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Careers and employability
CAREERS AND EMPLOYABILITY According to the most recent data, 92% of our 2016/17 postgraduates who were seeking work or further study, were in/about to start work or were in further study within six months of graduating.* At the University of Salford, we guide you towards your future career, working closely with employers to ensure your learning will be current and based on real-world experiences. You’ll be given opportunities inside and outside the curriculum to develop your skills and learn to confi dently convey your employability to potential employers. We have a well-established track record of successful working relationships with business, bringing you work placements, insight and collaborative projects.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AND RECRUITMENT EVENTS We actively source part-time jobs, placements and graduate jobs that you can apply for that help you develop your employability, supplement your income and enter the graduate jobs market. In 2018/19, we secured a total of 3,765 employment opportunities that our students and graduates could apply for, that required a total number of 17,903 recruits. We also run an on-campus annual part-time jobs fair to give you the opportunity to meet employers with vacancies to fi ll. Other recruitment events throughout the year include Routes into Teaching and specialist events for built environment; business and law; computing, science and engineering; acoustics, audio and video; health sciences, and many more. In addition to this, our on-campus recruitment agency Unitemps helps students access paid part-time and temporary positions working for the University and local employers.
For more information on careers and employability visit: www.salford.ac.uk/askus /work-and-careers

CAREERS GUIDANCE Whether you’ve gone straight from an undergraduate degree into postgraduate study, or are taking a break from a successful career to return to learning, we can help you brush up your CV and enhance your interview technique. Our comprehensive careers and enterprise advice and information helps you develop and improve your job seeking and career planning skills and explore your career options, including support with CVs, LinkedIn profi les, job applications, interviews and assessment centres. This resource is available to all our graduates for life.

“In 2018 the average working age postgraduate earned £16,000 per year more than the average non-graduate and £6,000 per year more than an average undergraduate employee.” 2018 graduate labour market statistics
SELF-EMPLOYMENT AND ENTERPRISE If you’re keen to start up in business or become freelance, we can help. Last year, we helped 65 students start their own businesses. We provide activities and funding aimed at nurturing your enterprising skills with expert business advice and mentoring - we can help make your idea a reality. We can also help you plan your business model and marketing strategy, as well as advise on the fi nancial, legal and administrative aspects of your business. In short, we can help you get started and thrive in the world of business.

*Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) for University of Salford 2016/17 postgraduates, excluding those who engaged in travel or other activity as their main status who were not seeking work or further study.
We are excited to introduce From Salford, a place to connect and network with Salford graduates living across the globe and gain exclusive access to benefi ts and services, including e-journals and jobs. A place to proactively engage and make things happen, From Salford enables you to truly make the most of being a member of the Salford alumni community. JOIN OUR GRADUATE COMMUNITY
From Salford is easy to use and designed to help you approach the right people for your needs, allowing you to focus on your personal and professional development; benefi t from advice; and support others in a way that suits you.
WITH FROM SALFORD YOU CAN: / Network exclusively with Salford graduates / See who is willing to mentor you before you approach them and inspire others as a mentor yourself / Continue learning through access to online journals and e-books / Find your next job opportunity and post jobs / Join a group of like-minded alumni in your area / Share news of an event or register to join us at one / Trade ideas, explore career options and support others
Registration is quick and easy, so take a look and see who is waiting to connect with you on From Salford. There are already graduates from all disciplines online waiting to give you a helping hand at www.fromsalford.com

At the University of Salford, no ambition is too big. If you’ve got a business idea of your own, our Enterprise team can help bring it to life through funding awards and business start-up support, and we’ve recently launched a brand new business incubation centre on campus to help.
So for any students that have a brilliant business idea but are unsure of the next steps, or for those thinking of going freelance, we can now help turn ideas into reality and provide support through all the vital steps of setting up in business, with the launch of a brand new, free offi ce space for business ventures.

In addition to hot-desking offi ce space in the heart of Peel Park campus, you will have access to a networking lounge where you can grab a coff ee and make those all important business connections.

The Launch incubator also off ers a wide range of support to make the venture of creating a business less daunting. In partnership with the Business Growth Hub we off er a six month support programme including workshops on specifi c aspects of building a business, as well as mentorship from experienced professionals and subject specifi c drop in sessions, delivered by staff from the Salford Business School. You will also have access to grants for vital start-up essentials such as software, insurances, licences, basic equipment, training or attendance at trade fairs.

Visit www.salford.ac.uk/askus/work-and-careers/ enterprise/business-incubation-centre for more details.
Candace James, PhD student, Founder of Vegapost