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Student Life
Graduate Student Life
The Office of Graduate Student Life at the University of San Diego aims to foster Community building by providing opportunities for graduate students to build community and encouraging conversations and collaboration across disciplines. Communication is supported by promoting campus services to students and helping departments share ideas on how to best serve graduate students. Advocacy is developed by growing and maintaining a graduate student presence on campus, encouraging services to be more inclusive of graduate students, and conducting regular assessments of graduate student quality of life. sandiego.edu/ grad-life/ Graduate Student Organizations
Each year, graduate student leaders register over 20 graduate student organizations. Students also register organizations based on identity groups, common interests and more. Prospective, new and current students are all encouraged to look at existing organizations or register a new organization if they are interested. For law students, please note that there is a different governing body and student organization system within the law school. You can learn more about Law Student Organizations through the law school.
Graduate Student Council
The Graduate Student Council (GSC) is the governing body overseeing all graduate student organizations at USD. The purpose of the GSC is to represent all USD graduate and law students to the university administration with the mission to: build and maintain a strong USD graduate student community; advocate for graduate student issues; ensure adequate graduate student representation on university committees; and work collaboratively with, and advise, university administration to improve the level of graduate studies. Each Student Association (organizations tied to the specific schools) has voting rights within the GSC, and all registered graduate student organizations are able to receive funding from the GSC. GSC hosts meetings once per month and all graduate and law students are welcome to attend. This is a great space to learn about the USD community, get involved on campus, and advocate for student needs. The Student Bar Association (SBA) is the governing body that oversees all law student organizations. SBA is also part of the GSC and has voting rights in the GSC bylaws.
Graduate and Law Commons
The Graduate and Law Student Commons is a community space available to all graduate and law students. It is located in the Student Life Pavilion on the 4th floor (SLP 401). This community space has couches; tables with chairs for studying, eating or catching up with peers; a mini fridge and microwave to store and heat up meals; free communal coffee and more. Graduate Student Life also hosts many of their events in this space and it is available for graduate student organizations to use for events by contacting the office. Student Affairs
The Student Affairs Division is a dynamic, student-centered learning organization. The Student Affairs Division is comprised of the following areas: Student Life, Dean of Students, Wellness, Strategic Initiatives and Programs, Auxiliary Services and Resource Management. Office of Ethical Development and Restorative Practices
The Office of Ethical Development and Restorative Practices in the Division of Student Affairs is responsible for the implementation of the Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities. Students will receive a Graduate and Law Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities at the start of the year. Public Safety
Our Public Safety officers are responsible for a wide range of activities, including developing crime prevention programs, taking crime and accident reports, initiating investigations, responding to medical and fire emergencies, providing traffic control, and enforcing certain local and state laws, as well as rules developed by the university to address campus-related concerns. Emergencies on campus should be reported directly to the Department of Public Safety by dialing extension 2222 from any on-campus phone, 24 hours a day. In non-emergency situations, dial extension 7777 to reach one of our public safety dispatchers. If calling from off-campus or via cell phone for an emergency, dial 619-260-2222, and for non-emergency assistance dial 619-260-7777. Please take the time to read this information and call us at extension 7777 if you have questions.