A Community of Scholars - University of Portland Annual Scholarly Review 2016-2017

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A Community of

university of portland annual scholarly review 2016-2017

From the Provost

Thomas G. Greene, Ed.D. • Provost and Professor of Education

As the University of Portland’s provost, I invite you to read this publication so that you might discover the remarkable breadth and depth of the University’s intellectual and creative enterprises—hundreds of articles, books, and creative works that the most interesting and inquisitive professors in America have wrought. This faculty takes very seriously its role as a scholarly, cultural, artistic, and spiritual resource for not only our students, but also the city, the state, the region, and the nation. Our faculty scholars are also excellent teachers, in part, because they are dedicated to fulfilling this University’s mission—a mission that finds its roots in the ideals of the priests and brothers of the Congregation of Holy Cross who believe in educating students in both mind and heart. Join me in celebrating the achievements of the University’s faculty for the 2016-2017 academic year.

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Faculty Profiles



Scholarly Review










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The University’s new strategic plan, Vision 2020, unveiled 56 tactical plans.

For the 8th consecutive year in 2016, UP was listed on the President’s Service Honor Roll.

Industry Tech & Robotics category.

University Startup World Cup in Denmark. His venture was awarded runner-up in the

A UP student was one of two individuals from the United States to participate at the

in Oregon in 2017 according to U.S. News & World Report “Best Grad School” rankings.

years top ten western regional university

The part-time MBA program offered by the Pamplin School of Business ranked best


in the U.S. in 2016 for student success, breadth of programs, and perceived value.

NursingSchoolsAlmanac.com listed the School of Nursing 4th in the West and 46th

by Forbes.com and was the only Oregon university on the list.

UP was nationally ranked for being one of “the top 21 STEM colleges of 2016”

in the private universities category by Kiplinger’s Personal Finance.

For the 7th consecutive year, UP was ranked in 2017 as the top Oregon school

Awards and Recognitions

Top rankings from respected publications like Forbes, Kiplinger’s Personal

Academic Excellence and Value

Finance, and U.S. News & World Report put University of Portland on par

with some of the nation’s top colleges. UP garners recognition not only

for academic quality, but also for value and return on investment.




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In 2016, 71% of the freshman class came from outside of the State of Oregon.

clinicals, or service learning.

integrated learning experience, including internships, practica, student teaching,

By the time of graduation, 84% of the Class of 2016 had participated in a work-

preparing them for graduate school or careers.

Each semester approximately 100 students participate in research with professors,

an entrepreneurial mindset.

(KEEN), a national partnership of 28 schools that strives to graduate engineers with

UP is the first school in Oregon to join the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network

Fulbright student grants to teach or study abroad.

Since 2001, 59 University of Portland students or alumni have earned prestigious

Seven students were finalists for Fulbright Grants in 2017; six were awarded in 2016.

Our faculty receive prestigious grants for their work To continue to ensure students and faculty have access

as well as awards from national organizations. And our to the resources they need, UP is constructing a new

students are thriving—winning regional and national 63,000 square foot academic center. Dundon-Berchtold

competitions, enrolling at top graduate schools, and Hall will open in 2019 and house classes, study areas,

earning grants for research and work abroad. faculty offices, and more.




The Shiley School of Engineering was accepted into the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenges Scholars Program, which is designed to prepare students to solve the pressing issues facing society.

Best ROI in Oregon

Forbes magazine’s report of “America’s Best Value Colleges for 2017” ranked UP

the top college in Oregon for best return on investment among all private and public institutions for the second consecutive year. UP was also listed 146th out of 300 universities nationwide.


consecutive years


One of Four Selected Nationally

Nursing professor Mallie Kozy was one of four faculty from around the nation selected to participate in the 2017 American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Faculty Policy Intensive program, which is held in Washington, D.C.




UP’s bioethics team won the

2017 national Bioethics Bowl.

UP coaches were named WCC

Coach of the Year in 2016-2017.

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14 of

International Government Teaching Awards—

students earned four from France and two from Austria in 2017.

Three students took first at the 2017 national

Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival.

Jacqueline M. Waggoner, education professor, teaches graduate quantitative and qualitative research and statistics, tests and measurement, and assessment.



Two National Honors

The School of Education’s doctoral program in leading and learning earned a Carnegie designation (CPED) and was inducted into a national research affiliation (NNERPP) for its innovative programming and partnerships.

Vision 2020

University President Rev. Mark L. Poorman, C.S.C., unveiled UP’s new strategic plan, which will ensure the community continues to strive toward providing an education that is holistic, intellectually rigorous, characterfocused, and grounded in faith. It is based on three core themes:


teaching and learning; faith and formation; service and leadership.

New Residence Hall

University of Portland’s newest three-story co-ed residence hall, Lund Family Hall, opened in fall 2016. The hall provides additional on-campus housing for 260 undergraduate students.



UP was ranked the top


Four students trained as Innovation

Money magazine named

students from seven countries

the best college in Oregon

four-year institution for return

Fellows at Stanford in 2017, joining 224

BusinessInsider.com in 2016.

to increase creativity on campus.

on investment in Oregon by


University of Portland for value in 2016.

September Nelson is the director of the School of Nursing’s ever-expanding model hospital where the simulation labs prepare students for practice.

Faculty Profiles

“Students often think they know history because they’ve memorized facts. I want them to approach history differently, to think about the reasons why things happened, not just a chronology of what happened. History is trying to figure out a puzzle—it’s never finished.”

Unearthing the Real Story Associate History Professor Mark Eifler, Ph.D.

“I am a historian, an investigator. History is not about memorizing facts. Historians are like detectives on television shows like CSI. We’ve got clues, ‘facts,’ but we still need to find the real story underneath. Usually the results are surprising. Currently I’m writing a book on the geopolitics of the Lewis & Clark expedition, a period of international competition over the future of the Pacific Northwest. Few people realize the ‘story behind the facts’ that played out between the United States, Britain, Spain, and Russia. I’ve also written a second book on The California Gold Rush: The Stampede that Changed the World. There are many parallels between the late 1840s and today. It was a period of great inequity as people suddenly faced the inability to rise economically or socially. They left farms and moved to cities, creating urban/rural divides. Immigration was a hot issue, as refugees fleeing famine and wars in Europe and Asia were seen as threatening American tradition and opportunity. I gave students letters and diaries of four very different people from that era and asked them to analyze their stories. People assume that the gold rush was about becoming rich and successful. But what is the meaning of ‘success?’ It turned out that their stories had little to do with money and that success was defined by family ties, redemption, and self-worth. Think of our own personal histories. Do we remember everything that happened or only the details we tell ourselves over and over? We think in story; we edit, omit, embellish, and add; and in the end we remember exactly what we choose to remember and that shapes our world. Understanding history is not memorizing a series of facts, but understanding the reasons why we shape our lives, our memories, and our institutions the way we do.”


“I believe one of the best learning opportunities a student can have is participating in research as an undergraduate. It is one of the highest impact pedagogies we can use as educators. It helps them grow in self-confidence and teaches them to face and to overcome adversity.�

Answering Genetic Questions Associate Biology Professor Amelia Ahern-Rindell, Ph.D.

“As a geneticist and cell biologist, I get to explore some of the ‘why’ questions of life, which have always fascinated me. I wanted to become a doctor from an early age but as an undergraduate biology major I changed my direction. I realized research-focused institutions were more likely to find cures to genetic disorders and suffering than practicing physicians. Since graduate school, I’ve been working on a disorder named GM1 Gangliosidosis—it’s an inherited disease that progressively destroys nerve cells. For 20 years now, UP student researchers have helped me understand a variant of GM1 at the molecular level using sheep cells. My student researchers and I found a sequence difference in the affected sheep’s DNA that we think is responsible for the disorder in this sheep model. In summer 2016 I traveled to Mallorca, Spain, with four research students to take part in archaeological digs at an ancient Roman necropolis. My students, including Kai Seely ’17 (pictured) and Raluca Gosman ’18, plan to use a method called Y-STR Analysis to examine ancient DNA from unearthed human remains. The hope is to trace the male lineage and determine their geographic origin, which could help answer multi-disciplinary questions about the ancient populations that once lived on the island. Participating in research allows students to experience the excitement of finding out something that no one else knows. It plays into a very active learning format I use in my classes, along with case studies, solving quantitative problems, and more. My goal is to foster engagement and keep their curiosity about biology alive. No one wants to memorize a bunch of facts—I want to help students learn how to discover new knowledge on their own, so in the long run they can contribute to helping life work better.”


“I want to help students hone the inner discipline needed to make the right choices in their lives and aspire to practice love and justice within a coherent view of the cosmos and the self, in a way that rises above the tyranny of the next immediate distraction demanding their attention.�

The Bible through the Ages Theology Professor Michael Cameron, Ph.D.

“I work in a field called historical theology, which refers to the analysis of belief and practice of Christianity and its great thinkers through the ages. My interest is centered on how the Bible has been read and received within the history of Christianity, also known as ‘reception history’. Most biblical resources focus on the composition of the Bible, so reception history is an emerging area of scholarship. Recently I have served as one of the editors of a massive new reference work being published in 30 volumes, The Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception. My scholarly work focuses on the life and work of the prolific and influential North African thinker, bishop, and saint, Augustine of Hippo, particularly studying the way he read the Bible. I first read Augustine’s most famous book, The Confessions, as an undergraduate, and as he narrated his path of conversion and crossed the threshold into Christianity, I crossed over with him. I have personally practiced and professionally studied Christianity ever since. My interest in Augustine led me to research and write the book, Christ Meets Me Everywhere: Augustine’s Early Figurative Exegesis, published in 2012. It covers the first 15 years of his Christian life, a time when his way of understanding the Bible was deeply influenced by changes in his understanding of the humanity of Christ. I want students to realize that we all think within a tradition and therefore need to learn to think in terms of history. But it can be difficult to include them in my research since so much of it depends on reading ancient texts in Greek and Latin, not to mention modern works in French and German. However, I was able to draw on the work of undergraduates in my book, Unfolding Sacred Scripture: How Catholics Read the Bible, which was published in 2015.”


“My responsibility

The Art of Cybersecurity

Assistant Computer Science Professor Saikat Chakrabarti, Ph.D.

is to teach students cybersecurity and reverse engineering. The hackers get smarter every day, and it is our job to be better than them. We are the ones who must defend our infra­structure.

“My expertise is in cybersecurity, specifically in securing the Internet through vulnerability assessment, network security, and applied cryptography. Cybersecurity is an art. Digital tools cannot replace the human mind, at least not yet. I teach students how to look for critical security vulnerabilities, to understand the nature of security exploits, and the techniques to protect private information. Currently, I’m working with a student, Christian Rodriguez (pictured), to research how we can use ‘honeypots’ to understand cyber-attack techniques. A honeypot is a collection of software connected to the internet and is designed to appear as though it contains valuable information and is vulnerable to attack. One honeypot we placed on a network in Asia was attacked more than 2,500 times in a 24-hour period. It also successfully trapped several malware not recognized by leading commercial anti-virus software. The goal is not to catch hackers, but to identify vulnerabilities in networks and to determine what tools and techniques people are using to exploit those vulnerabilities. This summer, I am building a new laboratory within the

We are the

Shiley School of Engineering to test and secure ‘smart’ devices,

good guys.”

The best way—and often the only way—to identify cybersecurity

such as medical wearables, fitness trackers, and small-scale drones. vulnerabilities in a product is to conduct rigorous penetration testing. ‘Ethically hacking’ a product leads to mitigating vulnera­ bilities in a responsible and controlled way before damage is done in the real world and real people are affected. Although there are no guarantees of finding issues, any vulnerabilities discovered are disclosed to the vendor under a confidential non-disclosure agreement. The goal is to have an experimental test-bed that fosters undergraduate research in cybersecurity.”


“I feel that I become more than an academic mentor. I am a mentor in life. And to be clear, I get just as much from my students as I give to them. They show me new ways of thinking. They invigorate me with their curiosity and energy. They are a constant reminder of why I do what I do.�

Mathematical Modeling

Associate Mathematics Professor Hannah Callender Highlander, Ph.D.

“When I entered graduate school, I had little interest in research. My goal was to become a professor so I could teach. But the more research I did, the more I fell in love with it. I realized that if I developed a strong undergraduate research agenda, I could have the best of both worlds. My research falls under the umbrella of mathematical biology. I use mathematical tools and ideas to solve problems in biology. The research is often driven by my students’ interests, and I have worked with them on the development and analysis of cellular signaling pathways, blood glucose control, antibiotic resistance, and infectious diseases on contact networks. I involve students in every aspect: problem creation, model development and analysis, manuscript writing, and presentation of findings. To date, every joint research project that my students and I have submitted has been accepted for publication. Recently I worked with Parkes Kendrick ’17 (pictured) and Tsikata Apenyo ’19 on interpersonal violence prevention on college campuses. Parkes wanted to combine her passions for mathematics and social justice, so we decided to create a mathematical model of the Green Dot bystander violence prevention program. We used ‘agent-based modeling’ to program certain traits of individuals (‘agents’) so we could see how individual choices and behaviors affect global phenomena such as the spread of violent behaviors or the prevention of them through bystander interventions. We found specific aspects of our campus’s violence prevention efforts that should be strengthened to make it a safer place. I love working with students on research. It means I can provide them with the tools to get started and then let them discover how capable they are at making discoveries on their own.”


Scholarly Review

publications Brian Adams, Business “The Challenges of Detection and Enforcement of Insider Trading,” Journal of Business Ethics, with Dr. Tod Perry (Indiana University) and Colin Mahoney (University of Portland, MBA student), volume 139, no. 4, December 2016. “Problems with the Dow Jones Industrial Average—A Simple Unweighted Arithmetic Mean: An Issue Re-Revisited,” Global Review of Accounting and Finance, volume 7, no. 2, September 2016 (with R. Gritta). “Have the Major US Air Carriers Finally Turned the Corner? A Financial Condition Assessment.” Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, volume 55, no. 2, Summer 2016 (with R. Gritta). Bahram Adrangi, Business “The US Monetary Base and Major World Equity Markets:

Millennial Classroom: Hybrid Identities, Negotiated Boundaries. Pp. 164-176. Edited by Mara Brecht and Reid Locklin. New York: Routledge, 2016. Dimensions in Post-Secondary School Christian Religious Studies Curriculum in Nigeria. IISTE Book Publishing, 2016. Robert Albright, Engineering Hoffbeck J.P., Dillon H.E., Lu W., and Doughty T.A. “Teaching Programming in the Context of Solving Engineering Problems.” Frontiers in Education. Erie, PA (2016). Lauren Alfrey, Sociology and Social Work Alfrey, Lauren and France Winddance Twine. “Thinking Beyond Gender: Why Does Sexuality and Race Matter in the Tech Industry?” Gender & Society Blog. Alfrey, Lauren and France Winddance Twine. “Gender-Fluid Geek Girls: Negotiating Inequality Regimes in the Tech Industry.” Gender & Society 31 (1): 28-50 (2017).

simon aihiokhai, theology “A Mosaic of Identities of the Sensus Fidelium: The realities of African Ecclesial Communities in Diaspora.” Learning from All the Faithful: A Contemporary Theology


of the Sensus Fidei. Pp. 226-236. Edited by Bradford Hinze and Peter Phan. Eugene, Oregon: 2016.

An Empirical Investigation,” Review of Economics and Finance, volume 6, issue 4, pages 49-64, August 2016. “The US Monetary Base and Major World Equity Markets: An Empirical Investigation,” Review of Economics and Finance, Volume 6, Issue 4, Pages 49-64, August 2016 (with A. Chatrath, J. Macri, Kambiz Raffiee). Simon Aihiokhai, Theology “A Mosaic of Identities of the Sensus Fidelium: The realities of African Ecclesial Communities in Diaspora.” Learning from All the Faithful: A Contemporary Theology of the Sensus Fidei. Pp. 226 – 236. Edited by Bradford Hinze and Peter Phan. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2016. Review of Racism and the Image of God. Karen Teel. New York. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. The Journal of The Black Catholic Theological Symposium. Volume VIII (2016): 111-112. “Embracing the Pragmatic in African Indigenous Religions: New Perspective for Interfaith Dialogue.” Christianity and Culture Collision: Particularities and Trends from a Global South. Pp. 151 – 163. Edited by Cyril Orji and Joseph Ogbonnaya. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. “Going beyond Nostra Aetate: The Way Forward for Interreligious Dialogue.” Journal of Ecumenical Studies, vol. 51 no. 3, (2016): 386-401. “Recognizing the Place of African Traditional Religions in the Com­parative Theological Discourse: Mediating Classroom Encounters through Storytelling.” Comparative Theology in the

Michael Andrews, Philosophy “The Ethics of Keeping Secrets: Edith Stein and Philosophy as Autobiography,” book chapter in Alles Wesentliche Lasst sich nicht schreiben: Leben und Denken Edith Steins im Spiegel ihres Gesamtwerkes [All That is Essential Cannot Be Written: The Life and Works of Edith Stein], Andreas Speer and Stephan Regh, editors, Verlag Herder Publications: Freiburg, 2016. pp.381-401. Ellyn Arwood, Education Arwood, E. & Merideth, C. Neuro-Education: A translation from theory to practice. Portland, OR: An Arwood Neuro-Viconics Publication, Division of APRICOT, Inc. (2017). Christina Astorga, Theology Book Review: Just Sustainability: Technology, Ecology, and Resource Extraction, Edited by Christiana Z. Peppard & Andrea Vicini, S.J. (Maryknoll, NY, Orbis 2015, pp XI +292). Published by Theological Studies, Vol. 77, Issue 2, June 2016, 541-542. Guest Editor, Asia’s Women Theologians, Asian Horizons: Dharmaram Journal of Theology, Vol.10, no.2, June 2016, 201-434. Nicole Auxier, Nursing Auxier, N., & Simpson, H. “Transforming the Role of the Clinical Faculty Coordinator in the Dedicated Education Unit,” Nursing Education Perspectives (2017). William Barnes, Business “The Rise of Collaborative Consumption and the Sharing Economy” (with G. Hill). Chapter 11: in Essentials of Consumer Behavior by Stephens, Debra. Taylor and Francis, 2017.

Lindsay Benes, Nursing Elder, C.R., DeBar, L.L., Ritenbaugh, C., Rumptz, M., Patterson, C., Bonifay, A., Cowan, P., Lancaster, L., & Deyo, R. “Health care systems support to enhance patient-centered care: Lessons from a primary care-based chronic pain management initiative,” The Permanente Journal, 21 (2), 16-101 (2017). Christopher Blackhurst, Nursing “Questions and Case Studies.” In C.R. King and S.O. Gerard (Eds.), Clinical nurse leader certification review. New York: Springer Publishing Company (2017). Barbara Braband, Nursing Braband, B.J. & Warren-Mears, V. “A mentored partnership project using photovoice in a nutrition nursing course,” Journal of Nursing Education, 56 (5), 315 (2017). Wilson-Anderson, K. & Braband, B.J. “Collaborative research” in Joyce F. Fitzpatrick (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Nursing Research 4th ed. (2017). Gaudino, R., Braband, B.J., & Rogers, A. “Entering into suffering: Becoming a transformed and transforming healer.” Journal of Christian Nursing, 34 (1), 16-23 (2017). Russ Butkus, Theology Butkus and Kolmes, “Integral Ecology, Epigenetics and the Common Good: Reflections on Laudato Si and Flint, Michigan,” Journal of Catholic Social Thought (2017). Michael Cameron, Theology “Isidore of Seville,” in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, eds. Dale C. Allison, et al. (Berlin: Walter De Gruyter), vol. 13: 392-94. “Jacob’s Ladder (Greek, Latin, Early Medieval Christianity)” in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, eds. Dale C. Allison, et al. (Berlin: Walter De Gruyter), vol. 13: 618-19. Marcela Cinta, International Languages and Cultures Galant, Stanley, & Olga Guijon. “What to do when Your Child has Asthma,” La Habra, CA: Institute for Healthcare Advancement, 2016. ISBN: 978-0-9720148-6-1. Translated into Spanish by Marcela Cinta. “Avoid Opioids for Most Long-Term Pain,” Institute for Healthcare Advancement Brochure, (La Habra, CA: 2016). Translated into Spanish by Marcela Cinta. Mestman, Sadie S., & Ariella D. Herman. “What To Do for Healthy Teeth,” La Habra, CA: Institute for Healthcare Advancement, ISBN: 978-0-9720148-0-9. Translated into Spanish by Marcela Cinta (2016). Olivia Coiado, Engineering O. C. Coiado and W. D. O’Brien, Jr. “The Negative Chronotropic Effect in Rat Heart Stimulated by Ultrasonic Pulses: Role of Sex and Age,” Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 36, 799-808, 2017. Coiado O.C, Jones K., Schibel P., “Heart Pump Modelling: Design of Pulsatile Flow Phantoms,” Inaugural Biomedical Engineering Western Regional Conference, Provo, Utah, 2017. Coiado O.C, O’Brien Jr. W.D., “Cumulative effect in the chronotropic effect in rat hearts caused by pulsed ultrasound,”

presented during the session Biomedical Acoustics: Session in Honor of Floyd Dunn at the 5th Joint Meeting, Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2016. William Curtis, Political Science “Rorty as Virtue Liberal,” Contemporary Pragmatism 13, 4 (2016): 400-419. Heather Dillon, Engineering Barr RD, Pfeiffer CG, Dillon HE, and Doughty TA. “Building Inclusive Undergraduate Project Teams,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Conference. Phoenix, Arizona. IMECE2016-65988 (2016). Hoffbeck JP, Dillon HE, and Hildebrand SE. “Design of a Power Waveform Capture Platform for Plug Load Monitoring,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Conference. Phoenix, Arizona. IMECE2016-65984 (2016). Storey TJ, Rackerby RE, Dillon HE, and Gingerich L. “Thermal Performance of Domestic Replacement A19 LED Lighting Products,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Conference. Phoenix, Arizona. IMECE2016-67974 (2016). VanDeGrift TS, Dillon HE, Camp L. “Changing the Engineering Student Culture with Respect to Academic Integrity and Ethics,” Science and Engineering Ethics. pp 1-24. doi:10.1007/s11948-0169823-9 (2016). Beck M, Dillon HE, and Li B. “Thermal Performance of MR-16 Light Emitting Diode Products,” Journal of Electronics Cooling and Thermal Control, Vol 6, Issue 4. doi:10.4236/jectc.2016.64012 (2016). Dieter K, Stillinger C, Dillon HE, and Zielinski AJ. “Design and Build of an Electrical Generator and Load Control System for a Novel Small-Scale Hybrid Solar Thermal Collector,” Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers International Conference on Power Systems Technology. Wollongong, Australia (2016). Hoffbeck JP, Dillon HE, Albright RJ, Lu W, and Doughty TA. “Teaching Programming in the Context of Solving Engineering Problems,” Frontiers in Education. Erie, PA (2016). Dillon HE, Baechler MC, Bartlett RA. “Commercial Building Partnerships Sweeps up Savings. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy,” (ACEEE) Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Asilomar, CA (2016). Dillon HE, Schmedake NJ, Eifler KE, Doughty TA, and Lulay KE. “Design of a Curriculum- Spanning Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Experiment,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA (2016). Zielinski AJ, Dillon HE, Baldwin B, Forinash CP, Zada KJ, Stillinger C, Dieter K. “Design and Performance of a Small Hybrid Solar Collector,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers Power and Energy Conference. Charlotte, NC. PowerEnergy2016-59098 (2016), Timothy Doughty, Engineering Doughty, T. A., Johnston, J.R., and Blaser, A.K., “Monitoring the


Health of a Cantilever Beam Using Nonlinear Modal Tracking,” International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Garden Grove, CA February 2017. Doughty TA, Danforth SM, Cassidy LJ, and Pendowski N. “Varied System Geometry and Noise Implementation Applied to Nonlinear Model Tracking,” Phoenix, AZ. IMECE2016-65987 (2016). Barr RD, Pfeiffer CG, Dillon HE, and Doughty TA. “Building Inclusive Undergraduate Project Teams,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Conference. Phoenix, Arizona. IMECE2016-65988 (2016). Hoffbeck JP, Dillon HE, Albright RJ, Lu W, and Doughty TA. “Teaching Programming in the Context of Solving Engineering Problems,” Frontiers in Education. Erie, PA (2016). Dillon HE, Schmedake NJ, Eifler KE, Doughty TA, and Lulay KE. “Design of a Curriculum- Spanning Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Experiment. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA (2016). Andrew Downs, Psychological Sciences Guest, A.M., Simmons, Z.L., Downs, A., Pitzer, M.R. “Cultures of Diversity: Considering scientific and humanistic understandings in introductory psychology,” Teaching of Psychology, 44, 100-108 (2017).


Downs, A., Boucher, L., Campbell, D. G., & Polyakov, A. “Using the WHO-5 Well-Being Index to Identify College Students Who Are At-Risk for Mental Health Problems,” Journal of College Student Development, 58(1), 113-117 (2017). “Physically Active Adults: An Analysis of the Key Variables That Keep Them Moving,” American Journal of Health Education, 47:5, 299-308. DOI:10.1080/19325037.2016.1203837 (2017). Strand, P. S., Downs, A., & Barbosa-Leiker, C. “Does facial expression recognition provide a toehold for the development of emotion understanding?” Developmental Psychology, 52(8), 11821191. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/dev0000144 (2016). Ted Eckmann, Environmental Studies Statler, Nicole E., Adams, Amanda M., and Eckmann, Ted C. “Optimizing Angles of Rooftop Photovoltaics, Ratios of Solar to Vegetated Roof Systems, and Economic Benefits, in Portland, Oregon, USA,” Environment Systems and Decisions. http://dx.doi. org/10.1007/s10669-017-9640-y (2017). Bruckner, Margaret E., and Eckmann, Ted C. “Novel Drone and Tethersonde Systems for Measuring Vertical Temperature Profiles,” Proceedings of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Annual Conference, Volume 79: October 5-8, 2016. Portland, OR (2017). Cerda, Carla I., Statler, Nicole E., Adams, Amanda M., and Eckmann, Ted C. “Optimizing Rooftop Photovoltaics and Ratios of Solar to Vegetated Roof Systems,” Proceedings of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Annual Conference, Volume 79: October 5-8, 2016. Portland, OR. Grandy, Summer L., Holmes, Brooke A., Shaw, Zoe M., Hastie, Georgia L., and Eckmann, Ted C. “Developing New Substrates to Improve Ecoroof Performance in the US Pacific Northwest,”

Proceedings of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Annual Conference, Volume 79: October 5-8, 2016. Portland, OR. Simpson, Logan K.; Wright, Samantha G., Walker, Joe L., and Eckmann, Ted C. “Analyzing Winds and Spatial Patterns to Identify Sources of Industrial Odors in Portland, Oregon,” Proceedings of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Annual Conference, Volume 79: October 5-8, 2016. Portland, OR. “Revisiting Laudato si’ in the Context of the COP21 Paris Climate Agreement,” Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 58(5): p. 38-42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00139157.2 016.1209006 [Peer-reviewed] (2016). Karen Eifler, Education “The Flourishing of Every Soul” in Awaken the Stars: Reflections on What We Really Teach (S. Mayer and J. Van Hoomissen, eds.). Chicago, IL: ACTA Publications (2017). Dillon HE, Schmedake NJ, Eifler KE, Doughty TA, and Lulay KE. “Design of a Curriculum- Spanning Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Experiment,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA (2016). Mark Eifler, History The California Gold Rush: The Stampede that Changed the World. New York and London: Routledge, 2017. Review of Powder River: The Disastrous Opening of the Great Sioux War. By Paul L. Hedren, in New Mexico Historical Review (2017). Mike Eom, Business “Finding the Missing Link between Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Competitiveness through Social Capital: A Business Ecosystem Perspective,” Sustainability, Volume 9, No. 5, pp. 707-729. Terry Favero, Biology Conte, D, Favero, TG, Niederhausen M., Capranica, L.,Tessitore, A. “Determinants of the effectiveness of fast break actions in elite and sub-elite Italian men’s basketball games.” Biology of Sport 34, 177-183, (2017). Favero, TG. and Jackson, K. “Seasonal improvements in VO2max among women’s college soccer players with one-day per week aerobic interval training,” Kinesiologia Slovenica, Vol. 22, no. 2. 14-21, (2017). Conte, D, Favero, TG, Niederhausen M., Capranica, L.,Tessitore, A. “Effect of number of players on ball-drills training load in youth basketball,” Sports 5.1: 3 (2017). Favero, TG and Hendricks, N. “Student Exam Analysis (Debriefing) Promotes Positive Changes in Exam Preparation and Learning,” Advances in Physiology Education 40: 323-328, (2016). Chris Foss, History Review of Executing the Rosenbergs: Death and Diplomacy in a Cold War World , by Lori Clune. The History Teacher 50, no. 2 (February 2017): 301-303. Bradley Franco, History “The Pistoia Dossal and the Development of Franciscan Art,” in Selected Proceedings from the First International Conference on Franciscan Studies: “The World of St. Francis” (July 16-20, 2015),

Bradley R. Franco and Beth A. Mulvaney, eds. (Siena: Betti Editrice, 2017). “The World of St. Francis” (July 16-20, 2015), Bradley R. Franco, Beth A. Mulvaney, and Steve Gaddis, eds. Selected Proceedings from the First International Conference on Franciscan Studies: (Siena: Betti Editrice, 2017). “Ferdinand Schevill’s Siena: The History of a Medieval Commune: A New Introduction,” in Siena: The History of a Medieval Commune, Ferdinand Schevill (Betti Editrice: Siena, (2016). Rebecca Gaudino, Theology Gaudino, R., Braband, B.J., & Rogers, A. (2017). “Entering into suffering: Becoming a transformed and transforming healer.” Journal of Christian Nursing, 34 (1), 16-23. Liturgical resources in The Abingdon Worship Annual: Contemporary and Traditional Resources for Worship Leaders, 2017, ed. Mary J. Scifres and B. J. Beu (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2016). Jeffrey Gauthier, Philosophy Review of Gary Cox, Existentialism and Excess: The Life and Times of Jean-Paul Sartre (New York: Bloomsbury, 2016), Choice 54 (May 2017). “Oppression, Legal Reform, and Hegel’s Natural Law Internalism.” In Michael J. Monahan, ed., Creolizing Hegel. Lanham MD: Rowan and Littlefield, pp. 243-55 (2017). Review of Michael Brownstein and Jennifer Saul (eds.), Implicit Bias and Philosophy, Volume 2: Moral Responsibility, Structural Injustice, and Ethics (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016), Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews November 8, 2016. “Equal Opportunity and Its Discontents: Comments on Joseph Fishkin’s Bottlenecks.” Social Philosophy Today 32, 169-74 (2016). “Introduction: Education and Social Justice.” Social Philosophy Today 32, 1-6 (2016). Social Philosophy Today, volume 32, “Education and Social Justice,” July 2016. Teri Grimmer, Business “Protecting donor restrictions on bequests,” The CPA Journal, 9-11 April 2017. (with Ellen Lippman)

Naveen Gudigantala, Business Heath, M., Appan, R., and Gudigantala, N. “Exploring Health Information Exchange (HIE) through Collaboration Framework: Normative Guidelines for IT Leadership of Healthcare Organizations,” Information Systems Management Journal, available online, January 31, 2017. Andrew Guest, Psychological Sciences Guest, A.M., Simmons, Z.L., Downs, A., Pitzer, M.R. “Cultures of Diversity: Considering scientific and humanistic understandings in introductory psychology.” Teaching of Psychology, 44, 100-108 (2017). “Seeing Clearly: Lessons from Social Science and Simon the Chipmunk.” Essay contributed to: S. Mayer and J. Van Hoomissen (Eds.), Awaken the Stars: Reflections by University Faculty on What We Really Teach (2017). Guest, A., & Luijten, A. “The Curious Case of Professional Women’s Sports Team Fandom [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://theallrounder.co/2016/10/07/the-curious-case-of-professional-womens-sports-team-fandom/ (2016, October 7). “The Social Organization of Extracurricular Activities: Interpreting Developmental Meanings in Contrasting High Schools.” Qualitative Psychology. (published as ‘Online First’ (2016, October 7). “Toys and Games” for The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development edited by Marc H. Bornstein (2017). Christin Hancock, History “Perfect Joy: Franciscan Poverty and Dorothy Day’s Catholic Worker,” in Selected Proceedings of the World of St. Francis Conference , Siena, Italy, July 2015, edited by Bradley Franco and Beth Mulvaney. Brill, 2017. Review of “Shaping the Public Good: Women Making History in the Pacific Northwest by Sue Armitage,” The Public Historian: A Journal of Public History 39:1, 101, February 2017. “Everything always has a past,” Awaken the Stars: reflections on what we really teach, edited by Shannon Mayer and Jacquie Van Hoomissen, Chicago: ACTA Publications, 2017. “Health and Well-being: Federal Indian Policy, Klamath women, and childbirth,” Oregon Historical Quarterly, 117:2 (Summer 2016).

“Transparency and Accountability for Bequests: The Case of Long Island College Hospital,” Journal of Leadership, Accountability, and Ethics , Vol 13(3): 28-35 (2016) (with Ellen Lippman)

“Regulating Birth: Locating Power at the Intersection of Private and Public in Oregon History,” Oregon Historical Quarterly, 117:2 (Summer 2016).

Richard Gritta, Business “Degrees of Operating, Financial and Total Leverage Facing the ICAO Air Carriers,” Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, LVI (4), Fall 2016. (with Carl Scheraga, Fairfield University)

Rev. William Hannon, C.S.C., English “Spelunking With a Dim Flashlight,” Awaken the Stars, Reflections on What We Really Teach. ACTA Publications: Chicago, 2017.

“Problems with the Dow Jones Industrial Average – A Simple Unweighted Arithmetic Mean: An Issue Re-Revisited,” Global Review of Accounting and Finance, volume 7 no. 2, September 2016. (with B. Adams) “Have the Major US Air Carriers Finally Turned the Corner? A Financial Condition Assessment.” Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, volume 55 no. 2, Summer 2016. (with B. Adams)

Nina Henrichs-Tarasenkova, Theology “The Good Host” in Illustrated Bible Life (2017). “Ruth.” The Wesley One-Volume Commentary on the Bible. Edited by Kenneth J. Collins and Joel B. Green. Nashville: Abingdon. (2017) “Marriage, Biblical Concept of” in Global Wesleyan Dictionary of Biblical Theology. Edited by Robert Branson. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill. (2017).


Randy Hetherington, Education Brandon, J., Buski, J., Campbell, C., Couture, J-C., Hetherington, R., Luke, A., Murgatroyd, S., Servage, L., & Stiles, S. “The Role of the Superintendent and the Teaching Profession,” Research Paper. Edmonton, AB: Alberta Teachers’ Association (2017). Hannah Highlander, Mathematics Kendrick, P., Apenyo, T., Highlander, H. C. “Agent-Based Models of the Green Dot Bystander Violence Prevention Program on College Campuses,” Spora. 3(1) 15-28 (2017). http://ir.library.illinoisstate. edu/spora/vol3/iss1/2 Matheson, T., Satterthwaite, B., Highlander, H. C. “Modeling the Spread of the Zika Virus at the 2016 Olympics,” Spora. 3(1) 29-44. http://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/spora/vol3/iss1/3 (2017). Grasman, J., Callender, H. L., Mensinkc, M.R. “Proportional insulin infusion in closed-loop control of blood glucose” PloS one. 12(1) e0169135. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0169135 (2017).

Mead Hunter, Performing and Fine Arts “From Conflict to Concord: Lessons from the Mouse.” Etudes Journal, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2016. Kimberly Ilosvay, Education “Religion in schools? The importance of recognizing the impact of religious experiences.” The Journal of Faith, Education, and Community 1(2). Retrieved from http://scholarworks.sfasu.edu/ jfec/vol1/iss2 (2016). Aziz Inan, Engineering Yuen, M. S., Kirby, J. P., Perkins, P. E., Inan, A. S., and Benitez, H. W., “Why Do GFCIs Keep Tripping?” 2017 IEEE Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering (ISPCE 2017) Proceedings, pp. 15-19, San Jose, CA, May 8-10, 2017. “Brainteasers in memory of Fr. David Sherrer,” The Beacon Online, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, April 24, 2017. “Doris Day’s 95th birthday is numerically special,” The Beacon

nicole auxier, nursing Auxier, N., & Simpson, H. “Transforming the Role of the Clinical Faculty Coordinator in the Dedicated Education Unit,” Nursing Education Perspectives (2017).

26 Seibold, C. and Callender, H. L. “Modeling Epidemics on a Regular Tree Graph. Letters in Biomathematics. 3(1) 59-74. doi:10.1080/2373 7867.2016.1185979 (2016). Gregory Hill, Mathematics “The Rise of Collaborative Consumption and the Sharing Economy” (with W. Barnes). Chapter 11: in Essentials of Consumer Behavior by Stephens, Debra. Taylor and Francis, 2017. Alexandra Hill, International Languages and Cultures Shortt, Linda. “German Narratives of Belonging: Writing Generation and Place in the Twenty-First Century,” Oxford: Legenda, 2015. In: Monatshefte 109.1: 175-77 (Spring 2017). “The Brightening of Stars.” Awaken the Stars: Reflections on What We Really Teach. Shannon Mayer and Jacquie Van Hoomissen, eds. Chicago: Acta, 2017. 85-88 (2017). Molly Hiro, English “Why Does This Matter? [Exactly]” Awaken the Stars: Reflections on What We Really Teach. Edited by Shannon Mayer and Jacquie Van Hoomissen. Chicago: Acta Publishing. 2017. Joseph Hoffbeck, Engineering Hoffbeck JP, Dillon HE, and Hildebrand SE. “Design of a Power Waveform Capture Platform for Plug Load Monitoring. American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Conference. Phoenix, AZ. IMECE2016-65984 (2016). Hoffbeck JP, Dillon HE, Albright RJ, Lu W, and Doughty TA. “Teaching Programming in the Context of Solving Engineering Problems,” Frontiers in Education. Erie, PA (2016).

Online , University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, April 4, 2017. “Brainteasers in honor of Lady Gaga’s birthday,” The Beacon Online, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, March 28, 2017. “Brainteasers in honor of Ryan Owens’ 37th birthday,” The Beacon Online, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, March 5, 2017. “Brainteasers in honor of Mike Bloomberg’s 75th birthday and Valentine’s Day,” The Beacon Online, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, February 14, 2017. “Brainteasers to celebrate Zsa Zsa Gabor’s centennial birthday,” The Beacon Online, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, February 7, 2017; also published as “Brainteasers to Celebrate Zsa Zsa Gabor’s Centennial Birthday,” Daily News Hungary, February 7, 2017. “Brainteasers in Memory of Fr. Ron Wasowski,” C.S.C. Courier, Holy Cross Newsletter, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, January 5, 2017. “Donald P. Shiley’s Birthday, Jan. 19,” Upbeat, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, January 20, 2017. “Brainteasers for Tech’s 131st Birthday,” Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine, Vol. 92, No. 4, p. 8, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, Winter, 2016. “Brainteasers in memory of Gwen Ifill,” The Beacon Online, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, November 15, 2016.

“Brainteasers to celebrate Walter Cronkite’s centennial birthday,” The Beacon Online, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, November 2, 2016; also published as “‘Most trusted man in America’ born 100 years ago,” kval.com , KVAL News, Eugene, Oregon, November 4, 2016. “Brainteasers in honor of Hillary Clinton’s 69th birthday,” The Beacon Online, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, October 26, 2016. “Engineering professor shares brainteasers in memory of Elie Wiesel,” The Beacon Online, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, October 3, 2016. “Some Leland Jr. math brainteasers,” 125.stanford.edu , Stanford University, Stanford, California, October 13, 2016. “A Numerical Tribute to Claude Shannon for his Centennial Birthday,” IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter, Vol. 66, No. 3, pp. 30-31, September 2016. “A Numerical Tribute to Joseph M. Pettit for his Centennial Birthday,” Capitol Shorts, American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), September 18, 2016. “Special Perfect Square Date,” The Beacon Online, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, September 9, 2016. Inan, A. S., Osterberg, P. M., “Revisiting the One-Dimensional Elastic Collision of Rigid Bodies on a Frictionless Surface Using Singularity Functions,” Proceedings of 2016 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition , New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016, #15311 CD-ROM. Osterberg, P.M., Inan, A.S., “Teaching Electronic Conduction Phenomena to Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Students Using Purdue University’s New “Bottom-Up” Approach”, Proceedings of 2016 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016, #14962 CD-ROM. Carolyn James, Mathematics James, C., Casas, A., & Grant, D. “Using Scaffolding to Scale-up Justifications,” Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 22(5), 294-301 (2017). Development of Middle School Teachers’ Knowledge and Pedagogy of Justification: Three Studies Linking Teacher Conceptions, Teacher Practice, and Student Learning. Dissertation. Portland, OR (2016). Kevin Jones, Sociology and Social Work “Dear Dr. Jones: An ethics advice column for mentoring professionals.” National Mentoring Resource Center Blog. Retrieved from http://www.nationalmentoringresourcecenter.org/index.php/ nmrc-blog/255-dear-dr-jones-an-ethics-advice-column-for-mentoring-professionals.html (2017, April 3). Brennan, E. M., Jones, K. R., & Bender, R. E. “Gentrification and Displacement: A Challenge for Social Work in Urban Environments.” In M. Rinkel & M. F. Powers (Eds.), Social Work: Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability: A Workbook for Global Social Workers and Educators. Bern: International Federation of Social Workers (2017). “Autism Spectrum Disorders Research at Oregon Health and Science University.” Case Studies in Innovation and Collaboration. Washington, D.C.: Council for Undergraduate Research. Available

online: http://sl-community.sl.psu.edu/CUR/viewvignette.php?id=Jones854263708 (2017). Jones, K. R., Merritt, L. N., Brown, A. N., Davidson, S., Nulliner, D. L., Smart, J., Walden, L., & Winges-Yanez, N. “Case studies in sustainable social work: MSW students explore principles in practice.” Journal of Sustainability Education, 12, ISSN: 2151-7452 (2017). “An interpretive phenomenological analysis of long-term mentoring relationships from the youth perspective” (Doctoral Dissertation). http://archives.pdx.edu/ds/psu/18083 (2016). Jeff Kerssen-Griep, Communication Studies “Learning to Shut Up,” In S. Mayer & J. Van Hoomissen (Eds.), Awaken the Stars: Reflections by University Faculty on What We Really Teach (pp. 55-57). Chicago, IL: ACTA Publications (2017). Kerssen-Griep, J., & Terry, C. L. “Communicating instructional feedback: Definitions, explanations, principles, and questions.” In P. L. Witt (Ed.), Handbooks of Communication Science: Vol. 16. Communication and Learning (pp. 287-318). Berlin, Germany: DeGruyter Mouton (2016). Khadija Khalife, International Languages and Cultures Muebles, cuerpos y espacios femeninos en La Muerte de Artemio Cruz, Narrativas (Revista de narrativa contemporánea en castellano), no 42, Julio-Septiembre 2016, p. 31-33. Khalid Khan, Engineering “It’s a Material World” in Awaken the Stars: Reflections on What We Really Teach (S. Mayer and J. Van Hoomissen, eds.). Chicago, IL: ACTA Publications (2017). Madhuparna Kolay, Business “Competitive Effects in Corporate Bankruptcy: Evidence from Industry Factors.” Journal of Strategic and International Studies, Volume 12(2), 72-79 (2017). Kolay, M., Lemmon, M., & Tashjian, E. “Spreading the Misery? Sources of Bankruptcy Spillover in the Supply Chain.” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 51 (6), 1955-1990 (2016). Steve Kolmes, Environmental Studies “Children, Pesticides, and Food.” Cultural Encounters – A Journal for the Theology of Culture 11:46-65 (2016). Metzger, Paul Louis, Peter J. Casarella, Steven A. Kolmes, A. J. Swoboda. “An Interview with Peter J. Casarella, Steven A. Kolmes, and A. J. Swoboda on Pope Francis’s Encyclical Lautato Si’” Cultural Encounters 12(1): 104-115 (2016). Jakob Kotas, Mathematics M. Kim, J. Kotas, J. Rockhill, M. Phillips: “Personalized prescription schemes for glioblastoma patients using a proliferation and invasion glioma model.” Cancers, 9, 51 (2016). Lorretta Krautscheid, Nursing Krautscheid, L.C., Luebbering, C., & Krautscheid, B. “Conflict-handling styles demonstrated by nursing students in response to microethical dilemmas,” Nursing Education Perspectives, 38 (3): 143-145 (2017). “Embedding microethical dilemmas in high fidelity simulation: Preparing nursing students for ethical practice.” Journal of Nursing Education, 56(1); 55-58 (2017).


“The art of compassion: Education nurses for the world.” In S. Mayer and J. VanHoomissen (Eds). Awaken the stars. Reflections on what we really teach. Chicago, IL: ACTA Publications (2017).

Patricia McShane, Philosophy “The Non-Remedial Value of Dependence on Moral Testimony,” Philosophical Studies 1-19 (2017).

Matthew Kuhn, Engineering Granular Geomechanics, ISTE-Elsevier Press, London, 2017, ISBN 9781785480713.

Chris Merideth, Education Arwood, E. & Merideth, C. “Neuro-Education: A translation from theory to practice.” Portland, OR: An Arwood Neuro-Viconics Publication, Division of APRICOT, Inc. (2017).

Daouadji Ali, Matthew R. Kuhn, Takashi Matsushima, Anil Misra, “Special Issue on Horizons in Granular Mechanics: The Legacy of Dr. Masao Satake.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Volume 143, No. 1, C2016001 (2017). David M. Walker, Antoinette Tordesillas, and Matthew R. Kuhn. “Spatial connectivity of force chains in a simple shear 3D simulation exhibiting shear bands.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Volume 143, No. 1, C4016009 (2017). “Contact transience during slow loading of dense granular materials,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, volume 143, No. 1, C4015003(9) (2017). “The critical state of granular media: convergence, stationarity and disorder,” Geotechnique, Volume 66, No. 11, pp. 902-909. DOI: 10.1680/jgeot.16.P.008 (2016).


Lars Larson, English “The Urgency of Slowness.” Awaken the Stars: Reflections on What we REALLY Teach: Essays by 25 Distinguished Professors at the University of Portland. Ed. Shannon Mayer and Jacquie Van Hoomissen. Chicago: ACTA Publications, 2017. 105-108. Bohn Lattin, Communication Studies Pierce, Dann and Bohn Lattin. “The Odd Case of Ned Flanders: Satire, Religion, and American Cultural Expectations” Jesus on the Small Screen: Christianity in Television Programming. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. (2017). Ellen Lippman, Business “Protecting donor restrictions on bequests,” The CPA Journal, 9-11. (with Teri Grimmer) (April 2017). “Transparency and Accountability for Bequests: The Case of Long Island College Hospital,” Journal of Leadership, Accountability, and Ethics, Vol 13(3) 28-35. (with Teri Grimmer) (2016). Kenneth Lulay, Engineering Dillon HE, Schmedake NJ, Eifler KE, Doughty TA, and Lulay KE. “Design of a Curriculum- Spanning Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Experiment.” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA (2016). Shannon Mayer, Physics S. Mayer and J. Van Hoomissen (Eds.). Awaken the Stars: Reflections on What We Really Teach. Chicago, IL: ACTA Publications (2017). Steven Mayer, Chemistry Yuka Kobayashi, Steven G. Mayer, and Jae W. Park, “Gelation properties of tilapia proteins in the form of surimi and fish protein isolate prepared at pre- and post-rigor,” Food Bioscience, 17 17–23 (2017). Rev. Charles McCoy, C.S.C., Mathematics Peter Cholak and Charles McCoy, “Effective Prime Uniqueness,” Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. AMS ID: MCCHXW. Article ID: PROC13675 (2017).

Stephanie Michel, Clark Library “Scenario Response: Instruction Librarian as Educator.” The New Instruction Librarian: A Workbook for Trainers and Learners. Eds. Candice Benjes-Small and Rebecca K. Miller. Chicago: ALA Editions (2017). Patricia Morrell, Education Morrell, P.D., & Salomone, S. “Impact of Robert Noyce Scholarship on teacher recruitment. 2017 Conference Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education (2017, January). Morrell, P.D., & Morrell, I. “Using Pokemon Go to meet NGSS science and engineering practices!” The Oregon Science Teacher. Retrieved from http://www.oregonscience.org/resources/Documents/TOST/2016/Articles%202016/PokemonGo!%20Activity.pdf (2016, November). Natalie Nelson-Marsh, Communication Studies “Re-thinking the Future of the Electricity System through Inter­ organizational Collaboration: Regional Transmission Organizations.” In Heath, R., & Isbell, M. Interorganizational Collaboration (2017). “Boundary spanning.” International encyclopedia of organizational communication. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishers. Lenhart, S., Nelson-Marsh, N., Wilson, E., & Solan, D. “Creating sustainable energy systems: Interorganizational collaboration and the creation of the Western Energy Imbalance Market.” Energy Research and Social Science Journal, 19, 94-107 (2016). Katie O’Reilly, Biology Richter MM, Barnes BM, O’Reilly KM, Fenn AM, Buck CL. “The influence of androgens on hibernation phenology of free-living male arctic ground squirrels.” Hormones and Behavior 89:92-97. doi.org/10.1016/j.yhbeh.2016.12.007 (2017). Lamb JS, O’Reilly KM, Jodice PGR “Physical condition and stress levels during early development reflect feeding rates and predict pre- and post-fledging survival in a nearshore seabird.” Conserv Physiol 4(1): cow060. doi:10.1093/conphys/cow060 (2016). Peter Osterberg, Engineering Inan, A. S., Osterberg, P. M., “Revisiting the One-Dimensional Elastic Collision of Rigid Bodies on a Frictionless Surface Using Singularity Functions,” Proceedings of 2016 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition , New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016, #15311 CD-ROM. Osterberg, P.M., Inan, A.S., “Teaching Electronic Conduction Phenomena to Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Students Using Purdue University’s New “Bottom-Up” Approach”, Proceedings of 2016 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016, #14962 CD-ROM.

Yamayee, Z. A., Osterberg, P.M., “Annual Documentation of Assessment and Evaluation of Student Outcomes Simplifies SelfStudy Preparation”, Proceedings of 2016 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition , New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016, #14518 CD-ROM. Bonnie Parks, Clark Library Banerjee, Kyle and Parks, Bonnie. Migrating Library Data: A Practical Manual. ALA-Neal Schuman, 2017.

effects of an early kindergarten transition program.” Journal of Applied Research on Children, 7 (1), 1-14 (2016). Ralston, N. C., Waggoner, J. M., Tarasawa, B., & Jackson, A. A. “Concurrent validity of the independent reading level assessment framework and a state assessment.” The Journal of At-Risk Issues, 19(2), 1-8 (2016).

Valerie Peterson, Mathematics “Maximal group actions on compact oriented surfaces,” Journal of Algebra, Volume 472, 15, pp 1-14 (February 2017).

Anissa Rogers, Sociology and Social Work Hash, K., Poole, J., Floyd, M., Moore, C. D., Rogers, A., Tower, L. E. “Innovative Experiential Learning Activities in Aging: The Experiences of Four BEL Projects.” Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 37 (2), 156-170 (2017).

“The Ham Sandwich Theorem and Other Adventures in Persistence,” Awaken The Stars: Reflections by University Faculty on What We Really Teach, S. Mayer & J. Van Hoomissen (Eds.) (2017).

“The many facets of humanness.” In S. Mayer and J. Van Hoomissen (Eds.), Awaken the Stars: Reflections by University Faculty on What We Really Teach, Chicago, IL: Acta Publications (2017).

Dann Pierce, Communication Studies Pierce, Dann and Bohn Lattin. “The Odd Case of Ned Flanders: Satire, Religion, and American Cultural Expectations” Jesus on the Small Screen: Christianity in Television Programming. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books (2017).

Hash, K., & Rogers, A. “Introduction” In K. Hash, & A. Rogers (Eds.). Contemporary issues and future directions in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) aging. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 37, 1-12 (2017).

Mark Pitzer, Psychological Sciences Guest, A.M., Simmons, Z.L., Downs, A., Pitzer, M.R. “Cultures of Diversity: Considering scientific and humanistic understandings in introductory psychology.” Teaching of Psychology, 44, 100-108 (2017). Cara Poor, Engineering Poor, C. and Wagner, D. “Evaluation of Soil Mixes in Shallow Bioretention Systems. Proceedings of the ASCE-EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Paper ID #237461, Sacramento, CA, May 21-25 2017. Stahnke, C. and Poor, C. “Implications of Using Different Water Sources When Hydrologically Compacting Bioretention Columns.” Water Environment Research 89: 451-455 (2017). Poor, C. and Miller, E. “Hydrology experiment design: an openended lab to foster student engagement and critical thinking,” Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Conference of the American Society of Engineering Education, Paper ID #14671, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016. Nicole Ralston, Education Ralston, N.C., Tarasawa, B., Waggoner, J.M., Smith, R., & Naegele, Z. “Developing practitioner-scholars through university-district research partnerships.” Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education, 6, 94-107 (2016). Ralston, N.C., Weitzel, B., Waggoner, J., Naegele, Z., & Smith, R. “The partnership pact: Fulfilling school districts’ research needs with university-district partnerships.” AILACTE (Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education) Journal, 8(1), 59-76 (2016). “Teacher perceptions of and actual equivalence knowledge held by elementary school students.” The Washington Educational Research Association (WERA) Educational Journal, 9 (1), 25-30 (2016). Tarasawa, B., Ralston, N.C., & Waggoner, J. “Leveraging universityschool district research partnerships: Exploring the longitudinal

Rogers, A., & Hash, K. “Conclusion and Future Directions.” In K. Hash, & A. Rogers (Eds.). Contemporary issues and future directions in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) aging. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 37, 175-186 (2017). Gaudino, R., Braband, B.J., & Rogers, A. “Entering into suffering: Becoming a transformed and transforming healer.” Journal of Christian Nursing, 34 (1), 16-23 (2017). Hash, K. & Rogers, A. (Co-Eds.) “Contemporary Issues and Future Directions in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Aging,” Special Edition of the Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Volume 37 (2017). Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Mezzo and Macro Contexts (1st Ed.) NY: Routledge (2016). Sruthi Rothenfluch, Philosophy “Defeaters to Best Interests Reasoning in Genetic Enhancement” Philosophical Studies. Online Publication: 07, Nov 2016. Stephanie Salomone, Mathematics Morrell, P.D., & Salomone, S. “Impact of Robert Noyce Scholarship on teacher recruitment.” 2017 Conference Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education (2017, January). Rene Sanchez, Theology “An Understanding of Conscience for the 21st Century, Asian Horizons,” Dharmaram Journal of Theology, Vol. 10, No 4, December 2016. Maximilian Schlosshauer, Physics M. Schlosshauer and K. Camilleri, “Bohr and the Problem of the Quantum-to-Classical Transition,” in: Niels Bohr and Philosophy of Physics: Twenty First Century Perspectives, edited by H. Folse and J. Faye (Bloomsbury Publishing, London, UK (2017). J. M. Ashby, P. D. Schwarz, and M. Schlosshauer, “Observation of the quantum paradox of separation of a single photon from one of its properties,” Phys. Rev. A 94, 012102. Featured as headline news story in APS Physics of the American Physical Society. http://


physics.aps.org/synopsis-for/10.1103/PhysRevA.94.012102 (2016). Zachary Simmons, Psychological Sciences Guest, A.M., Simmons, Z.L., Downs, A., Pitzer, M.R. “Cultures of Diversity: Considering scientific and humanistic understandings in introductory psychology.” Teaching of Psychology, 44, 100-108 (2017). Roney, J.R. & Simmons, Z.L. “Ovarian hormone fluctuations predict within-cycle shifts in women’s food intake.” Hormones and Behavior, 90, 8-14 (2017). Holly Simpson, Nursing Auxier, N., & Simpson, H. “Transforming the Role of the Clinical Faculty Coordinator in the Dedicated Education Unit.” Nursing Education Perspectives (2017). Elinor Sullivan, Biology Sullivan EL , Kievit P. “The Implications of Maternal Obesity on Offspring Physiology and Behavior in the Non-human Primate.”

Michelle Pengshung, Raymond R. Bard, Edward J. Valente. “The bis(triethylammonium) salt of 3,5,12-trinitrotricyclo[5,3,1,1(2,6)] dodecan-8,10,11-trione-3,8-(NO2,O)-dianion.” Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 2016, 46(10): 429-434. Megan Supinski and Edward J. Valente. “Mucochloric Pseudoanhydrides.” Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 46(6), 263-268 (2016). Truc-Vi Duong, Edward J. Valente. “Temperature-dependent crystal structure study of a small heterobicycle,” C9H12O4. Journal of Chemical Crystallography 46(6), 290-295 (2016). Katy Van Hook, Biology “Van Hook K, Wang Z, Chen D, Nold C, Zhu Z, Anur P, Lee HJ, Yu Z, Sheppard B, Dai MS, Sears R, Spellman P, and Lopez CD. “ΔN-ASPP2 is a novel isoform of the ASPP2 tumor suppressor and a regulator of p53 function.” Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 482(4): 1271-1277 (2017).

heather dillon, engineering Dillon HE, Baechler MC, Bartlett RA. “Commercial Building Partnerships Sweeps up Savings. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy,”


(ACEEE) Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Asilomar, CA (2016).

In L Green and R Hester (Eds.), Obesity: Intergenerational Programming and Consequences, August 2016, New York, New York: Springer. Kristin Sweeney, Environmental Studies Sweeney, Kristin E., and Joshua J. Roering, “Rapid fluvial incision of a late Holocene lava flow: Insights from LiDAR, alluvial stratigraphy, and numerical modeling.” Geological Society of America Bulletin B31537-1 (2016). Joshua Swidzinski, English “Panoramic Sites and Civic Unrest in 1790s London.” The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 57, no. 3 (2016). David Turnbloom, Theology Speaking With Aquinas: A Conversation about Grace, Virtue, and the Eucharist. Liturgical Press: Collegeville, MN (2017). Eugene Urnezius, Chemistry Amanda N. Graveson , Celia M. Gendron-Herndon, Alexander N. Erickson , Carolyn N. Virca , Michael A. Paton , Edward J. Valente, Eugenijus Urnezius, “Discrete bimetallic Co(II) phosphinate complexes supported by 2,6-dimesitylphenylphosphinate ligand”, Polyhedron 2017 (123), p. 14-22. Ed Valente, Chemistry Amanda N. Graveson , Celia M. Gendron-Herndon, Alexander N. Erickson , Carolyn N. Virca , Michael A. Paton , Edward J. Valente, Eugenijus Urnezius, “Discrete bimetallic Co(II) phosphinate complexes supported by 2,6-dimesitylphenylphosphinate ligand”, Polyhedron 2017 (123), p. 14-22.

King C, Woodward J, Schwartzman J, Coleman D, Lisac R, Wang N, Van Hook K, Gao L, Urrutia J, Dane M, Heiser L, and Alumkal J. “Integrative molecular network analysis identifies emergent enzalutamide resistance mechanisms in prostate cancer.” Oncotarget. Tammy VanDeGrift, Engineering “POGIL Activities in Data Structures: What do Students Value?” In Proceedings of the ACM Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education Symposium. Seattle, WA. March, 2017. VanDeGrift TS, Dillon HE, Camp L. “Changing the Engineering Student Culture with Respect to Academic Integrity and Ethics.” Science and Engineering Ethics. pp 1-24. doi:10.1007/s11948-0169823-9 (2016). “Art in Theory of Computation.” Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, vol 32, no 1, 2016. Amber Vermeesch, Nursing Kanthawala, S., Vermeesch, A., Given, B. & Huh, J. “Answers to health questions: Internet search results versus online health community responses.” Journal of Medical Internet Research (2016). Jacqueline Waggoner, Education Ralston, N.C., Tarasawa, B., Waggoner, J.M., Smith, R., & Naegele, Z. “Developing practitioner-scholars through university-district research partnerships.” Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education, 6, 94-107 (2016).

Ralston, N.C., Weitzel, B., Waggoner, J., Naegele, Z., & Smith, R. “The partnership pact: Fulfilling school districts’ research needs with university-district partnerships.” AILACTE (Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education) Journal, 8(1), 59-76 (2016). Tarasawa, B., Ralston, N.C., & Waggoner, J. “Leveraging universityschool district research partnerships: Exploring the longitudinal effects of an early kindergarten transition program.” Journal of Applied Research on Children, 7 (1), 1-14 (2016). Ralston, N. C., Waggoner, J. M., Tarasawa, B., & Jackson, A. A. “Concurrent validity of the independent reading level assessment framework and a state assessment.” The Journal of At-Risk Issues, 19(2), 1-8 (2016). Matthew Warshawsky, International Languages and Cultures “Opening the Door.” Awaken the Stars: Reflections on What We Really Teach. Ed. Shannon Mayer and Jacquie Van Hoomissen. Chicago: Acta Publications, 2017. 89-92 (2017). The Perils of Living the Good and True Law: Iberian CryptoJews in the Shadow of the Inquisition of Colonial Hispanic America. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs (2016). Christine Weilhoefer, Biology Weilhoefer, C.L., Jakstis, K., and C. Fischer. “Response of primary producer communities to short-term nutrient additions in a Pacific Northwest estuarine tidal wetland.” Wetlands. (2017). Weilhoefer, C.L., Williams, D., Nguyen, I., Jakstis, K., and C. Fischer. “The effects of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea l.) on wetland habitat and arthropod community composition in an urban freshwater wetland.” Wetlands Ecology and Management 24. DOI 10.1007/s11273-016-9507-x (2016). Bruce Weitzel, Education Ralston, N.C., Weitzel, B., Waggoner, J., Naegele, Z., & Smith, R. “The partnership pact: Fulfilling school districts’ research needs with university-district partnerships.” AILACTE (Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education) Journal, 8(1), 59-76 (2016). Rachel Wheeler, Theology “Holy Feigning in the Apophthegmata Patrum.” HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 72, no. 4 (Nov 2016). Kaye Wilson-Anderson, Nursing Wilson-Anderson, K. & Braband, B.J. “Collaborative research.” In Joyce F. Fitzpatrick (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Nursing Research (4th ed.). (2017). Aaron Wootton, Mathematics “Maximal group actions on compact oriented surfaces,” Journal of Algebra, Volume 472, 15 Pages 1-14 (February 2017). Zia Yamayee, Engineering “Yamayee, Z. A., Osterberg, P.M., “Annual Documentation of Assessment and Evaluation of Student Outcomes Simplifies SelfStudy Preparation,” Proceedings of 2016 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition , New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016, #14518 CD-ROM.

presentations Bahram Adrangi, Business “Crude oil Price Volatility Spillovers and Agricultural Commodities: A Study in Frequency Domain,” ABEAI, November 2015, ASBBS, February 2016, NSSA, April 2016, WEA July 2016. Simon Aihiokhai, Theology “New Perspectives for Interfaith Dialogue in the 21st Century.” Presented at the Theology Thursday Lectures organized by the Department of Theology, University of Portland on Thursday, April 6, 2017, Franz Hall, Room 120. Panel Discussion on “Institutional Witness: The University and the Work of Evangelization.” Organized by the Committee on Doctrine of United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for the Bishops Meeting with the Learned Societies. Friday, March 24, 2017, at USCCB Office in Washington, D.C. “The Continuing Crisis of HIV/AIDS in the Global South and the Moral Obligation of the Church.” Presented at the Theology Lectures organized by the Department of Theology, University of Portland on Thursday, December 1, 2017. “Grounded in Mercy: Embracing a Practical Theological Response to the Reality of HIV/AIDS Sero-Discordancy.” Presented as a formal response paper at the Black Catholic Theology Consultation Session of the Catholic Theological Society of America. Held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 8 – 12, 2016. “Locating the Place of Interreligious Friendship in Comparative Theology.” Presented as a panel paper at the Comparative Theology Session of the Catholic Theological Society of America. Held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 8 – 12, 2016. Robert Albright, Engineering Hoffbeck JP, Dillon HE, Albright RJ, Lu W, and Doughty TA. “Teaching Programming in the Context of Solving Engineering Problems.” Frontiers in Education. Erie, PA (2016). Lauren Alfrey, Sociology and Social Work “A Spectrum of Belonging: How Race, Class, and Sexuality Shape the Experiences of Women Working in Tech.” Invited talk for the Department of Sociology, University of Oregon. Eugene, OR, March 2017. Alfrey, Lauren and France Winddance Twine. “Gender-Fluid Geek Girls: Negotiating White Masculinity and Inequality in the Tech Industry.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA, August 19, 2016. Alfrey, Lauren and France Winddance Twine. “Invisible Doors and Racial Inequality: Social Capital and Cultural Fitness in the Tech Industry.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, August 22, 2016. Eric Anctil, Education “Navigating Parenting Challenges in the Digital Age.” Astor Elementary School Parent Forum. Portland, Oregon (May, 2017). “Growing up digital.” All Saints Elementary School Student Assembly. Portland, Oregon (April 2017). “Growing up digital.” St. Clare Elementary School Student Assembly. Portland, Oregon (April 2017).


“Parenting Challenges in the Digital Age.” Beverly Cleary School Parent Forum. Portland, Oregon (April 2017).

International Mind, Brain, and Education Society Conference Toronto, Ontario, Canada. September 15-17, 2016.

“Parenting in the Digital Age.” All Saints Elementary School Parent Forum. Portland, Oregon (April 2017).

Arwood, E.; Merideth, C.; & Kaulitz, C. “Mental health through a neuro-education lens.” Autism Society Conference, New Orleans, July, 7-9, 2016.

“Parenting in the Digital Age.” St. Clare Elementary School Parent Forum. Portland, Oregon (April 2017). “Parenting in the Digital Age.” West Sylvan Middle School Parent Forum. Portland, Oregon (March, 2017). “TechnoHumans in the age of mass disruption.” Keynote address at the annual conference of the Oregon Technology in Education Network, Forest Grove, Oregon (February, 2017). “Growing up digital.” National Charity League, Portland Chapter Meeting. Portland, Oregon (January, 2017). “Social media safety: What parents and kids need to know about the invisible digital world.” National Charity League, Portland

Christina Astorga, Theology “Building Bridges of Dialogue: Making Sense of our Catholicity in a Globalized World,” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017. “The Ethical Language of Health Care,” The Ethics, Politics, Economics, and Practice of Health Care in the United States, Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017. “Integral and Holistic Theo-Ethical Methodology”, Theological Seminar Presentations, Bauccio Commons Terrace Room, April 27, 2017.

andrew downs, psychology Downs, A., Boucher, L., Campbell, D. G., & Polyakov, A. “Using the WHO-5 Well-Being Index to Identify College Students Who Are At-Risk for Mental


Health Problems,” Journal of College Student Development, 58(1), 113-117 (2017).

Chapter Meeting. Portland, Oregon (November 2016). “Educating TechnoHumans in the age of mass disruption.” Keynote presented at the Archdiocese of Portland Annual Teacher Summit, Portland, Oregon (October, 2016). “Parenting TechnoHumans in the Digital Age. “St. Cecilia School Parent Forum. Portland, Oregon (October, 2016). “TechnoHumans and the future in an age of mass disruption.” KDP University of Portland Chapter Meeting, Portland, Oregon (October, 2016). “TechnoHumans in the Disrupted Age: Implications for the Future of Higher Education.” Keynote address at the annual conference of the Northwest Association for Student Affairs Professionals, Lincoln City, Oregon (October, 2016). Xan Arch, Clark Library Arch, X, Lightcap, P., Sowles, J., Smith, D., Williams, T. “Sprouting, Growing, Thriving: How to Successfully Navigate Recruitment and Flourish in a Library Career.” Presented at the 2017 Oregon Library Association Conference: Thriving Together. Salem, OR (2017). Ellyn Arwood, Education Arwood, E. & Merideth, C. “A Neuro-Educational Approach to Socio-Cultural Inclusive Practices in K-12 Classrooms.” Banff, Alberta, Canada. April 9-12 (2017). Arwood, E. & Kaulitz, C. “Literacy: An Effective Neuro-Education Language Model of Inclusivity.” ASHA Convention. Philadelphia, PA. November, 17-19, 2016.

“End of Life Issues,” Lecture given to the University of Portland Suffering and Death course, March 23, 2017. “Triple Cries of Poor, Women, and Earth: Interlocking Oppressions in the Asian Context,” Theology Without Borders: Celebrating the Legacy of Peter C. Phan, March 31, 2017, Georgetown University. “End of Life Issues,” Lecture given to the University of Portland Suffering and Death course, Oct. 31, 2016. “Justice and Mercy Interlocking in Prophetic Lament,” Theology Thursday, University of Portland, October 22, 2016. “Filipino Lakas Awa” and Prophetic Lament College Theology Society, Rockhurst University, Kansas City, June 2-June 5, 2016. “Interlocking of Gender Inequity and Gender Violence,” Catholic Theological Society of American, 71st Convention, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 9-12, 2016. Nicole Auxier, Nursing Limjuico-Woodruff, L., Auxier, N., & Stadelman, B. “Job Satisfaction and Intent to Leave Among Dedicated Education Unit,” poster presented at Western Institute of Nursing 50th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference; 2017 April 19-22; Denver CO. Ronda Bard, Chemistry Elinor Wilson, Matthew Foronda, Gisela Gonzales-Montiel, Ryan Bergio, Taylor Hudson, Valerie Walters, and Ronda Bard, “XRF Analysis of Soil in the Roman City of Pollentia, Spain,” poster session associated with research talk presented by archaeologist

Dr. Miguel Angel Cau Ontiveros of the University of Barcelona entitled “The Archaeology of Roman Pollentia and a Search for Early Christianity,” April 4, 2017. Gonzalez-Montiel, Gisela; Bergio, Ryan; Walters, Valerie; Bard, Raymond; Bard, Ronda; de Paula, Julio. “XRF and Raman Analysis of a 15th-Century Painting in Mallorca, Spain,” poster session associated with research talk presented by archaeologist Dr. Miguel Angel Cau Ontiveros of the University of Barcelona entitled “The Archaeology of Roman Pollentia and a Search for Early Christianity,” April 4, 2017. Matthew Foronda, Elinor Wilson, Gisela Montiel-Gonzalez, Ronda Bard, and Valerie Walters, “Chemical Analysis of Coins Found in the Roman City of Pollentia,” poster session associated with research talk presented by archaeologist Dr. Miguel Angel Cau Ontiveros of the University of Barcelona entitled “The Archae­ ology of Roman Pollentia and a Search for Early Christianity,” April 4, 2017. “Chemistry Field Work in Spain: Elemental Analysis of Soil from the Ancient Roman City of Pollentia and Pigment Analysis of a 15th-century Altarpiece,” co-presenters: Ronda Bard and Valerie Walters, Chemistry Dept. Seminar, Lewis & Clark College, Dec 6, 2016. Elinor Wilson, Matthew Foronda, Gisela Gonzales-Montiel, Ryan Bergio, Taylor Hudson, Valerie Walters, and Ronda Bard, “XRF Analysis of Soil in the Roman City of Pollentia, Spain,” Murdock College Science Research Conference, Spokane WA, November 10-11, 2016

Braband, B., Faris, T., & Wilson-Anderson, K. “Evaluation of Memory Book interventions with orphaned children in India, Kenya, and South Africa: A global partnership.” Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Congress, Cape Town, South Africa (July, 2016). Genevieve Brassard, English “Industrious Women Seminar.” Modernist Studies Association, November 2016, Pasadena, CA. Co-organizer. “Teaching Modernist Women Writers Roundtable.” Modernist Studies Association, November 2016, Pasadena, CA. Invited presenter. Russ Butkus, Theology “Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships: Theology in Dialogue,” Panel discussion, Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017. “Epigenetics, Toxic Exposure, and the Common Good: a Perspective on the Human Genome and Catholic Social Teaching.” Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences Annual Conference, June 2016, American University. Michael Cameron, Theology “A Unique Resource for Your Class: The Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception,” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017. “Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships: Theology in Dialogue,” Panel discussion, Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017.

“Organic Residue Analysis in Ancient Roman Pottery and Analysis of Pigments in a 15th-century Altarpiece,” CAS Colleagues, University of Portland, Oct 6, 2016.

“The Function of Christology in Augustine’s Confessions” at North American Patristics Society annual meeting, Chicago, 27 May 2017.

William Barnes, Business “Crafting Sustainability with Passion and Purpose: The Seismic Brewing Case.” Research Paper Accepted for 2017 Sustainability, Ethics, and Entrepreneurship (SEE) Conference. Puerto, Rico. (March 2017).

“The Word of the Lord at Mass: Understanding the Lectionary for Lectors,” a Virtual Workshop Presented to Lectors of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for Liturgy Training Publications, Chicago, March 22, 2017.

“The truth about wealth inequality in the U.S. vs. undergraduates’ preconceptions: A survey exercise to teach students about the phenomenon of wealth” (with R. Hanig and T Easton, presented by Hanig), Western Economics Association Meeting (June 2016). Lindsay Benes, Nursing “Flip Your Classroom: A TLC Workshop for All Faculty,” Teaching Learning Collaborative, University of Portland, Feb. 2017. Benes, L.L. “The Pragmatic Clinical Trial: A Strategic Opportunity for the PhD-DNP Partnership.” Poster presentation at the AACN 2017 Doctoral Education Conference, January 19-21, 2017. Lancaster, L. “Implementation of the National Pain Strategy: Nursing’s approach.” Presentation at the Montana Pain Initiative, June 10-11, 2016. Barbara Braband, Nursing “Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships: Theology in Dialogue,” Panel discussion, Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017.

“The Rhetorical Function of Scripture in Augustine’s Confessions” for Conference, Reading the Bible with the Early Church: Syriac, Greek, and Latin. Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA, February 2017. “Johannine Trends in Augustine’s Formation ad Confessiones” for Reconsiderations: A Conference on the Life and Thought of Augustine of Hippo, Villanova University, September 15-17, 2016. “Unfolding Sacred Scripture: How Catholics Read the Bible,” Summer Conference 2016, University of Portland, July 2016. James Carroll, Education Carroll, J., Merk, H., Waggoner, J., Carroll, J., & Weitzel, B. “Case Studies of Program Completers: Tracking Completers in Non-VAM States.” Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education ( AACTE), Tampa, FL (2017). Saikat Chakrabarti, Engineering “Current research in cybersecurity and vision on undergrad research.” Invited talk at the Academic Affairs Committee of the University of Portland Board of Regents (single faculty member chosen), May 2017.


“Cybersecurity: State of affairs and challenges” invited keynote talk featured on Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB’s) Think Out Loud. Podcast available at: http://www.opb.org/radio/ programs/thinkoutloud/segment/oregon-cybersecuritysmoking-age/ “Track 2: Can you Count on your Crypto?” Moderator, Crypto Panel, Security Bsides PDX, Portland OR 2016.

William Curtis, Political Science “Rorty as Hayekian Classical Liberal,” Pacific Northwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR, November 10-12, 2016.

Lori Chorpenning, Nursing DEU CI/New Faculty orientation–“OPT and Critical Thinking”, “Evaluation process”, and “Giving Feedback to Students”.

“Rorty and Hayek: Pragmatism as Creative Destruction,” Richard Rorty Society Conference, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, September 8-10, 2016.

Olivia Coiado, Engineering Monica Figueroa, Sarah James, Olivia Coiado, “Surface modification of vascular access device by PEG-PD coating for inhibition of bioflim formation” at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Donald P. Shiley School of Engineering, University of Portland, Portland, OR.

Lead Discussant and Moderator for Rorty Roundtable, Summer Institute of American Philosophy, Eugene, OR, July 11-16, 2016.

“Heart Pump Modeling: Design of Pulsatile Flow Phantoms,” Inaugural Biomedical Engineering Western Regional Conference, Provo, Utah, January 2017.


Cox, P. & Rasmor, M. “An Occupational Hazard of War: Musculoskeletal Injuries” (Poster). American Association of Nurse Practitioners 2016 National Conference, San Antonio, TX (June 2016).

“Cumulative effect in the chronotropic effect in rat hearts caused by pulsed ultrasound” presented during the session Biomedical Acoustics: Session in Honor of Floyd Dunn at the 5th Joint Meeting, Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 2016. Coiado O.C, Jones K., Schibel P., Almeida, N., “Design and Construction of a Virtual Bioamplification Machine” at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN (2016). Patricia Cox, Nursing Potter, P. & Cox, P., “Getting in touch: An integrative nursing approach (Podium). 2nd International Integrative Nursing Conference, Tucson, AZ (2017). Vermeesch, A., Cox, P. H., Simmons, D., and Baca, S. “Strategies for Strengthening Ethics Education in a Doctor of Nursing Practice Program. Accepted for poster presentation at the Western Institute of Nursing’s 50th Annual Commu­ nicating Nursing Research Conference, Denver, CO, April 19-22, 2017. Cox, P. H., Vermeesch, A., Simmons, D., and Baca, S. “The Use of Faculty-Student Teams to Strengthen the Ethics Content in a DNP Program.” Accepted for poster presentation at American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s 2017 Doctoral Education Conference, Coronado, CA, January 19-21, 2017. Carrillo, F., Cox, P., & McKimmy, M. “Professional Standards Update” (Podium). 39th Annual Nurse Practitioners of Oregon Education Conference. Hood River, OR (October 2016). “Reflexology in Primary Care: What is the Evidence?” (Podium). 39th Annual Nurse Practitioners of Oregon Education Conference. Hood River, OR (October 2016). Cox, P. & Rasmor, M. “Tremor: Is it Parkinson’s or something else?” (Poster). 4th World Parkinson’s Congress, Portland, OR (August 2016).

Willoughby Deming, Theology “Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships: Theology in Dialogue,” Panel discussion, Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017. Sr. Carol Dempsey, O.P., Theology “Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships: Theology in Dialogue,” Panel discussion, Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017. Heather Dillon, Engineering Ward Q, Dillon HE, and Eckmann T. “Effects of Angles on Solar Panel Power Output.” Presented at the Council on Undergraduate Research Poster’s on the Hill, Washington DC (2017). Dillon HE, Storey TJ, Rackerby RE, and Gingerich L. “Thermal Performance of Domestic Replacement A19 LED Lighting Products.” Presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Conference. Phoenix, Arizona. November 2016. Doughty TA and Dillon HE “Building Inclusive Undergraduate Project Teams.” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Conference. Phoenix, Arizona. November 2016. Hoffbeck JP, Dillon HE, Albright RJ, Lu W, and Doughty TA. “Teaching Programming in the Context of Solving Engineering Problems.” Frontiers in Education. Erie, PA. (2016). Laurie Dizney, Biology Summer Henricksen, Christina Salisbury, Kevin Yuskaitis, Laurie Dizney. “The effect of habitat restoration on mammal stress and demography.” Oregon Academy of Sciences, Corvallis OR, February 25, 2017. Christina Salisbury, Summer Henricksen, and Laurie Dizney. “Effect of Habitat Restoration on Mammal Stress and Demography.” Poster. MJ Murdock Meeting, Spokane WA, April 2017. Timothy Doughty, Engineering “Designing a New Innovation Minor for the University of Portland,” Panel discussion and Workshop with Tim Doughty, Jennette Lovejoy, and Peter Rachor, at Design Week Portland, 2017. Doughty TA and Dillon HE “Building Inclusive Undergraduate Project Teams.” American Society of Mechanical Engineers

International Mechanical Engineering Conference. Phoenix, AZ. November 2016. Hoffbeck JP, Dillon HE, Albright RJ, Lu W, and Doughty TA. “Teaching Programming in the Context of Solving Engineering Problems.” Frontiers in Education. Erie, PA (2016). Andrew Downs, Psychological Sciences Lafrenz, A., Downs, A., & Van Hoomissen, J. “Association Between Psychosocial and Organizational Factors and Objectively Measured Sedentary Behavior in Desk-dependent Office Workers.” Poster presentation at the Annual meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Capetown, South Africa (June, 2016). Lafrenz, A., Downs, A., & Van Hoomissen, J. “Recharge@Work: A Novel, Theory-based Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Behavior in Desk-dependent Office Workers.” Poster presen­ tation at the Annual meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Capetown, South Africa (June, 2016). Todd Easton, Business “Teaching the Rise in Income Inequality,” Financial Literacy Conference, Salem, Oregon, October 2016. “Teaching the Rise in Income Inequality,” Oregon Council for Social Studies Conference: Seeking Equity in Space and Time, Portland, Oregon, September 2016. “The truth about wealth inequality in the U.S. vs. undergraduates’ preconceptions: A survey exercise to teach students about the phenomenon of wealth” (with R. Hanig and T Easton, presented by Hanig), Western Economics Association Meeting, Jun. 2016. Maria Echenique, International Languages and Cultures “Documenting Realities Of Oppression: The Latin American Genre of Testimonio in Literature And Film” Pacific Ancient and Modern Languages Association (PAMLA) conference, Pasadena, CA, November 23-26, 2016. Ted Eckmann, Environmental Studies “Using GIS to Analyze Spatiotemporal Patterns of Industrial Air Pollution Sources and Distributions.” Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Japan Geoscience Union and American Geophysical Union: Chiba City (Japan) May 20-25, 2017. Adams, Amanda M., Statler, Nicole E., and Eckmann, Ted C. “Optimizing Photovoltaic Positioning and Ratios of Solar to Vegetated Roof Systems in the US Pacific Northwest.” Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers: Boston, MA, April 5-9, 2017. Bruckner, Margaret E., and Eckmann, Ted C. “Measuring Atmospheric Stability Using New Drone and Tethersonde Systems.” Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers: Boston, MA, April 5-9, 2017. Cerda, Carla I., and Eckmann, Ted C. “Monitoring Micrometeorological Conditions Inside of Buildings to Assess Energy Efficiency. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers: Boston, MA, April 5-9, 2017. Grandy, Summer L., Holmes, Brooke A., Shaw, Zoe M., Hastie, Georgia L., and Eckmann, Ted C. “Developing New Substrates to

Improve Ecoroof Performance in Temperate Rainforest Climates.” Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers: Boston, MA, April 5-9, 2017. Simpson, Logan K., Walker, Joe L., and Eckmann, Ted C. “Analyzing Concentrations of Airborne Carcinogens in Portland, Oregon.” Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers: Boston, MA, April 5-9, 2017. Walker, Joe L., Simpson, Logan K., Wright, Samantha G., and Eckmann, Ted C. “Identifying Sources of Industrial Odors Using Winds and Spatial Monitoring.” Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers: Boston, MA, April 5-9, 2017. Eckmann, Ted C. “Modeling Future Climate Change Impacts for Landowners and Municipal-Scale Stakeholders.” Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers Boston, MA, April 5-9, 2017. Ward Q, Dillon HE, and Eckmann T. “Effects of Angles on Solar Panel Power Output.” Presented at the Council on Undergraduate Research Poster’s on the Hill, Washington DC (2017). Poor, C., Okita, J., and Tade, J., Kleiss, J., and Eckmann, T. “Evaluation of water retention and water quality from ecoroofs from the Portland area. “AEHS 27th Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy, and Air. March 2017. Adams, Amanda M., Statler, Nicole E., and Eckmann, Ted C. “Optimizing Photovoltaic Angles and Rooftop Coverage of Solar Panels Versus Vegetation in Oregon.” Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Volume LXXVI: Corvallis, OR, February 25, 2017. Cerda, Carla I., and Eckmann, Ted C. “Novel Methods for Measuring Microclimates Inside Large Buildings to Evaluate Energy Efficiency.” Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Volume LXXVI: Corvallis, OR, February 25, 2017. Grandy, Summer L., Holmes, Brooke A., Hastie, Georgia L., Shaw, Zoe M., and Eckmann, Ted C., “Developing New Soils to Improve Green Roof Performance in Oregon.” Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Volume LXXVI: Corvallis, OR, February 25, 2017. “Oregon Nuisance Odor Policy and its Implementation.” Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Volume LXXVI: Corvallis, OR, February 25, 2017. “Visualizations of Global Land-Cover, Oceanic, and Atmospheric Changes Using MODIS Data.” Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Annual Conference, Volume 79: Portland, OR: October 5-8, 2016. “Regional Climate Change/Air Pollution Impacts and Mitigation.” Invited Talk, Hosted by 350pdx.org. Portland, OR August 7, 2016. Eckmann, Ted C. “Air Pollution in North Portland: Monitoring Results as of June 2016.” North Portland Community Meeting: June 20, 2016. Convened by Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives Tina Kotek and State Senator Michael Dembrow. Portland, OR (USA). [Covered by NBC (KGW), ABC (KATU), CBS (KOIN), The Oregonian, OPB, NPR]


Louisa Egan Brad, Psychological Sciences Egan Brad, L.C. “Cross-cultural variance in moral consistency,” paper presentation, Western Psychological Association, Sacramento, CA, April, 2017. Egan Brad, L., Pellegrini, K., Dutta, P., Hsu, J., & Xia, X. “Moral licensing as acquired behavior.” Poster presentation, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX, January, 2017. Karen Eifler, Education “Now What? Integrating Franciscan Charism Into Our Work at Marian University.” Marian University Itinerarium. Indianapolis, IN (May 2017). Brian Els, History “Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships: Theology in Dialogue,” Panel discussion, Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017. Interdisciplinary panel discussion of University of Portland’s

Hillary Gaudio, Education Carroll, J., Merk, H., Waggoner, J., Carroll, J., & Weitzel, B. “Case Studies of Program Completers: Tracking Completers in Non-VAM States.” Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education ( AACTE), Tampa, FL (2017). Andrew Golla, Performing and Fine Arts Panel Presentation, “Iphigenia and Other Daughters: Pre-Play Panel and Reception.” Garaventa Center, University of Portland, Portland OR. 4 March 2017. Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival Production Response for James Joyce’s The Dead, University of Oregon, Eugene OR, 11 Nov. 2016. “QLab for Audio Show Control.” THTR351: Beginning Stage Lighting and Sound, University of Portland, Portland OR, 10 Nov. 2016. Teri Grimmer, Business “Who is minding the contributions? Responsibilities of board

mike eom, business “Finding the Missing Link between Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Competitiveness through Social Capital: A Business Ecosystem Perspective,” Sustainability,


Volume 9, No. 5, pp. 707-729.

“Mad Forest” production, Hosted by the Garaventa Center for Catholic Intellectual Life & American Culture, November 19, 2016. Andrew Eshleman, Philosophy “Agency at its Best: The Virtue of Some Religious Models,” FLAW Workshop on Agency & Responsibility, Rutgers University, September 2016. Terry Favero, Biology “Possession With Purpose. A model to evaluate soccer performance.” University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro. Vila Real, Portugal. March 16, 2017. “Sport Science in a Collegiate Setting,” Faculty of Sport Science, University of Coimbra. Coimbra Portugal, March 2017. Vail Fletcher, Communication Studies “Communication Competence and Behavioral Misconduct Among a Sample of Incarcerated Offenders.” Paper presented at the Western Society of Criminology annual meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, (with Nick McRee and Amelia Cole), February 2017. Rebecca Gaudino, Theology “Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships: Theology in Dialogue,” Panel discussion, Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017. “Flip Your Classroom: A TLC Workshop for All Faculty,” Teaching Learning Collaborative, University of Portland, Feb. 2017. “Bringing Ancient Texts to Modern Life,” TechTalk interview, Academic Technology Services, November 2016.

members and management” presented at MBAA International Conference. Published in The Society for Case Research Proceedings, Chicago, IL (with Ellen Lippman), March 22-24, 2017. “Auditing the university: learning through practice”, presented at American Accounting Association’s Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting, New York City, (with Ellen Lippman), August 5-6, 2016. “When Governance Systems Fail: The Case of Long Island Hospital” presented at the American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, New York City, (with Ellen Lippman), August 8-10 2016. Richard Gritta, Business “The Use of the DuPont Formula and a Bankruptcy Forecasting Model in Court Proceedings: Reorganization versus Liquidation Decisions,” (Co-authored with Jim Jurinski), paper presented at the International Journal of Arts & Sciences Conference in Prague, Czech Republic, on November 1, 2016. Naveen Gudigantala, Business “How to Narrow the Gap Between Supply Chain & Operations with Business Analytics,” presented at the APICS professional meeting, Jan 19, 2017, Portland, OR. Gudigantala, Naveen and Abreu, Marcie. “The Effects of Consumer Perceptions of Ethics in Online Gray Market Sourcing Activities on Trust and Purchase Intention,” Decision Sciences Institute’s Annual Conference Proceedings, Austin, Texas, November, 2016.

Andrew Guest, Psychological Sciences “Is Teaching Character through Soccer Possible?” Invited presentation for the US Youth Soccer Workshop at the National Soccer Coaches Association of America conference. Los Angeles, CA (January 2017). “Soccer for Social Change.” Invited presentation for the US Youth Soccer Workshop at the National Soccer Coaches Association of America conference. Los Angeles, CA (January 2017). “Where women’s professional soccer matters: Lessons for women’s sports advocates from research with fans of the Portland Thorns.” Poster presentation for the US Youth Soccer Workshop at the National Soccer Coaches Association of America conference. Los Angeles, CA (January 2017). “‘You Better Feel Some Love’: Social and Psychological Perspectives on Fandom Where (Women’s) Professional Soccer Matters.” Presentation at the annual meetings of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Tampa, FL (November 2016). “More than a Game: Soccer Connecting the World.” Invited panelist for an event sponsored by the World Affairs Council of Oregon (August 2016). Christin Hancock, History Co-panelist, “Academic Freedom and Freedom of Conscience: Teaching and Research at a Catholic Institution,” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017. “Diversity and the Idea of Comfort/Discomfort on Campus.” Invited Workshop to University of Portland Faculty, November 2016. Ross Hanig, Business “The truth about wealth inequality in the U.S. vs. undergraduates’ preconceptions: A survey exercise to teach students about the phenomenon of wealth” (with R. Hanig and T Easton, presented by Hanig), Western Economics Association Meeting, June 2016. Nicole Hanig, Performing & Fine Arts Vocal Master Class. Gay Men’s Chorus of Oakland in preparation for CD recording. October 2016. Rev. William Hannon, C.S.C., English “Consecrated for Mission: Becoming Teachers of Immeasurable Joy.” Day of Reflection for the Presidents and Principals of the Diocese of Orange, California. Diocesan Center, Garden Grove, CA, 15 Oct. 2016. “Alive for the Mission Worthy of Our Lives.” Retreat for the Deacons of the Diocese of Salt Lake City. Holiday Inn, Park City, Utah. 12-16 Mar. 2017.

“Spitting Images: Pedagogies of Purity, Spectacle, and Violence in The Prioress’ Tale.” Biennial Congress of the New Chaucer Society, July 2016, London, England. Randy Hetherington, Education “Beyond Management: Making the Case for Organizational Trust.” Round table presentation at Oregon Association of Teacher Educators (ORATE). Portland, OR (2017). Krautscheid, N. & Hetherington, R. “Three “I’s” of parent involvement.” Round table presentation at Oregon Association of Teacher Educators (ORATE). Portland, OR (2017). “Going beyond management and making the case for organizational trust.” Presentation at University of Alberta Summer School on Leadership Excellence. Edmonton, AB (July, 2016). Hannah Highlander, Mathematics Matheson, T., Satterthwaite, B., Callender, H. L. “Modeling the Spread of Zika at the 2016 Olympics.” Student Poster Session, Joint American Mathematical Society (AMS)/Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Meetings, Atlanta, GA. Introduction to the Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance, Session on Community Building in Biomathematics at the International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Charleston, SC. Matheson, T., Satterthwaite, B., Callender, H. L. “Modeling the Spread of Zika at the 2016 Olympics.” International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Charleston, SC. Carr, A., Feryn, A., Graham, T., Manore, C., Callender, H. L. “Minimizing Antibiotic Resistance through Diagnostic Deployment in the Treatment of Non-Typhoidal Salmonella in Siaya, Kenya.” Annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Boston MA. “A Glimpse into Agent-Based Modeling: Using Turtles to Monitor Disease Spread During the 2016 Summer Olympics,” Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance Workshop for Future Researchers, Normal, IL. Alexandra Hill, International Languages and Cultures “The Violent Turn: Rape as Social and Environmental Domination.” Northeast Modern Language Association, Baltimore, MD. 24-27 March 2017. Molly Hiro, English “The Virtue of Curiosity,” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017.

“Men and Women with Hope to Bring.” Senior Class Retreat. Friends Retreat Center, Rockaway, Oregon. 15 April, 2017.

“Diversity and the Idea of Comfort/Discomfort on Campus.” Invited Workshop to University of Portland Faculty, November 2016. with Christi Hancock.

Nina Henrichs-Tarasenkova, Theology “Practicing Discernment: Learning How to Hold Irenic Discussions in an Argumentative Culture.” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017.

Joseph Hoffbeck, Hoffbeck JP, Dillon HE, Albright RJ, Lu W, and Doughty TA “Teaching Programming in the Context of Solving Engineering Problems.” Frontiers in Education. Erie, PA (2016).

Cara Hersh, English “Wonder” Garaventa Center’s “An Evening of Wonder” Portland, OR, February 2017.

Sr. Angela Hoffman, O.S.B., Chemistry Hoffman, A., E. Valente, M.A.C. Ontiveros, E.C. Alvarez, “Actinomycete antibiotic compounds from soil bacteria at an ancient


Roman site”, 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, April 2-6, 2017. Munson, C., A. Hoffman, “Thermal stability of white turnip peroxidase with calcium chloride and ethylene glycol”, 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, April 2-6, 2017. Wetzel, R., A. Hoffman, “Antibiotic and hyaluronidase-inhibiting fractions from the Rhododendron flower”, 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, April 2-6, 2017. Hoffman, A., “A look at nature’s pharmacy” Junior Family Weekend “TED talk”, February 18, 2017, University of Portland. Truong, K., A. Hoffman, “Harnessing potential cancer-inhibiting compounds from the basket plant ( Callisia fragrans )”, Oregon Academy of Science , Oregon State University, Corvallis OR, Feb 25, 2017. Wetzel, R., A. Hoffman, “ Hyaluronidase inhibition of flavonoids from the Rhododendron flower,” the 25th Annual MCSR Conference sponsored by the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, November 3-4 2016, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA.


Munson, C., A. Hoffman, “White turnip ( Brassica rapa subsp. rapa ) peroxidase thermal stability of enzymatic activity 20°C and 80 °C using a syringaldazine assay with calcium chloride and ethylene glycol”, Third Annual Undergraduate Poster Symposium and Career Fair , PSU Oct 23, 2016. Hoffman, A., “Of taxanes and fungal endophytes” Oregon State University, Loesgen lab and chemistry department, June 1, 2016. Samuel Holloway, Business “Tapping into Design: Creating User Personas in Craft Beer,” Panel Discussion and Workshop with Mark Meckler, Jennette Lovejoy, and Keith Carratto at Design Week Portland, 2017. “Crafting Sustainability with Passion and Purpose: The Seismic Brewing Case.” March 2017 Sustainability, Ethics, and Entrepreneurship (SEE) Conference. Puerto, Rico. Sally Hood, Education Hood, S., Naegele, Z., Ralston, N., Smith, R., & Thompson, P. “This Side of Home.” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017. “Information Gap Continued!” 2017 State English Learners Alliance Conference, Eugene, OR. Morrell, P.D., Mellgren, E., & Hood, S. “A first-year science teacher’s experiences in a middle school dual language immersion program.” Paper presented at the 2017 Korean Association for Science Education International Conference, Seoul, South Korea (February 2017). “Lived Experiences of a First-Year Teacher in a Middle School Dual Language Immersion Program.” Sixth International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education, Minneapolis, MN (2016). “National Network for Early Language Learning (NNELL) Networking Session.” Confederation of Oregon Foreign Language Teachers (COFLT) Conference, Portland, OR (2016).

Rachel Hutcheson, Chemistry “Metalloenzymes and Iron-Sulfur Clusters.” Lewis and Clark College, Portland OR, March 1, 2017. Cloud, Allie; Konrath, Kylie; Hutcheson, Rachel. “Cloning and Characterizations of Radical SAM Enzymes.” 76th Oregon Academy of Science Conference, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR, February 25, 2017. Cloud, Allie; Konrath, Kylie; Hutcheson, Rachel. “Cloning and Characterizations of Radical SAM Enzymes.” Murdock College Science Research Conference, Gonzaga University, Spokane WA, November 4-5, 2016. “Metalloenzymes and Radical Reactions.” Pacific University, Forest Grove OR, October 18, 2016. Brian Huyvaert, Mathematics “Inspiring Future Mathematicians Through Failure.” Presentation, VA Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Harrisonburg VA (2017). “Learning Math Like a Mathematician.” Presentation, SC Council of Leaders of Mathematics Annual Conference, Greenville SC (2016). “Approaching Math Instruction Like A Mathematician.” Presentation, PA Council of Leaders in Mathematics Annual Conference, Mechanicsburg, PA (2016). “Conceptual Depth and Discovery in Mathematic.s” Presentation, MD Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Pasadena MD (2016). Kimberly Ilosvay, Education Contreras, E., Ilosvay, K., Kennedy, M., McLary, L., Reed, L. & Shillam, C. “The Sojourner Scholars Program: An Exciting Opportunity to Mentor Students.” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017. Contreras, E., McLary, L., Reed, L., Kennedy, M., Shillam, C., & Ilosvay, K. “Comprehensive Internationalization Diversity, and Inclusion: Vision 2020.” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017. Hood, S., Ilosvay, K., Naegele, Z., Ralston, N., Smith, R., & Thompson, P. “This side of home.” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017. Ilosvay, K. & Kerssen-Griep, J. “Elementary school students’ stories about identity negotiation in their literacy classrooms: An interview-based study.” Paper presented at American Education Research Association, San Antonio, TX (May 2017). “An Analysis of Communicative Interactions in School: Learning from Layered Messages in Humor.” American Association of Applied Linguistics. Portland, Oregon (March 2017). “Literacy Strategies for Comprehension & Memory.” Invited lecture at the Transforming the Nation conference for the Ministry of Education. Mukono, Uganda (February 2017). “Teacher Motivation.” Symposium conducted at the Transforming the Nation conference for Minsitry of Education, Kampala, Uganda (February 2017).

Keleman, S., Ashton, D, Mauthe, C. Ilosvay, K., Bright, A., Sternberg, M., Siamoo, P., Hawking, C., Yeigh, M. “How Students Learn.” Plenary Session at the Transforming the Nation conference for the Ministry of Education. Mukono, Uganda (February 2017). Aziz Inan, Engineering Yuen, M. S., Kirby, J. P., Perkins, P. E., Inan, A. S., and Benitez, H. W., “Why Do GFCIs Keep Tripping?” 2017 IEEE Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering (ISPCE 2017), San Jose, California, May 8, 2017. Osterberg, P.M., Inan, A.S., “Teaching Electronic Conduction Phenomena to Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Students Using Purdue University’s New “Bottom-Up” Approach”, 2016 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Poster Presentation, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016, #14962 CD-ROM. Carolyn James, Mathematics “Math Tutor Observations and Feedback.” Presented to National Consortium of Math Resource Center Directors (2017). “Calculus Instructor Beliefs Regarding Student Engagement.” Twentieth annual SIGMAA on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. San Diego, CA: February 24, 2017. Sharon A. Jones, Engineering “Overcoming Challenges to Infusing Ethics into the Development of Engineers.” National Academy of Engineering, 2016. “Pacific Northwest Deans of Engineering. 2016. American Engineering Education for the 21st Century: A Northwest Perspective,” 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers National Conference, Portland, OR. Moderators: James Hamann, CEO & President, Otak, Inc., Portland, Oregon and Blaine Leonard, P.E., D.GE, Intelligent Transportation System Program Manager, Utah Department of Transportation, Salt Lake City, Utah. Kevin Jones, Sociology and Social Work “The Role of Mentors in Promoting Success and Satisfaction for Undergraduate Social Work Students.” 4th International Conference on Practice Research, Hong Kong, China. May 2017. Salazar, A. M. & Jones, K. R. “Using Theater Testing to Assess Intervention Usability Among its Target Population: An Example and Experiential Workshop.” 4th International Conference on Practice Research, Hong Kong, China. May 2017. Jones, K. R. & Cook, S. “Applying and disseminating an ethical decision-making framework for youth mentoring programs.” 2017 International Mentoring Association Conference, Wilmington, NC. April 2017. “Advancing social sustainability in the public sector: Using assessment tools and indicators.” Invited lecture for Partners for a Sustainable Washington County Community, Hillsboro, OR. March 2017. “The ‘Circle of Courage’ in college: Integrating Native American cultural principles into social work field education.” 2017 Annual Program Meeting of the Council for Social Work Education, Atlanta, GA. November 2016. Deana Julka, Psychological Sciences “Examining the Capstone Experience.” Poster presented at the

annual Western Psychological Association in Sacramento, CA, April, 2017. Julie Kalnin, Education Kalnin, J., & Morrell, P.D., “Examining mandated performance assessments influence on teacher candidate use of formative assessment.” Paper presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Tampa, FL (March 2017). Morrell, P.D., & Kalnin, J. “Coupling engineering design practices with CCSS ELA Writing.” Workshop presented at the ASEE section of the National Science Teachers Association Regional Conference in Portland, OR (November 2016). Morrell, P.D., & Kalnin, J. “Coupling engineering design practices with CCSS ELA Writing.” Workshop presented at the ASEE section of the National Science Teachers Association Regional Conference in Portland, OR (November 2016). Ryan Kenton, Biology Barnes AD, Pfiefer HJ, Rudd JC, and Kenton RJ. “Identification and testing of two unknown genes within the TonB2 system of V. vulnificus.” Poster session presented at 25th Annual Murdock College Science Research Conference; Spokane, WA, November 3-5, 2016. Jeff Kerssen-Griep, Communication Studies Ilosvay, K. & Kerssen-Griep, J. “Elementary school students’ stories about identity negotiation in their literacy classrooms: An interview-based study.” Paper presented at American Education Research Association, San Antonio, TX (May 2017). Kerssen-Griep, J. and Krautscheid, L. “Empowering advocacy through interdisciplinary community strategies.” Providence Portland Medical Center. Portland, OR (April 2017). “Best Research Ideas from Leading Instructional Scholars.” Presented at the National Communication Association (NCA) convention, Philadelphia, PA (November 2016). Khalid Khan, Engineering Interfaith Panel of faculty colleagues. Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, May 2017. Organizer and presenter at the Annual Interfaith Prayer Breakfast at First United Methodist Church, Vancouver, WA, May 18, 2017. Madhuparna Kolay, Business “Competitive Effects in Corporate Bankruptcy: Evidence from Industry Factors.” IAABR Conference on Business, Economics, Finance and Accounting, Cocoa Beach, FL (March 2017). Steve Kolmes, Environmental Studies “Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships: Theology in Dialogue,” Panel discussion, Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR (May 2017). Invited lecture, “Nuisance Odor in North Portland.” Environmental Regulation & Non-regulatory Approaches, Graduate Course at Portland State University (ESM 552), April 2017. New Wine New Wineskins Forum, Multnomah University, , Environmental Stewardship and Human Flourishing (April 2017).


Trauma and Resilience Conference, Multnomah University, Trauma and the Environment (March 2017). Cultivating Renewal, Back to the Beginning Conference, Multnomah University, Environment and Environmental Justice in Portland (February 2017). Seminary Stewardship Alliance national webcast, Contemporary Environmental Issues and Teaching Ecotheology (January 2017). Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences Annual Conference, American University, Education for Sustainability: Robust Framing and System Viability Assessment (June 2016). Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences Annual Conference, American University, Epigenetics, Toxic Exposure, and the Common Good: a Perspective on the Human Genome and Catholic Social Teaching (June 2016). Interdisciplinary Environmental Association, 22nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment, Austin,

Lorretta Krautscheid, Nursing Kerssen-Griep, J. and Krautscheid, L. “Empowering advocacy through interdisciplinary community strategies.” Providence Portland Medical Center. Portland, OR (April 2017). Mossman, T., Wagner, M., Krautscheid, L., Mood, L., McLennon, S., & Wode, J. “The relationship between resilience protective factors and moral distress among nursing students.” Poster presentation at the Western Institute of Nursing Conference, Denver, CO (April 2017). Rompel, J., Valdez, H., Majors, E., and Krautscheid, L. “BUDDY-UP: An educational innovation enhancing student nurse retention.” Podium presentation. Annual Research Symposium, Omicron Upsilon Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau. University of Portland, Portland, OR (March 2017). “Advocating amidst conflict: Embedding micro-ethical dilemmas within high fidelity simulation.” Paper presentation. Community Engagement and Healthcare Improvement Conference. San Antonio, TX (September 2016).

mark eifler, history The California Gold Rush: The Stampede that Changed the World. New York and London: Routledge, 2017. Review of Powder River: The Disastrous Opening of the


Great Sioux War. By Paul L. Hedren, in New Mexico Historical Review (2017).

Transcending Disciplinary Approaches to Education for Sustainable Human and Environmental Systems (June 2016). Jakob Kotas, Mathematics “Response-Guided Dosing.” SIAM Conference on Optimization, Vancouver, BC, Canada (May 25, 2017). “Response-Guided Dosing.” University of Hawaii Manoa Mathematics Seminar, Honolulu, HI (May 9, 2017). “The Mathematics of Baccarat.” Santa Clara University Mathematics Seminar, Santa Clara, CA (May 2, 2017). “The Mathematics of Baccarat.” University of Washington Tacoma Mathematics Colloquium, Tacoma, WA (May 16, 2017). “The Mathematics of Baccarat.” University of Portland Mathematics Seminar, Portland, OR (Apr 24, 2017). “The Mathematics of Baccarat.” Pacific University Mathematics Colloquium, Forest Grove, OR (Feb 28, 2017). “Optimal Stopping for Response Guided Dosing.” INFORMS Annual Meeting 2016, Nashville, TN (Nov 14, 2016). “Optimal stopping for response-guided dosing,” MAA MathFest 2016, Columbus, OH (Aug 5, 2016). Mallie Kozy, Nursing “Leading a Population Health Focused nursing transformation within the context of healthcare reform.” Roundtable Discussion at Oregon Public Health Association Spring Nursing Conference. Portland, OR, May 15, 2017.

“Strategies promoting moral agency and resilience protective factors.” Oregon Nurses Association. Tualatin, OR (September 2016). Lars Larson, English “Tech Talk” invited interviewee for U. Portland Academic Technology Services 20-minute podcast on analog technology. Taped Feb. 28, 2017. https://sites.up.edu/techtalk/jomo-not-fomo/ “Material Wonder.” Invited speaker for the Garaventa Center’s panel talk on Forms of Wonder, Arlington Club, Portland, OR, February 8, 2017. “The Professional Amateur as Scholarly Teacher.” Invited speaker for UP Crossroads’ hour-long series on “Conversations at the Intersection between Teaching and Technology.” February 17, 2017. “Quiet Violence in Willy Vlautin’s Novels.” Western Literature Association Conference, Big Sky, MT, Sept. 24, 2016. Larizza Limjuco Woodruff, Nursing Limjuico-Woodruff, L., Auxier, N., & Stadelman, B. “Job Satisfaction and Intent to Leave Among Dedicated Education Unit.” Poster presented at: Western Institute of Nursing 50th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference; Denver CO, 2017 April 19-22. Ellen Lippman, Business “Who is minding the contributions? Responsibilities of board members and management.” Presented at MBAA International Conference. Published in The Society for Case Research Proceedings, March 22-24, 2017, Chicago, IL (with Teri Grimmer).

“White-collar Crime of Teachers and Accountants: Similar Crimes Different Perspectives.” 2017 Best Paper Award, North American Accounting Society, Chicago, IL (March 2017).

“The Ethics, Politics, Economics and Practice of Healthcare in the United States,” Panel Participant. Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR, (May 2017).

“Auditing the university: learning through practice,” presented at American Accounting Association’s Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting, New York City, August 5-6, 2016 (with Teri Grimmer).

Gary Lee Malecha and Daniel J. Reagan, “Legislative Bureaucracy in an Evolving Congress: Misplaced Hopes, Ambitions Realized, and the Ironies of Change.” Paper presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, Austin, TX, April 12-15, 2017.

“Contrasting white collar crimes of teachers and corporate accountants: similar crimes, different responses,” American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Faculty Student Collaboration in Accounting, New York City, August 8-10, 2016. “When Governance Systems Fail: The Case of Long Island Hospital,” presented at the American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, New York City, August 8-10 2016 (with Teri Grimmer). “Problems in the Procurement Process: 1861 United States Civil War and 21st Century Iraq and Afghanistan Operations,” Academy of Accounting Historians 14th World Congress of Accounting Historians. Lora Looney, International Languages and Cultures “Loose Ends: Where the Plains Meet the Mountains,” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, UT (October 2016). Jennette Lovejoy, Communication Studies Jennette Lovejoy and Ian Parkman (business) facilitated a Design Week Portland event, “Millennial Thinking: Designing for Problems Outside of the Classroom” on UP campus during Design Week Portland, April 24, 2017. Presented a workshop, “Growing Up with Design: Approaching Family and Community with Design Principles,” with an inter­ disciplinary team of psychology, architecture, and textile experts, during Design Week Portland at Ziba Design Firm on April 25, 2017. “Designing a New Innovation Minor for the University of Portland,” Panel discussion and workshop with Tim Doughty (engineering), and Peter Rachor (Franz Center) at Design Week Portland, 2017. “Tapping into Design: Creating User Personas in Craft Beer,” panel discussion and workshop with Samuel Holloway (business), Mark Meckler (business), and Keith Carratto (Keen footwear) at Design Week Portland, 2017. “What do YOU represent?: Leadership and Communication for Collegiate Athletes,” keynote presentation to West Coast Conference Student-Athlete Leadership Summit, Portland, OR, June 8, 2016. Kenneth Lulay, Engineering “Learning through Failure Analysis.” Northwest Machine Tool Expo and Conference. Oregon Convention Center. Portland, OR, April 2017. Invited speaker. Gary Malecha, Political Science “Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships: Theology in Dialogue,” panel discussion, Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR (May 2017).

Discussant on “The U. S. Senate.” Southwestern Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Austin, TX (April 2017). Norah Martin, Philosophy “Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships: Theology in Dialogue,” panel discussion, Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR (May 2017). “Embracing Interfaith Encounters in a Global Catholic Institution,” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR (May 2017). “Environmental Climate under the Trump Administration: Freedom Is Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose,” presentation to the UP College Ecology Club, March 22, 2017. “The Air We Share and the Tragedy of the Commons” UP Integrated Conversations, Feb. 6, 2017. Guest Lecture on Environmental Ethics for Laurie Dizney’s Conservation Biology Class, February 16, 2017. Kala Mayer, Nursing Mayer, K., and Vermeesch, A. “Lessons Learned in Conducting Community-engaged Nursing Research at a Private, Teaching-Intensive Institution,” podium presentation at 144th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the American Public Health Association, Creating the Healthiest Nation: Ensuring the Right to Health, Denver, CO, November 02, 2016. “Housing and Nurses for Health (HNH) Model.” Roundtable presentation at APHA’s 2016 Annual Meeting & Expo in Denver, Oct. 29-Nov. 2, 2016. Vermeesch, A., and Mayer, K. “Workplace Related Quality of Life: Effect of Available Recreation Facilities on Physical Activity and Nutrition,” podium presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International’s 27th International Nursing Research Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, July 21-25, 2016. “Housing and Nurses for Health: Moving From Traditional Care Settings to Where People Live.” Podium presentation at STTI’s 27th International Nursing Research Congress in Cape Town, South Africa (2016). Mayer, K. “Social-Structural Facilitators and Barriers to Social Support Provision in a Community Kitchen.” Podium presentation at STTI’s 27th International Nursing Research Congress in Cape Town, South Africa (2016). Shannon Mayer, Physics Speaker at “An Evening of Wonder,” Hosted by the University of Portland’s Garaventa Center for Catholic Intellectual Life and American Culture and First Republic Bank at The Arlington Club, Portland, OR; Feb. 2017.


Laura McLary, International Languages and Cultures “Using Global and Intercultural Learning Outcomes in Beginning German.” Workshop and Presentation. Collaborative for International Studies and Global Outreach (CISGO), University of Portland, Portland, OR (September 30, 2016). Nick McRee, Sociology and Social Work “Parental Allocations of Allowance and Pocket Money Among US Adolescents.” Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Portland, OR (April 2017). “Retrospective Assessments of Drug Court Participation: Data From a Sample of Adult Drug Treatment Court Graduates.” Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Portland, OR (April 2017). “Communication Competence and Behavioral Misconduct Among a Sample of Incarcerated Offenders.” (with C. Vail Fletcher and Amelia Cole) Paper presented at the Western Society of Criminology annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV (February 2017). “The Application of Judicial Sanctions and Incentives in an Adult Drug Treatment Court.” (with Laurie A. Drapela) Paper presented at the Western Society of Criminology annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV (February 2017).


Patricia McShane, Philosophy “Why It’s Good to Give Moral Testimony,” Annual Auburn University Philosophy Conference, Auburn University (March 2017). “How Much Should You Believe in Your Friends?” (Public Philosophy Presentation), Young Philosophers Video Lecture Series, DePauw University. “The Non-Remedial Value of Dependence on Moral Testimony,” Young Philosophers Video Lecture Series, DePauw University. “Comments On Matt Frise’s ‘On Losing Belief In Faith.’” Presentation at Western Washington University (2017). Mark Meckler, Business “Tapping into Design: Creating User Personas in Craft Beer,” panel discussion and workshop with Samuel Holloway (business), Jennette Lovejoy (communication studies) and Keith Carratto (Keen footwear) at Design Week Portland (2017). “Crafting Sustainability with Passion and Purpose: The Seismic Brewing Case.” Research Paper Accepted for 2017 Sustainability, Ethics, and Entrepreneurship (SEE) Conference. Puerto, Rico (March 2017). Chris Merideth, Education Arwood, E. & Merideth, C. “A Neuro-Educational Approach to Socio-Cultural Inclusive Practices in K-12 Classrooms.” Banff, Alberta, Canada. April 9-12, 2017. Arwood, E.; Merideth, C.; & Kaulitz, C. “Mental health through a neuro-education lens.” Autism Society Conference, New Orleans, July, 7-9, 2016. Stephanie Michel, Clark Library “New Primo UI: Timeline for New Features.” Panel presentation during the program: “New Primo UI: Functional Update.” Orbis Cascade Alliance Summer Meeting (July 2016).

“Targeting Primo Instruction to Different Audiences.” Panel presentation during the program: “Teaching with Primo: Strategies for Success.” Orbis Cascade Alliance Summer Meeting (July 2016). Gary Mitchell, Business “How to Narrow the Gap Between Supply Chain & Operations with Business Analytics,” presented at the APICS professional meeting, Portland, OR, Jan 19, 2017. Martin Monto, Sociology and Social Work Monto, M. A. and Milrod, C. “Perceptions of Provider Power Among Older Men Who Buy Sex Online.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Phoenix, AZ (November 2016). “Prostitution, Power, and the Demand for Commercial Sex.” Seminar Series: Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities, Stony Brook University (2016). “The Fragile Generation? Evaluating Popular and Scholarly Claims About Contemporary College and High School Students.” Presented to the Sociology Club, Stony Brook University (October 2016). “Understanding the Demand for Commercial Sex.” Presented to Demand Abolition, Boston, MA (October 2016). Laura Mood, Nursing Mossman, T., Wagner, M., Krautscheid, L., Mood, L., McLennon, S., & Wode, J. “The relationship between resilience protective factors and moral distress among nursing students.” Poster presentation at the Western Institute of Nursing Conference, Denver, CO (April 2017). “Narrative life history: A qualitative method for interpreting biographical experience.” Lecture presented at Oregon Health & Science University (2017). Patricia Morrell, Education Kalnin, J., & Morrell, P.D.,” Examining mandated performance assessments influence on teacher candidate use of formative assessment.” Paper presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Tampa, FL (March 2017). “Securing funding for you and your classroom.” Invited presentation to Kappa Delta Pi-Professional Development Session, Portland, OR (March 2017). Morrell, P.D., & Morrell, I. “Using Pokemon Go to meet NGSS science and engineering practices.” A paper presented at the 2017 Annual National Science Teachers Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA (March 2017). “Teacher preparation in Oregon with a comparison to Korean teacher preparation programs.” Invited symposium presented at both Kangwon national University, Chuncheon, South Korea, and Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul, South Korea (February 2017). Morrell, P.D., & Filbert, L. “Family STEM Night: Connecting the university and the community.” Invited presentation at the 2017 International STEAM Symposium hosted by Chosun University, Gwangju, South Korea (February 2017).

Morrell, P.D., Mellgren, E., & Hood, S. “A first-year science teacher’s experiences in a middle school dual language immersion program.” Paper presented at the 2017 Korean Association for Science Education International Conference, Seoul, South Korea (February 2017). Morrell, P.D., & Salomone, S. “Impact of Robert Noyce Scholarship on teacher recruitment.” Poster presented at the 2017 Association for Science Teacher Education Conference in Des Moines, IA (January 2017). Pyle, E., Kier, M., & Morrell, P. “Lessons Learned from Robert Noyce Scholarship Programs”. A Panel Discussion presented at the 2017 Association for Science Teacher Education Conference in Des Moines, IA (January 2017). Pyle, E.J., Morrell, P., Veal, W., Roehrig, G., Clogh, M., Clough, J., Park Rogers, M. “Teacher preparation standards to meet the NRC Framework for K-12 Education.” A Town Hall Meeting conducted at the 2017 Association for Science Teacher Education Conference in Des Moines, IA (January 2017). Morrell, P.D., & Kalnin, J. “Coupling engineering design practices with CCSS ELA Writing.” Workshop presented at the ASEE section of the National Science Teachers Association Regional Conference in Portland, OR (November 2016). Morrell, P.D., & Turner, K. “Expanding the boundaries of STEM.” Poster presented at the ASTE section of the NSTA Regional Conference in Portland, OR (November 2016). Morrell, P.D., Salomone, S., VanHoomissen, J., More, T., & Hoffert, P. “Future Goals: Integrated STEM curriculum for middle school teachers.” Four day workshop presented to Oregon teachers (face-to-face and synchronous on-line format) (August 2016). Patrick Murphy, Performing and Fine Arts “It’s Not Supposed To Hurt: Preventing and Eliminating Conducting Pain.” Workshop presentation at Connecticut Music Educators Association Conference, Hartford, CT, March 30, 2017. Natalie Nelson-Marsh, Communication Studies Nelson-Marsh, N. & Lenhart, S. “Communication and the constitution of governance structures.” Invited presentation for The National Association of Regulatory Attorneys (NCRA) Annual Meeting. Portland, OR (May 2017). “Graduate research-in-progress.” Roundtable workshop participant at the Western States Communication Association (WSCA) conference annual meeting. Salt Lake City, UT (February 2017). Nelson-Marsh, N., Barbar, D., & Agoot, K. “Communication strategies promoting moral resilience and ethical action: Empowering the voices of nurses.” Facilitated workshop for the University of Portland Nursing Program. Portland, OR (March 2017). Kopczynski, J., & Nelson-Marsh, N. “’Lights must stay on’”: The communicative roles of boundary spanning.” Presented at the National Communication Association Conference (November 2016). “Insights into Regional Transmission Organization Decision Making and Advocacy,” webinar workshop. Hosted by the Sustainable Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Project (June 2016).

Mary Oakes, Nursing Last Lecture, University of Portland, Portland, OR, April 26, 2017. “Simulation Debriefing – The basics.” OHSU/NWSA Conference. Portland, OR, October 20, 2016. John Orr, English “One Hundred Years of Humiliation: Henry Adams and the Middle Kingdom.” American Literature Association Conference, Boston, MA, May 26, 2017. Peter Osterberg, Engineering Osterberg, P.M., Inan, A.S., “Teaching Electronic Conduction Phenomena to Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Students Using Purdue University’s New ‘Bottom-Up’ Approach,” 2016 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Poster Presentation, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016, #14962 CD-ROM. Ian Parkman, Business Facilitated a Design Week Portland event, “Millennial Thinking: Designing for Problems Outside of the Classroom,” wity Jennette Lovejoy (communication studies) on UP campus during Design Week Portland, April 24, 2017. “Designing a New Innovation Minor for the University of Portland,” panel discussion and workshop with Tim Doughty (engineering), Jennette Lovejoy (communication studies), and Peter Rachor (Franz Center) at Design Week Portland (2017). “Tapping into Design: Creating User Personas in Craft Beer,” panel discussion and workshop with Samuel Holloway (business), Mark Meckler (business), Jennette Lovejoy (communication studies) and Keith Carratto (Keen footwear) at Design Week Portland (2017). “Avoiding the Tyranny of the Served Market: Market Orientation and Firm Performance Among Design-Driven Organizations.” DMI: Academic Design Management Conference (2016). Valerie Peterson, Mathematics R. Keller, V. Peterson, E. Johnson, & T. Fukawa-Connelly. “Undergraduate Abstract Algebra: Is Teaching Different at ‘Teaching’ Colleges?” Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, San Diego, CA (Feb 2017). “An Inquiry-Oriented Smorgasbord.” Presenter, 2-day workshop for Project NExT program at MAA MathFest, Columbus, OH (Feb 2017). Mark Pitzer, Psychological Sciences “What is a brain like you doing in a classroom like this?’ TEDx Eastside Prep, Seattle, WA (March 2017). “One Neuroscientist’s Advice for Learning in College,” Parent and Student Orientation, University of Portland (August 2016). Cara Poor, Engineering Poor, C., Mansberger, C., Tade, J., Conkle, K., MacDonald, A., and Duncan, K. “Evaluating the Effects of Water Treatment Residuals in Bioretention Soil Mixes,” Pacific Northwest American Water Works Association Conference, Student Poster Competition, May 3-5, 2017. Poor, C., Mansberger, C., Tade, J., Conkle, K., MacDonald, A., and Duncan, K. “Evaluating the Effects of Water Treatment Residuals in Bioretention Soil Mixes.” ACWA Stormwater Summit, May 10, 2017.


Martinez, A., Balmes, C., and Poor, C. “The role of mycelium in bioretention systems: evaluation of nutrient retention in mesocosms inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi.” AEHS 27th Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy, and Air (March 2017). Poor, C., Okita, J., and Tade, J., Kleiss, J., and Eckmann, T. “Evaluation of water retention and water quality from ecoroofs from the Portland area.” AEHS 27th Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy, and Air (March 2017). Pamela Potter, Nursing “Developing an Interdisciplinary Integrative and Population Health Promotion Degree Program: Possibilities for Nursing Education,” Oregon Public Health Association Nursing Section Spring Conference, Public Health Nursing in Healthcare Reform: Leading Practice, Research and Education Innovations (2017). Potter, P. & Cox, P., “Getting in touch: An integrative nursing approach (podium). 2nd International Integrative Nursing Conference, Tucson, AZ (April 2017).

organizer and chair of structured poster session with 11 posters at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting, San Antonio, TX (April 2017). Ralston, N.C., & Waggoner, J. “Using data to move schools forward.” Paper presentation at the uLead: Visionary Leadership for Today’s Learner annual conference, Banff, Canada (April 2017). Smith, R., Ralston, N.C., & Naegele, Z. “Professional learning that empowers teachers with choice: A conference approach. Paper presented at roundtable session at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting, San Antonio, TX (April 2017). “M.A.T. student poster presentations of in-progress capstone research projects.” Poster presentation at the Oregon Association of Teacher Educators (ORATE) annual conference, Portland, OR (March 2017).

matthew kuhn, engineering Granular Geomechanics, ISTE-Elsevier Press, London, 2017. “Contact transience during slow loading of dense granular materials,” Journal of Engineering


Mechanics, Vol 143, No. 1.

Tara Prestholdt, Biology The Association of College and University Biology Educators, 60th Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI (October 2016). Gregory Pulver, Performing and Fine Arts Interdisciplinary panel discussion of University of Portland’s “Jesus Christ Superstar” production, hosted by the Garaventa Center for Catholic Intellectual Life & American Culture, April 21, 2017. Interdisciplinary panel discussion of University of Portland’s “Mad Forest” production, hosted by the Garaventa Center for Catholic Intellectual Life & American Culture, November 19, 2016. Peter Rachor, Center for Entrepreneurship “Designing a New Innovation Minor for the University of Portland,” Panel discussion and Workshop with Tim Doughty (engineering) and Jennette Lovejoy (communication studies), at Design Week Portland (2017). Nicole Ralston, Education Hood, S., Naegele, Z., Ralston, N., Smith, R., & Thompson, P. “This Side of Home.” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, OR (2017). Ralston, N.C., Smith, R., Naegele, Z., & Waggoner, J.C. “Raising community literacy using a collaborative intervention model.” Paper presented at roundtable session at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting, San Antonio, TX (May 2017). “District-driven problems of practice: What can practitioner-scholars learn and how do districts benefit?” Session

Smith, R., Wright, C.M., Naegele, Z., Thul, M., Ralston, N.C., & Waggoner, J. “Trauma and teaching: How to effectively support educators.” Paper presentation at the Oregon Association of Teacher Educators (ORATE) annual conference, Portland, OR (March 2017). “The role of perseverance in the Common Core math standards.” Invited presentation for the Archdiocese of Portland Catholic Schools, Salem, OR (October 2016). Ralston, N.C., & Waggoner, J. “How to read and use data: A road trip.” Invited presentation for the Kappa Delti Pi International Honor Society in Education (September 2016). “The wonder and awe of algebraic thinking.” Invited presentation for the Pacific Alliance for Catholic Education (PACE) Summer Leadership Institute, Portland, OR (June 2016). Tarasawa, B., & Ralston, N.C. “University and foundation partnerships.” Invited presentation as part of the Northwest Evaluation Association Research Day, Portland, OR (June 2016). Giannina Reyes-Giardiello, International Languages and Cultures “De Amoras y ciudades: las primeras voces de la literatura lésbica mexicana y el espacio urbano.” XXII Congreso de Literatura Mexicana Contemporánea, El Paso, TX, March 4, 2017. “Crossed in Translation: La importancia de traducir la experiencia local y personal en la narrativa de Carmen Boullosa y Valeria Luiselli.” XLI Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, Jena, Germany, July 22, 2016.

Anissa Rogers, Sociology and Social Work “Contemporary issues and future directions in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aging.” Symposium presented at the 69th Annual Scientific Meeting for the Gerontological Society of America, November 16-20, 2016. Bryan Rookey, Sociology and Social Work “Mapping the Opioid Drug Problem: Spatial Analysis of Oxycodone Presence in Fatal Traffic Crashes, 2001-2014.” Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Seattle, WA. Sally Rothacker-Peyton, Nursing “Quick Tips for Creating a Trauma Informed Care Environment – A Café Approach.” Public Health Nursing in Healthcare Reform: Leading Practice, Research and Education Innovations  Oregon Public Health Association – Nursing Section Spring Conference (May 2017). “Motivation, Change and Health Care – Where Do We Start?” Part I and II OCEAN Continuing Education for Nurses – ONA On–Line Offerings (November 2016). “Integrating a Trauma-Informed Care Approach,” 39th Annual NPO Education Conference (October 2016). “Treating the Team – Exploring Vicarious Trauma & Self-Care,” Trauma & Resiliency Summit. The Dalles, OR (October 2016). Sruthi Rothenfluch, Philosophy “Loss of Agency in Thought Insertion,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology (March 2016). Briana Rotter, Nursing “Implementation of a symptom assessment tool into outpatient home-based palliative care.” Poster session presented at the Western Institute of Nursing Annual Conference, Denver, CO. Stephanie Salomone, Mathematics Morrell, P.D., & Salomone, S. “Impact of Robert Noyce Scholarship on teacher recruitment.” Poster presented at the 2017 Association for Science Teacher Education Conference in Des Moines, IA (January 2017). “Where is STEM, and Why Should we Care?,” Archdiocese of Portland In-Service of PK-8 teachers (October 2016). “Supporting Argumentation and Critical Thinking,” Oregon GEAR UP Summer Institute: Secondary to Post-Secondary Curriculum Alignment (August 2016). Morrell, P.D., Salomone, S., VanHoomissen, J., More, T., & Hoffert, P. “Future Goals: Integrated STEM curriculum for middle school teachers.” Four day workshop presented to Oregon teachers (face-to-face and synchronous on-line format) (August 2016). “When the Learning Ends, We Keep Going,” 2016 National NSF Noyce Summit: Stimulating Research and Innovation for Preservice Education of STEM Teachers in High-Needs Schools. Rene Sanchez, Theology Sanchez, Rene, Astorga, Christina. “Prophetic Lament and the Dynamics of Power: A Theological Perspective.” Theology Thursday. University of Portland.

Sanchez, Rene, Astorga, Christina. “Justice and Mercy Interlocking in Prophetic Lament.” CTSA Conference. Rockhurst University. Anne Santiago, Political Science With Christin Hancock, co-panelist, “Academic Freedom and Freedom of Conscience: Teaching and Research at a Catholic Institution,” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR (May 2017). With Eddie Contreras, Sarina Saturn. “Has anything Really Changed? A Panel Discussion about Oppression Rhetoric in the Post-Election Climate.” Diversity Program. (March 2017). Pitsch Santiago, Anne, Gary Lee Malecha, Bill Curtis, Jeff Meiser. Student Affairs Sponsored VoteUP Elections Panel, Key Issues of the Election (November 2016). “Comparative Analysis of Presidential Rhetoric Related to Land in East African States: A Preliminary Model.” Paper presented at the Pacific Northwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Portland, OR (November 2016). “Land Use Change in Eastern Africa: Developing a Model of Regime Rhetoric and Framing of the Debate over Land Use”. African Studies Lecture Series 2016-2017, University of Oregon. Pitsch Santiago, Anne, Gary Lee Malecha, Bill Curtis, Jeff Meiser. Student Affairs Sponsored VoteUP Elections Panel, “Is the System Fair?” (September 2016). Pitsch Santiago, Anne, Gary Lee Malecha, Bill Curtis, Jeff Meiser. Student Affairs Sponsored VoteUP Elections Panel, “What Did We Hear Last Night?” Post-Debate Panel (September 2016). Sarina Saturn, Psychological Sciences “Resilience Building.” Workshop with Voices Set Free. Pilot Cohort (research and outreach) with OAASIS: Oregon Abuse Advocates and Survivors in Service. (2016-2017) S.R. Saturn , M., Eisman. “Trauma and the Brain.” Living Yoga (2017). J. Montoya, K.A. Magtoto, S.R. Saturn. “Facets of trust and their response to moral elevation.” Society for Personality and Social Psychology (2017). N. Gozun, K.A. Magtoto, S.R. Saturn. “Dispositional love and its relationship to moral elevation.” Society for Personality and Social Psychology (2017). P. Reyes, K.A. Magtoto, S.R. Saturn. “How the presence of and search for the meaning in life leads to divergent physiological and psychological outcomes.” Society for Personality and Social Psychology (2017). S. Abaco, K.A. Magtoto, S.R. Saturn. “Post-traumatic growth and its relationship to state and trait prosociality.” Society for Personality and Social Psychology (2017). S.R. Saturn, Louise Bauschard. “Destructive and Constructive Emotional Experiences: Influences on the Brain and Body.” Workshop with Voices Set Free (2016). S.R. Saturn, Louise Bauschard. “Voices Set Free – Introduction to Childhood Domestic Violence Workshop.” Cedar Hills Hospital (2016).


“The Link Between Emotional and Physical Well-Being.” Portland Providence Medical Center Grand Rounds, Portland, OR (October 2016). “The biology underlying stressful and prosocial emotions.” Portland Chapter of the ARCS Foundation: Advancing Science in America. Portland, OR (October 2016). Maximilian Schlosshauer, Physics “Experimental Realization of a Single-Photon Quantum Cheshire Cat,” oral presentation by research student P. D. Schwarz, Annual Meeting of the Oregon Academy of Science, Oregon State University (February 2017). “Do Not Disturb: How to Measure the Quantum State of a Single System,” invited talk, Physics Colloquium, Portland State University (January 2017). Jane Scott, Clark Library Stillwell, S., Vermeesch, A., and Scott, J. “Interventions to Reduce Perceived Stress Among Graduate Students: A Systematic Review.” Poster presentation at Western Institute of Nursing’s 50th Annual Communication Nursing Research Conferences, Denver, CO, April 19-22, 2017.


Heidi Senior, Clark Library Senior, S., & Ward, T. “Systematic review of instruments to evaluate student satisfaction with reference services: A pilot study.” Poster presented at the 9th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Limerick, Ireland, May 23-26, 2017. Casey Shillam, Nursing Curriculum revision: “Leading the transformation of UP’s BSN program to address emerging roles in population health nursing.” Oregon Public Health Association Nursing Section Spring Conference, Portland, OR (Invited Speaker) (2017).

Holly Simpson, Nursing “Innovative Teaching Strategy: Kahoot Quizzes.” Teaching and Learning Café, School of Nursing Community Meeting, University of Portland (October 2016). Susan Stillwell, Nursing “Evidence-based Practice Fellowship Program for Registered Nurses.” Kaiser Westside Medical Center, Hillsboro, OR (April 2017). “EBP What it is and Why it Matters.” VII Latin American Congress of Chronic Disease in Nursing, Bogata, Columbia (April 2017). Stillwell, S., Vermeesch, A., and Scott, J. “Interventions to Reduce Perceived Stress Among Graduate Students: A Systematic Review.” Poster presentation at Western Institute of Nursing’s 50th Annual Communication Nursing Research Conferences, Denver, CO, April 19-22, 2017. “Using Evidence to Transform Healthcare.” Universidad Nacional de Columbia, Bogata Columbia (February 2017). “Infusing Evidence in Practice to Reflect the Changing Nursing World.” Kaiser Permanente Nursing Conference, Portland OR (November 2016). Kristin Sweeney, Environmental Studies “From Lava Flows to Debris Avalanches: Reimagining Model Landscapes.” Bretz Club Meeting, Tumalo, OR (2017). Sweeney, K.E., and J.J. Major. “Landscape Response to the 1980 Eruption of Mount St. Helens: Using Historical Aerial Photography to Measure Surface Change.” Abstract EP21D-0906 Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 12-16, 2016. Joshua Swidzinski, English “The Virtue of Curiosity,” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR (May 2017).

“Beyond resilience: Building an anti-fragile approach to compassion fatigue.” Heal without Cure 2017 Annual Palliative Care Institute Conference, Bellingham, WA (Keynote).

“Johnson’s Ear and the Grounds of Criticism.” American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN (March 2017).

“Beyond resilience: Skills for creating anti-fragile healthcare teams.” Heal without Cure 2017 Annual Palliative Care Institute Conference, Bellingham, WA (Podium).

David Taylor, Biology “Conservation of crop plant utilization in U.S. immigrant/migrant communities.” Invited lecture, National Taiwan University, Taipei (2016).

“Leadership Influence Self-Assessment Tool (LISA): Nurses leading transformational change.” Western Institute of Nursing 50th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference Proceedings, Denver, CO (Podium) (2017). Shillam, C. R. , & Bellot, J. “DNP students take action! Multiple approaches to getting involved in policy.” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nursing and Health Policy Collaborative Teaching Health Policy in Graduate Nursing Education Conference, Coronado, CA (Poster) (2017). “The intersection of nursing and accounting in today’s healthcare environment.” American Institute of CPA’s Healthcare Industry Annual Conference, Nashville, TN (Invited Speaker) (2017). Zachary Simmons, Psychological Sciences “Flip Your Classroom: A TLC Workshop for All Faculty,” Teaching Learning Collaborative, University of Portland (Feb. 2017).

Patricia Thompson, Education Hood, S., Naegele, Z., Ralston, N., Smith, R., & Thompson, P. “This Side of Home.” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, OR (2017). “University of Portland’s Catholic Initial Administrator Licensure Program Overview and How to Apply.” Presentation to Archdiocese of Portland Department of Catholic Education regarding the Catholic Initial Administrator (IAL) Program to interested Archdiocesan candidates, Archdiocese of Portland Department of Catholic Schools, Portland, OR (January 2017). “Voice Thread Implementation in the School of Education during 2015-2016: What I learned.” Presentation on Voice Thread implementation to interested University of Portland Faculty, Clark Library, Portland, OR (September 2016).

David Turnbloom, Theology “The Virtue of Curiosity,” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR (May 2017). With Christin Hancock, co-panelist, “Academic Freedom and Freedom of Conscience: Teaching and Research at a Catholic Institution,” Faculty Development Day, University of Portland, Portland, OR (May 2017). “Encountering Jesus Here and Now.” Presentation at the Garaventa Center Pre-Play Panel, Portland, OR, April 22, 2017. “Embodying Diverse Voices in the Classroom,” UP Crossroads: Conversations at the Intersection of Teaching and Emerging Technology, February 17, 2017. “Meeting Holy Mystery in Bodies.” Presentation at the Annual Convention of the North American Academy of Liturgy, Washington D. C., January 4-7, 2017. “Introduction to the Sacraments.” Presentation at the University of Portland Campus Ministry RCIA Program, Portland, OR, November 20, 2016. “The Future of Learning: Ethics Matter Now and Later,” UP Tech Talk Podcast interview (November 2016). “To Reddit or Not to Reddit, That is the Question,” UP Tech Talk Podcast, October 14, 2016. https://sites.up.edu/techtalk/to-redditor-not-to-reddit-that-is-the-question/ “The Risk of Liturgical Mercy.” Presentation at the Annual Convention of the College Theology Society, Kansas City, MO, June 2-4, 2016. Eugene Urnezius, Chemistry “Electron and proton transfer events centered on/around phosphine- and phosphoryl- appended hydroquinones”, invited presentation at the Department of Chemical Technology, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania, May 10, 2017. “Phosphine- and phosphoryl-appended hydroquinones: the advantages of secondary coordination spheres.” An invited lecture presented at Hydrogen Energy Lab at the Institute of Energy, Kaunas, Lithuania, April 6, 2017. Madison E. Lear, Edward J. Valente, Eugenijus Urnezius, “2,5-Dihydroxy and 2,5-diamino quinones appended with –P(O)R2 groups: syntheses, structures, and electrochemical studies,” 25th Annual Murdock College Science Research Conference, Spokane, WA, November 10-11, 2016. Timothy J. Dobson, Edward J. Valente, Eugenijus Urnezius, “One-stone, two birds: simultaneous oxidative dehalogenation and transesterification reactions on phosphonate-appended 2,5-dichloroquinone,” 25th Annual Murdock College Science Research Conference, Spokane, WA, November 10-11, 2016. “Phosphine- and phosphoryl-appended hydroquinones: the advantages of secondary coordination spheres,” invited research seminar at Northern Illinois University, October 17, 2016. Ed Valente, Chemistry Hoffman, A., E. Valente, M.A.C. Ontiveros, E.C. Alvarez, “Actinomycete antibiotic compounds from soil bacteria at an ancient

Roman site,” 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 2-6, 2017. Madison E. Lear, Edward J. Valente, Eugenijus Urnezius, “2,5-Dihydroxy and 2,5-diamino quinones appended with –P(O)R2 groups: syntheses, structures, and electrochemical studies,” 25th Annual Murdock College Science Research Conference, Spokane, WA, November 10-11, 2016. Timothy J. Dobson, Edward J. Valente, Eugenijus Urnezius, “One-stone, two birds: simultaneous oxidative dehalogenation and transesterification reactions on phosphonate-appended 2,5-dichloroquinone,” 25th Annual Murdock College Science Research Conference, Spokane, WA, November 10-11, 2016. “Oxocarboxylic Acid Racemization: Rate Estimation and Structural Influences,” 2016 Northwest Regional American Chemical Society meeting, Anchorage, AK (June 2016). Jacquie Van Hoomissen, Biology Lafrenz, A., Downs, A., & Van Hoomissen, J. “Association Between Psychosocial and Organizational Factors and Objectively Measured Sedentary Behavior in Desk-dependent Office Workers.” Poster presentation at the Annual meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Capetown, South Africa (June 2016). Lafrenz, A., Downs, A., & Van Hoomissen, J. “Recharge@Work: A Novel, Theory-based Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Behavior in Desk-dependent Office Workers.” Poster presentation at the Annual meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Capetown, South Africa (June 2016). Tammy VanDeGrift, Engineering Athina Petropulu, Rashaunda Henderson, Shelly Heller, Tammy VanDeGrift. “Getting the Mentoring You Need to Succeed.” Launching Academics on the Tenure Track: an Intentional Community in Engineering Conference, Bainbridge Island, WA (May 2017). Athina Petropulu, Shalinee Kishore, Suneeta Ramaswami, Tammy VanDeGrift. “Navigating Organizations and Tenure,” Launching Academics on the Tenure Track: an Intentional Community in Engineering Conference, Bainbridge Island, WA (May 2017). Eve Riskin, Katie Wilson, Shalinee Kishore, Tammy VanDeGrift. “Mastering Teaching.” Launching Academics on the Tenure Track: an Intentional Community in Engineering Conference, Bainbridge Island, WA (May 2017). “POGIL Activities in Data Structures: What do Students Value?” Presentation at the ACM Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education, Seattle, WA (March 2017). Haiyan Cheng, Shereen Khoja, Tammy VanDeGrift, Brent Wilson. Panel Discussion: “Computer Science Program Evaluation and Curriculum Assessment.” Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges, Portland, OR, October 7-8, 2016. “Art in Theory of Computation.” Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, Northwest, October 7-8, 2016. Amber Vermeesch, Nursing Vermeesch, A., Cox, P. H., Simmons, D., and Baca, S. “Strategies for Strengthening Ethics Education in a Doctor of Nursing Practice


Program.” Accepted for poster presentation at the Western Institute of Nursing’s 50th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference, Denver, CO, April 19-22, 2017. Stillwell, S., Vermeesch, A., and Scott, J. “Interventions to Reduce Perceived Stress Among Graduate Students: A Systematic Review.” Poster presentation at Western Institute of Nursing’s 50th Annual Communication Nursing Research Conferences, Denver, CO, April 19-22, 2017. Williams, W., MacLean, L., and Vermeesch, A. “Predictors of Physical Activity Among Black Women,” podium presentation at Eastern Nursing Research Society 29th annual conference, Philadelphia, PA, April 5-7, 2017. Cox, P. H., Vermeesch, A., Simmons, D., and Baca, S. “The Use of Faculty-Student Teams to Strengthen the Ethics Content in a DNP Program.” Accepted for poster presentation at American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s 2017 Doctoral Education Conference, Coronado, CA, January 19-21, 2017. Mayer, K., and Vermeesch, A. “Lessons Learned in Conducting Community-engaged Nursing Research at a Private, Teaching-Intensive Institution,” podium presentation at 144th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the American Public Health Association, Creating the Healthiest Nation: Ensuring the Right to Health, Denver, CO, November 02, 2016.


Vermeesch, A., Williams, W. and MacLean, L. “Physical Activity Trends Among Minority Women,” poster presentation at National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health’s 19th annual conference, New Orleans, LA, September 28 – October 1, 2016. Vermeesch, A., and Mayer, K. “Workplace Related Quality of Life: Effect of Available Recreation Facilities on Physical Activity and Nutrition,” Podium presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International’s 27th International Nursing Research Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, July 21-25, 2016. MacLean, L., Williams, W., and Vermeesch, A. “Correlations Between BMI, Acculturation, and the US Department of Health and Human Services 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines in Latinas,” podium presentation at 7th Annual Latino Health Equity Conference, Portland, OR (June 2016). Jacqueline Waggoner, Education Ralston, N.C., Smith, R., Naegele, Z., & Waggoner, J.C. “Raising community literacy using a collaborative intervention model.” Paper presented at roundtable session at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting, San Antonio, TX (May 2017). Ralston, N.C., & Waggoner, J. “Using data to move schools forward.” Paper presentation at the uLead: Visonary Leadership for Today’s Learner annual conference, Banff, Canada (April 2017). Smith, R., Wright, C.M., Naegele, Z., Thul, M., Ralston, N.C., & Waggoner, J. “Trauma and teaching: How to effectively support educators.” Paper presentation at the Oregon Association of Teacher Educators (ORATE) annual conference, Portland, OR (March 2017).

Carroll, J., Merk, H., Waggoner, J., Carroll, J., & Weitzel, B. “Case Studies of Program Completers: Tracking Completers in Non-VAM States.” Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education ( AACTE), Tampa, FL (2017). Ralston, N.C., & Waggoner, J. “How to read and use data: A road trip.” Invited presentation for the Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education (September 2016). Valerie Walters, Chemistry Elinor Wilson, Matthew Foronda, Gisela Gonzales-Montiel, Ryan Bergio, Taylor Hudson, Valerie Walters, and Ronda Bard, “XRF Analysis of Soil in the Roman City of Pollentia, Spain,” poster session associated with research talk presented by archaeologist Dr. Miguel Angel Cau Ontiveros of the University of Barcelona entitled “The Archaeology of Roman Pollentia and a Search for Early Christianity,” April 4, 2017. Gonzalez-Montiel, Gisela; Bergio, Ryan; Walters, Valerie; Bard, Raymond; Bard, Ronda; de Paula, Julio. “XRF and Raman Analysis of a 15th-Century Painting in Mallorca, Spain,” poster session associated with research talk presented by archaeologist Dr. Miguel Angel Cau Ontiveros of the University of Barcelona entitled “The Archaeology of Roman Pollentia and a Search for Early Christianity,” April 4, 2017. Matthew Foronda, Elinor Wilson, Gisela Montiel-Gonzalez, Ronda Bard, and Valerie Walters, “Chemical Analysis of Coins Found in the Roman City of Pollentia,” poster session associated with research talk presented by archaeologist Dr. Miguel Angel Cau Ontiveros of the University of Barcelona entitled “The Archaeology of Roman Pollentia and a Search for Early Christianity,” April 4, 2017. “Chemistry Field Work in Spain: Elemental Analysis of Soil from the Ancient Roman City of Pollentia and Pigment Analysis of a 15th-century Altarpiece,” co-presenters: Ronda Bard and Valerie Walters, Chemistry Department Seminar, Lewis & Clark College, December 6, 2016. Elinor Wilson, Matthew Foronda, Gisela Gonzales-Montiel, Ryan Bergio, Taylor Hudson, Valerie Walters, and Ronda Bard, “XRF Analysis of Soil in the Roman City of Pollentia, Spain,” Murdock College Science Research Conference, Spokane WA, November 10-11, 2016. “Organic Residue Analysis in Ancient Roman Pottery and Analysis of Pigments in a 15th-century Altarpiece,” CAS Colleagues, October 6, 2016. Matthew Warshawsky, International Languages and Cultures “Confluence and Conflict: A Space for Jews amongst Muslims and Christians in Medieval Spain” (invited lecture to group of travelers from Congregation Beth Israel prior to their trip to sites of Jewish interest in Spain) Congregation Beth Israel, Portland, OR, April 2, 2017:. “Seeing La reyna Ester of João Pinto Delgado through the Lenses of Golden Age Spanish Poetics and a Converso Worldview.” 114th Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference, Pasadena, CA, November 11-12, 2016. “Teaching Trans-Atlantic Secret Judaism in Fact and Fiction: Iberian New Christians in Latin American History and Literature.”

2016 Biennial Scholars’ Conference on American Jewish History, American Jewish Historical Society and Center for Jewish History, New York, NY, June 19-21, 2016. Christine Weilhoefer, Biology Weilhoefer CL, Jakstis K, Fischer C. “Effects of short-term nutrient additions on foodweb structure in a Pacific Northwest estuarine tidal wetland.” Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists. Corpus Christi, TX (2016). Bruce Weitzel, Education Carroll, J., Merk, H., Waggoner, J., Carroll, J., & Weitzel, B. “Case Studies of Program Completers: Tracking Completers in Non-VAM States.” Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education ( AACTE), Tampa, FL (2017). Rachel Wheeler, Theology “Anxiety in Contemplative Practice: Stories from the Christian Desert.” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 19, 2016.

grants–university of portland Ami Ahern-Rindell, Biology World Symposium on Lysosomal Storage Disorders Conference Funding, Butine Award, $1,500, Spring 2017. Lauren Alfrey, Sociology and Social Work “Geek Girls: Race, Gender and Power in the Tech Industry,” Butine Award, $3,300, Fall 2016. Nicole Auxier, Nursing “Building Bridges: Exploring Communication Between Academic Partners and Clinical Sites,” Terry Misener Memorial Fund Grant with Michelle Collazo and Joane Moceri, School of Nursing, $300, April 2017. Erica Bailey, Nursing “NRS 424 Course Revision,” Terry Misener Memorial Fund Grant, School of Nursing, $2,500, April 2017. Diversity and Inclusion Training Grant, Provost’s Office, $1,000, Fall 2016.

ellen lippman, business “Protecting donor restrictions on bequests,” The CPA Journal, 9-11. (with Teri Grimmer) April 2017. Transparency and Accountability for Bequests: The Case of Long Island College Hospital,” Journal of Leadership, Accountability, and Ethics, Vol 13(3) (with Terri Grimmer).

“Of Trash and Treasure: A Spirituality of Zero Waste.” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 21, 2016.

James Baillie, Philosophy Diversity and Inclusion Course Enhancement Grant, Provost’s Office, $500, Fall 2016.

Kaye Wilson-Anderson, Nursing Braband, B., Faris, T., & Wilson-Anderson, K. “Evaluation of Memory Book interventions with orphaned children in India, Kenya, and South Africa: A global partnership.” Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Congress, Cape Town, South Africa (July 2016).

Janet Banks, Nursing “Clinical learning environments manuscript experience,” with Cara FitzGerald and Andrea Hernandez-Garibay, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,500, Spring 2017.

Warren Wood, Chemistry Alyson Sillin and Warren J. L. Wood “Progress Towards the Synthesis of 2-Acylated-3-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinones.” Murdock College Science Research Program, Spokane, WA, November 4, 2016. Maddie Deem and Warren J.L. Wood. “Alternative synthesis of antimalarial 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinones containing 3-alkyl-diphenylether side chains.” Murdock College Science Research Program, Spokane, WA, November 4, 2016. Blair Woodard, History “A Hostile Nature: The Visual Culture of U.S. and Cuban Relations in Exile, 1959-1980,” Pacific Coast Council on Latin American Studies, Las Vegas, NV (2016). Aaron Wootton, Mathematics “Describing Group Actions without Group Theory,” Oregon State University Math Colloquium (May 2017).

Halina Barber, Nursing “Road Less Traveled: Stressors and Coping Strategies Unique to Undergraduate Nursing Students,” Butine award with Amber Vermeesch, $1,776, Fall 2016. Lindsay Benes, Nursing “Validation of Bag Valve Mask Rate and Volume,” Butine Award, $600, Spring 2017. Saikat Chakrabarti, Engineering Faculty Research and Development Grant, Shiley School of Engineering, $5,000, February 2017. “Investigating cyber-security attacks using a customized honeypot,” with Christian Rodriguez, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,500, Spring 2017. “A security framework for resource constrained IoT devices,” Butine Award, $5,000, Fall 2016. Olivia Coiado, Engineering Faculty Research and Development Grant, Shiley School of Engineering, $5,000, February 2017.


“Mechanical Model of the Respiratory System,” Butine Award, $3,000, Fall 2016. Michelle Collazo, Nursing “Building Bridges: Exploring Communication Between Academic Partners and Clinical Sites,” Terry Misener Memorial Fund Grant with Nicole Auxier and Joane Moceri, School of Nursing, $300, April 2017. Alexa Dare, Communication Studies Summer Undergraduate Research Program Award, College of Arts and Sciences, $5,000, March 2017. Diversity and Inclusion Training Grant, Provost’s Office, $1,000, Fall 2016. David De Lyser, Performing and Fine Arts National Conducting Symposium in Vancouver, BC Conference Funding, Butine Award, $1,200, Spring 2017. Laurie Dizney, Biology “A quantitative analysis of the changing role of Diversity in the American Society of Mammalogists,” with Jessie Karr, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000, Spring 2017. Maria Echenique, International Languages and Cultures “Literary Translation Theory and Practice” with Amanda Munro, Ellen O’dell, and McKenna Vorderstrasse, Provost Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,500, Spring 2017.


Ted Eckmann, Environmental Studies Joint Meeting of the Japan Geoscience Union and American Geophysical Union Conference Funding, Butine Award, $2,000, Spring 2017. “Understanding Distributions of Industrial Odors in North Portland,” Butine Award, $5,000, Fall 2016. Karen Eifler, Education “Creating, Publishing and Studying a Series of Contemplative Healing Videos for Patients in Palliative Care,” Terry Misener Memorial Fund Grant with Mallie Kozy, School of Nursing, $6,100, January 2017. Mark Eifler, History “The Portland History Project,” with Alex York, Provost Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000, Summer 2016. Andrew Eshleman, Philosophy Funds to attend the American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Conference, Butine Award, $1,150, Fall 2016. Diversity and Inclusion Course Enhancement Grant, Provost’s Office, $500, Fall 2016. Terry Favero, Biology Diversity and Inclusion Course Enhancement Grant, Provost’s Office, $500, Fall 2016. Vail Fletcher, Communication Studies International Environmental Communication Association Conference Funding, Butine Award, $1,997, Spring 2017. Diversity and Inclusion Course Enhancement Grant, Provost’s Office, $500, Fall 2016.

Alice Gates, Sociology and Social Work “Community-based research for Paid Family and Medical Leave,” with Emma Martínez, Nicole Panowicz, and Catherine Adam, Provost Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000, Spring 2017. “Enhancing scholarship and teaching in Policy Practice,” Butine Award, $4,550, Fall 2016. Christin Hancock, History Diversity and Inclusion Training Grant, Provost’s Office, $1,000, Fall 2016. “Unspeakable: Sex, Madness, and the Malarial Treatment of Syphilis in Middle America,” Butine Award, $4,060, Fall 2016. Nicole Hanig, Performing and Fine Arts Social Justice Issues in Art Song Repertoire, Butine Award, $650, Spring 2017. Alexandra Hill, International Languages and Cultures Northeast Modern Language Association Conference Funding, Butine Award, $871.29, Spring 2017. Diversity and Inclusion Course Enhancement Grant, Provost’s Office, $500, Fall 2016. Molly Hiro, English Diversity and Inclusion Training Grant, Provost’s Office, $1,000, Fall 2016. Sr. Angela Hoffman, O.S.B., Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Program Award, College of Arts and Sciences, $14,000, February 2017. “Study of products made by bacteria isolated from soil taken from Pollentia, an ancient Roman city on Mallorca,” Butine Award, $3,038, Fall 2016. Mead Hunter, Performing and Fine Arts “Playing God: Prehistoric Evidence of Divine Impersonation,” with Adele Kennedy, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000, Spring 2017. Kimberly Ilosvay, Education Reflection and Research, Butine Award, $3,000, Fall 2016. Joseph Jefferson, Performing and Fine Arts Texas Music Educators Conference and the International Trombone Festival Conference Funding, Butine Award, $2,000, Spring 2017. Kevin Jones, Sociology and Social Work “Testing the Applicability of the Circle of Courage Youth Development Model for Undergraduate Social Work Education,” Butine Award, $3,343, Fall 2016. Deana Julka, Psychological Sciences Summer Institute for Educators Conference Funding, Butine Award, $2,000, Spring 2017. “Examining Diversity and Identity Formation on Campus,” with Kyle Dela Cruz, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000, Spring 2017. Jeff Kerssen-Griep, Communication Studies Diversity and Inclusion Course Enhancement Grant, Provost’s Office, $500, Fall 2016.

Sylvia Daoud Kinzie, Chemistry Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions (PUI) fund to attend a Metals in Medicine Gordon Research Conference, College/ School Funds, $600, May 2017. Jakob Kotas, Mathematics SIAM Conference on Optimization and the MAA Pacific Northwest Section Meeting Conference Funding, Butine Award, $2,000, Spring 2017. “A Robust Framework for Airline Scheduling,” Butine Award, $3,000, Fall 2016. Mallie Kozy, Nursing “Creating, Publishing and Studying a Series of Contemplative Healing Videos for Patients in Palliative Care,” Terry Misener Memorial Fund Grant with Karen Eifler, School of Nursing, $6,100, January 2017.

Diversity and Inclusion Course Enhancement Grant, Provost’s Office, $500, Fall 2016. Joane Moceri, Nursing “Building Bridges: Exploring Communication Between Academic Partners and Clinical Sites,” Terry Misener Memorial Fund Grant with Nicole Auxier and Michelle Collazo, School of Nursing, $300, April 2017. Laura Mood, Nursing “The effect of trans-disciplinary educational strategies on student nurse resilience and moral distress,” with Lorretta Krautscheid, Butine Award, $2,936.50, Fall 2016. Patricia Morrell, Education Diversity and Inclusion Training Grant to host workshop for STEM faculty, Provost’s Office, $1,000, Fall 2016. Diversity and Inclusion Training Grant, Provost’s Office, $1,000, Fall 2016.

kimberly ilosvay, education “Religion in schools? The importance of recognizing the impact of religious experiences.” The Journal of Faith, Education, and Community 1(2). Retrieved from http://scholarworks.sfasu.edu/jfec/vol1/iss2 (2016).

Lorretta Krautscheid, Nursing “The effect of trans-disciplinary educational strategies on student nurse resilience and moral distress,” with Laura Mood, Butine Award, $2,936.50, Fall 2016. Jennette Lovejoy, Communication Studies Diversity and Inclusion Course Enhancement Grant, Provost’s Office, $500, Fall 2016.

Natalie Nelson-Marsh, Communication Studies Diversity and Inclusion Course Enhancement Grant, Provost’s Office, $500, Fall 2016. Andrew Nuxoll, Engineering Artificial General Intelligence Conference Funding, Butine Award, $1,600, Spring 2017.

Kala Mayer, Nursing “Mobilizing Community for Refugee/Immigrant Youth Justice Policy,” Terry Misener Memorial Fund Grant, School of Nursing, $1,080, August 2016.

Cara Poor, Engineering “The role of mycelium in bioretention systems: long term studies of nutrient retention in mycelium-inoculated mesocosms,” with Jenna Kube, Provost Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000, Spring 2017.

New and Diverse Voices for Community Engagement and Capacity Building Projects 2016 Small Grants, Individual Donor, $3,920, August 2016.

Evaluating water treatment residuals in bioretention systems to reduce phosphorus levels in stormwater, Individual Donor, $21,340, September 2016.

Laura McLary, International Languages and Cultures Diversity and Inclusion Course Enhancement Grant, Provost’s Office, $500, Fall 2016.

Pamela Potter, Nursing Developing Cultural Sensibility as a Response to Patient Diversity with Amber Vermeesch, School of Nursing, $2,000, November 2016.

Nick McRee, Sociology and Social Work 12th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference Funding, Butine Award, $1,500, Fall 2016.

Diversity and Inclusion Course Enhancement Grant, Provost’s Office, $500, Fall 2016.

Contract for Evaluation of Health and Human Service Department Programs, Individual Donor, $25,000, June 2016.

Academic Technology Roundtable Award, Academic Technology Services, $1,000, October 2016.

Jeff Meiser, Political Science “The Moral Factor in War: Combat Effectiveness from Chosin to Mosul,” Butine Award, $3,000, Fall 2016.

Tara Prestholdt, Biology The effects of EÑSO on nudibranch diversity and abundance in Oregon, Butine Award, $1,500, Spring 2017.


Diversity and Inclusion Course Enhancement Grant, Provost’s Office, $500, Fall 2016. Giannina Reyes-Giardiello, International Languages and Cultures “Researching masked-social activism in Mexico City,” Butine Award, $850, Fall 2016. Anissa Rogers, Sociology and Social Work CISGO Seed Grant, International Studies and Global Outreach Collaborative (CISGO), $500, December 2016. Anne Santiago, Political Science “Analysis of Land Policy Rhetoric in East Africa: What leaders say about the relationships between modernization, land use, and development goals,” with Samantha Delucchi. Provost Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000, Summer 2016. Maximilian Schlosshauer, Physics “Studying Quantum Decoherence With Single Photons,” with

“Road Less Traveled: Stressors and Coping Strategies Unique to Undergraduate Nursing Students,” Butine award with Halina Barber, $1,776, Fall 2016. Shazib Vijlee, Engineering “Analysis of Charcoal Samples for Composition and Energy Content,” Butine Award, $1,809, Fall 2016. Matthew Warshawsky, International Languages and Cultures “May your Divine Inspiration Call Me in the Desert: New Jewish Identity in the Baroque-Era Poetry of the Iberian New Christian João Pinto Delgado,” Butine Award, $3,000, Fall 2016.

grants–external Ted Eckmann, Environmental Studies Weather and Climate in North Portland, Saturday Academy Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering, $7,000, May 2017.

natalie nelson-marsh, communication studies “Re-thinking the Future of the Electricity System through Interorganizational Collaboration: Regional Transmission Organizations.”


In Heath, R., & Isbell, M. Interorganizational Collaboration (2017).

Mathew Coleman, Efrain Venegas Ramirez, and Alex York, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,000, Spring 2017. David Taylor, Biology International Botanical Congress Conference Funding, Butine Award, $2,000, Spring 2017. Jacqueline Van Hoomissen, Biology Diversity and Inclusion Course Enhancement Grant, Provost’s Office, $500, Fall 2016. Tammy VanDeGrift, Engineering Faculty Research and Development Grant, Shiley School of Engineering, $516, February 2017. Amber Vermeesch, Nursing Western Institute of Nursing’s 50th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference Funding, Butine Award, $1,764, Spring 2017. “Health Disparities in Vulnerable Populations Manuscript Experience: Exercise, Cultural Communication, and the Use of Multimethods in Health Disparities research,” with Jessica Bautista, Kelsey Malone, Laura McDonagh, Kayla Parolari, and Kaitlyn Piantoni, Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research, $1,500, Spring 2017.

Karen Eifler, Education Women of the Book: A Concert With Words with Nicole Hanig, Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, $2,500, April 2017. Jordan Farina, Engineering UP – Micro Radial Jet Engine, Oregon Space Grant Consortium, $2,095, January 2017. Novel Natural Gas Compressor: Investigation and Evaluation, Katherine Bisbee II Fund, $15,000, December 2016. Nicole Hanig, Performing and Fine Arts Women of the Book: A Concert With Words with Karen Eifler, Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, $2,500, April 2017. Hannah Highlander, Mathematics Travel grant to attend and send one student to 2017 IBA-CURE Workshop, Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance, $2,000, April 2017. Sr. Angela Hoffman, O.S.B., Chemistry Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering, Saturday Academy Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering, $2,000, May 2017.

Developing Cultural Sensibility as a Response to Patient Diversity with Pamela Potter, School of Nursing, $2,000, November 2016.

Project SEED, American Chemical Society/Petroleum Research Fund, $6,500, April 2017.

Diversity and Inclusion Course Enhancement Grant, Provost’s Office, $500, Fall 2016.

Murdock Partners in Science, M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, $15,000, March 2017.

Jeff Kerssen-Griep, Communication Studies Transdiciplinary communication education for clinical instructors: Promoting moral agency and effective advocacy among clinical role models with Lorretta Krautscheid and Larizza Limjuco Woodruff, Sigma Theta Tau International, $650, November 2016. Lorretta Krautscheid, Nursing BUDDY-UP: An educational innovation to enhance nursing student retention, Sigma Theta Tau International, $1,500, November 2016. Transdiciplinary communication education for clinical instructors: Promoting moral agency and effective advocacy among clinical role models with Jeff Kerssen-Griep and Larizza Limjuco Woodruff, Sigma Theta Tau International, $650, November 2016. Larizza Limjuco Woodruff, Nursing Transdiciplinary communication education for clinical instructors: Promoting moral agency and effective advocacy among clinical role models with Lorretta Krautscheid and Jeff Kerssen-Griep, Sigma Theta Tau International, $650, November 2016. Peter Osterberg, Engineering MOSIS Educational Program (MEP) funding for EE student-designed Integrated Circuit fabrication for EE Senior Capstone Projects, MOSIS Educational Program, $2,000, August 2016. Nicole Ralston, Education Impact of a New Alternative School Model: Open School Investigation with Jacqueline Waggoner, Spirit Mountain Community Fund, $25,000, September 2016. Maximilian Schlosshauer, Physics “Stealthy Observation in a Quantum World,” Foundational Questions Institute, $2,500, December 2016. Mojtaba Takallou, Engineering Safety Features for Local Roads and Streets, Oregon Department of Transportation, $150,000, September 2016. Jacqueline Waggoner, Education Impact of a New Alternative School Model: Open School Investigation with Nicole Ralston, Spirit Mountain Community Fund, $25,000, September 2016.

awards–university of portland Eric Anctil, Education Shepard’s Shepherd Award, Shepard Academic Resource Center, April 2017. Trudie Booth, International Languages and Cultures Award for 40 years of Service, University of Portland, May 2017. Sylvia Daoud Kinzie, Chemistry Shepard’s Shepherd Award, Shepard Academic Resource Center, April 2017. Ted Eckmann, Environmental Studies Faculty Member of the Year, Associated Students of the University of Portland (ASUP), April 2017. Louisa Egan Brad, Psychological Sciences “Professional Development as Ethical Development: Designing

and Implementing a Curriculum for Psychology Majors” with Andrew Guest, Estefania Morales ’17 and Vandric Castro ’18, Dundon-Berchtold Ethics Curriculum Fellow, 2016-2017. Terry Favero, Biology James Culligan Award, May 2017. Member of the 2005 Women’s National Championship Soccer Team, University of Portland Athletic Hall of Fame, October 2016. Alice Gates, Sociology and Social Work Inaugural Faculty Award for Outstanding Service, May 2017. Nicole Hanig, Performing and Fine Arts “Music and Poetry: Contemplating Ethics through Art Song” with Catherine Jacobs ’18 Dundon-Berchtold Applied Ethics Fellow, 2016-2017. Andrew Guest, Psychological Sciences “Professional Development as Ethical Development: Designing and Implementing a Curriculum for Psychology Majors” with Louisa Brad Egan, Estefania Morales ’17 and Vandric Castro ’18, Dundon-Berchtold Ethics Curriculum Fellow, 2016-2017. Molly Hiro, English Outstanding Teaching Award, May 2017. Shepard’s Shepherd Award, Shepard Academic Resource Center, April 2017. Joseph Jefferson, Performing and Fine Arts Outstanding Achievement for “1st Year of Teaching & Complete Transformation of Jazz Ensemble,” Performing & Fine Arts Students, April 2017. Kevin Jones, Sociology and Social Work Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence in Academic Internship Supervision, College of Arts and Sciences, February 2017. “Applying and Disseminating an Ethical Decision Making Casebook for Youth Mentoring Programs and Participants,” with Sarah Cook ’18, Dundon-Berchtold Applied Ethics Fellow, 2016-2017. Lorretta Krautscheid, Nursing “Transdisciplinary Applied Ethics Curriculum: Innovative Interventions Promoting Moral Agency, Resilience, and an Ethical Healthcare Milieu,” with Laura Mood, Taylor Mossman ’17 and Marie Wagner ’17, Dundon-Berchtold Ethics Curriculum Fellow, 2016-2017. Kala Mayer, Nursing “Facilitating moral courage to overcome moral distress in public health nursing student care,” with Nicole Schlotfeldt ’17, Dundon-Berchtold Applied Ethics Fellow, 2016-2017. Shannon Mayer, Physics “Exploring Ethical Issues in Physics: The Intersection of Science Policy and Modern Optics,” with Joseph Albright ’18, Dundon-Berchtold Applied Ethics Fellow, 2016-2017. Patricia McShane, Philosophy The Difference Award, University of Portland Athletic Department, February 2017. Martin Monto, Sociology and Social Work Alexander Christie Award for 25 years of service, University of Portland, May 2017.


Laura Mood, Nursing “Transdisciplinary Applied Ethics Curriculum: Innovative Interventions Promoting Moral Agency, Resilience, and an Ethical Healthcare Milieu,” with Lorretta Krautscheid, Taylor Mossman ’17 and Marie Wagner ’17, Dundon-Berchtold Ethics Curriculum Fellow, 2016-2017. Patricia Morrell, Education Deans’ Award for Faculty Leadership, May 2017. Natalie Nelson-Marsh, Communication Studies “Coach for a Day” Favorite Professor Award, University of Portland Men’s Basketball Team, January 2017. Ian Parkman, Business “Pink or Blue? An Empirical Investigation of Gender-Role Stereotypes and Marketing,” with Ria Hofmann ’18, Dundon-Berchtold Applied Ethics Fellow, 2016-2017.

awards–external Ellyn Arwood, Education American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) Award for Continuing Education (ACE), 2016-2018, ASHA, December 2016. David De Lyser, Performing and Fine Arts 2016 Semi-finalist in Choral Performance, as Artistic Director with Choral Arts Ensemble of Portland, American Prize, January 2017. Christin Hancock, History Joel Palmer Honorable Mention Award for 2017 best research article, Oregon Historical Society, May 2017. Sr. Angela Hoffman, Chemistry Featured in “Career Ladder”, published in Chemical & Engineering News, American Chemical Society, October 2016. Joseph Jefferson, Performing & Fine Arts National/International Performing Mouthpiece Artist and Endorser, Ivan Giddings & Giddings Mouthpieces, April 2017.

kristin sweeney, environmental studies Sweeney, Kristin E., and Joshua J. Roering, “Rapid fluvial incision of a late Holocene lava flow: Insights from LiDAR, alluvial stratigraphy,


and numerical modeling.” Geological Society of America Bulletin B31537-1 (2016).

Cara Poor, Engineering “Ignoring the Problem Won’t Make It Go Away: Ethical Responsibilities of Civil Engineers” with Antonia Molina ’17, Dundon-Berchtold Applied Ethics Fellow, 2016-2017. Nicole Ralston, Education “Mandates vs. Beliefs: How Do Teaching Professionals Address Ethical Dilemmas?” with Mary Shortino-Buck ’17, Dundon-Berchtold Applied Ethics Fellow, 2016-2017. Maximilian Schlosshauer, Physics Outstanding Scholarship Award, April 2017. David Turnbloom, Theology Shepard’s Shepherd Award, Shepard Academic Resource Center, April 2017. “The Risk of Merciful Encounters: Lessons from Luke 15,” with Valerie Smith ’17, Dundon-Berchtold Applied Ethics Fellow, 2016-2017. Shazib Vijlee, Engineering The Difference Award, University of Portland Athletic Department, February 2017.

Mallie Kozy, Nursing Faculty Policy Intensive, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, May 2017. Ellen Lippman, Business Best in Track Award, Academy of Finance, March 2017. 2017 Best Paper Award, North American Accounting Society, March 2017. Jennette Lovejoy, Communication Studies Top Research Paper of the Year, nominee, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), February 2017. Patrick Murphy, Performing and Fine Arts Profile piece: “Symphonic Journey into the Soviet Era”, Columbian Newspaper; http://www.columbian.com/news/2016/jun/26/ symphonic-journey-into-the-soviet-era, June 2016. Bonnie Parks, Clark Library Ulrich’s Serials Librarianship Award, American Library Association, June 2016.

Matthew Warshawsky, International Languages and Cultures Shepard’s Shepherd Award, Shepard Academic Resource Center, April 2017.

Cara Poor, Engineering Best Paper in Division of Experimentation and LaboratoryOriented Studies, American Society of Engineering Education, June 2016.

Blair Woodard, History Shepard’s Shepherd Award, Shepard Academic Resource Center, April 2017.

David Turnbloom, Theology Catherine Mowry Lacugna Award, Catholic Theological Society of America, June 2016.

professional services Ami Ahern-Rindell, Biology Consultant to the College Board on their new AP research courses, College Board Advance Placement, November 2015-Present. Committee member to choose the AURA awardee for 2015 and 2016, Council on Undergraduate Research, March 2015-Present. Chair, Strategic Planning Committee, Council on Undergraduate Research, July 2015-June 2016. Immediate Past President, Council on Undergraduate Research, July 2015-June 2016. Lauren Alfrey, Sociology and Social Work Reviewer, Journal: Sociology of Race & Ethnicity, May 2016-Present. Eric Anctil, Education Board Member, Oregon Academic Technology Society, June 2011Present. Reviewer, American Educational Research Association, Annual Conference, Division A – Administration, June 2009-Present. Editorial Review, ASHE Monograph Series (Jossy-Bass), June 2009Present. Reviewer, American Educational Research Journal, American Educational Research Association, June 2008-Present. Associate Editor, NASSP Bulletin, National Association of Secondary School Principals, Sage Publications, June 2005Present. Michael Andrews, Philosophy Vice President, International Board, International Association for the Study of the Philosophy of Edith Stein (IASPES), January 2016Present. External Scholarly Reviewer, Studia Phaenomenologica philosophy journal, September 2014-Present. Ellyn Arwood, Education Reviewer for autism proposals for national convention, ASHA, November 2016-Present. Reviewer for autism papers for national convention, American Speech-Language Association, December 2015-November 2016. Christina Astorga, Theology Chair, Committee on Underrepresented (CUERG), Catholic Theological Society of America, January 2017-Present. Co-convenor, Asian and Asian American Working Group, Society of Christian Ethics, January 2016-Present. Co-convenor of Asian American Working Group, Society of Christian Ethics, January 2016-Present. Convenor, Moral Theology Sessions 1 & 2, Catholic Theological Society of America, June 2016-Present. Member of the Administrative Team Moral Theology, Catholic Theological Society of America, June 2014-June 2017. Member, Article Awards Committee, College Theology Society, January 2017-April 2017.

Janet Banks, Nursing President, Omicron Upsilon chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, International, October 2016-Present. Barbara Braband, Nursing Manuscript Peer Reviewer, Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research, July 2015-Present. Nominating Committee chairperson 2017- 2018 (elected), Western Institute of Nursing, Research Organization, April 2015-Present. Small Research Grant Reviewer, Coordinator (2015-present), Association of Community Health Nurse Educators (ACHNE national professional organization)), January 2014-Present. Manuscript peer review, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, July 2013-Present. Manuscript Peer Reviewer, Journal of Christian Nursing, January 2012-Present. Research Committee Chairperson & ACHNE Board member, Association of Community Health Nurse Educators (ACHNE) national professional organization)), June 2014-Present. Board member, Faith Community Nursing/Health Ministry Association Northwest, May 2013-January 2017. Research Committee Chairperson; Director Annual Institute Pre-Conference Workshop, Association of Community Health Nurse Educators (ACHNE national professional organization)), June 2014-June 2016. Genevieve Brassard, English Book Review Editor, Space Between Journal, January 2017-Present. Manuscript Reviewer, Space Between Journal, April 2015-Present. Manuscript Peer Reviewer, Feminist Formations Journal, May 2016June 2016. Russ Butkus, Theology Peer Reviewer of Article, Interdisciplinary Environmental Review, May 2017. Michael Cameron, Theology Editorial Board Member, Augustinus-Lexikon (reference work), August 2014-Present. Organizer and moderator, Northwest Early Christian Studies Seminar, March 2014-Present. Editorial Board, Augustinian Studies (Journal), June 2013-Present. Editorial Board Member, Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (reference work), July 2006-Present. Saikat Chakrabarti, Engineering Reviewer, committee member, Security Bsides PDX Conference, Portland OR, May 2016-October 2016. Olivia Coiado, Engineering Member of the Editorial Board, Journal: Innovative Biomedical Technologies & Health Care, February 2017-Present. Reviewer for the BMES 2016 Annual Meeting, Biomedical Engineering Society, May 2016-Present. Reviewer for the XXV Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering, University of Campinas – Brazil, April 2016-Present.


Chair of the session: Cardiovascular Devices I, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, October 2016.

Committee Member, Catholic Biblical Association of America Visiting Scholars Committee, August 2013-Present.

Michael Connolly, Performing and Fine Arts Adjudicator, Choir Festival, Portland Public Schools, April 2017.

Associate Editor, Old Testament Abstracts, June 2010-Present.

Patricia Cox, Nursing Member, Education Committee, Nurse Practitioner’s of Oregon, January 2017-Present. Member, Oregon State Board of Nursing, Nursing Education Advisory Group, September 2016-Present. Member, Professional Standards Committee, Nurse Practitioners of Oregon, October 2015-Present. Ambassador, National Health Services Corps, May 2015-Present. William Curtis, Political Science Manuscript Reviewer, Contemporary Political Theory (Journal), December 2016-January 2017.

Review Board of The Journal of Catholic Higher Education, Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, January 2009-June 2016. Heather Dillon, Engineering Councilor in the Engineering Division, Council on Undergraduate Research, March 2016-Present. Reviewer, ASEE Conference, October 2013-Present. Reviewer, ASME Journal and Conference Reviewer, June 2007Present. Laurie Dizney, Biology Reviewer, Journal of Mammalogy, February 2017-April 2017. Reviewer, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, November 2016December 2016.

matthew warshawsky, international languages and culture The Perils of Living the Good and True Law: Iberian Crypto-Jews in the Shadow of the Inquisition of Colonial


Hispanic America. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs (2016).

Meeting Coordinator, PDX Political Theory/Philosophy Group, December 2014-December 2016. David De Lyser, Performing and Fine Arts Coordinator and liaison for BRAVO Youth Orchestra weekly rehearsals at University of Portland, BRAVO Youth Orchestra , August 2016-May 2017. Coordinator for BRAVO Youth Orchestra concert at University of Portland, BRAVO Youth Orchestra, March 2017-May 2017. Coordinator for Regional Adjudication Training session at the University of Portland, American Choral Directors Association, September 2016-November 2016. Adjudicator for Orchestra Composition Contest, Cascadia Composers and Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra, September 2016-October 2016. Guest conductor, Westside Community and Youth Orchestra, September 2016. Coordinator for BRAVO Youth Orchestra Recital at University of Portland, BRAVO Youth Orchestra, June 2016-July 2016. Sr. Carol Dempsey, O.P., Theology Member of the Board of Trustees, Catholic Biblical Association of America Visiting Scholars Committee, August 2014-Present. General Editor, New Paulist Press Commentary, April 2014-Present. Editorial Board, Wisdom Bible Commentary Series, August 2013Present.

Reviewer, MJ Murdock Charitable Trust, October 2016-November 2016. Honoraria and Travel Awards Committee, American Society of Mammalogists, June 2006-July 2016. Human Diversity Committee Member, American Society of Mammalogists, June 2005-July 2016. Reviewer, Journal of Landscape Ecology, June 2016. Doug Donkel, Philosophy Book Series Editor: New Book Released: The Call to Radical Theology, by Thomas J.J. Altizer, State University of New York Press (SUNY) book Series in Theology and Continental Thought, January 2002-Present. Andrew Downs, Psychological Sciences Reviewer, Journal of Child and Family Studies, January 2008-Present. Member, Western Psychological Association Program Review Committee, January 2008-Present. Member, Western Psychological Association Council of Representatives, September 2015-May 2017. Maria Echenique, International Languages and Cultures Presiding officer, Film and Literature III panel, Pacific Ancient and Modern Languages Association PAMLA, Annual Conference, November 2016. Ted Eckmann, Environmental Studies Editorial Board Member, Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS, January 2016-Present.

Chair of the Oregon Academy of Science, Geography Section, Oregon Academy of Science, February 2015-Present. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Geography & Natural Disasters, October 2014-Present. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Biodiversity and Endangered Species, February 2014-Present. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications, November 2013-Present. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Pollution Effects & Control, January 2013-Present. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Geology & Geosciences, August 2012-Present. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Geophysics & Remote Sensing, September 2011-Present. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography, July 2011-Present. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change, November 2010-Present. External reviewer of National Weather Service forecast products, United States National Weather Service, January 2010-Present.

Jeffrey Gauthier, Philosophy Symposium Chair, “The Scope of Consent,” American Philosophical Association Meetings, Seattle, April 2017. Co-chair, Manuscript Reviewer for APA Group Session, Society for German Idealism, October 2016-November 2016. Andrew Golla, Performing and Fine Arts Region 7 Directing Coordinator, Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, August 2016-Present. Artistic Liaison, Fertile Ground Festival, Portland, OR, September 2009-Present. Artistic/Executive Director, Portland Theatre Works, April 2004Present. Andrew Guest, Psychological Sciences Peer Reviewing, Sociology of Education (Academic Journal), March 2017. Peer Reviewing, Social Inclusion (Academic Journal), February 2017. Peer Reviewing, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, December 2016. Peer Reviewer, FWO – Research Foundation of Flanders, June 2016. Peer Reviewing, Journal of Adolescent Research, June 2016.

Manuscript Reviewer, many scholarly journals, including the International Journal of Remote Sensing, Earth Interactions, Remote Sensing of Environment, IEEE JSTARS, etc., June 2008-Present.

Christin Hancock, History Editorial Advisory Board Member, Oregon Historical Quarterly Editorial Advisory Board, June 2012-Present.

Workshop Leader, Pacific Alliance for Catholic Education (PACE) Summer Leadership Institute, June 2016.

Guest Editor, Special Issue: Regulating Birth in Oregon, Oregon Historical Quarterly, September 2015-June 2016.

Appeared on KATU Television about Air Toxics in Portland [aired June 21, 2016], ABC (KATU) Television.

Hannah Highlander, Mathematics Mentor, Wesleyan College Alumnae E-Link program, September 2016-Present.

Interviewed by The Oregonian about DEQ Investigation of Air Quality, The Oregonian, and June 2016. Interviewed by KUOW FM about Air Quality in the Pacific Northwest, Seattle, June 2016. Lab Tour Leader, ACCESS Academy, Portland Public Schools, June 2016. Mark Eifler, History Consultant/Interviewed, Nutopia Productions/History Channel, for “America: Promised Land,” January 2017-May 2017. Reviewer of manuscript article for publication, Great Plains Quarterly, November 2016-December 2016. Andrew Eshleman, Philosophy Referee for the journal, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, May 2017-June 2017. Conference session chair: “Moral Torch Fishing”, Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association, March 2017. Lauretta Frederking, Political Science Executive Secretary, Pacific Northwest Political Science Association, January 2013-Present. International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities, Editorial Board, May 2011-Present.

Communications Director, Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance, April 2016-Present. Review Editor, Adaptive Behavior Journal, March 2016-Present. Review Editor, PRIMUS Journal, August 2015-Present. Board Member, Board of Directors for the Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance (IBA), June 2015-Present. Faculty Fellow, Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance, January 2015-Present. Associate Editor, Spora: A Journal of Biomathematics, January 2015-Present. Associate Editor, Education Section of Letters in Biomathematics Journal, December 2013-Present. Reviewer, Mathematical Biosciences, March 2013-Present. Reviewer, The Journal of Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena, November 2010-Present. Reviewer, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Undergraduate Research Online, March 2010-Present. Reviewer, Frontiers in Systems Biology, January 2010-Present.


Alexandra Hill, International Languages and Cultures Fundraising Coordinator, Women in German, October 2016Present. Sr. Angela Hoffman, O.S.B., Chemistry President of local Promethium Chapter, Iota Sigma Pi, Women, June 2011-Present. Project SEED National Committee and Scholarship Committee, American Chemical Society, August 2010-Present. Local Section National Chemistry Week, Earth Day, Project SEED and Education Committee Chairs, American Chemical Society, June 2004-Present. Portland Section representative on the Northwest Region Board, American Chemical Society, June 2000-Present. Councilor and elected Executive Committee member, American Chemical Society, September 1997-Present.

Joseph Jefferson, Performing and Fine Arts African American/Black Student Success Advisory Group (Higher Education), Oregon Department of Education, January 2015-Present. Jazz Ensemble Clinician, Roosevelt High School, May 2017. Jazz Ensemble Adjudicator, Northwest Jazz Band Festival, May 2017. Jazz Ensemble Clinician, Mt. Hood Community College, April 2017. Jazz Ensemble Clinician, Beaumont Middle School, April 2017. Jazz Ensemble Adjudicator, Texas A & M – Kingsville University 50th Jazz Festival, March 2017. Jazz Ensemble Clinician, Beaumont Middle School, March 2017. Jazz Ensemble Clinician, Cleveland High School, March 2017.

christine weilhoefer, biology Weilhoefer, C.L., Williams, D., Nguyen, I., Jakstis, K., and C. Fischer. “The effects of reed canary grass on wetland habitat and arthropod community


composition in an urban freshwater wetland.” Wetlands Ecology and Management 24. (2016).

Reviewer, 4 manuscripts, Marine Drugs, August 2016-April 2017. Review 97 proposals and 38 scholarships, ACS Project SEED committee, February 2017-March 2017. Reviewer, 2 manuscripts, Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, May 2016-December 2016. Reviewer, manuscripts, In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology, September 2016-October 2016. Reviewer, 2 manuscripts, Current Medicinal Chemistry, July 2016. Reviewer, 14 symposium proposals, American Association for the Advancement of Science, May 2016-June 2016. Reviewer, book chapters, American Chemical Society, May 2016June 2016. Sally Hood, Education Write monthly summaries of articles pertinent to language learning, National Network for Early Language Learning, September 2011-May 2017.

Sharon A. Jones, Engineering Program Evaluator, ABET, September 2012-Present. STEM Alumnae Advisory Group, HERS, January 2016-Present. Appointed Commission Member, ABET, July 2015-Present. Kevin Jones, Sociology and Social Work Reviewer, Gateways: The International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, March 2012-Present. Affiliated Faculty, Center for Interdisciplinary Mentoring Research, August 2011-Present. Deana Julka, Psychological Sciences Reviewed research for award potential, Psi Chi Award Reviewer, June 2016-June 2017. Review of research abstracts for conference, Western Psychological Association, June 2009-June 2017. Council of Representatives, Western Psychological Association Council, June 2008-June 2017.

Manuscript reviewer, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Journal, September 2009-May 2017.

Julie Kalnin, Education Reviewer, AILACTE Editorial Board, July 2013-Present.

Manuscript reviewer, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL); Foreign Language Annals, September 2004-May 2017.

Ryan Kenton, Biology Partner, Oregon Health and Science University Vibrio Colleagues, August 2015-Present.

Mead Hunter, Performing and Fine Arts Artistic Director, The New Harmony Project, July 2013-Present.

Partner, Small World Initiative, May 2014-Present. Faculty Mentor, Broadcom MASTERS, May 2016-August 2016.

Jeff Kerssen-Griep, Communication Studies Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Communication Pedagogy, March 2017-Present. Editorial board member, Communication Education (journal), May 2011-Present. Consulting Editor, Communication Education (journal), January 2014-February 2017. Member of the Associate Editorial Board, Communication Studies (journal), September 2012-September 2016. Editorial board member, Communication Reports (journal), September 2003-September 2016. Khalid Khan, Engineering Students Affairs Chair, ASM-International, Oregon Chapter, September 2012-May 2017. Steve Kolmes, Environmental Studies Invited to join the Environmental Roundtable ( 2013), Interdisciplinary Environmental Association., Environmental Roundtable, February 2014-Present. Science Advisor, Science for Seminaries Program, Multnomah Seminary/AAAS, September 2014-September 2016. Mallie Kozy, Nursing Advisory Group member, Nursing Education Advisory Group for the Oregon State Board of Nursing, January 2017-Present. President, Board of Directors, Oregon Center for Nursing, January 2017-Present. Lorretta Krautscheid, Nursing Selected to serve on the Moral Resilience Panel, American Nurses Association, January 2017-Present. Matthew Kuhn, Engineering Member, Organizing Committee, Symposium on Recent Trends in Granular Materials Across the Scales, September 2016-May 2017. Journal manuscript reviewer, Mechanics Research Communications (3); Geotechnique Letters; Intl. Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (3), June 2016May 2017. Journal manuscript reviewer, International Journal of Solids and Structures (3); Acta Geotechnica; Granular Matter (2), June 2016-May 2017. Journal manuscript reviewer, Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Geotechnique (2); Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, June 2016-May 2017. Journal manuscript reviewer, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Particle Science and Technology, June 2016-May 2017. PhD Candidate Examiner, University of South Australia, March 2017-April 2017. Research Proposal Reviewer, Hong Kong Research Grants Council, March 2017-April 2017. Book proposal reviewer, Elsevier, December 2016-December 2016.

Vice Chair, Granular Materials Committee, Engineering Mechanics Institute, November 2015-November 2016. Lawrence Larsen, Performing and Fine Arts Elected to 3 year term to the Commission on Accreditation, National Association of Schools of Theater, April 2015-Present. Elected Commissioner served at commission meeting March 2016, National Association of Schools of Theatre, April 2016March 2017. Bohn Lattin, Communication Studies Communication Consultant, Oregon State Treasurer, November 2013-Present. Christopher Lee, Mathematics Guest speaker, Math Honor Society Induction Ceremony, West Linn High School Math Honor Society, May 2017. Chair, Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, Oregon Academy of Science, August 2015-July 2016. Ellen Lippman, Business Member – Audit Committee, Cedar Sinai Park, February 2016Present. Jennette Lovejoy, Communication Studies Conference paper reviewer, Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk division for AEJMC, March 2014-Present. Ad-hoc Reviewer, Asian Journal of Communication, August 2013Present. Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, August 2013-Present. Ad-hoc Reviewer, Communication Quarterly, April 2013-Present. Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, October 2011-Present. Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journal of Communication, June 2011-Present. Ad-hoc Reviewer, Health Communication, May 2010-Present. Gary Malecha, Political Science Reviewer of text, Oxford University Press, September 2016October 2016. Norah Martin, Philosophy Board member, Collegium, June 2016-Present. Paper reviewer, International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, January 2016-Present. Mentor, Collegium: A Colloquy on Faith and Intellectual Life, June 2016. Steven Mayer, Chemistry Grant Reviewer, U.S. Department of Defense, May 2017. Kala Mayer, Nursing Nursing Section Executive Committee Secretary, Oregon Public Health Association, November 2016-January 2017. Laura McLary, International Languages and Cultures Program reviewer for Department of World Languages and Literatures, Pacific University, October 2016-November 2016.


Sr. Kathleen McManus, O.P., Theology Member of International Editorial Team for Schillebeeckx Series, Bloomsbury/T&T Clark, September 2013-Present. Service on International Commission planning Jubilee Congress, Order of Preachers, August 2015-January 2017. Nick McRee, Sociology and Social Work Editorial Board, Sociological Perspectives, Pacific Sociological Association, September 2016-Present. Patricia McShane, Philosophy Reviewer, International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion, October 2016-Present. Stephanie Michel, Clark Library Member, Orbis Cascade Alliance, New Primo UI Day Planning group, February 2017-Present. Chair, Orbis Cascade Alliance, Primo Release Testing Working Group, June 2015-Present. Member, Orbis Cascade Alliance, Discovery & Delivery Team, April 2015-Present. Member, Orbis Cascade Alliance, Primo Standardization task force, January 2017-April 2017. Member, Association of College & Research Libraries, ACRL Liaisons Grants Committee, July 2014-June 2016.


Joane Moceri, Nursing On-site evaluator, Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, May 2013-Present.

Member of the Editorial Board, Innovations in Science Teacher Education, May 2016-Present. President-Elect, Association for Science Teacher Education, January 2017-Present. Patrick Murphy, Performing and Fine Arts Coordinator/Conductor of OBDA Reading Session, Oregon Band Directors Association, January 2017-Present. Student Teacher Supervisor, Washington State University School of Music, September 2016-Present. Principal Conductor, Southwest Washington Wind Symphony, September 2016-Present. Task Force on American Band History, College Band Directors National Association, August 2016-Present. Conductor of Symphonic Band, Metropolitan Youth Symphony, August 2012-Present. Conductor, Portland Community Wind Band, September 2011Present. Adjudicator, Oregon Band Directors Association and Oregon Music Educators Association, March 2009-Present. Clinician, Jesuit High School Bands, April 2017. Adjudicator, Greater Valley Conference Band Festival (Salem, OR), April 2017. Adjudicator, Willamette Valley Concert Band Festival (Eugene, OR), March 2017.

Editorial Review Board member, Journal of Cultural Diversity, January 2011-Present.

Adjudicator, Soundview Music Educators Association Band Festival (Burien, WA), March 2017.

Reviewer, Nursing Education Perspectives, January 2010-Present.

Adjudicator, Lower Columbia River Music Educators Association Band Festival (Ridgefield, WA), March 2017.

Reviewer, Qualitative Health Research, January 2009-Present. Laura Mood, Nursing Resource Nurse – Operating Room, Oregon Health & Science University, May 2016-Present. Peer reviewer, editorial service, Nurse Educator Journal, December 2014-Present. Editorial Service, Nurse Educator, November 2014-Present. Tamar More, Physics Reviewer, art consultant, alt-text writer, WiseWire, March 2015November 2016. Patricia Morrell, Education Reviewer, Journal of Science Teacher Education, January 2010Present. Editorial Board, Journal of Elementary Science Education, January 2008-Present.

Clinician, Mount Rainier High School, Lindbergh High School, Kennedy High School, Tyee High School, Cottage Grove High School, Elkton High School, Springfield High School, East Providence (RI) High School, Jemtegaard Middle School, Gaiser Middle School, Covington Middle School, Chief Umtuch Middle School, Tukes Valley Middle School, and McLoughlin Middle School Bands, March 2017. Adjudicator, Warner Pacific Band Festival (Portland, OR), March 2017. Clinician, Skyview High School and Columbia River High School Bands, February 2017. Clinician, Lincoln High School Bands, December 2016. Clinician, Hockinson High School and Sam Barlow High School Bands, November 2016.

Reviewer, Teacher and Teacher Education, January 2006-Present.

Textbook Reviewer, W.W. Norton & Company Publishing, October 2016-November 2016.

International Advisory Board, Studying Teacher Education, January 2004-Present.

Clinician, Hudsons Bay High School and Liberty High School Bands, November 2016.

Editor, Science Teacher Education Division, Heliyon, July 2016Present.

Clinician, Washougal High School and Beaumont Middle School Bands, October 2016.

September Nelson, Nursing Peer Reviewer, Geriatric Nursing Journal, April 2015-Present.

Primary Health Care: Introduction to Integrative Health, January 2016-December 2016.

Natalie Nelson-Marsh, Communication Studies Doctoral Committee Member, Boise State University, September 2013-April 2017.

Tara Prestholdt, Biology Web Master, Association of College and University Biology Education, October 2013-Present.

Andrew Nuxoll, Engineering Program Evaluator, ABET, January 2016-Present.

Gregory Pulver, Performing and Fine Arts Resident Artist, Artists Repertory Theater, April 2015-Present.

Katie O’Reilly, Biology IOS-IEP Panel Grant Review, National Science Foundation, October 2016.

Nicole Ralston, Education Article Reviewer, Heliyon Journal, January 2017-Present.

Mary Oakes, Nursing Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor, American Heart Association, October 1995-Present. Chair Elect, Northwest Simulation Alliance, December 2016Present.

Article Reviewer, Teacher Education Quarterly, August 2015-Present. Reviewer, Teacher Education Quarterly, June 2015-Present. President, Oregon Association of Teacher Educators (ORATE), June 2015-Present. Board Member, Oregon Association of Teacher Educators (ORATE), January 2015-Present.

lauren alfrey, sociology and social work Alfrey, Lauren and France Winddance Twine. “Gender-Fluid Geek Girls: Negotiating Inequality Regimes in the Tech Industry.” Gender & Society 31 (1): 28-50 (2017).

Peter Osterberg, Engineering Served as peer-reviewer and referee for one submitted manuscript, “Mathematical Problems in Engineering,” March 2017. Bonnie Parks, Clark Library Chair, Standards Committee, American Library Association, ALCTS CRS Section, July 2016-Present. Chair, Standards Committee, American Library Association, ALCTS, July 2015-June 2016. Cara Poor, Engineering Peer Reviewer, American Society of Engineering Education, October 2016-Present. Citizen Member, Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Facility Citizens Advisory Committee, April 2016-Present. Peer Reviewer, Water, March 2016-Present. Peer Reviewer, Journal of Environmental Quality, February 2016Present. Peer Reviewer, Journal of American Water Resources Association, December 2015-Present. Peer Reviewer, Environmental Engineering Science, March 2015Present. Pamela Potter, Nursing Conference Planner, SPARC (Symposium of Portland Area Research on CAM), September 2008-January 2017. Site Manager for pilot Course, National Center for Integrative

61 Conference Proposal Reviewer, American Educational Research Association (AERA), August 2016-September 2016. Anissa Rogers, Sociology and Social Work Member, NW Consortium for the Grand Challenges in Social Work, March 2017-Present. Pet therapy team, Pet Partners, October 2012-Present. Committee Member, Recognition and Awards, Council on Social Work Education, October 2016-Present. Committee member, Affirmative Action Subcommittee, Council on Social Work Education, March 2015-Present. Elected to national board of directors, Council on Social Work Education, July 2013-Present. Appointed to executive committee of board of directors, Council on Social Work Education, July 2013-Present. Consulting Editor, Counselling and Spirituality, January 2016December 2016. Reviewer, SAGE Open Journal, February 2016-December 2016. Outside reviewer, rank, tenure, and promotion for social work faculty member, University of Missouri, St. Louis, May 2016-September 2016. Sally Rothacker-Peyton, Nursing Member, Annual Conference Planning Committee, Nurse Practitioners of Oregon, October 2010-Present.

Committee member Education Committee, Nurse Practitioner’s of Oregon, October 2010-Present.

Statewide Database Licensing Advisory Committee, August 2013July 2016.

Anne Santiago, Political Science Panel Discussant: Natural Resources, Conservation and Development in Africa, Kennesaw State University Conflict Management Center, April 2015-Present.

Kristin Sweeney, Environmental Studies Geomorphology and Land-Use Dynamics Proposal Review Panelist, National Science Foundation, October 2016November 2016.

Sarina Saturn, Psychological Sciences Inclusive Excellence Grant reviewer, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, September 2016-March 2017.

David Taylor, Biology Editorial board member and reviewer, Taiwania International Journal of Life Sciences, May 2015-Present.

Maximilian Schlosshauer, Physics Member of the Advisory Board, Workshop “Ninety Years of Quantum Mechanics,” July 9-29, 2015, January 2015-Present.

Organizer and Leader for University Park Street Tree Inventory, with BIO 371, Field Botany course., Urban Forestry Division, Portland Parks and Recreation, September 2014-Present.

Member of the Editorial Board, Peer-reviewed physics journal Journal of Quantum Foundations,” January 2014-Present.

Eugene Urnezius, Chemistry Peer-reviewer for a research proposal from a R1 institution, American Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Fund, February 2017-March 2017.

Reviewer for book proposals, Cambridge University Press, August 2013-Present.

gregory hill, mathematics “The Rise of Collaborative Consumption and the Sharing Economy” (with W. Barnes). Chapter 11: in Essentials of Consumer Behavior by Stephens, Debra.


Taylor and Francis, 2017.

Reviewer for book proposals, Oxford University Press, August 2013-Present. Member of the Editorial Board, Peer-reviewed physics journal Quanta, May 2012-Present. Series Editor, Book series Quantum Science and Technology,” Springer Publishing, June 2011-Present. Series Editor, Book series The Frontiers Collection, Springer Publishing, December 2007-Present. Publication referee, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, January 2004-Present. Publication referee, Nature Physics, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, Physics Letters A, Journal of Physics A, Foundations of Physics, January 2004-Present. Publication referee, Physical Review Letters, January 2004Present. Frances Simmons, Nursing Member of the Advisory board for School Based Health Clinic at Tualatin High School, Tigard/Tualatin School District, December 2014-Present. Diane Sotak, Clark Library Chair, Oregon Statewide Database Licensing Advisory Committee, August 2015-July 2016. Elected representative for private academic institutions, Oregon

Contributor to a nationwide study about Inorganic Chemistry curriculum at colleges in United States, Department of Chemistry, Miami University, Oxford, OH, June 2016. Tammy VanDeGrift, Engineering Associate Editor, ACM Transactions on Computing Education, February 2013-Present. Partners Chair and Conference Committee Member, Consortium of Computing Sciences in College Northwest Conference, April 2017-Present. University of Portland Faculty Representative, AccessComputing, August 2016-Present. Reviewer, ACM International Computing Education Research Conference, April 2017-May 2017. Invited Panelist, Launching Academics on the Tenure-Track: An Intentional Community in Engineering, May 2017. Reviewer of course materials, EngageCSEdu, February 2016May 2017. Reviewer, American Society of Engineering Education Symposium, October 2016-March 2017. Session Chair, ACM SIGCSE Symposium, March 2017. Reviewer, ACM ITiCSE Conference, January 2017-February 2017. Panelist, National Science Foundation, December 2016-February 2017.

Judge, Congressional App Challenge – Congressman Earl Blumenauer, October 2016-November 2016. Metareviewer, ACM SIGCSE Program Committee, October 2016November 2016. Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Education, June 2016-July 2016. Reviewer, Journal of Engineering Education, June 2016. Steve Vegdahl, Engineering Technical paper referee for CCSC-NW, SICCSE and ITICSE conferences, Association for Computing Machinery, September 2016-Present. Amber Vermeesch, Nursing Contributing member, Oregon Center for Nursing Oregon Action Coalition Town Hall Communications Workgroup, July 2016Present. Contributing member, Western Institute of Nursing Membership Committee, June 2016-Present. Inaugural participant, Sigma Theta Tau International’s Institute for Global Healthcare Leadership Inaugural Emerging Global Leader Institute, September 2016-September 2016. Jacqueline Waggoner, Education Board Member, Oregon Association of Teacher Educators, May 2007-Present. State of Oregon Representative, Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education, September 2013-June 2016. Board Member, Northwest Evaluation Association $1.5 million Grant, March 2013-June 2016. Valerie Walters, Chemistry Took XRF to L&C to work with students on pigment analysis and Roman coin projects, Lewis & Clark College Chemistry Department, April 2017. John Watzke, Education Board of Directors, Saturday Academy, August 2012-Present. Board of Directors, Open Meadow Schools, August 2011-Present. Board of Directors, International Society for Language Studies, September 2003-Present. Jeffrey White, International Languages and Cultures Treasurer and Membership Coordinator, Northwest College Reading and Learning Association, May 2016-Present. Regional conference planning committee member, Northwest College Reading and Learning Association, May 2016-May 2017. National conference presentation proposal reviewer, College Reading and Learning Association, March 2017-May 2017. Member of “Renewing our Commitment to Learning” regional conference planning team, Northwest CRLA, November 2015June 2016. Blair Woodard, History Co-Founder/Organizer, Portland Latin American Reading Group, August 2014-Present.

creative works of quality Michael Connolly, Performing and Fine Arts “God Is Love.” By Michael Connolly. Dir. Michael Connolly. Performance, Baccalaureate Mass, University of Portland, May 6, 2017. Advent Concert. Dir. Michael Connolly, performed by University Singers, Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Portland, OR, December 3, 2016. David De Lyser, Performing and Fine Arts David De Lyser, Hosanna Filio David. Performance of The Resonance Ensemble, Lewis & Clark College. A composition for SATB chorus, piano and violin for Cascadia Composers concert, January 21, 2017. Musical Director and Pit Orchestra Director for Jesus Christ Superstar, produced by the University of Portland, 2017. Artistic Director, Choral Arts Ensemble of Portland, 2016-2017. Rehearsal and performance conductor, “Soldiers of Heaven” from John Adams’ Nixon in China, University of Portland’s Lyric Theater Workshop, 2016. Conductor, University of Portland Orchestra, 2016-2017. Zachariah Galatis, Performing and Fine Arts Patrick Murphy, conductor, with Southwest Washington Wind Symphony and Zach Galatis, flute. “Concertino” by Cecile Chaminade, “Piccolo Espagnol” by James Christensen, and “Symphony #4” by David Maslanka, Union High School Auditorium, Camas, WA, March 5, 2017. Rev. Mark Ghyselinck, C.S.C., Performing and Fine Arts “Seeing the Beauty,” Buckley Center art gallery, University of Portland, Portland, OR, August and September 2016. Andrew Golla, Performing and Fine Arts Director, Iphigenia and Other Daughters By Ellen McLaughlin, University of Portland, Portland, OR, March 1, 2017. Theatrical video engineer, Jesus Christ Superstar, music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, lyrics by Tim Rice, University of Portland, Portland, OR, April 19, 2017. Nicole Hanig, Performing and Fine Arts Voice Teacher, Music in the Marche, Italian opera and language school, Mondavio Italy (July 2016). Mead Hunter, Performing and Fine Arts Director, Good Kids by Naomi Iizuka, University of Portland, October 5-9, 2016. Joseph Jefferson, Performing and Fine Arts Host and Performance on Trombone with Shenandoah Conservatory Jazz Ensemble on Pacific Northwest Tour in Mago Hunt Recital Hall, Portland, OR (May 2017). Festival Director, 53rd Annual University of Portland Jazz Festival – Chiles Center & Mago Hunt Performing Arts Center, Portland, OR (April 2017). Trombonist, The 22nd Annual Return of A Class Act, featuring Rose City Trombones at the Old Church, Portland, OR (April 2017). Trombonist, TEDx Portland, “Featured Performer,” Portland, OR (April 2017).


Trombonist, Pranksters Big Band, Play List Ballroom, Tigard, OR (April 2017). Trombonist, Star Banged Banner with Rose City Trombones for Trial Blazers VS Golden State Nuggets Game, Moda Center, Portland, OR (March 2017). Trombonist, Portland Jazz Composers – Grasshoppers Concert at the Old Church, Portland, OR (February 2017). Trombonist, Portland Jazz Composers Ensemble – Grasshoppers performance at City Hall, Portland, OR (February 2017). Director, University of Portland Jazz Ensemble presents “Soulful Sunday,” Mago Hunt Recital Hall, Portland, OR (February 2017). Trombonist, Performance for Music at Midweek at University of Portland with Rose City Trombones, Portland, OR (January 2017). Trombonist, Christ Church Episcopal with Rose City Trombones (January 2017).

Patrick Murphy, Performing and Fine Arts Patrick Murphy and Kylie Pybus, conductors, with University of Portland Chamber Winds and Maranda Hamilton, cello. Northwest premier of “Remember Me,” by David Maslanka, Buckley Center Auditorium, Portland, April 22, 2017 and Mago Hunt Center Recital Hall, Portland, April 26, 2017. Conductor, with University of Portland Wind Symphony and Chapel Choir, “Missa Brevis,” by Jacob de Haan, Chapel of Christ the Teacher, Portland, OR, February 18, 2017. Conductor, with Southwest Washington Wind Symphony and Zach Galatis, flute. “Concertino” by Cecile Chaminade, “Piccolo Espagnol” by James Christensen, and “Symphony #4” by David Maslanka, Union High School Auditorium, Camas, WA, March 5, 2017. Conductor, with the University of Portland Wind Symphony, “Seeds of Glass,” by Benjamin Taylor, Buckley Center Auditorium, Portland, April 22, 2017. Regional Premiere and Co-Commissioned

mindi logan, performing and fine arts Play reading of The Way The Mountain Moved, commissioned by Oregon Shakespeare Festival American Revolutions Series in


Denver, CO (2017).

Trombonist, Rose City Trombones – Trombone Christmas Winter Village at Orenco Station, Hillsboro, OR (December 2016). Director, University of Portland Jazz Ensembles presents “Swinging for the Holidays,” Mago Hunt Recital Hall, Portland, OR (December 2016). Director, University of Portland Jazz Ensembles presents “An Evening of Latin Jazz,” Mago Hunt Recital Hall, Portland, OR (October 2016). Lawrence Larsen, Performing and Fine Arts Scenic Design for Stephen Sondheim’s Company, produced by Broadway Rose Theater Co. (2017). Scenic Design for Commedia Italiana, produced by Portland Revels (2016). Lighting Design for Mad Forest, produced by University of Portland (2016). Lighting and Scenic Design for Good Kids by Naomi Iizuka, produced by University of Portland (2016). Scenic and Lighting Design for Ruddigore, produced by Mocks Crest Productions (2016).

by the University of Portland Wind Symphony. Gregory Pulver, Performing and Fine Arts Costume Design for Iphigenia and Other Daughters by Ellen McLaughlin, produced by University of Portland (2017). Director and choreographer for Jesus Christ Superstar, produced by University of Portland (2017). Costume Design for Marjorie Prime produced by Artists Repertory Theatre, Portland, OR (2017). Costume Design for Mad Forest, produced by University of Portland (2016). Costume Design for The Gun Show produced by CoHo Productions, Portland, OR (2016). Costume Design for Trevor produced by Artists Repertory Theatre, Portland, OR (2016). Costume Design for Skin of Our Teeth produced by Artists Repertory Theatre, Portland, OR (2016).

Mindi Logan, Performing and Fine Arts Play reading of The Way The Mountain Moved, commissioned by Oregon Shakespeare Festival American Revolutions Series in Denver, CO (2017).

University of Portland Office of the Provost 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

Dialect Coach for Mad Forest, produced by University of Portland (2016).

©2017 University of Portland Design: Connie Lightner / Lightner Design

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