UP Annual Review 2020

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Research As the largest producer of research in South Africa, UP is recognised internationally for an intensive focus on quality, relevance and impact.

At the heart of UP’s research strategy is the commitment

much less than the test currently being used, and can

to pursue “research that matters”, that is, research which

identify other respiratory pathogens.

transforms lives and communities, and addresses complex societal challenges, in particular those faced by the world’s

Solving a galactic puzzle

developing regions. In 2020 these challenges included

A team of researchers made up of members from UP,

COVID-19 as well as other, unrelated, health issues, the

the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory, the

environment, food security, poverty alleviation and others

US National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Rhodes

related to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development

University used the Karoo MeerKAT telescope, an array

Goals (SDGs). This is why we need to build resilient

of 64 dishes, to solve a long-standing puzzle in X-shaped

research capacity in both basic and applied research in

radio galaxies by observing a galaxy 800 million light

critical fields, to continue to contribute to the well-being

years from Earth.

and advancement of South Africa, Africa and the world.

Helping the World Health Organization


UP took part in a World Health Organization (WHO) multi-

About 44% of the research conducted at UP is

centre clinical trial for Africa focusing on various antiviral



compounds. The main objective of this study during

through multifaceted international programmes. Our

COVID-19 was to provide reliable estimates of the effects

researchers are prolific producers of knowledge, as

of antiviral treatments on in-hospital mortality.




shown by this small sample.

Saving the rhino

Detecting tuberculosis

The TuksBaja engineering team placed 13 out of 100 in

Researchers at UP in the Division of Infectious Diseases

an online intercollegiate design competition run by SAE

(Department of Internal Medicine) and Leicester University

International. Teams from around the globe had to design

in the UK designed a 3D-printed polyvinyl alcohol face-

and build a small one-seat, off-road vehicle that would

mask insert that can detect tuberculosis in just an hour,

survive harsh off-road conditions. TuksBaja designed its

with 86% accuracy. As the usual test’s accuracy is about

vehicle with the goal that it could be used to fight rhino

20%, this is a major medical breakthrough and has the

poaching in South Africa. Due to COVID-19, the evaluation

potential to save thousands of lives every year. It will cost

took place online, and competitors were only evaluated


University of Pretoria

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