UP welcomes the class of 2018
UP ranked in the top 2% of universities worldwide
Principal’s message
Rektor se boodskap
A glimpse of the University of Pretoria showing its colours during the 2018 Autumn Graduations
Recipients of 2018 Vice-Chancellor's Discretionary Merit Award honoured
'n Blik op die 2018 Herfs Gradeplegtighede waar die Universiteit van Pretoria sy ware kleure gewys het.
Accounting students exel in ITC
Building close relationships with schools
New Dean: Faculty of Theology and Religion
Opinions expressed in Tukkie are those of the individual concerned and not necessarily the view of the University of Pretoria. Tukkie is published by the University of Pretoria’s Department of University Relations. Menings in Tukkie is dié van die betrokke persoon en nie noodwendig die standpunt van die Universiteit van Pretoria nie. Tukkie word uitgegee deur die Universiteit van Pretoria se Departement Universiteitsbetrekkinge. Any editorial queries or information can be sent to:
Celebrating UP's Academic Achievers
24 Fabulous FABI turns 20
PERDEBY 80 years old
Celebrating graduation
UP groet prof Annél van Aswegen
Senior government appointment for UP alumna
Nuclear medicine expert to deliver lecture
TuksLaw students top 5 in the Olympic Games of Legal Education
FABI hosts 20th Anniversary Symposium
TuksAthletics turns 100
Tuks victorious in Varsity Cup campaigns
TuksSport athletes excel at Gold Coast 2018 CWG
UP Alumnu wins 2017 Helgaard Steyn Award
In memoriam
Enige redaksionele navrae of inligting kan gerig word aan: Marissa Greeff E-pos/Email: marissa.greeff@up.ac.za Tel: 012 420 5193 Change of address/Adresveranderings Please send notification of change of address or cancellations to: Gee asseblief kennis van adresveranderings of kansellasies deur na: E-pos/Email: alumni@up.ac.za Tel: 012 420 3533 Faks/Fax: 012 362 5088 Quote the code that appears on the address label in all correspondence. Meld die kode wat op u adresetiket verskyn in alle korrespondensie. Editor/Redakteur: Marissa Greeff Writers /Skrywers: Danie Brand Wilhelm de Swardt Marissa Greeff Elzet Hurter Leonore Jordaan Gift Kgomosotho Martie Kilian Karin van Marle Photos/Foto’s: EYEscape Studios Fezekile Msimang UP Archives/UP Argief Subediting/Redigering: UP Language Unit/UP Taaleenheid
this edition of Tukkie we feature those acknowledged with honorary doctorates as well as graduates who were successful in the face of adversity. The annual academic achievers event provided another opportunity to display our Tukkie colours. It was a celebration of the many academics who, individually and collectively, have enabled the University to improve its global position in four of the five broad subject areas of the QS World University Rankings by Subject report, which was published at the end of February. We ranked in the 501 to 550 range, which puts us in the top 1,9% of around 26 000 universities worldwide. The broad subject areas are Social Sciences and Management (UP ranked 255th), Arts and Humanities (UP ranked 264th), Engineering and Technology (UP ranked 375th, the second-highest in South Africa) and Life Sciences and Medicine (UP ranked 348th, from 383rd in 2017).
Principal’s message Dear Tukkie reader
The first semester of the 2018 academic year unfolded within a national context of dramatic political changes. The appointment of a new president, Cyril Ramaphosa, on 15 February was followed by a cabinet reshuffle that saw the appointment of a new Minister of Higher Education and Training, Naledi Pandor. The appointment has been welcomed by the higher education sector as Minister Pandor brings depth of knowledge and experience to this portfolio. Naledi Pandor previously served as the Minister of Science and Technology (2014 to present), and the Minister of Education (2004 to 2009). Another significant change was the implementation of grants to fund the full cost of university education for all academically eligible students from households with an annual income of R350 000 or less. For many young South Africans and their families, this new funding dispensation has brought a sense of hope and optimism about their aspirations for the future. As planned, the University of Pretoria welcomed about 9 500 new first-year students. The new academic year began with Welcome Day and the chairperson of the Student Representative Council, Kwena Moloto, remarked in his speech that he loves the pomp and splendour that the academic procession and the gowns worn by the participants impart to the whole event.
Sport has continued to be a source of pride for the University. Thus far UP has won three of the Varsity Sport trophies for 2018. TuksAthletics won this year’s Varsity Athletics, with both events being held at the Bestmed TuksAthletics Stadium, on 2 and 23 March. After winning the Varsity Sport Cricket tournament at the beginning of the year, Assupol Tuks won the Momentum National Club Championships title for a second consecutive year on 26 April. Very recently Tuks Men’s Hockey beat Maties in the final to become the 2018 champions. We were also very proud when several TuksSport athletes excelled in the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games held in Australia from 4 to 15 April: Tatjana Schoenmaker won gold in the Women’s 100 m breaststroke swimming event. Akani Simbine secured gold for Team SA in the men's 100 m final (10,03 s), and Henricho Bruintjies won silver (10,17 s). For the second consecutive Commonwealth Games, the SA 4x100 m relay team set a new national record and won the silver medal. The team includes three TuksAthletics athletes, Anaso Jobodwana, Emile Erasmus and Akani Simbine. South African champion Wenda Nel won a bronze medal in the 400 m hurdles and made SA athletics history as the first SA female athlete to win a medal in the longer hurdles event at a major international competition (Olympic Games, World Championships or Commonwealth Games). It gives me great pleasure to share your alma mater’s achievements featured in this edition of Tukkie. Thank you for your continued support of our great institution. Warm Tukkie regards Prof Cheryl de la Rey Vice-Chancellor and Principal
Over a third of all new first-year students at UP had achieved six or more distinctions in their final school examinations, and just over 3 000 had an academic average of above 80%, with about 10% of these having achieved an average of above 90%. Among our new first years we were pleased to welcome students from 52 different countries, including Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, the USA and, of course, our neighbouring African countries. As the first semester of the 2018 academic year draws to a close, it is pleasing to report that it has been a successful start to the year. Shortly after the new students were settled in, we began the Autumn graduation ceremonies. This year, UP colours were displayed in splendour over 32 ceremonies, which were streamed live via the internet. Graduations are not only marked by the academic procession preceding and concluding every ceremony; the colours of the faculties and of academic achievement are exhibited in all their glory. In
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vertoon. In hierdie uitgawe van Tukkie kyk ons na diegene wat met eredoktorsgrade vereer is, asook gegradueerdes wat ondanks teenspoed sukses behaal het.
Rektor se boodskap Beste Tukkieleser Die eerste semester van die 2018 akademiese jaar het binne ’n nasionale konteks van dramatiese politieke veranderinge ontplooi. Die aanstelling van ’n nuwe president, Cyril Ramaphosa, op 15 Februarie is gevolg deur ’n kabinetskommeling wat tot die aanstelling van 'n nuwe Minister van Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding, Naledi Pandor, gelei het. Die aanstelling is deur die hoëronderwyssektor verwelkom aangesien minister Pandor diepgaande kennis en ondervinding na hierdie portefeulje bring. Naledi Pandor het voorheen as Minister van Wetenskap en Tegnologie gedien (2014 tot vanjaar) en as Minister van Onderwys (2004 tot 2009). Nog ’n beduidende verandering was die implementering van toekennings om die volle koste van universiteitsonderwys te befonds vir alle akademies kwalifiserende studente uit huishoudings met ’n jaarlikse inkomste van R350 000 of minder. Vir talle jong Suid-Afrikaners en hul gesinne het hierdie nuwe befondsingsbedeling hoop en optimisme oor hul aspirasies vir die toekoms gebring. Soos beplan, het die Universiteit van Pretoria nagenoeg 9 500 nuwe eerstejaarstudente verwelkom. Die nuwe akademiese jaar het begin met Verwelkomingsdag, en die voorsitter van die Verteenwoordigende Studenteraad, Kwena Moloto, het in sy toespraak opgemerk dat hy hou van die swier wat die akademiese prosessie en die togas van die deelnemers aan die hele geleentheid verleen.
Die jaarlikse geleentheid vir akademiese presteerders was nog ’n geleentheid waar ons die Tukkie-kleure vertoon het. Dit was ’n viering van die talle akademici wat, individueel en gesamentlik, die Universiteit in staat gestel het om sy internasionale posisie te verbeter op vier van die vyf breë vakgebiede van die QS World University Rankings by Subject-verslag, wat teen die einde van Februarie gepubliseer is. Ons is in die groep van 501 tot 550 geplaas, wat beteken ons tel onder die voorste 1,9% van ongeveer 26 000 universiteite wêreldwyd. Die breë vakgebiede is Sosiale Wetenskappe en Bestuur (UP is 255ste), Kunste en Geesteswetenskappe (UP is 264ste), Ingenieurswese en Tegnologie (UP is 375ste, die tweede hoogste in Suid-Afrika) en Lewenswetenskappe en Geneeskunde (UP is 348ste, teenoor 383ste in 2017). Sport bly ’n bron van trots vir die Universiteit. Tot dusver het UP drie van die Varsity Sport-trofeë vir 2018 verower. TuksAtletiek het vanjaar se Varsity-atletiek gewen, en albei byeenkomste is op 2 en 23 Maart op die Bestmed TuksAtletiekstadion gehou. Nadat Assupol Tuks die Varsity Sportkriekettoernooi aan die begin van die jaar gewen het, het hy op 26 April ook die Momentum Nasionale Klubkampioenskapstitel vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar gewen. Heel onlangs het Tukkies se manshokkiespan die Maties in die eindronde geklop om die 2018-kampioen te word. Ons was ook baie trots toe verskeie TuksSport-atlete uitgeblink het op 2018 se Statebondspele, wat van 4 tot 15 April in Gold Coast, Australië, gehou is. Tatjana Schoenmaker het goud gewen in die 100 m-borsslagswem vir vroue. Op die atletiekbaan het Akani Simbine in die 100 m-finaal vir mans goud gewen vir Span SA (10,03 s), en Henricho Bruintjies het silwer gekry (10,17 s). Vir die tweede agtereenvolgende Statebondspele het die SA 4x100 m-mansaflosspan ’n nuwe nasionale rekord opgestel en die silwermedalje gewen. Die span het drie TuksAtletiek-atlete ingesluit, naamlik Anaso Jobodwana, Emile Erasmus en Akani Simbine. Die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioen Wenda Nel het ’n bronsmedalje in die 400 m-hekkies gewen en het SA atletiekgeskiedenis gemaak as die eerste SA vroueatleet wat ’n medalje in die langer hekkiesitem op ’n groot internasionale kompetisie (Olimpiese Spele, Wêreldkampioenskappe of Statebondspele) gewen het. Ek deel met groot plesier u alma mater se prestasies wat in hierdie uitgawe van Tukkie verskyn. Dankie vir u voortgesette steun vir ons uitstekende instelling. Hartlike Tukkie-groete! Prof Cheryl de la Rey Visekanselier en Rektor
Meer as ’n derde van alle nuwe eerstejaarstudente aan UP het hul skooleindeksamens met ses of meer onderskeidings geslaag, en net meer as 3 000 het ’n akademiese gemiddelde van meer as 80% behaal, terwyl ongeveer 10% ’n gemiddelde van meer as 90% behaal het. Ons het in die groep van nuwe eerstejaars, studente uit 52 verskillende lande verwelkom, insluitende België, Bulgarye, Griekeland, Hongkong, Italië, die VSA en natuurlik ons buurlande in Afrika. Terwyl die eerste semester van die 2018 akademiese jaar sy einde nader, is dit aangenaam om te meld dat die jaar op ʼn hoë noot begin het. Kort nadat die nuwe studente hul voete gevind het, het die Herfspromosieplegtighede plaasgevind. UP se kleure is vanjaar met luister vertoon by 32 plegtighede wat lewendig oor die internet gestroom is. Promosieplegtighede word nie net deur die akademiese optog aan die begin en einde van elke plegtigheid gekenmerk nie, maar die kleure van die fakulteite en van akademiese prestasie word ook in volle glorie
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UP welcomes the class of 2018 'When you are accepted to study at UP, your success matters to all of us.' Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Cheryl de la Rey
'You have
worked hard and performed well in your final year at school, but more hard work is in store before you graduate in your chosen field of study.’
universities for our alumni outcomes, with a position in 97th place in the global QS Graduate Employability Survey. In a world of over 20 000 universities UP was ranked number 272 for employer reputation.’
With these words the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Cheryl de la Rey welcomed the class of 2018 to the University of Pretoria. Prof De la Rey added: ‘With a quality degree, you’ll be able to compete with the best in your chosen career. From your first day, we will be working with you to help you graduate in the minimum time after having enjoyed an exceptional student experience, which will enable you to look back on a rich and rewarding time at our institution’.
UP is ranked highly on the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, the QS rating system and the Centre for World University Ranking scales. UP is ranked among the top 100 universities worldwide for law and is the number one law school in Africa. It is among the top 300 universities worldwide for the arts and humanities, and the top 400 universities for life sciences and health sciences. It is one of the top 40 universities in the BRICS nations. The University is ranked second in the world for the study of mycology and fungi in the Natural and Agricultural Sciences.
Prof De la Rey added that for 2018 more than a third of all new first-years achieved six or more distinctions in their final school examinations. ‘Just over 3 000 first-years had an academic average of above 80% and some 300 of these achieving an average of above 90%.’ Prof De la Rey stressed that quality matters to UP. ‘In fact it is the first and foremost principle of our institutional strategy, UP 2025. UP is ranked among the top 100
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The University’s Welcome Day started the academic year for some 50 000 students whose classes commenced on the various UP campuses at the beginning of February. Students from 52 different countries chose to study at UP, including Belgium, Hong Kong, the United States, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Italy and Greece, as well as neighbouring African countries. n
learner from Oos-Moot High School, who had obtained an average mark of 97%. Although Jacqueline had been accepted for MBChB studies by various universities, she chose to enrol at UP. Prof De la Rey assured these students of the University’s support and the necessary assistance to enable them to continue being successful, well-balanced individuals who are above all committed to completing their studies in order to benefit from the lifelong advantage that an excellent education provides. Over and above academic excellence, the University strongly endorses a holistic approach to education, which encourages students to participate in the very wide variety of sports, arts and culture, leadership and social activities on offer at UP through the various student structures, clubs and sports codes.
exceptional academic achievements of a select group of students and their potential for future success were celebrated at a High Tea hosted by the Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Pretoria, Prof Cheryl de la Rey, on 12 March 2018 on the University’s Hatfield Campus. The Vice-Chancellor’s Discretionary Merit Award (VCDMA) was awarded to a few individuals after careful consideration by a Selection Committee comprising members of the University Executive, Vice-Principals Professors Norman Duncan and Anton Ströh, and Executive Director Prof Carolina Koornhof.
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The Vice-Chancellor’s Discretionary Merit Award was introduced two years ago to recognise and reward excellence based on Grade 12 results. In 2016, 13 students received this prestigious award and in 2017 the number of awards was increased to 46. These recipients are all on track to finish their degrees within the minimum time. This year, 73 first-year students who had achieved excellent average marks in their matric examinations and had been among the top performers in their respective provinces, received awards. Most of them achieved an academic average of 90% or higher and their combined academic average was 91,7%. One of the candidates and the top performer in Gauteng in 2017 was Jacqueline van Rensburg, a former
The Vice-Chancellor’s Discretionary Merit Award includes a scholarship to the amount of R130 000, payable over three years, which should make it possible for the recipients to concentrate on their studies while also maintaining a balanced student life and learning how to flourish in a new and diverse community. On behalf of the 2017 VCDA recipients at the VCDMA High Tea, Raneezsha Jantjies, said: ‘I would like to start off with a quote from Wordquote.com, which reads as follows: "Difficulties in your life don’t come to destroy you, but to help you realise your hidden potential.'' This award has helped us all significantly and has inspired us to do better, to be better and strive to make others around us better, to aim for the finish line and, most importantly, to represent ourselves and the University of Pretoria once we have completed our degrees. On behalf of the recipients of the 2017 Vice-Chancellor’s Discretionary Merit Awards, I would like to thank Prof De la Rey and the Selection Committee for selecting
us and for supporting us on this journey. To Mr Wallace Isaacs and staff, we really appreciate your support. We hope to make you proud.’ Joel Brown’s advice was: ‘Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.’ Ms Elelwani Muelelwa, in her response on behalf of the 2018 awardees, said: ‘I feel greatly honoured and very grateful to have been selected as a recipient of a ViceChancellor’s Discretionary Merit Award. On behalf of all the awardees, I would like to express our thanks and appreciation to the Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Pretoria and her Selection Committee. These awards serve as a reminder to us to keep working hard and we hope that such awards will continue to instil hope in students who come to UP with their dreams. We vow to show appreciation by using this opportunity to build a strong foundation for our careers. It will not be easy, but as Charles Kendall Adams once said: "No student ever attains eminent success by simply doing what is required of him, but it is the excellence of doing what is over and above the required that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction." ' From 4 to 6 April 2018, the University, in collaboration with the international organisation Common Purpose, hosted a wonderful leadership development opportunity. All VCDMA recipients were encouraged to participate as they have already shown their potential as leaders. All the recipients of the Vice-Chancellor’s Discretionary Merit Award received certificates in recognition of their exceptional achievement. n
EXCEL IN ITC In eleven of the last twelve years, students from the University of Pretoria achieved pass rates in excess of 90% in the Initial Test of Competence (ITC) of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA).
test is written in January of every year. The UP students maintained an average pass rate of 94% over this period. UP students achieved a pass rate of 94.2% for the 206 first-time writers, compared to the South African first-time writer pass rate of 78%. Prof Johan Oberholster, Deputy Dean: Teaching and Learning and CA Programme Co-ordinator in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, explains that the ITC is the first of the two professional exams that all prospective chartered accountants have to write to qualify as a CA (SA), after finishing their fourth year (postgraduate diploma) at one of the 15 universities in South Africa accredited by SAICA to present the final year of the CA qualification.
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1st row: Yingisani Maluleke, Itumeleng Mokwena, Nicola Hlongwane, Rutgurt Smit 2nd row middle: Janko Strydom, Laurika Steenekamp, Brandon Howard 3rd row: Remofilwe Morei Nkwadi, Graham Mitchell, Thato Moloi 4th row: Abraham Schuman, Vincent Lowana
After successfully completing their fourth and final year at university, the students join a range of training offices for a threeyear traineeship. They write the ITC about 20 months into their training contract. In June of each year, a second ITC exam opportunity is given to students who either did not write in January or were not successful in completing the January ITC. A total of 211 UP students sat for the January 2018 ITC exam (206 for the first time and 5 for the second time) from the grand total of 3 012 candidates who sat for the exam nationally. Further highlights pertaining to the results achieved in the January 2018 ITC exam are that candidates from UP achieved an average pass rate of 92% compared to the South African pass rate of 74%. Two candidates from UP, Christin Thomas (8th place) and Jani Rademeyer (9th place), featured among the top ten achievers. Referring to UP’s top two, Prof Oberholster said: 'This is a wonderful achievement considering that 3 012 candidates sat for the January 2018 ITC exam. Not only did the young women pass the exam with honours (above 75%), they also completed their postgraduate diplomas at UP with distinction.' He added that UP was extremely satisfied with the results of its candidates in this challenging exam and immensely proud
The statistics prove
of the growing pool facilities in South Africa. This that UP deserves of transformation was again confirmed by the its reputation as candidates (Thuthuka fact that in 2017 UP had the one of the top CA and other students) highest combined pass rate education facilities who achieved the in South Africa for the January in South Africa. same pass rate as and June ITC exams, with an the UP cohort as a astounding pass rate of 98.5%. whole. According to The Faculty of Economic Prof Oberholster, what is of Management Sciences at the University particular importance is that UP has of Pretoria is extremely proud of its maintained these excellent overall results students and staff and congratulates them consistently for more than a decade, whilst on their results in the January 2018 Initial nearly doubling its total number of ITC Test of Competence (ITC) of the South candidates over the same period. African Institute of Chartered Accountants The statistics prove that UP deserves its (SAICA). n reputation as one of the top CA education
Building close relationships with schools The
University of Pretoria annually visits 700 schools across South Africa as well as in Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Swaziland through its Student Recruitment section in the Department of Enrolment and Student Administration (DESA). There is also a specific focus on schools affiliated with the Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa (ISASA). The schools that the University has a specific relationship with were identified according to certain specific criteria, namely their history of student delivery to the University, the province and its status as supplier of students to UP, and the equity profile of the school. The schools benefit from the relationship with UP through a range of programmes that form part of the DESA Provincial School Outreach programme consisting of school visits as well as enrichment programmes
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offered through the JuniorTukkie programme. JuniorTukkie engages learners from Grade 9-level to prepare and empower them for making responsible choices regarding study programmes. Events that take place on campus include hosting Grade 11 top achievers of selected schools and the annual UP School Leadership Conference. The Grade 11 Empowerment Week, sponsored by Investec, involves 200 learners that excel in Mathematics, Physical Sciences and English. There is a preparation conference for Grade 11 learners. The University also hosts school career councillors on campus to promote its relationship with schools. At these sessions attendants receive first-hand information when the deans of faculties inform them of study programmes and admission requirements. n
University of Pretoria has improved its global position significantly in four of the five broad subject areas in the latest QS World University Rankings by Subject report, published on 28 February. Overall, UP is ranked in the 501-550 rank range. With around 26 000 universities globally, this puts UP in the top 1,9% of universities worldwide. In Social Sciences and Management (ranked 255) the University moved up 87 places while in the Arts and Humanities (ranked 264) the University improved its position by 61 places. Engineering and Technology, which was placed last year in the 450-500 bracket, now ranks at position 375 — the second highest placing in South Africa. The broad area of Life Sciences and Medicine also saw improvement from position 383 in 2017 to 348. The broad subject areas are made up of 48 subjects and UP is listed amongst the top 500 universities globally for the following 15 subjects: Theology, Divinity and Religious Studies (top 100), Agriculture and Forestry (top 150) and in the top 200 universities for Law, Archaelogy, and Architecture. For Education, UP was placed in the top 250 universities worldwide and ranked in the top 300 universities globally for Sociology, Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. With regards to Electrical Engineering and Economics, UP was placed in the top 350 universities and in the top 400 universities for Biology and Medicine. UP was also ranked for Computer Science and Chemistry, placed respectively in the top 450 and 500 universities worldwide, for these subjects. The QS World University Rankings place the top tertiary institutions around the world against several indicators, including academic reputation, employer reputation, number of citations per faculty, student to faculty ratio, international faculty, and international students. This allows the quality of universities to be compared and ranked against their peers. In addition to scoring and ranking universities on their overall results, QS also publishes separate subject rankings. n TUKKIE
CHANCELLOR'S AWARD: RESEARCH Prof Bennett is a professor of zoology and occupies the Department of Science and Technology/National Research Foundation (NRF) Research Chair in the field of Mammalian Behavioural Ecology and Physiology and the UP Austin Roberts Chair of African Mammalogy.
CELEBRATING UP’S ACADEMIC ACHIEVERS The University’s annual academic achievers function is a highlight on the first semester calendar. This is the event where the University takes an appreciative, internal look at the quality of its teaching staff and researchers and acknowledges its academic stars. It is also the event where the National Research Foundation’s ratings of UP researchers are celebrated.
event took place on 10 May and the guest speaker was Prof Ahmed Bawa, Chief Executive Officer of Universities South Africa. In his address Prof Bawa examined the purpose of a university and how it can secure its knowledge projects. The South African university system experienced its most serious crisis since the early 1990s over the last three years. Prof Bawa said the waves of complex, exciting, devastating student uprisings represent powerful forces of engagement. In some form or another, universities around the world as social institutions are facing a difficult moment. To a large extent the problems they are experiencing mirror the major changes unfolding on the global stage. Three issues stand out: the impact of human consumption on the earth-human nexus with its devastating implications if global warming is not reversed and the stubbornness of deep and grinding poverty in the context of obscenely growing inequality. The third is the degradation of democracies in many parts of the world. The only way that universities as social institutions can withstand the assault on them in challenging political and economic
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circumstances is through broad-based public support. Universities need to ensure that they are seen as belonging to their communities; that they are their communities’ key engines for addressing the challenges they face and that universities are places where communities find themselves represented. Constructing the architecture for engagement is the key challenge facing universities. The emergence of increasing democratisation of the knowledge enterprise will be accelerated if the facilitating intellectual, physical, social and policy architectures are created. Prof Bawa concluded that interfaces to turn the university inside out will enhance and strengthen not just the publics of universities but also the universities themselves as knowledge intensive institutions. Apart from the awards bestowed by the University, the ratings by the National Research Council, based on quality of research output, were also acknowledged. Two A-rated researchers, Prof Josua Meyer and Prof Robert Millar received their certificates as well as 21 B-rated researchers, 76 C-rated researchers and 13 Y-rated researchers.
The Chancellor of the University of Pretoria, Prof Wiseman Nkuhlu (left) with Prof Nigel Bennett who received the Chancellor’s Award: Research awarded for exceptional achievement in the field of research aimed at the advancement of science.
Prof Bennett’s research focus is on ecology, animal physiology and behaviour using the African molerat as his model animal. He is the world leader in African mole-rat biology, in particular reproductive physiology. His research ranks him globally among the best researchers studying social regulation of reproduction in any group of mammals in the world. He holds an A rating from the NRF.
The recipient of the Vice-Chancellor’s Book Award 2017 was Dr Reghard Brits for his book, Real Security Law.
Prof Lyn-Marie Birkholz received the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellent Supervision.
The recipient of the Vice-Chancellor’s Book Award 2017 was Dr Reghard Brits for his book, Real Security Law. Dr Brits is a senior lecturer in the Department of Mercantile Law in the Faculty of Law. His primary field of research is the law of secured credit transactions, with particular emphasis on real security rights such as mortgage and pledge which is also covered in the book.
the interpretation of section 118(3) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000.
As the only current scholarly work on the topic, this book fills a void in this important branch of the law. Dr Brits has succeeded in providing a thorough, critical discussion of the various forms of real security provided for by South African law, through a contemporary and constitutional lens. It is notable that this book has (within a year of publication) attracted the attention of the Constitutional Court in a recent and important judgment in a case dealing with
Prof Lyn-Marie Birkholz received the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellent Supervision. Professor Birkholtz is a professor in Biochemistry in the Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology. She is the current incumbent of the DST/NRF South African National Research Chair (SARChI) in Sustainable Malaria Control. As part of the Institute for Sustainable Malaria Control (UP ISMC) she directs the Parasite Control Cluster as a MRC Collaborative Centre for Malaria Research. She also heads the South African Malaria Transmission-blocking Consortium a joint venture with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, the University of the Witwatersrand and the University of Cape Town. TUKKIE
From left to right: Prof Christo Botha, Prof Juan Bornman, Prof Ann Skelton and Prof Christof Heyns
Prof Heyns is professor of human rights law and Director of the Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa at the University of Pretoria. He holds teaching positions at Oxford University, the American University in Washington DC and the Geneva Academy on International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. He was visiting professor at the University of Geneva in 2017. He is an internationally recognised expert in the field of human rights, with a special focus on the right to life. He is also an authority on the African regional human rights system. Prof Skelton is the Director of the Centre for Child Law, the holder of the UNESCO Chair in Education Law in Africa, and a professor in the Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law. She has played a leading role in child law reform through her involvement with the committees of the South African Law Reform Commission. She is an internationally recognised researcher, with a B2 rating from the NRF. In 2016
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she was awarded the Juvenile Justice Without Borders Award presented by the International Observatory on Juvenile Justice in Paris and has been a member of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child since 2017. Prof Bornman is professor and Director of the Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication in the Faculty of Humanities. Her research looks at disability — specifically severe communication disability — as a multidimensional phenomenon that arises from the interaction between a person’s health status and their physical, social and attitudinal environment. Prof Botha is professor and Head of the Department of Paraclinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Science. As a veterinary toxicologist, Prof Botha investigates plant poisoning and mycotoxicoses affecting livestock in southern Africa. He is a co-author of the second edition of the standard textbook Plant Poisonings and Mycotoxicoses of Livestock in southern Africa.
From left to right Prof Tjaart Kruger, Dr Simnikiwe Mayaphi, Dr Mardé Helbig and Dr Eshchar Mizrachi
Dr Helbig is a senior lecturer in the Department of Computer Science in the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology (EBIT). Her research focusses on solving dynamic multi-objective optimization (DMOO) problems using computational intelligence techniques. Prof Krüger is an associate professor in the Department of Physics in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. He is passionate about multidisciplinary research and performs his own research in molecular biophysics, a field at the confluence of physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, and even information technology and engineering. Dr Mayaphi holds a joint appointment as a senior lecturer/pathologist in the Department of Medical Virology in the Faculty of Health Sciences and National Health Laboratory Service—Tshwane Academic Division (NHLS—TAD). He is involved in teaching and training of both
undergraduate and postgraduate students, the provision of virology laboratory services to the public health care sector, and supporting the National Department of Health with advice on national guidelines in his area of speciality. Dr Mizrachi is a senior lecturer in the Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology, in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. He is part of the Forest Molecular Genetics (FMG) Programme, in the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI), and is also affiliated with the Genomics Research Institute (GRI). His research group studies the molecular biology and evolution of wood formation in trees, and the synthesis of specialized biopolymers in the secondary cell wall of vascular plants.
Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology The Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology (EBIT) at the University of Pretoria is a leading presenter of locally relevant and internationally competitive academic programmes in specialist fields, and producer of novel research.
Prof Martina Crole (left) and Prof Thiruselvan Vandeyar received the Awards for using teaching practices that address identified needs and show innovation that optimises teaching and learning.
Dr Victoria Rautenbach receives the award from Prof Norman Duncan, Vice-principal: Academic.
Prof Crole is a veterinarian and associate professor in the Department of Anatomy and Physiology in the Faculty of Veterinary Science where she teaches Veterinary Comparative Anatomy and Veterinary Histology to undergraduate and postgraduate students. Her teaching innovations address the problem of how to make Histology engaging and at the same time allows the subject to be presented in a fully hybrid manner.
The Community Engagement Award is an individual award that recognises community engagement as a long-standing and valued tradition in higher education. It also acknowledges community engagement as an extensive and high-impact teaching practise. Dr Victoria Rautenbach, a senior lecturer in the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, received this award
Dr Vandeyar is a senior lecturer in the Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education in the Faculty of Education. His main areas of research is best practice in ICT education, which includes teacher professionalism, diversity in education in terms of equity and access to ICT, as well as ICT education policy studies.
Dr Rautenbach provides her students with the opportunity to complete a project from start to finish using techniques of data acquisition and processing to produce an output of geographically referenced information. For this purpose the students are involved with an informal settlement, Alaska in Mamelodi, as a site of communitybased service learning. n
As South Africa prepares for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, EBIT focuses its research efforts on bringing competitive knowledge to industry, education and society. The Faculty prioritises research excellence, as evidenced by its high institutional ratings on the world stage. EBIT maintains close links with industry to support both its teaching and research programmes, and facilitates interaction through multidisciplinary research focus areas, particularly in the fields of
Big Data Science, ICT and Technology Innovation Management, Energy, Environmental Engineering (Water), Minerals and Materials Beneficiation, as well as Smart Cities and Transportation. Opportunities for industry-relevant collaborative
research are constantly investigated to ensure that the Faculty is ready to embrace and overcome future challenges. Every day, global technology is evolving on an exponential scale. In answer to this, EBIT is eager to embrace the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, armed with exceptional researchers, and cutting-edge teaching, learning and laboratory facilities. Industry partnerships with the ability to enable the development of scarce and specialised skills are sought.
Prof Andries Engelbrecht
Prof Josua Meyer
>> Energy Systems
>> Artificial Intelligence
>> Clean Energy Research
With Prof Stephanie Burton, Viceprincipal: Research in front on the left, is Prof Mariza Vorster. At the back from the left are Dr Rory Biggs, Dr Lijun Zhang, Dr Jandeli Niemand, Dr Albe Swanepoel and Prof Roger Deane.
Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria
UP: Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology
Innovating our tomorrow TUKKIE 21
FACULTY OF THEOLOGY AND RELIGION Prof Jerry Pillay was appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Theology and Religion with effect from 1 March 2018. Prof Pillay joined the University of Pretoria in 2014 and has been the Head of the Department of Church History and Church Polity since 2015. Prof Pillay completed the BTh(Hon) and MTh (cum laude) at the University of KwaZulu Natal (formerly known as the University of Durban-Westville). He obtained a PhD at the University of Cape Town (UCT) and, in 2013, was the recipient of an honorary doctorate from the Reformed University of Debrecen, in Hungary. Prof Pillay is widely recognised for his involvement and leadership in the ecumenical movements in South Africa and abroad and has a well-established profile as an international speaker and researcher. He has served on the national executive of the South African Council of Churches and on many projects that have addressed challenges and public issues in South Africa and Africa at large. n
UP groet prof Annél van Aswegen Prof Annél van Aswegen het in November 2017 afgetree na ‘n loopbaan van 14 jaar by die Universiteit van Pretoria. Met haar aftrede was sy Senior Bestuurder in die kantoor van die Visekanselier en Rektor, prof Cheryl de la Rey. Prof De la Rey het enkele van die talle mylpale in prof Van Aswegen se loopbaan genoem: Sy het gematrikuleer met ses onderskeidings, haar LLB cum laude verwerf en is tot die Balie toegelaat. Sy het 'n pos as junior lektor in Privaatreg by Unisa aanvaar waar sy tot Hoof van die Departement Privaatreg gevorder het. Daarna het sy as 'n lektor in Privaatreg by UP aangesluit en was sy ook Direkteur Menslike Hulpbronne by UP. Sy is uiteindelik as 'n Senior Bestuurder in die kantoor van die Visekanselier en Rektor aangestel. Prof de la Rey het prof Van Aswegen as 'n baanbreker bestempel, aangesien min vroue nog die soort senior poste beklee het waarin sy gedien het. n
Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria
Senior government appointment for UP alumna
alumna, Dr Mampho Modise, was appointed as Deputy Director General of Public Finance in the National Treasury. Dr Modise is Chief Director for Strategy and Risk Management in Asset and Liability Management at National Treasury. She completed her tertiary training at the University of Pretoria, obtaining the BCom Economics, BCom Honours Econometrics, an MCom Econometrics (cum laude) and a PhD in Economics which she completed at the University of Pretoria under the supervision of Prof Rangan Gupta. She worked for the South African Reserve Bank from 2004 to 2009 where she was an intern and progressed to the position of economist. At National Treasury she started as a senior economist in the Economic Policy Unit. She was promoted to Director of Fiscal Policy, then to her current position. As Chief Director she deals with policy issues and the development and implementation of a Strategy and Risk Management Framework to monitor and manage public sector liability portfolios. In addition she manages the South African government’s relations with global rating agencies.
Nuclear medicine expert to deliver lecture Prof Mike Sathekge, Head of Nuclear Medicine at the University of Pretoria and the Steve Biko Academic Hospital, chair of the South African Medical Research Council and president of the College of Medicine of South Africa will deliver an Expert Lecture on 1 August Prof Sathekge is a leading expert in the field of targeted alpha therapy (TAT), or alpha radiation, which is a fairly new approach to cancer treatment. It is based on the coupling of alpha particle-emitting radioisotopes to tumour-selective carrier molecules, such as monoclonal antibodies or peptides. In simpler terms, targeted alpha therapy uses drugs to target specific genes or proteins that are present in cancer cells to stop the cancer from growing and spreading. The Department of Nuclear Medicine at the Steve Biko Academic Hospital is one of only three platforms in the world that is using this form of treatment to treat cancer, specifically advanced-stage prostate cancer, by using alpha isotopes known as Ac-225-PSMA. The fact that the University of Pretoria was selected to use this form of treatment highlights its exceptional leadership in the area of targeted radionuclide therapy. Patients, particularly those whose cancer has reached a very advanced stage, undergo an imaging process to pick up abnormal cells and, depending on the aggressiveness of the cancer, Prof Sathekge and his team can determine the course of radioactive therapy required and administer TAT. These patients are usually those who have not shown any positive reactions to conventional treatments such as chemotherapy and hormone therapy. n
2018 Autumn Graduation
University of Pretoria’s 2018 Autumn Graduation Ceremonies were held on 11 April to 8 May. The more than 11 000 degrees awarded this year included 202 doctoral, 1 389 master’s and 2 412 honours degrees. Congratulating the new graduates, the Vice-Chancellor and Principal Prof Cheryl de la Rey, said: ‘Achieving an academic degree does not come easy. It requires persistence, dedication and hard work. Our graduates can be justifiably proud of reaching this milestone.’ Three honorary doctorates were also awarded. The recipients were the South African artist William Kentridge, who is renowned for his animated expressionist drawings and films exploring time, the history of colonialism and the aspirations and failures of revolutionary politics; Prof Emmanuel Lartey of Emory University, a leading African scholar in the field of practical theology; and Cape Town playwright and cultural activist Mike van Graan.
Indian historian Romila Thapar, who is an emeritus professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi) received an honorary doctorate from the University in 2017 in India as she was unable to travel to South Africa. A formal presentation was done during one of the Faculty of Humanities’ ceremonies. Professor Thapar’s writings provide a counternarrative to Orientalist, colonialist and communal, and nationalist narratives of the ancient Indian past. Her research on the ancient Indian past has taken the history of India out of the category of ‘Indology’ (an Orientalist and colonialist category of knowledge) and placed it within the broader social sciences.
2018 Autumn Graduation UP AWARDS HONORARY DOCTORATES Mike van Graan Mike is one of South Africa’s most prominent, provocative and celebrated playwrights. The honorary doctorate was bestowed on him in recognition of his exceptional contribution to not only the South African theatre landscape, but also to the broader domain of arts and culture. Mr Van Graan graduated from the University of Cape Town with an honours degree in Drama Cultural activist, Mike van Graan, left, received an in 1986 and is currently honorary doctorate in the Humanities from the University of Pretoria. Also in the photo is Prof Vasu an honorary associate Reddy, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities. professor of drama at the same university. He was actively involved in student politics and subsequently transferred his student activism to an illustrious professional career during which he has been involved in the writing of plays; arts and culture policy creation and advocacy; building and steering art and cultural networks; and representing marginalised regions at international events and in international organisations. In his role as Special Adviser to the Minister of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology, he was a major role player in the shaping of the arts-and-culture landscape in post-apartheid South Africa. In this role, he formulated post-apartheid cultural policies and the White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage after the 1994 elections. His impact on the international arena is demonstrated by his appointment as Technical Adviser for UNESCO in the portfolio Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. He is the 2018 recipient of the esteemed Edita and Ira Morris Hiroshima Foundation Prize for ‘his contribution to the fight against apartheid’, ‘building a post-apartheid society’ and ‘the study of the interface between peace and culture’ in South Africa and on the African continent. He served in leadership capacities in various nongovernmental and arts organisations.
2018 Autumn Graduation William Kentridge Kentridge is renowned for his animated expressionist drawings and films exploring time, the history of colonialism and the aspirations and failures of revolutionary politics. In his oeuvre the Gesamtkunstwerk finds appropriate expression with the mobilisation of drawing, movement, sculpture, music, theatre and animation. Kentridge completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in Politics and African Studies at the University of the Witwatersrand in 1976 and a Diploma in Fine Arts at the Johannesburg South African artist William Kentridge, shortly after Art Foundation in 1978. In the early 1980s, receiving an honorary doctorate in the Humanities from he studied mime and theatre at the École the University of Pretoria. Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq in Paris. He maintains that he is an ‘animateur’ in whose work the skills of the painter, actor, filmmaker and sculptor are collaboratively staged. His ability to combine all these elements manifests in his widely acclaimed work in opera and theatre, most notably the production of The Magic Flute (2003), his first grand-scale opera project, and more recently as the director and co-designer of The Nose (2010), which was performed at the New York Metropolitan Opera. After achieving international recognition in the 1990s with a series of short films titled 9 Drawings for Projection (1989–2003), he widened his thematic range, expanding beyond the local to examine political revolutions as universal traumas. Despite global acclaim, he has never lost his uniquely South African and African outlook on the world. His works are owned by institutions in many countries and he has hosted numerous solo exhibitions worldwide.
Prof Emmanuel Lartey Prof Dr Emmanuel Lartey received an honorary doctorate in Theology from the University of Pretoria. He is currently the L Bevel Jones III Professor of Pastoral Theology, Care and Counselling at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University, USA. He received the Lilly Theological Research Grant for his book titled Postcolonizing God An African Practical Theology and has written numerous accredited articles and books in the field Prof Emmanuel Lartey of practical theology. Several editions have been published of his books on intercultural pastoral care, such as In Living Colour: An intercultural approach to pastoral care and counselling and Pastoral Theology in an Intercultural World. Prof Lartey’s research examines pastoral and spiritual care theories and practices operating in African, European and American cultures. An internationally acclaimed scholar, he is recognised as a pioneer in the development of an intercultural approach to pastoral care and counselling, which argues for and models respectful engagement across racial, gender, class, cultural and religious boundaries. n 26
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2018 Autumn Graduation
Inspired to help others Losing Dr
Monique Potgieter en dr Ciara Blaauw is ʼn identiese tweeling wat albei 'n PhD in Elektroniese Ingenieurswese behaal het. Hulle het hul voorgraadse studie aan die Universiteit van Pretoria in 2011 en hul nagraadse studie (BIng Hons) in 2015 begin. Die tweeling se ouers, Jannie en Anita, en mans, Zander en Reinhardt, is almal graduandi van die Universiteit van Pretoria. Hulle is dankbaar vir die steun van die Universiteit en hul studieleier prof Johann W Odendaal en medestudieleier prof Johan Joubert. Monique se tesis was getiteld "A study on bistatic RCS simulations, measurements and calibration" en Ciara s'n "RCS simulations and measurements of electrically large complex airframes and dielectric structures". Hulle het beide 'n passie vir tegnologie en die toepassing daarvan. Hulle is geinspireer deur hul pa, mentors by die Universiteit en die WNNR om hul meestersgrade op die gebied van elektroniese ingenieurswese te doen. Monique en Ciara werk as radarsein- en stelselontleders by die WNNR se afdeling vir verdediging, vrede, veiligheid en sekerheid (DPSS).
her hearing 21 years ago as a toddler, Lene Theunissen has spent her life surrounded by a team of allied health professionals like occupational therapists, audiologists and speech therapists. This inspired her to study to become an audiologist so that she could make a difference in the lives of people who have similar challenges. 'Audiology is the one profession in which my disability was a blessing. UP gave me the chance to turn my weakness into a strength. I am committed to doing better and being able to help persons with hearing loss and deafness through my own research. I am enrolled for a master’s degree which I am doing full time while waitressing on the weekends. I am determined to do it all and have a full life'. Despite her hearing loss, Lene attended a mainstream school and lip reads to help her along. She credits her schooling and her parents with helping to build her into who she is and making her adaptable to challenges. Surprisingly, Lene did not find listening to lecturers in class the most challenging aspect of her university experience, 'Practicals were the most challenging, because South Africa is so diverse, the language barrier is already problematic for any student, but with my hearing loss it proved to be a bit daunting. By learning to cope with and understand the diversity of cultures and especially different accents, my confidence has grown immensely. I have overcome serious challenges which I will have for life, but I studied hard and have achieved a degree to help others understand their disability and to be able excel despite it too.' TUKKIE
2018 Autumn Graduation
Conquering the world through academic excellence Dickson Ajisafe was awarded a master’s degree in African and European Cultural Relations from the Faculty of Humanities for his thesis titled ‘Radicalization of European Citizens and ISIS Terrorism’, in which he investigated the increasing numbers of terror attacks occurring in Europe. Dickson, who received the Erasmus Plus Scholarship, funded by the European Union, to study in Europe in 2016, was the first Nigerian scholar to receive this scholarship. He is currently registered at the University of Pretoria, where he is a PhD (Political Science) candidate specialising in International Relations.
According to Dickson, the scholarship gave him an opportunity to add value to humanity. When he registered for the master’s programme, he knew that he would need to spend time in Europe to improve his understanding of the culture and society, and to take African values to the European community. The scholarship enabled him to do this and to broaden his horizons. The master’s programme that he completed equips graduates with the skills required to become professionals in the field of multilateral and bilateral diplomatic relations in Africa and Europe, and prepares them to act as future mediators in various national and international organisations.
Marilee vang graad ten spyte van terugslag Marilee Ohlhoff was in haar derde studiejaar vir die graad BA Maatskaplike Werk (BSW) toe Hodgkin-limfoom in April 2016 by haar gediagnoseer is. Teen daardie tyd het die kanker alreeds fase 4 bereik en het dit al na haar beenmurg en skelet versprei. Ten spyte van hierdie ernstige diagnose was die prognose vir herstel baie goed en moes Marilee uitgebreide BEACOPP-chemoterapie ontvang. Dié vorm van terapie is uiters ingrypend en breek die liggaam in so ’n mate af dat dit uiteindelik feitlik onmoontlik is om normaal te funksioneer. As gevolg hiervan moes Marilee haar studie onmiddellik onderbreek. Die Hoof van die Departement van Maatskaplike Werk en Kriminologie, prof Antoinette Lombard, het ’n ontmoeting met haar gereël om haar in te lig oor hoe die Universiteit haar kon 28
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ondersteun sodat sy haar studie wel ná haar herstel sou kon voltooi. Ten tye van haar behandeling het verskeie personeellede Marilee gekontak om te hoor hoe dit met haar gaan en om haar te ondersteun. In wat Marilee ‘die beste en die ergste ondervinding van my lewe’ noem, is sy aan die einde van 2016 skoon van kanker verklaar. Dit het haar met ’n ongelooflike vasberadenheid gelaat om elke geleentheid wat aan haar gebied word optimaal te benut. Ten spyte daarvan dat haar liggaam nog swak was as gevolg van die behandeling wat in Oktober 2016 afgehandel is, het Marilee haar klasse in 2017 toegewyd hervat en nooit gekla nie. Tydens haar internskap by die Kungwini- Welsynsorganisasie het sy ’n inkomstegenererende projek in die Lethabong-gemeenskap van stapel gestuur wat ’n groot impak gemaak het.
Advancing science by focusing on the frontiers of knowledge The Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (NAS) makes a significant contribution to the building of research and teaching capacity in South Africa. The Faculty is well-known for its academic excellence in the fields of agricultural, biological, physical and mathematical sciences. A substantial number of its scientists are internationally recognised and acknowledged by the National Research Foundation as researchers of high international standing, with six A-rated researchers in NAS. The Faculty expands the frontiers of knowledge and develops new technologies to lead the way. It strives to continuously improve its high impact research with publications in Nature and Science and to significantly address the national shortage of PhD graduates to respond to global and local challenges. NAS invites graduates to become part of the exciting world of research by enrolling in the Faculty for postgraduate study. There are endless opportunities within its world-class, internationally acclaimed institutes and centres. For more information, please visit the Faculty website: www.up.ac.za/nas
The TuksLaw team ranked higher than Harvard University, the
University of Oxford, Stanford University and Norman Manley Law School, to mention a few.
in the Olympic Games of Legal Education By Elzet Hurter and Gift Kgomosotho
The Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition is the largest and most prestigious moot court competition in the world, and the most direct way in which law faculties’ students measure their strength against each other.
1 to 7 April 2018 the TuksLaw team, consisting of Mary-Ann Gettliffe (LLM), Rohula Bilankulu (LLB III), Thomas White (LLB IV), and Sohela Surajpal (LLB II), competed against 680 law faculties representing 100 countries from around the world. The TuksLaw Team was one of the top eight teams that made it to the quarter-finals of the ‘Jessup’, hosted in Washington DC, and was ultimately placed fifth overall. The TuksLaw team also won the Alona E Evans Award for Best Memorial at the White & Case International Rounds.
The TuksLaw team ranked higher than Harvard University, the University of Oxford, Stanford University and Norman Manley Law School, to mention a few. Again they are also the highest ranked team in Africa. This year's case was based on international arbitration law, nuclear disarmament obligations, use of force and the capture of marine vessels. According to Prof Christof Heyns, Director of the Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa (ICLA) at the University of Pretoria and a member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, he and Gift Kgomosotho, the team's coach and a former moot champion, were strategising last year when they decided they want to win this Competition within the next five years. 'So we started months in advance, and the team worked through the December holidays. Given our recent performance in the Jessup, we are even more convinced we can win this Competition. It will take more blood, sweat and tears than we have already put in. While the team was competing in Washington last week, I was attending a UN meeting in Geneva, during which I received a message from Gift,
The TuksLAw team in Washington DC.
Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria
one of the most The TuksLaw team talented young was invited to From left to right: Thomas White, Sohela Surajpal, Rohula Bilankulu, Mary-Ann Gettliffe and Gift Kgomosotho. international represent South Africa law students at the International that I have ever encountered: ‘Prof, this is Rounds after winning all categories at the unbelievably competitive'. I was moved by National Rounds of the Competition against that. There is nothing that compares with the University of Johannesburg and the realising you are not just running with but University of the Western Cape in March also up against the best in the world — and 2018. you have a realistic chance to beat them. At the international preliminary rounds, the And here our students were gaining that UP team prevailed against the University experience. Given that making it to the of Queensland and the University of top is unbelievably competitive there is Tokyo, whereafter they proceeded to the only one thing we can do — we will have advanced rounds to beat Indonesia and to become unbelievably competitive too. Russia. They lost their first match against Start even earlier, work even harder, let the United Kingdom’s Kings College and other things go. But given our track record, were thus eliminated from the quarter reaching the top is a real possibility; it is finals. The University of Queensland won within striking distance. We will be starting the competition and the National Law the try-outs for the 2019 TuksLaw team School of India University was the runnervery soon.’ up. n
2018 Autumn Graduation
many ways, 2017 was a bumper year for the Faculty of Law. The record number of postgraduate degrees, including 35 doctorates and 179 master’s degrees, that were conferred at the three graduation ceremonies held in September and December 2017 and April 2018 show that the Faculty is a hotbed for innovative research across various legal disciplines. This success was added to the Faculty’s other notable achievements. In 2017, it was announced that the Faculty was one of only three law schools in South Africa that
RECORD YEAR FOR LAW received full accreditation for its LLB degree from the Council for Higher Education. Furthermore, the Faculty was ranked as the top law school in Africa by the Times Higher Education rankings. n
that ‘today we have in multiple what we had anticipated more than 20 years ago’. ‘It grew beyond our dreams,’ he said. Prof Jean Lubuma, Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, said that the Faculty viewed the institute as a model of how interdisciplinary research excellence can be achieved. Numerous speakers, who are today internationally respected researchers and professionals in their respective fields, described how studying at FABI changed their lives, gave them direction and inspired them. Most described FABI as a family rather than a group of researchers. They noted that this cohesion continues as could be seen by the large numbers of current FABIans nicknamed ‘black shirts’ by virtue of their black FABI 20 shirts, who all worked tirelessly to make the symposium the resounding success that it was.
A science
symposium University of Pretoria and on the forestry held on the and agricultural industries of South Africa Hatfield Campus was part of the Forestry and globally. He said that ‘the success of and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute FABI lies in its flexibility’ and emphasised (FABI) celebrations of two decades of that ‘FABI was an experiment and remains research excellence. More than 300 FABI an experiment’. alumni, academics, government and In its 20 years of existence, FABI has always forestry industry representatives, as well prided itself on its research output and the as many current FABI number of postdoctoral researchers, staff and students delivered. This students, attended the The ‘F’ in FABI stands for so includes more than two-day celebration, 1 250 research articles, many things that Fabians themed ‘The Road to eight books, 105 book Research Excellence’. believe in—FABULOUS, chapters, 260 MSc The symposium graduates, and 160 PhD FANTASTIC, FUNGI, FORESTRY, featured 39 graduates. presentations, FOOD, FUTURE-DRIVEN, FUN At the conference including speed Prof Cheryl de la presentations by six Rey, Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the FABI postgraduate students. Some 60 University, welcoming all delegates, made foreign guests travelled from 15 countries the point that FABI was ‘undoubtedly the across the globe to attend the symposium most successful research institute on the and celebration, among them research campus’. She also noted that FABI’s success leaders and scientists from seven South could be ascribed to investing in people and African and 22 international universities excellence. and research institutes. Former UP Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Opening the symposium, Prof Mike Dr Johan van Zyl, in his address said that Wingfield, founding director, referred to FABI was originally an interesting idea and the huge impact of FABI on research at the 32
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FABI Director, Prof Bernard Slippers, closed the day’s presentations. He outlined his vision for the Institute going forward and
shared some of the exciting plans that he has for FABI over next two decades. During a tree planting ceremony five trees—two wild mangos (Cordyla africana) and three zambezi teaks (Baikiaea plurijuga) — were planted by Prof De la Rey, Dr Irene Barnes on behalf of Dr Johan van Zyl, Prof Bernard Slippers, Prof Mike Wingfield and FABIan of the Year, Andi Wilson. The gala dinner included a presentation by guest speaker, Prof Dr Ir André Drenth, from the University of Queensland, Australia, and a colourful performance of traditional songs and dances by the UP Avuwa Cultural Ensemble under the leadership of Mxolisi Duda. A spectacular FABI-themed birthday cake was cut to the sound of guests singing ‘Happy birthday’ while Alexander Buck, Executive Director of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), presented both Prof Mike Wingfield who is serving a fiveyear term as President of IUFRO and Prof Bernard Slippers with traditional Austrian Sacher Torte cakes.
Photos from top: 1. Prof De la Rey and Dr Johan van Zyl, former Vice-chancellor of the University and currently Chief Executive Officer of African Rainbow Capital, South Africa. 2. Prof Jean Lubuma, Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences speaking at the conference. 3. Prof Mike Wingfield, founding director, speaking at the FABI 20 Years: The Road to Research excellence conference. 4. FABI students working during the conference earned the nick name ‘black shirts’ for obvious reason. 5. Profs Mike and Brenda Wingfield and a guest admire the FABI birthday cake. 6. A birthday gift from the China Eucalypt Research Centre with Prof Bernard Slippers, current FABI director, on the far right.
FABI turns
The aim was to move TPCP, then nearly ten years old, to Pretoria where Prof Van Zyl would support the establishment of a new institute. Prof Van Zyl meant business and the first FABI buildings were already under construction by mid-1997.
As molecular biology-based technologies emerged that could contribute to tree growth and development, the industry showed increasing interest in this field. A fledgling programme known as the Molecular Screening Co-operative Programme (MSCP) was established with the CSIR in the early years of FABI’s existence to screen trees for resistance to pests and pathogens. It was headed by Prof Brenda Wingfield, with support from Dr Colin Dyer who later became the Director of the Institute for Commercial Forestry Research (ICFR).
started with the phone call that Prof Johan van Zyl, then Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Pretoria, made to Prof Mike Wingfield at the University of the Free State in late 1996. After Prof Van Zyl had introduced himself, he suggested that Prof Wingfield might consider moving to UP with the Tree Pathology Co-operative Programme (TPCP).
STARTING UP The team that relocated to launch FABI included 56 members, five of whom were academic staff and the remainder were students (MSc, PhD), postdoctoral fellows and a few administrative/technical staff. Every person that moved to Pretoria has their own story to tell about their relocation. One of the more remarkable ones was that of Prof Anna-Maria Oberholster who also had to move a small herd of cattle and, with the assistance of Prof van Zyl, did just that. There was no blueprint for FABI other than a broad mandate to build a stand-alone postgraduate structure with a focus on forestry and agricultural biotechnology. It was up to the first academic leaders to establish the Institute’s modus operandi. Prof Wingfield wrote the FABI constitution based on that of the UP Mammal Research Institute. Two UP academics who played a key role in the process of establishing a structure for the new Institute were Prof Robin Crewe, then Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, and Prof Henk Huismans, then Head of the Department of Genetics.
Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria
The South African forestry industry was a major stakeholder in the establishment of FABI and continued to grow research projects in the Institute.
The forestry industry needed a focus on tree growth and fibre traits provided by what became known as the Forest Molecular Genetics Programme (FMG), headed by Prof Zander Myburg. The Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP) initially had a strong focus on tree diseases but supported the industry in both the fields of pathology and entomology. In 2003 the Tree PATHOLOGY Co-operative Programme became the Tree PROTECTION Co-operative Programme. This marked the starting point of a major invasive forest insect pest biological control programme, which has become one of the largest programmes of its kind in the world and has been a catalyst for the growth of FABI as a whole. The base of the programme is in South Africa, but it is integrated with many other tree health projects and programmes globally. The TPCP and the Forest Molecular Genetics Programme (FMG) are the two largest projects in FABI and they make up about 70% of the student/staff component of approximately 240 FABIans. Other programmes, while somewhat smaller, provide important research support for Agriculture and Forestry in South Africa. n
TuksAthletics turns
The growth and expansion of the University was accompanied by the modernisation of both academic and sport facilities.
In its centenary year, TuksAthletics won the A division of the 2018 Varsity Athletics beating NWU-Pukke in the final. Reflecting on a proud history, the following timeline gives a vivid picture of development of TuksAthletics over the past 100 years.
The next essential upgrade was replacing the grass track with a synthetic track.
In 2008, the UP Centenary Year commenced with the official opening of the ABSA Tuks Athletics Stadium on 2 February.
2006 In addition to the Club’s track facility upgrades, a new grass track was required for athletes to train on. This grass track replaced the softball field adjacent to the “Proefplaas”. The grass track included synthetic track run-ups for long jump, high jump, and pole vault in addition to several 60 m runways.
Although the TUC Athletics Club was already established in 1918 there was a shortage of sporting facilities available on the campus and students had to make use of other facilities in Pretoria. With the increasing success of the athletics team, the demand for a University athletics track intensified and students continued to voice their frustrations. 'The students’ unhappiness eventually resulted in the establishment of an athletics track on the main campus.
The new upgraded ABSA Tuks Stadium and synthetic track was completed in June 2006, in time to host the FASU Games.
The first athletics track was opened in 1948 on the UP Hatfield Campus and was located where the Musaion and Aula currently are.
With the ever increasing number of students on the main campus the need arose to increase the campus size as well as the number of academic facilities and services offered by the University. The Club had been happy with the facility and location but when it was flooded in 1958, the University management made the decision to move the Athletics Club and track to the sports precinct at the ‘Proefplaas’, which was already purchased and allocated to sport in 1920.
Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria
The building of the new athletics track on the LC de Villiers Sport Campus started in 1960 (next to the rugby stadium) and was made available to the Club in 1963. Although it was a grass track, it was one of the finest in the country.
In 2016 the existing synthetic track was upgraded to a Mondo track, similar to the track that was used at the Rio Olympics in August 2016. The new Mondo track was officially opened at the Bestmed Tuks Athletics Stadium on 11 June. This was the first of its kind in the country. The Mondo track, as opposed to the previous track, is waterproof and can therefore not suffer water damage.
In 1972 the athletics pavilion was officially opened.
Credit: TuksSport Marketing leonore.jordaan@hpc.co.za mauneemeiringll@gmail.com TUKKIE
TUKS VICTORIOUS IN VARSITY CUP CAMPAIGNS In the first half of the year TuksSport has harvested three Varsity Cup titles namely the 2018 Varsity Cricket, 2018 Varsity Hockey and the A division of the 2018 Varsity Athletics. The Assupol Tuks Cricket beat Northwest Pukke in the final , in the Varsity Hockey final UP stunned Stellenbosch University when they beat them 5-0 and the UP-Tuks athletics team was again unbeaten in Varsity athletics.
Tuks reclaims Varsity Cricket title
TuksSport athletes excel at Gold Coast 2018 CWG By Wilhelm de Swardt
The 2018
Commonwealth Games took place on the Gold Coast of Queensland, Australia, between 4 and 15 April 2018. The Games comprised of 275 medal events and South Africa’s national team, which included several TuksSport athletes, ended in sixth place with a total of 37 medals. Our athletes shone in the following events:
Tuks wins Varsity Cup Hockey title
SWIMMING Tatjana Schoenmaker was the first South African female athlete in eight years to win gold in swimming at the Commonwealth Games.
TuksAthletics wins Varsity Cup again
She achieved a hat trick of African records by winning the 100 m breaststroke in a time of 1:06.41 minutes. She also won the 200 m breaststroke in an African record time of 2:22.2 minutes and came fourth in the 50 m breaststroke in another record time of 30.82 s. The three records improved by Schoenmaker had all been previously held by the legendary South African swimmer Penny Heyns.
ATHLETICS Akani Simbine became the first South African sprinter to win gold in the 100 metres final at the Commonwealth Games (10.03s). The second place was claimed by Henricho Bruintjies, who won the silver medal in a time of 10.17s. Their remarkable race clearly demonstrated the meaning of the expression 'cometh the hour, cometh the man'. The South African 4x100 m relay team won the silver medal, setting a new national record for the second consecutive time at the Commonwealth Games. Tuks athlete Wenda Nel made South African athletics history when she won a bronze medal in the 400 m hurdles and became the first-ever South African female athlete to win a medal in this longer hurdles event at one of the major international competitions (Olympic Games, World Championships and Commonwealth Games). n
It is interesting to note that in 2015 her best times in the three abovementioned events were 1:08.85m, 2:29.23m and 32.45 s respectively.
Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria
'Art is a conversation that has been going on for thousands of years. If you are going to By Marissa Greeff
participate in that conversation, you should speak from what you know, I think. '
By Marissa Greeff
is one of the most substantial prizes on the South African arts scene and is dedicated to the promotion of art and culture in the country. Angus won the Helgaard Steyn Award for the sculpture Dionysus, a reclining figure that is 4.1 m tall and 6.2 m wide, located at the Tokara Wine Estate, Stellenbosch. If the figure was standing upright, it would have been 8.2 m tall. The sculpture is carved in Belfast granite, a gabbro that is more than two billion years old and which is Angus’ preferred medium.
Acclaimed sculptor Angus Taylor won the 2017 Helgaard Steyn Award for sculpture. The award is made in a quadrennial cycle for best performance in literature, musical composition, painting and sculptural works.
Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria
‘I first saw this granite when I was about five years old and we were on the farm where my mother grew up near Machadodorp, Mpumalanga. There were a few fence posts on the farm carved from granite and they took my breath away. It took me 35 years before I started working with it, because it is immensely intimidating and it is really hard. It is 50% denser than concrete.’ Angus studied Fine Arts at UP and graduated in 1997 cum laude. About his years as a Tukkie student, Angus relates
that he was one of a class of four sculpture students who had their work cut out to stay the course as the then head of the arts department did not value sculpture at all. ‘It was up to us to keep our course going in spite of how good we were. Three of us went on to become award-winning artists,’ he says. Apart from Angus the sculpture class of ’96 included Wim Botha and Berco Wilsenach. Angus won the PPC National Young Sculptor Award as a student in 1994. Wim Botha received, among others, the Helgaard Steyn Award in 2013. Berco Wilsenach won the PPC Young Sculpture of the Year in 1997, an Absa L’Atelier in 2005, and received an artist residency from the Ampersand Foundation in New York for 2014. Walking with Angus through the space that has been his Dionysus Sculpture Works, his studio in Silverton, for the past seven years (although the studio is 21 years old), one is astounded at the sheer physicality of the work being done there. It is a workshop where sparks fly with objects being grinded, hammered and welded. Although
going to participate in that conversation, you should speak from what you know, I think. If you speak with what is around you, using your own material, your contribution to this conversation is much more authentic.’ Replying to a question as to who the figures in his sculptures are, who they represent, Angus expresses his often repeated sentiment that he does not like human grandeur, his is the antimonument. He then explains the concept of an integrated South African culture that few have grasped yet. Angus obviously designs and sculpts his work, the creative process involves welding frames, making clay models, casting moulds and melting metals and alloys at alarming temperatures. He has a staff complement of 35, many of whom have been with him since he started his studio, and they contribute expertise and professional knowhow to the completion of the sculptures. ‘All these people represent who I am. It is not just me,’ he says. Angus has a deep attachment to the materials he works with. ‘I love natural materials. If you pick up a stone and hold it, it is tangible. It goes back millions of years and you can extrapolate a lot of meaning from that. I find it very inspirational; I also find it very humbling.’ Angus combines bronze (‘it has been used for 4 500 years and still no metal casts better’) with granite, red jasper (micro crystallised stone) and chert. ‘Banded black chert is 3,3 billion years old and comes from the Barberton greenstone belt, originating from an inland oceanic crust covered again and again with sediment and volcanic ash compressed by water with resulting unique and ancient ingrained patterns.’ ‘Art is a conversation that has been going on for thousands of years. If you are 42
Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria
‘A few years ago I took measurements of all of us working at the studio and modelled a portrait that became the object of my sculptures. You could call it a South African 200 years from now. This figure also represents the way I think because I may appear Western, but I am not. In Africa our cultures have been mixed up for centuries. My art is not necessarily about the figure. The figure is a vessel through which I can say other things.’ Asked what an award such as the Helgaard Steyn Award for sculpture means to him, Angus says: ‘An artwork that speaks without words can convey an understanding of the visceral nature of being, or entice contemplation, which, in turn, enables us to find more clarity and meaning. It gives depth to our life experiences. This is what I hope to achieve and receiving an accolade such as this tells me that I, for some part at least, have succeeded somewhere along the way. This inspires me to continue seeking and sharing.’ The Helgaard Steyn Trust was established in the estate of Dr J H Steyn (1902-1983) and named after his father, once Member of the Provincial Council for Bloemfontein and the youngest brother of M T Steyn, the last president of the former Republic of the Free State. n
80 years old The
University is 110 years old and the student newspaper, Perdeby, came into existence when the University was 30 years old. The first Perdeby was published in 1939 and it became a monthly newspaper in 1940. Among the problems experienced in the early years were threats of closure in 1941 because a number of students and members of the SRC wanted the money used for its production to be spent elsewhere. World War II finally caused it to cease to exist at the end of 1941 due to lack of funds and paper. Perdeby was reborn in 1944 with a new name, Die Nuwe Perdeby under editorship of Louis van Wyk who stated in his first editorial that the need for a student newspaper could not be ignored. Die Nuwe Perdeby grew rapidly and needed more staff by July 1944. As the first student newspaper in the country, Die Nuwe Perdeby became a weekly newspaper in 1948. n
In memoriam Tribute to Rudolph Jansen By Karin van Marle and Danie Brand
The Faculty of Law introduced the Rudolph Jansen prize for the best student in Land Reform following the untimely demise of alumnus and human rights lawyer, Adv Rudolph Jansen on 25 November 2017. The first recipient of the prize was Nonkosazana Nkosi. Adv Jansen was a remarkable champion of social justice. As a young advocate in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s he assisted prisoners who were awaiting the death sentence, then his focus moved to the dismal conditions in South African prisons. From 2003 to 2007 he was the director of Lawyers for Human Rights, whereafter he returned to the Pretoria Bar and took silk in 2014. During his life he assisted many poor and marginalised people and defended the rights of prisoners, asylum seekers and sex workers. One of his biggest contributions was his work on housing cases, unlawful evictions and land reform and restitution.
David Solomon Harold Ernest David Solomon Harold Ernest, (1943 – 2015) a former teacher and educator from Eersterust, Pretoria, passed away after a short illness on 5 November 2015. He received a Bachelor’s degree in 1984 and an honours degree in Theory of Literature in 1987 both from UNISA. He completed a master’s degree in English at UP with a dissertation entitled: Meaning in Small, Snyders and Pearce an application of Lotman’s Semiotics to Coloured literature in 2005. His teaching experience ranged from primary school to tertiary level.
Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria
Prof George Djolov Professor George Djolov, ʼn meteoroloog en buitengewone professor in die Departement Geografie, Geoinformatika en Meteorologie is in November 2017 oorlede. Hy is in Bulgarye gebore en sy lewe is gekenmerk deur ʼn uiteenlopende en uitstaande akademiese loopbaan. Hy het in Kanada en Rusland onderskeidelik twee doktorsgrade behaal, in fisika en wiskunde en die tweede in meganiese ingenieurswese. In Suider-Afrika was hy verbonde aan verskeie universiteite. Na sy formele aftrede in 2007 was hy 'n buitengewone professor in die Departement Geografie, Geoinformatika en Meteorologie by UP.
Dr Johan Janeke Dr Johan Benjamin Janeke, an ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeon, died in September 2017. He was 78. Dr Janeke was the first South African ENT surgeon to perform a cochlear implant. After attaining his MBChB at Tukkies in 1963, he completed a PhD in otolaryngology at the University of Amsterdam in 1969. He received the prestigious Christiaan Barnard Memorial Award and medal for his contribution to medicine and the people of South Africa. Mike van Dyk Managing Editor - Hospitals; Modern Medicine
Herman Tesner Herman Tesner, vroeër verbonde aan die Departement Spraak-Taalpatologie en Oudiologie is op 20 Desember 2017 oorlede. Kort daarna, op 9 Januarie, is sy eggenote, Esther, ook oorlede. Mnr Tesner het in 2009 afgetree. Hy was ‘n geliefde en merkwaardige kollega en dosent wat vir 44 jaar, sedert 1965, by die Departement Spraak-Taalpatologie en Oudiologie uitstaande diens gelewer het.
the design of technology for special user groups. Prof Gelderblom was instrumental in establishing the Informatics Design Labs as a world class facility at UP. She also re-curriculated the programming courses presented in the Department of Informatics and made numerous videos for the first year students.
Prof Helene Gelderblom Prof Helene Gelderblom (1963 - 2018) from the Department of Informatics, University of Pretoria passed away on 7 April 2018. She was married to Prof Derik Gelderblom, a sociologist. Prof Gelderblom was appointed at UP in 2013 after lecturing at UNISA for 23 years. Apart from her PhD and preceding degrees in computer science, she also completed an honours degree in psychology. She was an NRF-rated researcher and her research was primarily in the fields of human-computer interaction (HCI) and ICT in education. The main research foci were eye tracking in UX design, as well as usability evaluation and
ALUMNI IN MEMORIAM Tukkie nooi sy lesers om die name en besonderhede oor die afsterwe van alumni vir hierdie bladsy te stuur na: marissa.greeff@up.ac.za.
Prof Johan van Heerden Prof Van Heerden (1941 – 2018) was a weather forecaster and in 1973 started studying at the University of Pretoria and obtained the BSc, BSc(Hons) and MSc. In 1979 Prof Van Heerden became Head Meteorologist (Numerical Forecasting) and a part-time lecturer in Dynamic Meteorology at the University of Pretoria. In 1984 he became the first person to be awarded a DSc in meteorology at UP and he retired in 1999/2000. He was one of the first scientists to notice a connection between the El Nino phenomenon and South African rainfall. n
Tukkie would like to invite you to send the names and details of alumni who passed away for inclusion on this page to: marissa.greeff@up.ac.za. TUKKIE
Call for applications for
postgraduate studies
Mercantile Law • Banking Law • Consumer Protection Law • Corporate Law • Insolvency Law • Labour Law • Mercantile Law • Tax Law Private Law • Child Law • Estate Law • Private Law • Intellectual Property Law
From courtroom to boardroom — UPdate and UPgrade with a postgraduate qualification from UP Law
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For more information or enquiries please contact: Thembisa Dodo llmapplications@up.ac.za/+27 (0)12 420 4927 (all LLM/MPhil enquiries) Klaas Ntuli lldapplications@up.ac.za/+27 (0)12 420 4267 (all LLD/PhD enquiries)
LLM/MPhil through research
A postgraduate qualification in law facilitates critical thought, develops legal research skills, leads to a deeper understanding of the nature of law, of legal reasoning, of legal systems and legal institutions. It enhances specialisation in a particular field. It can boost your earning potential, change your career track and make you a more competitive force in the legal profession. The Faculty of Law at the University of Pretoria offers a wide variety of postgraduate programmes on master's and doctoral level. UP Law is widely recognised as a leader in the field of postgraduate programmes. The LLM and LLD programmes presented by the Faculty enable students to specialise in their chosen fields by engaging with experts at an advanced level. LLM/MPhil through coursework Centre for Human Rights • Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa
Research programme on an approved topic in law.
MPhil through coursework Centre for Human Rights • Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa • Multidisciplinary Human Rights • Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Africa Public Law • Extractive Industry Policy, Management and Regulation • Environmental Law
International Trade and Investment Law in Africa
Multidisciplinary Human Rights
Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Africa
Research programme on an approved topic in law. TUKKIE
A new Honours degree, offered by the Faculty of Humanities, in Philosophy, Politics and Economics
BSocSci(Honours) (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) [PPE]
Career options in this field include: careers in journalism; international trade; the diplomatic service; banking; economic analytics; economic and political policy making related to globalization, citizenship and migration, poverty and social justice, climate change and sustainable development and many others Employer options include: Thomson Reuters, Goldman Sachs, Alexander Forbes, the Public Service, Accenture, Deloitte, Kuehne Nagel, Barclays, Dedola Global Logistics, the Migrant Resource Centre, the UN Refugee Agency, and many others
Admission requirements • An undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) degree or any related appropriate degree • 70% average for B-degree Duration One year of full-time study Closing date for applications SA – 30 September; Non-SA – 31 August
Curriculum Core Modules Ethics and Social Philosophy, Research Paper (on an appropriate topic in any of the 3 disciplines, or an intersection of them) Electives One module each is selected from the current Honours curriuclum of each of the Departments of Philosophy and Political Sciences and two modules are selected from the current Honours curriculum of the Department of Economics
Programme Coordinator: Prof Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem emma.ruttkamp-bloem@up.ac.za Web address: http://www.up.ac.za/philosophy