Message from the Chancellor Prof Wiseman Lumkile Nkuhlu
With every crisis there is opportunity and in true testimony to the spirit and resolve of the University of Pretoria (UP), we turn crises into opportunities, not the least of them the COVID-19 pandemic. As Vice-Chancellor Professor Kupe puts it: “The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a disease crisis, it is a crisis of society, of the economy, of sustainability and well-being, and of governance on the continent and globally. It is a big wake-up call to think and do differently, with our universities playing an essential role in co-creating the future we want.” Right now, a unique opportunity exists for all our staff, students and graduates to contribute to substantially changing society and communities for the better, as defined by the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Both the SDGs and the African Union’s Agenda 2063
Prof Wiseman Lumkile Nkuhlu
call for joint action to address poverty and inequality.
happen at the expense of our planet. We recognise the
Quality higher education and knowledge creation are
critical role that our university and our graduates must
fundamental building blocks in achieving this and
play in securing the future of our country and continent.”
contributing to job creation, employment and economic growth, all of which are essential for a more stable, just
All ten of the world’s countries with the youngest
and prosperous continent.
populations are in Africa, with approximately 65% of the continent’s citizens below the age of 35. So the continent
At UP we regard this as a calling. The Vice-Chancellor put
has the benefit of young people’s energy and ability to
it thus during the Africa Week programme co-hosted by
work, provided that viable opportunities for education
UP and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network,
and economic inclusion exist. To achieve this we have
“Our success depends on a world that is thriving, where
to address the digital divide in Africa, as connectivity
human dignity and justice are paramount, where all
and data affordability are a pressing issue in all our
people are able to reach their full potential while nobody
countries. We need to focus on ensuring access to
is left behind, and where our development does not
technology for the majority of people and upskilling as
Annual Review 2020