wife Marie at Seaman’s Club and they were married in 1953. Survivors include daughter Ann Rischiotto and son John Rischiotto, and seven grandchildren. Our prayers and condolences. George E. Sykes ’51 passed away peacefully at home on June 14, 2013, with his loving wife of 64 years, Lois, by his side. Other survivors include children, Victoria McCary, Dennis (Teri) Sykes and Renee Sykes; grandchildren, Heather (Mark) Wilson, Michelle McCary, Devyn (Steve) Lomax,

Madelyn Sykes and Brianne Sykes; three great-grandsons; siblings, William (Marilyn) Sykes and Patricia Slater. George is predeceased by his son, Gerry Sykes. Our prayers and condolences to the family. Carol Walsh Hubert ’51 passed away on May 13, 2013. A proud and loving mother to Stan Hubert, Kathy Medford, and Doug Hubert, Carol raised her kids in Milwaukie and Canby. She also had a fulfilling career as a registered nurse in the Portland area. Survivors include her children and their families; seven grandchildren; two greatgrandchildren; and her sister, Kathleen Walsh, SNJM. Our prayers and condolences to the family. J. Kenneth Higgins ’51 passed away suddenly on April 22, 2013. He began his 40-year career at Boeing as a flight test engineer in 1966, and departed as vice president of flight operations, test and validation for Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Survivors include his wife Sandy, children Joel Higgins, Shannon Cirovski, Dan Higgins, seven grandchildren, and brothers Tom, Charlie, Jim, and Dave. Our prayers and condolences to the family. Thomas J. Hart ’51 passed away on April 17, 2013, at age 86. He is survived by his son, Don, and daughter, Janet; and three grandchildren. Our prayers and condolences. Lido Botti ’51 passed away on May 11, 2013, surrounded by his family. Lido served in the Army from 1947 to 1949 in Guam and China. He began his teaching career at Franklin High School in 1954. He married Shirley Stewart in 1956. They had two sons, Dan Botti and Chris Botti. Our prayers and condolences to the family. Yvonne Lagerfeld Malabed ’52 of San Francisco passed away at home on Saturday, August 11, 2012, in the arms of her loving husband, Dr. Leonilo Malabed. Yvonne graduated from the University of Portland with a bachelors of science in nursing, moved to San Francisco in 1954, and worked at Mary’s Help Hospital (Seton Medical Center) where she met her future husband. Survivors include her husband of 56 years;



There are all kinds of letters, of course. Here’s a sweet one: Fred Bowen graduated in 1948 from Columbia Prep, the high school that shared The Bluff and faculty members with the University for fifty years. He went on to a long career with Boeing, and remembers his days on The Bluff with love. A star athlete (he lettered in four sports), he hurt his leg just before the Prep played the Central Catholic Rams for the state Catholic football title in 1948, but his classmates took up a collection, hired an ambulance to carry Fred to Multnomah Stadium for the game, and the Prep won 7-0. Here’s a photo from that memorable day. daughters, Mary Anne Eagelston, Lili Malabed, Patrice Willig, Susanne Mendieta, Kati Malabed, and Barbra Lewis; and eight grandchildren. Our prayers and condolences. Carl Vincent Rossetti ’53 passed away on September 23, 2012. In 1975 Carl opened his business, C.V.R. & Associates, where he designed and managed building projects until his retirement in 2010. He was preceded in death by a son, Thomas Kevin Rossetti. Survivors include his loving wife of 60 years, Dorothy; children, Mike, Terry, Kathy, Mary, Jim, Pat, Carl, John, and Chris; brother, John; sister, Mary Wirfs; 29 grandchildren; and 23 great-grandchildren. Our prayers and condolences. Reeve E. Erickson ’53 passed away on April 15, 2013. After enlisting in the Marine Corps in 1943, he participated in landing in the Marshall Islands, Saipan and Tinian, Iwo Jima, and the Volckans. He served again in Korea where he was injured and retired from the service. He worked as a school psychologist with Multnomah County until he retired in 1983. Survivors include his wife, Mitzi; stepchildren, Ronald Jones and

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Joanne Gratton; one grandson; one great-granddaughter; and his sisters, Beverly Wiens and Donna Mae Lunt. Our prayers and condolences. David Allen Hanset ’55 passed away on May 08, 2013. David was born in Portland and served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. Survivors include his wife of 59 years, Erma; children, Diane, Linda, Don, Ron, Janet, Allen and Mark; 16 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and four sisters. Our prayers and condolences to the family. Josephine Boyer ’56 passed away on May 14, 2013. Survivors include her husband, Lloyd; sister, Shannon Gunderson; children, Brent, Brian and Kelly; and nine grandchildren. She was a school teacher for 40 years. Our prayers and condolences to the family. Robert A. Goggin ’57 passed away on May 9, 2013. He graduated magna cum laude from UP after serving four years in the Air Force. He worked for NBC News as a radio and television reporter in San Francisco and Los Angeles and also held positions as west coast network news assignment editor for NBC and in 1966 managed the first computer-



An amazing tale thanks to engineering professor Larry Simmons: “1980 mechanical engineering graduate Joe Barbera of La Center, Washington, celebrated his 60th birthday by attempting to beat the existing records for time aloft and distance traveled in a lawn chair carried by helium balloons. He made the attempt over the weekend of June 22 and 23. Problems with the balloons and wind meant no records, but Joe emerged as upbeat as ever after being rescued from the trees he landed in.” Well, he did make it 24 miles before ending up in the trees. This is one story we just can’t do justice. Google “Joe Barbera lawn chair balloonist” and see what we mean. Photo courtesy The Columbian/Paul Sharez ized election vote tabulation of the thirteen western states for the News Election Service. He covered the Republican conventions in San Francisco in 1964 and Miami in 1968, and the Democratic conventions in 1964 and 1968. He started his own public relations firm in 1970 and won more than 18 awards for his work. Survivors include his wife, Linda McClure; his former wife, Mary Hogan; children, Barb, Tom, Patty, Christian and Michael; sister, Jane Phalen; five grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Our prayers and condolences. Vincent Aquino ’57 passed away on July 4, 2013, in San Jose, Calif. He worked at Argonne National Labs for many years as an engineer and manager. He served as Scoutmaster for Troop 310 in Idaho Falls for over 30 years, a Knight of Columbus, Eucharistic minister, lector, usher, and cook for many functions and fund rais-

ers. In his work with the Boy Scouts, he also revealed a culinary streak. In retirement he set up a side business, The Cast Iron Chef Dutch Oven catering. He was active in the soup kitchen, serving as chef on a regular basis. Survivors include his brother, Robert Aquino; and sisters, Margaret Taylor and Dolores Piekut. Our prayers and condolences to the family. Rex Patrick Brumbach Jr. ’58 died peacefully on May 22, 2013, surrounded by his loving family. He was valedictorian of his class at the University of Portland, and went on to a career at Delco Electronics. Upon retirement he worked at Vetronix before retiring for good on his second try. Survivors include children Michael, Stephen, and Anne Marie Ditmeijer; six grandchildren; brothers and sisters Ann, Beth, Dymphna, David, Peggy, Kathleen, and Michael; and his second wife, Ann (nee Hiller). Our prayers and condolences.

N O T E S Virginia Dolman ’58 passed away on May 23, 2013, shortly after her 90th birthday. Survivors include her daughter, Barbara Panek; granddaughter Alesia Panek; great-grandson, Mitchell Jillson; and sister, Charlotte Hagen. Our prayers and condolences. Kenneth R. Jette, Jr. ’59 passed away on February 21, 2013. Kenneth was born in Portland and graduated from Columbia Prep in 1953. He worked with the U.S. Postal Service and retired in 2009 after more than 45 years in downtown Portland. Survivors include son, Hazen ’93; daughters, Catherine and Melinda ’66; brother, Dennis; and grandchildren, Summer and Chihiro. Our prayers and condolences. Eddie Butler, Jr. ’60 passed away on May 3, 2013. He achieved the rank of sergeant in the US Marine Corps. In 1956 he married Larnzella Lewis; their union lasted 56 years, producing two children. Eddie taught for 32 years in the Vancouver Public School District and received many accolades during that time. He served as president of the Vancouver chapter of the NAACP and was active in civil rights and community issues. Survivors include his wife, Larnzella; daughters, Suzette (Daryl) Fogarty and Michi Butler; grandson, Dante Fogarty; brother, Robert (Mary) Butler; sister, Rose Anne Butler; sister-inlaw, Sandra Butler; nieces, Michelle and Danielle; nephews, Michael, Walter Jr., and Derrick; and a host of many family members and friends. Our prayers and condolences to the family.

’64 PRAYERS FOR PETE Peter George Kombol passed away peacefully on February 21, 2013, after a long illness through which he remained a mentally strong, determined, affable man with a positive outlook. He completed two years at Gonzaga University before transferring to the University of Portland where he met his future wife, Nancy Miller ’67. He worked in public accounting and served as CFO of a grain company before forming an accounting firm with Greg Hixson; he remained active in the firm, Hixson & Kombol LLC, until

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his death. Survivors include Nancy; children, Christopher and Liza; and sister, Claudia. Our prayers and condolences to the family.

’67 PRAYERS, PLEASE Sister Dona Van Hoomissen (Sister Bernice Marie), SNJM, passed away on May 2, 2013, at the Marie-Rose Center at Mary’s Woods in Lake Oswego at the age of 86. She was a member of the Sisters of the Holy Names for 67 years. Sister Dona is survived by her sister, Sister Ida; many nieces and nephews; and her religious community. Our prayers and condolences.

’68 SAD NEWS Frank P. Lahm II ’68 passed away peacefully on January 15, 2013, surrounded by his loving family. During his time at the University of Portland, he spent a year in Salzburg, Austria. He was commissioned into the United States Air Force in 1969 and moved to Tucson, where he met the love of his life, Joan Louise Emmons. They married on July 8, 1972. Survivors include by his loving wife, Joan; daughter, Bridget; son Frank P. Lahm III; sisters, Laura Evenson and Sarah Lahm; and brothers, Lawrence Lahm, Jr. and Arthur Lahm. Our prayers and condolences to the family. We heard sad news from Miki (Maryellen) Van Houten, who writes: “I just wanted to let you know of the death of my husband, John Van Houten III ’70, on April 5, 2013. John died unexpectedly at home. He was a gentle, tender man who cared selflessly for those around him. He had a quiet nature set off by a keen intellect and witty sense of humor. His greatest joy in life was his family, who miss him dearly.” Survivors include Miki; son, John Van Houten IV; daughter, Laura Van Houten; sister, Julee Ferrill; and two grandchildren. Our prayers and condolences.

’70 REMEMBERING JULIE Julie Kawabata passed away on April 4, 2013, at her home after a battle with breast cancer. Julie worked as a special librarian for 20 years at Tektronix and Tri-Met, then as a freelance indexer. Survivors include her son, Jamie; mother, Diane Aungst; and former

C L A S S husband, Fred Kawabata. Our prayers and condolences. Lawrence L. Urbanski passed away on February 6, 2012. Larry is survived by his wife, Susan; son, Larry; daughter, Christine Brennan; and grandson, Andrew. Our prayers and condolences to the family.

’73 REMEMBERING EDITH Please keep Annie Cholick-Itel in your prayers on the death of her mother, Edith Anne Cholick, on March 28, 2013. Edith taught sewing to Holy Redeemer girls for 10 years; she also taught CCD at Holy Redeemer and later at St. Birgitta’s. According to Annie, “It was a pleasure being raised by parents that you knew loved each other.” Survivors include Annie and son, Jerome; four grandchildren; and four greatgrandchildren. Our prayers and condolences to the family.

’77 A BORN TEACHER Marceline Beatrice Beck passed away on May 9, 2013. She moved to Portland to begin her professional career as an elementary school educator in 1951, and served the community with passion and excellence for nearly 40 years in the regular classroom and as a reading specialist until her retirement in 1991. Survivors include daughters, Dianne Louise Kutzke and NancyLee Spears; and four grandchildren. Our prayers and condolences to the family.

’79 PRAYERS FOR VICKIE Vicki D. Leber, wife of John Leber, passed away on August 19, 2012. “Although she is gone from our sight, her footprints remain on our hearts,” according to her family. “She was well-loved and highly valued by her family, her friends and her employees.” She and John transformed their company, Swanson Bark & Wood Products, to a nationally recognized distributor of products throughout the United States. Survivors include John; daughters, Amy Gisvold, Katie Ball, Pandora Deshner, and Squeek Leber; sister, Cathy Branch; and four grandchildren. Our

prayers and condolences. Anne Morrissey-Mayer passed away on September 7, 2012. Anne worked in the high-tech industry from 1979 to 1993, when health problems forced her to quit work. She devoted her life to raising her daughter Katie and caring for her family. Anne is survived by her husband, Tom Mayer; daughter, Katie Mayer; brothers, Edward, Richard and Tim; sisters, Elizabeth, Kathleen and Mary; and many nieces and nephews. Our prayers and condolences to the family.

’80 A GREAT CHOICE Molly (Call) Chun became principal of Portland’s Chief Joseph/Ockley Green K-8 School on July 1, overseeing the joining of the two school communities as one K-8 on two campuses. Superintendent Carole Smith introduced Chun to school personnel and parents on April 9. Chun has been working in education for 33 years and has spent 29 years in Jefferson neighborhood schools. She became assistant principal at Ockley Green nine years ago, and then served at Faubion before leading Boise-Eliot and then BoiseEliot/Humboldt. Her own children attended Chief Joseph. Congratulations, Molly! Rev. Rob Greiner celebrated the 20th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood on Monday, June 24. Fr. Rob serves as pastor of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Prineville, Ore. Congratulations to you, Fr. Rob, and best wishes.

’82 PRAYERS FOR HERB Prayers, please, for Herb Kirchem and his family on the loss of his father, Darwin Lyle Kirchem, who passed away on July 4, 2013. Survivors include his wife of 67 years, Eunice, six children and spouses, 17 grandchildren; and 21 greatgrandchildren. Our prayers and condolences to the family.

’86 MIKE IN THE HEADLINES Mike Covert made the news in his hometown of Astoria, Oregon when he and his wife Kristin won the Dr. Edward Harvey Award for historic preservation, presented in a ceremony on Monday, May 20. The award, presented annually by the Astoria Historic Landmarks Commission, was in the residential category for


N O T E S We heard recently from Matt Sabo ’91, who writes: “We welcomed Seth Andrew Sabo to our family on December 28, 2012. Seth is the fourteenth Sabo, bringing the count to nine boys and five girls. Maybe this one will be the lefty who throws heat; I’m counting on it for my retirement years. I’m still in Gloucester, Va., writing for the Daily Press covering everything from an execution to boutique oyster farmers. I’m also working with an organization called TEN3, which seeks to launch a computer training outreach school in Cap-Haitien, Haiti. Here’s a link: http://bit.ly/1amyodx.” Thanks Seth, congratulations your new baby boy, we’ll pray for his pitching arm. their work on a home they own on Astoria’s Grand Avenue. Mike, who’s pretty handy with a sledgehammer

Commerce, in partnership with Riverview Community Bank. Norm has been involved in the community for decades, serving as president of the Camas-Washougal Chamber of Commerce, the Camas Washougal Rotary, and the Washougal Schools Foundation. He gives freely of his time and talents to the CamasWashougal Historical Society, the high school music boosters, Share, and more. Congratulations, Norm!


and assorted power tools, has been painstakingly restoring the century-old house for the past two years, taking care to honor the historical character of the house while modernizing it for living in the 21st century, not to mention painting it a nice shade of Pilot Purple. “It’s nice to be recognized by a government agency other than the tax assessor’s office,” he was quoted in the May 21 edition of the Daily Astorian. “So in that sense, it’s nice to be recognized as a Harvey Award winner.” Good work Mike, this will look impressive on your resume when you finally decide to run for mayor. Norm Paulson was named as 2013 Citizen of the Year by the Camas-Washougal Chamber of

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Karen A. Frette died on January 6, 2008, at Memorial Hospital, Belleville, Ill. In the Summer 2013 edition of Class Notes we mistakenly listed her date of death as January 6, 2013. We apologize for the mistake and offer our prayers and condolences to the family.

’93 WEDDING BELLS! Sean Smith upset the delicate balance of the Universe by getting married on Saturday, July 20, 2013. His bride is the lovely Remi Fairhurst. Sean is the longtime recycling overlord here at the University, and as such he makes daily rounds from one corner of campus to the other, which means everyone knows him, and we’re all happy for Sean, bless him, even though he didn’t mention his impending nuptials, at least not to those



N O T E S of us here in the Portland Magazine newsroom.

We heard from plenty of alumni and current and for-


mer UP employees when we ran our summer 2013 mystery photo, and it was no mystery that this is our very own Meridee Kaiel, or Meridee Willis as she was known at the time this photo was taken. We goofed when we said she was “North Catholic High School’s Rose Festival princess in the 1970s,” however. “It was the class of 1968 at North Catholic, the school burned in 1970,” she reminds us. “And each of the Catholic schools had two representatives, so Judy Kost and I were the princesses from North Catholic and we competed with St. Mary’s Academy and Holy Child. A girl from St. Mary’s won as the representative for Catholic schools and went on to be Queen of Rosaria.” Thanks for being a good sport, Meridee, our fears for life and limb were all for naught. We hope. And now for our fall mystery faculty member. This professor has been a fixture on campus since he taught his first class on The Bluff in 1979, a class this writer was privileged to attend. He may rightly be said to be an expert on one Pope in particular, and shares that Pope’s disdain for “hacks, scribblers, and dunces.” Four times he has served as chair of his remarkably talented and cohesive department, for a total of 18 years. A scholar in every sense of the word, his love of language and literature is apparent to any who have seen him expound on his favorite authors, and nobody relishes a good scandalous satire more than him. Best guesses to mcovert@up.edu.

Bonnie Jean Toon-Sweeney passed away on June 14, 2013, peacefully at home while surrounded by friends and family following a courageous threeyear battle with ovarian cancer. For all those who were fortunate enough to know her, she will be greatly missed for her kindness, generosity and gentle, caring nature. Bonnie is survived and loved forever by her husband, Pat Sweeney; mother, Joan; and siblings, Brian, Mary, Michael, Kathy, Karen, and Kevin; and 26 nieces and nephews, many of whom will always know her as Auntie Love. Our prayers and condolences to the family.

’95 A PROUD HUSBAND We heard recently from Rob Beazizo, who writes: “My wife, Amy Beazizo, graduated with honors from the University of California, Davis with a master’s of science in nursing leadership, and was inducted into the nursing honor society Sigma Theta Tau. She is the manager of the cancer center at Sutter Roseville Medical Center in Roseville, Calif. I’m not sure what else to write except that her family is very proud of her and that this degree will allow her to continue to provide superior education and care for her patients.” Thanks Rob, and congratulations to Amy.

’96 SAD NEWS Prayers, please, for Jill Furrow and her family on the death of her mother, Judith Lillis Kresse Furrow, on February 23, 2013. Survivors include her children, Chris and Jill Furrow; brother, Michael Kresse; and nephew and niece, Steve and Leah Kresse. The family suggests contributions be made to the Oregon Humane Society. Our prayers and condolences to the family.

’98 A NEW DEAN Juan Flores has been named as dean of the School of Trades and Professional Services at Guam Community College, effective June 30. Prior to joining GCC, Flores served as principal consultant for McREL out of Honolulu, Hawaii; dean of admissions and student fi-

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nancial aid services at St. Martin’s University in Washington; assistant head of school at Bosque School in Albuquerque, New Mexico; visiting instructor at the University of Portland; and superintendent of Guam Public Schools. Bryna Eadas Clarke passed away on May 18, 2013. Bryna spent her early years in High Prairie, Alberta, prior to moving to Edmonton with her family in her teenage years. There she met her late husband, Brian, with whom she built their dream home and raised two kids, James (Shannon) and Maxine (Mike). Bryna welcomed two grandkids, Hayley and Ava-Lee, and was pleased to learn of the coming of a third in September 2013 prior to her passing. Our prayers and condolences. Jennifer McIntosh writes: “Sean and I moved back to the Chicago area last year after six years in Wyoming. We took this time to decide where we wanted to land and we are happily settled into the town of Lombard. Sean is technical director for the Fine and Performing Arts Center at Moraine Valley Community College and I’m working as a reference librarian, presently with Prairie State College. The girls, Gwen and Lizzy, are really loving it here, and as of this month both my and Sean’s parents are living in the area as well! The wide open spaces of Wyoming were awesome but it’s great to be back near the city.”

’01 A NEW CHAPTER We heard recently from Kate Kaufman, who writes: “I was accepted into the 2013 Teach For America Corps and will be moving to Las Vegas to teach middle school special education and complete my master’s degree in secondary special education. I am thrilled to be starting this new and exciting chapter in my life.”

’04 LILAH’S LATEST HONOR Lilah Hegnauer won the inaugural New Southern Voices Poetry Prize for her unpublished manuscript, Pantry. The prize includes $1,000 and publication by Hub City Press in early 2014. Hegnauer is the author of Dark Under Kiganda Stars (Ausable Press, 2005). She teaches literature and creative writing at James Madison University and at the University of Virginia.

’05 ON TOP OF THE WORLD An elite U.S. Air Force mountain-climbing team that included Andrew “Drew” Akles

C L A S S made it to the top of Mt. Everest on Sunday, May 19. Andrew was one of the USAF 7 Summits team members who reached the top of the 29,035foot mountain. It marked the

first time a team of military members from any nation has climbed the tallest peaks on all seven continents. The allvolunteer team took on the challenge of climbing the seven summits to honor fellow servicemen and women who have died in war and to raise money and awareness for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, a charity that benefits the families of fallen special-operations troops. The effort was launched after Capt. Derek Argel was killed with several other airmen when a plane went down in Iraq on Memorial Day in 2005. Ackles is a helicopter instructor pilot stationed at Fort Rucker, Ala. Other team members included Maj. Rob Marshall of Mercer Island, Wash.; Capt. Marshall Klitzke of Lemmon, S.D.; Capt. Colin Merrin of Santee, Calif.; Capt. Kyle Martin of Manhattan, Kan.; and Staff Sgt. Nick Gibson of Gulf Breeze, Fla. Photo courtesy of USAF 7 Summits Team.

PangE Chilson passed away on May 18, 2013, in Vancouver, Wash. She was well-known throughout the Portland and Vancouver area Hmong community, was a devout Christian, and always laughed and loved. Diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in 2012, she fought hard and beat it five days before her wedding on August 11, 2012. Her cancer returned in January 2013 and she died five months after being diagnosed as terminal. She is survived by her husband, Craig; father, Tom; mother, Youa; sister, Gao Na Yang ’11; brother, Nathanael; grandma; and many aunts, uncles and cousins. Our prayers and condolences.



We heard recently from the indomitable Isaac Chol Achuil, who writes: “I have had offers from the following universities in the UK for the fall semester of 2013, any recommendation which one I should go to? The University of Buckingham, Coventry University, University of Kent, or OxfordBrookes University. I have also interviewed with Windle Trust International, UK they provide a full scholarship.” Decisions, decisions...please let us know what you decided, Isaac, we know you’ll do well.

Rachel (Soetaert) Seidelman and her husband Russell welcomed Madrid Rose Seidelman to the world on Sunday,

Tara Arnold, the reigning Mrs. Oregon, was featured in an article in the May 16, 2013 edition of The Oregonian, titled “Mrs. Oregon Tara Arnold uses crown to promote exercise,


nutrition.” Written by North Portland beat writer Casey Parks, the article points up Tara’s dedication to using her

title to combat childhood obesity and promote physical fitness. Tara knows of what she speaks: she works at a pediatric nurse for Providence St. Vincent Medical Center. See the article for yourself at http://tinyurl.com/lm78x3j.




May 5, at 6:50 a.m., at Portland Providence Medical Center. Madrid weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz. and was 21.5 inches long at birth. Mom and Dad and baby are doing just fine. Proud papa Russell is an employee in the University’s financial aid office. Wow, just look at her.

Keeping UP With Pilots We’ve been hearing good things about former Pilot men’s soccer players and their recent successes. Steve Cherundolo recently set a Hannover record for Bundesliga appearances. The 34-year-old from San Diego joined the German club in 1999 and broke the previous mark in his 299th game. Meanwhile, Luis Robles ’06 (pictured above), in his first MLS season as a goal keeper, recorded four clean sheets this year while his teammate, Heath Pearce, recorded two assists in his second season with the New York Red Bulls. Conor Casey, now with the Philadelphia Union, had two goals and two assists in 12 games. Logan Emory ’10, in his second season with Toronto, started three games at center back. Finally, Collen Warner had one goal in five appearances with the Montreal Impact. For more information go to www.portlandpilots.com. ’12 GETTING RIGHT TO WORK Mick Sharpe is now an insurance sales professional with Mutual of Omaha, working with clients on their health and life insurance needs in Oregon and Washington. Classmates and fellow alumni can reach him at mick.sharpe 07@gmail.com.

’13 BOB BOEHMER AWARD “I report with pleasure that the annual Bob Boehmer Award was presented to a great kid named Laura Frazier,” writes the editor of this magazine, one Brian Doyle, “a Beacon stalwart for years, bright as can be, has a job with the Oregonian already. Very good reporter, careful, dry sense of humor, gets it that stories are food.” Bob Boehmer ’47, of course, is our late and much-lamented longtime colleague here in the marketing and communications office at the University, whose long career in journalism is honored with an annual student scholarship in his name.

Autumn 2013 43

Sarah (Batten) Yokubaitis married Matthew Yokubaitis, according to a note from the bride. The new couple resides in Vancouver, Wash. Congratulations, you two!

PILOTS GUIDING PILOTS The University’s career services office has launched a new online tool, Pilots Guiding Pilots, to help connect students and alumni with fellow UP graduates for career guidance, networking, and support. Guidance may include an informational interview (informal career conversation), job shadow or externship, internship, or graduate school advice. Find out more at http://tinyurl.com/krockoh.

FACULTY, STAFF, FRIENDS Kathleen Lockie passed away on May 2, 2013. A resident of Oregon City, Kathleen was a teacher, principal and educational supervisor. She served as principal in elementary schools in Oregon and Washington, and was assistant su-



We got a note from Becca Steele ’11 recently, with the photo above. She writes: “I just wanted to submit this photo of three UP alumni in Washington, D.C. to Portland Magazine. I work for Senator Ron Wyden and was taking photos of an event for World War II veterans from Oregon. While there, I ran into Jim Souza and his wife Dagny. Jim was class of 1952 and played on the UP football team. Also in the photo is Christian Parker ’13, who just graduated and is interning for Congressman Greg Walden. Pictured left to right: me, Dagny, Jim, and Christian.” Thanks for writing, Becca, we’re glad to have UP alumni roaming the Halls of Power. perintendent for Spokane Catholic Schools, director of education for The Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon campus schools, an adjunct teacher at Gonzaga University, and a supervisor of student teachers at Marylhurst University and the University of Portland, where she served from September 2009 to April 2011. She was a member of the Sisters of St. Mary’s of Oregon for 24 years and a member of the Sisters of the Holy Names for eight years. Survivors include her brother, Larry Lockie and his wife, Sharon; and several nieces and nephews. Our prayers and condolences to the family and her religious orders. We lost UP biology professor David Alexander on May 23, 2013, when he passed away after a two-year battle with cancer. He died in Vancouver

with his wife and their son by his side. David was born and

raised in El Paso, Texas. He earned a B.S. in biology in 1979 and an M.S. in 1983, both from the University of Texas at El Paso. His Ph.D. in soil science was awarded in 1987 from Texas A&M University. David moved to the Portland area in 1990 and joined the biology faculty at the University of Portland in 1995, where he taught primarily microbiology. He was recently awarded the Becky Houck Award in recognition of his years of service as the department’s health professions advisor. David is survived by his wife, Paula Tower; son, Kevin

N O T E S Alexander; father, Harold Alexander; brother, Hal Alexander; and niece, Allyson Frantz. He was predeceased by his mother, Elizabeth Rowe Alexander; and brother, Byron Alexander. Contributions may be made to CaringBridge.org or your local hospice. Our prayers and condolences to David’s family and many friends and colleagues. Sister Mary Katharine McNassar, SNJM, passed away on May 30, 2013, at Mary’s Woods in Lake Oswego, following a brief illness. Mary was the third of 11 children born to John Leo and Mary Katharine McNassar, Sr. During her early years, Mary moved with her family to Denver, Colo., Cheyenne, Wyo. and in 1954, to Portland. After high school, she followed a call to religious life, joining the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary at Marylhurst. When Mary professed her vows in 1960, she took the religious name of Sister Ann Carmel. Following her retirement in 2005, Mary continued to serve her family, friends, and religious community as a caregiver until the time of her own illness. In 2010, Mary celebrated her Jubilee Year, honoring 50 years as a member of her religious community. Survivors include her brothers, James, Thomas, and Michael; sisters, Alice McNassar, Maureen Zehendner, Jeanne McNassar, and Kathleen Stewart; brother-in-law, Walter J. Zenner; sisters-inlaw Barbara “Mufti” McNassar and Suellen McNassar; and 60 nieces, nephews, and greatnieces and nephews, all of whom she dearly loved. Our prayers and condolences to the family and Sr. Mary’s religious community. Rev. Richard Berg, C.S.C., and Rev. Michael Heppen, C.S.C. are celebrating their 50th Jubilee with the Congregation of Holy Cross in 2013. Fr. Berg graduated from Columbia Preparatory School in 1954 and earned a Ph.D. in psychology on The Bluff in 1969. In 1974, he was appointed Religious Superior for the Holy Cross Community in Oregon, and taught psychology at the University of Portland. He became dean of the College of Arts and Sciences in 1978, a post he held until

Portland 44

1991. In 1989, Fr. Berg was asked to serve as pastor of the inner-city St. Vincent de Paul Downtown Chapel, now St. André Bessette Catholic

Church. There he began his ministry of urban outreach to the poor and mentally ill in Portland’s Old Town. Eventually his team built the 54-unit Macdonald Center, an assisted-living facility a block from the parish, believed to be the first Medicaid-only facility of its kind for the frail poor in the country. Today he serves as chaplain at Mary’s Woods, a retirement community of 50 Holy Names Sisters and 400 residents located at Marylhurst, Ore. Fr. Heppen was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Mark McGrath, C.S.C., on June 13, 1963. He spent his first year after Ordination at Notre Dame, completing an M.B.A. and serving as Rector of Keenan and Zahm Halls. He then studied at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He was then assigned to the University of

Portland, where he taught finance and became a member of the administration of Fr. Paul E. Waldschmidt, C.S.C., serving as development director from 1971 to 1975. “Portland was a challenge, yet Paul and Fr. Joe Powers, C.S.C., were solid priests and articulated a post-Vatican II vision for a Catholic-sponsored university,” he recalls now. “I had met Joe Powers when I was a student at Moreau Seminary. He had taken an interest in

C L A S S me and thus when we lived together at Portland, he became a mentor to me, and more importantly, my good friend. I always thought Cardinal Newman’s description of a gentleman fit Joe to a tee!” After UP, he served for 21 years at Notre Dame working in the financial area with the exception of six years in student affairs. He then spent nine years in parishes in the Detroit area, and is now enjoying his retirement in Notre Dame, Indiana. Rev. Mark Ghyselinck, C.S.C., is celebrating his 25th Jubilee in 2013. A native of South Bend, Ind., Fr. Ghyselinck looks at the Congregation of Holy Cross as a natural extension of his family, one he has enjoyed for the past 30 years. He was educated at Holy Cross Grade School and LaSalle High School in South


the University of Wisconsin. Fr. Jim was then assigned to the University of Portland,

where he served as a hall director in Christie Hall, worked in the alumni and development offices, taught history, and spent one year in charge of the Salzburg Program. In 2010, he was appointed as Religious Superior for the Holy Cross priests and brothers at Notre Dame, and two years later was named to serve concurrently as director of campus ministry.


Bend, then Holy Cross Junior College and then the University of Notre Dame, where he majored in history, before entering the postulate program for Holy Cross. He served at Sacred Heart Parish in Colorado Springs, Colo., Holy Cross Parish in South Bend, and Sacred Heart Parish at Notre Dame. An accomplished artist, Fr. Ghyselinck received permission to enter graduate school for art and was accepted for MFA studies by Western Michigan University. He came to the University of Portland in 2005, where he teaches on the performing and fine arts faculty. Rev. James King, C.S.C., is celebrating his 25th Jubilee in 2013. Born in St. Gabriel Parish on the South Side of Chicago, he attended St. Rita High School and entered Notre Dame in 1977. He first encountered members of the Congregation of Holy Cross while living for four years in Alumni Hall, and they influenced his vocation and also become his friends and brothers in Holy Cross. He was ordained in 1988 by Bishop Paul Waldschmidt, C.S.C. In 1992, he was awarded a master’s degree in political science from


Allan J. Lillis ’41, June 16, 2013. Marguerite E. Rathgeber ’43, September 27, 2012. George “Bill” William Flynn ’43, March 29, 2013. Col. Ruth Forsythe ’47, October 5, 2013, Beaverton, Ore. Carl Victor Sundborg ’47, February 7, 2013, Concord, Calif. Andrew A. Pienovi ’47, July 6, 2013. Vito Andrew “Andy” Ditomasso, Jr. ’47, April 23, 2013. Mario Joseph Campagna ’49, July 3, 2013, Medford, Ore. Robert Louis Kolibaba ’49, June 11, 2013. Edward Roderick Hannigan ’49, May 15, 2013. Archille “Archie” F. Rischiotto ’50, August 28, 2012. George E. Sykes ’51, June 14, 2013. Carol Walsh Hubert ’51, May 13, 2013. J. Kenneth Higgins ’51, April 22, 2013. Thomas J. Hart ’51, April 17, 2013. Lido Botti ’51, May 11, 2013. Yvonne Lagerfeld Malabad ’52, August 11, 2012, San Francisco, Calif. Carl Vincent Rossetti ’53, September 23, 2012. Reeve E. Erickson ’53, April 15, 2013. David Allen Hanset ’55, May 8, 2013. Josephine Boyer ’56, May 14, 2013. Robert A. Goggin ’57, May 9, 2013. Vincent Aquino ’57, July 4, 2013, San Jose, Calif. Rex Patrick Brumbach, Jr. ’58,

Here we see University of Portland network engineer Tom Ank, donating bone marrow to an unknown patient in July 2013. He tells the story tersely and well himself: “I convinced a bunch of students here to sign up for the National Bone Marrow Program. I don’t ask anyone to do anything I wouldn’t, so I also did the cheek swab test. I didn’t think anything would come of it. I expected one of my students to get a call later in life. Not me. “Four months later I was asked for a blood draw. A little later I flew to another city to try and save the life of someone with lymphoma. Someone I have never met, may never meet. The collection took eight hours. But two days later, on my birthday, this person I’ve never met and may never meet received my cells. I am still sore and tired. But you have to step forward. No matter what I deal with, the recipient is dealing with worse. I remind myself of this constantly. I have a tomorrow. That’s why I did it. I paused my life to hopefully save another.” Man. Thank you, Thomas. Go to bethematch.org to learn more and get involved. May 22, 2013. Virginia Dolman ’58, May 23, 2013. Kenneth R. Jette, Jr. ’59, February 21, 2013. Eddie Butler, Jr. ’60, May 3, 2013. Peter George Kombol ’64, February 21, 2013. Sr. Donna Van Hoomissen (Sr. Bernice Marie), SNJM ’67, May 2, 2013, Lake Oswego, Ore. Frank P. Lahm II ’68, January 15, 2013. John Van Houten III ’70, April 5, 2013. Julie Kawabata ’70, April 4, 2013. Lawrence L. Urbanski ’70, February 6, 2012. Edith Ann Cholick, mother of Annie Cholick-Itel ’73, March 28, 2013. Marceline Beatrice Beck ’77, May 9, 2013. Vickie D. Leber, wife of John

Autumn 2013 45

Leber ’79, August 19, 2012, Clackamas, Ore. Anne Morrissey-Mauyer ’79, September 7, 2012. Darwin Lyle Kirchem, father of Herb Kirchem ’82, July 4, 2013. Karen Frette ’91, January 6, 2008, Belleville, Ill. Bonnie Toon-Sweeney ’94, June 14, 2013. Judith Lillis Kresse Furrow, mother of Jill Furrow ’96, February 23, 2013. Bryna Eadas Clarke ’98, May 18, 2013. PangE Chilson ’09, May 18, 2013, Vancouver, Wash. Kathleen Lockie, May 2, 2013. Sr. Mary Katharine McNassar, SNJM, Lake Oswego, Ore. Biology professor David Alexander, May 23, 2013, Vancouver, Wash.

Class Noses

Ah, we hardly ever run photographs of the shaggy cheerful warmhearted highspirited zest and verve and jazz of Reunion, but we do so here, with fond memory of all the absolutely genuine hugs and laughter this past June on The Bluff. There are lots of good reasons to miss Reunion, but you ought not to, trust us. It’s June 26-29 next year, particular focus on Salzburg Program alumni and (addled) former residents of Villa Maria. Info: Ken Hallenius in the alumni office, 503.943.8326, halleniu@up.edu. Our thanks to Bob Kerns for the sweet caught moments here.






Isn’t it sweet and wild and holy that sometimes a photograph catches the essence of a being, his humor and brass and sinewy grace? As here: the late Jim Link, Class of 1959, on the USS Tolavana. Raised in Medford, Oregon, he worked in his dad’s grocery store and drove logging trucks before graduating from Medford High and then going on to the University; but instead of finishing on The Bluff, he joined the Navy and went to sea, eventually not only “earning his dolphins” as a submariner, but rising to chief quartermaster — essentially the quarterback of the ship – on ships and submarines including the Thomas Jefferson, the Theodore Roosevelt, the Sturgeon, and the Abraham Lincoln. He retired in 1977, started a second career back in trucking, and savored his lovely bride Grace and their nine children and 23 grandchildren until his death in March. We can attest from personal experience that he was a gentle, witty, wry, generous, devout man who loved the University of Portland. Fair winds and a following sea, Jim Link. Rest in peace. Portland 48

Here’s a Campaign story. The shining boy above is now the estimable admired articulate avuncular psychology professor emeritus Father Dick Berg, C.S.C., here at about age 19. Boy, we love this photograph. Dick is the author most recently of the books Fragments of Hope (about his life as a priest) and Scars (about military post-traumatic stress), from Corby Books; is that rare soul who earned three degrees on The Bluff (Columbia Prep High School, UP master’s, and a psychology doctorate in 1969); and remains as empathetic and cheerful a guy as you ever met. Campus treasure, is Richard Berg. Can you make gifts large and small, substantive and smidgenly, to celebrate Dick, and his brave motley Holy Cross fellows, and the brave wild idea of Catholicism at play in the world? Dear yes. There’s the University’s Garaventa Center for American Catholicism, a major Campaign target. There are scholarships named for psychology’s cheerful Father John Delaunay, Salzburg’s wry Father Amby Wheeler, business’s beloved Father Chester Prusynski, science’s genius Brother Godfrey Vassallo, literature’s sprightly Father Lloyd Teske. There are endowment funds honoring Father John Zahm (an annual lecture in Catholicism) and dignified Father Jim Connelly (history). Or invent a scholarship as you like. Look, every single student on The Bluff sure could use some help with the costs of a sweet wild U of P education. Can you help? Yes? Great. Thanks. Call Diane Dickey at 503.943.8130, dickey@up.edu. Tell her Father Dick Berg sent you.

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THE RETURN OF DAVID JAMES DUNCAN ’04 HON. Migrating back to The Bluff as the University’s fall semester Schoenfeldt Series visiting writer October 24 is novelist, essayist, and spiritual fisherman David Duncan, on whom the University draped an honorary doctorate in 2004. Duncan, author of The River Why and The Brothers K as well as three superb books of essays and stories, gives a talk and reading from his work at 7 p.m. in Buckley Center Auditorium; the event is free as air and open to all. Information: Brian Doyle, bdoyle@up.edu, 503.943.8225.

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