Fall 2013 USD Advocate

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in memoriam Faculty attorney, legal advocate and University of San Diego

He had many publications and articles on education

School of Law professor, passed away on January 29, 2013,

and law, but perhaps his greatest contribution was his two-

following a prolonged illness. He was 81.

volume California Practice Guide: Corporations, which was

“Hugh’s passing is a terrible loss both to USD School of Law and the San Diego community,” said Dean Stephen C. Ferruolo.

published in 1984 and printed its 28th edition in 2012. It’s considered a “standard desk reference for practitioners.” Friedman was active in the local community in lead-

“During his 55-year association

ership and supporting roles at the American Red Cross,

with USD School of Law, Hugh was

Boys Club of San Diego, Civic Light Opera Association, San

beloved by his faculty colleagues

Diego Hospice, American Heart Association and Eagle

and inspired generations of stu-

Scouts Alumni Association. He also was part of a group

dents. As a lawyer, he compiled

that successfully brought the San Diego Padres from

an exemplary record of service at

the Pacific Coast League into Major League Baseball as a

the local, state and national lev-

1969 National League expansion team. Just last season,

els, always giving generously of

Friedman threw out a ceremonial first pitch before a Padres

his time and talents. Hugh was

game at Petco Park.

a trusted advisor to his clients; a great teacher and mentor; a dedi-

Other notable achievements include an appointment by former President Bill

cated husband, father and grandfather; and a talented jazz

Clinton to the White House’s

musician—in all, a wonderfully vibrant man. Hugh lived a

Conference on Small

very rich life and leaves an enduring legacy.”

Business Commission and

A graduate of Yale University in 1953 and Stanford

an appointment by former

Law School in 1956, Friedman began his legal career as a

California Gov. Gray Davis

deputy attorney general for the state of California. In 1958,

to the California State Air

he moved to San Diego to become in-house corporate

Resources Board. Friedman

counsel with Westgate-California Corp. He then practiced

was a former director for

business law as a senior partner with Friedman, Kahan,

the San Diego County Bar

Dysart & Frasier.

Foundation and a mem-

Friedman, who was married to former Congresswoman

ber of the American Bar

and 1970 USD School of Law alumna Lynn Schenk, began

Association, International

his association with the law school in 1958. He became

Bar Association and the

a full-time law faculty member in 1977 and received an

American Law & Economics

honorary LLD from USD in 1976. Friedman taught and


wrote on corporate, business planning and securities law


until his passing in January 2013.


FALL 2013

Professor Hugh Friedman's first pitch at a San Diego Padres game.

R I G H T: 2 01 2 S CO T T WA C H T E R / T H E S A N D I E G O PA D R E S

Casil Hugh Friedman, a prominent San Diego business

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