University of Portland Community of Scholars 2016

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SCHOLAR S A Community of

University of Portland Annual Scholarly Review 2015-16 Academic Year

From the Provost As the University’s provost, I invite you to read this report so that you might discover one dimension of the remarkable breadth and depth of the University’s intellectual and creative enterprises — hundreds of articles, books, and creative works that the most interesting and inquisitive professors in America have wrought. A University is only as good as its faculty. This faculty takes very seriously its role as an intellectual, cultural, scholarly, creative, artistic, and spiritual resource for not only our students, but also the city, the state, the region, and the nation. Active scholarly engagement, such as that found in this report, affects the quality of teaching on campus. Our faculty scholars are excellent teachers, in part, because they contribute to the development of knowledge in their respective fields. I invite you to read for yourself why we are ranked among the very best Catholic universities. Join me in celebrating the achievements of the University’s faculty for the 2015-16 academic year.

Thomas G. Greene, Ed.D.

Provost and Professor of Education

YEAR IN REVIEW 2015-16 2 Awards and Recognition 6 Faculty Profiles 24 Scholarly Review

Year in Review 2015-16 The University of Portland continues to

Green Commitment

garner accolades as one of the best Catholic

For the sixth consecutive year, the University

institutions in the West, not only for the

of Portland has been named one of America’s

quality of our academic programs, but also

“Green Colleges” by Princeton Review’s Guide

for the talents of our faculty and students.

to 347 Green Colleges: 2015 Edition.

We are proud to be a resource for the city,

Return on Investment

the state, the region, and beyond.

The University was ranked the top university in Oregon among all four-year institu-



tions for having alumni who “go on to earn

Fulbright Awards

the most money” ten years after enrolling

University of Portland continues to be one of

in classes, according to a 2016 survey com-

the top producers of Fulbright awards among

pleted by

master’s level institutions, according to The

New Academic Center

Chronicle of Higher Education. For 2015-16,

Regent Amy Dundon-Berchtold and her hus-

UP ranked fourth in student Fulbright awards

band, Jim Berchtold ’63, made a $15 million

and tied for second in faculty Fulbright

commitment that funds the Dundon-Berch-

awards — one of only fourteen institutions

told Institute for Moral Formation and Applied

in the country to be a top producer of both

Ethics and serves as a lead gift for the con-

student and faculty U.S. Fulbright grant

struction of a new academic center, which


will be named Dundon-Berchtold Hall in

Top Ten in the West

their honor. The new hall will house not

For the 21st consecutive year, U.S. News &

only classrooms and faculty offices but also

World Report has recognized UP as one of

the Dundon-Berchtold Institute.

the top ten universities in the West, com-

2016 Honorary Doctorates

ing in 7th among 118 institutions, and the

Receiving honorary doctorates in 2016 were:

University was also ranked 12th in the “Best

Columbia Sportswear CEO Tim Boyle; pioneer-

Value Schools” category.

ing engineering dean Eleanor Baum; historian

Best Value in Oregon

Rev. Robert Pelton, C.S.C., legendary women’s

For the sixth consecutive year, University of

basketball coach Cathy Rush; UP Regent and

Portland was listed as the top Oregon school

local business leader Steve Shepard; Univer-

for value in Kiplinger’s Personal Finance in its

sity of Puget Sound’s thirteenth president

“private universities category.” UP was also

Ron Thomas; and journalist and writer David

ranked 51st nationwide among all private

Brooks. Receiving the University’s highest

universities, up from 65th last year.

honor, the Christus Magister Medal, were

longtime supporters of the University and

the Year Award from the American Society

Catholic education, Allen and Kathie Lund.

of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

New Appointments

Sam Holloway, business, received the

Rev. Gerard Olinger, C.S.C., was appointed vice

Ascendant Scholar Award from the Western

president for University relations; Rev. John

Academy of Management. The award is given

Donato, C.S.C., became vice president for

to faculty members who are considered

student affairs; Lauretta Frederking, political

“ascendant” through an academic record

science professor, was appointed associate

that includes their areas of research, teaching

provost; and Xan Arch was named the new

and service.

dean of the Clark Library.

Martin Monto, sociology, received the Hugo Beigel Award for Scholarly Excellence


from the Society for the Scientific Study of


Sexuality. The award goes to the best paper

Laura McLary, professor of German, was

published in their Journal of Sex Research.

named the 2015 Oregon Professor of the

Bonnie Parks, collections technology

Year by the Carnegie Foundation for the

librarian, was named the 2016 recipient of

Advancement of Teaching and the Council

the Ulrich’s Serials Librarianship Award for

for the Advancement and Support of

her distinguished contributions to serials


librarianship. The Association for Library

Robert Butler, environmental science,

Collections & Technical Services division

received the Neil Miner Award from the

of the American Library Association makes

National Association of Geoscience Teachers

the award each year to a leader in the field.

(NAGT). The award honors individuals for

Amber Vermeesch, nursing, was selected

their exceptional contributions to the stimu-

as one of eight participants from around

lation of interest in Earth sciences.

the nation for the 2016 American Associa-

Alice Gates, sociology and social work,

tion of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Faculty

won the Marie O. Weil Outstanding Scho-

Policy Intensive program, held in Wash-

larship Award, co-sponsored by the Asso-

ington, D.C. She is now an AACN Faculty

ciation of Community Organizations and

Policy Fellow.

Social Administration (ACOSA) and Taylor

Joanne Warner, Dean Emerita for nursing,

& Francis Publisher.

was inducted as a Fellow in the American

Mark Kennedy, civil engineering and asso-

Academy of Nursing and was also appointed

ciate dean of the Shiley School of Engineer-

to the Providence Oregon Region Community

ing, received the 2015 Oregon Engineer of

Ministry Board.



Women’s rowing had 12 players named Col-

Fulbright Student Finalists

legiate Rowing Coaches Association National

Six students and one alumnus were

Scholar Athletes, the sixth most in the nation

awarded English Teaching Assistantships

among all NCAA Division I schools.

to countries in Europe, Asia, and Mexico.

UAS7 Study & Internship Program

These seven Fulbright student finalists were

Tatiana Myers ’17 earned an international

Caroline Harpster ’16, Kristen Jakstis ’16, Erin

scholarship to spend a semester studying

Nishijima ’16 , Jonathan Squires ’13, Katherine

in Germany through UAS7, a consortium of

Lord ’16, Josefina Duran-Martinez ’16, and

Germany’s top universities of applied sciences.

Emily Dovel ’16.

Innovation Fellows

Albert Einstein Fellow

Engineering students Ryan Cebula ’16 and

Jennifer Snow Mayo, a 2016 doctoral gradu-

Katie Heitkemper ’17 were named University

ate of the School of Education, was one of 12

Innovation Fellows by the National Center

educators selected for a full-year internship

for Engineering Pathways to Innovation.

with NASA as a 2016-2017 Albert Einstein

They are charged with increasing campus

Distinguished Educator Fellow.

engagement with innovation, entrepreneur-

Teaching Assistantships

ship, creativity, and design thinking.

Kealey Johnson ’16, Clare Munger ’16, and

Accounting Nationals

Douglas Blair ’15 were granted English

A team of junior accounting students Isaac

Teaching Assistantships, which are spon-

Mansuetti, Lance Chee, and Connor Ward

sored by the French Ministry of Education

finished second in the national 2015 AICPA

and the Cultural Services office of the

Accounting Competition.

French Embassy.

Jesuit Volunteer Corps

Caroline Harpster ’16 and Kristen Jakstis ’16

Philip Ellefson ’15, Corey Hubbard ’14, Sam-

were awarded Teaching Assistantships from

antha Johnson ’15, Rumika Suzuki ’15, and

the Austrian-American Educational Commis-

Margaret Hannon ’15 signed on for service

sion to work in an Austrian school.

positions with Jesuit Volunteer Corps (JVC)

Student-Athlete Accolades

and JVC Northwest.

A total of 197 Pilots (almost 40% of all


student-athletes) made the the Dean’s list


(3.5 or higher GPA). Fifteen student-athletes

International Neuroscience Award

were named to the West Coast All-Academic

Mike Merzenich ’64 received the 2016 Kavli

Team for their respective sports, and in total,

Prize in Neuroscience by the Norwegian

54 Pilots earned all-academic league honors.

Academy of Science for his work in docu-

menting the fundamental plasticity of

sented every two years in the fields of


neuroscience, astrophysics, and nanoscience.


Merzenich shares the prize with two fellow

Michalah Leffler: “The Efficacy of Pharmacolog-


ical Chaperones on Enzyme Activity in a Unique

the human brain. The Kavli Prizes are pre-

National Academy of Sciences Dennis Hartmann ’71 was elected as a fellow of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.

Amelia Ahern-Rindell, biology faculty, with

Model of Ovine GM1-Gangliosidosis.” Nicole Auxier, nursing faculty, with Benjamin


Stadelman: “Job Satisfaction and Retention Among DEU and Traditional Clinical Teachers.”

Hartmann, a professor of atmospheric


sciences at University of Washington, was

Frank: “Virtual Instrument for Experimental

recognized for his distinguished achieve-

Studies in Biosignals.”

ments in researching the atmosphere’s


role in climate change and variability. Military Service CEO

Olivia Coiado, engineering faculty, with Walker

Ted Eckmann, environmental studies faculty,

with Calli VanderWilde: “Hydrologic Analysis of the University of Portland.” n

Sr. Angela Hoffman, O.S.B., chemistry faculty,

Air Force Lt. Gen. Dana Atkins ’77 (retired)

with Lukas Magee and Isabelle Nguyen: “An

was named the President and CEO of the

Efficient ‘Green’ Method for Purifying Taxol.”

Military Officers Association of America.


Atkins now leads more than 390,000 members of the nation’s largest military service organization. National 40 Under 40

Lorretta Krautscheid, nursing faculty, with

Conor Livingston and Austin Smith: “Clinical Practice Experiences Contributing to Moral Distress among BSN Students: A Descriptive Qualitative Study.” Shannon Mayer, physics faculty, with Meagan


Thomas Phuong ’99, who majored in elec-

Koeroghlian and Andrew Williams: “Holographic

trical engineering, was honored as a national


leader in his field and in his community by


CSE Magazine. Entrepreneur of the Year

Cara Poor, engineering faculty, with Sean

Gestson: “Comparison of Runoff Water Quality from the Shiley Hall Ecoroof and Regular Roof.” Anissa Rogers, social work faculty, with Jessica


Monica Enand ’05 MBA was named 2016

Fuller and Marie Ramage: “Person Centered and

Entrepreneur of the Year by the Portland

Participant Directed Social Services: An Explora-

Business Journal for its Women of Influence

tion of Needs and Perceptions of Older Veterans.”

program. The Business Journal also named


Zapproved, the company she founded and of which she is CEO, the 2015 Small Business Company of the Year.

Tammy VanDeGrift, computer science faculty,

with Sara Perkins: “Computationally Modeling MicroRNA and Gene Expression in T Cells of Mice.”



Amber Vermeesch, Ph.D., FNP-C associate professor of nursing

“I want to be a difference maker — as an educator, researcher, and practitioner. I feel privileged to be working with the next generation of nurses and witnessing their ‘light bulb’ moments of understanding. I believe my job is to prepare students for the art and science of nursing practice as well as for a lifetime of learning. My research focuses on both physical activity promotion and health and wellness promotion for students, faculty, and staff. I hope to decrease health disparities for all vulnerable groups by promoting interest in preventative measures, including the increasing of physical activity and reduction of stress among undergraduate and graduate nursing students. I believe conducting research with students is one of my essential tasks as a faculty member. I recently worked with my nursing colleague Halina Barber and two undergraduate students on a research project entitled ‘Road less traveled: Stressors & coping strategies unique to undergraduate nursing students.’ This research

In addition to being difference makers, we are educating difference makers who will change the world for the better. investigated stressors and coping mechanisms for undergraduate students so as to identify stressors and resources and also create and pilot a formal peer-to-peer mentoring program to reduce stress. In addition, I am conducting research projects with two doctor of nursing practice students: one on ethical dilemmas in clinical situations and the other on physical activity prevalence and trends among minority women. In the School of Nursing, I feel part of an incredible team dedicated to the education and development of students as people. In addition to being difference makers ourselves, we are educating difference makers who will change the world for the better. Our faculty are dedicated to being the best facilitators of not only knowledge, but also on how to be a more complete person. I enjoy working with such awe-inspiring people, and I look forward to continuing this work. The possibilities are endless.”


Bill Curtis, J.D., Ph.D. associate professor of political science

“As a scholar, I specialize in political philosophy, history of political thought, and constitutional law. After college I went to law school where I was surprised to find myself interested in legal theory: ‘Why is the law what it is? What legal system is most just?’ This led to my larger interest in political philosophy, and after a short stint at a big law firm, I escaped back to graduate school. Fortunately, my J.D. has served me well as a teacher of constitutional law, as UP’s pre-law advisor, and as an Army National Guard JAG (Judge Advocate General). I published a book last fall, titled Defending Rorty: Pragmatism and Liberal Virtue. Richard Rorty was one of the most influential academic philosophers of our time; he worked in the American pragmatist tradition, which emphasizes that the import of any theory or idea is how it is put to use through action. He believed that pragmatism fits nicely with liberal democratic politics, that

I try to challenge my students to think critically about why they believe what they believe. individuals should be free to pursue happiness in any way they want as long as they cause no harm to others. My book argues that citizens of a liberal democracy must possess certain ethical character traits and habits of mind called ‘liberal virtues,’ like toleration of diversity, a practical respect for the rights of others, and even a liberally-educated moral imagination. I try to challenge my students with different ways of looking at the world, to help them think hard about why they believe what they believe. I want them to understand and appreciate the traditions of thought that have created our civilization and to think critically about those traditions after they have a deeper understanding of them. Whether I’m teaching Plato’s Republic, Machiavelli’s Prince, or the American Constitution, I try to impress upon my students that they are entering into the grand, ongoing conversation about what the best ways of life and forms of government are. At the end of the day, it’s the most important endeavor I can think of.”


Heidi Senior, M.A., MLIS reference & instruction librarian

“As a reference/instruction librarian, I specialize in helping people save time and energy by connecting them to the best information available for their particular needs and trying to make that information as accessible as possible. I work closely with faculty to make sure that the resources their students need are available to them. Another of my areas of interest is assessment; I managed the Clark Library’s recent campus-wide satisfaction survey, and I am looking at how students use information sources and how teaching librarians can adjust our instruction to help them find and incorporate better sources. What I love about reference librarianship is that it rewards people who have a wide range of interests; everything you read, watch, or listen to might come in handy at some point to help answer a reference question. The field is devoted to improving everyone’s ex-

I hope to help students gain an appreciation of the wealth of resources they have access to. perience of accessing information; which means that teaching and understanding technology go hand in hand. The field is constantly changing, and I enjoy the challenge of keeping current. My research interests include a multi-campus examination of business students’ awareness of research resources, and business librarian liaisons’ best practices in building relationships with faculty. I prefer collaborative efforts where my co-authors and I share expertise and accountability, both essential elements for successful completion of any project. I hope to help our students gain an appreciation of the wealth of information resources they have access to and how those resources are organized. In my information sessions, I introduce students to the keys that can help them unlock information on their topics across multiple platforms. Along with UP’s collegial atmosphere — even though everyone is very busy, people across campus make time to discuss new approaches to teaching — interacting with students is the most gratifying part of my work. They seem sharper every year, and I love seeing them mature as critical users of information.”


Eric Anctil, Ph.D. associate professor of education

“My area of expertise is centered on the intersection of humans and technology. Humans have been creating, refining, and evolving with technology since the first fires were lit and the first tools were used to hunt and farm. Machine automation, computer and communication ubiquity, and the near synergy of humans and machines today present countless points of intersection that contain profound implications for how we access information, how we socialize in a digital world, and how we will continue to control our own evolution in the future with the very tools we have created and refined. Currently, my scholarship includes working with schools at all levels, educators, parents, and the broader public to explore students’ relationship to technology both in and out of the classroom. My

I am exploring how technology is affecting our relationships to each other, as well as the things we do. research has included exploring the social aspects of technology and how it is changing the nature of ‘going to school.’ I am exploring how technology is affecting our relationships to each other as well as to the things we do, such as finding and sharing information and collaborating and creating. I am also working with students in our education doctoral program on examining how technology is creating a different kind of collegebound student. One of the areas we are exploring is the question of what should be the role of the traditional university given our mediarich landscape and their experience growing up digital and living in a digital world. When I am teaching a class, I consider it to truly be an intellectual collaboration with students. My favorite exercise I use in all my classes is to look at something that we tend to take for granted, break it open, and examine it through another lens or from a different perspective. That is what learning, intellectual curiosity, and inquiry are about. If students leave my classes feeling like they see their world differently, I have accomplished my main goal.”


Laura McLary, Ph.D.

professor of german studies case/carnegie oregon professor of the year 2015 “I am fortunate to teach in an environment that puts students’ learning and formation first. I hope my students become global citizens and find new ways of seeing the world that includes openness to difference and willingness to question assumptions. I currently am chairing the Collaborative for International Studies and Global Outreach (CISGO). In that capacity, I would like to see the adoption and implementation of global and intercultural learning outcomes so that we can have a shared vocabulary about student learning in a global and intercultural context. I plan to continue to cultivate a robust dialogue here on campus about international and global learning. In my field, I am specifically interested in early 20th century Austria. It was a time that was innovative and creative in all areas, especially literature, music, and art. As an amateur artist and musician, I appreciate the rich overlay of the arts that are character-

I’d like to develop a shared vocabulary about student learning in a global and intercultural context. istic of this time and place, and they speak to me in a direct and visceral way. When I am studying this time, it feels like a lived experience. My areas of expertise include the Austrian authors Georg Trakl, Lilian Faschinger, and Thomas Glavinic. I am also interested in literary theories dealing with material culture and memory. Currently, I am working on a book on the memory and memorialization of the poet Trakl, who was born in Salzburg in 1887 and died at the beginning of World War l. I hope the book will open up a new way of reading Trakl and his time that includes a wider understanding of his work in a larger social, historical, and religious context. I enjoy working with students on applications for post-undergraduate grants to research, study, and teach in Germany and Austria. I’ve mentored around 70 students who have been recipients of Fulbright, Austrian-American Educational Commission, DAAD, and CBYX grants. Many of my students stay in touch over the years, and I feel proud of each of their achievements as if they were all my own children.”


Mark Pitzer, Ph.D.

associate professor of psychological sciences “I’m a behavioral neuroscientist and for the past two decades I’ve worked to better understand diseases that destroy the brain. I’ve worked on techniques to improve the survival of newly transplanted brain cells as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease, and more recently, conducted experiments using a genetic technique to halt the production of toxic proteins as a potential treatment for Huntington’s disease, a fatal genetic disorder. Currently, my students and I are running experiments designed to identify the neural circuits and neurotransmitters that play a role in the depression that affects those who suffer from Huntington’s disease. It was long assumed that the depression was a reaction to the stark realization that the

For the past two decades I’ve worked to better understand diseases that destroy the brain. person has a fatal disease. However, it is now clear that the depressive symptoms are the result of the neuropathology generated by a mutant gene. My lab’s goal is to identify the precise brain structures involved so that they can be targeted and treated. Students play an essential role in all aspects of my research, from generating research questions to the publication of findings. They learn how to conduct rodent brain surgeries, to measure a wide variety of behaviors, to cut and stain brain sections, analyze tissue under the microscope, measure changes on MRI scans, statistically analyze data, and write up the results. I’ve been exceptionally lucky to have worked with a parade of gifted students, many of whom are now in Ph.D. programs for neuroscience or related fields. I would like students to walk away from my courses with an understanding of how their brain evolved, how it functions, and the various cognitive and perceptual biases that can often lead us astray. I try to help them build a solid foundation of current findings in the field and then attempt to inject an industrial-strength dose of enthusiasm about the subject. My hope is that when they leave UP, they can take the field of neuroscience in shockingly new directions.”


Matthew Kuhn, Ph.D. professor of civil engineering

“My expertise is in engineering mechanics and geotechnical engineering, and more specifically in granular mechanics. Engineering mechanics is the application of mathematics and mechanics to solve engineering problems, in the tradition of Archimedes, Galileo, and Newton; geotechnical engineering involves soil and rock whereas granular mechanics involves materials composed of grains — anything from soils and coffee grounds to asteroids and beyond. Most of my research is the pursuit of a better understanding of the mechanics that underlies the behavior of these seemingly ordinary materials. Grains can flow like a fluid or be swept along like the rings of Saturn, but can also support us on terra firma. These materials are both ordinary and hopelessly complex. I became interested in geotechnical engineering while working in industry, and I decided to return to school for graduate work.

I want to better understand the mechanics that underly the behavior of seemingly ordinary materials. That’s when I began to wonder why soils behave as they do. The field of granular mechanics was relatively new at that time, but I discovered a physicist doing related work nearby. He was so patient and helpful, and he got me started with using computer methods to simulate materials. I have been doing numerical simulations of granular materials ever since. While I have studied some problems like the liquefaction of soil during an earthquake or the strength of building foundation systems, I am not primarily concerned with the practical application of my work. I feel that the application will come, in time, by others. As with most research, one must be humble about the outcome: the advances that have been made in my field during the past 25 years are both significant and modest. In my teaching, I recognize that students will face and solve problems we cannot imagine. The best we can do is to teach the fundamental principles of our fields, so they have a solid foundation to pursue their careers and dreams. I want them to gain a curiosity and wonder of the complexity of all that is around them.”


Min Yu, Ph.D.

assistant professor of operations and technology management “I am fascinated by how data and quantitative methods can help both individuals and corporations make better decisions. In today’s global scenario, timely deliveries of products are as important as money, productivity, quality, and even innovation. In times of crisis, time is life — and it becomes a far more important incentive than money. I was originally attracted to this field while studying management science, known as ‘the science of better.’ My research interests include network optimization, game theory, and supply chain network design and management. My main focus is on the field of time-sensitive products, which range from fashion and fresh food to products of a life-saving nature, such as medicines, pharmaceuticals, or critically needed products in humanitarian operations. With the number of natural disasters increasing around the globe, the need for effective preparedness has become even

My collaborators and I recently constructed a supply chain optimization model to assist disaster-prone regions. more vital. My collaborators and I recently constructed a supply chain optimization model for obtaining, storing, transporting, and distributing relief goods to disaster-prone regions. I also study supply chain sustainability. Apparel and accessories are among the most frequently purchased and replaced consumer products. The globalization of these supply chains and the carbon emissions provide challenges as well as opportunities for actions towards sustainability. Fashion firms recognize that green or ecofriendly apparel enhances brand recognition with consumers who are increasingly aware of the negative environmental impacts of manufacturing apparel. I involve a number of Pamplin Fellow graduate students in my research and advise undergraduates in our operations and technology management major. I hope to give them the analytical tools and critical thinking skills they need to develop successful careers. It gives me great pleasure to see students become effective critical thinkers and competent professionals.”



PUBLIC ATIONS Ami Ahern-Rindell, Biology Rowlett R, Larson S, Ahern-Rindell AJ, Ambos E. “Achieving an Institution-Wide Culture and Practice in Undergraduate Research.” Proceedings of the American Association of Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting, pg 44, 2016. Ahern-Rindell AJ: “An Intentional and Facilitative Student-Centered Approach to Enhance Inquiry Based Learning Utilizing Authentic, Hypothesis-Driven Research.” In: Blessinger P. and Carfora JM, editors. Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Volume 4, Inquiry Based Learning for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Programs: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators. Bingley, United Kingdom, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Pgs. 113-134, 2015. McCounehay K, Bender C, Brew A, Ahern-Rindell AJ: “Assessing Undergraduate Research: What We Can Learn From Assessment at Multiple Levels.” The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSoTL) Annual Conference, pg 64, 2015. Ahern-Rindell AJ and Quackenbush A: “Applied Ethics Can Foster the Teacher-Scholar Model and Impact Undergraduate Research Campus-Wide.” CUR Quarterly, 36(1): 19-24, 2015. Michael Andrews, Philosophy “A Phenomenology of Ethics and Excess: Experiences of Givenness and Transcendence,” book chapter in Women, Social-Political Philosophy, Metaphysics and Public History: New Approaches and Applications, ed. Antonio Calcagno, Springer International Press: Geneva, 2015.

“Theological Bioethics: Feminist, Liberationist, and Global Perspectives” in World Christianity and Global Theology: Perspectives and Insights, ed. by Jonathan Y. Tan and Anh Q. Tran, S.J. (New York: Orbis Books, 2016). “Just Sustainability: Technology, Ecology, and Resource Extraction,” edited by Christiana Z. Peppard & Andrea Vicini, S.J. (Maryknoll, New York: Orbis, 2015) XL+292 in Theological Studies, 2016, Vol. 77, 531-49. Halina Barber, Nursing Vermeesch, A., Barber, H., Howard, L., Payne, K., & Sachash, C. (2016). “Road Less Traveled: Stresses and Coping Strategies of Nursing Students.” Nurse Educator, 41(3), 117. doi: 10.1097/ NNE.0000000000000224. Veltri, L.M. & Barber, H.Z. (2015). “Forces and issues influencing curriculum development.” In Billings, D.M., & Halstead, J. A. (Eds.). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Oz Bonfim, Physics “Dynamics of the transverse Ising model with next-nearest-neighbor interactions,” P. R. C. Guimaraes, J. A. Plascak, O. F. de Alcantara Bonfim, and J. Florencio, Phys. Rev. E 92, 042115 (2015). Trudie Booth, International Languages and Cultures Translation from English to French : Inan, Aziz, “En souvenir d’Édith Piaf, un puzzle mathématique,” In: France-Amérique: Le Journal Français des États-Unis,” December 2015. Genevieve Brassard, English “Woolf in Translation.” A Companion to Virginia Woolf. Editor Jessica Berman. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016. 441-452. Review of Communal Modernisms, editors Hinnov, Harris, and Rosenblum. The Space Between Journal Volume 11 (2015). [online publication]. Hannah Callender, Mathematics Seibold, Claire, and Hannah L. Callender. “Modeling epidemics on a regular tree graph.” Letters in Biomathematics 3.1 (2016): 59-74. Moore, T. J., Roehrig, G. J., Guzey, S. S., Stohlmann, M. S., Park, M. S., Kim, Y. R., Callender, H. L., Teo, H. J. “Faculty Change: A Longitudinal Study Exploring Instructional Beliefs while Implementing Model-Eliciting Activities.” J. Eng. Educ. 104(3) 279-302. DOI: 10.1002/jee.20081. Michael Cameron, Theology “Illegitimate Offspring (Christianity: Latin and Greek Church Fathers),” in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, eds. Dale C. Allison, et al. (Berlin: Walter De Gruyter), vol. 12: 862. “Heart (Early Latin Christianity through the Reformation Era)” in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, eds. Dale C. Allison, et al. (Berlin: Walter De Gruyter), vol. 11: 530-34. Review of Cyril of Alexandria’s Trinitarian Theology of Scripture, by Matthew B. Crawford, in Marginalia Online Review of Books.

Ellyn Arwood, Education Arwood, E. & Merideth, C. The IAFOR International Conference on Language Learning-Hawaii 2016-Official Conference Proceedings. “NLLT for mental health applications.” ISSN: 2189-104.

Notes contributed to Confessions of St. Augustine App for mobile devices, Villanova University.

Veltri, L.; Kaakinen Rowe, J.; Shillam, C.; Arwood, E.; & Bell, K. (2016). “Controlled Postpartum–Newborn Simulation with Objective Evaluation Exchanged for Clinical Learning.” Clinical Simulation in Nursing. May 2016.

Unfolding Sacred Scripture: How Catholics Read the Bible, in series “Liturgy and the Bible” (Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications).

Christina Astorga, Theology “The Triple Cries of Poor, Women, and the Earth: Interlocking Oppressions in the Christian Context” in Doing Asian Theological Ethics in a Cross-Cultural and Interreligious Context, Yiu Sing Lucas Chan, James F. Keenan, Shaji George Kochuthara (India: Bengaluru: Dharmaram Publications, 2016).


Essential Expositions of the Psalms by Saint Augustine (New City Press: Hyde Park, New York).

Olivia Coiado, Engineering Coiado O.C., O’Brien Jr. W.D., “Effects of in vivo ultrasonic exposure to the rat heart: reproducibility of heart rate and cardiac output depression,” Proceedings of the 2016 AIUM Annual Convention, New York, NY, 2015.

Eduardo Contreras, Education Contreras, Eduardo (2015). “A Century of International Education: From Experimentation to Integration.” IIE Networker. Fall: 22-23.

Laurie Dizney, Biology Dizney L and Dearing M. Denise. 2016. “Behavioural differences: a link between biodiversity and pathogen transmission.” Animal Behaviour 111: 341-347.

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Rogers, A. (2016) Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Perspectives on Development and the Life Course. (4th Ed.) NY: Routledge. Sruthi Rothenfluch, Philosophy Rothenfluch, Sruthi. “A Subjectivist Solution to the Problem of Harm in Genetic Enhancement.” Details Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics (ISSN: 2166-5087). January, 2016 3.4 (2016): 113-130. Rothenfluch, Sruthi. “Virtue epistemology and tacit cognitive processes in high-grade knowledge.” Philosophical Explorations 18.3 (2015): 393-405. Anne Santiago, Political Science Pitsch Santiago, Anne. 2016. “Agenda Setting in Uganda: Influencing Attitudes on Land Through Policy and Persuasion.” Journal of Global Initiatives v. 10(2): 31-52. Sarina Saturn, Psychological Sciences “W. Piper, S.R. Saturn. (2015) Neuropeptides and Behavior. H Friedman (Ed.) The Encyclopedia of Mental Health (2nd edition). Academic Press: Waltham, Massachusetts. C.M. Haase, U. Beermann, L.R. Saslow, M.N. Shiota, S.R. Saturn, S. J. Lwi,... & Levenson, R. W. (2015). “Short Alleles, Bigger Smiles? The Effect of 5-HTTLPR on Positive Emotional Expressions.” Emotion.

Anne Santiago, Political Science “Agenda Setting in Uganda: Influencing Attitudes on Land Through Policy and Persuasion.” Journal of Global Initiatives v. 10(2): 31-52.

D.C. Kerr, D.T. Zava, W.T. Piper, S.R. Saturn, B. Frei, A.F. Gombart. (2015) “Associations between Vitamin D Levels and Depressive Symptoms in Healthy Young Adult Women.” Psychiatry Research. Maximilian Schlosshauer, Physics J. M. Ashby, P. D. Schwarz, and M. Schlosshauer, “Delayed-choice quantum eraser for the undergraduate laboratory,” Am. J. Phys. 84, 95 (2016). M. Schlosshauer, “Measuring the quantum state of a single system with minimum state disturbance,” Phys. Rev. A 93, 012115 (2016). Maximilian Schlosshauer, “Analysis of quantum-state disturbance in a protective measurement of a spin-1/2 particle,” Phys. Rev. A 92, 062116 (2015). Heidi Senior, Clark Library Wu, K., & Senior, H. (2016). “Business librarians and new academic program review.” Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship, 21(2), 114-134. DOI: 10.1080/08963568.2016.1140547. Zachary Simmons, Psychological Sciences Roney, J. R., & Simmons, Z. L. (2016). “Within-cycle fluctuations in progesterone negatively predict changes in both in-pair and extra-pair desire among partnered women.” Hormones and Behavior, 81, 45-52. Roney, J. R., Lukaszewski, A. W., Simmons, Z. L., Eisenbruch, A. B., & Grillot, R. L. (2015). “A between-women account of cycle phase shifts is probably wrong: comment on Havlicek et al.” Behavioral Ecology, 26, 1264-1265.

Nicole Ralston, Education Naegele, Z., Ralston, N. C., & Smith, R. (2016). “Co-teaching as a method to benefit English language learners.” Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Education, USA, http://

Eisenbruch, A.B., Simmons, Z.L., & Roney, J.R. (2015). “Lady in Red: Hormonal predictors of women’s clothing choices.” Psychological Science, 26, 1332-1338.

Ralston, N. C. (2016). “Elementary school students and their knowledge about ’variable’.” Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Education, USA, http://www.hiceducation. org/EDU2016.pdf.

Diane Sotak, Clark Library Sotak, D. (2016). “Marketing then and now: One librarian’s journey.” OLA Quarterly, 21(4), 23-26. http://commons.pacificu. edu/olaq.


Susan Stillwell, Nursing Stillwell, S., and Krautscheid, L., (2016). “Answering student questions during examinations: A descriptive study of faculty beliefs.” Nursing Education Perspectives 37(3) 168-173. Elinor Sullivan, Biology Rivera H.M., Kievit P, Kirigiti MA, Bauman LA, Baquero K, Blundell P, Dean TA, Valleau JC, Douville L, Majer J, Smith MS, Grove KL, and Sullivan EL. “Maternal High-Fat Diet Consumption Increases Reward Based Feeding Behavior and Decreases Central Dopamine Signaling in Nonhuman Primate Offspring.” Obesity (Silver Spring), 2015 Nov;23(11):2157-64. doi: 10.1002/ oby.21306. PMID: 26530932. Rivera HM, Christiansen KJ, and Sullivan EL. “The role of maternal obesity in the risk of neuropsychiatric disorders.” Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2015 Jun 18;9:194. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00194. eCollection 2015. PMID: 26150767.

Susan Stillwell, Nursing “Answering student questions during examinations: A descriptive study of faculty beliefs.” Nursing Education Perspectives 37(3) 168-173.

Joshua Swidzinski, English “Uncouth Rhymes: Thomas Gray, Prosody, and Literary History.” Studies in Philology 112, no. 4 (2015). The Soul of Poetry Redefined: Vacillations of Mimesis from Aristotle to Romanticism by Mats Malm [Review] (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2012). Comparative Literature Studies 52, no. 3 (2015). Mojtaba Takallou, Engineering Zia Yamayee, Mojtaba Takallou, Robert Albright, “Engineering Economics as a Benchmark Course in the Context of a Sustainable Continuous Improvement Process,” published in the proceedings and presented at 2015 annual conference of American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) , Seattle, Washington, June16, 2015. David Taylor, Biology Katelin D. Stanley and D. W. Taylor. 2015. “Effect of Manual Ivy Removal on Seedling Recruitment in Forest Park,” Portland, OR. American Journal of Undergraduate Research 12(4): 31-41. David Turnbloom, Theology “Embodied Listening: Introduction,” in Liturgy 31(1), November 2015, pp. 1-2. “Visible Words of a Verbose God,” in Liturgy 31(1), November 2015, 3-9. Liturgy: Journal of the Liturgical Conference, ‘Embodied Listening.’ Volume 31, Number 1. November 2015. “The Sacraments: Visible Words of Friendship” in Catholic Sacraments: A Rich Source of Blessing (Paulist Press: October 2015). Catholic Sacraments: A Rich Source of Blessing, ed. John Baldovin and David Farina Turnbloom. (Paulist Press: October 2015). “Tactical Ecumenism,” (co-authored with Benjamin Durheim) in Theological Studies, Volume 76, Number 2, June 2015. Eugene Urnezius, Chemistry Schofield, J. A.; Brennessel, W. W.; Urnezius, E.; Rokhsana, D.; Boshart, M. D.; Juers, D. H.; Holland, P. L.; Machonkin, T. E., “Metal–Halogen Secondary Bonding in a 2,5-Dichlorohydroquinonate Cobalt(II) Complex: Insight into Substrate Coordination in the Chlorohydroquinone Dioxygenase PcpA.” European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2015, 2015, 4643-4647. Ed Valente, Chemistry “Hexacoordinate Ru-based olefin metathesis catalysts with pH-responsive N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) and N-donor ligands for ROMP reactions in non-aqueous, aqueous and emulsion conditions.” Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 2015, 11, 1960-1972. “Vibrational Spectroscopy of the CCl4 ν1 Mode: An Undergraduate Lab. Part II: Effect of Thermally Populated Vibrational States.” James D. Gaynor, Anna M. Wetterer, Rea M. Cochran,


Edward J. Valente, Steven G. Mayer. Journal of Chemical Education (2015), 92 (11), 1949–1952. Tammy VanDeGrift, Engineering Caitlin Cairncross, Tammy VanDeGrift, Sharon Jones, Lindsay Chelton. “Best Practices for Advising At-Risk First-Year Engineering Students.” In Proceedings of the 7th First Year Engineering Experience Conference. Roanoke, VA. August, 2015. Cairncross, C., & Jones, S. A., & Naegele, Z., & VanDeGrift, T. (2015, June), “Building a Summer Bridge Program to Increase Retention and Academic Success for First-year Engineering Students.” In Proceedings of the 2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, Washington. Amber Vermeesch, Nursing Vermeesch, A., Barber, H., Howard, L., Payne, K., & Sachash, C. (2016). Road Less Traveled: Stresses and Coping Strategies of Nursing Students. Nurse Educator, 41(3), 117. doi: 10.1097/ NNE.0000000000000224. Vermeesch, A., Ling, J., Voskuil, V., Bakhoya, M., Wesolek, S., Bourne, K., Pfeiffer, K., & Robbins, L. (2015). “Biological and Sociocultural Differences in Perceived Barriers to Physical Activity among 5th- 7th Grade Urban Girls.” Nursing Research, 64(5), 342-350. doi: 10.1097/NNR.0000000000000113. Shazib Vijlee, Engineering Fackler KB, Karalus MF, Novosselov IV, Kramlich JC, Malte PC, and Vijlee SZ, “NOX Behavior of Lean-Premixed Combustion of Alternative Gaseous Fuels,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 138, Issue 4: ASME, 2015. Lulay KE, Dillon HE, Doughty TA, Khan KH, Munro DS, Murty VD, Vijlee SZ. (2015) “Implementation of a Design Spine for a Mechanical Engineering Curriculum.” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Seattle Washington. John Watzke, Education Miller, P.C., Endo, H., Watzke, J.L. & Mantero, M. (Eds) (2015). Readings in Language Studies, Volume 5: “Language and Society.” Grandville, MI: International Society for Language Studies, Inc. Sarah Weiger, English “‘A Route of Evanescence’: Phenomenophilia and Romantic Natural History.” Wordsworth and the Green Romantics: Affect and Ecology in the Nineteenth Century, Eds. Lisa Ottum and Seth T. Reno, University of New Hampshire Press: 2016. “Entanglement.” Portland Magazine. Winter 2015.

PRESENTATIONS Ami Ahern-Rindell, Biology Rowlett R, Larson S, Ahern-Rindell AJ, Ambos E. “Achieving an Institution-Wide Culture and Practice in Undergraduate Research: Best Practices from AURA 2015 Awardees.” Annual Conference of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington D.C., January, 2016. Hernandez M, Ahern-Rindell AJ. “An evaluation of galactose as a pharmacological chaperone for GM1 Gangliosidosis.” Sigma Xi Regional Research Symposium, November 2015, Portland State University, Oregon. Leffler M, Seely K, Blatt P, Ahern-Rindell AJ. “Comparative sequence analysis of exon 10 of the PPBG gene in an ovine model of GM1 Gangliosidosis.” Sigma Xi Regional Research Symposium, November 2015, Portland State University, Oregon. McCounehay K, Bender C, Brew A, Ahern-Rindell AJ: “Assessing Undergraduate Research: What We Can Learn From Assessment at Multiple Levels.” The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSoTL) Annual Conference in Melbourne, Australia, 2015.

Robert Albright, Engineering Zia Yamayee and Robert Albright, “Preparing a Self-Study Report: The role of an Annual Assessment, Evaluation and Documentation Process,” 2016 ABET Symposium, Hollywood, Florida, April 14-15, 2016. Zia A. Yamayee, Mojtaba B. Takallou, and Robert J. Albright, “Engineering Economics as a Benchmark Course in the Context of a Sustainable Continuous Improvement Process,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 14-17, 2015, Seattle, WA. Eric Anctil, Education Anctil, E.J. (May, 2016). “‘Goodness of fit’ and the future of higher education.” Keynote address at the annual conference of the Pacific Northwest Association for College Admission Counseling, Lacey, Washington.

Arwood, E. (2016). Critical Questions in Education Conference. Honolulu, HI. Jan. (video presented with Chris Merideth). Arwood, E. “Thinking about Change: Learning to See.” Portland, OR. January 23, 2016. Arwood, E. (2015) “Thinking with Better Language; Pro-Social Conceptual Learning.” ASHA Convention, November. Arwood, E. “Behavior is all about thinking and language.” Maine Speech Language Hearing Association. Arwood, E. “Celebrating APRICOT: Lessons learned over 30 years.” Nov. 21, 2015.

Anctil, E.J. (April, 2016). “Growing up digital.” All Saints Elementary School Student Assembly. Portland, Oregon. Anctil, E.J. (April, 2016). “Parenting in the Digital Age.” All Saints Elementary School Parent Forum. Portland, Oregon. Anctil, E.J. (March, 2016). “Parenting in the Digital Age.” Astor Elementary School Parent Forum. Portland, Oregon. Anctil, E.J. (January, 2016). “Growing up digital.” National Charity League, Portland Chapter Meeting. Portland, Oregon. Anctil, E.J. & Hougham, R.J. (2015). “Experiential education in the 21st century: Emerging challenges and opportunities for a changing world.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Experiential Education (AEE), Portland, Oregon. Anctil, E.J. (October, 2014). “Identity, technology, theology: Teaching religion in a 21st century digital world.” The Archdiocese of Portland Annual Theology Summit. Portland, Oregon. Anctil, E.J. (June 2015). “Processed planet: Your digital diet shapes the future (and why that matters to all of us).” Keynote address at the annual Pacific Alliance for Catholic Education (PACE) Summer Leadership Institute, Portland, Oregon. Michael Andrews, Philosophy “Catholic Identity: Its Future and Possibilities in International Higher Education,” Catholic Identity and the Challenge of God Conference, Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago IL, April 14-16, 2016. “The Ethics of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si Encyclical on Climate Change,” Integrative Conversations interdisciplinary faculty presentation, University of Portland, November 4, 2015. “Edith Stein: Beyond Reason, Faith, and Ethics,” lecture presentation at the Edith Stein’s Challenge to Contemporary Anthropology International Conference, sponsored by the Catholic Faculty of Theology at the University of Vienna and the Pontifical Institute of Pope Benedict XVI, Heileginkreuz, in collaboration with the Catholic Academy of Vienna, Vienna Austria, October 23-26, 2015. “Encountering Ethics in Unfamiliar Places: From Saint Francis to Pope Francis,” paper presentation at World of St. Francis of Assisi International Conference, Siena School for the Liberal Arts, Siena, Italy, June 19, 2015. Ellyn Arwood, Education Arwood, E. “Parent’s Workshop: Suggestions for Home Strategies.” Portland, OR. May 21, 2016. Arwood, E. “Andragogy is not Pedagogy: Learning to be Empathic.” Portland, OR. April 9, 2016. Arwood, E. (2016). Critical Questions in Education Conference. San Antonio, TX. March 7. (with Chris Merideth). Arwood, E. “Seeing to Learn: Events to Increase Thinking.” Portland, OR. Feb. 27, 2016.

Arwood, E. “Reading and writing is a language learning process.” Maine Speech Language Hearing Association. Arwood, E. (2015). “Neuroeducation: Classroom Applications of Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology, and Language.” Lake Oswego, OR. Arwood, E. “Seeing the Learner: Putting the Learner in the Picture.” Portland, OR. October 24, 2015. Arwood, E. “Visual thinking: Meta-cognition of language.” American Board of Disability Analysts 2015 Biannual Conference. Fl: Naples. Arwood, E. (2015). “Language Strategies: Learning with a Visual Brain in an Auditory World.” Surrey, BC Speech- Language Conference, September 18-19. Arwood, E. “Seeing and Learning: The Big Picture.” Portland, OR. September 12, 2015. Arwood, E. & Kaulitz, C. 46th Annual Autism Society National Conference. Co: Denver. Arwood, E. & Kaulitz, C. (2015). “The brain and behavior: Concrete visual strategies for learning to be resilient.” 8th Annual Social thinking Global Providers Conference. CA: San Francisco. June 21. Christina Astorga, Theology “Mental Health in a Catholic University: Faith, Spirituality, and Transformative Suffering,” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, May 2016. “Issues in Bioethics.” Open Family Forum, St. Pius Center, Portland, Oregon, March 11, 2016. “The Family Synod and the Philippine Context,” A Panel Presentation in “Family and the Social Order” Society of Christian Ethics, January 6, 2016.


“The Ethics of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si Encyclical on Climate Change,” Integrative Conversations interdisciplinary faculty presentation, University of Portland, November 4, 2015. “A Response to the Synod on the Family.” Theology Thursday: University of Portland. October 2015. “The Liberating Power of a Threefold Faith Vision” Annual Fall Academic Lecture, University of St. Mary, October 20, 2015. “Whatever Happened to Mortal Sin?,” Garaventa Center, October 27, 2015. “The Triple Cries of Poor, Women, and the Earth: Interlocking Oppressions in the Christian Context” Doing Catholic Theological Ethics in a Cross-Cultural and Interreligious Asian Context, 17-20 July 2015, Bangalore, India.

Ronda Bard, Chemistry “XRF and Raman Analysis of a 15thCentury Painting in Mallorca, Spain.” 2015 LInus Pauling Award Symposium, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR, December 5, 2015.

Ronda Bard, Chemistry Gonzalez-Montiel, Gisela; Bergio, Ryan; Walters, Valerie; Bard, Raymond; Bard, Ronda; DePaula, Julio. “XRF and Raman Analysis of a 15th-Century Painting in Mallorca, Spain.” 2015 LInus Pauling Award Symposium, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR, December 5, 2015. Gonzalez-Montiel, Gisela; Bergio, Ryan; Walters, Valerie; Bard, Raymond; Bard, Ronda; DePaula, Julio. “XRF and Raman Analysis of a 15th-Century Painting in Mallorca, Spain.” Murdock College Science Research Conference, Vancouver WA, November 6-7, 2015 Gonzalez-Montiel, Gisela; Bergio, Ryan; Walters, Valerie; Bard, Raymond; Bard, Ronda; DePaula, Julio. “XRF and Raman Analysis of a 15th-Century Painting in Mallorca, Spain.” Portland ACS Undergraduate Poster Symposium, Portland State University, Portland OR, October 25, 2015. William Barnes, Business Panel discussant for screening of climate change themed movie ‘’This Changes Everything’’, Dec. 3, 2015, University of Portland. “The Ethics of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si Encyclical on Climate Change,” Integrative Conversations interdisciplinary faculty presentation, University of Portland, November 4, 2015. “Building a Post Carbon World: A Resilience Perspective” (with G Hill), Transformations 2015: People and the Planet in the Anthropocene Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, Oct. 2015. Oz Bonfim, Physics “Dynamical correlation functions of the transverse Ising model with next- nearest-neighbor interactions,” P. R. C. Guimarães, J. A. Plascak, O. F. de Alcantara Bonfim, and J. Florencio. Presented at the 2016 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, March 14-18, 2016, Baltimore, Maryland. Trudie Booth, International Languages and Cultures “French Customs and Traditions,” University of Portland Diversity Dialogues Week, February 2016. Barbara Braband, Nursing Braband, B. (May, 2016). “A Community-Academic Partnership in North Portland at University of Portland,” Board of Regents Meeting. Bailey, E. (April, 2016). “Promoting Heart Failure Self-Management Using Teach Back Strategies.” Nurse Educator Master’s Program, Scholarly Project Poster Presentation, Faculty Advisor. Hill, K. (April, 2016). “Dementia and Innovative Communication Strategies: A Simulated Role-Rehearsal with Nursing Students.” Nurse Educator Master’s Program, Scholarly Project Poster Presentation, Faculty Advisor. Mayer, K., Braband, B., & Killen, T. (2016). “An Evaluation of the Impact of a Community-Academic Partnership Project.” Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference: Podium Presentation. Anaheim, CA.


Braband, B. (2016). “Population-focused Care Coordination and Chronic Disease Management: Curriculum Innovations for Nurse Educators’ Preparation for the Future Workforce.” 2016 American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Master’s Education Conference: Podium Presentation. Houston, TX. Braband, B., Faris, T., & Wilson-Anderson, K. (Nov., 2015). “Evaluation of Memory Book interventions with orphaned children in India, Kenya, and South Africa.” Sigma Theta Tau International Conference, Las Vegas, NV. Braband, B., Gaudino, R., & Rogers, A. (November, 2015). “Exploring students’ perceptions and understanding of life-impacting suffering: An interview project.” The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL. Braband, B., Mayer, K., & Killen, T. (Oct. 12, 2015). “Exploring the impact of a community-academic partnership project.” Oregon Public Health Association (OPHA) 71st Annual Conference & Meeting, Corvallis, OR. Braband, B. (June, 2015). “Innovative Teaching Strategy: Implementation of Infographic Technology for Community Assessment Presentations,” at Association of Community Health Educators Annual Institute, Denver, CO. Russ Butkus, Theology “Mental Health in a Catholic University: Faith, Spirituality, and Transformative Suffering,” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, May 2016. Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences Annual Conference, June 2015, University of California San Diego, “Epigenetics, Environmental Exposures, and the Common Good” (with Steve Kolmes). Hannah Callender, Mathematics Hiro, M., Hersh, C., Salomone, S., Callender, H.L. “The Liberal Arts Crisis: Pedagogical Approaches.” University of Portland Faculty Development Day, Portland, OR. May 2016. Callender, H.L. “A Glimpse into Agent-Based Modeling: Using Turtles to Promote World Peace and Cure Disease,” Pacific University Mathematics Colloquium Series, Forest Grove, Oregon. April 2016. Claringbold, T., Schaub, B., Salomone, S., Callender, H. L. “Infusing Upper Division Mathematics Courses with Intentional Writing about Belief and Use of Assumptions,” Dundon-Berchtold Institute for Applied Ethics Dinner, Portland, Oregon. April 2016. Callender, H.L. and Eaton, C. “Biocalculus: Changing Minds One Derivative at a Time,” Trends in Undergraduate Mathematical Biology Education Session, Joint American Mathematical Society (AMS)/Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Meetings, Seattle, Washington. January 2016. Kendrick, P., Apenyo, T., Callender, H.L. “An Agent-based Model of the Green Dot Violence Prevention Program on College Campuses,” Student Poster Session, Joint American Mathematical Society (AMS)/Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Meetings, Seattle, Washington. January 2016. Callender, H.L, Just, W. and Lamar, M.D. IONTW: “An AgentBased Modeling Application for Modeling Infectious Diseases on Contact Networks,” International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Normal, Illinois. October 2015. Seibold, C., Graham, T., Driessen, R., Callender, H. L. “Modeling Infectious Diseases through Contact Networks,” International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Normal, Illinois. October 2015. Invited Faculty Presenter, “Undergraduate Research-Translating Summer Research into a Solid Grad School or Job Application,” University of Portland Summer Research Program Seminar. July 2015.

Biegel, H. and Callender, H. L. “Implications of Multiple Sensitivity Analysis Techniques in Stochastic Models of Focal Adhesion Dynamics,” Micro and Macro Systems in Life Sciences, Bedlewo, Poland. June 2015. June 2015. Callender, H.L. IONTW: Infectious diseases on networks using Netlogo, Micro and Macro Systems in Life Sciences, Bedlewo, Poland. June 2015. Michael Cameron, Theology “Works of Love in Augustine’s De catechizandis rudibus,” for Augustine in Christian Thought, Life and Practice: A Symposium in Memory of William Harmless, S.J., Creighton University, Omaha, Neb.: April 7-8, 2016. “Unfolding Sacred Scripture: How Catholics Read the Bible: On the Fiftieth Anniversary of Vatican II’s Constitution on Divine Revelation,” a lecture sponsored by the Garaventa Center for Catholic Intellectual Life and American Culture, University of Portland: November 9, 2015. “How We Got to Nostra Aetate: On the Fiftieth Anniversary of Vatican II’s Statement on the Jews in The Declaration on Non-Christian Religions,” at conference, “In Our Time: Fifty Years of an Evolving Jewish-Catholic Relationship: Commemoration, Celebration and Reflection on Nostra Aetate 50 Years Later,” Congregation Beth Israel, Portland, Ore.: October 28, 2015. “The Role of the Septuagint in Augustine’s Practice of Exegesis,” for XVII International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford University, U.K.: August 10-14, 2015. Kevin Cantrell, Chemistry Invited seminar at Oregon State University, “Digital Image Processing in Chemical Analysis.” James Carroll, Education Waggoner, J., Weitzel, B., Carroll, J., & Merk, H. (2016). Research Capstone Projects in Educator Preparation Programs. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, Chicago, IL.

Rev. Jeffrey Cooper, C.S.C., Theology Cooper, Jeffrey. “I am HIs Descent into Hell: Merton, Metaphor and the Descent to Truer Self.” International Thomas Merton Society 2015 Conference: Merton 100: Living the Legacy. Bellarmine University, Louisville, KY, June 6, 2015. Cooper, Jeffrey. “Quasi Leprosus: Re-Reading the Conversion of St. Francis through a Girardian-Alisonian Lens.” The World of St. Francis of Assisi Conference, July 16-20, 2015, Siena, Italy. Patricia Cox, Nursing Cox, P. & Rasmor, M. (October, 2015). “Community Health Fairs for Health Promotion.” 38th Annual Nurse Practitioner Education Conference, Bend., OR. Potter, P. & Cox, P. (October, 2015). “Introduction to Integrative Health,” 38th Annual Nurse Practitioners of Oregon Education Conference, Bend, OR. William Curtis, Political Science “Rorty as Virtue Liberal,” presented to PDX Political Theory/ Philosophy Group, Portland, OR. “Rorty as Virtue Liberal” presented at the American Philosophical Assoc. Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. “Rhetoric Between Philosophy and Poetry: Rorty as Essayist,” presented at 2nd European Pragmatism Conference, Paris, France. Willoughby Deming, Theology “Paul and the Stoics on Ethics,” Society of Biblical Literature, national meeting. Sr. Carol Dempsey, O.P., Theology “Isaiah, Jeremiah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Lamentations, Amos, Micah, Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Obadiah, Zephaniah,” a series of lectures presented in the Archdiocesan Religious Education Certification Program, Los Angeles, CA. “Themes and Threads within the Bible” (8 lectures) for St. Bartholomew Episcopal Parish, Beaverton, OR.

Merk, H., Waggoner, J., Carroll, J., & Weitzel, B. (2016). “Teacher Leadership Network: Promoting Professional Collaboration.” Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Las Vegas, NV.

“Mercy and Compassion in the Bible,” 3 lectures presented to St. Anthony Catholic Church, Tigard, OR.

Waggoner, J., Weitzel, B., Carroll, J., & Merk, H. (2016). “Efficacy of Research Curriculum in Educator Preparation Programs.” Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Las Vegas, NV.

The Wisdom of Laudato Si for Westminster Presbyterian Church.

Weitzel, B., Waggoner, J., Carroll, J., & Merk, H. (2016). “CAEP Expectations for EPPs: P-12 Achievement Gains in Program Completers’ Classrooms.” Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Las Vegas, NV.

Respondent on a Panel Presentation for the “One River. Ethics Matter” Conference, University of Portland, Portland, OR.

Olivia Coiado, Engineering Coiado O.C., O’Brien Jr. W.D., “Effects of in vivo ultrasonic exposure to the rat heart: reproducibility of heart rate and cardiac output depression,” Proceedings of the 2016 AIUM Annual Convention, New York, NY, 2015. Coiado O.C., Munro D. “Three Course Sequence in Medical Device Commercialization: Part of a Master’s in Biomedical Engineering Program,” VentureWell 20th annual Open conference, Portland, OR, 2016. Coiado O., “The Interaction of Ultrasound with Cardiac Tissue,” Seminar at the Knight Cardiovascular Center, OHSU. Eduardo Contreras, Education “Diversity as Strategy in Education Abroad.” Pre-Conference Workshop Co-facilitator at Diversity Abroad Conference in Atlanta, GA.

James Carroll, Education “Research Capstone Projects in Educator Preparation Programs.” Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, Chicago, IL.

“Exploring Israel’s Minor Prophets” for Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish, Las Vegas, NV. “Reading the Prophets from the Bowels of the Earth: A Dominican Perspective,” an invited lecture for faculty, students, and general public, Caldwell University, Caldwell, NJ.

“Luke-Acts” (3 lectures) presented to Westminster Presbyterian Church, Portland, OR. “Proclaiming the Scripture,” Lector Workshop for the Archdiocese of Portland, Portland, OR. “The Wilderness and John Muir: A Biblical Perspective,” with Russell A. Butkus, College Theology Society National Conference, Portland, OR. Heather Dillon, Engineering Dillon HE, Doughty TA, Lulay KE, and Eifler KE, (2016) “Backward Design to Improve Mechanical Engineering Curriculum.” 2016 Summit for Transforming STEM Teaching in Higher Education. Boise, Idaho. Dillon HE, Doughty TA, Lulay KE, Eifler KE, Schmedake NJ, Anderson DL, and Hensler ZY, (2016) “Design of Open-Ended Experiments for Mechanical Engineering Laboratories.” Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network Winter Conference.


Beck MJ, Li B and Dillon HE. (2015) “Thermal Analysis of MR-16 LED Lighting.” U.S. Department of Energy Solid-State Lighting Technology Development Workshop. Portland OR. Dillon HE and Ross CB. (2015) “Updating the LED Life Cycle Assessment.” Presented at the U.S. Department of Energy Solid State Lighting Technology Development Workshop. Portland OR. November 2015. Ross CB and Dillon HE. (2015) “Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of LED Light Bulbs.” U.S. Department of Energy Solid-State Lighting Technology Development Workshop. Portland OR. Laurie Dizney, Biology Abigail Maddigan, Piper Stevie, and Laurie Dizney. 2016. “Effect of Restoration on Small Mammal Stress.” Oregon Academy of Sciences, Pacific University, Forest Grove OR. Timothy Doughty, Engineering Dillon HE, Doughty TA, Lulay KE, and Eifler KE, (2016) “Backward Design to Improve Mechanical Engineering Curriculum.” 2016 Summit for Transforming STEM Teaching in Higher Education. Boise, Idaho. Dillon HE, Doughty TA, Lulay KE, Eifler KE, Schmedake NJ, Anderson DL, and Hensler ZY, (2016) “Design of Open-Ended Experiments for Mechanical Engineering Laboratories.” Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network Winter Conference.

of the Oregon Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Volume LXXV: February 27, 2016. Forest Grove, OR (USA). Velasquez, Sandra C., Wright, Samantha G., and Eckmann, Ted C., (2016) “Measuring Vertical Temperature Profiles With Drone and Tethersonde Flights in North Portland.” Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Volume LXXV: February 27, 2016. Forest Grove, OR (USA). Velasquez, Sandra C., Wright, Samantha G., and Eckmann, Ted C., (2016) “Statistical Analysis of Winds and Atmospheric Stability to Forecast Air Pollutant Propagation in Industrial Areas.” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers: March 29-April 2, 2016. San Francisco, CA (USA). Wright, Samantha G., Velasquez, Sandra C., and Eckmann, Ted C., (2016) “Spatial Analysis of Air Quality in a Topographically Complex Urban River Valley.” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers: March 29-April 2, 2016. San Francisco, CA (USA). Wright, Samantha G., Velasquez, Sandra C., and Eckmann, Ted C., (2016) “Topographical Effects on the Distribution of Industrial Air Pollution in North Portland.” Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Volume LXXV: February 27, 2016. Forest Grove, OR (USA). Eckmann, Ted C., (2016) “Air Pollution in North Portland: Monitoring Results as of April 2016.” North Portland Community Meeting: April 5, 2016. Convened by Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives Tina Kotek, Oregon State Representative Lew Frederick, and Oregon Metro Councilor Sam Chase. Portland, OR (USA). Eckmann, Ted C., (2016) “Remote Sensing and In Situ Measurements of the Urban Environment Using Drones and Tethered Balloons.” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers: March 29-April 2, 2016. San Francisco, CA (USA). Eckmann, Ted C., (2015) “Air Pollution in North Portland: Monitoring Results as of November 2015.” North Portland Community Meeting: November 2, 2015. Portland, OR (USA). Eckmann, Ted C., (2016) “A Storm Chaser’s Analysis of In Situ Surface Measurements Made Inside Hurricane Irene.” Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Volume LXXV: February 27, 2016. Forest Grove, OR (USA). Eckmann, Ted C., (2015) “Modeling Hydrological Impacts of Future Climate Changes on Local Scales.” Proceedings of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Annual Conference, Volume 78: October 21-24, 2015. Palm Springs, CA (USA).

Ted Eckmann, Environmental Studies Holmes, Brooke A., VanderWilde, Calli P., and Eckmann, Ted C., (2016) “Performance of Novel Soils Designed for Ecoroof Applications in the US Pacific Northwest.” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers: March 29-April 2, 2016. San Francisco, CA (USA). Holmes, Brooke A., and Eckmann, Ted C., (2016) “New Vegetation Indices for Assessing the Health of Sedum spp. on Green Roofs.” Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Volume LXXV: February 27, 2016. Forest Grove, OR (USA). VanderWilde, Calli P., Holmes, Brooke A., and Eckmann, Ted C., (2016) “Analyzing Water Balance to Optimize Green Roof Performance in Rainy Climates.” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers: March 29-April 2, 2016. San Francisco, CA (USA). VanderWilde, Calli P., and Eckmann, Ted C., (2016) “Seasonal Patterns in Soil Moisture on an Ecoroof in Portland.” Proceedings


Allen, Michael A., Holmes, Brooke A., and Eckmann, Ted C., (2015) “Seasonal and Diurnal Patterns of Temperature Inversion Formation and Breakup in a Topographically Complex Urban Environment.” Proceedings of the 2015 National Conference on Undergraduate Research: p. 430-438. Louisa Egan Brad, Psychological Sciences Xia, X, & Egan Brad, L. C. (2016). “Cross-Cultural Differences in Moral Licensing Effects.” Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA, January 2016. Phyllis Egby, Education Egby, P. (2016), “Being culturally responsive in a standardized system.” Academy for Educational Studies: Critical Questions in Education Conference, March 6, 2016. San Antonio, TX. Karen Eifler, Education Dillon HE, Doughty TA, Lulay KE, and Eifler KE, (2016) “Backward Design to Improve Mechanical Engineering Curriculum.” 2016 Summit for Transforming STEM Teaching in Higher Education. Boise, Idaho. Eifler, K. E. (2016, March). “On Greening, Growth and the Great Commandment.” Annual Munger Lecture at St. Joseph University, Hartford, CT.

Dillon HE, Doughty TA, Lulay KE, Eifler KE, Schmedake NJ, Anderson DL, and Hensler ZY, (2016) “Design of Open-Ended Experiments for Mechanical Engineering Laboratories.” Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network Winter Conference.

Merk, H., Hogan, A., Villafranca, K., Neville, A., & Nelson, M. (2015). “Connecting to the Community: Helping Literacy to Come Alive for Local Children.” Paper presented at the Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) conference, Orlando, FL.

Eifler, K. E. (2015, September). “On Greening and Evangelii Gaudium.” Full day retreat presented to faculty and staff of Cathedral School. Portland, Oregon.

Andrew Golla, Performing and Fine Arts “Bringing Focus to the World of the Play,” Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival Region VII, University of Colorado at Denver.

Eifler, K. E. (2015, September). “Ways to Pray: Visio Divina. Wake Up the World: 2015 Year of Consecrated Life Conference.” Hosted by Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon. Beaverton, Oregon. Eifler, K. E. (2015, August). “From Vacation to Vocation: Living the Joy of the Gospel. Full day retreat presented to faculty and staff of Holy Redeemer Area School and Parish. Portland, Oregon. Mike Eom, Business “A Mediating Role of Social Capital for Achieving Sustainable Business Ecosystems and Firm’s Competitiveness through CSR,” the International Conference on Marketing, Logistics, and Management, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, June, 2015. Andrew Eshleman, Philosophy Comments on K.E. Boxer’s Rethinking Responsibility, Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association, “AuthorMeets-Critics” session, March 2016. “Responsibility and Moral Bricolage,” workshop with sub-field colleagues on freedom and responsibility, University of Portland, September 2015. Bradley Franco, History “The Pistoia Dossal and the Development of Early Franciscan Art.” Given at The International Conference, “The World of St. Francis of Assisi,” held in Siena, Italy, July 17-20, 2015. Rebecca Gaudino, Theology “Mental Health in a Catholic University: Faith, Spirituality, and Transformative Suffering,” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, May 2016. “Understanding Life-Altering Illness,” part of a series Caring for Those at the End of Life, First Presbyterian Church, Portland, OR, April 17, 2016. Braband, B., Gaudino, R., & Rogers, A. (November, 2015). “Exploring students’ perceptions and understanding of life-impacting suffering: An interview project.” The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL. “In the ‘Country of Pain and the Nearness of Death’: Accompanying the Sick,” Community and Lifelong Learning (CALL), Griffin Center, Portland, OR, June 20, 2015. Hillary Gaudio, Education Waggoner, J., Weitzel, B., Carroll, J., & Merk, H. (2016). “Research Capstone Projects in Educator Preparation Programs.” Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, Chicago, IL. Merk, H., Waggoner, J., Carroll, J., & Weitzel, B. (2016). “Teacher Leadership Network: Promoting Professional Collaboration.” Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Las Vegas, NV. Waggoner, J., Weitzel, B., Carroll, J., & Merk, H. (2016). “Efficacy of Research Curriculum in Educator Preparation Programs.” Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Las Vegas, NV. Weitzel, B., Waggoner, J., Carroll, J., & Merk, H. (2016). “CAEP Expectations for EPPs: P-12 Achievement Gains in Program Completers’ Classrooms.” Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Las Vegas, NV. Merk, H., & Ecaruan, L. (2015). “The Future in our Hands: Practical Methods for Taking Advantage of Technology.” Paper presented at the Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) conference, Orlando, FL.

Andrew Guest, Psychological Sciences Guest, A. (May 2016). “Beyond the Scoreboard: Sports in Our Lives and Communities.” Presentation at the Vernonia Library through the Oregon Humanities Conversations Project. Guest, A. (July 2015). “Beyond the Scoreboard: Sports in Our Lives and Communities.” Presentation at the Hillsdale Library through the Oregon Humanities Conversations Project. Christin Hancock, History “Federal Indian Policies, Klamath Women, and Birth,” Regulating Birth Symposium, Oregon Historical Society, November 17, 2015. “Regulating Birth: Concluding Remarks,” Symposium Co-host, Regulating Birth Symposium, Oregon Historical Society, November 17, 2015. “Perfect Joy: Franciscan Poverty and Dorothy Day’s Catholic Worker,” World of St. Francis Conference, Siena, Italy, July 2015. Nicole Hanig, Performing and Fine Arts Hanig, Nicole Leupp & Gerdes, Cynthia. “Composing for the Voice.” Cascadia Composers Forum. Portland State University. 2016. Hanig, Nicole Leupp. “Vocal Technique as it Relates to Choral Blend.” Consortium of Portland-area church choirs. Hanig, Nicole Leupp. “Vocal Master Class with Freshman and Sophomore voice majors.” Chabot College, Hayward, CA. Hanig, Nicole Leupp. “Vocal Master Class with high school students.” San Francisco High School for the Performing Arts. San Francisco, CA.

Ted Eckmann, Environmental Studies (2016) “Air Pollution in North Portland: Monitoring Results as of April 2016.” North Portland Community Meeting: April 5, 2016. Convened by Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives Tina Kotek. Portland, OR (USA).

Hanig, Nicole Leupp. “Vocal Technique for Choral Singers.” Choral Arts Ensemble Retreat Sept. 2015. Cara Hersh, English Hiro, M., Hersh, C., Salomone, S., Callender, H.L. “The Liberal Arts Crisis: Pedagogical Approaches.” University of Portland Faculty Development Day, Portland, OR. May 2016. Alexandra Hill, International Languages and Cultures “History Written on the Body: Recent Works by Jenny Erpenbeck and Julia Franck.” Congress of the Canadian Association of University Teachers of German, Ottawa, O.N. 1 June 2015. Gregory Hill, Mathematics “Building a Post Carbon World: A Resilience Perspective” Presented at Transformations 2015, a biannual international conference held at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm, Sweden. “Conceptualizing the Dynamics of Purposeful Change” delivered at Transformations20015, a biannual international conference held at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm, Sweden. Molly Hiro, English Hiro, M., Hersh, C., Salomone, S., Callender, H.L. “The Liberal Arts Crisis: Pedagogical Approaches.” University of Portland Faculty Development Day, Portland, OR. May 2016. “The Emperor Jones and the Remaking of the African American Past.” Invited Talk. Americanist Research Colloquium. University of California, Los Angeles. March 3, 2016. “Race and Contingency in Teju Cole’s Open City.” Modern Language Association Annual Conference. Austin, Texas, January 6-9, 2015.


Joseph Hoffbeck, Engineering “Low-cost Software-Defined Radio for Teaching Communication Systems and Digital Signal Processing: A Hands-on Workshop,” Cory J. Prust and Joseph P. Hoffbeck, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition (ASEE2015), June 14, 2015.

American Society of Pharmacognosy, Copper Mountain, CO, July 25-29, 2015, Invited Lecture 61; Planta Medica 81: 870

“Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Demonstration Platform,” by Joseph P. Hoffbeck, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition (ASEE2015), Seattle, Washington, June 14 - 17, 2015.

Schwab, Andreas; Abrahamson, Eric; Starbuck, William H.; and Holloway, Samuel S. (2015). “How to Improve on Statistical Significance: Effect Sizes, CIs, Graphs and Baseline Models.” Symposium for the 2015 Academy of Management Meeting, Vancouver, BC.

Sr. Angela Hoffman, O.S.B., Chemistry Hoffman, A., K. Klingenberg, S. Underwood, R. Reddick, T. Greenwood, T. Scherban, “Getting people excited about the science of climate change,” ENVR 295 Symposium, 251st American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, March 15, 2016. Nguyen, I., L. Magee, A. Hoffman “Creating a taxol purification column,” Iota Sigma Pi, Portland OR, March 8, 2016.

Sally Hood, Education “Using Information Gap Activities to Get English Learners Talking!” Fourth Annual EL Alliance Conference: Diversity, Language Learning, & Student Success, Eugene, OR.

Nhan, B.T., J. Yun, A. Hoffman, “Yew tree extracts as a natural insecticide against tobacco hornworms” 251st American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, March 13-17, 2016. VanCampen, J., A. Hoffman, “Anti-hyaluronidase activity of various plant methanolic extracts with implications for neurodegenerative diseases” 251st American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, March 13-17, 2016. Le, V., T. Ly, E. Fujimoto, A. Hoffman, “Extraction, isolation, and biological activity of chemicals in Piper betel leaf,” Oregon Academy of Science, Pacific University, Forest Grove OR, Feb 27, 2016. Magee, L, I Nguyen, A. Hoffman. “Creation of an affinity column for taxol purification,” Oregon Academy of Science, Pacific University, Forest Grove OR, Feb 27, 2016. Portillo, G., A. Hoffman, “Allelopathic properties in pigweed” Murdock Partners in Science National Conference, Jan 15-16, 2016, San Diego, CA. Hoffman, A., “Taxol: useful for chemotherapy, but why do plants and fungi make it?” University of Portland Chemistry Department Seminar Nov 4, 2015, University of Portland. VanCampen, J., A. Hoffman, “Anti-hyaluronidase activity of methanolic plant extracts and implications for neurodegenerative repair,” The 24th Annual MCSR Conference sponsored by the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, November 7 2015, Vancouver WA. Le, V., A. Hoffman, “Extraction, isolation and biological activity of chemical in betel leaf,” Second Annual Undergraduate Poster Symposium and Career Fair, sponsored by the Portland Section of ACS, PSU, October 25, 2015. Truong, K., A. Hoffman, “Effect of a basket plant (Callisia fragrans) extract on tumor cell model,” Second Annual Undergraduate Poster Symposium and Career Fair, sponsored by the Portland Section of ACS, October 25, 2015. Chiem, M., A. Hoffman, “Plants may help repair nerve cells,” Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering Symposium 2015, August 21, 2015. Chung, J.., A. Hoffman, “Flavonoids from Dahlia petals may inhibit hyaluronidase,” Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering Symposium 2015, August 21, 2015. Vazquez, J.., A. Hoffman, “Pigments of Camellia possible solution to multiple sclerosis,” Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering Symposium 2015, August 21, 2015. Gunatilaka, A.A.L., K.E.M. Wijeratne, Y.M. Xu, B.P. Bashyal, J. Lou, J. Mafezoli, M.C.F. Oliveira, A.M. Hoffman, P. Espinosa-Artiles, M.X Liu, S.G. Franzblau L. Whitesell, “Exploring plant and lichen-associated microbial diversity for discovery of small-molecule bioactive agents,” 2015 Annual Meeting of the


Samuel Holloway, Business “Disruption In Action: How The Craft Beer Renaissance Is Changing The Global Beer Industry.” Invited lecture at Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California.

Sally Hood, Education Hood, S. (2016). “Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do.” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, OR. Hood, S. (2016). “Using Information Gap Activities to Get English Learners Talking!” Fourth Annual EL Alliance Conference: Diversity, Language Learning, & Student Success, Eugene, OR. Rev. Thomas Hosinski, C.S.C., Theology Thomas E. Hosinski, C.S.C., “Thomas Aquinas and Alfred North Whitehead on God’s Action in the World,” presented at the 10th International Whitehead Conference and the 9th International Conference on Ecological Civilization, “Seizing an Alternative: Toward an Ecological Civilization,” held at Claremont University, Pomona, California, June 4-7, 2015. Kimberly Ilosvay, Education Hood, S. (2016). “Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do.” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, OR. Ilosvay, K. (2016, May). “Incorporating Global and Intercultural Learning Outcomes into Study Abroad Courses.” University of Portland: Faculty Development Day. Ilosvay, K. (2016). “Jokes: Communicative interaction and societal sentiment.” Paper presented at LAFAL conference, Lodz, Poland. Ilosvay, K., Villagomez, A., Landon-Hays, M. (2015, November). “Material matters: What teachers have to say about the curriculum.” Paper presented at the meeting of National Council of Teachers of English, Minneapolis, MN. Slapic, A., Leventhal, M., Hong, B., Scapp, R., Ilosvay, K., Schipper, J. (2015, October). “Oppotunities in international education.” In K. Ilosvay (Moderator/Chair), International education committee. Convocation conducted at the meeting of Kappa Delta Pi, Orlando, FL. Carolyn James, Mathematics James, C. (2016) “Formative and Summative Assessment in Group Work.” MAA NExT Section Meeting. Corvallis, OR: April 1, 2016. Kevin Jones, Sociology and Social Work Jones, K. R. “An ethical decision-making framework for youth mentoring, Parts 1 & 2.” Webinar presented to State Mentoring Partnerships on behalf of MENTOR/The National Mentoring Partnership, The National Mentoring Resource Center, and the U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. April 28 and May 12, 2016. Jones, K. R., Colletti, S., & Muth, A. J. “Using the Circle of Courage youth development model to predict satisfaction and success for LGBTQ students in undergraduate social work programs in the U.S.” Poster presented at the 6th European Conference for Social Work Research, March 31, 2016, Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon. Jones, K. R. “The Circle of Courage in college: Integrating Native American cultural principles into undergraduate social work education,” Paper presented at the Twelfth International Con-

ference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability, January 2016, Portland State University, Portland, OR. Miles, R. & Jones, K. R. “Sustainable youth development in context: Promoting equity through youth engagement.” Paper presented at the Twelfth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability, January, 2016, Portland State University, Portland, OR. Jones, K. R. “What long-term mentoring relationships mean to emerging adults: An interpretive phenomenological analysis,” A poster presented at the 7th Biennial Conference on Emerging Adulthood, October, 2015, Miami, FL. Jones, K. R. “Applying a new interdisciplinary ethical decisionmaking framework in practice: Benefits and challenges for mentoring professionals and programs.” Invited lecture, Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring, July 2015, Portland State University, Portland, OR. Jones, K. R. “Developing an interdisciplinary ethical decisionmaking framework for youth mentoring,” Invited lecture, Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring, July 2015, Portland State University, Portland, OR. Sharon Jones, Engineering AAC&U STEM Central Knowledge Exchange to establish an interdisciplinary intellectual community that provides the National Science Foundation and its principal investigators (current and potential) with shared ways of knowing, measuring, and describing successful evidence-based strategies that broaden the participation of academically talented, low-income students. Jones, S.A., C. Cairncross. 2016. “Two-tiered Summer Bridge Programming for At-risk Engineering and Computer Science Students,” Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education: Research and Practice [Proceedings], Washington D.C. April. Cairncross, C., S.A. Jones. 2016. “Retention Program for Freshmen & Sophomores: Lessons Learned,” Open 2016 VentureWell, Portland, OR, March. STEM Jobs Forum, George Middle School, Portland, OR. Deana Julka, Psychological Sciences Mustonen, S. & Julka, D. “Body Satisfaction and Early Specialization in Sport,” presented at the Annual Western Psychological Association in Long Beach, CA, April 28-May 1, 2016. Robertson, M. & Julka, D. “The Effects of Life Satisfaction and Recent Experiences on Juror Decision-Making.” Presented at the annual American Psychological Society conference in New York, NY, June, 2015. Viramontes, M. & Julka, D. “The Effects of Gender Socialization and Racial Prejudice on Juror Decision Making.” Presented at the annual American Psychological Society meeting in New York, NY May, 2015. Julie Kalnin, Education Kalnin, J.S., & Morrell, P.D. (2016, March). “Integrating Engineering Design and CCSS-ELA.” Workshop presented to elementary school principals and teachers of the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon. Kalnin, J.S., Morrell, P.D., & O’Connell, K., & Nelson, P. (2016, January). “Intersecting communities in a teacher as researcher model.” Paper presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education, Reno, NV. Kalnin, J.S., & Morrell, P.D. (2015, October). “Integrating CCSS and NGSS using children’s literature.” Workshop presented at the 2015 Annual Conference of the Oregon Science Teachers Association, Bend, OR.

Jeff Kerssen-Griep, Communication Studies Kerssen-Griep, J. & Terry, C. L. (2015, November). “What are keys to effectively communicating instructional feedback?” Presented at the National Communication Association (NCA) convention, Las Vegas, NV. Khalid Khan, Engineering “Stress In Weldments”: Invited speaker at the American Welding Society (Portland Section) meeting on May 18, 2016. “A Conversation with Your Muslim Neighbors”: Panel Discussion on March 6, 2016, at WSU-Vancouver. Main organizer and moderator at this event attended by about 300 people. Steve Kolmes, Environmental Studies Kolmes, Steven A. “Church and Science,” Partners for the Common Good Conference, Multnomah University, The Common Good and Environmental Ethics, April, 2016. Kolmes, Steven A. “New Wine New Wineskins Forum,” Multnomah University in partnership with Life Change Community Church, Urban Planning, Unintended Consequences, April, 2016. Kolmes, Steven A. “Winter Waters 2016,” Sierra Club and The Center for Environmental Law and Policy, Spokane, Washington, invited remarks, The Columbia River Pastoral Letter, March, 2016. Kolmes, Steven A. Environment Oregon, Green Ideas and Ham invited breakfast speaker, “Climate Change in Oregon,” March 2016. Kolmes, Steven A. University of Oregon, Master’s in Multimedia Journalism Program invited lecture, “Air Pollution in Portland” 2016, February, 2016. International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability, January, 2016, Portland State University, “A Complexity-based Supradisciplinary Approach to Sustainability Education” (With Will Focht).

Khalid Khan, Engineering “A Conversation with Your Muslim Neighbors”: Panel Discussion on March 6, 2016, at WSU-Vancouver. Main organizer and moderator at event attended by 300 people.

“The Ethics of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si Encyclical on Climate Change,” Integrative Conversations interdisciplinary faculty presentation, University of Portland, November 4, 2015. Department of Biodiversity, Earth and Environmental Science Graduate Seminar, Drexel University, October 2015. “Ambient water quality standards for the protection of human health in Oregon and Washington: two visions of modeling assumptions, human health, and ethics.” New Wine New Wineskins forum, Multnomah University, October 2015. “Toxic Water, Toxic Fish, and Social Justice.” Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences Annual Conference, June 2015, University of California San Diego, “Epigenetics, Environmental Exposures, and the Common Good” (with Russell Butkus). Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences Annual Conference, June 2015, University of California San Diego, “Sustainability Education: A Supradisciplinary , Complexitybased Curricular Framework” (with Will Focht). Lorretta Krautscheid, Nursing Krautscheid, L., DeMeester, D., Orton, V., Smith, A., Livingston, C., and McLennon, S. (2016, April). “Moral distress among baccalaureate nursing students: A multi-site descriptive study.” Peer reviewed poster presentation. Western Institute of Nursing. Anaheim, CA. Krautscheid, L., Luebbering, C., and Krautscheid, B. (2016, April). “Advocating amidst conflict. Communication styles demonstrated by baccalaureate nursing students during high fidelity simulation.” Peer reviewed poster presentation. Western Institute of Nursing. Anaheim, CA.


“Helping Nurses Heal, Lead and Learn.” Seattle Pacific University, Sigma Theta Tau Psi-at-large Chapter Meeting. November 7, 2015.

2016 Summit for Transforming STEM Teaching in Higher Education. Boise, Idaho.

Matthew Kuhn, Engineering Matthew R. Kuhn and Ali Daouadji, “Micromechanics of incremental stress probes of a granular material,” Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI2016), Vanderbilt University, May 22-25, 2016.

Dillon HE, Doughty TA, Lulay KE, Eifler KE, Schmedake NJ, Anderson DL, and Hensler ZY, (2016) “Design of Open-Ended Experiments for Mechanical Engineering Laboratories.” Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network Winter Conference.

Matthew R. Kuhn and WaiChing Sun, “Contact longevity, speed, and migration during loading of dense granular materials,” Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI2015), Stanford University, June 16-19, 2015.

Lulay KE, Dillon HE, Doughty TA, Khan KH, Munro DS, Murty VD, Vijlee SZ. (2015) “Implementation of a Design Spine for a Mechanical Engineering Curriculum.” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Seattle Washington. Gary Malecha, Political Science Gary Lee Malecha and Daniel J. Reagan, “Staffing Changes in an Evolving Senate.” Paper prepared for delivery at the Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 23-26, 2016. Anne Santiago and Gary Lee Malecha, “Integrating Technology to Teach Research Methods.” American Political Science Association Teaching and Learning Conference, Portland, Oregon, February 12-14, 2016. “The Ethics of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si Encyclical on Climate Change,” Integrative Conversations interdisciplinary faculty presentation, University of Portland, November 4, 2015. Gary Lee Malecha, “The Catholic Tradition’s Response to the Decline of Animal Husbandry in Industrial Farming.” Paper prepared for delivery at the World of St. Francis of Assisi Conference, Siena, Italy, July 16-20, 2015. Norah Martin, Philosophy Hood, S. (2016). “Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do.” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, OR.

Lindsay Lancaster, Nursing Lancaster, L., Owen-Smith, A., Rowley, A., Laws, R., Bonifay, A., Mayhew, M. & DeBar, L.L. (2016). “Automating collection of patient reported outcomes to enhance clinical care and research.” Poster presentation for the American Pain Society 35th Annual Scientific Meeting, May 11-14, 2016. Lancaster, L. & DeBar, Lynn (2016). “Embedding Patient Reported Outcomes into Clinical Care: Lessons from a Pragmatic Trial.” Poster presentation for the Western Institute of Nursing Annual Communicating Research Conference, April 6-9, 2016. Lars Larson, English “How to Do Things with Time: Five Western Directions for Pluralizing Temporality, from Alexie to Dillard.” American Literature Association Conference, San Francisco, 28 May 2016.


Kala Mayer, Nursing Hegland, M & Mayer, K. (2016). “Piloting Problem-based learning in pre-nursing nutrition education.” Poster presented at the Western Institute of Nursing Research and Information Exchange (NRIE). Owens, A. & Mayer, K. (2016). “Piloting concept-mapping in pre-nursing nutrition education.” Western Institute of Nursing Research and Information Exchange (NRIE). Vermeesch, A., and Mayer, K. (2016). “Valuable Lessons Learned in Conducting Research at New Institutions,” Poster presentation at Western Institute of Nursing’s 49th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference, Anaheim, CA, April 6-9, 2016. Mayer, K., Braband, B., & Killen, T. (2016). “An Evaluation of the Impact of a Community-Academic Partnership Project.” Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference: Podium Presentation. Anaheim, CA.

“Geologically Young in the Old West: Viewing John McPhee’s Road Atlas of Time.” Western Literature Association Conference, Reno, NV, Oct. 16, 2015.

Mayer, K. (2015). “Enacted social support in a community kitchen: Locally-developed strategies for mitigating food inequities.” 143rd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition (October 31 November 4, 2015) Chicago, Ill.

“Academia’s Dialectical Dharma: a Key Strategy from India’s Cultural History to Inspire Stronger Classroom Thinking.” New Directions in the Humanities Conference, U. British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada June 19, 2015.

Mayer, K. (2015). “Geographic-specific structural inequities and food security: Opportunities for Public Health Nursing.” 143rd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition (October 31 - November 4, 2015) Chicago, Ill.

Ellen Lippman, Business “Transparency and Accountability: the case of Long Island College Hospital,” at American Accounting Association Government and Nonprofit Meeting, Washington DC.

Braband, B., Mayer, K., & Killen, T. (Oct. 12, 2015). “Exploring the impact of a community-academic partnership project.” Oregon Public Health Association (OPHA) 71st Annual Conference & Meeting, Corvallis, OR.

Kenneth Lulay, Engineering Dillon HE, Doughty TA, Lulay KE, and Eifler KE, (2016) “Backward Design to Improve Mechanical Engineering Curriculum.”

Laura McLary, International Languages and Cultures “Gendered Spaces and Borderlands in Ulli Lust’s Graphic Narrative Heute ist der letzte Tag vom Rest deines Lebens (2009).”

Sr. Kathleen McManus, O.P., Theology “The Global Suffering of Women: An Ethical Imperative for the Church.” Dundon-Berchtold Theology Thursday Lecture, University of Portland.

Kalnin, J.S., & Morrell, P.D. (2015, October). “Integrating CCSS and NGSS using children’s literature.” Workshop presented at the 2015 Annual Conference of the Oregon Science Teachers Association, Bend, OR.

“Water, the Global Right to Life, and Celtic Christianity.” Invited Lecture, Blauvelt, N.Y.

Turner, K., & Morrell, P. (2015, October). “A self-study in service learning: Lessons from the field to the classroom.” A poster presented at the 2015 Area Conference of the National Science Teachers Association, Reno, NV.

“The Global Suffering of Women as an Ethical Imperative for the Church.” Salt and Light Plenary for the USCCB Catholic Social Ministry Gathering, Washington, D.C. “‘Thecology’: Living Waters and the Global Right to Life.” Social Action Summer Institute. “Embracing Emergence: Futuring the Dominican Charism.” National Convocation of Dominican Women. Series of Seminar Presentations for Dominican Charism Study Pilgrimage in Fanjeaux, France. Mark Meckler, Business “Disruption In Action: How The Craft Beer Renaissance Is Changing The Global Beer Industry.” Invited lecture at Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. Laura Mood, Nursing Hassouneh, D. & Mood, L. (2016). “Outsider within leadership teams: Strategy for successful disability research.” Podium presentation at the PacRim International Disability & Diversity conference in Honolulu, HI.

Deborah Munro, Engineering Coiado O.C., Munro D. “Three Course Sequence in Medical Device Commercialization: Part of a Master’s in Biomedical Engineering Program,” VentureWell 20th annual Open conference, Portland, OR, 2016. Susan Murray, Biology S. Murray, P. Nesterenko, M. Munks, S. Smart, A. Vanarsdall, R. Lee, J. Cox, M. McVoy, S.P. Adler and A. Hill. “Responses to fibroblast-adapted human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) vaccines conform to CD8 T cell recognition paradigms.” American Association of Immunologists Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA (2016). Nesterenko, P., S. Murray, M. Munks, S. Smart, R. Lee, J. Cox, M. McVoy, S. Adler, A. Hill. “Fibroblast-tropic Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) Vaccines Elicit Conventional CD8 T-cell Responses.” Keystone Symposium – HIV Vaccines, Olympic Valley, CA (2016).

Hassouneh, D. & Mood, L. (2016). “Recruitment and retention of women with physical disabilities in health research.” Poster presented at the PacRim International Disability & Diversity conference in Honolulu, HI.

Moran, A., F. Polesso, M. Sarker, D. Parker, S. Murray, A. Weinberg. “Finding the right balance: αOX40 immunotherapy enhances effector T cell function without impairing regulatory T cells intrinsic suppressive capacity in mouse tumor models.” Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference Education Services (SITC), National Harbor, MD. (2015).

Mood, L. & Hassouneh, D. (2016). “Resilience: A salient factor in the successful transition-to-practice of persons with learning disabilities pursuing careers in nursing.” Podium presentation at the PacRim International Disability & Diversity Conference in Honolulu, HI.

September Nelson, Nursing Nelson, S.T. (2016, April). “Relationships among perceived workload, teamwork, & missed nursing care in the nursing home environment.” Podium presentation. Sigma Theta Tau – Omicron Upsilon Chapter Quarterly meeting.

Mood, L. & Hassouneh, D. (2016). “The disability closet: Conditions that ease the ‘coming out’ process from the perspectives of persons with learning disabilities pursuing nursing careers.” Poster presented at the PacRim International Disability & Diversity conference in Honolulu, HI.

Katie O’Reilly, Biology Lamb, J. S., K. M. O’Reilly, and P. G. R. Jodice. “Feather corticosterone as a possible index of developmental conditions and probability of post-fledging survival in Brown Pelicans.” Pacific Seabird Group 43rd Annual Meeting, Turtle Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, Feb. 10-13, 2016.

Mood, L. (2016). “Experiences of students & new nurses with learning disabilities in transition to practice.” Podium presentation at the Western Institute of Nursing conference in Anaheim, CA. Mood, L. (2016). “Supporting students and new nurses with learning disabilities in transition to practice.” Poster presented at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Faculty Development conference in St. Petersburg, FL. Patricia Morrell, Education Hood, S. (2016). “Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do.” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, OR. Kalnin, J.S., & Morrell, P.D. (2016, March). “Integrating Engineering Design and CCSS-ELA.” Workshop presented to elementary school principals and teachers of the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon. Kalnin, J.S., Morrell, P.D., & O’Connell, K., & Nelson, P. (2016, January). “Intersecting communities in a teacher as researcher model.” Paper presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education, Reno, NV. Morrell, P.D. (2015, December). “Literacy: Utilizing academic vocabulary in multiple disciplines.” Panel presentation along with Richard Christen and Peter Thacker for the University of Portland Teacher Leader Network, Portland, OR.

Sr. Kathleen McManus, O.P., Theology “The Global Suffering of Women: An Ethical Imperative for the Church.” Dundon-Berchtold Theology Thursday Lecture, University of Portland.

Lamb, J. S., K. M. O’Reilly, and P. G. R. Jodice. “Long-term physiological responses of nestling seabirds to variation in prey availability and nest conditions.” Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, Jan. 3-7, 2016. Zhang, J., K. M. O’Reilly, G. L. W. Perry, G. A. Taylor, and T. E. Dennis. “Extending the functionality of behavioural changepoint analysis with k-means clustering: a case study with the little penguin” (Eudyptula minor). 2nd World Seabird Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, Oct. 26-30, 2015. Joanne Olsen, Nursing Olsen, J. (November, 2015). “Evidence based cognition curriculum design: Building leaner memories and recall.” Arizona Association for Nursing Professional Development, Scottsdale, Arizona. Mark Pitzer, Psychological Sciences “The Alchemy of a Great Class: One Neuroscientists Never-Ending Search.” Faculty Development Day University of Portland. “Non-Human Model of Huntington’s disease: Motor and Cognitive Symptomology.” Gordon Research Seminar, Pisa, Italy. Cara Poor, Engineering Poor, C. “Bioretention in the Northwest: Current Issues and Possible Solutions.” USGS invited talk, Portland, Oregon, March 2016.


Bacon, R., Mahjoob, L., Duey, J., Poor, C. “Potential of Ecoroof Media to Leach Phosphorus and Nitrogen.” Poster presentation. ASCE EWRG Sustainable Stormwater Summit, September 2015. Pamela Potter, Nursing Potter, P. & Rothacker-Peyton, S. (2016). “The elephant in our midst: Teaching about racism and population health,” Innovations in Engagement through Research, Practice, and Education: 49th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference. (Poster). Potter, P. (April, 2016). “Applying integrative nursing in a primary care setting,” Western Institute of Nursing Preconference on Integrative Nursing: Implications for Nursing Science, Practice and Education, Anaheim, CA. (Presentation). Potter, P. (February, 2016). “Positive psychology and self-care,” 2nd Annual Art of Healing Conference, Vancouver, WA. (Presentation).

Sarina Saturn, Psychological Sciences “How Prosocial Emotional States Can Counteract the Damage Caused by Stress and Trauma.” Washington County Adverse Childhood Experiences Initiative, Hillsboro, OR.

Potter, P. & Cox, P. (October, 2015). “Introduction to Integrative Health,” 38th Annual Nurse Practitioners of Oregon Education Conference, Bend, OR. Gregory Pulver, Performing and Fine Arts Peer Assessment Panel, University of Portland Faculty Development Day 2016, Session 2. Last Frontier Theatre Conference, Valdez, AK – Panel Presentation “Writing for Designers” with Daniel Glen Carlgren, Colleen Alexis Metzger. Nicole Ralston, Education Ralston, N. C., Waggoner, J., Naegele, Z., & Smith, R. (2016, April). “The impacts of a new model for professional development for teaching GLAD.” Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting, Washington DC. Ralston, N. C., & Waggoner, J. (2016, February). “M.A.T. student poster presentations of in-progress capstone research projects.” Poster presentation at the Oregon Association of Teacher Educators (ORATE) annual conference, Monmouth, OR. Waggoner, J., & Ralston, N. (2016, February). “Driving with Your Eyes Closed – How to See the Road Through the Data.” Invited presentation for the Teacher Leadership Network and Kappa Delta Pi. Portland, OR. Naegele, Z., Ralston, N. C., & Smith, R. (2016, January). “Co-teaching as a method to benefit English language learners.” Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE) annual conference, Honolulu, HI. Ralston, N. C. (2016, January). “Elementary school students and their knowledge about ’variable’.” Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE) annual conference, Honolulu, HI. Smith, R., Ralston, N. C., & Naegele, Z. (2016, January). “Professional development through PLCs: Methods for measuring PLC efficacy.” Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE) annual conference, Honolulu, HI. Naegele, Z., Ralston, N. C., & Smith, R. (2015, December). “Newcomer schools and programs: Evidence-based best practices for teachers and administrators.” Paper presented at the Washington Educational Research Association (WERA) annual meeting, Seattle, WA. Ralston, N. C. (2015, August). “Integrating the University’s mission into the work of an assistant professor.” Presentation as part of the New Faculty Orientation, University of Portland, Portland, OR. Anissa Rogers, Sociology and Social Work Braband, B., Gaudino, R., & Rogers, A. (November, 2015). “Exploring students’ perceptions and understanding of life-impacting suffering: An interview project.” The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL.


Sally Rothacker-Peyton, Nursing “Exploring Suicide Risk and Conducting a Suicide Risk Assessment.” Taped as part of program to provide continuing education for Oregon nurses through the Oregon Nurses Association — available on the ONA website. “Breaking Free,” Management Strategies for Youth with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder poster presented at the Oregon Nurse Practitioner’s Annual Conference: Bend, OR, October 2015. Sruthi Rothenfluch, Philosophy “Defeaters to Best Interests Reasoning in Genetic Enhancement,” Ability and Enhancement Colloquium April 7-8, 2016 at the University of Richmond’s Jepson School of Leadership Studies. Stephanie Salomone, Mathematics Hiro, M., Hersh, C., Salomone, S., Callender, H.L. “The Liberal Arts Crisis: Pedagogical Approaches.” University of Portland Faculty Development Day, Portland, OR. May 2016. Claringbold, T., Schaub, B., Salomone, S., Callender, H. L. “Infusing Upper Division Mathematics Courses with Intentional Writing about Belief and Use of Assumptions,” Dundon-Berchtold Institute for Applied Ethics Dinner, Portland, Oregon. April 2016. Rene Sanchez, Theology “Mental Health in a Catholic University: Faith, Spirituality, and Transformative Suffering,” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, May 2016. Anne Santiago, Political Science Anne Santiago and Gary Lee Malecha, “Integrating Technology to Teach Research Methods.” American Political Science Association Teaching and Learning Conference,” Portland, Oregon, February 12-14, 2016. Pitsch Santiago, Anne. November 2015. “The State and Peasants: An Analysis of Rhetoric over Land Policy and Land Conflict in Uganda, Malawi and Tanzania,” African Studies Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Sarina Saturn, Psychological Sciences Saturn, S.R. “How Prosocial Emotional States Can Counteract the Damage Caused by Stress and Trauma.” Washington County Adverse Childhood Experiences Initiative, Hillsboro, OR. Saturn, S.R. “Neuroscience of Implicit Bias.” Oregon Mediation Association, Portland, OR. Saturn, S.R. “Mind-Body Problem Solving.” Oregon Health & Sciences University: Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Portland, OR. “Journey from Mind to Heart: Helping Individuals & Mental Health Providers Understand the Effects of Trauma and Tools for Building Trauma Resilience.” All-day workshop for Living Yoga and Unfold Studios. Portland, OR. S.R. Saturn. (2015) “Self-Enhancing Humor is Related to SelfCompassion and Positive Emotional Traits.” International Society for Humor Studies. Oakland, CA. Nikolene Schulz, Engineering “Freeing Up Time for Active Learning.” University of Portland tech talk. Posted November 6, 2015. “Campus Media in the Classroom.” Information Services and the Library. September 15, 2015. Co-presenter: Tammy VanDeGrift. Diane Sotak, Clark Library Sotak, D. Panelist and presenter for “Primo Discovery: Approaches to Teaching and Learning.” Orbis Cascade Alliance Summer Meeting, Portland, OR, July 8, 2015. Susan Stillwell, Nursing “Evidence-based Practice Fellowship Program,” Kaiser Westside Medical Center, Hillsboro, OR. “From Evidence to Clinical Decision Making,” 9th Evidence-based Practice on the Frontline: Building a Culture of Quality, Safety and Nursing Professionalism Columbia MO.

“From Evidence to Clinical Decision-Making,” Leading the Path for Change 16th Annual Nurse Educator Institute Branson MO. “Looking Back to Move Forward,” Evidence-based Practice Oregon Nursing Research & Quality Consortium Oregon City, OR. “Synthesizing the Literature,” Oregon Nursing Research Consortium Oregon City, OR. “Transforming Healthcare with Evidence-based Practice,” 9th Evidence-based Practice on the Frontline: Building a Culture of Quality, Safety and Nursing Professionalism Columbia MO. “Transforming Healthcare with Evidence-based Practice,” Oregon Nursing Research & Quality Consortium. “Population Focused Health Brief: Integrating Informatics,” Population Health and Policy Eighth National Doctors of Nursing Practice Conference, Seattle WA. Elinor Sullivan, Biology “Early Environmental Influences of Maternal Nutrition and Obesity on Offspring Mental Health.” Department of Human Physiology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.

Patricia Thompson, Education (2016). “Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do.” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, OR Lara Trout, Philosophy (2016). Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do. Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, OR David Turnbloom, Theology “Why Theology Needs Louis CK.” Student/Faculty Presentation co-sponsored by The Beckman Humor Project and the Garaventa Center. University of Portland. “The Sacraments: God’s Life in Our Lives.” Theology Thursday: University of Portland. April, 2016. “A Response to the Synod on the Family.” Theology Thursday: University of Portland. October 2015.

“Early Environmental Influences of Maternal Nutrition and Obesity on Offspring Mental Health.” The 24th Annual Murdock College Science Research Conference; Vancouver, WA. “The Impact of Maternal Diet and Obesity of Offspring Behavioral Regulation.” American Diabetes Association’s 75th Scientific Sessions, June 2015; Boston, MA. Joshua Swidzinski, English “Mnemonic Verse and the Enlightenment Mind.” Modern Language Association Annual Conference. Austin, TX. January, 2016. “Naming the 18th Century.” Modern Language Association Annual Conference. Austin, TX. January, 2016. “Standardizing the Romantic Lyric: Robert Burns as Editor and Exciseman.” Pacific, Ancient, and Modern Language Association Annual Conference. Portland, OR. November, 2015. Mojtaba Takallou, Engineering “Highways, Roads and Streets safety for Non-Engineers.” Conducted two workshops for the political subdivisions of cities and Counties in Cities of Hillsboro and Lake Oswego, February and April 2016. “Improving Safety Features of Local Roads,” presented at 2016 Oregon and Washington Bureau of Land Management (BLM)Engineering Training Conference. “Challenges, Strategies and Obligations of Law Enforcement Agencies for the 21st Century,” conducted (2) workshops for Bend Police Department, December 14 and 17, 2015. “Challenges, Strategies and Obligations of Law Enforcement Agencies for the 21st Century,” conducted (2) workshops for Law Enforcement agencies at various locations throughout the State of Oregon. Invited guest lecturer by Oregon State University and taught a portion of the “Traffic Engineering Fundamentals” workshop in Corvallis on December 2015. “Highway Safety,” Presented at the American Public Works Association (APWA) conference, Seaside, OR, October 2015. “Improving Safety Features of Highways, Local Roads and Streets,” conducted (16) workshops for Cities, Counties and Oregon Department of Transportation at various locations throughout the State of Oregon, October 2015-May 2016. Peter Thacker, Education (2016). “Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do.” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, OR

Eugene Urnezius, Chemistry “2,5-Dihydroxy and 2,5-diamino quinones appended with –P(O) R2 groups: syntheses, structures, and electrochemical studies,” Madison Lear, Nathan Phan, Natalie Cawker, Janice Chung, Edward J. Valente, Eugenijus Urnezius, poster presentation at the 24th annual Murdock College Science Research Conference, Vancouver WA, Nov 6-7, 2015. “Cu(II) and Ni(II) complexes supported by di(phosphoryl)-appended catechols: electroactive compounds with secondary coordination spheres,” Nathan Phan, Alexander Erickson, Rea Cochran, Kelly Ramzy, Natalie Cawker, Edward J. Valente, Eugenijus Urnezius, poster presentation at the 24th annual Murdock College Science Research Conference, Vancouver WA, Nov 6-7, 2015. Ed Valente, Chemistry “Conformations and Structural Trends in an Extended Set of Dihydropyran Derivatives.” Poster presentation at the Oregon Academy of Sciences, held at Pacific University, Feb 27, 2016. “Conformations and Structural Trends in an Extended Set of Tetrahydropyran Derivatives.” Poster presentation at the Oregon Academy of Sciences, held at Pacific University, Feb 27, 2016. “Crowded Arylpyran Pseudoamides. Evidence for Rearrangement in the Precursor Indanone Synthesis.” Poster presentation at the Oregon Academy of Sciences, held at Pacific University, Feb 27, 2016.


“Dynamic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Arylpyran Pseudoacids.” Presentation at the Oregon Academy of Sciences, held at Pacific University, Feb 27, 2016. “Effects of Substituents on the Equilibria for Two Diastereomeric Arylpyran Pseudoacids.” Poster presentation at the Oregon Academy of Sciences, held at Pacific University, Feb 27, 2016. “2,5-Dihydroxy and and 2,5-diamino quinones appended with –P(O)R2 groups: syntheses, structures, and electrochemical studies,” Madison Lear, Nathan Phan, Natalie Cawker, Janice Chung, Edward J. Valente, Eugenijus Urnezius, poster presentation at the 24th annual Murdock College Science Research Conference, Vancouver WA, Nov 6-7, 2015.

Tammy VanDeGrift, Engineering “Increasing Retention in Engineering and Computer Science with a Focus on At-Risk First Year and Sophomore Students.” At the ACM Special Interest in Computer Science Education Symposium, March 4, 2016. NSF Project Showcase.

“Cu(II) and Ni(II) complexes supported by di(phosphoryl)appended catechols: electroactive compounds with secondary coordination spheres,” Nathan Phan, Alexander Erickson, Rea Cochran, Kelly Ramzy, Natalie Cawker, Edward J. Valente, Eugenijus Urnezius, poster presentation at the 24th annual Murdock College Science Research Conference, Vancouver WA, Nov 6-7, 2015. Tammy VanDeGrift, Engineering “Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect us and what we can do.” Faculty Development Day. University of Portland. May 3, 2016. Co-presented with several faculty from education, nursing, and CAS. “Increasing Retention in Engineering and Computer Science with a Focus on At-Risk First Year and Sophomore Students.” At the ACM Special Interest in Computer Science Education Symposium, March 4, 2016. NSF Project Showcase. Panel on “Grit and Student Success.” STEP Workshop. March 18, 2016. “Freeing Up Time for Active Learning.” University of Portland tech talk. Posted November 6, 2015. “Campus Media in the Classroom.” Information Services and the Library. September 15, 2015. Co-presenter: Nikolene Schulz. Panelist. “Graduate School Opportunities.” Math Department Colloquium Series. September 24, 2015. “Building a Summer Bridge Program to Increase Retention and Academic Success for First-year Engineering Students,” Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, Washington. Amber Vermeesch, Nursing Vermeesch, A., and Mayer, K. (2016). “Valuable Lessons Learned in Conducting Research at New Institutions,” Poster presentation at Western Institute of Nursing’s 49th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference, Anaheim, CA, April 6-9, 2016. Kanthawala, S., VanDam, C., Given, B., Chai, J., Vermeesch, A., Huebner, M., Crowley, J., Pratt, W., Huh, J. (2015). “Question Types in Online Health Communities,” submitted for poster presentation at the American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium, San Francisco, CA, November 14-18, 2015. Mudd, L., Vermeesch, A. (2015). “Perceptions about Having a Healthy Pregnancy and Gestational Weight Gain,” accepted for poster presentation at 14th Meeting of International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Health, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 3-6, 2015. Shazib Vijlee, Engineering Fackler KB, Karalus MF, Novosselov IV, Kramlich JC, Malte PC, Vijlee SZ, “NOX Behavior for Lean-Premixed Combustion of Alternative Gaseous Fuels (GT2015-42069),” ASME Turbo Expo, Montreal, Quebec, Canada: ASME, 2015. Vijlee SZ, Kramlich JC, Novosselov IV, “Effects of Composition on the Flame Stabilization of Alternative Aviation Fuels in a


Toroidal Well Stirred Reactor (GT2015-43014),” ASME Turbo Expo, Montreal, Quebec, Canada: ASME, 2015. Vijlee SZ, Kramlich JC, Novosselov IV, “Effects of Composition on the Flame Stabilization of Alternative Aviation Fuels in a Toroidal Well Stirred Reactor (GT2015-43014),” Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, Montreal, Quebec, Canada: ASME, 2015. Vijlee SZ, Hermanson JC, Kramlich JC, Malte PM, “Effects of Fuel Composition on NOX Emissions for Traditional and Alternative Jet Fuels,” Proceedings of the Western States Combustion Meeting, Seattle, WA: Combustion Institute, 2016. Jacqueline Waggoner, Education Ralston, N. C., Waggoner, J., Naegele, Z., & Smith, R. (2016, April). “The impacts of a new model for professional development for teaching GLAD.” Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting, Washington DC. Waggoner, J., Weitzel, B., Carroll, J., & Merk, H. (2016). “Research Capstone Projects in Educator Preparation Programs.” Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, Chicago, IL. Merk, H., Waggoner, J., Carroll, J., & Weitzel, B. (2016). “Teacher Leadership Network: Promoting Professional Collaboration.” Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Las Vegas, NV. Ralston, N. C., & Waggoner, J. (2016, February). “M.A.T. student poster presentations of in-progress capstone research projects.” Poster presentation at the Oregon Association of Teacher Educators (ORATE) annual conference, Monmouth, OR. Waggoner, J., & Ralston, N. (2016, February). “Driving with Your Eyes Closed – How to See the Road Through the Data.” Invited presentation for the Teacher Leadership Network and Kappa Delta Pi. Portland, OR. Waggoner, J., Weitzel, B., Carroll, J., & Merk, H. (2016). “Efficacy of Research Curriculum in Educator Preparation Programs.” Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Las Vegas, NV. Weitzel, B., Waggoner, J., Carroll, J., & Merk, H. (2016). CAEP Expectations for EPPs: P-12 Achievement Gains in Program Completers’ Classrooms. Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Las Vegas, NV. Valerie Walters, Chemistry Gonzalez-Montiel, Gisela; Bergio, Ryan; Walters, Valerie; Bard, Raymond; Bard, Ronda; DePaula, Julio. “XRF and Raman Analysis of a 15th-Century Painting in Mallorca, Spain.” 2015 Linus Pauling Award Symposium, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR, December 5, 2015. Gonzalez-Montiel, Gisela; Bergio, Ryan; Walters, Valerie; Bard, Raymond; Bard, Ronda; DePaula, Julio. “XRF and Raman Analysis of a 15th-Century Painting in Mallorca, Spain.” Murdock College Science Research Conference, Vancouver WA, November 6-7, 2015. Gonzalez-Montiel, Gisela; Bergio, Ryan; Walters, Valerie; Bard, Raymond; Bard, Ronda; DePaula, Julio. “XRF and Raman Analysis of a 15th-Century Painting in Mallorca, Spain.” Portland ACS Undergraduate Poster Symposium, Portland State University, Portland OR, October 25, 2015. Matthew Warshawsky, International Languages and Cultures Western Jewish Studies Association Conference, Willamette University, Salem, OR, April 17-18, 2016: “Spanish Golden Age Influences on the Jewishness of the Converso Poetry of João Pinto Delgado.”

113th Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference, Portland, OR, November 6-8, 2015: “Conflict, Contradictions, and Convivencia: The Precarious Position of Jews in the Literature and Life of Medieval Christian Spain.” “Cultures of the Sephardic Diapora: A Weekend of Music and Learning,” organized by the Judaic Studies Program at Portland State University and the Sephardic Cultural Center of Portland, October 11, 2015: invited lecture entitled “From Jews to New Christians to Secret Jews: An Iberian Geographic and Literary Journey.” 25th Annual Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies Conference, Miami, FL, July 19-21, 2015: “From New Christian to New Jew: The Polemical Writings of Iberian Converso Isaac Orobio de Castro.” John Watzke, Education Watzke, J. L. (2016, April). “Building leadership capacity and best practice in data-driven decision making: A multi-district partnership model.” Presentation at the annual uLead Summit of Educational Leadership conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada. Schrier, L., Everson, M., Watzke, J., Sweigert, J. (2015, November). “Mainstreaming LCT Languages in the Schools: A 25 Year Study of Its Teachers.” Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. San Diego, CA. Watzke, J. L. (2015, June). Symposium: “From Grad School to Tenure: Establishing Scholarly Opportunities.” Presentation at the annual conference of the International Society for Language Studies, Albuquerque, NM. Sarah Weiger, English “Coleridge’s Albatross in the 21st Century.” American Comparative Literature Association. Harvard University: March 2016. Bruce Weitzel, Education Waggoner, J., Weitzel, B., Carroll, J., & Merk, H. (2016). “Research Capstone Projects in Educator Preparation Programs.” Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, Chicago, IL. Merk, H., Waggoner, J., Carroll, J., & Weitzel, B. (2016). “Teacher Leadership Network: Promoting Professional Collaboration.” Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Las Vegas, NV. Waggoner, J., Weitzel, B., Carroll, J., & Merk, H. (2016). “Efficacy of Research Curriculum in Educator Preparation Programs.” Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Las Vegas, NV. Weitzel, B., Waggoner, J., Carroll, J., & Merk, H. (2016). “CAEP Expectations for EPPs: P-12 Achievement Gains in Program Completers’ Classrooms.” Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Las Vegas, NV. Jeffrey White, International Languages and Cultures “Tutor talk in real time: Stories, questions, and reflections.” Facilitated roundtable discussion at the Northwest College Reading and Learning Association conference on May 14, 2016, in Portland, Oregon. Kaye Wilson-Anderson, Nursing Hood, S. (2016). “Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do.” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, OR. Braband, B., Faris, T., & Wilson-Anderson, K. (Nov., 2015). “Evaluation of Memory Book interventions with orphaned children in India, Kenya, and South Africa.” Sigma Theta Tau International Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Warren Wood, Chemistry Dylan Nevin and Warren J. L. Wood. “Progress towards the synthesis of 3-acylated-2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinones.” Murdock College Science Research Program, Vancouver, WA, Nov. 6th, 2015. Noah Forrest, Amanda Glenn, and Warren J. L. Wood. “Synthesis of antimalarial 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinones containing 3-alkyl-diphenylether side chains.” Murdock College Science Research Program, Vancouver, WA, Nov. 6th, 2015. Zia Yamayee, Engineering Zia Yamayee and Robert Albright, “Preparing a Self-Study Report: The role of an Annual Assessment, Evaluation and Documentation Process,” 2016 ABET Symposium, Hollywood, Florida, April 14-15, 2016. Min Yu, Business “Fashion supply chain network competition with ecolabelling,” the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 1-4, 2015.

UP GR ANTS Ami Ahern-Rindell, Biology Ancient DNA Analysis and travel as part of the UP 2016 Pollentia Expedition, Butine, $2,000.00, Spring 2016. “The Efficacy of Pharmacological Chaperones on Enzyme Activity in a Unique Model of Ovine GM1-Gangliosidosis” with Michalah Leffler ‘17, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000.00, Spring 2016. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Butine Award, $2,000.00, Fall 2015. Christina Astorga, Theology Catholic Theological Society of America Conference & the College Theology Society Conference, Butine Award, $2,000.00, Spring 2016. Nicole Auxier, Nursing “Job Satisfaction and Retention Among DEU and Traditional Clinical Teachers” with Benjamin Stadelman ‘16, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000.00, Spring 2016.

Jeffrey White, International Languages and Cultures “Tutor talk in real time: Stories, questions, and reflections.” Facilitated roundtable discussion at the Northwest College Reading and Learning Association conference on May 14, 2016, in Portland, Oregon.

“Job Satisfaction and Retention Among DEU and Traditional Clinical Teachers,” Butine Award, $2,250.00, Fall 2015. Barbara Braband, Nursing Sigma Theta Tau 27th International Nursing Research Congress, Butine Award, $2,000.00, Spring 2016. Hannah Callender, Mathematics University of Portland Summer Research Stipend to Mentor Undergraduates, College/School Funds, $6,660.00, March 2016. Annual Joint Math Meetings, Butine Award, $1,410.00, Fall 2015. Olivia Coiado, Engineering “Virtual Instrument for Experimental Studies in Biosignals” with Walker Frank ‘17, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000.00, Spring 2016. Virtual Instrument for Experimental Studies in Biosignals, Butine Award, $5,000.00, Fall 2015. William Curtis, Political Science American Philosophical Association 2016 Pacific Division Meeting, Butine Award, $1,330.00, Spring 2016. Second European Pragmatism Conference, Butine Award, $500.00, Fall 2015. Tim Doughty, Engineering XII Society for Experimental Mechanics Int. Congress, Butine Award, $2,000.00, Spring 2016.


Ted Eckmann, Environmental Studies “Hydrologic Analysis of the University of Portland” with Calli VanderWilde ‘16, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000.00, Spring 2016.

Sr. Angela Hoffman, O.S.B., Chemistry “An efficient ‘green’ method for purifying taxol” with Lukas Magee ‘16 and Isabelle Nguyen ‘16, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000.00, Spring 2016.

Terry Favero, Biology Summer Grant for a Research Transition into Soccer Analytics, Butine Award, $3,000.00, Fall 2015.

Cara Poor, Engineering “Comparison of runoff water quality from the Shiley Hall ecoroof and regular roof” with Sean Gestson ‘16, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000.00, Spring 2016.

Kyle Flann, Biology Experimental Biology Conference, Butine Award, $1,940.00, Spring 2016.

“The role of mycelium in bioretention systems: evaluation of nutrient retention, hydraulic conductivity, and water holding capacity,” Butine Award, $5,000.00, Fall 2015.

Bradley Franco, History Summer Grant to write the first two chapters of a new History of Siena, Butine Award, $3,000.00, Fall 2015.

Nicole Ralston, Education American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Butine Award, $1,073.00, Spring 2016.

Alice Gates, Sociology and Social Work “Borders, Otherness, and Public Law,” ICON-S International Society of Public Law, Butine Award, $2,000.00, Spring 2016.

Giannina Reyes-Giardiello, International Languages and Cultures XLI Congreso del ILLI Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, Butine Award, $1,900.00, Spring 2016.

Nicole Hanig, Performing and Fine Arts Atelier Lyrique, Paris, Butine Award, $2,295.00, Fall 2015. Cara Hersch, English New Chaucer Society 2016 Congress, Butine Award, $1,705.00, Fall 2015. Sr. Angela Hoffman, O.S.B., Chemistry “An efficient ‘green’ method for purifying taxol” with Lukas Magee ‘16 and Isabelle Nguyen ‘16, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000.00, Spring 2016. Kimberly Ilosvay, Education Linguistic Approaches to Funniness, Amusement and Laughter, 4th International Symposium, Butine Award, $1,996.00, Spring 2016. CISGO SEED Grant, International Studies and Global Outreach Collaborative (CISGO), $500.00, December 2015. Lorretta Krautscheid, Nursing Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference, Butine Award, $615.00, Spring 2016. “Clinical practice experiences contributing to moral distress among BSN students: A descriptive qualitative study” with Conor Livingston ‘16 and Austin Smith ‘16, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000.00, Spring 2016. School of Nursing New Faculty Residency Program, Terry Misener Memorial Fund, $3,600.00, September 2015. Chris Lee, Mathematics Summer Grant to Investigate Topological Invariants of Food Webs, Butine Award, $3,000.00, Fall 2015. Kala Mayer, Nursing Sigma Theta Tau 27th International Nursing Research Congress, Butine Award, $2,000.00, Spring 2016. Shannon Mayer, Physics “Holographic Interferometery” with Meagan Koeroghlian ‘18 and Andrew Williams ‘18, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000.00, Spring 2016. Laura Mood, Nursing Western Institute of Nursing Conference in Anaheim, CA & the PacRim International Conference on Disability & Diversity, Butine Award, $1,963.00, Spring 2016. Patrick Murphy, Performing and Fine Arts Teaching and Archival Research in Moscow, Butine Award, $3,815.00, Fall 2015. Katie O’Reilly, Biology Pacific Seabird Group 43rd Annual Meeting, Butine Award, $2,000.00, Fall 2015.


Bonnie Parks, Clark Library American Library Association Annual Conference, Butine Award, $1,996.00, Spring 2016.

Anissa Rogers, Sociology and Social Work “Person Centered and Participant Directed Social Services: An Exploration of Needs and Perceptions of Older Veterans” with Jessica Fuller ‘16 and Marie Ramage ‘16, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000.00, Spring 2016. Rene Sanchez, Theology College Theology Society Conference, Butine Award, $818.00, Spring 2016. David Taylor, Biology “The Reproductive Biology of Stigmaphyllon Subgenus Ryssopterys,” Butine Award, $4,994.00, Fall 2015. Patricia Thompson, Education Academic Technology Roundtable Grant Project, Departmental Funds, $1,500.00, October 2015. Tammy VanDeGrift, Engineering “Computationally Modeling microRNA and gene expression in T cells of mice” with Sara Perkins ‘18, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000.00, Spring 2016. Amber Vermeesch, Nursing Sigma Theta Tau 27th International Nursing Research Congress, Butine Award, $2,000.00, Spring 2016. Shazib Vijlee, Engineering Pre-Engineering for De La Salle N. Catholic High School Seniors, Gift from Paul B. and Deborah D. Speer, $7,855.00, May 2016. Matthew Warshawsky, International Languages and Cultures “Teaching Trans-Atlantic Secret Judaism in Fact and Fiction: Iberian New Christians in Latin American History and Literature” at American Jewish Historical Society Biennial Scholars Conference, Butine Award, $1,326.00, Spring 2016. Christine Weilhoefer, Biology Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Butine Award, $1,250.00, Spring 2016.

EX TERNAL GR ANTS Hannah Callender, Mathematics MAA Student Travel to Joint Mathematics Meetings, Mathematical Association of America, $800.00, November 2015. Heather Dillon, Engineering Solar Thermal Energy Production Undergraduate Student Research Collaboration, Katherine Bisbee II Fund, $15,000.00, December 2015. Laurie Dizney, Biology A Multi Trophic Level Approach to Evaluating Restoration Success at Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge, M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, $70,634.00, March 2016.

Maria Echenique, International Languages and Cultures Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work, Council on Social Work Education, $10,000.00, March 2016. Ted Eckmann, Environmental Studies Weather and Climate in North Portland, Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering ASE, $6,400.00, April 2016. How Sustainable are Ecoroofs? An Evaluation of the Cooling Effect, Water Retention, and Water Quality from Ecoroofs in the Portland Area, Oregon Independent College Foundation, $15,000.00, December 2015. Jordan Farina, Engineering Novel Natural Gas Compressor: Investigation and Evaluation, Katherine Bisbee II Fund, $15,000.00, December 2015. Alice Gates, Sociology and Social Work Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work, Council on Social Work Education, $10,000.00, March 2016. Kevin Jones, Sociology and Social Work Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work, Council on Social Work Education, $10,000.00, March 2016. Peter Osterberg, Engineering MOSIS Educational Program (MEP) funding for EE student-designed Integrated Circuit fabrication for EE Senior Capstone Projects, MOSIS Educational Program, $2,000.00, August 2015.

Hannah Callender, Mathematics Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching Award, May 2016. “Infusing Upper Division Mathematics Courses with Intentional Writing about Belief and Use of Assumptions” with Stephanie Salomone, Tangereen Claringbold ‘16, and Branwen Schaub ‘15, Dundon-Berchtold Ethics Curriculum Fellow, 2015-16. Rich Christen, Education “Ethics for Elementary Students” with Natalie Janson ‘16, Dundon-Berchtold Applied Ethics Fellow, 2015-16. Heather Dillon, Engineering “Engineering a Change” with Tim Doughty, Claire Pfeiffer ‘16, and Ryan Barr ‘16, Dundon-Berchtold Ethics Curriculum Fellow, 2015-16. Tim Doughty, Engineering “Engineering a Change” with Heather Dillon, Claire Pfeiffer ‘16, and Ryan Barr ‘16, Dundon-Berchtold Ethics Curriculum Fellow, 2015-16. Karen Eifler, Education Spirit of Holy Cross Award, local Congregation of Holy Cross, January 2016.

Mark Pitzer, Psychological Sciences Role of Serotonin and Norepinephrine in the Depressive-Like Behaviors Observed in Huntington’s Disease Transgenic Mice, M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, $70,800.00, February 2016. Cara Poor, Engineering How Sustainable are Ecoroofs? An Evaluation of the Cooling Effect, Water Retention, and Water Quality from Ecoroofs in the Portland Area, Oregon Independent College Foundation, $15,000.00, December 2015. Evaluation of Water Treatment Residuals in Bioretention Systems. Oregon Community Foundation, $6,000.00, April 2016. Anissa Rogers, Sociology and Social Work Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work, Council on Social Work Education, $10,000.00, March 2016. Sarina Saturn, Psychological Sciences CAREER: Biological Mechanisms Underlying Individual Differences in Elevation and Altruism (transferred from Oregon State University), National Science Foundation, $334,189.00, August 2015. Eugene Urnezius, Chemistry Phosphoryl-Appended Quinonoid Compounds as Molecular Catalysts for Electrochemical Evolution of Hydrogen, M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, $49,763.00, March 2016.

Lauretta Frederking, Political Science “Political Problems, Ethical Opportunities” with Anne Santiago, Jenna Kunz ‘17, and Everett McLean ‘16, Dundon-Berchtold Ethics Curriculum Fellow, 2015-16.

Amber Vermeesch, Nursing Holistic Delivery of Sclerotherapy and patient quality of life, Sigma Theta Tau International, $2,000.00, July 2015.

Andrew Guest, Psychological Sciences “The Ethics of Sport as Public Scholarship: Social Science Perspectives on Sports Culture” with Jesse Dunn ‘16, DundonBerchtold Applied Ethics Fellow, 2015-16.

Christine Weilhoefer, Biology Effects of Nutrient Loading on Foodweb Structure in Estuarine Tidal Wetlands, M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, $43,336.00, March 2016.

UP AWARDS Eric Anctil, Education Shepard’s Shepherd Award, Shepard Academic Resource Center, May 2016. William Barnes, Business Faculty Member of the Year, Associated Students of the University of Portland (ASUP), May 2016.

Cara Hersch, English “Posthuman and Pre-Human: Posthuman Ethics and Pre-Modern Literature” with Kevin Chung ‘16, Dundon-Berchtold Applied Ethics Fellow, 2015-16. Molly Hiro, English Shepard’s Shepherd Award, Shepard Academic Resource Center, May 2016. Ellen Lippman, Business “Perceptions of Ethical Lapse: White Collar Crimes and Crimes of Our Neighbors” with Grace Holmes ‘16, Dundon-Berchtold Applied Ethics Fellow, 2015-16.


Laura McLary, International Languages and Cultures Deans’ Award for Faculty Leadership, May 2016. Sr. Kathleen McManus, O.P., Theology “A Cross-Grained Praxis of Mysticism: The Global Suffering of Women as an Ethical Imperative for the Church,” with Jessica Brown ‘16, Dundon-Berchtold Applied Ethics Fellow, 2015-16. Jeffrey Meiser, Political Science “The Dilemma of an African Soldier” with Jordan Paul ‘16, Dundon-Berchtold Applied Ethics Fellow, 2015-16.

Amber Vermeesch, Nursing “Investigating Current Issues Prohibiting Doctor of Nursing Practice Graduate Students with Derek Simmons ‘17, DundonBerchtold Applied Ethics Fellow, 2015-16. Dexheimer Leadership Fellow, University of Portland, October 2015.


Elise Moentmann, History James Culligan Award, May 2016.

Ellyn Arwood, Education ACE, American Speech-Language Hearing Association, October 2015.

Martin Monto, Sociology and Social Work Becky Houck Award for Excellent Advising, College of Arts and Sciences, February 2016.

David De Lyser, Performing and Fine Arts Semi-finalist, Choral Composition, Professional Division, American Prize, July 2015.

Peter Osterberg, Engineering 20 Year Service Award, University of Portland, May 2016.

Ted Eckmann, Environmental Studies Environmental Challenge Award: Statler, Nicole E., and Adams, Amanda M., advisor: Eckmann, Ted C., Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air and Waste Management Association, April 2016.

Mark Pitzer, Psychological Sciences The Difference Award, University of Portland Athletic Department, March 2016.

Murdock Poster Prize: VanderWilde, Calli P., and Holmes, Brooke A., faculty advisor: Eckmann, Ted C., M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust, November 2015. Karen Eifler, Education 2nd Place: Higher Education books, Becoming Beholders, American Catholic Press Association, July 2015. Second Place, Resources for Ministry Book Awards, for Becoming Beholders, Association of Catholic Publishers, July 2015. Lilly Fellows Biennial Book Award, Lilly Foundation, October 2015. Mike Eom, Business Best Conference Paper, International Conference on Marketing, Logistics, and Management, June 2015. Samuel Holloway, Business Ascendant Scholar, Western Academy of Management, April 2016. Matthew Kuhn, Engineering Visiting Professor, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, France, May 2016. Kala Mayer, Nursing Junior Investigator of the Year award, APHA Public Health Nursing section research committee, July 2015.

Stephanie Salomone, Mathematics “Infusing Upper Division Mathematics Courses with Intentional Writing about Belief and Use of Assumptions” with Hannah Callender, Tangereen Claringbold ‘16, and Branwen Schaub ‘15, Dundon-Berchtold Ethics Curriculum Fellow, 2015-16. Anne Santiago, Political Science “Political Problems, Ethical Opportunities” with Lauretta Frederking, Jenna Kunz ‘17, and Everett McLean ‘16, DundonBerchtold Ethics Curriculum Fellow, 2015-16. Sarina Saturn, Psychological Sciences The Difference Award, University of Portland Athletic Department, January 2016. Elinor Sullivan, Biology Faculty Award for Outstanding Scholarship, May 2016. David Turnbloom, Theology Shepard’s Shepherd Award, Shepard Academic Resource Center, May 2016. The Difference Award, University of Portland Athletic Department, February 2016.


Laura McLary, International Languages and Cultures Oregon Professor of the Year, CASE and Carnegie, November 2015. Sr. Kathleen McManus, O.P., Theology Randall Distinguished Chair of Christianity and Culture for Spring 2017, Providence College, September 2015. Nick McRee, Sociology and Social Work Fulbright U.S. Scholar Grant to Japan, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 2015-16. Martin Monto, Sociology and Social Work Hugo Beigel Award for outstanding contributions to sex research, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, November 2015. Patricia Morrell, Education Award for Outstanding Service as a Board Member, Association for Science Teacher Education, January 2016. John Orr, English Fulbright U.S. Scholar Grant to China, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 2015-16. Amber Vermeesch, Nursing American Association of Colleges of Nursing Faculty Policy Fellow, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, March 2016.

Nurses Leadership Institute, Oregon Nurses Association, August 2015.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Ami Ahern-Rindell, Biology Consultant to the College Board on their new AP research courses, College Board Advance Placement, November 2015 – Present. Committee member to choose the AURA awardee for 2015 and 2016, Council on Undergraduate Research, March 2015 – Present. Chair, Strategic Planning Committee, Council on Undergraduate Research, July 2015 – Present. Immediate Past President, Council on Undergraduate Research, July 2015 – Present. Chair, Nominations Vetting Committee, Council on Undergraduate Research, July 2015 – May 2016. Manuscript Reviewer for the CUR Quarterly, a peer-reviewed journal, Council on Undergraduate Research, June 2015 – August 2015. Reviewed 3 book chapters on inquiry-based learning for the sciences, Emerald Publishing Group in England, June 2015 – August 2015. Eric Anctil, Education Board Member, Oregon Academic Technology Society, June 2011 – Present. Editorial Review, ASHE Monograph Series (Jossy-Bass), June 2009 – Present. Reviewer, American Educational Research Association, Annual Conference, Division A – Administration, June 2009 – Present. Reviewer, American Educational Research Journal, American Educational Research Association, June 2008 – Present. Associate Editor, NASSP Bulletin, National Association of Secondary School Principals, Sage Publications, June 2005 – Present. Michael Andrews, Philosophy Vice President, International Board, International Association for the Study of the Philosophy of Edith Stein (IASPES), January 2016 – Present.

Barbara Braband, Nursing Manuscript Peer Reviewer, Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research, July 2015 – Present. Nominating Committee (elected), Western Institute of Nursing, Research Organization, April 2015 – Present. Research Committee Chairperson & ACHNE Board member, Association of Community Health Nurse Educators (ACHNE national professional organization), June 2014 – Present. Small Research Grant Reviewer, Coordinator (2015 – present), Association of Community Health Nurse Educators (ACHNE national professional organization), January 2014 – Present. Manuscript Peer Reviewer, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, July 2013 – Present. Board member, Faith Community Nursing/Health Ministry Association Northwest, May 2013 – Present. Manuscript Peer Reviewer, Journal of Christian Nursing, January 2012 – Present. Peer Podium and Poster Abstract Reviewer, Western Institute of Nursing, Research Organization, October 2011 – Present. Research Committee Chairperson; Director Annual Institute Pre-Conference Workshop, Association of Community Health Nurse Educators (ACHNE national professional organization), June 2014 – Present. Genevieve Brassard, English Manuscript Peer Reviewer, Feminist Formations Journal, May 2016 – Present. Manuscript Reviewer, Space Between Journal, April 2015 – June 2015. Robert Butler, Environmental Studies Member of Earthquake Education Toolkit publication review team, Federal Emergency Management Agency, May 2015 – July 2015. Hannah Callender, Mathematics Communications Director, Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance, April 2016 – Present. Review Editor, Adaptive Behavior Journal, March 2016 – Present. Review Editor, PRIMUS Journal, August 2015 – Present.

External Scholarly Reviewer, Studia Phaenomenologica philosophy journal, September 2014 – Present.

Board Member, Board of Directors for the Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance (IBA), June 2015 – Present.

Ellyn Arwood, Education Reviewer for autism papers for national convention, American Speech-Language Association, December 2015 – Present.

Associate Editor, Spora: A Journal of Biomathematics., January 2015 – Present.

Christina Astorga, Theology Co-convener of Asian American Working Group, Society of Christian Ethics, January 2016 – Present. Member of the Administrative Team Moral Theology, Catholic Theological Society of America, June 2014 – Present. Member of the Society of Christian Ethics Journal Editor Search Committee, Society of Christian Ethics, November 2015 – January 2016. Member of the Nomination Committee, College Theology Society, September 2015 – September 2015. Janet Banks, Nursing Research Mentor, Providence Evidence Based Bootcamp, March 2015 – July 2015. Halina Barber, Nursing Evidence-Based Boot Camp Mentor to Mentor, Providence St Vincent Medical Center, April 2015 – September 2015. Kitty Powell Innovation Fellow, Providence Health Services – Oregon Region, July 2014 – September 2015.

Laura McLary, International Languages and Cultures Oregon Professor of the Year, CASE and Carnegie, November 2015.

Faculty Fellow, Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance, January 2015 – Present. Associate Editor, Education Section of Letters in Biomathematics Journal, December 2013 – Present. Reviewer, Mathematical Biosciences, March 2013 – Present. Reviewer, The Journal of Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena, November 2010 – Present. Reviewer, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Undergraduate Research Online, March 2010 – Present. Reviewer, Frontiers in Systems Biology, January 2010 – Present. Mini symposium Co-organizer and Co-chair, “Individual-Based Models in Ecology and Epidemiology,” International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, October 2015 – October 2015. Invited Session Co-organizer and Co-chair, “Advising Student Research Using Individual- Based Models,” International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, October 2015 – October 2015.


Member, BioSIGMAA nominating committee, September 2015 – October 2015.

Committee Member, Catholic Biblical Association of America Visiting Scholars Committee, August 2013 – Present.

Michael Cameron, Theology Editorial Board Member, Augustinus-Lexikon (reference work), August 2014 – Present.

Associate Editor, Old Testament Abstracts, June 2010 – Present.

Organizer and moderator, Northwest Early Christian Studies Seminar, March 2014 – Present. Editorial Board, Augustinian Studies (Journal), June 2013 – Present.

External Reviewer for Grant Proposal, EABS Biblical Research Grants, May 2016.

Editorial Board Member, Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (reference work), July 2006 – Present.

External Reviewer for Book Proposal: Interpreting Biblical Poetry, Oxford University Press, May 2016.

Olivia Coiado, Engineering Reviewer for the BMES 2016 Annual Meeting, Biomedical Engineering Society, May 2016 – Present.

Invited United States Scholar Ph.D. Dissertation Examiner for “The Isaiah Apocalypse,” McMaster Divinity College, May 2016.

Reviewer for the XXV Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering, University of Campinas – Brazil, April 2016 – Present.

David De Lyser, Performing and Fine Arts Consultant and Conducting Teacher for Musical Director, Metropolitan Community Theatre Project’s Musical Production of “Chicago”, January 2016 – March 2016.

Eduardo Contreras, Education Conference Committee Chair, Diversity Abroad Annual Conference (April 3-5, 2016), June 2015 – April 2016. Rev. Jeffrey Cooper, C.S.C., Theology Convener for the Spirituality Section, College Theology Society, July 2013 – May 2016. Patricia Cox, Nursing Member, Professional Standards Committee, Nurse Practitioners of Oregon, October 2015 – Present. Ambassador, National Health Services Corps, May 2015 – Present. William Curtis, Political Science Meeting Coordinator, PDX Political Theory/Philosophy Group, December 2014 – Present. Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Law & Religion, December 2015 – December 2015. Manuscript Reviewer, Contemporary Political Theory (Journal), November 2015 – December 2015. Alexa Dare, Communication Studies Paper Reviewer for the Organizational Communication Division, National Communication Association, April 2016 – May 2016. Paper Reviewer for the Critical Cultural Communication Division, National Communication Association, April 2016 – May 2016. David De Lyser, Performing and Fine Arts Guest Clinician, Waldo and Stephens Middle School Orchestras, Salem, OR, March 2016 – March 2016. Consultant and Conducting Teacher for the Project’s Musical Director, Metropolitan Community Theatre Project’s Musical Production of “Chicago,” January 2016 – March 2016. Guest Rehearsal Conductor, Metropolitan Youth Symphony, February 2016 – February 2016. Adjudicator for Young Artist Concerto Competition, Oregon Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra, October 2015 – October 2015. Guest Rehearsal Conductor, Metropolitan Youth Symphony, September 2015 – September 2015. Sr. Carol Dempsey, O.P., Theology Member of the Board of Trustees, Catholic Biblical Association of America Visiting Scholars Committee, August 2014 – Present. General Editor, New Paulist Press Commentary, April 2014 – Present. Editorial Board, Wisdom Bible Commentary Series, August 2013 – Present.


Review Board of The Journal of Catholic Higher Education, Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, January 2009 – Present.

Theology Department External Program Reviewer, St. Edward, April 2016. Evaluated and endorsed The Hebrew Prophets after the Shoah: A Mandate for Change by Hemchand Gossai, Wipf & Stock Publishers, November 2015. Evaluated Word of the Lord at Mass Understanding the Lectionary by Regina Boisclair R, Liturgical Training Press, September 2015. External Reviewer for Full Professor File; invited by Academic Dean, University of San Francisco, June 2015 – September 2015. Coordinator and host for the College Theology Society National Conference, University of Portland, O, College Theology Society, January 2015 – June 2015. Heather Dillon, Engineering Councilor in the Engineering Division, Council on Undergraduate Research, March 2016 – Present. Reviewer, ASEE Conference, October 2013 – Present. Reviewer, ASME Journal and Conference Reviewer, June 2007 – Present. Laurie Dizney, Biology Honoraria and Travel Awards Committee, American Society of Mammalogists, June 2006 – Present. Human Diversity Committee Member, American Society of Mammalogists, June 2005 – Present. Reviewer, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, January 2016 – March 2016. Reviewer, American Journal of Primatology, October 2015 – January 2016. Reviewer, Wildlife research Journal, August 2015. Doug Donkel, Philosophy Book Series Editor: New Book Released: The Call to Radical Theology, by Thomas J.J. Altizer, State University of New York Press (SUNY) book Series in Theology and Continental Thought, January 2002 – Present. Andrew Downs, Psychological Sciences Member, Western Psychological Association Council of Representatives, September 2015 – Present. Reviewer, Journal of Child and Family Studies, January 2008 – May 2016. Ted Eckmann, Environmental Studies Editorial Board Member, Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS, January 2016 – Present. Chair of the Oregon Academy of Science, Geography Section, Oregon Academy of Science, February 2015 – Present. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Geography & Natural Disasters, October 2014 – Present. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Biodiversity and Endangered Species, February 2014 – Present.

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications, November 2013 – Present.

Guest Editor, Special Issue: Regulating Birth in Oregon, Oregon Historical Quarterly, September 2015 – June 2016.

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Pollution Effects & Control, January 2013 – Present.

Drew Harrington, Clark Library Juror, National 6-person jury (3 architects, 3 librarians) to select 2015 Library Building Awards, American Institute of Architects & American Library Association, January 2015 – June 2015.

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Geology & Geosciences, August 2012 – Present. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Geophysics & Remote Sensing, September 2011 – Present. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography, July 2011 – Present. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change, November 2010 – Present. External reviewer of National Weather Service forecast products, United States National Weather Service, January 2010 – Present. Manuscript Reviewer, Many scholarly journals, including the International Journal of Remote Sensing, Earth Interactions, Remote Sensing of Environment, IEEE JSTARS, etc., June 2008 – Present. Interviewed about Oregon DEQ investigation of Daimler facility in Portland, CBS News, April 2016. Interviewed about nuisance odors from Daimler facility in Portland, NBC News, April 2016. Interviewed about nuisance industrial odors in Portland, NPR, April 2016. Interviewed about my green roof research with Calli VanderWilde, Comcast SportsNet Northwest TV, April 2016. Chair and Organizer of the “Urban Health and Sustainability” Paper Session, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 2015 – April 2016. Invited Judge, American Geophysical Union Virtual Poster Showcase, American Geophysical Union, October 2015 – December 2015. Chair of the “Geographic Methods” paper session at the APCG Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, August 2015 – October 2015. Andrew Eshleman, Philosophy Journal Referee, Philosophical Studies, March 2016. Journal Referee, Mind: A Quarterly Review of Philosophy, November 2015. Member at Large, Executive Committee, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, July 2014 – June 2015. Terry Favero, Biology President, World Conference on Science and Soccer, April 2012 – June 2015. Lauretta Frederking, Political Science Executive Secretary, Pacific Northwest Political Science Association, January 2013 – Present. International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities, Editorial Board, May 2011 – Present.

Alexandra Hill, International Languages and Cultures Web Editor, Women in German, November 2013 – October 2015. Molly Hiro, English Submissions Reviewer, Readings: A Journal for Scholars and Readers, February 2015 – Present. Joseph Hoffbeck, Engineering Reviewer for one paper, Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, April 2016 – May 2016. Reviewer for two abstracts and two papers, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference and Exposition, January 2016 – March 2016. Sr. Angela Hoffman, O.S.B., Chemistry President of local Promethium Chapter, Iota Sigma Pi, Women, June 2011 – Present. Project SEED National Committee and Scholarship Committee, American Chemical Society, August 2010 – Present. Local Section National Chemistry Week, Earth Day, Project SEED and Education Committee Chairs, American Chemical Society, June 2004 – Present. Portland Section representative on the Northwest Region Board, American Chemical Society, June 2000 – Present. Councilor and elected Executive Committee member, American Chemical Society, September 1997 – Present. Sally Hood, Education Write monthly summaries of articles pertinent to language learning., National Network for Early Language Learning, September 2011 – May 2016.

Drew Harrington, Clark Library Juror, National 6-person jury (3 architects, 3 librarians) to select 2015 Library Building Awards, American Institute of Architects & American Library Association, January 2015 – June 2015.

Review manuscripts, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Journal, September 2009 – May 2016. Manuscript reviewer, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL); Foreign Language Annals, September 2004 – May 2016. Mead Hunter, Performing and Fine Arts Artistic Director, The New Harmony Project, July 2013 – Present. Kevin Jones, Sociology and Social Work Research Advisory Committee, Institute for Youth Success, June 2012 – Present. Reviewer, Gateways: The International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, March 2012 – Present. Affiliated Faculty, Center for Interdisciplinary Mentoring Research, August 2011 – Present. Sharon Jones, Engineering Program Evaluator, ABET, September 2012 – Present. STEM Alumnae Advisory Group, HERS, January 2016 – Present.

Andrew Golla, Performing and Fine Arts Artistic Liaison, Fertile Ground Festival, Portland, OR, September 2009 – Present.

Appointed Commission Member, ABET, July 2015 – Present.

Artistic/Executive Director, Portland Theatre Works, April 2004 – Present.

Program Committee for 2015 Conference in Adelaide, Global Engineering Deans Council, May 2015 – December 2015.

Christin Hancock, History Editorial Advisory Board Member, Oregon Historical Quarterly Editorial Advisory Board, June 2012 – Present.

ABET Advisory Board Member, US Military Academy, October 2010 – June 2015.

Advisory Group for the Center for Engineering Ethics & Society, National Academy of Engineering, March 2015 – March 2016.


Julie Kalnin, Education Reviewer, AILACTE Editorial Board, July 2013 – Present.

Journal manuscript reviewer, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, May 2015 – June 2015.

AILACTE Annual Conference Presentation Proposal Reviewer, AILACTE, August 2014 – December 2015.

Lawrence Larsen, Performing and Fine Arts Elected to 3 year term to the Commission on Accreditation, National Association of Schools of Theater, April 2015 – Present.

Jeff Kerssen-Griep, Communication Studies Consulting Editor, Communication Education (journal), January 2014 – Present. Member of the Associate Editorial Board, Communication Studies (journal), September 2012 – Present. Editorial board member, Communication Reports (journal), September 2003 – Present. Khalid Khan, Engineering Students Affairs Chair, ASM-International, Oregon Chapter, September 2012 – Present.

Jeff Kerssen-Griep, Communication Studies Consulting Editor, Communication Education (journal), January 2014 – Present; Member of the Associate Editorial Board, Communication Studies (journal), September 2012 – Present.

Steve Kolmes, Environmental Studies Invited to join the Environmental Roundtable (2013), Interdisciplinary Environmental Association., Environmental Roundtable, February 2014 – Present. Science Advisor, Science for Seminaries Program, Multnomah Seminary/AAAS, September 2014 – Present. Member, Council of Advisors, Ethics and the Treaty Project, January 2015 – May 2016. Fulbright Grant Reviewer, Pakistani Fulbright Association, December 2012 – February 2016. Past-President, Oregon Academy of Science, January 2015 – January 2016. Lorretta Krautscheid, Nursing Chair – Scholarship Committee, Omicron Upsilon Chapter – Sigma Theta Tau, November 2011 – December 2015. Matthew Kuhn, Engineering Vice Chair, Granular Materials Committee, Engineering Mechanics Institute, November 2015 – Present. Journal manuscript reviewer, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, January 2016, May 2016. Journal manuscript reviewer, Soils and Foundations, June – July 2015, May 2016. Journal manuscript reviewer, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, April – May 2016. Journal manuscript reviewer, Acta Geotechnica, January 2016, April 2016. Journal manuscript reviewer, Granular Matter, July – August 2015, October – November 2015, February – March 2016. Journal manuscript reviewer, Geotechnique, November 2015, February – March 2016. Journal manuscript reviewer, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, October 2015, February 2016. Journal manuscript reviewer, Mechanics Research Communications, November 2015 – December 2015.

Bohn Lattin, Communication Studies Communication Consultant, Oregon State Treasurer, November 2013 – Present. Christopher Lee, Mathematics Chair, Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, Oregon Academy of Science, August 2015 – Present. Ellen Lippman, Business Member – Audit Committee, Cedar Sinai Park, February 2016 – Present. Jennette Lovejoy, Communication Studies Conference Paper reviewer, Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk division for AEJMC, March 2014 – Present. Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, August 2013 – Present. Ad-hoc Reviewer, Asian Journal of Communication, August 2013 – Present. Ad-hoc Reviewer, Communication Quarterly, April 2013 – Present. Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, October 2011 – Present. Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journal of Communication, June 2011 – Present. Ad-hoc Reviewer, Health Communication, May 2010 – Present. Tara Maginnis, Biology Web Master, Association of College and University Biology Education, October 2013 – May 2016. Kala Mayer, Nursing Member, Oregon Public Health Association Public Health Nursing Section, April 2015 – Present. Member, Oregon Public Health Association, June 2014 – Present. Member, American Public Health Association, August 2012 – Present. Member, Sigma Theta Tau, June 2011 – Present. Member, Washington State Public Health Association, June 2010 – October 2015. Laura McLary, International Languages and Cultures Interviewer, Congress-Bundestag Exchange for Young Professionals, February 2016. Sr. Kathleen McManus, O.P., Theology Member of International Editorial Team for Schillebeeckx Series, Bloomsbury/T&T Clark, September 2013 – Present.

Journal manuscript reviewer, Powder Technology, November 2015.

Service on International Commission planning Jubilee Congress, Order of Preachers, August 2015 – Present.

Assoc. Editor, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, October 2013 – October 2015.

Peer Reviewer of article, “Philosophy, Theology, and the Sciences” (International Journal), February 2016.

Journal manuscript reviewer, Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME, August 2015.

Wrote book endorsement for Schaab, Gloria. If God is For Us: Christian Perspectives on God and Suffering, Anselm Academic, December 2015.

Guest Editor, Special Issue of the Journal of Engineering Mechanics on Granular Materials, December 2014 – August 2015. Symposium Organizer, Dr. Masao Satake Memorial Symposium on Granular Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Stanford University, June 2015, September 2014 – June 2015.


Elected Commissioner served at commission meeting March 2016, National Association of Schools of Theatre, April 2016 – Present.

Stephanie Michel, Clark Library Member, Orbis Cascade Alliance, Discovery & Delivery Team, April 2015 – Present. Chair, Orbis Cascade Alliance, Primo Release Testing Working Group, June 2015 – Present.

Member, Association of College & Research Libraries, ACRL Liaisons Grants Committee, July 2014 – Present. Member, Orbis Cascade Alliance, Primo Enhancements Working Group, September 2015 – March 2016. Chair, Nominating 2015 Committee, Association of College & Research Libraries Instruction Section, July 2013 – June 2015. Member, Association of College & Research Libraries, ACRL Conference 2015 Local Arrangements Committee, July 2013 – June 2015. Joane Moceri, Nursing On-site evaluator, Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, May 2013 – Present.

Pamela Potter, Nursing Volunteer Nursing Practice, Quest Center for Integrative Health, September 2009 – Present. Conference Planner, SPARC (Symposium of Portland Area Research on CAM), September 2008 – Present. Site Manager for pilot Course, National Center for Integrative Primary Health Care: Introduction to Integrative Health, January 2016 – Present. Course Content Development, Integrative Nursing Faculty Fellowship (INFF), University of Arizona, School of Nursing, November 2015 – May 2016.

Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Cultural Diversity, January 2011 – Present. Reviewer, Nursing Education Perspectives, January 2010 – Present. Reviewer, Qualitative Health Research, January 2009 – Present. Laura Mood, Nursing Resource Nurse – Operating Room, Oregon Health & Science University, May 2016 – Present. Peer reviewer, editorial service, Nurse Educator Journal, December 2014 – Present. Patricia Morrell, Education Reviewer, Journal of Science Teacher Education, January 2010 – Present. Editorial Board, Journal of Elementary Science Education, January 2008 – Present. Reviewer, Teacher and Teacher Education, January 2006 – Present. International Advisory Board, Studying Teacher Education, January 2004 – Present. Member of the Editorial Board, Innovations in Science Teacher Education, May 2016 – Present. Board member, Association for Science Teacher Education, January 2013 – January 2016. Deborah Munro, Engineering Liaison for UP, NASA Oregon Space Grant Consortium Meeting, August 2012 – Present. Abstract Reviewer, Biomedical Engineering Society, May 2015 – June 2015. September Nelson, Nursing Peer Reviewer, Geriatric Nursing Journal, April 2015 – Present. Andrew Nuxoll, Engineering Program Evaluator, ABET, January 2016 – Present. Katie O’Reilly, Biology Student paper judge, Pacific Seabird Group, February 2016. National Screening Committee member for New Zealand and Scandinavia, Fulbright US Student Program, November 2015 – December 2015. Regional Peer Review Committee member for Australia and New Zealand, Fulbright US Scholars, August 2015 – October 2015. Cara Poor, Engineering Citizen Member, Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Facility Citizens Advisory Committee, April 2016 – Present. Peer Reviewer, Journal of American Water Resources Association, December 2015 – Present. Peer Reviewer, Environmental Engineering Science, March 2015 – Present.

Nicole Ralston, Education President, Oregon Association of Teacher Educators (ORATE), June 2015 – Present. Reviewer, Teacher Education Quarterly, June 2015 – Present. Board Member, Oregon Association of Teacher Educators (ORATE), January 2015 – Present. Reviewer, SAGE Books, February 2016. Member, All Hands Raised, Data Committee, July 2015 – December 2015. Anissa Rogers, Sociology and Social Work Pet therapy team, Pet Partners, October 2012 – Present. Outside reviewer, rank, tenure, and promotion for social work faculty member, University of Missouri, St. Louis, May 2016 – Present. Elected to national board of directors, Council on Social Work Education, July 2013 – Present. Appointed to executive committee of board of directors, Council on Social Work Education, July 2013 – Present. Committee member, Affirmative Action Subcommittee, Council on Social Work Education, March 2015 – May 2016. Sally Rothacker-Peyton, Nursing Member, Annual Conference Planning Committee, Nurse Practitioners of Oregon, October 2010 – Present. Member, Sigma Theta Tau, June 1983 – Present.


Anne Santiago, Political Science Panel Discussant: Natural Resources, Conservation and Development in Africa, Kennesaw State University Conflict Management Center, April 2015 – Present.

Elected representative for private academic institutions, Oregon Statewide Database Licensing Advisory Committee, August 2013 – Present.

Chair Panel on “The State, Peace, Conflict, and Conflict Management in Africa”, African Studies Association Annual Meeting, November 2015.

Elinor Sullivan, Biology Manuscript Reviewer, American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, May 2013 – October 2015.

Maximilian Schlosshauer, Physics Member of the Advisory Board, Workshop “Ninety Years of Quantum Mechanics,” July 9-29, 2015, January 2015 – Present.

David Taylor, Biology Reviewer for Journal of Ethnobiology, Society of Ethnobiology, October 2013 – Present.

Member of the Editorial Board, Peer-reviewed physics journal Journal of Quantum Foundations, January 2014 – Present.

Editorial board member and reviewer, Taiwania International Journal of Life Sciences, May 2015 – May 2016.

Reviewer for book proposals, Oxford University Press, August 2013 – Present.

Reviewer for American Journal of Botany, Botanical Society of America, September 2015 – November 2015.

Reviewer for book proposals, Cambridge University Press, August 2013 – Present.

Organizer and Leader for University Park Street Tree Inventory, with BIO 371, Urban Forestry Division, Portland Parks and Recreation, September 2015 – October 2015. Ed Valente, Chemistry Reviewer, Journal of Molecular Structure, January 2010 – December 2015. Reviewer, Journal of Natural Sciences, August 2014 – August 2015. Tammy VanDeGrift, Engineering Associate Editor, ACM Transactions on Computing Education, February 2013 – Present. Reviewer of course materials, EngageCSEdu, February 2016 – Present. Paper Reviewer, ACM ICER Program Committee Member, April 2016 – May 2016. College Fair Recruitment, NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing, April 2016. Paper Reviewer, ACM ITiCSE Conference, January 2016. Associate Program Reviewer, ACM SIGCSE Program Committee Member, October 2015 – November 2015. Program Committee Member, 2015, International Computing Education Research (ICER) Workshop, April 2015 – June 2015.

Member of the Editorial Board, Peer-reviewed physics journal Quanta, May 2012 – Present. Series Editor, Book series Quantum Science and Technology, Springer Publishing, June 2011 – Present. Series Editor, Book series The Frontiers Collection, Springer Publishing, December 2007 – Present. Publication referee, Nature Physics, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, Physics Letters A, Journal of Physics A, Foundations of Physics, January 2004 – Present.

Amber Vermeesch, Nursing Reviewer, Clinical Nursing Research, May 2015 – December 2015. Family Nurse Practitioner, Pearl Health Center, January 2015 – December 2015. Reviewer, Qualitative Health Research, January 2014 – December 2015.

Publication referee, Physical Review Letters, January 2004 – Present.

Reviewer, Human-Computer Interaction Papers and Notes Track, January 2013 – December 2015.

Publication referee, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, January 2004 – Present.

Reviewer, Public Health Nursing, January 2013 – December 2015. Reviewer, Journal of Physical Activity and Public Health, January 2013 – December 2015.

Co-Organizer, Conference “The Meaning of the Wave Function,” October 25-31, 2014, August 2015 – October 2015.

Reviewer, The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, January 2012 – December 2015.

Frances Simmons, Nursing Member of the Advisory board for School Based Health Clinic at Tualatin High School, Tigard/Tualatin School District, December 2014 – Present.

Reviewer, Western Journal of Nursing Research, January 2012 – December 2015.

Diane Sotak, Clark Library Chair, Oregon Statewide Database Licensing Advisory Committee, August 2015 – Present.


Steve Vegdahl, Engineering Reviewed papers for CCSC-NW, SIGCSE and ITICSE conferences, Association for Computing Machinery, September 2015 – March 2016.

Jacqueline Waggoner, Education Board Member, Oregon Association of Teacher Educators, May 2007 – Present.

State of Oregon Representative, Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education, September 2013 – Present. Board Member, Northwest Evaluation Association $1.5 million Grant, March 2013 – June 2016. Matthew Warshawsky, International Languages and Cultures Vice President of Programs (program chair of 2013, 2014, and 2015 conferences), Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies, July 2012 – July 2015. John Watzke, Education Board of Directors, Saturday Academy, August 2012 – Present.

Scenic Design for Adrift In Macao, produced by Broadway Rose Theater. Scenic Design for Mirror, Mirror, produced by University of Portland. Scenic Design for The Adding Machine, produced by University of Portland. Scenic Design for Junie B. Jones: The Musical, produced by Oregon Children’s Theater. Scenic and Lighting Design for The Clean House by Sarah Ruhl, University of Portland.

Board of Directors, International Society for Language Studies, September 2003 – Present.

Susan McDaniel, Performing and Fine Arts Hanig, Nicole Leupp and McDaniel, Susan. Crazy Jane Presents: A concert of new Music. Eve’s Version & Sarah’s List by Cynthia Gerdes. Portland State University, Portland, OR.

Jeffrey White, International Languages and Cultures Treasurer and Membership Coordinator, Northwest College Reading and Learning Association, May 2016 – Present.

Patrick Murphy, Performing and Fine Arts Patrick Murphy, “Symphony No. 1,” American edition from manuscript of Boris Kozhevnikov.

Member of “Renewing our Commitment to Learning” regional conference planning team, Northwest CRLA, November 2015 – Present.

Gregory Pulver, Performing and Fine Arts Ballet Performance for Saving Christmastown, produced by The Dance Studio, Bellingham, WA. (Role: Santa).

Member of member meeting and conference, Northwest CRLA, November 2015 – May 2016.

Choreography and Costume Design for Julia Caesar, produced by University of Portland.


Costume Design for Mirror Mirror, produced by University of Portland.

Board of Directors, Open Meadow Schools, August 2011 – Present.

Michael Connolly, Performing and Fine Arts University of Portland Songs. Dir. Michael Connolly. Perf. University Singers. Recordings of University of Portland songs from 1920 to the present. Michael Connolly. Mary and Martha Revisited. 2 April 2016. University of Portland, Garaventa Center. A composition for two singers and piano, for Women of the Bible recital. Advent Concert. Dir. Michael Connolly. Perf. University Singers and University Women’s Chorale. St. Mary’s Cathedral, Portland. 5 Dec. 2015. Performance. Ceremony of Carols, by Benjamin Britten. David De Lyser, Performing and Fine Arts Artistic Director, Choral Arts Ensemble of Portland.

Featured Artist at Last Frontier Theater Conference, Valdez Alaska. Served as panelist for new play readings. Costume Design for Skin of Our Teeth, produced by Artists Repertory Theatre, Portland, OR.

Nicole Hanig, Performing and Fine Arts Recital as Artist in Residence, “Works of Purcell, Ravel, Verdi, Korngold, Bitzstein and Puccini.” Music in the Marche, Mondavio, Italy.

Digital Scenic Designer for Angels and Demons, produced by Last Frontier Theatre Festival, Valdez AK. Costume Design for World Premiere Musical Cuba Libre, produced by Artists Repertory Theatre, Portland, OR. Costume Design for Broomstick, produced by Artists Repertory Theatre, Portland, OR. Costume Design for Adding Machine, produced by University of Portland.

The General, original soundtrack to the silent film, reprised by the University of Portland Orchestra with a live screening of the film. Andrew Golla, Performing and Fine Arts Theatrical Sound and Video design, The Clean House, University of Portland. Rimbaud’s Daughter in Louisiana by Steve Patterson, Portland Civic Theatre Guild, directed by Andrew Golla. The Clean House by Sarah Ruhl, University of Portland, directed by Andrew Golla. Nicole Hanig, Performing and Fine Arts Hanig, Nicole Leupp and McDaniel, Susan. Crazy Jane Presents: A concert of new Music. Eve’s Version & Sarah’s List by Cynthia Gerdes. Portland State University, Portland, OR. Hanig, Nicole Leupp. Northwest Piano Trio, Living Local: Cermion House, Portland, OR. Hanig, Nicole Leupp and Peterson, Gregory. Recital as Artist in Residence. Works of Purcell, Ravel, Verdi, Korngold, Bitzstein and Puccini. Music in the Marche. Mondavio, Italy. Lawrence Larsen, Performing and Fine Arts Scenic and Lighting Design for HMS Pinafore, produced by Mock’s Crest Productions. Scenic Design for Celtic Crossing, produced by Portland Revels. Scenic Design for Mr. Kolpert, produced by Third Rail Repertory Theater.

PILOT SCHOL ARS Pilot Scholars is a full-text, digital repository of materials representing the University’s scholarly and creative output. Launched in January 2014, the repository is supported by the Office of the Provost and managed by the Clark Library. Pilot Scholars allows faculty and students to preserve their work and share it with a world-wide audience, as well as use it to host a journal or conference series. Participating scholars can also receive monthly reports on downloads of their work. To learn more, go to or contact Jane Scott, Head of Public Services, Clark Library at 503.943.7420 or


2016 UNDERGR ADUATE M A JORS Major Programs College of Arts and Sciences Biology, B.S., B.A. Chemistry, B.S. Communication, B.A. Economics, B.A. English, B.A. Environmental Ethics and Policy, B.A. Environmental Science, B.S. French Studies, B.A. General Studies, B.S., B.A. German Studies, B.A. History, B.A. Mathematics, B.S, B.A. Music, B.A. Organizational Communication, B.S. Philosophy, B.A. Physics, B.S., B.A. Political Science, B.A. Psychology, B.A. Social Work, B.A. Sociology, B.A. Sociology/Criminology Concentration, B.A. Spanish, B.A. Theater, B.A. Theology, B.A. Dr. Robert B. Pamplin, Jr. School of Business Accounting, B.B.A. Economics, B.B.A. Finance, B.B.A. Marketing, B.B.A. Operations & Technology Management, B.B.A. School of Education Elementary Education, B.A.Ed. Secondary Education, B.S.S.E. Donald P. Shiley School of Engineering Civil Engineering, B.S.C.E. Computer Science, B.S.C.S. Electrical Engineering, B.S.E.E. Mechanical Engineering, B.S.M.E. School of Nursing Nursing, B.S.N. Minor Programs Biology Business Administration Catholic Studies Chemistry Communication Computer Science Economics Education English Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management

Environmental Policy Environmental Science Fine Arts French Gender & Women’s Studies German Global Business Hellenic Studies History Mathematics Music Neuroscience Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Social Justice Sociology Spanish Sustainability Theater Theology



Lauretta C. Frederking, Ph.D. Associate Provost

Business Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Master of Business Administration in Nonprofit Management (M.B.A.) Master of Science in Finance (M.S.) Master of Science in Operations and Technology Management (M.S.) Communication Studies Communication (M.A.) Management Communication (M.S.) Education Master of Arts (M.A.) Master of Education (M.Ed.) Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) Master of Arts in Higher Education and Student Affairs (M.A. H.E.S.A.) Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Engineering Master of Engineering (M.E.) Master of Biomedical Engineering (M.BME) Nursing Master of Science: Clinical Nurse Leader (M.S.) Master of Science: Nurse Educator (M.S.) Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) Theater Directing (M.F.A.) Theology Pastoral Ministry (M.A.P. M.)

Rev. Mark L. Poorman, C.S.C., Ph.D. President Thomas G. Greene, Ed.D. Provost Rev. Gerard J. Olinger, C.S.C., J.D. Vice President for University Relations Rev. John J. Donato, C.S.C., Ed.D. Vice President for Student Affairs James B. Ravelli Vice President for University Operations Alan P. Timmins Vice President for Financial Affairs Matthew J. Baasten, Ph.D. Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School

John C. Orr, Ph.D. Assistant Provost for Undergraduate Scholarly Engagement Michael F. Andrews, Ph.D. Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Robin D. Anderson, Ed.D. Dean, Pamplin School of Business John L. Watzke, Ph.D. Dean, School of Education Sharon A. Jones, Ph.D. Dean, Shiley School of Engineering Joane T. Moceri, Ph.D. Dean, School of Nursing Xan Arch Dean, Clark Library Jason McDonald Dean, Admissions

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