3 minute read
Letter from the President
Our future looks brighter than ever
On February 23, the University of Redlands celebrated the Forever Yours campaign’s record-breaking $207.2 million completion—exceeding our $200 million goal. What a perfect way to wrap up the celebration of the University during the inauguration events, as we considered its past, present, and with this campaign, its bright future.
While the campaign’s financial results are impressive, the real power of this campaign is that it brought people together and reminded them of their love for our great University. The collective generosity of 15,573 donors set an example for the next generation that leaves a tremendous legacy for our institution today, tomorrow, and forever.
The aim of our Forever Yours campaign was simple—to preserve and enhance every significant aspect of the Redlands experience. These aspects include the personalized education for which our University is known, the experiential learning outside the classroom, the global perspectives our students gain around the globe, and the educational innovation that creates new ways of learning. Above all, this campaign has enhanced our ability to make the Redlands experience accessible and affordable through the scholarship promise, the largest of our campaign priorities.
This July will mark my first year as your president, and during my tenure, I have seen the theme of Forever Yours truly come to life. Through a series of stories in this issue (page 26), you will see a glimpse of the immense impact this campaign has already had on our University community. I have seen how Redlands unites all of us—alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students, and friends—in a common bond that lasts a lifetime. Now that we have completed this ambitious campaign, we can confidently look to the future. And because of all of you, that future looks brighter than ever.
I am sincerely grateful to everyone who participated in the campaign and extend a warm personal thanks to the volunteer leaders and team members whose hard work and involvement made this significant feat possible. While I never had the pleasure of meeting our honorary campaign chairs, Rich Hunsaker ’52 and Ginnie Moses Hunsaker ’52, their historic gift of $35 million to establish the Hunsaker Scholarship Prize was the foundation for this campaign. I also wish to recognize our campaign chair, Alice Mozley ’70, our co-chairs, Ken Hall ’60 and Lynn Hall, and the entire campaign leadership committee for their exceptional volunteerism that greatly contributed to our success. I also wish to recognize the invaluable service and support of our Board of Trustees, as well as our hard-working and dedicated Advancement team.
Each of you who contributed made a meaningful difference to at least one student during this Forever Yours campaign. Celebrating the success of Forever Yours was the perfect way to top off Inauguration Day (page 4), which through REDtalks and the engagement of our community, demonstrated the very best of our University. I am grateful for the trust you have bestowed on me, and I am excited to work with you as we design the future of our University.
We are one University, and your belief in our mission has proven that this University is indeed Forever Ours. And, my friends, forever starts today.
Go Bulldogs!
Krista L. Newkirk