57th SOL Commencement

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MAY 17 , 2014

University of San Diego

The Fifty-Seventh School of Law Commencement















Pomp and Circumstance , Edward Elgar

Herbert l. Lazerow, AB, JD, LLM, DESS Professor of Law

Andrew T. Allen , BA, MA , PhD

Vice President and Provost

Members of the University of San Diego Naval ROTC

The Star-Spangled Banner, Francis Scott Ke y

Kathryn Ann Lafferty-Cordova , Class of 2014

Sr. Virginia Rodee , R.5.C.J.

Assistant Vice President , Mission and Ministry

Mary E. Lyons , BA, MA, PhD President

Stephen C. Ferruolo, AB, MPhil, MA, PhD , JD

Dean and Professor of Law

Jean Ramirez, AB, JD Professor of Law

Orly Lobel, LLB, LLM, SJD

Don Weckstein Professor of Labor and Employment Law

Frank Partnoy, BA, BS, JD

George E. Barrett Professor of Law and Finance

Rochelle "Shelley" Berkley, Class of 1976

CEO and Senior Provost , Western Division , Touro College and University System

Former U.S. Representative , First District of Nevada

Kevin Michael Fannan , Class of 2014

Dean Stephen C. Ferruolo

Gail Heriot , BA, JD

Maiman Schwarzschild, BA , JD

Professors of Law




President Mary E. Lyons

Dean Stephen C. Ferruolo

Hon. Ronald F Frazier,JD, Class of 1982

San Diego Count y Superior Court President, Law Alumni Association

Trump et Overture, Henry Purcell

Commencement Speaker

Rochelle 11 Shelley1' Berk l ey, JD , Cl ass of 1976

CEO and Senior Provost, Western Division, Touro College and University System

Former U.S. Representative, First District of Nevada

As chief executive officer and senior provost for Touro College and University System's western division, Shelley Berkley serves as the administrative and academic head of the Nevada and northern California campuses of Touro University. In this role, Berkley oversees two of the fastest-growing medical schools in the western United States as well as allied health science and education programs with a current total enrollment of more than 3,000 students.

Prior to joining Touro , Berkley represented Nevada's first Congressional District from 1999 to 2013 in the United States House of Representatives. She was the first woman to serve the district and held the position for seven terms. During her 14 years in Congress, she served on the Transportation Committee , Small Business Committee, Veterans Affairs Committee , Foreign Affairs Committee , and the Ways and Means Committee.

Berkley earned the title of "hardest working woman in politics" for her tireless work on issues including job creation, healthcare and renewable energy and was a champion for veterans, seniors, immigration reform and human rights. Among her proudest accomplishments was leading the efforts to construct the new Veterans Administration medical complex in southern Nevada and working with the California congressional delegation on important issues such as protecting Lake Tahoe and supporting tourism in both states.

Before her time in Washington, D.C., Berkley served in the Nevada State Legislature , working to strengthen consumer protection laws and to crack down on drunk driving. She created the Senior Law Project and wrote the Lemon Law, which protects new car owners from defective vehicles. Both programs continue to this day.

Berkley was appointed and then twice re-elected to the Nevada State Board of Regents (1990-1998) , which governs and sets po licy for the Nevada State System of Higher Education. She served as vice chairman and fought to keep tuition costs low and to create a law school at the University of Nevada , Las Vegas.

Prior to her political career, Berkley served as an attorney for the Nevada State Commerce Department, in-house counsel for Southwest Gas Corporation, and vice president for government and legal affairs for the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas. She was the first person in her family to attend college, graduating from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas with a degree in political science and from the University of San Diego School of Law with a juris doctor.


USD School of Law

Celebrating 60 years of alumni success , the University of San Diego ( USD ) School of Law is recognized for the excellence of its faculty , depth of its curriculum, and strength of its clinical programs. Each year, USD educates approximately 900 Juris Doctor and graduate law students from throughout the United States and around the world . The law school is best known for its offerings in the areas of business and corporate law , constitutional law, intellectual property, international and comparative law, public interest and taxation.

USD School of Law is one of the 81 law schools elected to the Order of the Coif, a national honor society for law school graduat es. The law school's faculty is a strong group of outstanding scholars and teachers with national and international reputations and currently ranks 23rd worldwide in all-time facult y downloads on the Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) The school is accredited by the American Bar Association and is a member of the Association of American Law Schools. Founded in 1954 , the law school is part of the University of San Diego, a private , nonprofit , independent , Roman Catholic university chartered in 1949.

USD Mission Statement

The University of San Diego is a Roman Catholic institution committed to advancing academic excellence , expanding liberal and professional knowledge , creating a diverse and inclusive communit y, and preparing leaders dedicated to ethical conduct and compassionate service.

University Seal

Every institution of higher learning prides itself on its seal, an emblem incorporating the history and finest traditions of the college. Each device pictured on the seal holds a special meaning.

The seal adopted by the University of San Diego is a combination of the seals of the two founding institutions, the San Diego College for Men and the San Diego College for Women. The three rings represent the Holy Trinity ; the dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit. The lamp of learning is on the right and the laurel of excellence and achievement is on the left. Below it is the stew pot or Spanish olla , the symbol of St. Didacus ' role of feeding the poor and sick in Alcala. The three nails have been used traditionally by the Franciscans , the original missionaries to San Diego, as the symbol of the Passion of Jesus Christ. The motto, Emitte Spiritum Tuum , which means Send Forth Thy Spirit , was taken from Psalm 104 , which reads: "Thou shalt send forth thy spirit and they be created, and thou shalt renew the face of the earth. "

University Mace

Although the ceremonial mace may have been military in ongrn, in American higher education the mace has long been the symbol of awesome responsibility . A burden of the highest calling , it signifies the protection of truth and the transmission of knowledge to young minds. For that reason , a mace is substantial and pure, therefore typically sterling silver.

In addition to silver, the University of San Diego 's mace is also comprised of a shaft of walnut , a wood common to Spain , the country that inspired the university's Renaissance-style architecture.

The University of San Diego's mace was created in 2003 and unveiled at the November 16 inauguration of President Mary E. Lyons. The flame , which caps the lantern of truth , is reminiscent of USD 's architectural ornament , the omnipresent finial. The flame is also symbolic of the human mind and its burning quest for knowledge. One side of the mace is inscribed with the university 's monogram, the design of which was adopted in 1972 at the time of the merger of the two colleges. The other side is inscribed with the university 's seal , which in 1997 was designed as the perfect merging of the seals that represented the original institutions , the San Diego College for Men and the San Diego College for Women. Appropriately, the merging of the seals into one exemplifies one of USD 's founding rnottos, "That all may be one. " The university 's ceremonial mace , in turn , honors the motto on the seal , "Send Forth Thy Spirit. "

Academic Regalia

The custom of wearing a "cap and gown " originated in the Middle Ages when academic dress was mandated for both students and faculty of European universities . The cap and gown, in addition to indicating scholarly status, also served to keep students and professors warm in unheated buildings of the earliest universities.

Most of the attire you will see today follows the American conventions for academic regaliaconventions that originated at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. The bachelor 's gown has long , pointed sleeves ; the master 's gown has oblong sleeves open at the wrist; and the doctoral gown has full, bell-shaped sleeves with three bars of black velvet. The cap for bachelor 's and master 's degree holders is a " mortarboard, " a stiff, black hat , flat on top. Doctoral degree holders wear either the mortarboard or a soft velvet " tam ."

Perhaps the most important element of academic regalia is the hood , the length and intricacy of which depend on the academic degree of the wearer. The velvet trim around the hood indicates the academic degree and the satin lining of the hood represents the institution where the degree was earned. University of San Diego law graduates wear hoods lined in Torero Blue and Alcala White with purple velvet trim indicating the graduate 's law degree.

Many American universities have their own distinctive robe, often multicolored , or have a single color rather than black. Among the faculty and administrators in the procession today , you may see people wearing robes in various colors that indicate their alma mater's distinctive robe. At this commencement you may also see academic dress that follows other, very different national traditions , because USD 's faculty include professors who hold advanced degrees from universities in other countries.

Regalia Accessories

A number of other items such as cords , stoles, medals or medallions representing various academic achievements or other honors may also be worn at the discretion of degree-granting institutions. Honor cords usually consist of twisted cords with tassels on either end. They may be awarded for various academic achievements, to members of honor societies , or for distinguished extracurricular service . With cap and gown , and hood , the honor cord complements the regalia of the law school candidate Unlike hoods, tassels and stoles , custom allows more than one cord to be worn at the same time.

At today 's ceremony, you will see the white honor cord which represents exemplary pro bono service Students may also be wearing other honor cord colors which represent the following student organizations or journals: Advocates for Children & Education , dark pink ; American Constitution Society, copper ; Asian Pacific American Law Students Association , navy blue ; Black Law Students Association, old gold ; Business Law Society, peach; Christian Legal Society, red ; Criminal Law Society, dark green; Diversity Committee, royal blue; Employment and Labor Law Society, light green ; Environmental Law Society, brown; La Raza Law Students Association, orange ; Mock Trial , red and black intertwined ; Moot Court, purple and silver intertwined; Motions , wine ; Phi Alpha Delta , purple and gold intertwined; Phi Delta Phi, red , blue and gold intertwined ; Pride Law , emerald green ; Pro Bono Legal Advocates , gold and white intertwined ; Public Interest Law Foundation , light purple ; San Diego International Law journal, turquoise; San Diego journal of Climate & Energy law , dark green and white intertwined ; San Diego Law Rev i ew , silver; Sports & Entertainment Law Society, maroon ; Student Bar Association , blue and gold intertwined ; Tax Law Society, gold ; Women's Law Caucus , light pink ; Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot , dark green and gold intertwined.

Master of Laws


With Concentration in Criminal Law

Suzan Fara Thompson

JD, The Catholic University o[ America

AB, Cornell University

With Concentration in Environmental and Energy Law

Timothy Jay Kuhn

JD, University of Wisconsin

BA, University of Chicago

With Concentration in Intellectual Property Law

William V. Gallo *

JD, Loyola University Chicago

With Concentration in Labor and Employment Law

Michelle Lee Over

JD, Florida State University

Master of Laws in International Law

Alison Suzanne Ho yt

JD , Tulane Unive r sity

BA, University of Ca li fornia, Santa Cruz

Master of Laws in Comparative Law

Al Hamid Abraham* (Iran)

LLB, Islamic Azad Uni, ersity

Julia Ann es Stedi le* (Brazil)

Bacharelado em Direilo, Universidade do Vale do ltajai

Ni co las Bonassi * (Swi tz erland)

LLM, Universital Bern

Licentiate luris, Universital Bern

Raphael Martin Butz (Sw itzerland)

Licentiate luri s, Universital Basel

Christian Cuellar Mortera (Mexico)

LLM, Uni,•ersidad Marista de Merida

Licenciado en Derecho, Universidad de las Americas Puebla

Frederic Da chs* (Germany)

Second Sta le Examination, Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart

First State Examination, Universitat Tltbin gen

Mariane Martins D'Av ila (Brazil)

Bacharelado em Direito, Faculdade de Ciencias Socia is de Florian6polis

Jose Manuel de la Vin a (Mex ico)

Licenciado en Derecho, Universidad de! Valle de Mexico, Campus Chapu lt epec

Alexandra D ear (Fra nc e)

Maltrise en Droit, Universile Paris 1Pantheon-Sorbonne

Maltrise en Droit, Universite Paris 2Pantheon-Assas

Licence en Droit, Universite Paris 2Pantheon-Assas

Beatriz E. Ezkauriatza* * (Mexico)

Licenciada en Derecho, Universidad Aut6noma de Baja California

Da ni ela Nico le Fr e nk el (Sw it ze rl a nd )

Dr.iur ., U ni ve rsit at Zu ri ch

Li ce nti ate luri s, U ni ve rs it at Zl.\ri ch

Min Yun g Hong (Republi c of Korea)

Ce rtifi ca te of Co mpl e ti on in Judi cia l Resea rch

a nd T rain ing, Ju dicial Resea rch a nd T ra inin g

In sti tut e, Supr eme Co urt , Republi c of Korea

BB A, Seou l Na ti onal Uni ve rs it y

Mor it z J aggy (Sw it ze rl a nd )

Li ce nti ate Juri s, U ni ve rsit at Base l

D oro ta Ann a Jam es (Polan d)

Dr.iur. , U ni ve rs it at des Sa arl a nd es

Ma gis tr a der Rec h Le, Uni ve rs it at des Saa rl an des

Mag ister p rawa , U ni we r sy tet Wroc lawsk i

Kes hia -S ue Koe rp er (Ge rm an y)

Fir st State Exa min a ti on, Ru pr ec ht-K a rl s-

U ni ve rs it al H ei de lb erg

Sa ng Ch eo l Lee (Republi c of Kor ea)

Ce rtifi ca te of Co mp le ti on in Ju dicial Resea rch

a nd Tra inin g, Judi cial Resea rch a nd Tr a inin g

In s titu te , Supr eme Co urt , Re publi c of Korea

LLB , Seou l Na ti ona l University

Jud it Mara i (Hun ga r y)

LLB , U ni vers it y of Mi skolc Fac ult y of Law

Max imili an Pe t er Me n ges * (Ge rm an y)

Dr.iur , W es tfali sc he Wilh e lm s-Uni ve rs it at

Mun ster, Fac ult y of Law

Seco nd State E xa min at io n, Obe rl a nd esge ri c ht

Du sse ld o rf

Fi rs t State Exa mi na ti on, Wes tfa li sc he

Wi lh e lm s-U ni ve rs it at Muns ter, F ac ult y of Law

A hm ad Ab da llah Owe id at "' (Jo rdan)

LL M, Un ivers it y of Ken t

LLB , U ni ve rs it y of Jor da n

Lui s Enriqu e Pala fo x* (Me xi co)

LLM , Geo rge tow n Uni ve rs it y

Li cenc iado en Der ec ho, U ni ve rs id ad de las

A merica s Pu e bla

Mi ch ae l Rebh olz (Ge rm any)

Seco nd State Ex amin a ti on, Fed era l State of

Bad e m-Wu me mb erg

Fir st State Exa min a ti on, U ni ve rs it al Ma nnh e im

Alejandro Ri os Ripp a** (Mex ico)

MA, Geo r ge tow n Uni vers it y

Li c en ciado en Der ec h o, Un iversi dad Ana hu ac

Muh a mmad Om er Saee d* (Pa ki stan)

LLB , Un ivers it y of Pes h awa r

BSE E, Uni ve rs it y of En g inee ri ng & Tec hn ology, Lah ore

Priya nka Talukd ar ** (I ndi a)

LLB , Ba ngalore Uni ve rs it y

Fitsum And arg atch ew Tesfaye (E thiopia )

LLB , Addi s Ababa U ni ve rs it y

Go nz a lo Eze quiel De mi an Vin a (A r ge ntina )

M aes tria en Der ec ho , Uni ve rs id ad de Pal e rm o

Aboga d o, Un ive rs id ad de Bu en os Air es

An as tasja Went wo rth- May * (U nit ed Kingdom)

Lega l Pra c ti ce Co ur se , Th e C oll ege of La w of En gla nd a nd Wa les

Gradu ate Di plo ma in Law, Lo nd on Me trop ol itan U ni ve rs it y

Isa ac Zaied (Mex ic o)

Li ce nc iado en Derec h o, ln s tituto Te cn o l6 gico y de Es tud ios Sup e ri or es de Mo nt e rr ey

Master of Laws in Taxation

Karl Marvin Antolin

JD, University of San Diego

BS , San Diego State University

Daniel M. Banafsheian**

JD, University of San Diego

BA , Univers it y of California, Los Angeles

R. Aaron Clinger

JD , Southern Methodist Un iversity

john Christopher Demas *

JD , University of Denver

MBA , New Mexico State University

Camille Lauren Edwards*

JD , University of San Diego

BA , California State Universit y, Fullerton

Whitney Marie Fountain*

JD , University of San Diego

BA, Universit y of Neva d a, Reno

Michelle Diem Han

JD , Unive rs it y of San Diego

BA, University of Oregon

Carl L Jones Jr.

JD , University of Montana

john Y. Le e

JD , University of San Diego

BA , Univers it y of California, San Diego

Todd Victor Mora

JD , University of San Di ego

BA , San Diego State University

Kimberl y Brooke Mulder *

JD , Th omas Jefferson Sc h oo l of Law

Brian Thomas Nesvig

JD , University of San Di ego

BA , St. O laf College

Thomas Owen Rassman ***

JD , Pepperdine Universit y

Michael Patrick Wenkart*

JD , University of Sa n Di ego

BS , Chapman Universit y

Master of Science in Legal Studies

Angela Banuelos-Hughes **

BA, Un iversity of San Diego

Rene Hipolito Barreda *

BBA , University of Texas at Austin

Todd Edward Frank *

BS , Biola University

Karin E. Rask *

BA , University of Toledo

Gina Marie Villanova *

BA , Sa int Louis University

Juris Doctor Degrees

Andr ew Ma tt Akers

BA, University of California, Los Angeles

Alana Mar wa n AlAbba si

MFT , Universit y of Southern California

Je nni elyn Mcinto sh Alc a ri on

BA , Universit y of California, San Diego

Mary Shaug hn essy Alfr ed

BA , Stanford University

Tyler Jam es All en

BA , Brigham Young University

Th er es a Lo ui se Amen

BS , Univers ity of California, Berkeley

Puj a A min

BS , Universit y of California , Riverside

Kristen A nn e And er so n

BS, University of California, San Diego

J os hua Y. Ang

BA , West Virginia University

Nik a Alek sa ndro vna Antonik ova

BA , Moscow State Lomonosov Universit y

Al exa nd er M. Aro n ov

BA , University of Arizona

Mich ae l A. As ni s

BA, University of California, Berkeley

Br e nd an Cha rl es Aus tin

BA, Biola Universit y

Jennifer Rose Lok ela ni Av in a

BS, Florida Stale Univ e rsiL y

J aco b Andr ew Ay r es

BA , University of California , Los Angeles

Ta ni a Mari a Ba kar

BA, University of California , Los Angeles

Lind sey Ma ri a Ba ll

BS , University of the Pacific

Je nn ifer Ma ri e Barl ock

BS , Universit y of Maryland University College

Dav id McK im Ba rn es

MS , Troy University

BA, University of San Diego

Tay lor Steph an Ba um a nn

BA , California Po lytechnic Stale University, San Luis Obispo

Bri an Patri ck Be ddin g fi e ld

BA , University of California , Berkeley

Adron Gust av Bee n e*

BS , The Ca l ifornia Maritime Academy

Luk e Ed w ard Be nn e tt

BA, California State Polytechnic University , Pomona

Aus tinJ am es Berger

BA , University of California , Los Angeles

Kev in E ric Berg gr en

BS , University of California , San Diego

E mil y Martin ez Be ttin ge r

BA , University of Denver

Ish Bi r Bhanu

BA, University of California, Los Angeles

Sar a Emil y Bl ac k

BA , Middlebury College

Rob yn Le igh Bl ac kfeln er

BA, California Stale University , Fullerton

Ed w ard De an Bo nn e tt e

BS , Florida Stale University

Peter Jo hn Bowe r

BBA , University of San Diego

Rex ford Bri stol Br ab so n

BA , San Diego Stale University

Ashl ey Ly nn e Br ee n

BA , University of California , Berkeley

Nich olas Willi am Br ereton

BA , University of Arizona

Kyle R. Bri e rl y

BA , University of San Diego

J ose ph M anu el Brion es

BA , Universit y of California, Los Angeles

Kaitl yn M. Brum

BA , University of Redlands

Rob e rt T. Br yso n 11

BA, California State University. Long Beach

Steph en Eu ge ne Budi ca

BA, University of California, Berkeley

John Chri s ti an C arl so n

BA, Stanford University

Tr evo r Jos e ph Ca rroll

BA , Universit y of Arizona

Er in Halyk Casey

BA, University of California , Irvine

Juris Doctor Degrees

Megan Elaine Carli

BA, Lafa ye tt e Co ll ege

Alan Chang

BS, U ni ve rs it y of Ca li fo rni a, Los An geles

Kelsey David Chase IV

BA, Uni ve rs it y of Sa n Di ego

Timothy Chen

MS , Uni ve rs it y of So uthern Ca liforni a

BS, Uni ve rs it y of Ca liforni a, Los An geles

David Wei-Chuan Cheng

MBA , Yale Uni ve rs it y

BS , U ni ve r si ty of Ca lifo rni a, lr v in e

Kait lyn Summer Cherry

BA, Uni ve rs it y of Ca liforni a, Sa nt a Ba rb ara

Matthew T. Chicklo

BA, U ni ve rsit y of Sa n Di ego

Lori Yi Chiu

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca liforni a, Ir v in e

RachelJeaweon Cho

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca li fo rni a, Ir v in e

Nicholas Joseph Choy

BBA , Loyo la M ary mo unt Uni ve rs it y

Minghao Chuang

BA, Uni ve rs it y of Ca liforni a, Los An ge les

Jane Minkyung Chung

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca liforni a, Be rk eley

Ryan Matthew Civiello

BS, Sal em S tat e U ni ve rsity

Reina Jean Clark

BA , Bri gham Youn g Uni ve rs it y

Jessie Blake Couper

BA , Bos ton Coll ege

Nathanael Charl es Crowley

BS, Uni ve rs it y of Ca liforni a, Ri ve rs id e

David M. Crumpton

BS, San Di ego State Uni ve rs it y

Blake Lockwood Currey

BS, San Di ego State Uni ve rs it y

Nora Suzy Dakessian

MS, U ni ve rs it y of Ca liforni a, Los An ge les

BS, Uni ve rs it y of Ca liforni a, Sa nta Ba rb a ra

Connie Dang

BA, U ni ve rs it y of C aliforni a, Sa n Di ego

Melody Darvish

BA , U ni ve rs it y of Ca li fo rn ia , I rvi ne

Richard Edward Decker

BS, Ca li fo rn ia Po lyte chnic State Univer sit y, San Luis Ob ispo

Daniel Sheldon DeSantis

BA , Ind i ana Un i \n s it y

Qiva Almira Dinuri

BS/ BA, Un i\'e r sit y of Ca li forn ia, San Di ego

TerahJo Drent

BA, U ni vers it y of Ca li fo rn ia, Ir vine

James Aaron Duffy

BA, Un ive rsi ty of Wash ington

Travis Robert Easton

BA, Bri gham Yo un g Un ive rsit y

Amanda Kay Edmonson

BS, Sa nt a Clara Un iv ers it y

Andrew Malong Ejanda

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca liforni a, Sa n Di ego

Michelle Lauren Elrich

BA, U ni ve r si ty of Ca li fo rn ia , Sama Bar b ara

Carey Jean Eshelman

BA, Un ive rsi ty of Sa n Diego

Vernon Evans II

BA, Un ive rsi ty of Ca li fornia , Berkeley

Kevin Michael Fannan

BA, Sa n D iego State U ni ve rs it y

Megan Chelsea Foley

BA, Un i ve rsity of Ca li fornia , Santa Barbara

Jason Michael Folker

BA , Un i ve rs it y of Ca lifornia , San D iego

Michelle Fonseca

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca li fo rni a, Santa Bar bara

Ryan Patrick Ford

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca li forn i a, San ta Barbara

Christopher David Fairley Foster

BS, Sk idm ore Co ll ege

Jimmy Benito Franco

BA , U ni versi ty of Ca l iforn ia, Los An ge les

Robert A. Fr ye, Ill

BS, Fl o rid a State U ni ve rsit y

Lisa Briana Fukushima

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Sa n Diego

Matt h ew Howard Ga ll ag h er

BA , Ca li fo rni a State Un ive r si ty, Eas t Bay

And res Ant on io Ga ll ar do

BA , U ni versity of Ca lifo rn ia , Sa n Diego

Ca rl os E nr r iqu e Garcia

BA, Ca li fo rni a State U ni ve rs it y, Sacra me nt o

Je nn a Ch ris tin a Garza

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca li fo rn ia, Ir vi ne

Jeremy Ma rc Gent il e

BA, Un ive rsi ty of Ca li fo rni a, Santa Ba rb ara

Br ian Giard in a

BA, Un i, ·ers it y of New Ha mp s hir e

Nea l Rober t G ib eau lt

BA, Con nec ticut Co ll ege

Gav ri el Gleib er m an

BS, Touro Co ll ege

Morgan E il ee n Gly nn

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca li fo rni a, Sa nt a Barba ra

Glenn H owar d Goe l zer

BA, Un ivers it y of Ca li fo rni a, San D iego

Alexa nd ria Marie Gojn y

BA, U ni ve rsi ty of Ca lifo rni a, Ir v in e

Ev a Pa ulin e Gram yk

BA, U ni versi ty of So uth ern C ali fo rni a

D av id G. Gr eco

BA, Met ro po lit an State Co ll ege of Den ver

J az min e Juli a nn e Grace m ary Gr ego ry

BS, San Di e go St ate Un ive rsity

Kat h ry n Burt on Gr ey

PhD , Uni\'e rs it y of So u th D ako ta

BA, St. Olaf Co ll ege

Er in Gris by

BA, Un ive rsi ty of Ca li fornia, Sa nt a Bar b ara

Ma tth ew Gab i Hab ibe h

BA, U ni ve rs it y of C ali fo rni a, Los Angel es

Andr ew Chr i sto ph er Ha milt on

BA, Sea ttl e Pac i fic Un i versit y

Caro li ne Michele Han so n

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca lifo rni a, Sant a C ru z

Ty ler

Ph ilip Harr is

BA, Wh ea ton Co ll ege

And rew Mic h ae l Haskett

BA , So uth e rn Me th o di st U ni ve rs it y

Kell en Cl are H asso ld

BA , Bo s ton Co ll e ge

Jam es Edw ard Hawl ey

BA, Clem so n U ni ve rs it y

Sh aya n He id arz ad eh

BA, La ke For es t Coll ege

Th e od ore He kmatra v an

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca liforni a, Sa n Di ego

Jared Fra nk He rlin g*

BS, La Sie rra Uni ve rsit y

Kri s ten Alaina Hern a nd ez

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Cali fo rni a, Ri ve rs id e

Ca te Bl air Hill

BA, Ca li fo rni a Stat e U ni ve rs it y, San Mar cos

Gra ham E di so n Hilt s

BB A, U ni ve rs it y of Sa n Di ego

Co nn er J or dan Hold swo rth

BS, Ca liforni a Polyt ec hni c State U ni ve rs it y, Sa n

Lui s Obi spo

Robert G or den H owa rd , lil

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca li fo rni a, Sa n Di ego

D av id Yo u-nin g Hu a

BA, U ni ve rs it y of California , San Di ego

Ca th e rin e Huan g

PhD, Bay lor Co ll ege of Me di cin e

BA, Un ive rs it y of Texas at Aus tin

Kristin e B. Hubbard

BS, Loyo la Marymo unt Uni ve rsit y

Juli a C. Hunt er

BA, Di c kin so n Co ll ege

Geo rge Alexa nd er Hypo lit e

BA, Uni ve rs it y of Colorado

D av id E. Ign as h

BA, Azu sa Pac ifi c U ni ve rs it y

Julia Je an Jara

BA , Uni ve rs it y of South e rn Ca li fo rni a

Kimb erl y Ni co le J ay

BA, So noma State U ni ve rs it y

Jon Jekel

BA, Fl o rid a State Uni ve rs it y

Rya n J ose ph Jenal

BA, o nh wes te rn Un i ve rs it y

C hri sto ph er H. Joh

BS, U ni ve rs it y of Nev ad a, La s Ve ga s

Juris Doctor Degrees

Carri e Ell en Jo hn so n

BA, Baylor University

N ich ol as B. Jo hn so n

BA , Syracuse University

Jacqu e lin e Ann e Ka llb erg

BA , Universit y of otre Dame

Ka th ry n Rose Kamens ki

BA , University of California, Berkele y

Cha rl o tt e Ma ri e Ka mp

BA , Point Loma Nazarene University

Shane Ke ll y Ka nad y

BA , University of Washington

Nicho la s Dr ew Ka rkazi s

BS , San Diego State University

Jennifer K. Ke ll eher

BS, University of California, Sama Cruz

Juliann e Ren ee Ke ll y Horn er

BA, Point Loma Nazarene University

Ram e neh Kh a rrat

BA , California Stale University, Long Beach

Ani Kh oda ni an

MBA , Universit y of San Diego

BS , Cal i fornia State University , Northridge

Armi g Kh oda ni an

BA, University of California, Los Angeles

Carol Kim

BS, Unive r sity of California, San Diego

Ashl ey Mari e Kin g

BA, University of California, Riverside

Ann Elizab e th Kin sey

BA , University of Pennsylvania

J yot hs na Ko nda

BA , University of San Diego

Anni e Kai Wei Kong

BA, University of California, San Diego

Amanda Mary Kow al

BS , lndiana University Bloomington

Chri s toph er M. Kozun

BA , University of San Diego

Tyler Loui s Fi s ch er Kr e ntz

BA , Trinity University

Kathr yn Ann Laffe rt y- Co rd ov a

BA , University of California, Berkeley

Brand on Sco tt Lang

BBA, University of Michigan-D ea rborn

Om ee d La tifi

BA, University of California, Los Angeles

Sa mu el Binford Lau ghlin

BFA , University of No nh Carolina

School of the Arts

Amy Roc he ll e Lawso n

BA , Westmom College

Kay la Phu ong Le*

BA, University of California, Los Angeles

Klint on Ka rp ol Le Bl ang

BS , University of Arizona

C hri s tin e J oo h ee Pa rk Lee

BA , Universit y of California, San Diego

Kr is ten E lisab e th Lee

BA , University of Oregon

Sunny L ee*

BA , University of California , San Diego

Tri c ia Lin Lee

BA, University of California, Irvine

Ya ngk yo un g L ee

MA, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

YijinJ e nnifer Lee

BA , Uni ve rsit y of California , Davis

Christa Ma ri e Lim

BS, University of California, Berkeley

Kame rri a Kibibi Li ste nb ee

BA , Duke University

E mily Rose Finn Littl e

BA, San Diego Stale University

Amb er Littl ejo hn **

BS , Uni ve rsity of Central Florida

J esse Lee Gra y Li v in gs ton

BA , University of Washington

Le ilani Elizab e th Li v in gs ton

BA, Brigham Young University

A ndre w Wa yne Loc ka rd

BA , San Diego State University

Jam es Edw ard Robe rt Low*

BA, University of Southern California

Isaac Ma tth ew Lu ca s- Holguin

BA , Ponland State Uni1·ersity

Byron Everard Ma

BS, U ni versi ty of Was h ingto n

William Gordon MacDonald Jr.

BA, University of California , Santa Barbara

Kacie Eveliina MacGregor

BA , University of Ca liforni a, Berkeley

Maureen Danielle MacManus

BA, University of California, San Diego

Katie Marie Magallanes

BA, U ni ve rsit y of Southern Californ ia

Kathleen Marie Mara

BA , University of California, San Diego

Mero Raymond Marme

BBA, Univers ity of San Diego

Austin James Marsh

BArch, Kansas State Univers it y

Bret Martin

BA, Univers it y of California, San Di ego

Marissa Christina Marxen

BA , Villa n ova Univers it y

Carol Mary McBirney

BA , University of California, Los Angeles

Holly Ann McCord

BA, University of Arizona

Leslie Bennett McDonald IV

BA, Univers it y of California , San Diego

Jessica Anne McElroy

BA, University of California , San Diego

Ian William McKinley

MBA , Cornell University

AB, Corne ll U ni versity

Marisa L. Mittelman

BA , University at Buffalo, The Sta te University of New York

Bardia Moayedi

BA, Univers it y of California, Los Angeles

Brian Lee Momeyer

BS/BA, University of San Diego

Paloma Moreno-Acosta **

BA , Un iversity of California, Santa Barbara

Adam Walid Mourad

BA , University of Alberta

Bradley Jordan Muldrow

BA , Hamilt on Co ll ege

Patrick]. Mulkern

BS/BA, University of Con n ect icu t

Amber Rose Mullaly

BA, University of Pennsylvania

Mark Kenneth Nelson

BA , U ni versi ty of Utah

Michael Christopher Newman

BS, University of Southern California

Sharaya Lynn Nix

BA , Regen t University

Derek Roger Noack

BA, University of Ca li fornia, San Diego

Sara H. Nodoust

BA , University of California , lrvine

Brendan Patrick O'Connor

MS , U ni ve rsit y of Sa n Diego

BAcc , Unive rs it y of San Diego

Erin Kate Oldham ***

BA, Un ivers ity of Mary Washington

Audrey Sonja Olson

BA, Brigham Yo un g University

Katherine E. Orletsky

BS, U ni versity of Cent r al Florida

Timothy Peter Oster

BA , University of Ca liforni a, Los Angeles

Shradha Rajesh Patel

BA, University of California, Ir vine

Tony Patton

MBA, Arizona St ate University

MHMS, Duquesne University

BS/BA , Duquesne U ni versity

Benjamin James Pekarek

BBA, University of San Di ego

Michelle Dorothy Pena

BA , University of California, San Diego

Alysa Madeline Pfeiffer

BA , Point Loma Nazarene University

Tricia A. Pham

BA, University of California, Los Ange les

Sabrina Ann Piper

BA , San Diego State University

Nicholas Edward Poonamallee

BA , University of California, Davis

Juris Doctor Degrees

Log an Mi ch ae l Pratt

BS, Bri g ham Yo un g Uni ve rs it y Alexa ndr a Lee Pr eece

BA, U ni ve rs it y of C alifo rn ia, L os An ge les

Ka th e rin e Lea h Pruitt

BA , U ni ve r si ty of So uth e rn Cal i fo rni a Cha rl y nn e In grid Rejaian

BA, Hofst ra U ni ve rs it y La mi se Rid a

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca lifornia , Los An ge les

D eva Faye Robbin s

BA, U ni ve rs it y of C aliforni a, Be rk eley

Sa ma nth a Si erra Roe

BA, C al ifo rni a State U ni ve rs it y, Domingu ez Hill s

N at a li e Caro lyn Roge rs

BA , Gon zaga U ni ve rsit y

Mo r ga n Holl e Ros inia

BA , C ali fo rni a State Uni ve rs it y, San Marcos

Mi ch ae l Anthony Ro ss

BA, Bosto n Co ll ege

Tin a Safi

BS, Bosto n U ni ve rs it y Ril ey Pa ul Sa nch ez

BA, U ni vers it y of South e rn Ca li fornia

Ga bri e ll a Ma ri e Sarac in o

BS, Sa nt a Clar a U ni ve rsit y

Ian Ca rl Sc hi ck

BS, Co lorado Sc h oo l of Min es

Aaro n J ose ph Sc hu

BA, U ni ve rs it y of So uth e rn Ca li fo rni a

Mega n Eli za be th Se lvey

BA, A ri zo na State U ni ve rsit y

Dai sy Woosoo n Shim

BA, Ca lifornia S tat e Uni ve rs it y, No rthrid ge

Shirin Sho krollahi

BA, Sa n Di ego Stat e U ni ve rsit y

Tay lor john Sh ra mo

BA/ BB A, U ni ve rs it y of Sa n D iego

Aaro n Ma tth ew Sibl ey

BA, Ca lifo rni a State U ni ve rs it y, Long Beac h

Mi che ll e La urin Si lva

BA , Uni ve rs it y of Californi a, Sa n Di ego

Rya n M. Sim one

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca li fo rnia , Fr es no

To ry E li za be th Smith

BA, Un ive rs it y of Ca li fo rni a, Los An ge les

Ma tth ew Chri sto ph er Snyd er

BA , Uni ve r si ty of Cal i fo rni a, Ber ke ley

D av id Zee So hn

BA , U ni ve r si ty of Ca li fo rn ia , Berke ley

Christ en Eli se So m erv ill e

M A, Br an de is Un ive rs it y

BA , Ho llin s U ni ve rsit y

Sa mu el So ng

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca lifo rnia , I rv i ne

Sc hu yler An n Sp il sb ur y

BFA, Pra tt In s tit ute

Ar ia nn a Ma ri e Sp rat l ey

BS, Sa nt a Cla ra U ni ve rsi ty

Na tid a E. Sribh ibh a dh

BA, U ni ve rs it y of W as hin g ton

Ma ri a E. Sta ll in gs *

BA, Trinit y Uni ve r si ty

A nn We ng Su

BA, U ni ve r si ty of Californ ia, Be r ke ley

Philli p jo hn Szac h ow icz

BA, Loyo la U ni vers it y, C hi ca go

Da ni el C hun g-Kwa ng Ta i

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca li fo rnia , San Di ego

J ac qu elyn Lind say Ta keda

BA, U ni ve rs it y of Ca li fo rnia , Ir vine

He nr y Tao

BA, Un ive rs it y of Ca li fo rn ia, Los Ange les

Anth ony Mich ae l Tara nt o

BA, Un ive rsit y of Ca li fo rn ia, Sa nt a Barbara

Da ni el T. Tas kalos

BS, Steve ns In s titut e of Tec hn ology

Brian L ee Tay lor

BA, Ca lifo rni a State Un ive r si t y, No nh ridge

Gra nt W hitn ey Tay lor

BA, Un ivers it y of Sa n Di ego

Tyler Ak ihi ko Ts uk aza ki

BA, Lewis & Clark Co ll ege

Da ni e ll e Eli za be th Va ll one

BA, Unive rs it y of Ca lifo rnia , Sant a Ba rb ara

James Christopher Valaria

BA, San Francisco State University

BA, California State University , Sacramento

Samantha G. Van Dyck

BS , San Diego State Universi ty

Alfred Von Kessler IV

MBA, Loyola Marymount University

BS, Californ ia Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Michael Ge Wang *

BA, San Diego State Un iversity

Lauren Elizabeth Wardle

BA , University of Ca li fornia, Berkeley

Nicholas Maxim Weil

BA, University of Dallas

Nicholas Philip Weiss

BS, Santa Clara University

Andrew James Whisnand

BA, Northwestern University

Kelcie Anne Wiemann

BA, University of California , Los Angeles

Amanda Jean Wiesner

BA, University of Ca li fornia , Santa Cruz

Heather Hamilton Wood

BA, University of California , Los Angeles

Theresa Maureen Wynne

BA , University of California , Los Angeles

Bryant Wei Lim Yip

BA , University of Californ ia, Ir vine

Heejong Yoo *

PhD, Georgia In stitute of Technology

MEng, Korea University

BEng, Korea Univers it y

Joseph Lloyd Yurgil

BS, Saint Louis University

Chi Zhang

BS, Ca liforni a State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Rongtian Zhang

PhD , Purdue Univers ity

MS , Peking Universi ty

BS, Peking University

Brittany Zummer

PhD, Purdue Univers it y

BMOS , University of Western Ontario

Nicole Renee Zumwalt*

BA , Unive rs it y of California, Los Angeles

Commencement Acknowledgements

Law Commencement Coordination

Lore to Acosta

Lourdes Araujo

Audrey Bec k

Kil Brawner

Graylin Clavell

I rene Candella

Meredith D'A ngelo

Brian Daugherty

Jacqueline Eggert

Shari Baurle Green

Laurie Keller

Erik Kim-Holmgren

Kay Manansala

Tara Murphy

Facult y Marshals

Megan Murray

Ashley Nagy-Reed

Colin Paterson

Ra ymond Penney

Trang Pham

Katie Pinto

Shannon Pollen

Deborah Rider

Patrick Riedling

Roberta Roebuck

Emily Scivoleuo

Whitne y Sharpe

Hal ey Shumaker

Jeffre y Talcott

Julianne D'A ngelo Fellmeth, Adminislrati1'e Dire c tor of USD's Center for Public Interest Law

Lisa Cannon, Professor of Legal Writing

Student Marshals

Emily Scivoleuo, Assistant Dean for Law Swdent Affairs

Meredith D'Angelo, Director of Graduate and International Programs

Campus-Wide Commencement Coordination

Debbie Gough, Chair of Commencement

Peggy Agerton. Julia Bemiss and Lisa Fernandes , Provost 's Office

MSgt Cory S. Taylor , Navy ROTC

Pamela Gray Payton , Liz Harman and Linda Long , Public Affairs

Mary Kruer, University Ministr y

Joshua Lawrence , Branda Cook and joey Smits, je nny Craig Pavilion

Barry Ligman, Parking Services

Sandra Brower, Wayne Machado , Katherine Miss e l! and Jim Thrailkill , USO Torero Store

Lou Magana and Thu Tran , General Services

Steve Maier , Academic Tec hnology Services

Sgt. Henry Marquez , Public Safety

Annie O' Brien, Academic Publi cations

Jonathan Oberg , Tram Services

Kevin Reading and Amanda Secore, Hospitality Services

DeeDee Whitman and Nicole Zhe , University Events and Promotions

Live Stream and Commemorative DVDs

The graduation ceremony will be streamed live on the lnterneL and will be available for repla y for one week after commencement. View the commencement video al law.s andiego.edu/commencementvideo.

USO will also produce a commemorative DVD of the 2014 School of Law Commencement ceremony. DVDs should arrive by mail six Lo eight weeks after commencement. Order your DVD aL law.sandiego.edu/commencementdYd .

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