
10 minute read
Letter to the Editor ....................... .
Berk's Back
E ditor:
Perh a ps "Berk the Quirk " has fa il ed lo ack now ledge tota l neglect by USD's undergraduate women to become impressed by his suave and debonair mannerism. Chances are hi s lone lin ess can be att ribu ted to those barbaric a nd archaic rhetorical letters he has been submitting to the ed itors of Vista and Woolsack
I h ave visited the l aw library, s nack bar , and SBA office on severa l occasions ; how ever, I ass ur e you I ha ve yet to observe turning heads. And believe me I am no old bag! If a head had t urn ed an d it happened to, h ave belonged to Mr Berk I am afraid that I migh t ha ve regurgitated.
If by c hanc e Mr. Berk is co n sidering a l awsuit for sla nd er, after ha v in g read my previous stateme nt , forget it. Your total award for damages would comprise my a limon y and child support when and if my former hu sba nd ever d ec id es to pay.
I ag r ee t hat I hav e encountered several conceited male law students , but ther e are a few of my next door nei ghbors that I deeply repect. This respect for these individuals is not continge nt upon their anticipated professional goals , moreover , 1t was developed from my si n cere approach toward turning on to peopl e. Since I consider myself as a feminine Now woma n - who aspires to be an attorney - being in the same dwelling with a male law st ud ent is no big thing. Hopefull y, male la w students we re men before they become law students.
Mr. Berk wou ld do well to impro ve his perso nal image if he were to forgo his present tact ics for , at the pace he ha s begun lo trave l, he is a prime subject for a " nose job ."
Physically , Mr. Berk appears to be a part of the twent i eth cent ur y, yet the material he wr ites ma kes one compare with men who live during the Dark Ages.
Graduat in g from co ll ege during this period in history is like receiving a high school diplom a during the yea rs of the depre ss ion. In other words, a Bachelors Degree has become obso l ete F'urth e nnor e. the LSAT is on ly a profess ional tormentor design ed by Educationa l Testing Services to discourage und es ir ab l es from entering th e l ega l profession It pains me to admit it, but th e test fai led to do its job with Mr. Berk.
The undergraduate g irl s at USD have r easo ns to be conce ited Seventy-five perc e nt of the se spo il ed li ttl e g irl s are not dependent upon da dd y for th e ir und e rgraduat e expenses. Furt h ermore, the e nt e ring fr esh man class of fa ll 1972 had an ave r age GPA of :l .3 and SAT sco r es or. ov er 1000. Finall y, I am convi nc ed that th e "nunnery" is th e mo st sec ur e place for th ese littl e gi rl s lo be , if no oth er r eason than to protec t th em from boys li ke Mr . Be rk l ag r ee that nothin g is worth s acrificing life for es pec ia ll y if that noth in g ha pp ens lo be Mr Berk . Pe rhap s Mr. Be rk will rea li ze , and I hop e soo n, that he is on ly be gging for a mal e law student and that happens to be him se lf.
Good lu ck Berk with your e nd eavors (w hi ch are a ntic ipa ted a ff airs) for with yo ur perso na li ty you are destined to be a lose r. I conc lud ed severa l weeks ago that my four year old son has more tact with wo men that you ever co n· templated havi ng the abi li ty to acquire.
May I s ugg est to the editor of Woolsack that he utilize the Woolsack for more meaningful purposes rather than allowing a neurotic male-chauvinist pig to beg for fema le bodies
Love a nd peace
Dorothy Florence
Class of 197:1
USD Und erg ra du ate Women
Graduation Fees
E ditor : This year the cost of graduating from USD Law School is $35.00 Thi s price includes yo ur diploma, cap and gown , announcements , inv itatio ns, etc.
This is "per h aps " a reasonable price for what you are to receive , but this is not the topic of my article.
My complaint is that this price is mandatory whethe r or not yo u wi ll be attending the grad uati on ceremony.
Very early in the first semester I protested to the graduation comm i ttee that suc h a mandator y fee s hould not be requir ed from people who wou ld not be attending the ceremony. I was asked by the gr ad u at ion committee to submit a li st of questions and objections dealing with the problem of the mand atory fee for graduation , and whether or not the graduates desir ed to attend or would be ab le to attend the graduation ceremony. Thi s li st I wrote and promptl y gave to the co m- mittee chairman. However , nothing was done with th ese suggestio ns even though T wa s promised by the committee chairman that the s ugge s tion s a nd questions would be published and distributed to third year day and fourth year eve nin g stud ents.
The topics of the qu est ions included:
(l l Whether the perso n was goi ng to attend th e graduation ceremo ny.
(2) Whether ca p a nd gow n sho uld be requir ed.
(3) Should the onl y cost to the no n- attending graduate be that of the diploma
(4) Other s ug gestions from st ud e nt s dealing with the grad uat ion.
If a person was given the opportunity as to whether or not he or she wanted to attend graduation, the graduation co mmitt ee cou ld plan accord in gly on how many peopl e would not roug hl y a' tt e nd. These people who did not expect to attend wou ld not ne ed the cap and gown , announcements , invitations , etc. and should not be req ui red to pay fo r them
Reasons do exist for not attending graduation.
(1) Your family wou ld not be her e.
(2) You have no fam il y.
(3) You have no one who cares whet her or not y ou graduate.
(4) Yo u know yo u will be some place else on that day
5) You will be preparing for ano her state 's bar in that other state
(6) Yo u d on't want to attend
Graduation is on June second thi s year. Thi s is approximatel y two weeks after schoo l ends for the se ni ors Someone who wants to take a bar exam in Hawa i i. Nebraska , or an y other state ma y desire to stay a round for two wee ks and go through the graduat ion ceremony. But if he doesn 't he s hould not be required lo pa y the full $35.00 fee. Th e same s hou ld be trn e for any other rea s on :or not attending the gradu at i on ceremon y.
To m Bowers
Yr. Day
b" Steve Hoop er
The ·newest me mb er of the fa cu lty of the University of San Diego School of Law is Mrs Naida Chris tm an.
Mrs . Chri stman 's specia lity is ty ping a nd she is cou rse coordin ato r a nd professor for th e typing co urse offered on Tuesd ay eve nin gs from 8 to IO p.m. rt is hoped that her course will enab le s tud e nts to develop enough ski ll to type the bar exa minatfon a nd ther e is th e furU1er poss ibility that her course may develop in to a writing methods class to he.Ip stud ents prepare for the ba r.
Mrs . Chri s tm an brings a broad range of experiences to USO. Her teaching s kill s go from U1e piano to hul a dancing - in fac t she wa s once a hul a da ncer a nd did shows in addition to giving less ons Mrs Chri s tm an pla ys the orga n, e njoys painting a nd sc ulpting, a nd is a go urmet cook. She has a r ea l estate sa les man's li cense a nd boasts of a grade point average of 3.85 ove r 132 units of coll ege wor k.
Mrs. Chri s tm an has two so ns. Th e older son , Noel. is an engineer who flies the F-105 a nd hopes to be co me a test pilot. Tea l, the younger , is now a cattle breeder in Oregon ; on the s ide he is a co ntra c tor and does some teaching l\1rs. Naida Chri stman
Mrs . Christma n came to USO se ven years ago by acc id ent. She was a ppl yin g for a position with a San Diego medical offic e but so me how the ap plic a tion was misdeliv ered. Naturally the Law School processed it a nd Mrs. Chri stma n ha s bee n here ever s in ce as one of the faculty secreta ries. Curre ntl y she m ay be found in the entry-wa y to the offices of Profe ss ors Bratton , Alexan der, Da rb y, and Kelleher. Mrs. Chr istm an was also the first secreta ry to the clinical program at USD a nd s he hopes to remain with the clinic in the future
There are not very man y seven ye ar veterans of USD to whom we can say " welcome to the facult y ."
Law Review Offer to Seniors
In 1972 , the San Di ego Law Review sold its e ntire stoc k of Vol um es 1-7 of the Sa n Diego Law Review to Wm W. Gaunt & So ns. Law Book Deal ers Mr. Gaunt sells sets of these books to the gene ral publi c for abou t $140.00. However , through specia l co ntractual arra ngeme nt s, he has ag reed to sell all seve n vo lumes to gra du at ing seni ors for $16 .00 , subject to any increase fo r this specia l purchase, you must agree to s ubscrib e to the Review fo r five (5) yea rs after g radu at ion ( 8.00 per yea r) and agree not to sell any of the seve n volumes received from Mr. Ga unt.
Th e pri ce will go up if an y vo lumes need to be reprinted in ord er to fill yo ur ord er, so we urge you to take adva ntage of this offe r at once. In an y eve nt , we wi ll place all orders on April 9.
It s hould be rem embere d that thi s offer is only effecti ve while you a re a stu dent , a_nd in_the event that you wish to sta rt a library m the future , the pri ce will be sub sta ntiall y greater.
If you wish to take advantage of thi s offer, pl ease fill out a nd r et urn the bottom part of this sheet to the Law Review office no later than April 6, 1973.
Edward W. Wachtel Managing Ed itor, Volume 10
Grade Disparity Solution
by Steve Ca rrol
MARCH 1973 from thos e in th e first decile ( top ten perc e nt ).
The co mmit tee al so se nt to the Dea n th e recomm e nded nam es for next year's co mmittee co-c hairman They are : Professo r Daryl Bratton a nd Sec ond-year day student Steve Carroll Studen ts wishing to be on the Co mmittee next year s hould leave their names with a prese nt committee me mb er or with the SBA
The committee is currently discus s ing problems and so luti ons concerning grade disparity for electives and consecutive co urses and the
" possibl e institution of a pass-
A grade disparity me mora ndum has been a greed on by the student-faculty Relation s Co mmitte e which will be circulated to the entire faculty of US D Law School , full a nd part t ime , urging discussions by them toward adoption of a class ave rage grade di spa rity of no greater than 3.00 for all courses concurrently taught , day and night.
Full tex t of the memora ndum will be posted on the SFRC bull et in board near the Facu lty Library. The memor a ndum also urges th at where professors ha ve not been able to meet to resol ve disp a rities or a fter hav ing met still could not resolve them , to so advise th e Dean so that he could prevent a probl em before grades were posted
In other business of the Committee , the Committee ap proved a method of reporting class standing in transcr ipts by decile sta nding which would explain how far off each student's grade point average was from ·each of the other decile s. Put s impl y, a student in the 50 to 60 percentile would know how many grade point s his standing was