Tukkie 2 2017

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Alumni magazine of the University of Pretoria | Alumnitydskrif van die Universiteit van Pretoria

Summer/Somer/ 2017 Volume 23 Number 2



Moving UP with the Principal's Concert

Tuks Camerata wen by die Grand Prix of Nations 2017

Spring Graduation Ceremonies

Landbou 100 Jaar


Creating a living laboratory


Principal’s message


Rektor se boodskap


10 13 20


Sewe massiewe balke vir die JAVETT-UP

Prof Niek Grové returns to law New UP Registrar appointed

On the cover Op die voorblad


Another first for Theodor


Kanseliersmedalje vir prof Piet Meiring


Founder of Gift of the Givers awarded Chancellor’s Medal




ABSA Bank backs education and skills


UP scientists and students in Women in Science Awards 2017


Hundred years of agricultural excellence at UP


Leading the way in livestock research


Multidisciplinary department focused on the future


Plant Pathology turns 100


Working for food security


Renaming a genera of bacteriophages after UP professor

Enige redaksionele navrae of inligting kan gerig word aan: Marissa Greeff E-pos/Email: marissa.greeff@up.ac.za Tel: 012 420 5193


Vergete kultuurerfenis lê langs die spoor

Change of address/Adresveranderings


Language labs get a facelift


New food labs launched


Talented young violinist receives instrument


Applying our skills


‘n Driewiel vir Joshua


JCP 9 spruced up the garden




Alumni Business Breakfasts for networking


TuksKlub 60+ besoek Kruger Wildtuin


Gryse oud-Kollegemanne trek weer saam


In memoriam

The University’s Administration Building garden received a Double Silver in the categories Landscape and Water Wise in the annual South African Landscapers Institute's Awards of Excellence. This garden is an indigenous water-wise garden designed to reflect elements of the building’s architecture. Die Universiteit se Administrasiegebou het ‘n Dubbelsilwer in die kategorieë Landskap en Waterslim ontvang in die jaarlikse toekennings vir uitnemendheid van die SuidAfrikaanse Landskapinstituut. Dié tuin is 'n inheemse waterslim tuin wat ontwerp is om elemente van die gebou se argitektuur te weerspieël.

Opinions expressed in Tukkie are those of the individual concerned and not necessarily the view of the University of Pretoria. Tukkie is published by the University of Pretoria’s Department of University Relations. Menings in Tukkie is dié van die betrokke persoon en nie noodwendig die standpunt van die Universiteit van Pretoria nie. Tukkie word uitgegee deur die Universiteit van Pretoria se Departement Universiteitsbetrekkinge. Any editorial queries or information can be sent to:

Please send notification of change of address or cancellations to: Gee asseblief kennis van adresveranderings of kansellasies deur na: E-pos/Email: alumni@up.ac.za Tel: 012 420 3533 Faks/Fax: 012 362 5088 Quote the code that appears on the address label in all correspondence. Meld die kode wat op u adresetiket verskyn in alle korrespondensie. Editor/Redakteur: Marissa Greeff Writers /Skrywers: Louise de Bruin Jonathan Copeland Marissa Greeff Shakira Hoossain Martie Meyer

Henriëtte Minnaar Vuyo Ntloko Bonolo Ramathibela Handri Steenkamp Hennie van Deventer

Photos/Foto’s: EYEscape Studios, unless otherwise indicated EYEscape Studios, tensy anders vermeld UP Archives/UP Argief Subediting/Redigering: UP Language Unit/UP Taaleenheid



Principal’s message Dear Tukkie reader


has been a good year for the University. We have achieved much in the way of research, teaching and learning and student support, and meaningful engagement with our communities. This Tukkie showcases some recent highlights in this regard. We were delighted when it was announced that, according to the 2018 QS Graduate Employability Survey, UP ranked among the top 100 in the world for alumni outcomes. Graduate Employability is a relatively new ranking system produced by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) which is based on five criteria: employer reputation, alumni outcomes, partnerships with employers, employer-student connections and graduate employment rate. UP was placed at number 97 globally for alumni outcomes, confirming that UP graduates are highly regarded and sought after worldwide. For employer reputation the University was ranked number 272 in the world. It was placed in the 251-300 bracket for its overall showing, and is third in South Africa after the universities of Cape Town and the Witwatersrand. The University also improved its position in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings. UP was placed in the 601-800 bracket, out of the 1 102 institutions which met the requirements to


Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria

be considered for ranking. The THE rankings are the only global performance tables that judge research-intensive universities across teaching, research, citations, industry income and international outlook, using 13 performance indicators. We have improved our overall score for each of the categories listed, improving our ranking for teaching from position 583 to 509 and for research from position 388 to 374. These two areas make up 60% of the final score. In addition to this, UP has strong formal partnerships with industry and was placed in position 171 worldwide for Industry Income. The highlight of the THE rankings for UP is the exceptional achievement of our Law Faculty, which was placed among the top 100 law faculties globally at position number 92. With this feat, the Faculty of Law joins the ranks of the University’s Business School, GIBS, and our own Faculty of Theology among the world’s best 100. GIBS has held onto its position as the best in Africa and improved its overall ranking to number 41 in the world in the annual UK Financial Mail (FT) 2017 Executive Education Rankings. In its centenary year, Theology was ranked first in Africa and among the world’s top 100 for theology and the study of religion in the QS subject rankings announced earlier in the year. The 2018 QS subject rankings gave cause for celebration for the University as a whole,

since UP featured in the top 300 in the world in no less than 16 subject areas, with six in the top 200. In addition to theology, archaeology, architecture and the built environment, agriculture and forestry, the subject areas law, accounting and finance were placed in the top 200 globally.

University of Pretoria for a further five-year period speaks volumes for the continued stability of the institution in unsettling times. We are delighted to welcome Prof Nkuhlu, who has served as UP’s Chancellor since 2006 with distinction and dignity, for a third term.

The University’s success in 2017 was not confined to its academic endeavours. On the sports fields we lifted the standard of university sport to a new level by winning six of the Varsity Competitions and nine of the USSA Tournaments.

On behalf of the University I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our alumni and other donors and sponsors who continue to contribute generously towards student bursaries and scholarships. Your contributions enable the University to maintain excellence in our various academic and research endeavours, you also assist deserving students to continue their studies.

Our women’s hockey team completed a unique double when they beat the University of Johannesburg in the final of the University Sports South Africa (USSA) Tournament and Maties in the Varsity Cup. It is quite rare for a team in any sports code to win both university tournaments in the same year. In other USSA competitions we won the cricket, golf, judo, beach volleyball, chess, swimming and made history by winning the USSA Cross Country Tournament for the first time. We were the overall South African Universities Rowing Champions, having the best-combined results in the USSA Sprint Rowing, USSA Indoor Rowing and USSA Boat Race. The unanimous re-election of Professor Wiseman Nkuhlu as Chancellor of the

I trust that this edition of the Tukkie will provide enjoyable reading as well as some food for thought and will evoke pleasant recollections of your own association with the university. I am confident that the New Year will present us with inspiring opportunities to propel our endeavours at the University to new heights of excellence. I wish you and your families a most enjoyable summer and a restful and reviving holiday season. Warmest Tukkie greetings! Prof Cheryl de la Rey Vice-Chancellor and Principal

Vice-Chancellor Businesswoman of the Year for Education Professor Cheryl de la Rey, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, was named the Businesswoman of the Year in the Education category for 2017 by the Businesswomen’s Association of South Africa. 'I have worked to develop women’s leadership potential throughout my career and to show that leadership does not have to be masculine in order to be effective. This award is a significant vote of confidence. I am humbled and honoured to receive this award from the Businesswomen’s Association of South Africa,' said Prof De la Rey who donated the prize money she received as part of her award to the Tuks Scholarship Fund.



Rektor se boodskap Beste Tukkieleser


was ʼn goeie jaar vir die Universiteit. Ons het in navorsing, onderrig en leer en studenteondersteuning baie bereik en was sinvol betrokke by ons gemeenskappe. Hierdie Tukkie spog met ʼn paar onlangse hoogtepunte in dié verband. Ons was verheug toe daar aangekondig is dat UP, volgens die 2018 Quacquarelli Symonds- (QS-) opname van indiensneembaarheid van gegradueerdes, vir alumni-uitkomste onder die top 100 in die wêreld gegradeer is. Indiensneembaarheid van gegradueerdes is ʼn betreklik nuwe graderingstelsel deur Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) wat op vyf kriteria gegrond is: werkgewersaansien, alumni-uitkomste, vennootskappe met werkgewers, werkgewer-studentskakeling en die indiensstellingskoers van gegradueerdes. Vir alumni-uitkomste is UP wêreldwyd op nommer 97 geplaas, wat bevestig dat UP-gegradueerdes groot agting geniet en wêreldwyd gesog is. Vir werkgewersaansien is UP as nommer 272 in die wêreld gegradeer. Vir sy algehele vertoon is die Universiteit in die 251–300band gegradeer en staan derde in SuidAfrika, na die universiteite van Kaapstad en die Witwatersrand. Die Universiteit het ook sy posisie in die Times Higher Education (THE) se globale universiteitsgradering verbeter. Uit die 1102 instellings wat voldoen het aan die


Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria

vereistes om vir gradering oorweeg te word, is UP in die 601–800-groep geplaas. Die THE-graderings is die enigste globale prestasietabelle wat navorsingsintensiewe universiteite se onderrig, navorsing, sitasies, bedryfsinkomste en internasionale vooruitsig aan die hand van 13 prestasieaanwysers beoordeel. Ons oorkoepelende telling vir elk van die genoemde kategorieë het opgeskuif en ons gradering vir onderrig het van die 583ste plek na 509ste en vir navorsing, van die 388ste na die 374ste plek, verbeter. Hierdie twee gebiede verteenwoordig 60% van die finale telling. Daarbenewens het UP sterk formele vennootskappe met die bedryfsektor en is ons vir bedryfsektorinkomste in die 171ste plek geplaas. Vir UP is die hoogtepunt van die THEgradering die uitstaande prestasie van ons Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid wat onder die top 100 regsfakulteite ter wêreld in die 92ste plek geplaas is. Met hierdie prestasie word die Fakulteit gereken saam met ons Sakeskool, GIBS, asook die Fakulteit Teologie, as deel van die wêreld se 100 bestes. GIBS het sy posisie as die beste in Afrika behou en in die 2017 jaarlikse VK Financial Mail (FT) se gradering vir die onderrig van bestuursbeamptes sy algehele gradering tot nommer 41 in die wêreld verbeter. In sy eeufeesjaar is Teologie as eerste in Afrika en onder die wêreld se top 100 vir teologie en die bestudering van

religie in die QS-vakranglys wat vroeër die jaar aangekondig is, gegradeer. Die 2018 QS-vakranglys het trouens die hele Universiteit rede tot feesviering gegee aangesien UP in ʼn indrukwekkende 16 vakgebiede in die wêreld se top 300 figureer, met ses daarvan in die top 200. Benewens teologie, argeologie, argitektuur en die beboude omgewing, landbou en bosbou, is regte, rekeningkunde en finansies in die top 200 wêreldwyd geplaas. Die Universiteit se sukses in 2017 was nie tot die akademie beperk nie. Op die sportveld het ons die dwarslat opgeskuif deur ses van die Varsity-kompetisies en nege van die Universiteitsport SuidAfrika- (USSA) toernooie te wen. Ons vrouehokkiespan het unieke dubbelseges behaal deur sowel die Universiteit van Johannesburg in die finaal van die USSAtoernooi as die Maties in die Varsity Cup-kompetisie te klop. Dit gebeur selde dat ʼn span in enige sportkode beide universiteitstoernooie in dieselfde jaar wen.

die Universiteit in staat om uitnemendheid te handhaaf in ons verskillende akademiese en navorsingsprojekte; u help ook verdienstelike studente om hul studies vol te hou. Ek vertrou dat hierdie uitgawe van die Tukkie vir u genotvolle leesstof sal wees en u met plesier aan u eie bande met die Universiteit sal laat dink. Ek is vol vertroue dat die nuwe jaar vele besielende geleenthede gaan bring om ons take en strewes aan die Universiteit tot nuwe hoogtes te neem. Ek wens vir u en u gesinne en families ʼn baie aangename somer en ʼn heerlike vakansieseisoen toe. Hartlike Tukkie-groete Prof Cheryl de la Rey Visekanselier en Rektor

In ander USSA-kompetisies het ons die krieket, gholf, judo, strandvlugbal, skaak en swem gewen en geskiedenis gemaak deur die USSA-landlooptoernooi vir die eerste keer te wen. Met die beste gekombineerde resultate in die USSA-snelroei, USSAbinnenshuise-roei en USSA-bootresies was ons die algehele roeikampioene van SuidAfrikaanse universiteite. Die eenparige herkiesing van professor Wiseman Nkuhlu as Kanselier van die Universiteit van Pretoria vir ʼn verdere termyn van vyf jaar spreek boekdele oor die voortgesette stabiliteit van die instelling in ʼn ontwrigtende tydvak. Ons verwelkom prof Nkuhlu, wat sedert 2006 met uitnemendheid en waardigheid as UP se Kanselier dien, met genoeë vir ʼn derde termyn. Namens die Universiteit bedank ek graag ons alumni, ander skenkers en borge wat steeds ruim tot studiebeurse bydra. Dit stel



A stage filled with talent as represented by the music ensembles of the University.



annual Principal’s Concert at the University of Pretoria has since 1980, evolved into a prestigious event on the University’s calendar – and on the calendar of the guests who attend the gala function every year. Careful and detailed planning goes into creating exciting and enjoyable ways of engaging audiences each year. The University aims to grow awareness and support for the range of artistic forms and genres that it offers which is still growing. UP displays its dedication to nurturing excellence across a range of artistic genres with pride.

This year the theme was ‘Moving UP’ that succinctly describes the dynamic character and forward-looking ideals of the University. The concert showcased selections from the 2017 repertoires of the following UP ensembles and choirs: the University of Pretoria Symphony Orchestra, UP Symphonic Winds, UP Youth Choir, UP Ovuwa Cultural Ensemble, UP Onderstepoort Community Choir and the Jazz Ensemble of the UP Music Department. The concert programme comprised selections from local and international composers and songwriters, from diverse music genres ranging from musical theatre to contemporary, pop, and jazz. Apart from the choirs, orchestras and ensembles, two young soloists, Monica Mhangwana, mezzo-soprano, a BMus student and Siyabonga Sindane, tenor, studying towards a BEd, were featured in the programme. n Opposite photo page. Top clockwise from left: Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Cheryl de la Rey with the UP Chancellor, Prof Wiseman Nkuhlu | Prof De la Rey with Prof Esmé du Plessis, former chairperson of the UP Council | The Vice-Chancellor's guests included Mr Mpho and Mrs Mori Mokwana, Mr Israel Skosana with His Excellency, the High Commissioner of Sri Lanka, Mr Sunil de Silva and his wife Tsampa and on the far right is Mrs Ursula Skosana, Prof Zeblon Vilakazi with Mrs Linda and Prof Piet Meiring | Among the guests who came to enjoy the VC's Concert were also Ms Keesha van Wyk, Ms Shiela Goodgirl, Mrs Les and Mr Joe van Wyk, Mme Andrea Mittas and Amy Christianson| Dr Piet and Louise Olivier with Dr Piet and Mrs Elsa Botha. Dr Botha is the vice-chairperson of the UP Council | Behind the scenes: Members of the UP Youth Choir waiting between items. 8

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TUKS CAMERATA wen by Grand Prix of Nations 2017


Universiteit van Pretoria Camerata het die Jeugkoor kategorie gewen by die glansryke, internasionale Grand Prix of Nations en 3de Europese Koorspele 2017 wat in Julie in Riga, Letland, plaasgevind het. 'Ons is baie trots op die prestasie van die koor wat die Universiteit in al sy diversiteit verteenwoordig. Ons het in beide die volksang- en gemengde jeugkoor kategorieë meegeding,” sê die dirigent, Michael Barrett. “Die studente het baie hard gewerk om hierdie fantastiese prestasie te behaal.' Die Grand Prix of Nations is ‘n internasionale kompetisie waaraan


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amateur kore van regoor die wêreld deelneem. Vanjaar is dit gekombineer met die 3de Europese Koorspele en 200 kore bestaande uit sowat 12 000 sangers het deelgeneem. Die 75 lede van Tuks Camerata is almal voltydse UP-studente en hulle verteenwoordig studierigtings uit feitlik alle fakulteite soos ingenieurswese, musiek, teologie, ekonomie en regte, om ‘n paar te noem. In 2015 het die koor ‘n SuidAfrikaanse Musiektoekenning gekry vir hulle album, Phoenix, in die beste klassieke/ instrumentale kategorie en in 2014 het hulle ook in hul kategorie by die Wêreld Jeug Koorspele gewen. n

Die dirigent van die koor, dr Michael Barrett, het die graad DMus (Uitvoerend) gekry tydens die onlangse Lentegradeplegtighede.





Caroline Nicholson holds a BProc, and LLB degree from the University of the Witwatersrand and an LLM and LLD degree from the University of South Africa.

After graduation she served her articles of clerkship (Candidate Attorney) at a small general law firm in Johannesburg and was admitted as Attorney and Notary Public of the High Court in 1986. She became an accredited Mediator in 1993 and completed the National Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution of the Arbitration Foundation of South Africa in conjunction with the University of Pretoria in 2003. Prof Nicholson began her academic career at UNISA in 1986 and moved to UP in 1999. During her tenure at UP she was promoted to full professor and served a term as head of the Department of Jurisprudence. Prof Nicholson left UP in 2014 after 15 years of service, to become Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of the Free State (UFS). At UFS Prof Nicholson gained significant managerial experience and, in addition, acted as Judge of the High Court of SA both in 2016 and again in 2017. Prof Nicholson is married and has three daughters and one grandchild.


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Niek Grové is stepping down from the position of Registrar of the University of Pretoria to return to his academic roots as professor in the Department of Mercantile Law with effect from 1 January 2018.

Spring Graduation ceremonies The University conferred a total of 1 807 degrees, diplomas and certificates during the Spring Graduation ceremonies at the start of September. This included 142 doctorates, 427 master's degrees and 746 honours degrees.

Another first for Theodor

Prof Grové is a true Tukkie who has been at UP for the duration of his academic career. His father was also a UP academic, the wellknown Prof AP Grové, professor and Head of the Department of Afrikaans Literature (1962 to 1972) and eventually Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (1972 to 1982). His mother was the award-winning Afrikaans writer Henriëtte Grové. Prof Grové obtained the degrees LLB (1978) and LLM (cum laude) (1985) at UP, and the LLD at the University of Johannesburg (then Rand Afrikaans University). In 1981 he was appointed as a senior lecturer in the Department of Mercantile and Labour Law. He became professor in the Department of Private Law in 1989 and his fields of expertise are contract law and consumer credit law. He was appointed as Registrar and member of the UP Executive in 2000. n


been born with only 5% sight, Theodor Loots received his PhD-degree in Mathematical Statistics during the University’s Spring Graduation. Theodor completed his schooling at the Prinshof School for the Visually Impaired, where he was head boy in 2002. He went on to pursue his tertiary studies at UP enrolling for Actuarial and Financial Mathematics in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. During his 3rd year of studies his eyesight deteriorated to such an extent, that it couldn’t be depended on for any practical purposes. He learnt the American Braille code for Mathematics as quickly as he could, which enabled him access to more resources. This initial approach allowed him to complete his exam papers in Braille and then read it back to the lecturer, who would write down the answers and proceed to mark the papers. Later on this strategy was fully automated by the use of technology, so that papers and assignments didn’t have to undergo this very tedious transcription process. He was the first blind man to obtain a master’s degree in Mathematical Statistics with distinction (recognised by the S2A3 Bronze medal) and is the first blind person in South Africa with a PhD in Mathematical Statistics. Theodor has been a lecturer in the Department of Statistics since 2013. On achieving his PhD, he said, “Sad will be the day, upon summiting a mountain; one comes to the realisation that it has been a solitary ascent. So much greater is the adventure when shared with others, and this then is a testimony to all those that have shared in the journey; the God that is sustaining me daily, the family that shapes me, the supervisor that endures with me, and the village that feeds me.” TUKKIE



Spring graduation ceremony

Kanseliersmedalje vir prof Piet Meiring Founder of Prof

Piet Meiring het die Kanseliersmedalje van die Universiteit ontvang as verteenwoordigende ikoon van die waardes van inklusiwiteit en diversiteit. Hoewel nou afgetree, wy hy homself steeds aan versoeningswerk deur sy betrokkenheid in vele ekumeniese aktiwiteite in die kerk en in die breër gemeenskap. Sy vroeëre betrokkenheid by die Waarheiden Versoeningskommissie (WRK) het onderskeiding vir beide die Universiteit en die kerk meegebring. Prof Meiring het aan die Universiteit van Pretoria en aan die Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, gestudeer. Hy is ʼn predikant van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk (NGK). As akademikus was hy betrokke by die Universiteit van die Noorde (Turfloop), UNISA en sedert 1988 by UP waar hy Godsdiens- en Sendingwetenskap gedoseer het. Vanaf 1999 was hy vir elf jaar Direkteur van die Sentrum vir Teologie en Gemeenskap (tans die Sentrum vir Publieke Teologie) en hy is steeds betrokke by verskeie navorsingsprojekte van UP.

In 1996 is prof Meiring deur voormalige President Nelson Mandela aangestel om 14

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onder voorsitterskap van Aartsbiskop Desmond Tutu in die Waarheid- en Versoeningskommissie te dien (1996 tot 1998). In 2005 het hy die WVK Geloofsgemeenskapsverhore en die Internasionale Kuns- en Versoeningsfees by die Universiteit gekoördineer. Hy was ook betrokke by versoeningstrukture in ander lande en het onder andere op uitnodiging van die presidente in Rwanda en Indonesië as adviseur in dié lande gedien. Prof Meiring het ʼn belangrike rol gespeel om kommunikasiekanale tussen die NGK en die wêreld-ekumene oop te hou sodat die NGK, na die skorsing in 1982, in 2017 weer tot die WBGK en die WRK toegelaat is . Hy het veelvuldige populêre en akademiese artikels in tydskrifte gepubliseer en het 25 boeke geskryf. In die Fakulteit Teologie se eeufeesjaar met die tema ‘Oopmaak van die hekke…’, vergestalt prof Meiring die Fakulteit se oriëntasie vir die toekoms wat op inklusiwiteit en pluriformiteit berus. n

Gift of the Givers

awarded Chancellor’s Medal By Shakira Hoosain


Imtiaz Sooliman’s work, life and commitment to uplifting communities around the world were formally acknowledged by the University at its spring graduation ceremony. Dr Sooliman was awarded the Chancellor’s Medal for his pursuit of the ideals of peace, tolerance and improvement of the human condition. Through his philanthropic and humanitarian work, Dr Imtiaz Sooliman has become a household name in South Africa. His non-governmental organisation, Gift of the Givers, has provided immediate, handson support to many local communities in need, especially in disaster situations like the Knysna fires and the Alexandra flash floods and fires. Internationally, the foundation’s activities include providing emergency medical services in situations of violent conflict and war, disaster relief, primary healthcare clinics, feeding schemes, water purification and water wells, the distribution of blankets, clothing and food parcels and more.

Dr Sooliman has become increasingly involved in mediation in violent conflicts and negotiations for the release of hostages. For the Faculty of Humanities, Dr Sooliman personifies the ideals and principles of the Humanities: to use one’s education in a selfless manner to extend oneself for the benefit of others, thereby improving societies and uplifting humanity. As a result, he has made a difference to the lives of thousands of people in dire circumstances and he has done so with utmost bravery, propelled by the principles of social justice and the moral imperative to help other people. Dr Sooliman’s work transcends the boundaries of race, religion, class, nationality and geography and shows the world what it means to be truly human.




ABSA BANK backs education and skills

‘n Voormalige voorsitter van die Universiteitsraad, dr Viktor Hesse en sy vrou, Gretchen, het van Plettenbergbaai af gekom om die gradeplegtigheid van hul peetkind, Herman Hamersma, by te woon. Herman is die seun van prof Susan Adendorff, direkteur van die Universiteit se Departement Fasiliteitebestuur. Hy het ‘n doktorsgraad in Meganiese Ingenieurswese verwerf. Dr Hesse was ‘n lid van die UP Raad vanaf 1983 en voorsitter van 1994 tot 1999.


Dr Herman Hamersma saam met sy peetpa, dr Viktor Hesse en sy ma, prof Susan Adendorff.

The South African 100m sprint record holder and IAAF Diamond League gold medallist, Akani Simbine, graduated with a Bachelor of Information Science.


The City of Tshwane's City Manager, Dr Mosola Moeketsi, received his PhD in Human Movement Sciences in the area of Business of Sports Finance.

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Thabang Malapela, a paraplegic, received the master’s degree in Public Administration. He said the degree was for both him and his wife, Daphne, who not only drove him to class for two years, but also attended the classes and took notes. Thabang became a paraplegic after a motor car accident in 2008. He works as the Director of Disability Rights at the City of Tshwane.

University of Pretoria (UP) received more than R20m funding over a three-year period (2017 to 2019) from Absa Bank to widen access to higher education as part of the group-wide focus on Education and Skills development. These initiatives consist of scholarships for an amount of R4m for the 2017 academic year and the scholarship funding is in support of students undertaking three year undergraduate degrees in commerce, humanities, engineering or science and technology. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence.

From left to right: Prof Anton Ströh, Vice-Principal: Institutional Planning, Dr Theunie Lategan, Non-Executive Deputy Chairman, Barclays Africa, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Cheryl de la Rey and Mr Stephen Seaka, ABSA Head Public Sector Africa.

ReadytoWork skills development programme, which is designed to help improve the employability of South African youth take us so much closer to empowering young people and the communities within which we operate as a business.

A memorandum of agreement was also 'As an expression of our Shared Growth signed to fund specific chairs as well as commitment to education and skills the upkeep of the Mamelodi Business development, we are proud to be Clinic that operates from the Mamelodi creating opportunities for undergraduate Campus of the University of Pretoria. The students in providing access to higher business clinic provides much needed education, while training and skills in further assisting the community and "we are proud to be creating them to apply their funding for the 2017 opportunities for undergraduate knowledge with realperiod amounts to students in providing access to higher world impact from R7.6- million in total. our ReadytoWork education" This will be utilised curriculum that will for the Chair in Data - Absa Managing Executive of Limpopo, best prepare them Science, ten Data Mpumalanga and Pretoria areas, Oscar Siziba to net a job after Science bursaries, graduation,' said Mr the Chair in Banking Siziba. Law, Chair in Actuarial Science, scholarships The bank’s CEO Scholarship Programme has in science, technology, engineering and already granted close to 500 scholarships maths, the Mamelodi Campus Maths and to Absa staff in 2017 dependents and will Science Afternoon School Programme and disburse R210m in 2017 to support 3000 the business clinic already mentioned. university students across Africa that Absa Managing Executive of Limpopo, would have been financially excluded from Mpumalanga and Pretoria areas, universities in 2017. n Oscar Siziba, says the CEO Scholarship Programme and Absa’s existing



UP SCIENTISTS AND STUDENTS in Women in Science Awards 2017 Three University of Pretoria scientists were honoured at the Women in Science Awards (WISA 2017), hosted by Minister of Science and Technology Naledi Pandor.


Henrietta De Kock was awarded the Distinguished Women Researcher: Research and Innovation award, Prof Roula Inglesi-Lotz received the Distinguished Young Women Researcher: Humanities and Social Sciences award, and Prof Saloshna Vandeyar was the first runner-up in the Distinguished Women Researchers: Humanities and Social Sciences category.

PhD students, Ms Andrea Wilson received a DST Fellowship and Ms Marilize Everts was awarded a TATA Africa Scholarship for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology. The awards recognise the achievements of prominent women scientists and provide motivation for the increased participation of women scientists in research. The theme for WISA 2017 is "Women's economic empowerment in the changing world of work" (in line with the United Nations


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Commission on the Status of Women priority theme for 2017). 'The University of Pretoria is honoured to have three of our women scientists, along with two students, recognised by these prestigious awards. We congratulate them all on their hard work and commitment to excellence,' said Prof Stephanie Burton, Vice-Principal for Research and Postgraduate Education. More about the winners Professor Henrietta de Kock is an associate professor of Food Science at UP. Her research focuses on the optimisation of the sensory properties of food and beverages that contribute to the nutritional status and wellbeing of consumers in subSaharan Africa. Professor Roula Inglesi-Lotz received her PhD in Economics from UP and is currently

From top clockwise: Prof Henrietta De Kock, Ms Marilize Everts, Professor Roula Inglesi-Lotz, Ms Andrea Wilson, Prof Saloshna Vandeyar.

an associate professor in the Department of Economics at UP. Her research includes energy and environmental economics, economic growth and development, and applications of econometrics. Professor in Education, Saloshna Vandeyar, specialises in Diversity in Education, which encompasses identities, race, social, cultural and cognitive justice education, diversity education, teacher professionalism and immigrant studies,

all of which relate directly to national and global socioeconomic challenges of social cohesion. Ms Andrea Wilson is completing her PhD in Genetics at the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. Ms Marilize Everts is a Mechanical Engineering PhD student at the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology (EBIT). n





By Martie Meyer




celebrating a hundred years of agriculture at the University of Pretoria (UP), we are also looking ahead at the challenges and how we can make a difference in the country and on the continent.’ These are the thoughts of the Deputy Dean: Research and Postgraduate Education of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Prof Eddie Webb. A Faculty of Agriculture was established at the former Transvaal University College (TUC) on 20 January 1917. The Faculty then consisted of three departments — Phytopathology, Soil Science and Stockbreeding, which also celebrate their centenaries this year. The Faculty of Agriculture progressed with leaps and bounds from those early years and finally amalgamated in 1999 to become the current Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences consisting of 16 departments and more than 20 research entities.

Prof Jean Lubuma, Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences


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‘The Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences aims to be the leading faculty of its kind in Africa. We focus on research with impact, research that matters. We want to improve the quality of human life in South Africa, the African continent and

elsewhere,’ says Prof Webb, who is also a renowned animal scientist. Prof Jean Lubuma, current Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, echoes these sentiments.

'The visibility and importance of agriculture at the University is a priority.' 'We need to be actively, visibly and notably involved in research on the challenges that the African continent is facing with regard to agriculture, food, water and energy.’ ‘The University’s commitment to the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals resonates in the UP 2025 vision which identifies Prof Anton Ströh, former Dean strategic focus and current Vice-Principal: areas for further Institutional Planning development including food security and the well-being of people in South Africa and Africa,’ says Prof Anton Ströh, Vice-Principal for Institutional Planning and former Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. ‘The proud history of UP of being recognised among the top 1% on the Thomson Reuters Essential Science Indicators (ESI) Threshold list of all institutions in fields such as agricultural sciences, plant and animal science, biology and chemistry is testimony that UP is well positioned to make substantial



LANDBOU 100 JAAR contributions to the Millennium Development Goals. For this particular reason, the Faculty has over the past ten years promoted multidisciplinary research between agricultural, biological and mathematical sciences in order to present the best possible technologies to tackle the challenges facing Africa,’ explains Prof Ströh.

bodies that may enhance the Faculty’s profile in this field.’ Prof Ströh elaborates on this by saying, ‘We have already established strong relations with government and industry partners and individuals, including the CSIR and the Innovation Hub, to jointly implement strategies to contribute to the bio-economy of South Africa.’

Prof Webb adds, ‘Research and undergraduate teaching and learning go hand-in-hand. We have to train agriculturalists in Africa that are wellequipped to make a contribution by focusing on food security, among others. We also need a growing number of undergraduate students who can continue into postgraduate studies and aim to attract a strong postgraduate cohort locally and abroad. Furthermore, it is important to emphasise that research needs to lead undergraduate training.’

‘The University’s experimental farms have always been important research facilities for

According to Prof Ströh,

collaborative and individual research, as well as the training of students from agricultural and veterinary sciences. The possibilities of specifically the Hatfield Experimental Farm (HEF) prompt us to reconceptualise our thinking on agriculture and food security. At ‘We must predominantly the moment, a major address local research facility called Future issues in agriculture. As a Africa which will host Faculty which combines African and international agriculture with the natural scholars of high standing sciences, we need to is being developed on emphasise that agricultural the HEF, in the context science does not function of providing facilities in isolation but has close for multidisciplinary Prof Eddie Webb, former Head of the ties with biochemistry, discussions and research. Department of Animal and Wildlife genetics, microbiology and Sciences and current Deputy Dean: Conversations will be the like,’ according to Prof Research and Postgraduate Education stimulated to collectively Webb. solve the so-called ‘wicked’ Prof Lubuma highlights the importance of (complex) challenges of Africa. The future the University’s partnerships with industry vision of the Experimental Farm is now in helping to advance scientific research being discussed at Executive level for while being beneficial to both academic and approval.’ commercial interests. ‘The establishment of The future lies ahead with endless the Animal Feed Manufacturers’ Association possibilities and the Faculty of Natural and feed mill factory and laboratory at the Agricultural Sciences is ready to take on the Hatfield Experimental Farm is just one of next hundred years. n many. We also promote active participation in RUFORUM and other agriculture-related


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Leading the way in livestock research By Louise de Bruin


1917 to 2017 major changes have occurred in animal and wildlife sciences. Over this century the Department of Animal and Wildlife Sciences has not only been leading the way, but has made an impact of great significance on academia and the livestock industry.

Departement verander van naam

Prof Danie Joubert

Today, the Department is the largest of its kind in South Africa and

regarded as a leader in the field on the African continent, particularly in terms of training professional animal scientists and conducting livestock and poultry research. What began as the Department of Animal Production has undergone changes over the century of its existence to ensure its continued relevance. While it is focused on being research intensive today, when it was first established, the main objective was to train scientists

Prof PHC du Plessis

Prof Jan Bonsma

Dit was in die 1930’s, toe mense soos prof Danie Joubert van Cambridgeuniversiteit teruggekeer en die naam van die Departement van Diereproduksie na Dierewetenskap verander het, dat hierdie studie- en navorsingsterrein regtig begin ontwikkel het. Joubert was hoof van die Afdeling Skaapen Wolkunde en hoof van die Departement. Hy het later Visekanselier en Rektor van die Universiteit geword. In daardie vroeë jare van die Departement was die fokus hoofsaaklik op skaap- en woltegnologie (onder leiding van prof Joubert), pluimveekunde (onder leiding van prof PHC du Plessis) en diereteelt (onder leiding van prof JC Bonsma). In 1992 is Wildkunde by die Departement Dierewetenskap gevoeg, en die departement staan vandag bekend as die Departement Vee- en Wildkunde.

Continue on p 24



VEE-EN WILDKUNDE 100 JAAR in different applied fields. Initially, the Department was focused on practical and applied work. One of the most important outcomes of the developments of the past 100 years was the establishment of an Animal Science programme which has a strong scientific basis and a well thought out integration of the three major disciplines of animal breeding and genetics, animal physiology and animal nutrition. Over time research has developed from focusing exclusively on southern African issues, to producing relevant research for the whole continent. This makes the Department one of the UP specialisation fields that are ranked among the top 200 fields of specialisation on the Thomson Reuters list of Essential Science Indicators. The Essential Science Indicators database includes emerging international science trends, as well as influential individuals, institutions, papers, journals and countries in different fields of research. Today, multidisciplinary collaboration across the University has resulted in research that aligns with the focus of the


Department and which is relevant, has a high impact and makes a difference. It supports the University’s Institutional Research Theme (IRT) of ‘Food, Nutrition and Well-being’ and represents a vital line in the transformation of food production. It is not just about the provision of enough food and water, but about providing them in a sustainable way. Staff in the Department of Animal and Wildlife Sciences, have always been revolutionary. In the 1930s, staff realised that a cattle breed which was well adapted to South Africa did not exist, so they created one. Former HOD, Prof Jan Bonsma and his team, inspired by Prof Bosman (the previous HOD), started a breeding project to produce cattle that are efficient and effective and this resulted in the Bonsmara and Bovelder cattle breeds. The Bonsmara is regarded as a highly prolific synthetic beef breed and the Bovelder is a composite beef breed. The Bonsmara has become the breed of choice in South Africa for beef production. Bonsmara cattle are also a very popular choice in the USA and Australia because of their hardiness and their efficient meat production.

Prof Esté van Marle-Koster, Head of Department

The beef, lamb and pig carcass classification systems currently employed in South Africa were developed based on research by the Department. Water quality guidelines for livestock were also developed by the Department. The Department houses a fully-fledged animal nutrition laboratory known as the Nutrilab. The Nutrilab supports training in animal nutrition, research projects on a variety of animal science aspects and serves as a reference laboratory for the livestock industry, particularly the animal feed industry. Developments in technology and laboratory work have also progressed over time. In the early days a simple feed analysis would take up half of a laboratory; today one

apparatus can give the same results in a much shorter time. Researchers in the Department, like Prof Joubert, to a large extent co-ordinated the establishment of the South African Society of Animal Science, which is housed in the Department. Research output continues to be published in journals like the South African Journal of Animal Science and other ISI-listed (internationally rated peer review) journals that compete with the best in the world. Impact remains a driver of research today. With radical changes to the environment, such as climate change, increased poverty and human population growth, the Department focuses on food production that has a maximum output with a minimal impact on the environment. Through collaborative research projects, the Department contributes to research that focuses on a One Health system, further evidence of relevance and impact on the ground, particularly in rural areas. Furthermore, considering the pressure to find efficient ways of food production in

Bonsmara cattle (Photo: Paul Maré Bonsmaras) 24

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VEE-EN WILDKUNDE 100 JAAR Africa, the Department’s research continues to have a strong focus on nutrition for both ruminant (beef and dairy cattle and small stock) and monogastric animals (poultry and pigs). The Department was the first in the country to take note of the developments in genomics and Prof Esté van MarleKoster, current HOD and expert in animal breeding and genetics, established a research programme in the application of molecular genetics in livestock. As a result, it was the first department to contribute to the application of DNA markers in South African livestock and poultry. It also hosted the first genomic workshop in South Africa, resulting in a collaborative effort among universities and research institutes to establish the beef and dairy genomic programmes, respectively. The Dairy Genomic Programme (DGP) is managed within the Department and funded by the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA).

to learning from past experiences. Webb serves as part of a team of curriculum assessors, assessing academic programmes in Europe and the USA, and says it is very encouraging to know that these UP degree programmes compare favourably with international programmes. With a strong focus on ensuring that students are able to master content adequately, close attention is given to not overloading coursework and always being ready to adapt in order to stay relevant. Academic programmes in the Department are closely aligned with South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) prescriptions.

The Department continues to be a leader in curriculum development in the animal sciences and in livestock research. It trains about 60% of all animal science graduates in the country. Prof Edward Webb , HOD from 2005 to 2016, points out that the highly acclaimed curricula of the Department today is largely thanks


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Multidisciplinary department focused on the future

The Department strives to educate and train future animal scientists for the South African and African livestock industry, exposing students to many career opportunities. Teaching and learning in the Department has become even more successful since it has focussed on being accessible to all students. It also equips and prepares students for a smoother transition into postgraduate qualifications. Prof van Marle-Koster highlights the innovative teaching approaches used today where face-to-face learning is combined with e-learning and practical experiences. The Department also engages actively with the animal industry to prepare students for the job market.

Staff of the Department


What do the next 100 years look like for the Department? Profs Webb and Van MarleKoster recognise that a few basic human needs will continue to drive research. Sustainable food production and resource use, without adversely affecting the environment, will be key. With its focus on excellence — in research and in graduates — and having a significant impact on the continent, this Department is certainly on track to achieve just that. n

By Louise de Bruin


Africa has a rich biodiversity that stems from the wealth of its ecosystems, one of its greatest assets. The conservation of soil and plant life is non-negotiable for the quality of human life and the country’s socio-economic development. A commitment to conserving the environment for current and future generations by providing quality training and enriching research has always been a priority of the University of Pretoria’s Department of Plant and Soil Sciences. The Department of Plant and Soil Sciences (more specifically the disciplines Plant Pathology and Soil Science) celebrates its centenary this year. Though it has undergone a number of changes, the

Department has shown innovation and progression from its early days. In 1944, Prof Margaretha G Mes, a plant physiologist, was appointed as Head of Department (HOD).

She was only the second woman to have been appointed as professor at the University of Pretoria (UP) at the time. In 1949, the Bateman Lab, containing one of the world’s first phytotrons, and an enclosed research greenhouse used for studying interactions between plants and the environment were constructed. The Manie van der Schijff Botanical



PLANT -EN GRONDKUNDE Garden was also established and became an integral part of the history of the Department, providing new and varied research opportunities, particularly on cycad conservation. The HGWJ Schweickerdt Herbarium was established in 1925 and is an open research facility. With approximately 110 000 specimens, it is the third largest university herbarium in South Africa. What is now known as the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences has undergone many changes over the past 100 years, and was at one point even divided into smaller and more specific departments. In the mid-1990s the departments of Plant Production and Soil Science merged, and Botany changed its name to Plant Science. In 2014 the Plant Pathology lecturers from the Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology were moved over to the Department of Plant Sciences to create a bigger plant focussed department and in 2015, the Department of Plant Production and Soil Science were also integrated to become the multidisciplinary department now known as the Department of Plant Prof John Annandale and Soil Sciences. This Department boasts over 50 academic and support staff, some of whom are global experts in their fields of interest. There are more than 200 postgraduate students (more than half of these students are from other African countries) who contribute to the Department’s impressive volume of research output.


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The high number of students in the Department today is evidence of the developments made over the past century. Prof John Annandale, HOD from 2009 to 2015, and expert in soil science, reflects on the early history of the Department of Soil Science. One of the early requirements was that students had to have a very strong grounding in chemistry, a notoriously difficult subject. While this ensured that graduates were ‘top notch’, it also meant the number of students was unsustainably low. One of Prof Annandale’s greatest achievements as HOD was placing the Department on the sound footing it needed. Recognising the benefits of multi-disciplinary collaboration, a partnership was formed with the Department of Geology and an Honours programme in Environmental Soil Science was introduced. This gave graduates of geology and other disciplines an opportunity to enter into formal soil science training. Soil science was also presented to undergraduate students of geology and as a result of this move, student numbers have tripled since 2008. Fascinating fields that were once barely known now receive significant exposure and have become firm favourites. With such a rich pool of experts in a variety of fields, this multidisciplinary department has evolved to focus on six main areas of research, namely: biodiversity (ecology,

PLANT AND SOIL SCIENCE taxonomy), medicinal plant science, plant pathology, plant biotechnology, soil science and agricultural sciences (which includes horticulture, agronomy and pasture science). The Department is linked to the University of Pretoria’s Institutional Research Themes in Genomics and Food, Nutrition and Wellbeing, and research groups are also part of the internationally acclaimed Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) and the Centre of Excellence in Food Security, the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), and the South African Forestry Companies Limited (SAFCOL). The Department also hosts the NRF SARChI Chair in Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Research across the disciplines that now form the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences has always been focused on minimising negative impacts on natural resources and conserving their environments. Many staff are unashamedly applied scientists, addressing issues that are nationally relevant. Highlights in historical research areas included developing technology that enables irrigation with mine impacted waters, thus addressing the pernicious acid mine drainage problem in South Africa and other parts of the world in a cost-effective manner. Projects were initiated to reduce the movement of pollution from field to catchment area. As most waste water treatment processes produce a sludge

that must be disposed of, UP research monitored and modelled the responsible usage of sewage sludge in agriculture. Current HoOD, Prof Nigel Barker, who has been in the position for two years, describes this new Department as visionary. Although there were natural divides between plant science, ecology and soil science in the past, with research moving in a direction that is multidisciplinary and curricula continuously improving, this divide is fast becoming something of the past.

Prof Barker firmly believes that the only way to build successfully on the rich legacy of the Department is through research and teaching and learning that has a tangible impact on improving the lives of all South Africans. With the constant struggle to source funding for research, it is becoming increasingly necessary to steer research



PLANT -EN GRONDKUNDE in the direction of transformation and relevance. Social responsibility must drive research, Barker says. ‘This Department’s research has the ability to transform the nation with much of it being linked to the South African government’s bio-economy strategy.’

stakeholders is essential to ensure that the needs of the country are prioritised. Prof Barker recognises the importance of continued efforts to keep people interested in these fields, particularly at school level. Partnering with organisations leading the industry is key to ensure that curricula remain relevant to the market and profession. The pool of potential and promise is huge. Departmental facilities like the experimental farm, which includes greenhouse facilities and field trials in the vicinity of the new Future Africa development, are a strategic asset and will result in a facility where leading scientists and scholars from across the world come together to leverage the benefits of multidisciplinary research.

Prof Nigel Barker, Head of Department

Growing the economy through areas such as agriculture, biodiversity and plant medicine in a country like South Africa makes sense. Open dialogue between the Department, government and other


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The Department’s facilities at the experimental farm is currently undergoing renovations and with new equipment it will enable the mainstreaming of climate change research. With this new facility and equipment, crops could be grown in walk-in chambers where everything can be controlled, from temperature and humidity, to the amount of light and carbon dioxide. This will enable cuttingedge research on the response of crops and pathogens to climate change. With adequate funding and support in the medium and long term, the Department will be able to expand and realise its vision and continue to train students in research fields that are relevant and transformative. Plant-based agricultural research is not dead — it is simply being reinvented at UP. n



year the discipline of Plant Pathology celebrates its 100th year as part of the academic program at the University of Pretoria. During this time Plant Pathology has been a separate department and part of a dual department with microbiology. It is currently part of a large consolidated Department of Plant and Soil Sciences comprising Botany, Plant Production and Soil Science. For close on 30 years, Profs Korsten, Labuschagne, Aveling and van der Waals have been custodians of the BSc Agric degree in Plant Pathology at UP. Graduates with this four-year degree have been in high demand by the industry and agricultural sector at large. As a scarce skill and professional degree, many plant pathology graduates have been highly sought after and become tremendously successful in their careers.

However, apart from this core group of custodian academics, there are a number of staff members linked to other departments and institutes, who are also engaged in plant pathology related research at UP. As such, they not only contribute to research outputs, but also to post graduate training in Plant Pathology. These researchers are involved in a variety of research projects, many of which form part of the Forestry and Agriculture Biotechnology Institute (FABI) and contribute richly to the national heritage of our discipline and field of study. We are truly ‘Proudly Plant Pathologists’ with a rich history and passion for making our discipline even greater. We are ready to tackle future challenges, make a difference in the lives of ordinary South Africans and farmers and take our continent into, what some say, may be the final* 100 years of our planet. *As part of the BBC’s new science series, Tomorrow’s World, Professor Stephen Hawking said he thinks due to climate change, overdue asteroid strikes, epidemics and population growth, humans will need to find a new planet to populate within a single lifetime – revised from the 1,000 year time limit he gave last November.





Working for food security By Shakira Hoosain


down 100 years of plant pathology at the University of Pretoria, is a bit like finding the proverbial scarlet pimpernel. Over the course of the last century, the name of and department within which plant pathology has been located, has changed five times. What has remained consistent, however, has been the staff’s commitment to using its research and discoveries for the betterment of South African lives.

Plant pathology studies the diseases which affect plants, whether they are fungal, viral or bacterial infections. This field of study is

of particular importance to agricultural industries and to small scale farms because diseases can obliterate whole industries and cause widespread food supply problems. Prof Terry Aveling and her team of researchers specialise in seeds and the diseases associated with them. The team works closely with communities to monitor how seeds are stored from season to season because pathogens can infect the seeds if they are poorly stored. In her microbiological research, Prof Aveling has found an amazing microbiodiversity inside seeds that were harvested from


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plants which endure the harsh climate of Namaqualand. The bacteria and fungi have shown the potential to be bio-inhibitors (organisms that may have the potential to stop the spread of other diseases). In addition to this, applications from the findings of how organisms survive in extreme climates help us understand how certain plants manage to thrive with limited water resources. This is of vital importance to a water-scarce country like South Africa. Prof Aveling’s research brings together elements from these fields to ensure that plants have a good start as healthy seeds and develop into healthy plants. Her research is essential to industries like the sunflower industry where the health of seeds is important for producing quality oil, margarine, seeds, and biofuel. Seeds need a healthy soil environment to grow in and this is the research focus of Prof Jacquie van der Waals. Prof Van der Waals examines soil-borne diseases of staple crops such as potatoes and other important plants such as soybean and sunflowers. These crops are vital to the majority of South Africans and supply in a large portion of the nation’s nutritional needs. Research shows that agricultural output will have to increase by 30% to provide enough food for the estimated 9 billion people on our planet by 2025. This fact becomes a serious concern in light of the devastating effects of climate change that are already

Prof Terry Aveling

Prof Jacquie van der Waals

manifesting itself. ‘We combine various techniques to improve our understanding of disease development and spread. We look at the interactions between the plant and the pathogen. This information is used to provide growers with a risk assessment for the disease under consideration. I am also currently supervising students investigating the role of crop rotation on soil health, using a metagenomics approach’, says Prof Van der Waals. South Africa has a dual agricultural economy, with a large industrial farming industry and a sizable culture of subsistence farming in rural areas. However, only around 12% of South Africa’s land is suitable for crops (as opposed to grazing and pasture lands) and of that only 22% is fertile enough for crop growth. As a result, arable soil is fairly limited and it is essential to manage a healthy soil environment to minimise disease. To assist farmers, the





Prof Nico Labuschagne

Department has had a diagnostic clinic that is run by Prof Van Der Waals since 2009. This helps farmers to pinpoint possible causes of poor crops. The research conducted in this sphere of plant pathology is focussed on looking at measures to ensure plant and soil health for sustainable farming and agriculture through reducing losses and producing better crop yields on the little farming land that we have. It is becoming increasingly apparent that conventional agriculture based on high input of synthetic chemical pesticides and fertilizers is unsustainable in the long term. Together with other research fields with a cross disciplinary approach, plant pathology investigates ways of integrating biological control methods with commercial pesticides to minimise environmental harm, but to also protect crops. Plant health is crucial to food security, and in this regard, Prof Nico Labuschagne’s group of researchers are focussed on understanding and developing ways of ensuring that factors like climate change, biological impediments and disease do not undermine Africa’s food supply. Prof Labuschagne says, ‘To address this global


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problem of food security, our research team of plant pathologists has embarked on a research programme which forms part of the NRF/DST Centre of Excellence in Food Security. The research programme focuses on sustainable food production based on the basic tenets of a healthy soil, which is a quality soil that is productive and resilient. A second facet of the research programme involves plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR)’. Prof Labuschagne explains that PGPR are bacteria that live on the roots of plants and have been shown to enhance plant growth either directly through a range of mechanisms such as plant hormone production or indirectly through control of plant pathogens. The PGPR research programme at UP has been focussed on PGPR as bio-fertilisers, bio-control agents and plant stress alleviating agents. This research programme strikes a balance between fundamental and applied research where postgraduate students in Plant Pathology are being trained through the programme. This contributes not only to food security, but also to the pool of trained Plant Pathologists which is a nationally declared scarce skill in South Africa. He

Prof Lise Korsten

concludes by saying that a number of PGPR-based biological products have been successfully commercialised through this research’.

Healthy seeds and good soil result in a vibrant plant that produces quality fruit and vegetables. However, postharvest diseases caused by external contaminants pose an immediate threat to the national food supply. Prof Lise Korsten researches factors which influence disease spread and her team focusses on points where postharvest pathogens are introduced to the crop either in the field or during postharvest handling and distribution. Controlling these pathogens remain a key priority if we are to curb postharvest losses. Prof Lise Korsten and her team also focus on contaminated water that could potentially introduce microbial contaminants to the plant. In this programme they are also tracking antimicrobial resistance (AR), for example

the prevalence of bacteria resistant to antibiotics, in the water-plant-food intersection. We look at the contribution of agroecosystems to the spread of AR resistance in South Africa. Access to safe, drinkable water and food is a basic human right. The microbiological quality of water sources, especially surface water, is seriously compromised by municipal waste water discharge, sewage from settlements with inadequate sanitation, wastes from animal husbandry, industrial companies, hospitals and the mining sector. By polluting strategic resources the risk to the consumer increases with negative effects on human health, the environment and food security’. Prof Korsten explains that her research is vital because ‘global disease outbreaks associated with the consumption of contaminated fresh produce are well known and widely publicised. Foodborne disease outbreaks are a major public health concern and contribute significantly to high levels of diarrhoea, particularly in the young and vulnerable. Diarrhoeal diseases are responsible for more than half of the global burden of foodborne diseases, causing 550 million people to fall ill and 230 000




PLANT PATHOLOGY 100 YEARS deaths every year. Foodborne diseases also contribute to food poisoning, which affects productivity, wellbeing and can result in death’. In order to address this, Prof Korsten’s research is spread across a wide variety of intersecting fields which deal with production, transport and storage logistics, fresh produce, ready to eat foods, and how disease is spread, minimised or eradicated to ensure overall quality safe food for all. Plant Pathology at the University of Pretoria celebrates its centenary, but its future is being? decided. Improved research and

constant innovation, backed with the credibility and integrity of the work done over the last century, is the benchmark for the discipline to extend its findings to industry, farmers, government and the general public. In so doing, Plant Pathology makes its mark on South Africa on a daily basis by improving our ability to grow, generate and buy quality fruit, vegetables and grains. With the Plant Pathology’s commitment and passion to the field, UP might one day be able to say with pride that its’ research has contributed significantly to alleviating famine globally. n

Renaming a genera of bacteriophages after UP professor Dr

Andrew M Kropinski, Chair of the Bacterial and Archaeal Viruses Subcommittee of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses is renaming one of the genera of bacteriophages in honour of Prof J N Coetzee, former head of UP’s Department of Bacteriology in the 1970s.

as bacteriologist at the University of Cape Town and moved to Pretoria in 1953 where he became professor and Head of the Department of Bacteriology (later named the Department of Microbiology). He was a prominent scientist and earned international acclaim for his research work on bacterial pathogens. He was Prof JN Coetzee active on several boards such as the Council for Science and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the Medical Research Council (MRC). Prof Coetzee was succeeded as HOD by the eminent Prof Prof Jack Nicol Coetzee was born in 1922 Otto Walter Prozesky in 1975. Prof Prozesky in Britstown. Following his studies at the was promoted to Director of the National University of Cape Town he earned an Institute for Virology the following year, MBChB in 1947 and a master’s degree following which Prof Coetzee again acted as in Pathology in 1952. He worked as HOD until January 1977. n intern at Groote Schuur Hospital and

The proposed new name is Coetzeevirus.


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The Boukunde Building under construction in 1960. By Marissa Greeff


Department of Architecture turns 75 in 2018 and kickstarting their birthday celebrations, has vacated the well-known Boukunde (Building Sciences) Building on the Hatfield Campus for refurbishment. The intention is to use the opportunity provided by the refurbishment, to also turn it into a living laboratory and test centre. Head of the Department, Prof Chrisna du Plessis, says turning the building into a living laboratory provides the opportunity to establish a learning space that will both illustrate and utilise what is being taught and is relevant to architectural education in the 21st century.

The original building, built in 1960, designed by Architecture personnel, was basically a collection of glass and steel boxes which created uncomfortably hot spaces. In 1973 additions

were made to the building and it was covered with a concrete shell to solve the heat problem, as well as the noise from Lynnwood Road. The concrete shell, in turn, blocked out natural light in the studios and



required the introduction of mechanical ventilation, which dramatically increased the energy requirements. There is a long list of things that will be addressed in the renovation of the building: such as that the building is not accessible to the physically challenged as there are no ramps or a lift or suitable toilets on each floor; that there isn’t adequate fire protection; that the studios need natural

Prof Chrisna du Plessis, Head of Department

light; the building needs improved air conditioning and ventilation and, a very valid problem, the building pre-dates the era of electronics and there was no space for the installation of cabling. 'These are among the things that we are hoping to fix with the major renovations that are in the pipeline,' says Prof Du Plessis.

'As a Department we teach environmentally and socially responsible design but until now, it has been absent in our learning space.' South Africa has nine schools of architecture and four of them are in Gauteng. In the 2016 QS World University Rankings UP’s School of Architecture was rated in 183rd position. The University also has the most extensive and significant architectural collection in the country.

The University has the most extensive and significant architectural archive in the country.

UP owns and manages close to 80 significant and digital collections, including the office records of important South African architects such as Norman Eaton, Gerhard Moerdijk, Gordon McIntosh, Gawie Fagan and Alan Lipman. The archive is continuously used by local and international researchers. 'Establishing a proper space for our archive with climate control and adequate storage space, is one of the objectives of the refurbishment,' says Prof Du Plessis. 'We want to create a reading room with a working area with proper lighting and surface areas for handling sensitive materials.' 'We have a collection of 75 000 slides that was started in 1950. There are series of slides starting to emerge that cover the same subject over a number of years which is a unique teaching tool. The resources in our archive are not accessible because there is no space to properly file and store them.' At the event in July that took place to mark the School of Architecture temporarily


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vacating the building, the Department sold a limited edition of a few of Norman Eaton’s drawings in the form of high resolution art prints. 'These were snatched up and illustrate the value of the resources that we have,' says Prof Du Plessis. 'We need digital spaces,’ continues Prof Du Plessis. 'We want to take our pedagogy into the 21st century. The study culture of 40 years ago was vastly different from what it is today. We need a digital design lab and crit space with big screens where students can pin-up digital copies of their work. Printing of projects is expensive and digital presentation will save students a lot of money.' Living Laboratories Prof Du Plessis says the aim is not only to upgrade the Boukunde Building so that it meets current building codes, but also to establish a living laboratory that will enable the School of Architecture to collaborate on research projects on building performance, climate adaptation, and human well-being. 'We want to link up with the CSIR and European Network of Living Laboratories



established under the Horizon 2020 programme.' The University already has strong links with two Living Laboratory hosts: the Delft University of Technology and Chalmers University of Technology.

as partners in research. The idea is to get materials and systems sponsored by manufacturers and suppliers as demonstration projects. This will give students first-hand experience of the design solutions these offer.


The renovated building as a living laboratory will enable the use of sensor networks to improve building performance, alternative climate control solutions, space design solutions to improve human well-being and interventions to manage occupant behaviour. The upgrade project will also serve as a case study of the green retrofit for an academic building. Green retrofit means improving the energy and water usage and occupant well-being of an existing building. 'As our building includes both naturally ventilated and air-conditioned spaces, and mimics a range of office and pedagogic environments, it will be an excellent test bed for well-building interventions that do not require transformation of the building envelope', says Prof Du Plessis. The budget required for the renovation is in excess of R30 million, with an additional R 10 million required for the full living laboratory set-up and Prof Du Plessis says the Department wants to involve manufacturers of building materials


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A description of The Blesvoël

'We want to test the materials and systems with the manufacturers and suppliers in our building.' The Department of Architecture is based on the Groenkloof Campus of the University until the completion of renovations at the end of 2018.

One of the riddles that has not been solved by the emptying of the Boukunde Building, is what has happened to The Blesvoël. 'We had a mascot called The Blesvoël, dating from the 1960s, and The Blesvoël is missing. We would like to get The Blesvoël back – maybe one of the Tukkie readers can help us,' smiles Prof Du Plessis. n


Universiteit van Pretoria (UP) en die Ambassade van die Koninkryk van Nederland is vennote in die Footsteps Along the Track-projek, wat handel oor die grootliks vergete kulturele erfenis soos verteenwoordig deur die NederlandschZuid-Afrikaansche Spoorwegmaatschappij (NZASM). As deel van die projek is meer as 350 voorheen onbekende NZASM-strukture opgespoor, gedokumenteer en verken. Die NZASM is in 1887 as 'n privaatmaatskappy opgerig met die doel om 'n spoorlyn van Pretoria na Lourenço Marques (nou Maputo) te bou – die sogenaamde Oosterspoor. Spoorverbindings is ook gebou na die huidige KwaZulu-Natal, die Wes-Kaap en die huidige Noordwes. Baie van hierdie infrastruktuur is vernietig in die Suid-Afrikaanse Oorlog (voorheen bekend as die Anglo-Boereoorlog) tussen 1899 en

1902, maar is later deur die Britte herstel. Met die totstandkoming van die SuidAfrikaanse Spoorwee en Hawens in 1910 is dit gekonsolideer tot opgegradeerde spoorinfrastruktuur. Tot onlangs is aanvaar dat weinig van die oorspronklike infrastruktuur nog bestaan.

Die Footsteps Along the Tracks-projek is deur UP se Departement Argitektuur aangepak, met steun van die Nederlandse Ambassade. Dit is die begin van 'n samewerkingsprojek wat verskeie vakgebiede behels, soos argitektuur, bedryfsargeologie, ekonomiese geskiedenis, vervoer en erfenisstudies. Die



projek bepaal wat oor is, wat nog gebruik word, wat weer gebruik kan word en watter voordeel dit vir die toekoms van Suid-Afrika kan inhou.

Die doel van die projek is om die historiese spoorerfenisargief uit te brei deur die tydperk van Nederlandse argitektoniese invloed in Suid-Afrika in te sluit. Die Footsteps Along the Tracks-projek verskaf ook inligting om te help met die toekomstige beplanning van die bewaringsbestuur en hergebruik van die NZASM-infrastruktuur.

Nicholas J Clarke, 'n navorsingsgenoot in die Departement Argitektuur, sê: 'SuidAfrika se uitgebreide spoorinfrastruktuur is van groot belang vir die land se mense en sy ekonomie. Die Footsteps Along the Tracks-projek is die eerste stap vir die heraktivering van die geboude spoorerfenis van die gewese NZASM.' Die Footsteps Along the Tracks-projek het ontstaan uit die navorsing vir die bekroonde boek Eclectic ZA Wilhelmiens: A shared Dutch built heritage in South Africa, onder redaksie van wyle Karel Bakker, Nicholas (Nic) Clarke en Roger Fisher, wat almal bande met die Departement het of gehad het. Beide prof Bakker en prof Fisher was voormalige hoofde van die Departement. In hierdie boek is 'n aantal voorheen onbekende strukture wat met die NZASM verband hou, geïdentifiseer. 'Baie van die strukture word steeds gebruik, nie net as spoorwegstasies nie maar ook as huise en winkels. Die argitektuur word bedreig as gevolg van gebrekkige bewustheid van hul bestaan en betekenis,' volgens mnr Clarke. Die Footsteps Along the Tracks-projek is onderneem deur mnr Clarke en prof Fisher, bygestaan deur Siphiwe Simelane van die Universiteit van Pretoria. Wat reeds gedoen is: • 'n Uitgebreide databasis is geskep en hierdie inligting is na die Suid-Afrikaanse Erfenishulpbronagentskap oorgedra. Dit is die grootste enkelprojekbydrae tot die Agentskap se nasionaal belangrike South African Heritage Resources Information System (SAHRIS)-databasis tot dusver. • Die webplatforms Dutch Footsteps (www.dutchfootsteps.co.za) en Artefacts (www.artefacts.co.za) is uitgebrei om die projekresultate in te sluit. • 'n Uitgebreide, dubbelblinde portuurbeoordeelde publikasie is gedruk en elektronies uitgereik. n


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Konstruksie van die brug in Lynnwoodweg op 12 Augustus 2017. (Foto’s: Alet Pretorius)


het in Augustus ‘n nuwe landmerk in Lynnwoodweg, Hatfield by UP sien verrys. Sewe massiewe balke, elk 33,55 m lank en 71 ton swaar, is staan gemaak vir die brug wat oor Lynnwoodweg gebou gaan word as deel van die ontwikkeling van die Javettkunssentrum by die Universiteit. Die JavettUP openbare museum en kunsgalery sal fokus op kuns uit Afrika. Dit het 26 uur geduur en ‘n groot span ingenieurs en konstruksiewerkers was betrokke by die installering van die pilare wat ‘n belangrike mylpaal in die ontwikkeling van die Javett-UP-projek was. Die projek het in 2013 begin. Die 34-meter-lange, 20-meter-wye bruggalery is deel van die kunssentrum op die Suidkampus wat ontwerp is deur die Pretoriase argitekfirma, Mathews en Genote. Daar gaan nege binnenshuise uitstalruimtes, ‘n restaurant, 117-sitplek ouditorium, museumplein, kunsbewaringsruimte en opeluguitstalruimte wees. Die permanente uitstalling sluit die Mapungubwe-argeologieversameling

en die Javett-stigting se omvattende versameling van werke van moderne Suid-Afrikaanse skilders in. Die bruggalery wat oor Lynnwoodweg strek, sal die sentrum verbind met 'n kunsplein en 'n studentegalery wat op die Hatfieldkampus geleë is. Na voltooiing sal ontwerpelemente soos 'n grafiese voorstelling van Shweshwepatroonwerk aan die brug se westekant en 'n beeldagtige 'koepel' waarin die Mapungubwe-versameling uitgestal sal word. Die 'koepel' is 'n verwysing na die Mapungubwe-berg en sal inhamme op die betonoppervlaktes hê wat met gebruik van pasgemaakte bekisting gevorm gaan word. n



art translation and interpreting facility with five double booths, a resource centre, an audio lab, a control room, four rooms for language training in smaller groups and two offices. There is a communal space for students to watch television shows in the languages they are learning, or to have conversations with each other in different languages. Although there is secure, 24 hour access available for registered language students, remote access to the lab’s text and terminology resources through the internet is available for students who need to access information offsite. The language labs are fully equipped with language learning programs for African languages and other languages such as English, German, French and Spanish.

Prof Danie Prinsloo in the newly refurbished language laboratories.

Language labs get a facelift By Shakira Hoosain


Department of African Languages is one of the oldest departments in the Faculty of Humanities, and for over forty years, Prof Danie Prinsloo has been passionate about teaching African languages to undergraduate students. Tucked away under the ground floor of the Human Sciences Building is a treasuretrove of language learning for students. A newly refurbished, state of the art language laboratory and resource centre is now open. The project has been a multimillion Rand investment into primarily preserving, expanding and promoting the study of African languages. However, there


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are resources available for learning other languages. The project was sponsored by the Department of Higher Education and Training together with the University of Pretoria and was initiated under the leadership of Prof Danie Prinsloo with support from Prof Norman Duncan (who was then the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities) and Prof Hennie Stander (Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities). The complex was designed in line with the best practice of language learning and was benchmarked at similar facilities in the UK, USA and Australia by Prof. Stephan Mühr, Prof Henk Potgieter and Prof Danie Prinsloo. It consists of three computer labs with a total of 70 computers, a state-of-the-

The sophisticated Auralog TellMeMore courses for German, French and Spanish are already available. Programs for Portuguese, Japanese and Mandarin are on the cards too. Language boffins who wish to pursue a career in translating and interpreting languages, can practice their skills on real-time translation services which will provide students with the ability to instantaneously translate and interpret from one language to another. One of the features that makes the language lab complex so special is the historical resources available. The current team is in the processes of digitising nearly a century of research that is mainly stored on obsolete technology. Cuttingedge cloud storage and super sensitive digital microphones sit alongside vinyl records, cassette tapes, microfiche tapes, typewriters, floppy disks and Betamax tapes. There are voice recordings dated to when the first researchers of African languages at UP went to rural areas and

interviewed elderly people in respect of language use and histories of words, idioms and proverbs. These are precious resources captured on dated technology that need to be digitised and preserved for future generations. UP recently entered into an agreement with the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR) to become a Node of SADiLaR for the digitisation of language resources for the next 10 to 15 years. This will be done in the resource centre in the language labs by the Department of African Languages with Prof Danie Prinsloo and Prof Elsabé Taljard as the Node Managers. The first SADiLaR workshop on Computer Aided Textual Markup & Analysis (CATMA) was presented in the language labs by Prof Christoph Meister from the University of Hamburg, Germany in August. With technology changing at a rapid rate, it is only a matter of time before valuable research and resources will be lost, but the team is in the process of making sure that not only are these libraries saved but that they are used for the benefit of students and adding to the rich cultural linguistic heritage of South Africa. The Department of African Languages began in three rondavels as a section of the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology. Today, it is responsible for teaching, research, promoting and preserving Sesotho sa Leboa (Northern Sotho), isiZulu, Setswana, and isiNdebele. The Department has incorporated Translation and Interpretation studies into its mandate to provide for the need of skilled translators in South African and international languages. UP language students are able to excel with the facilities and support offered at the language labs and this will ensure that African languages continue to thrive as part of the language curricula at UP. n




Students working with chef Hennie Fisher, part-time lecturer, in the renovated food laboratories.


Consumer Science Department at the University of Pretoria (UP) unveiled its newly renovated food laboratories at the end of August

Award-winning chef, Chantel Dartnall, from the celebrated Restaurant Mosaic at The Orient spent the morning with students, helping them to prepare the menu for the launch. Chantel has enhanced South Africa’s status as a gourmet destination on the international culinary map. She has twice been named South African Chef of the Year at the annual Eat Out Restaurant Awards, first in 2009, and then again in 2014, while Restaurant Mosaic has continuously been placed in the top ten eating establishments in the country.

The laboratories in the Consumer Science Department previously had 26 stations, but this has now been expanded to 60. Gas stoves have been fitted in keeping with current commercial trends. The new labs also offer induction cooking and blast freezing, as well as a range of food science equipment for modern day research and training. The labs have been designed to be trendy, ergonomic and user friendly, with industrial equipment and surfaces. Dr Gerrie du Rand, head of the Food and Nutrition section at the department said, ‘Culinary research is a growing area which can be expanded with new facilities and modern up-to-date equipment. This puts UP at the forefront of culinary art and science training and enables future graduates to contribute to consumer food product and services development.’ The BSc Culinary Science degree offered by UP is the only degree of its kind in Southern Africa. n

Top two photos: Award-winning chef Chantell Dartnall with students during the launch. Bottom: South African breakfast plating demonstration by Chef Wandile Mabaso in the food laboratories.


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TALENTED YOUNG VIOLINIST RECEIVES INSTRUMENT A violin that pre-dates the Second World War found a worthy new owner when Mrs Kobie van Rooyen donated the violin to Chevónne Plaatjies, a violinist in the chamber orchestra of UP4Strings.


Van Rooyen received the violin as a gift from her aunt in the Netherlands in 2003. Her uncle, Ernst Adam Tieleman (1918– 2000) was a professional musician and violinist in the Hilversum Symphony Orchestra. At times he also played for the national symphony orchestra of the Netherlands.

lessons until June 2015.

Mrs Kobie van Rooyen and Chevònne Plaatjies with the 88-year old violin.

Kobie herself was born in Hilversum, the Netherlands, in 1942. The family immigrated to South Africa in 1952 when she was 10 years old. She studied education at the then Pretoria Normaalkollege and lived with her husband and three daughters in Mokgophong/Naboomspruit for 40 years where she worked as a teacher. Chevónne Plaatjies is a grade 11 pupil at Lyttelton Manor High School. She started playing the violin at the age of 7 with Peter Guy at Musicon in Bloemfontein. In 2012 she moved to Pretoria, but due to financial difficulties, she had to interrupt her violin 48

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In July 2015 Chevónne started with formal lessons at Pro Arte Arts Academy where she is a pupil of Friederike Scholtz. In January 2016 she joined the UP4Strings intermediate orchestra under Hendi Krog and was appointed its leader in July 2016.

In August 2016 she received the award for the best senior violinist at the Pro Arte Arts Academy. She also participated in the Pretoria Eisteddfod for the first time and obtained an A+ average. In January 2017 she joined the Simfonia Juventi orchestra and in June was promoted to the Chamber Orchestra of UP4Strings under Denise Sutton. On 3 August she participated in the Artisticulta National Arts Festival and obtained an average of 92%. She received the award for best senior violinist and qualified for the nationals at the Rise to Fame youth talent competition in 2018. n

Applying our skills By Jonathan Copeland


mission of the Communitybased Project Module (JCP) in the Faculty of Engineering, Information Technology and Building Sciences (EBIT) is to reach overlooked communities, to use the skills we acquired in the EBIT faculty and to apply them out in the real world. As someone who grew up in Howick, the town with the largest number of retirees in South Africa, I wanted to find a way to reach out to the older generation: I decided on house-to-house, one-on-one assistance with technology. While still at high school, I was asked by my maths teacher if I could help her dad set up and use the new DSTV system that she had bought for him. I love tech and people, so I enthusiastically agreed and organised to meet her father later that week. Mr Dudley was in his nineties at the time and, although he was excited by the fact that he was now able to watch live sport, he felt that the remote had too many buttons, and that it was too easy to get lost in the never ending stream of channels. Long story short, I was able to simplify his remote by removing most of the buttons, as well as reduce the number of channels by moving them into a playlist that he could tap through.

The important part of the story comes after this, though. It comes in the form of a year-long friendship between myself and Mr Dudley — before he passed away. Two to three times a week after school I would drop by at the retirement home and have coffee and biscuits with Mr Dudley. I heard first-hand about what it was like to be a paratrooper in the Normandy Landings (D-Day). I heard the love story of how he married the girl of his dreams and that they had stood by each other until she passed away the previous year. I saw pictures of grandchildren. I even got to listen to some golden hits. He was especially enthralled by my iPhone and its camera, and he would often come and listen to me play bass in the school jazz band. We became friends and enriched each other’s lives immensely. Working on JCP, this past holiday was filled with similar moments. I helped one lady video call her grandchildren for the first time, organised another’s recipe collection and helped a gentleman setup his email, and more. And always we would round off the visit with drinking coffee, eating biscuits and sharing stories. Technology is great, but it’s people that really matter. Retirement villages are filled with phones to be organised and friends to be made. n




Cherise, Francois, Danielle en Handri saam met Joshua en die pasgemaakte driewiel-ryding

‘n Driewiel vir Joshua Die

Universiteit van Pretoria streef daarna om studente te motiveer om uit te reik na die gemeenskap, hiervan is die JCP module ‘n voorloper, soos Handri Steenkamp vertel: ‘n Groep studente wat in die Gemeenskapsgebaseerde projekmodule (JCP) ingeskryf is, die verpligte voorgraadse kursus van die Fakulteit van Ingenieurswese, Bou-omgewing en Inligtingtegnologie, het hul projek by Opkyk Pathways Therapy and Educational Centre in Brits gedoen. Een van die leerders, Joshua Boshoff, kan nie loop nie en lei aan ‘n gesondheidsprobleem wat veroorsaak dat hy op enige gegewe tydstip kan flou val en ernstige beserings opdoen. Hy het die vermoë om op ‘n skopfiets te ry, maar geskikte skopfietse vir 16-jariges is duur en byna onbekombaar.


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Die studente, Franco Janse van Rensburg (Meganiese Ingenieurswese), Cherise Horn (Metallurgiese Ingenieurswese), Danielle Coetzee (Chemiese Ingenieurswese) en Handri Steenkamp (Metallurgiese Ingenieurswese) het vir Joshua ‘n driewielskopfiets ontwerp en gebou wat onder meer geskik is vir sy gewig, in proporsie is met sy liggaam en ondersteunend genoeg is om beserings te minimaliseer indien hy sou flou val. Die studente het na afloop van die projek gesê dat dit moontlik is om jou gemeenskap onherroeplik te verander, deur net te doen wat jy kan in jou onmiddellike omgewing. Die studente is oortuig dat daar nog vele individue is met soortgelyke tekortkominge. Om te help om soortgelyke projekte te befonds, kyk gerus na die YouTube video: https://youtu.be/tiQWQAJvDug n

are JCP Group 9 and our group worked to improve the garden at the SAPS Brooklyn Police Station, a close neighbour of the University’s Hatfield Campus. At times, it felt as if we were never going to achieve what we set out to do. However, we learned the power of standing together and realised that as future career professionals we should never be so focussed on tasks and clients that we forget to give back to the community. In the Brooklyn SAPS garden we filled up holes caused by soil erosion as a result of a tap that did not have a proper drainage system. To solve the drainage problem, we bought and assembled a pipe system that redirected the excess water to a flower bed. Pebbles were placed around the tap area to counter soil erosion. We extended the flowerbed and added plants for vibrant colour. The statue next to the pond was painted a bright white so that it becomes a focal point. We created a stone pathway from the seating area to the other side of the garden. Scattered pots

Our group consisted of Bonolo Ramathibela, Xander Janse van Rensburg, Cindy Forte, Nicoleen Pillay and Tshegofatso Pitso. the SAPS member is Lt Greg Dodgen.

were assembled and painted to form a barrier so that people will stay off the grass. From the Sinkstoor — a storage unit for old and damaged University assets — we obtained a bench which we repaired, varnished and placed under a tree in the garden. The last touch was to hang a bird feeder from the tree. The project solidified our commitment to bettering our communities. In order to achieve this, we need to take responsibility for becoming a driving force of change. We are fortunate to have a University that takes community service seriously, instilling selflessness in its students. n

Dr Martina Jordaan shortlisted for international award Dr Martina Jordaan, coordinator of the Community-based Project Programme (JCP) was shortlisted for the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) Airbus Diversity Award. The award aims to shine a light on successful projects which have encouraged more young people of all profiles and backgrounds to study and succeed in engineering.



UP-Tuks makes sports history UP-Tuks

made local sports history when it became the first university to win six out of the ten Varsity Tournaments. UP-Tuks was victorious in netball, football, athletics, two rugby Varsity Cup competitions and women's hockey. UP-Tuks officially became the 2017 Varsity Netball champions when they beat Pukke (North-West University) 43–41 in the final at the University of Pretoria's Rembrandt Hall. It had been five years since UP-Tuks Netball last won the tournament. The Varsity Football-trophy went to UPTuks for a third time when they beat TUT 2-0. This has made UP-Tuks the most successful team in the history of the Varsity Tournament, winning the Varsity Footballtrophy three out of the five years. They were also victorious in 2013 and 2014. Assupol-Tuks Cricket lost in Varsity final against Pukke, while the UP-Tuks women's mountain bike team finished second in the Varsity Mountain Bike Challenge, with the men's team coming third. In April FNB UP-Tuks Rugby won the tenth instalment of the FNB Varsity Cup presented by Steinhoff International when they beat FNB Maties with a glowing 28-21. The FNB UP-Tuks Young Guns clinched their fifth Young Guns title in six attempts when they were victorious against the FNB Junior Maties outfit to beat the Stellenbosch Under-20 team 37-42.


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Thabelo Masuthu

On the international sports front Kirsten McCann became South Africa's first female rower to win a world title at a senior world championship. The Tuks/hpc rower won the lightweight women's single sculls race in Sarasota, Florida on 29 September by outrowing Marieke Keijser (Netherlands) to win by a boat length, or to be more precise by more than two seconds. Mary Jones (USA) was third, nearly another second adrift.


On the athletics track Lebogang Shange proved he would be a definite medal contender at next year’s Commonwealth Games in Australia with his heroic 4th place finish during the 20km race walk at the IAAF World Championships in London. Luvo Manyonga won the gold medal in the long jump at the World Championships in London where his best effort of 8.65m is an African and South African record. Akani Simbine finished fifth in the 100m final at the World Championships in London. Thando Roto won a silver medal in the 100m at the World Student Games in Taipei.

UP's most recent victorious Varsity Cup teams are from the top down the UP-Tuks netball team, UP-Tuks football team and TuksHockey women's team. Tuks 2017 USSA Golf Champs David Nortje, Ian Jacobs, Jacques Britz and Calvin Ferreira from the University of Pretoria beat Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University to seal their 11th victory in the University Sports South Africa (USSA) Golf Championship in spectacular style at Centurion Country Club.

Sokwakhana Zazini, TuksSport High School Grade 11-learner, set a world youth record in the 400m-hurdles and won the world title at the IAAF World Youth Championships (under-18) in Nairobi. Tshenolo Lemao (TuksSport High School) impressed at the IAAF Youth World Championships, winning a gold medal in the 100m and finishing second in the 200m final. n



Alumni Business Breakfasts for networking By Vuyo Ntloko


Alumni Relations Office hosts three Alumni Business Breakfasts every year. These breakfasts bring together former UP graduates and provide opportunities for social networking. It fosters a sense of belonging and the communal spirit of Tukkie pride. It enables alumni to visit their alma mater and encourages the concept of giving back to the University. Alumni from various career backgrounds in the Gauteng segment are invited to the breakfasts. Part of the total ticket price per guest is donated to the Tuks Scholarship fund, which helps students buy books, pay class fees and afford decent accommodation and food. So far three Alumni Breakfasts have taken place in 2017. The most recent was in August and provided an opportunity for dialogue with the Chief Executive Officer of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange,


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Ms Nicky NewtonKing. Ms Newton-King interacted with 50 guests and discussed some of the most pressing and provocative political, socio-economic and leadership issues that were making headlines in the country. The Chief Executive Officer of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Southern Africa, Mr Dion Shango, was the guest speaker at the second Alumni Business Breakfast which took place in June. His theme was ‘Navigating through uncertainty’. The first Breakfast, took place in March and the speaker was the Chief Executive Officer of Google South Africa, Mr Luke McKend. The theme of his presentation was ‘Digital Futures – keeping up with the consumer’ and it attracted 80 guests. If you are a Tuks alumna or alumnus and would like to be invited to these events, please send an email with your contact details to alumni@up.ac.za n

Foto links: Dr Norah Maropeng en haar man, Segoati, saam met Louis Cloete, voorsitter van die TuksKlub 60+. Foto regs: Prof Wilhelm Bodemer en sy vrou, dr Susan Bodemer.

TuksKlub 60+

besoek Krugerwildtuin Deur Henriette Minnaar


het baie om te bied en ons bly aktief! Dit is die positiewe gesindheid van die TuksKlub 60+-lede. Hierdie houding sien ʼn mens duidelik wanneer 66 lede, almal ouer as 60 jaar, die lang pad na die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin op eie stoom aandurf. TuksKlub 60+ is ʼn klub vir senior alumni van die Universiteit van Pretoria. Hierdie groep is betrokke by hul alma mater en bly graag op hoogte van nuwe navorsing wat by UP gedoen word. Hulle kom gereeld bymekaar vir middagetes wanneer dinamiese sprekers optree om lig te werp op aktuele onderwerpe. Een van die hoogtepunte van die klub se aktiwiteite is die jaarlikse besoek aan die Krugerwildtuin.

Daar is lede wat die toer al meer as 16 jaar elke jaar meemaak. Vanjaar het die 60+sers by Mopani saamgekuier. Die kamp is omring met lieflike mopaniebome en mens kan nie anders as om te ontspan nie. Die klub kies altyd ʼn kamp wat ʼn groot groep kan

akkommodeer. Die feit dat senior burgers, veral sekere tye van die jaar, vir ruim afslag by die Wildtuin kwalifiseer, is ook ʼn oorweging. Omdat mense hul onafhanklikheid op prys stel, word die Wildtuintoer so beplan dat almal hul eie gang gaan, maar dat daar ook genoeg geleentheid is om saam te kuier en vriende te maak. Die groep arriveer oor ʼn naweek en daar word oor en weer gekuier. Maandagoggend kom ons vir die eerste groepskuier in die vorm van ʼn noenontbyt by Tindlovu Restaurant bymekaar. Die voorsitter, mnr Louis Cloete, verwelkom almal en vertel ʼn paar staaltjies. Daarna gaan mense gaan hul eie koers en ons sien mekaar weer die Woensdagaand vir ʼn keurige tradisionele aandete met, onder andere, bobotie en pampoenkoekies. Almal het stories te vertel van watter wild hulle gesien het en daar is ʼn iets van alles — van dié wat doelgerig na die groot vyf soek tot voëlkykers wat ure lank geduldig langs ʼn watergat wag. Te gou is dit tyd om weer huis toe te gaan en Donderdagaand sluit ons die kuier af met potjiekos in die boma — tot volgende keer. n



Gryse oudKollegemanne trek weer saam Deventer, is saam (met die koek) uit alle die wildtuinkamp hoeke afgeneem. Die Orpen – by ‘n Kollegekoek was op ‘n saamtrek van gryse oudwit tafeldoek op ‘n tafel Kollegemanne van die op Orpen se grasperk. laat jare 50 – is ‘n spesiale Ons koshuismaats en hul Kollegekoek driekeer gesny gades was vir die plegtige om die unieke geleentheid okkasie in ‘n eerbiedige soveel moontlik uit te rek. halfmaan op allerlei Op die koek, ‘n gewone kampstoele versamel. Vos wit vaniljekoek, was Vos Grey en Hennie van Deventer het ‘n gevleuelde woord die beeltenis van Sarge gespreek. Orpen 1 het Bourke, gelukbringer van amptelik afgeskop. (Die Tukkies se Kollegetehuis waar ons span van vorige vyf jaar se saamtrekke was by Balule agt in die jare 1958/1959 ingeval het. Die aan die Olifantsrivier.) koek kom uit baasbakster Kristie Thompson Die volgende oggend is van simboliese van Skukuza se oond, soos sovele vorige sny tot die volgende stap oorgegaan: Cas dekoratiewe koeke. Die planne is in Maart het met ‘n broodmes (vermoed ek) en sy al gesmee. legendariese sin vir presisie stewige stukke koek vir die teenwoordiges gesny.

Deur Hennie van Deventer


Ons gemiddelde ouderdom is 75 plus.

Die eerste, simboliese sny is met grasie behartig deur die oudste lewende oudvoorsitter van Kollege, Vos Grey, wat in die tweede helfte van 1960, in 1961 en weer in 1963 huisvoorsitter was. Die uwe, voorsitter in 1962, het Vos tersyde gestaan. Die oudste, Vos Grey en naasoudste voorsitter, Hennie van


Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria

Wat van die lekker koek oorgebly het, is die volgende oggend na ontbyt by die Timbavati-piekniekplek geniet. By die amptelike AJV (algemene jaarvergadering) die laaste middag, langs ‘n lekker vuurtjie, was almal dit roerend eens dat in die winter van 2018 ‘n Orpen 2 moet plaasvind. n

In memoriam Prof Hans P Binswanger-Mkhize Prof Hans Binswanger-Mkhize, who was an extraordinary professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development at the University of Pretoria (UP), passed away in August. After a long career at the World Bank in Washington DC, prior to which he had been a research associate at Yale University and the University of Minnesota, he joined the Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development in 2012.

Schalk Burger Schalk (SW) Burger het van 1961 tot 1965 met ʼn Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorweg-beurs Ingenieurswese aan UP studeer. Sy eerste werk was dan ook by die Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorweë in Port Elizabeth. In 1970 verhuis hy na Bloemfontein om by ’n privaat firma te werk. Later was hy die medestigter van ’n ingenieursfirma. Schalk het in 2013 na Somerset Wes verhuis. Hy is in 1942 gebore en in 2016 oorlede.

Dr PG du Plessis Die skrywer, dramaturg en akademikus, dr PG du Plessis, is op 7 Junie 2017 oorlede. Hy is in 1934 op Boshof in die Vrystaat gebore. Hy het aan die Hoër Volkskool, Heidelberg,

gematrikuleer en in 1955 die BA-graad aan UP verwerf en in 1957 'n onderwysdiploma. In 1966 het hy onder leiding van NP van Wyk Louw 'n doktorsgraad verwerf. Hy debuteer in 1969 as skrywer met Die nag van Legio, waarvoor hy in 1970 met die WA Hofmeyr-prys bekroon is. Sy volgende toneelstuk was Siener in die suburbs. In 1972 ontvang hy die Hertzogprys vir Drama vir Die nag van Legio en Siener in die suburbs. In 2009 ontvang hy die ATKV-prys vir Fees van die ongenooides (2008).

Prof Eggie Gerryts Prof Egbert (Eggie) Gerryts, a former Director of the UP Library Services, passed away on 5 July 2017. Eggie Gerryts enrolled at UP in 1957 and in 1961 he started his career as librarian in the Department of Foreign Affairs. In 1963 he became a lecturer at Unisa where he established Information Science as a subject, a first for South Africa. In 1971 he obtained his doctorate from Unisa and was appointed professor and Head of the Department of Library Science at the University of Pretoria. In 1975 he was appointed Director of UP Library Services. In 1981, he implemented the first computerised library system at UP, as well as access to networking technology. He transformed Library Services into a faculty-orientated networking organization. He retired in 2004.



In memoriam Prof Jan Lombard

Fourie Pieterse

Prof Jan Lombard, ʼn voormalige departementshoof van die Departement Ekonomie, is op 12 Julie 2017 in Knysna oorlede.

Fourie Pieterse was a staff member of the Landscape Architectural staff in the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology. He passed away on 8 June 2017 after a long battle with cancer.

Prof Lombard het sy loopbaan in 1947 as klerk by die Suid-Afrikaanse Reserwebank begin. Hy het sy PhDgraad in 1954 aan die Londense Skool vir Ekonomie verwerf, terwyl hy by die Departement van Finansies in die SuidAfrikaanse Tesourie gewerk het. Hy het in 1960 as adjunk-ekonomiese raadgewer vir die Eerste Minister gedien. In 1961 is hy as hoof van die Departement Ekonomie by UP aangestel. Hy is in 1981 tot die SuidAfrikaanse Reserwebank gesekondeer, en van 1984 tot 1985 was hy president van die Ekonomiese Vereniging van Suid-Afrika. Nadat hy in 1985 by UP afgetree het, is hy as adjunkgoewerneur van die SuidAfrikaanse Reserwebank aangestel waar hy in 1991 as senior adjunkgoewerneur afgetree het.

Dr Johnny Mekoa Dr Mekoa, legendary jazz musician passed away on 3 July 2017. He received an honorary Doctorate from the University of Pretoria for his work in Community Music in 2003. He was born in 1945 as Ramakgobotla John Mekoa in Etwatwa, Benoni. Although he planned to pursue a career in music, the socio-political environment of the time did not allow him to do so. He played his trumpet in nightclubs and built a solid reputation for excellence.



Tukkie nooi sy lesers om die name en besonderhede oor die afsterwe van alumni vir hierdie bladsy te stuur na: Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria marissa.greeff@up.ac.za.

He commenced his BSc (LArch) studies at UP in 2000 and obtained the Professional Master's degree (cum laude) in landscape architecture from UP in 2004. Fourie took up a lecturer's post in the Department in 2013.

Hennie Serfontein Politieke joernalis, Hennie Serfontein, is op 24 Julie 2017 oorlede. Onder die naam JHP Serfontein het hy tussen 1963 en 1975 ʼn belangrike rol by die Johannesburgse Sunday Times gespeel om die Broederbond bloot te lê. Hy was hy ʼn briljante student in die regte aan UP. Hy het vir die eerste keer openbare aandag getrek toe hy in 1958 vir Hoofman Albert Luthuli, president van die ANC, genooi het om ‘n vergadering van Afrikaners in Pretoria toe te spreek. Op 4 Augustus 1989 was hy die eerste joernalis om te onthul dat die SuidAfrikaanse regering in gesprek met Nelson Mandela was wat toe nog in die gevangenis was. n

Tukkie would like to invite you to send the names and details of alumni who passed away for inclusion on this page to: marissa.greeff@up.ac.za.

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