The Woo/sack
The University of San Diego School of Law
Circulation 3,500
VOL. 10 No . 7
Students Have Hand in Naming New Profs
The Student -Faculty Hiring Committee recently emp loyed five new faculty members to teach at the law schoo l next year. The WOOLSACK has comp il ed all availab le informal.i on on these men in ord er lo introduce them to the student body.
MR DAVID NA VIN: Mr. Nav in is a graduate of the Uni vers it y of Connecticut and it s law school where he served as Managing Editor of the Connecticut Law Review He has served on the staff of Will amette Law School since 1971 having practiced law in the Seattle area for two years. He will teac h Trusts , Estate Planning. Agency a nd Partners hip. and possibly a Commercial Law course nex t year
Stud ent ·s report on Mr. Nav in: Student concerns over Mr. Nav in were focused on two areas: first. hi s reading of notes durin g the seminar. and second. the possibl e over load of faculty in U1e Corporations / Securities area.
The overwhelming opinion was that this cand id ate would make an excel lent teacher and addition to our faculty. The committee rat es him ver y strong in all areas a nd would recommend the Law School offer him a teaching position.
Mr DEA 1 MORRIS: Mr. Morris graduated from Syracuse School of Law in 1964 where he was Case Editor of the Law Re view. He rec eived his L.L.M. at Harvard , a nd is presently the Dean of Academic Affairs at Wayne State Law School.
St ud e nt' s report on Mr. Mo rri s: In genera l, this committee is ver y impressed with Dean Morris' ideas. his hard work , hi s understanding of law students. his enthusiasm over what he had seen of our student motivation and academic goals , hi s co ngenia l personality. and his interest in the s tud e nts. We believe that these all co mbine with his basic intellectual ability to m ake Dean Morris an excellent teacher. and that he would be a definite asset to the USO faculty.
MR RICHARD HILDRETH: Mr. Hildreth graduated from Michigan in 1968 where he was on the Law Review. He received a diploma from Oxford in 1969 , and expects to receive another diploma from Stockholm where he is presentl y doing graduate work Whi le empl oyed with a San Francisco firm , he arg ued an amicus brief before the Ca liforni a Supreme Court.
St ud e nt' s re po rt on Mr. Hildreth: There was li ttle problem for the co mmittee in reaching a concl usi on regarding Mr. Hildr eth. The committee places a high premium on a teacher 's abilit y to sti mulate his class. Whi le Mr. Hildreth may be an asset to the sc hool as an intellectual ; would be a detriment in the class· room Hi s who le approach is too low-key and detached to ever instill an y wide-spread enthusiasm among hi s students. The committee recommended that Mr. Hildreth not be offered a teachi ng pos ition at the school. This recommendation was unanimous
MR P AU L HORTO N: No background information availab le. St ud ent's report on Mr. Ho rton : The students were concerned about Mr. Horton 's ve rbosity , sincerity a nd somewhat offens ive personality. Howe ver , hi s ability lo stimulate and int eres t s tudents thorough hi s apparent thorough organization and fresh style were highl y regarded Co mbining this with this knowl edge of th e la w, pra ctica l expe ri e nce , and hi s theor ies and met hods of teaching , we fe el Mr Horton would be a definite asset to our law sc hool. As s uming that the co mmitte e find s no merit to our res ervation concerning Mr. Horton' s s in cerity, we recomm e nd that he be offered a facult y po s ition
MR. RODNEY JO NES: Mr. Jones r ece ived hi s A.B. and .J .D. degre.e s from lh e Unive rsit y of So uthern California , and ha s been a ndworkmg m the Legal. Cli nic al the University of Conn ec tic ut s mce 1971 Mr Jo nes w ill supervise th e crimina l law elements of th e c lini ca l program as we ll as teac h a co ur se in Cnmmal Law or procedur e.
Stude nt 's re port on Mr .Jone s: Th ere wa s no r epo rt on Mr Jones as he was lllf ed without de li ver in g a se minar lo th e s tud e nt comm ittee.
In Memory
The President's Place
April, 1973
we found a wo rkm an busily hanging the new drapes. We asked if the family was at home, but he didn 't seem to kn ow. He told us to ask the was ironing in the
The " maid ," interestingly, turned out to be one of the cu sto dial staff of the University. We exp lained who we were, and asked to look around. She seemed a bit co nfu sed bu t didn 't think anyone would mind.
Suburbia on Campus
For those of you who have noticed what seemed to be the intru sion of a suburban tract home wit hin the University complex, yo u may be relieved to know that we haven' t been taken over by the developers yet.
The president of the University ha s simply been provided w ith a home The project was originally to cost us all about $117 ,000 , but the WOOLSACK has received reliable inform ation that the cost now approaches $125,000. It seems that the president's family was no t satisfied with certain minor items , such as the drapes and cabinets , and had them repl ace d.
With the cost of tuition slated to go up next fall, much discussion has cente r ed arou nd the need for a Presidential Home The WOOLSACK sent two of its crack staff, a long with its ace photographer , to
Picnic Slated
On Su nd ay , Apri l 29 , the SBA wi ll sponsor an a ll -school picnic in the Rancho Bernardo a rea The festivities w ill begin at 11: 30 AM and conti nu e until dusk Activ i ties suc h as bas eba ll , three-legged r aces and horse- back riding will be lopp ed off by lhi rl y k egs of beer. A ll food and other re fr es hm en ts w ill be provid ed entir ely fr ee Th e SBA ex t. ends a co rdi al invita tion to a ll s tud e nts. fac ulty a nd th e ir famili es. ·
The tranquility of las t we ek 's Univ ers ity wi ll he lp de ve lop Spr ing Break was shattered by the Me mori al Library Co llecthe trag ic news co ncerning lhe t10n by donatin g one se me sd ea th of Kirk Norr is. a thi rd ter 's tuit ion year st ud e nt. Kirk was killed in As a spec ial Senior Pro j ect., a freak acc id e nt 2 wee ke nds contnbullon s will be ago wh il e towing gliders at accepted from a ll USD Law Torr ey Pin es. Students who d es ir e to conIn memo ry of' Kirk , a g roup tribute.. . , of Senio 1·s, with th e Univ e1·- I Dorrnll?n.s ca n made at s ity and Graduation Commit- lie Re co rd s. Olflc e or in l ee's a pproval and hi s classes later in the week fami ly's con se nt. hav e He wa s we ll known and lik ed decid ed to create a kirk Nor -thr oughout lhe law sc hool and ris Me morial Fund to it rs re_grc lf 'ul that he was r.ur ch ase s pec ially de dicated kill ed after so many yea rs of li brary , coll ec t.ions in hard work and de dication . We aero na uti cs and aviation law, wish lo offer ou r condo lanccs a.r ea that Kirk ded icated lo Kirk' s fami ly a nd add that his an? talents to we are deep ly sadde ned by hi s dur 1ng hi s lif et. 1m e. The death
see just what it was that we bought.
Driving down th e preside nti al road and into the presidential parking lot , we were struck with th e impression that the home itself did not look as if it cost nearly as much as had been reported It seemed no different than any of the other s hake-ro ofe d, single story dwelling s that dot middle class communities around so uthern California. It was. how ever , partially enclosed by a plank fence , and the chimneys did seem to make rather good use of the a bundantl y available Pal os Verdes stone
We knocked on the oversized door. and some one inside ye ll ed to come in. On entering ,
Jessup Competition Ends in Confusion
by Dian e Ward
USD 's pa1ticipation last month in the Western Regional Round of the !973 Jessup International Law Moot Court Competitio n brought 4 r.<, months of arduous preparation by team members to a disappointing 2nd place anti-climax.
Led by team captain He rbert Mich el Junior. Ronald Bird. William S ink and Jan Poga li es argued s ucc essf ull y against Stanfo rd Davis, Southw es te rn and Ha s ting s for a 4-0 r eco rd onl y to fa ll victim to inconsi s tent and co ns tantl v re vised scor ing proc e dur e·s th at awarded fir st pl ace honors to th e Ca l-Weste rn lea rn
C<i l-W es tern's t ec hni ca l sco rin g vic tor y wa s made poss ibl e by th e· fa ilur e to appear of on e of th e ir sch e du led oppo ne nt s. Th e Cal-Wes te rn lea rn th en di v id ed. argued again st it se lf. and th en arb it ra ril y awa rd ed it se lf durin g this "no nc ompe tition· • round. poi nt s hi gher than ii had re ce iv ed in ac tual co rnpetition
Th ese poi nt s were th en inc lud ed in th e point run -off computation w hi ch brok e the 40 dead lock betw ee n USO a nd Ca l-Wes te rn Th e offi c ial rul es for the J ess up Int e rn ationa l mak e provision for s uch ca lcul a tion s in case of just such a ti c bu l are s il e nt as lo th e awarding of po int s in 110 11co rnp e liliv e rounds
As pointed out by Mic hel in a tim e ly. but futile le tt er of
The hous e cons ists of five bedrooms , a nd , accordi ng to the maid , seve n bathrooms. Much of the furnishing is u111mpr ess1ve. The tru ly elegant pieces , borrowed from the University 's collection of antique Spa nish furniture seem out of place among flo wered uphol stery, and glossy , Levitz-like end pieces Th e dining room cha nd e li er is especialy oppressive. The seven tiered , crysta l- li ke edifice may have been better off dipped in pancake batter Disappointed in that we didn 't find anything so shocking as to be worthy of our efforts at yellow journalism we soo n took our l eave, never quite und erstanding where the $125 ,000 went. Perhaps the foundations were made of marble , or the sinks were alabaster. but on first impression it is the opinion of the WOOLSACK that the inflation s itu at ion has gotten completel y out of hand.
protest to the Exe c uti ve Director of the American Society of Internatinal Law in Washington. the team was significantl y prejudiced by such a rbitr ary scoring procedures. Th e letter furth er indi ca ted that the int egrity of the entire competition would be cha ll e ng ed unl ess such '' que s tionabl e fa ct or s" as in co nsi ste nt a nd s ubj ec Ii 1·e sco ring pr oced ur es w ere reso lved . Requ es ts by USO for a run -off between · the tw o un defeat ed t ea ms h ave rernain ed un answer ed with the Wa s hin gton se rnifinal s now an eve nt of Ihe pa st.

On a bri g ht er not e. fini shed 3rd in th e ent ir e co rnp e tition for Bes t Oralist. with learn me mb er S ink ju st one po in t be hind . S tan fo rd wa s th e w inn er of th e Best Memo ri al writt en on the co mp e tition topi c con ce rnin g th e seizure of foreign fi s hin g vesse ls in int ernationnl waters USD's l earn wa s gi ve n au ciiovi sual as sis wn ce b\· Don Merkin and was aid ed bv a dvi ce and c rili ques fro1;1 Profess or s Kerig and SimlllOll S
Accordin g tu pr ese nt te am me mb er s. te ntati ve o ffer s by USO to hos t nex t ve ar 's J ess up r eg iona l co mp.e titi on wi ll undoubt ed Iv in c lu de su gges tion s i·or avo idin g sco rin g di sc re panci es. provisi ons for c ritiqu es by judges. and espec ia ll y r·un off provision s in case or a ti e in order lo e limin ate th e possibili ty of a re petition of thi s year's eve nt s.
From the Editor
With the publication of this th e last issu e ?f the I will be associated wi lh . I find m yse lf mchned lo view the last thr ee yea rs at USD and di sc uss what th ey have m ea nl to me upo·n enterin g in the fall of 1970 outlook was co Mus ed so mew hat by count l ess rumors co nce r111ng wh al happ ens 111 law schools It w as. of co urse. a verifi ed fa ct that by lh e end of th e first sem este r at l eas t one-third of th e ent er in g class would flunk out. A large percentage of th ose who had made it into th e seco nd se m este r would ce rtainly be go ne by Jun e.
Everyone kn ew about pr ofessors lik e Bert and Engfe lt - I here was just no way you were gomg to do better than a 70 with th em. And how aboul ciass pr epara ti on - you mu st st ud y at l eas t four hours ou tside of class for every hour in class.
If you were not briefing cases you had better be spendm g your time making outlines Com mercial outlin es were a rip-offGilberts had been character i zed as the Cl ass ic Com icbooks of the law Can ned briefs were always go ing to be inac curate and th e onl y people naive enough to use th em would be go ne by Th anksgiving.
Distorted by fact and fiction. th e weeks pa ssed. Chrislmas vaca ti on ca me. and it was tim e lo sludy for the first round of exam s. Chri st ma s vacation and finals -a torture surpassed on ly by USD's uniqu e contribution to l eg al educ_ation - blind exams. Remember the rum ors about how much t11n e your friend s had spenl st ud yi ng: and your other friends who knew th e materi al so well that lh ey did not have to study.
And then the morning of th e first exam - how amazing to actua ll v have some idea co ncerning what yo ur profe ssor wanted to kn o\v Post exam discussions did littl e to relieve th e anxieties built up over the prece eding 16 weeks. Your friends always wrote more pages or fewer pages or different conc lusion s or so mething eno ugh tostimulatea heated argument. as if your oponent were U1e professor and you were defending yo ur position to the Supreme Court of the United States.
Semester one became semester two and finall y Mrs Law decorated t he bulletin boards with a few grades. Those defending high grades found themselves hardpresse d to show wh y they had done so well when the blue books were passed out and they co mpared their exams with those written by their less fortunate friends. By the end of the second semester th at year it had become pretty well accepted that the grades meant very little in terms of co mprehension of the law.
The second year of school w as marked by l ess preparation fewer anxieties , and a knowledge that all of the rumors had been di sprove d. By the third y ear, it was absolutely necessary to find other avenues of interest because by this time classes had become an absolute bore.
So in retr ospect , what ha ve these years at USD yie lded? Speaking for m yself, I ha ve gotten to know a large number of interesting people , established strong friendships , learned how to shoot a decent game of pool , read quite a few novels which were assigned in high school and college , consumed a lot of beer , and learned a little about the law. Although there have been many experiences at this school which we re absolutely atrocious , generally I am inclined to vi ew these last three years as being a positive good perhaps more significantly from the standpoint of experiences encountered and associations made than from a trul y academic perspective.
Republicans ...
Dear F:ditor
The purpose of this l etter Is to a nnoun ce lh e tenlaliv e form at ion of a politi ca l dis cuss ion grnup al lhi s law school. Th ere is nee d for th e vi go rou s deve lopm ent of a 11 sides of publi c iss ues. in order lh at those who mu st make poli cy d ecis ions shall have an inform ed basis for choice Th e need for an informed basis for c hoice is nol l ess pr ess ing among tho se whose dec isionmaking opportunities occur in
by Steve DaitchThis Administration took office faced with many leftover pr oblem s. We have moved to resolve these problem s and have simultaneously star ted on our own progr ams
The SBA Board found the Honor Court elections, held in February, lo be invalid because of a failure to follow the Honor Court procedure set out in Article III c 3a of the Honor Code. We we re faced with th e possibil i ty of no Honor Court versus the unpl easa nt task of conducting a new el ection. Th e motion was made and pa sse d directi ng th e SBA to conduct the new Hon or Court el ect ion pursuant to the guidelines set out in the Honor Code This we have done
On othe r levels, we have opened di sc uss ions with the Alumni Association who have tentatively agreed to spo nso r a soc ial eve nt for the graduating stud ents and possib ly another soc ial event in the Fall at Orientation
We have asked th e new Honor Court to begin wo rk on a written Elections Code to be submitted to le SBA Board in the ea rl y Fall.
Finally, there has been some di sc uss ion about th e ser iousn ess of the curren t offi cers of the SBA Executive Board It seems rather si mpl e to follow two short written docum ents ( th e ByL aws , an d the Honor yet stra ngely enough these two documents have bee_n co ns1slently overlooked in recent years. We are s1m pl y r ea ding and abiding hy the direc tive s of th ese documents 111 our attempt lo fulfill our obli gat ion.
Roger Traynor Competition
The Roger .J Traynor Moot Court Competition was held April 13th and 14th at Santa Clara, Ca lifor ni a. USD 's team of J ohn Haden. Crysta l O'Conne ll and John Th el an pl aced 2nd overa ll , l osing only lo UCLA in the fin al round
.John Haden wo n the compctition 's Best Orali st award
Prior to the final round , USD had out-s core d Southwestern.
Day Th e person who always Has Something to say.
Jn each law schoo l clas s. There's always that one: Who needs lo speak, But never gets don e.
Hi s most fl ee ting thought s And pesona l views, Ar e forc ed lo th e floor As lh e most urgent of news
I heir community rather than in legislative halls The c urrent framework for the presentation of issues is the two-party sys tem , and the purpose of this gro up will be to gather tog eth er thos e in th e law schoo l commu nity who feel at hom e as Republi ca ns. The purpose of the group that I have in mind would be to pr epar e a nd pr esent for the co nsid era lion of th e Jaw schoo l co mmuni ty the "Re publican " s id e of those is su es tha l engage lhe publi c debate-issues such as th e Executive Privile ge. Impou ndin g. Bussing - with a
view tn bettering the quality of lhal public debate
It is expected that the group. wh en formed would seek to suslain itself from yea r to year. and so the participa tion of s tudents from all cla sses in the law school is desired. Some faculty members have expr esse d· intere st. and their participation is welcomed . I invite yo ur expressions of interes t. either here at school or at home
Pcpperdine and U.C. Davis in preliminary round s. Th e team also won th eir se mi - final ;ound ._ defeating Sa nta Clara rh e fin al round wa s ar gued before Justice Su llivan of the Ca liforni a Supr eme Co urt
Justi ce Browning of the U.S Ninth Circuit Court of Appea ls.
a nd Ju stic e Molin ari , of I.h e Ca liforn ia App ell ate Co urt.
We do not co nd em n Our voc iferous el f· Bui ju st po eti ca ll y "S tifl e Yourself! " ·
By BRUCfo: KILDAY an d MATT BRADYsimilar re asons the SBA invalidated the first Honor Court election a nd held a new one.
The SBA interviewed all Justire aspirants and , by some und i sclosed method , narrowed the field to the nine most deserving Jackie Becker Ike Preston and Forrest Chu r eceived the most votes and were el ected Justices John Adler a nd Harlan Grossman tied for fourth and decided to split the duties of Preliminary

F,xaminer and Fir st A lt ernate Justice. Receiv-ing th e fifth l argest number of votes. Mike Fox was el ected Second Alternate Justice While nobod y can be enlirel y sure. it appears th at SBA elections are 'over for lhe remainder of the yea r. Th e WOOLSACK extends its congratulations to those who proved v ictorious a nd commend the student body al large for their pati enc e in this try in g experience.
Publi i hed by the studenh of th e UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO SCHOO L OF LAW
tolepkon c 291 -6480 e J< t. 330
e::::::•'\ are those ol the £ditori 1I Board or of fts by-lined rep or1 ers, otherwise lhose ol the student body, faculty or dni inis lr:.lion unless
Editor-in -Chief
Associate Editor ..•..
Bill Woods Richard Aborjaily
• .•. Pro fess or John Roche
Managing Editor ......•.. Russ Miller
Staff Writers · · •.•.... .Judy DiGennaro, Steve Hooper, Gene Myers , Dan Bamber g, Rex Gay Barb ara Ruedi ger
Photographer ..•. , Dwi ght Moore
ot th e lord Ch ancellor of Engl and in th e arms covorod' 3 large square of wool, without back or • wit 1 a rod cloth . - Bl<1 ck's Luw Dic t iol/(iry
TV Trivio Contest
J. Who are th e two sin iste r c hurncters on the ca r too n se ri es " Rocky an d Hi s Friends" ?
2. Wh o were the 2 pred ecesso rs of Johnn y Ca r so n on th e To ni g ht Show ?
3. What did Bar) Ml!verick ra rr v in !u s lap el JU Sl m case of e ;n erge ncies?
4. Wh at was Mia Farrow 's name on P ey to n Pl ace"?
s. Na me the ranc h es of the following T. \/ .s how s: Roy Ro gers Sky Kin g Friend Fl icka
G. \Vh at was Ser ge ant Preston' s do g named '?
7. Name thre e of Salmans mos t common adver sa ries.
Concerni ng I Love Lucy:
8. Wh at was Lucy 's maiden nam e?
9. What was Fred and Ethers la st nam e?
10 Wh at was the name of th e ni ghtclub that Ricky worked in '?
Conce rnin g The Adv e ntures of Ozzie and Harriet:
11. Wh at was the name ofWalgirlfriend ?
12. Wh at was o z·s job ?
13. Name any 2 ofoz·s friends.
14 What was "Lumpy 's·' co rre ct name on Leave it to Beave r?
Co ncerning Dennis The
1$ What was the name of the li ttle g irl who lornd Dennis ?
16 What was the name of Denni s· best friend ?
17 What we re Mr. and Mrs. \\'i lso ns· fLC st names?
Conce rning RoyRogers:
18 What was Roy Rogers· real name?
19. What was Dale Evans ' ho r se named ?
20 What was the T. \/. relations hip between Ro y and Dale ?
21. What is the name of the h ote l, re sta urant , and bar on Gun s moke ?
22 Wh at were the real names of t he two wagon ma s ters on Wagon Train ?
23 Who was the big s pon sor of The 864 ,000 Question and who M.C.' d this program ?
24 Who was Gro uc ho 's s idekick on You Bet Your Life ?
25 Who played Jeff s mother a nd " Gramps " on the ea rl y Lassie s how s?
26 Who wa s the editor's name on S uperman ?
27 What was the name of the baby ele phant on Ci rcus Boy?
28 Who wa s th e " kindest dog in the co untry " on the So up y Sa les Show? Co nce rning The Dobie Gillis Show:
29 What meda l did Herbert T. Gilli s w in in W.W. II"
30. Who were Dobi e's 2 regular g irlfriend s?
3 1. What wa s th e name of the ju nior college Dobie atte nd ed?
32. Who played " Scarface " Al Ca pone in Th e Un touchables ?
33. What did U.N.C.L.E. s tand for on The Man From UNC LE a nd what organizat ion wa s it s main adver s ary?
34. What did the Lon e Ranger a lways s ay to hi s hor se as he a nd Tonto rod e off into th e sun set?
35 What do cs " Kimo Sabe " mean '?
:l6 What was the opening lin e on the Pink y Lee S how as s ung by Pink y Lee ?
37. Who s pon sor ed Yo u' ll Neve r Ge t lli ch for many ye ar s?
38. What wa s the name of Buster Brown s do g'!
39 What wa s th e ope nin g lhem e song on A rthur Godfr ey and Hi s Friends!
40 What wa s The Mi ll ionaires full name?
41. Who wa s Pe rry Ma son 's lon g t im e ri va l in Co urt'!
42 What wa s th e opening li ne <C ontinued on Pa() e 11)
Moot Co urt Boa rd pict u red ba ck r ow. le ft t:o right: Dick Hade n, Mik e Wick ha m, John Thelan, Cr ysta l O' Co nn e ll , He rb Michae l, a nd Pat Hu gh es.
Moot Court Boord
On April 10t h th is year 's Moot Co urt Board a nn oun ced the se lec tion of nex t yea r 's Moot Co urt Boa rd Tho se selec ted were John Haden. Pat Hu g he s. He rbert Michel Jr Cr ysta l O'C onn el l. John Thelan. an d Michae l Wickham. This group ha s selec ted Jo hn Th elan to be the Chairman of
Profs to Travel
by Ray Sc hwartz Professo rs Darby. Lazerow. and Ke rig are slated to become involved with Law Programs outs id e the Unite d Slates. Prof. La ze row will leave for Pa ri s this sum m er. and together with Prof. Darby . w ill become a part of the Paris Proje ct. an I nstit u te on Internationa l a nd Co mp arat iv e Law from Jul y through midAugust.
Th e In stitute w ill begin classes in the In s titut Ca tho1ique de Par is on July 2, and cont inue until August 10 , 1973.
Classes offe r ed w ill include Public In te rnation al Law. In ternat iona l Trade a nd Investment Regu l ation, Co mparisons of European L ega l Systems and European Communities La w.
In addition to the USO Law professors. the In situte has on its faculty Prof. Azard, of the Insitute Cat holique , Prof. Ca rl Fu ld a of Uni v. of Texas Law School. and Prof. Rudo lf Sch les in ger of Corne ll. All are accomp l ished l ega l theoreticians and have produced vo lumi nous r esea rch on their r espect ive subjects.
Upon complet i on of th is In s titut e, Prof. Lazerow wi ll re main ba se d in Pari s during the fa ll se me ste r and com pl ete a monograph to be pub lished by the Intern a tiona l Bur ea u for Fiscal Documentation. Ams terdam. r ega rding inte rnatio nal taxation and co mm on mark et prob l ems
Pre vious ly pub lished art icles on thi s s ubj ect hav e appeared in th e Fordham and Un ive rs it y of A rkan sas Law Revi ews conce rning Fra nco -Arnerican tax relations Th oug h ba sed in Pari s. Prof. Laze ro w hopes to tak e pa rt in a se ri es of in te rn a tional conferences at lhe Ha gue. London.
Bru sse ls. and Bonn
Prof. D.V. Kcrig wi ll bec ome Visiting Profess or of Law al Un ivcrs il y of i\ lhc rl a Sc hool of Law F:dmonton Albc rla for the Fall Se mes ter onl y. Prof.
Ke ri g wi ll be leac hin g c ilh cr int c nrntiunal l aw or juri s prud ence
i\ llh ough he has lau g h! for eign s tudent s befor e. I r of.
Kc ri g ha s no t ta ughl law 111 a for eign law sc hool. and loo ks upon !hi s ve nl uc as a gr ca l oppo rl unily to lea rn as much fr om th e Canadia n siudc nt s as lhcy will lea rn frnm him
ne xt year's Boa rd. Those chose n for the Boa rd positions were se lec ted fr om 18 app li ca nts. a ll of whom had participated in one or more c ompe tition s thi s year. Th e se lec ti ons we re made afte r interviews of a ll a ppli ca nts. wh ich interv iews we re co nducted on th e a ft ernoo n of April 7t h a nd on the eve nin g of Apr il 9t h.
Long Hair Red Necks
" Most whites today seem to think that Black people h ave won th ei r fi ght against raci sm".
Julian Bond spea king at El Cami no Th eat re, here , noted that the whit e d ev il of the 60's ha s been replaced by a more frustrating enig ma in the 70 ' s. To confront the racism of th e early civil ri ghts days was one thing. but to ove r come th e attit ud e that the turmoil of those years won a victory over injust ice is a nother.
Bond. co-founder of the Student Non- v iolent , CoOrdinating Committee is still in vo lved in " hard work a nd concerted pol itica I-socia l action. " Besides his activit ies in the Georgia s tat e leg islatu r e. he is now wor kin g
Law Review
On Monda y, Ma rch 19, th e Editor ial Board of Volume 10 of th e San Di ego Law Rev iew
a nn ounc ed th e selectio n of the Board for Vo lum e 11. Th e new board, which took over on Apri l 2, t 973, is headed by Editor-inChi ef Jim Mill er, a seco nd year stud e nt.
Th e position of Executive Editor is to be fill ed by Jan et
J ud y. Patr icia Benke has been d esig n ate d as Ma nag in g Ed it or. the Boa r d's bu s in ess
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manager The ed it orial sta ff of th e Board cons ists of two Lead Article Editors a nd five Note s and Comments <student articl e) Ed it ors.
Sam Eaton and Jeff Gar la nd w ill be r es ponsibl e for so l iciting and editing l ea d a rti cles, whil eT om Riggs wi ll supe r vise the ot her student e ditor s - Mike Fox , Denni s Luderer , Mi ke Mo ore, and Steve Sc hroeder. In a ddition , the Board ha s appointed Mary Eike ! a nd Tom Gi ll as Associate Editors
wit h the Southern Elec tion s Co mmittee , whos e objectives are to get bl ac ks involved in muni c ip al gover nment. The co mmitte e h as supported about 100 ca ndidate s thro u gho ut the South , primaril y in sma ll rur al towns. About 80 of th ese candidates have been success ful , 90 perce nt of whom were black The criteri a for candidacy , insisted on by th e organization , is that th e individual be part of the community a nd be ab le to generate some diverse s upport.
Black peopl e. accord ing to Bond. have bee n s lidin g back s inc e 1968 . D es pite th e fact th at buses , lun ch co unt ers and TV a ds have been int ergrated, so lu tions to the pro blem s of food. she lter . h ea lth ca r e. inc ome as we ll as equa l
participa t ion in government ha ve stagnated. Nixo n has succeeded in emasculating the last of the Kenned y-Jo hn so n pr ogra ms. Bond fur ther noted that the goa l of the 70 's mu st be to r everse thi s trend by bui ld ing an aggressive , milit ant. politi ca l mo ve ment with its roots in Bla ck soc iet y. Politics ough t not be the art of co mpr omise but ra ther "a n exc itin g who gets how much , of what., from whom ." Black pol il ics must beg in again at the l oca l l eve l. Th e Georgia l awmaker contended that Blacks can no longer afford to let the co ll ege ca m puses and wh ite id ealists carry the ba nn er of raci al ju stice. The fad has los t its appea l for the lib era ls a nd th e rea lity that "long hair can ca mo fl age a red nec k" has become all too clea r.

The techniques, approaches and materials or e th e so me in both classes
Tu it io n is $175 00, and init ia l paymen t of $50 00 mus t accompa ny your app lication f or e nro ll men!. Ba lance is due a nd payab le on or be fore Moy 12, 19 73.
Enrollment limited - Register early write
Ther e was a young /.awyer named Rex With di.minutive organs of sex When charged. with e:i-posu
The California Board of Legal Specialization recently announced standards under which California attorneys can qualify as specialists in the fields of criminal law , workman's and taxation. These standards include six to ten ye:us of substantial involvement " in the particular field plus rigid requirements for certification. other state bar associations are watching the progress of this program closely.
Recently appointed to the San Diego Municipal Court is Judge Artie Henderson , the only woman judge south of Los Angeles and one of fifteen women judges in the State of California.
A recent poll conducted at Stanford , Boalt, Hastings and the Santa Clara Law Schools revealed that 81 percent of the 1975 law students responding had tried marijuana, 47 percent use it at least twice a month, 44 percent presently own it and 91 percent supported the recent Calfornia initiative which would have " decriminalized " the use of marijuana (Proposition 19l. Prof. John Kaplan , author of Marijuana; The New Prohibition , expressed no surprise at the results , saying they were "probably what you 'd expect. "
The University of Baltimore Law School has joined Columbia , Harvard and Stanford in offering a " mini-tax course" which supplements Legal Accounting. The course is totally voluntary, with those compl eting it receiving certificates of competency from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants instead of course credit.
A 500-page report published by the Association of American Law Schools ma y put to rest those persistent rumors that the AMA or AALS will do awa y with evening law school programs. The report conluded that one is likely to find the same kind of educational experiences within the day or evening program of schools with comparable libraries , faculty-student ratios and qualifications of their students and faculty.
Is there an y relationaship between admiss ion qualifications and actual performance in law school? William Mitchell a Minnesota Night la w school found the standard law school indicators - the LSAT and undergraduate recJrd - successfully predicted who would do poorl y, but not who wou ld do well. Students who showed a high _potential before law school were more likely than the others m the class to pass the first year exams. As a group, howe ver , the y did not excel. The mor e relevant indicators were marital status ( married students did better than unmarried studen_ts ), the number of hours employed ( those with part-time Jobs did better_ than those with full-time jobs or no jobs at all) and , as you might suspect , the number of hours spent studying had a direct bearing on performance.
Har vard and Stanford ar e now offering a joint program with their r espect ive Busin ess Schools which affords th e stud e nt a JD and an MBA d egr ee al the end of four years of rigorous and concentrated stud y.
Stanford , Hastings , Boall and Gold en Gate re port that apphcat1ons for next year 's law s chool class hav e dec lin ed 25 percent from la st year Among th e various theories advanced for the dec lin e were that students are e mploying "se lf-se lec tion " when th ey fee l the_y have no chance of being admitted and that the natio nal pubh c1ly conce rnin g the glut of law sc hoo l a ppli ca nt s scares off many others
The SBA at th e State Univ ers ity of New York at Buffalo Sc hool of Law app r op ri ates $1 ,000 eac h year a ll ocated to "four s mall win e and cheese parti es per se m es ter."
initial response to our Bar Review Course has enabled us to definitely schedule a San Diego Class.
I 0 Please send me a copy of the past bar question Write-Way has selected.
SENIOR Bar Review
• 70 spec ially se lected pa sl bar question s for YOU to an s wer under tim ed bar condi ti on s ( you write 4 questions in 3'12 hours)!
•Graded and cr iliqu ed an s wers relurned prompt l y.
• 6 hours of objective que s tion s - Actual Multistate Bar Exam as given on the Spring 1972 California Bar.
•Live l ectures (no tape s) covering - Analysis of difficult questions
- Organization and writing techniques
- Approaches and brief outlines of some major problem areas
•Individual attention - Personal contact with i nstructors
Class participation - Counseling w hen needed
•Develop s wriling ease and s tyle
•Condition s you to writing 4 an s wers in 31/2 hour s.
•Sharpen s analy1i ca l and organizational abi liti es.
•Reinforce s the law you know AND point s out law you don 't know.
•Give s you practic e in answer in g actua l Bar objective qu es tion s.
•WANTED: Senior Class Representative. Contact Deane Houston, Western State University, 427-6816.
TWO LOCATIONS: ANAHEIM ( afternoon or eveni ng sessions ) SAN DIEGO (eve ning session only )
Fo W eek Co1trse Beg i.nning ap prox. Jlln e 11
F our H o11rClasscs F ive D ays a Week ( no weeke11d sJ T uition - S250 <S100 deposit J B ank..-..\111ericard - M as1ercliargr