University of San Diego Alumni Association Annual Report 2015 16

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Alumni Association Annual Report 2015 -16

USD Alumni Association’s Mission Our mission is to connect, engage and involve alumni with the University of San Diego and with one another in support of the university’s mission and goals as a Roman Catholic institution. We also strive to build effective communication vehicles, programs and events that provide value to our alumni and build strong and lasting relationships between alumni and their alma mater.

Alumni Vision • We envision alumni — both undergraduate and graduate — who are connected and proud, who raise the profile of the University of San Diego and who continue to support its mission of service and Catholic education. • We envision an alumni body that is excited about having graduated from USD. They support each other, cheer for each other, and support the University spiritually, intellectually and financially. • We envision that prospective students will choose USD because of the strength and vibrancy of its alumni network. • We envision a transformed USD community that instinctively expects alumni involvement in all facets of campus life.

Our Strategic Goals • Employ engagement strategies that are relevant to specific alumni groups. • Promote an alumni-inclusive perspective. Alumni Relations is involved in the work of the entire USD community. • Embrace a volunteer-driven model in which volunteers are empowered to create their own engagement experiences. • Be relevant in alumni lives today through targeted communications and programs. • Measure success through benchmarks and engagement dashboards with monthly progress updates.

Dear USD Alumni Community, It is truly an amazing time to be a Torero! On behalf of the Alumni Association Board of Directors and the Office of Alumni Relations staff, we are proud to share this report on the accomplishments of your USD Alumni Association. USD alumni form the lasting foundation and legacy for our university community, and we continue to be grateful for the numerous alumni who’ve generously offered their time, treasure and talent to help USD thrive. This year’s accomplishments were also testament to the unwavering leadership and passion of our new president, James T. Harris III, DEd, whose efforts have already paved the way for a new and exciting era here at USD. He played an integral role in our whirlwind eleven-city Torero Tour, which helped propel USD’s Leading Change campaign and bolster our national presence. The opportunities to get involved are endless and varied. Attend a regional club event, participate in a USD community service project, attend or volunteer at fundraisers like the Wine Classic, mentor a student, or help a young alumnus find his or her first job. Whether large or small, local or remote, your participation and unique strengths help build and sustain the Torero Network. We continue to serve you, our 65,000 alumni, and we encourage you to stop by the Degheri Alumni Center, your on-campus home, or visit, your virtual USD home. We look forward to seeing you online or at Alcalá Park! Go Toreros!

Heather Dooley ’02, ’05 (MEd)

Charles Bass, MPA

President of USD Alumni Association

Senior Director of Alumni Relations 1

Social Media Engagement Instagram








Total number of alumni connected through social media engagement = 45,167

Event Attendance





Torero Clubs

Homecoming and Family Weekend

Alumni Honors

Christmas Mass





Wine Classic

International Reunions

Torero Tour

Other Event Attendees

Total number of event attendees = 13,423


U N I V E R S I T Y O F S A N D I E G O / A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T

Alumni Association Highlights


1,006 A C T I V E V O LU N T E E R S

8th Annual Wine Classic The spirit of generosity combined with beautiful weather made this year’s Wine Classic another huge success. Twenty-eight wineries, 624 attendees, 19 sponsors and 50 volunteers generously contributed their resources to pull off this staple alumni fundraiser, which has generated more than $400,000 for the Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund.



200 TOTA L E V E N T S



New Affinity Groups The Latino Alumni Network and the Founders Chapel Choir Alumni Network are among USD’s newest affinity groups, both working to increase alumni engagement within their respective cohorts on the basis of their shared USD experiences, passions and backgrounds.



Torero Clubs USD Torero Clubs are a way for our alumni and parents to engage with one another and connect with the USD community. These regional groups provide networking, social and service activities. Everyone is always welcome! For our alumni, we hope that home is wherever Toreros are, even if that’s across the globe.

S E AT T L E, WA S H. Number of Alumni: 1,642 Club President: Scott Weaver ’92

Don’t live near one of our regional clubs? Join the Alumni Association on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or the Torero Network, the online password-protected database of all USD alumni. C H E C K O U T T H E C LU B I N YO U R A R E A! Boston, Mass. Chicago, Ill. Dallas, Texas Denver, Colo. Honolulu, Hawaii Inland Empire, Calif. Kansas City, Mo. Las Vegas, Nev. Los Angeles, Calif. Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minn.

New York, N.Y. Orange County, Calif. Phoenix, Ariz. Portland, Ore. Reno/Tahoe, Nev./Calif. Sacramento, Calif. Salt Lake City, Utah San Diego, Calif. San Diego-North County, Calif. Seattle, Wash.

S I L I CO N VA L L E Y, C A L I F. Number of Alumni: 2,009 Club President: Jim Foley ’01

For more information, go to and click on Communities.

LO S A N G E L E S, C A L I F. Number of Alumni: 5,302 Club President: Stephanie LaRussa ’03

S A N D I E G O, C A L I F. Number of Alumni: 25,277 Club Presidents: Chad Beville ’05 and Lauri Miville ‘84 (North County)

H O N O LU LU, H AWA I I Number of Alumni: 578 Club President: Thom Millard ’91 JD

P H O E N I X, A R I Z. Number of Alumni: 1,526 Club Presidents: Paul Bisceglia ’04 and Jeanmarie Bisceglia ’02 (JD ’08)


U N I V E R S I T Y O F S A N D I E G O / A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T

Across the Globe D E N V E R, CO LO. Number of Alumni: 1,452 Club President: Nicole Smith ’09

N E W YO R K , N.Y. Number of Alumni: 1,567 Club President: Amy Kalna ’04

M I N N E A P O L I S, M I N N. Number of Alumni: 389 Club President: Leslie Helmbacher ’03

WA S H I N G TO N D.C. C H I C AG O, I L L. Number of Alumni: 619 Club President: Brittany Hall ’07

Number of Alumni: 2,007 Club Presidents: Matthew Dolan ’96 JD and Karin Dolan ’91

I N T E R N AT I O N A L TO R E R O C LU B AC T I V I T I E S Events held in: DA L L A S, T E XA S Number of Alumni: 498 Club President: Britt Heady ‘10

Mexico Europe Asia Gulf Cooperation Council 5

USD Alumni Participation Alumni Involvement

Student Involvement

Alumni Leading Change These metrics represent numerous living, breathing examples of the Torero spirit of philanthropy. By making annual gifts to USD in any amount, alumni make the conscious decision to support the Torero community that’s responsible for leading change in the world. These contributions help to increase USD’s national ranking and brand, and preserve the exceptional USD student experience for generations to come.

10.6% Overall Alumni Participation (Undergrad/Graduate) 12.5%

Student Giving

Undergraduate Alumni Participation

44.5% 48.5%

Torero Club Event Attendees Participation Alumni Volunteer Participation


Alumni Board Participation


Torero Club Leader Participation

This student-driven campaign focuses on creating a culture of giving and educating students about philanthropy at USD. Student Alumni Association, Senior Class Legacy and the G.I.F.T. committee collaborate on the Thank a GIFTer/Be A GIFTer week in February.

Alumni Philanthropy

Torero Regional Rally Torero Regional Rally broke records in its third year, resulting in four regional Torero clubs that exceeded the 15 percent participation goal. Kansas City achieved the highest participation rate, with 19.77 percent, while Minneapolis followed close behind, and Salt Lake City achieved the most improved participation rate over last year. A current student from each of these three clubs will receive a $2,000 Alumni Endowed scholarship to go toward the 2016-17 academic year. 19.77%

Kansas City Minneapolis


Washington, DC


Salt Lake City (MOST IMPROVED!) San Diego Chicago


15.13% 14.27% 14.05%

U N I V E R S I T Y O F S A N D I E G O / A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T

Senior Class Legacy Created in 1989, Senior Class Legacy is USD’s longest standing student philanthropy tradition that is 100 percent for students, by students. In FY16, 45.6 percent of seniors gave to USD, and 607 students gave to their class legacy scholarship fund. Their participation resulted in roughly $15,000 toward scholarships for this year’s incoming first-year class.

Stewardship and Impact Scholarship Programs Stewarded by the USD Alumni Association

Alumni Endowed Scholarship

Daniel L. Burkett Memorial Scholarship

Year Established: 2006 Fair Market Value: $1.2M+ Students Awarded: 73 Dollars Awarded: $151,500

Year Established: 2010 Fair Market Value: $200,000+ Students Awarded: 7 Dollars Awarded: $27,000

Thank you to the numerous USD alumni who have given generously to this fund. Thank you to the Alumni Association Board of Directors for advocating for this fund and helping to identify it as an area of critical need.

Thank you to Danny’s friends and family who generously established and help to maintain this scholarship by means of an annual golf tournament fundraiser. Thank you to all alumni who have given to this fund to help honor Danny’s legacy and benefit current USD students who embody his spirit.

Kyle O’Connell Memorial Scholarship

Therese Whitcomb Alumni Scholarship

Year Established: 2008 Fair Market Value: $140,000+ Students Awarded: 21 Dollars Awarded: $55,600

Year Established: 2004 Fair Market Value: $160,000+ Students Awarded: 32 Dollars Awarded: $71,000

Thank you to Michael ’87 and Julia ‘88 O’Connell who generously established this scholarship to honor their son’s fight against cancer. Kyle O’Connell’s legacy lives on to support students whose academic, professional and personal endeavors focus on finding a cure for cancer, helping to comfort cancer patients and their loved ones, or advocating for cancer care and research.

Thank you to the alumni who created this fund in honor of the first transfer student and graduate of the University of San Diego, Terry Whitcomb ’53. This fund continues to support students who demonstrate exceptional service to USD and the community.

Alcalá Alumni Fund A dedicated annual fund devoted to supporting the university’s greatest needs. This year’s fund will be allocated to the Changemaker Challenge, equipment for the growing USD Student Band, student travel funds, Torero Treks and the Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund.

Gift Impact

“I cannot say thank you enough to all of Daniel’s friends and family, and I am truly honored that they felt they saw a little bit of Daniel in me. Thank you to all of the donors and alumni who have given so generously and continue to honor him through this incredible scholarship.” — Rana Verhoog ’17

“I am very humbled and honored to receive the Kyle O’Connell Memorial Scholarship and am very grateful to all of the alumni and donors that make this scholarship possible. I hope my future work as a physician and cancer researcher honors Kyle’s memory and his great strength.” — Chelsea Marshall ’17

“To USD alumni and donors who made this scholarship possible, I extend my sincerest gratitude. Receiving this scholarship relieves some financial burden on myself and my family, in addition to giving me an opportunity to be more invested in my studies and USD activities.” — Simone Batiste ’19 7

Torero Tour The mission of the 2016 Torero Tour was to introduce our new president to the larger Torero community and share the goals that form the basis for Leading Change: The Campaign for USD. USD alumni, parents and friends from regions all over the country joined President Harris on their home turf to discuss the current climate on USD’s campus. He also took the opportunity to share his admiration for the dedicated faculty, driven students and committed alumni who are collectively responsible for USD’s continued success and growth.

“The 2016 Torero Tour was really a celebration of a journey that began many years ago with a shared vision between Bishop Charles Francis Buddy and Mother Rosalie Clifton Hill. This vision has taken the form of a nationally ranked university, defined by academic excellence, globally recognized programs and, at its core, a community dedicated to the principles of the Catholic intellectual tradition. Our history is brief, but it is intertwined throughout that community, which means our alumni are a part of our history, and USD, a part of theirs.” — Charles Bass, MPA, Senior Director of Alumni Relations

Torero Tour by the Numbers




Cities Visited

Total Attendees

U N I V E R S I T Y O F S A N D I E G O / A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T

Alumni At-a-Glance and Corporate Partnership Programs Alumni by Degree

Meet Our Alumni




Undergrad Alumni : 39,393 total

Grad Alumni: 27,207 total

Dual Degrees: 4,088 total

Alumni by Current Location (Top-Three)

California Counties


Outside the U.S.

San Diego 25,277 Los Angeles 5,302 Orange 4,505

Washington 1,703 Arizona 1,566 Colorado 1,496

Canada 150 Mexico 176 France 119

Alumni by School

37% 26% 22% 9% 4% 1% >1%


“I stay involved with USD because I am grateful for the breadth of experiences and holistic foundation the university provided to me as a student. It is a privilege to give my time and treasure to ensure that future generations of Toreros have the same opportunities I received.” — Annie McIlvaine ‘07, USD Alumni Association Board of Directors


Corporate Partnership Programs

Alumni receive special discounts from the following corporate partners: Bartell Hotels  Richard Bartell, JD ’75, has extended a preferred discount at all seven premier Bartell properties when USD alumni, students, parents and employees book online. Ten percent of every alumni room purchase is donated to support USD student scholarships. Visit for details. Liberty Mutual  USD alumni qualify for special discounts on auto, home and renter’s insurance through Group Savings Plus® from Liberty Mutual. For more information and a free, no-obligation quote, visit USD’s personalized Liberty Mutual webpage at USE Credit Union (USECU)  USD has partnered with USECU, giving alumni access to its Home Advantage program, which features home search tools, a network of top agents (including USD alumni) and a cash-back rebate. View offers and join at

“I received an academic scholarship. I have not forgotten that fact. I want to make sure other deserving students have the same opportunity I did. That is one of many reasons that I have been giving my time, talent and treasure since 2007.” — Andres Melgar ’02, USD Alumni Association Board of Directors 9

Connecting Toreros for Life! JOIN US ONLINE! @goUSDalumni


University of San Diego Alumni Association Group

JOIN US ON CAMPUS! Homecoming and Family Weekend Oct. 7 - 9, 2016 Alumni Christmas Mass Dec. 10, 2016 Alumni Honors April 22, 2017 Wine Classic Weekend July 15 - 16, 2017


Degheri Alumni Center, Suite 137 5998 Alcalรก Park San Diego, CA 92110-2492 (619) 260-4819 email:

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