University of portland campus experience 2014

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University of Portland Campus Experience

do you want to

make a difference

read on. 1

At Oregon’s Catholic university, we prepare you not just for a career but for life. Your mind will be sharpened. Your heart will be touched. And you will be inspired to do more than you ever thought possible.


1  UP’s main academic quad includes the library, dining hall, chapel, and academic buildings.


Become a difference maker. At UP you will explore who you are and who you want to be. In addition to pursuing one of 42 different academic programs, you will find extraordinary opportunities to cultivate your best self. You can take part in service-learning projects and volunteer programs; work on research projects with professors; develop leadership skills through entrepreneurial programs, campus clubs, and campus ministry; and expand your worldview by studying abroad or staying on campus to hear renowned speakers share their expertise. No matter what you choose, you will be part of a select group of students who want to make a difference.

WHY UP is one of the top characterbuilding universities in the nation, according to the Templeton Foundation.



1  Students show their purple pride.


1  Brian in Franz Hall: home to the Pamplin School of Business and the School of Education.


“What I most love about UP is the community. It is more than a university. It is a family.”

Actively engaged.

Brian Carter ’15 // I’m absolutely grateful I chose UP. I’m taught by professors who care about the success of their students and the subjects they teach. I’ve gone on immersion trips that have made me aware of social injustices. I’m on a research team at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) that is working to prevent ototoxicity, a drug-induced hearing loss, which I have had since I was four. I stay involved with the campus as an R.A. for Schoenfeldt Hall and by playing the euphonium in the wind symphony and in the pep band at basketball games. This­community comes alive at these big events.


Abundant options.


1  The plaza and steps in front of Clark Library  With 42 majors, 31 minors, and more than 1,300 courses to choose from, you’ll find an array of academic programs. We are also the only university in Oregon to offer a College of Arts and Sciences; Schools of Business, Education, Engineering, and Nursing; and a Graduate School.


Personal connections. Our professors—who are experts in the fields of business, education, engineering, and nursing as well as the arts and sciences—live and breathe what they teach. They are nationally recognized for their skills, and they show it every day in their commitment to helping you learn and grow. UP is known for its collaborative approach and sense of community, which means you will work as a team with other students and faculty to explore problems and potential solutions. You will also find that it’s easy to get involved because most classes have fewer than 30 students, and professors know who you are. When you combine this personal approach with knowledgeable faculty and state-of-the-art facilities, you will quickly find that discoveries really can happen every day.


UP has the resources you need—from a variety of specialized labs to ample study areas in our newly remodeled Clark Library. We are also home to the Franz Center for Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation; the Shepard Freshman Resource Center; as well as Army and Air Force ROTC and Honors programs.


1  Visiting the historic Roman ruins in Segovia, Spain, as part of study abroad.


International horizons. Studying abroad gives you access to experiences that will change how you think about yourself and the world, and we want you to be able to take advantage of this opportunity. At UP we offer more than a dozen studies abroad programs as well as additional options through partner organizations. All of these programs are designed to fulfill either core University classes or specific major requirements, even for specialized areas including nursing, social work, business, and engineering. Programs are based in such places as Australia, Austria, Chile, China, Costa Rica, England, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, and Spain and are offered for a semester, summer, or year. But no matter which experience you choose, you’ll make memories that last a lifetime.

WHY UP is one of the top national producers of Fulbright student scholars among peer institutions, and most of these students studied abroad.



“Studying in Chile confirmed for me that my long-term goal is to work abroad.”

Study abroad.

Natasha Verma ’14 // I selected the Santiago, Chile, program because it had a built-in volunteer experience, and I was able to really immerse myself in a different culture. The value of this opportunity was immeasurable. I lived with a host family for six weeks and volunteered at a fair-trade organization, which gave me a solid cross-cultural perspective to draw from. I had to learn how to navigate a new place in a different language—experiences that put me out of my comfort zone but taught me so much. Having communication skills and the ability to adapt to new environments is crucial for today’s graduates.


1  Natasha downtown: MAX Light Rail is accessible throughout Portland.


nationally for our Entrepreneur Scholars Program, which was ranked the outstanding specialty program in 2012 by the U.S. Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, a program that is open to all students in every major. Also ranked #1 nationally in 2013: our student accounting team, which placed first in the AICPA (American Institute of CPAs) Accounting Competition out of 145 teams from across the U.S.



different study abroad programs available through UP, as well as additional options through partner programs.

97% of undergraduate students receive some type of financial aid, including scholarships, grants, and loans.

1 171 19 in Oregon for best value among private colleges and universities in 2013. This is the fourth consecutive year UP has received this ranking from Kipplinger's Personal Finance.

thousand hours logged by students through volunteer and service-learning projects, as reported by UP’s Moreau Center.

UP is one of the most environmentally responsible colleges in the U.S. and Canada, according to the Princeton Review.

consecutive years in the top ten for western regional universities, as ranked in 2013 by U.S. News & World Report.


in the nation for the number of students receiving prestigious Fulbright Awards to study and work abroad among peer institutions, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.


1  Volunteering in Portland’s Tryon Creek State Park—service and sustainability are core UP values.


At the beginning of the school year, all freshmen take part in “Building Community, Serving to Learn,� a one-day event, in which they spend half the day helping local organizations, such as the Audubon Society, Portland Public Schools, SOLV, and the Forest Park Conservancy.


1  Celebrating community outside the Chapel of Christ the Teacher.


Spiritual awareness. Since our founding, UP has been guided by the Congregation of Holy Cross, a community of Roman Catholic priests and brothers who are committed to educating students in mind and heart. This means you will be encouraged to ask questions about your values, your beliefs, and your role in the world. And you will find the support you need, no matter what your faith. Campus Ministry offers spiritual counseling and retreats that are open to everyone as well as a variety of programs for faith development. Pastoral residents live in every residence hall, and theology and philosophy classes are part of every major. The Garaventa Center hosts renowned speakers who bring into focus questions that address faith and culture. And for students who wish to participate, Mass is celebrated daily in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher and weekly in each residence hall. WHY Out of 244 Catholic universities in the country, only 21 were identified as leaders, and UP was among those selected.



Tie volunteer efforts to your major and you’ve added value—and values—to your education. UP is one of the nation’s top colleges among its peers for commitment to service and is listed on the 2013 President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll.


Changing lives.

Giving back is a central part of UP’s mission. Every year students contribute 171,000 hours through service and volunteer work. Volunteering is not only rewarding but is a great way to get to know students and faculty outside of class. And through the Moreau Center, you’ll find it is easy to get involved with organizations and causes that are important to you. You can select from weekly and monthly activities, as well as one-time events. And the options are varied. Our students restore stream habitats, tutor children, repair homes, and serve food at shelters. They also explore firsthand the social justice issues facing different regions and cultures throughout the United States, as well as Nicaragua and East Africa by taking part in servicelearning immersion programs offered during spring break and the summer.


1  Gilbert inside the Chapel for Christ the Teacher: the main chapel on campus.


“My experiences here helped me develop skills that made me a more effective leader.”

Service and leadership.

Gilbert Resendez ’14 // UP offers a wide variety of activities. I tutored at an alternative high school, and I signed up to become the Service and Justice Coordinator for Christie Hall, so I could become more personally involved with service—the West Hayden Island cleanup day was my favorite. It was cool to see my fellow Christie Hall residents getting engaged. I also was part of the Student Senate for two years, which taught me how to work in teams and have constructive debates. Lastly, I went on a variety of Campus Ministry retreats to have time to reflect on myself, my place in the world, and how God fits in.


Real experiences. Our goal is for you to go beyond the classroom no matter what your field of study. Our academic programs provide connections with schools and clinics, labs and research opportunities, as well as businesses and entrepreneurial ventures. Career Services staff work with you as early as your freshman year to ensure that your academic portfolio supports your long-term career goals. They help with résumés and mock interviews and also provide access to exclusive job and internship databases that post local and national opportunities. They also partner with professors and staff across campus to connect you with alumni and industry professionals for informational interviews, job shadows, and internships so that you are ready for the next step in your career before you graduate.

WHY Career Services hosts an annual internship fair in the fall and three spring fairs—one targeted to science and engineering majors, another to business and liberal arts majors, and an internship forum.



1  Hands-on learning experiences can be found throughout the city, including local classrooms.


1  Jessie preparing for ping-pong: one of her many intramural activities.


“Playing intramurals is a great way to meet people, and it doesn’t put a lot of pressure on you.”

Focus on fitness.

Jessie Robinson ’15 // I love sports. I’ve played intramural soccer, Futsal, basketball, football, and most recently have taken up ping-pong! I also like being part of club soccer, which motivates me to keep active, and it’s like a little UP family because everyone is welcome and we have fun together. One of my favorite places to run is the perimeter of campus—it has grass, pavement, stairs, and small hills. I’ve just begun weight training and found it’s a good way to de-stress. I also enjoy hiking around Portland—there are a lot of trails to choose from. I just completed the Marquam Trail, which goes through a forest right in the city.



minutes in the car gets you to uncrowded beaches along the Oregon coast or to the forested slopes on Mt. Hood.

The Beauchamp Recreation and Wellness Center opens in fall of 2015, providing students with exercise rooms, 3 indoor gyms, a climbing wall, and an indoor track.

70+ 3 Olympic medals won in 2012 by former Pilot women’s soccer players.

Portland was Bicycling magazine’s pick for America’s most bike-friendly city in 2012.


student-run clubs are active on campus, with options including academic, multicultural, athletic, and special interest groups.

Catch the UP weekly movie or go off to one of the 66 movie theaters in Portland, home to more theaters per capita than any other U.S. city.

279 parks in Portland, including Forest Park, which has 5,100 wooded acres and more than 80 miles of trails.

Division I varsity sports at UP include men’s and women’s basketball, soccer, cross-country, indoor and outdoor track, and tennis as well as baseball and women’s volleyball and rowing.


Join in.


1  Practice on one of UP’s fields  There is something happening on campus every day, which makes it easy to get involved. Take part in lectures, movies, concerts, NCAA Division I games, poetry readings, intramural and club sports, performing arts, spiritual retreats, and more.


1  Ice climbing on Mt. Hood with the Outdoor Pursuits program.


Healthy living. At UP we know you’ll work hard. So to help you recharge, Recreational Services offers plenty of ways to stay active. Through our Outdoor Pursuits program, you can rent bikes, helmets, tents, and sleeping bags or go on planned hiking, climbing, kayaking, snowboarding, and snowshoeing trips. Recreational Services also offers free classes, such as kickboxing, Zumba, hip-hop, and yoga. There are free weights and treadmills, and elliptical, bike, and stair machines for you to use. UP also has dozens of intramural and club sports teams that you can join throughout the year. To help you stay healthy, our dining facilities serve nutritious meals and snacks that are made from fresh, locally sourced, antibiotic-free products whenever possible.

WHY Portland is nationally recognized for its green sensibilities, great food, and easy access to the outdoors.



“The students here are motivated, hardworking individuals who genuinely enjoy their time on The Bluff.”

Ideas in action.

Rose Harber ’14 // I eventually want to operate a business. I applied and was accepted into the Entrepreneur Scholars program my junior year. The program was very hands-on. I developed a business model that merged my love of engineering and fashion—it was inspired by my study abroad experience in Salzburg, Austria. I also attended a lot of networking events and mentor meetings. These experiences gave me specific, real-world advice. During my final year at UP, I spent much of my time working on my senior design project, which was a persistence of vision LED globe. And now, I’m working at IBM as a software engineer in the Embedded Linux Team.


1  Rose inside Shiley Hall: our state-of-the-art engineering facility.


Show your purple pride and root for our NCAA Division I athletic teams, including women’s soccer, which not only draws some of the biggest crowds and holds the NCAA records for average attendance but has also won two national NCAA Division I Championships.


1  Players and fans celebrate a victory on UP’s Merlo Field.


Close-knit community. It all starts with living on campus. Being in the residence halls is a vital part of the UP experience, and it puts you at the center of everything you need— from classes and labs to the library and dining services. But more importantly, you are part of a community—over 1,800 students live in our ten residence halls, including nearly every freshman. You will also find that it is a great way to meet new friends and study partners and to take part in hall events—from game nights and cooking events to excursions downtown. Each residence hall has a distinct style and personality, but all create friendships and memories that you’ll carry with you for life.


UP offers both co-ed and single-sex residence halls, and all have resident assistants on every floor as well as a hall director and a pastoral resident. The best way to find out which hall might be right for you is to talk with our student tour guides in the admissions office.


1  Visible from campus and downtown, Oregon’s iconic Mt. Hood.


World-class city. We think Portland is an amazing place to live. You’ll find great restaurants, cafÊs, and food carts; a vibrant music and theater scene; independent retailers and funky thrift shops; professional sports teams; and miles of hiking and biking trails, including the 5,100-acre Forest Park, which makes it easy to enjoy the outdoors right in the city. Portland also has a wealth of learning and employment opportunities. We are home to world-renowned businesses, as well as innovative small and medium-sized companies on their way up. And wherever you want to go, Portland’s transportation system helps you get there. Buses stop right outside campus, free shuttles take you to MAX Light Rail, and myriad bike lanes traverse the city.

WHY The campus is in a residential neighborhood overlooking the Willamette River and is only ten minutes from downtown.



“UP is a small school with a big reputation, and employers are eager to hire our graduates.”

Portland connections.

Ryan Gillespie ’14 // The city of Portland is a great place for business. Professors have a lot of connections, which gave me access to mock interviews, job shadows, and alumni career forums. I also wanted an internship before graduation that could lead to a job offer. Career Services had the resources I needed. And with guidance from UP alumni, I interned with PricewaterhouseCoopers during the summer in my hometown of Seattle and was able to start full time with the firm right after graduation. I also enjoyed downtown for the movies, the amazing food carts, or to just walk around different neighborhoods, be it NW 23rd, Mississippi, or Pioneer Square.


1  Ryan takes advantage of the resources available in UP’s Trading Room.














Oregon offers an incredible variety of landscapes and recreational activities that are just waiting to be explored. Drive 90 minutes west to the Pacific Ocean


to find uncrowded beaches that stretch for 362 miles. Go 90 minutes southeast and find Mt. Hood, a yearround destination for skiing, snowboarding, and hiking. Head east for 60 minutes along the Columbia River Gorge to get to Hood River, a hotspot for windsurfing, kiteboarding, and backcountry adventures. With so much to explore in Oregon, the hardest part might be choosing which adventure to have first.



Invest in your future.


1  Opportunities abound  UP is among the best schools in the region and one of the best values too. We’ve been named one of the top ten schools in the West by U.S. News & World Report for nineteen consecutive years. And Kipplinger's Personal Finance has listed us for four consecutive years as the best value for private universities and colleges in Oregon.


Discover even more about UP. Find videos and student blogs under the Discover UP link at Contact our student ambassadors at; they can arrange for you to visit a class and meet with a professor.


Explore the possibilities. Become a Pilot for a day so that you can get a feel for what it is like to live and learn here. The admissions office hosts numerous visitation days, which provide an opportunity to learn about academic programs, tour the campus with current students, eat lunch in our dining hall, and look inside the residence halls. You can also meet with admission counselors year-round, take one of our campus tours or even attend a class. High school seniors can also sign up for an overnight stay with a student-host. For a current schedule of group visitation days or to arrange a personal visit, go to our website at, call 503.943.7147, or email us at


1  Aerial view of the University of Portland, looking north.


UP’s campus provides the best of both worlds. We are in a quiet and safe residential neighborhood on a bluff above the Willamette River, but only a ten-minute drive from the hustle and bustle of Portland’s city center.


FAST FACTS Mission Founded in 1901. Guided by the Congregation of Holy Cross, which fosters development of the whole person through teaching and learning, faith and formation, and service and leadership. Congregation of Holy Cross A community of Roman Catholic priests and brothers dedicated to educating students in heart and mind since its founding in France in 1839.

Campus 150 acres in a residential neighborhood, a ten-minute drive to downtown Portland. Student Body 3,468 undergraduate and 499 graduate students from 40 states and dozens of countries. Average combined critical reading and math SAT score in 2013 was 1188 with the middle 50% from 11001280; average ACT scores for English and math were 26; and the average high school GPA was 3.63. Residence Life Ten residence halls, housing more than 1,800 students. Faculty 332 professors; 13-to-1 student/faculty ratio. Study Abroad Diverse study abroad programs with varying lengths in such countries as Australia, Austria, Chile, China, Costa Rica, England, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, and Spain.

Athletics Intramural, recreational, and club sports and 15 NCAA Division I intercollegiate sports. Financial Aid Average amount awarded to freshmen last year was more than $20,900, excluding student loans. Almost 97% of full-time undergraduates receive some form of assistance (from all sources) including loans.

Tuition For the 2014–15 academic year, tuition is $38,350; room and board (most popular package) is $11,444.

The University of Portland does not discriminate in its educational programs, admissions policies,

scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other school-administered programs, or employment on

the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, disability, age, or sexual orientation. The University

expressly reserves its rights and obligations to maintain its commitment to its Catholic identity and the doctrines of the Catholic Church.

CONTACT US We welcome your questions. The Office of Admissions is located on the second floor of Waldschmidt Hall. Purple visitor signs mark the admissions visitor parking along The Bluff. General Email


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University of Portland


5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Portland, OR 97203-5798 Phone: 503.943.7147

Toll-free: 888.627.5601


PROGRAMS OF STUDY FOR 2014–15 College of Arts



Pre-Dentistry Study


Pre-Law Study


Pre-Medicine Study



and Sciences

Economics English

© 2014  University of Portland

Design: Michael Patrick Partners Portland/Menlo Park/San Antonio/Scottsdale

Environmental Ethics


Therapy Study

Pre-Optometry Study Pre-Pharmacy Study

& Policy

Pre-Physical Therapy Study

Environmental Science

Pre-Veterinary Study

French Studies General Studies German Studies History Mathematics Music Organizational

Communication Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Social Work Sociology/Criminology Track Spanish Theater Theology

Dr. Robert B. Pamplin, Jr. School of Business Administration Accounting Economics Entrepreneurship &

Minors Biology Business Administration Catholic Studies Chemistry Communication Computer Science Economics Education English Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Environmental Policy Environmental Science Fine Arts French

Innovation Management

Gender & Women’s Studies



Global Business

Hellenic Studies



Operations &


Technology Management


School of Education


Elementary Education


Secondary Education


Donald P. Shiley

School of Engineering

Political Science Psychology

Civil Engineering

Social Justice

Computer Science


Electrical Engineering


Mechanical Engineering


School of Nursing Nursing

Theater Theology

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