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Student Organization Requirements
The following are the requirements for student organizations to obtain registration status from ASG. The following requirements must be upheld by all student organizations The Vice President for Student Affairs or their designee may grant exceptions on a case-by-case basis
The purpose of the organization is legal.
The organization does not duplicate another student organization and has minimal overlap with the missions and goals of other student organizations, offices, and services on campus
The organization maintains a minimum of ten undergraduate members
The organization has a full or part time faculty or staff member of USD to serve as their University advisor
Activities to be engaged in conform to the University's mission, core values, rules, policies and procedures
Activities to be engaged in are compatible with the educational goals of the University.
Activities to be engaged in are consistent with the moral and social teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and tradition of the University. If there is a question about conformity with this criterion, the Vice President for Student Affairs following consultation with the Vice President of Mission Integration or their designee(s) will decide on the matter.
The organization’s constitution provides sufficient detail for each required article and clause and is approved by the ASG Student Organization Committee
USD has the ability to support and maintain this club in terms of appropriate resources (space, facilities, equipment, etc )
The organization meets the University’s legal and risk management requirements
The organization agrees to adhere to all University policies and procedures, and financial guidelines and protocols
The organization must complete the re-registration process annually
All marketing materials must include the sponsoring organization's name.
External Membership Affiliation
Only USD undergraduate students shall be eligible for active/affiliate membership status in student organizations. Only full-time students shall be eligible to serve as appointed or elected officers in registered student organizations. Note: In order to serve as an officer of an organization, students must be considered full-time at USD. Students may not serve as an officer while they are studying abroad.
Graduate Student Participation
Graduate students at the University of San Diego are permitted to participate in undergraduate student-led organizations that are recognized by the Associated Student Government, as allowed by the organization. Graduate students are not able to take on a leadership position in a undergraduate organization. If a graduate student wants to begin a new undergraduate.
organization, an undergraduate student must lead it Graduate student organizations are coordinated through the Graduate Student Government (GSG) For more information, visit: http://www sandiego edu/gsc/
Club Standing
Club standing is determined by the Associate Director of Student Activities and Involvement and by the ASG Senate. All organizations must be in good standing to request space on campus and access Associated Student Government funding.
Good Standing:
Adhere to the Core Values and Mission of the University of San Diego and all University and Associated Student Government policies
Uphold the club or organization’s values, constitution, and regulations
Actively use and update all information concerning the club/organization on the student organization registration website Torero Orgs
Re-register the student organization each academic year
Maintain a positive balance in any student organization accounts.
Report any student issues or concerns to the Associated Student Government Student Organizations Committee.
Poor Standing:
Any organization that has not fulfilled requirements outlined in this handbook or in University policies.
Risks the loss of privileges as determined by the Student Organization Discipline Board or the Associate Director of Student Activities and Involvement
Procedure for Re-registration of Continuing Clubs
All continuing groups must re-register every fall semester to reactivate their student organization status. A previously registered club that has not completed its registration by September 30th must complete the New Club Registration Process. If an organization has not been reestablished at USD in the past 2 years, it must go through the new club registration process.
Please follow the procedures outlined here to re-register a student organization
Procedure for Registration of New Student Organizations
Students may begin the process to start a new club throughout the academic year until April 1st. Any potential student organizations who are in the following categories, Fraternities and Sororities, Spiritual and Sports Clubs, should work with the appropriate department prior to beginning the registration process. Please setup a meeting by emailing the following category contacts:
Fraternity and Sorority: fsl@sandiego edu
Spiritual: universityministry@sandiego edu
Sports Clubs: campusrecreation@sandiego edu
Follow the procedures outlined here to register a new student organization
Student Organization Committee Appeal Process
In the event the Student Organization Committee (SOC) determines that the proposed student organization does not meet the criteria for registration, the group may appeal the SOC decision by following the process outlined in Article III of the Student Org Committee Bylaws
The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, or their designee may, in their sole discretion, review the ASG Senate final decision, and either reverse or uphold it. The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, or their designee will notify the proposed organization and the proposed organization’s University Advisor in writing of their decision. A copy of this decision will also be sent to the ASG Chief Justice and the Director of Student Activities and Involvement. The decision of the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, or their designee shall be final.
External Affiliation Committee Appeal Process
Externally affiliated student organizations are clubs with a local, national or global affiliation These clubs will be presented to the External Affiliation Committee (EAC) for review as a part of the club registration process In the event the EAC determines that the proposed student organization does not meet the criteria for registration, the group may appeal the EAC decision The process for appealing an EAC decision is outlined in Article V of the Student Org Committee By-Laws
Student Organization Advisor
All student organizations are required to have an advisor that is employed by the University of San Diego. Advisors are extremely important in the success of the organization and keeping the organization on track. It is important to find an advisor with whom you are able to develop and maintain a relationship and who has an interest in the organization.
Student Organization Advisor Responsibilities
Advisor responsibilities are outlined in the Student Organization Advisor Agreement Form Advisors are required to review and sign the form each year to confirm that they will abide by USD’s student org advisor policies and protocols
Student Organization Resources Torero Orgs
Torero Orgs is an online student directory service that grants each registered student organization an individual website Organizations can utilize Torero Orgs to register their organization, request funding, manage rosters, communicate with members, advertise events, conduct elections, complete social event paperwork, and post bylaws, forms, pictures, and other important information The organization’s roster on Torero Orgs is the official member count that the Associated Student Government Budget Committee will refer to when allocating funding for events.