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Shared Space Protocols
Facilities Management has systematically reviewed all spaces on campus and noted their recommendations for physical distancing. This information has been shared with departments in order for managers overseeing the space to develop a safe and healthy environment for all who enter the work space. Department managers are welcome to contact Facilities Management by calling (619) 260-4516, for additional consultation.
In-person meetings are discouraged and should be replaced with virtual meetings utilizing collaboration tools such as Zoom. When required, in-person meetings must follow state and county guidelines.
Use hand sanitizers at building entrances upon entering the building.
CLASSROOMS AND LABS Face Coverings Faculty members and students are expected to wear face coverings when in the classroom. If a student does not or will not wear a face covering in class, faculty members have the authority and obligation to tell the student to leave the class. Likewise, faculty and employees are expected to wear face coverings when in the presence of others on campus. Furniture Layout Furniture layout in classrooms has been designed to promote physical distancing. Although much of the furniture remains, desks and tables have been marked where it is appropriate to sit. Students must be seated at least 6 feet apart and must wear face coverings. Moving classroom furniture is discouraged. If you have to move furniture for class, it must be returned to its original configuration immediately following the end of class. Eating and Drinking Eating and drinking in classrooms and labs is discouraged.
Maintain a minimum of 6 feet of physical distance. Wash your hands after using the restroom.
Maintain 6 feet of physical distance. Wear your face covering until you are ready to eat. Once you have finished eating, please clean up after yourself and clean anything you have touched.
Maintain a minimum of 6 feet of physical distance. Wear your face covering while in the library.
Decals on the floor designate where to stand in each elevator. The occupancy of elevators has been reduced to promote physical distancing. The number of decals on the floor indicates the proper capacity of the elevator. Do not load more people than the number of decals on the floor. Use the stairs whenever possible.
Some hallways and stairways may be designated for one-way traffic. Please follow those directions.
Maintain physical distancing and wear your face covering as appropriate.
TRAM SERVICES Ridership Drivers will ensure that all passengers entering or riding on the tram are wearing face coverings at all times. Trams will be limited to no more than 12 passengers, which includes seating and standing in designated positions to ensure physical distancing. Tram routes may be updated or increased as needed to best achieve the campus servicing needs. Cleaning Trams will be cleaned and drivers will wipe down seats and handrails after each drop off. Thorough cleaning of the trams will be performed twice per day and deep cleaning once per week or as needed to maintain a clean environment.
University vendors and consultants who come to campus are required to follow all USD’s safety protocols. These protocols are displayed on signage throughout campus.