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Industry collaboration
Murray & Roberts Chair in Industry Leadership 4.0
The purpose of this research chair in the Department of Mining Engineering is to provide specialised skills and capacity building that are essential to the implementation of optimised systems related to the 4IR, particularly as they relate to the mining and mineralsrelated industries.
When considering the challenges facing the mining industry in the future, it is evident that leadership and the implementation of new technology will go hand in hand. Within these contexts, leaders will necessarily have to contend with increasingly complex decision making, while exercising emotional intelligence and inspiring, motivating and dealing with this complexity in an uncertain world. More than ever, graduates are entering the workplace at a time when introspective leaders are needed, who will be able to continually challenge and develop their analytical ability and leadership effectiveness.
According to the Head of the Department of Mining Engineering, Prof Ronny Webber-Youngman, engineering is one of the careers that will be central to this highly technical landscape. In recognition of the fact that there was no pre-career leadership preparation programme for future leaders in this field, the Department launched a Mining Engineering Leadership Academy (MELA) in 2009, with the objective of providing students entering the workplace with improved self-awareness, interpersonal communication skills, and the ability to work in multidisciplinary settings and in diverse groups spanning many generations.
The Murray & Roberts Chair in Industry Leadership 4.0 illustrates the Department’s innovative approach to grooming future leaders. Focused leadership training will enable companies to become more competitive and sustainable.
Chair in Data-driven Wood Structural Engineering
York Timbers, the largest solid wood processor in South Africa, has signed a funding agreement with the University of Pretoria (UP) to establish a Chair in Data-driven Wood Structural Engineering to promote a more sustainable built environment and the African bio-economy.
This strategic partnership will establish a transdisciplinary research programme that is focused on the entire innovation chain, from genomebased breeding to the structural engineering of advanced engineered wood products. A number of UP’s departments and entities, particularly from the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology and the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, will be involved in the programme.
According to the CEO of York Timbers, Piet van Zyl, the company is committed to stimulating the development of a sustainable, mass timber construction industry in South Africa based on advanced engineered wood products from locally grown forest plantations. The collaboration with UP is of critical importance to ensure that this vision is realised.
Faculty bursary initiatives
The Faculty greatly appreciates the support it receives from industry in the form of bursaries for deserving students These initiatives enable the Faculty to nurture exceptional talent in innovators who will make a difference in the world.
Huawei Technologies South Africa has awarded nine undergraduate, honours and master’s bursaries to the value of R1.1 million to students based on their academic achievements. Not only will these grants assist these students to further their studies, they will also get the opportunity to work at Huawei Technologies upon completion of their degrees.
African Rainbow Minerals, in partnership with the Department of Mining Engineering, has launched the African Rainbow Minerals Postgraduate Bursary Initiative, which will support postgraduate students in mineral sciences and complementary fields, such as finance, management and information technology.