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Giving Back
CENTENNIAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE USF continues to work diligently toward reaching its Centennial Campaign goal. The campaign, which coincides with the university’s centennial celebration, includes initiatives to beautify campus, increase scholarships, and honor USF’s heritage. These initiatives have an important role in USF’s ongoing efforts to enhance the learning environment, demonstrate its commitment to affordable excellence, and ensure a USF education remains within reach of bright, hard-working students and their families.
Although construction has been completed on the new Centennial Gateway and the Benoit Commons, USF continues to raise funds for student scholarships. Last year, USF reported that over 96% of full-time undergraduate students received need-based financial assistance. Additionally, approximately $20.6 million in institutional funds are invested annually in undergraduate student scholarships. Your gift will make a much-needed difference and will help to provide USF students with financial assistance that is needed more now than ever before, especially as the ongoing impact of COVID-19 continues to affect USF families.
Visit stfrancis.edu/centennial-campaign to make your gift to support scholarships through the Centennial Campaign. CENTENNIAL GATEWAY AND THE MARGARET (KENNEDY ’69) AND WILLIAM C. BENOIT COMMONS VIRTUAL DEDICATION This past June, construction commenced on the Centennial Gateway and the Margaret (Kennedy ’69) & William C. Benoit Commons. Construction proceeded quickly throughout the summer, allowing USF to celebrate these new additions to campus with a virtual dedication ceremony on Thursday, September 17, 2020. The Centennial Gateway, located at the corner of Plainfield Road and Wilcox Street at the north end of the main Joliet campus, and the Benoit Commons, located between the Pat Sullivan Center and Tower Hall on the main Joliet campus, were fully funded by USF donors through restricted funds raised as part of the Centennial Campaign.
USF is grateful for the donors to the Centennial Campaign who made the Centennial Gateway, the Centennial Quad and the Margaret (Kennedy 69’) & William C. Benoit Commons a reality. These initiatives are an important part of how USF is preparing itself—as well as its students—for its second century of service and leadership. Visit stfrancis.edu/ centennial-campaign to view the recent dedication ceremony for these two beautiful campus spaces.
Centennial Campaign chairpersons Bill & Diane (Felbinger ’77) Habiger and Gloria & Edward J. Dollinger stand in front of 100 donor names that are displayed on the Centennial Gateway.

Will County State’s Attorney James W. Glasgow; Sisters of St. Francis President Sr. Dolores Zemont, OSF; Diane (Felbinger ’77) & Bill Habiger; William C. & Margaret (Kennedy ’69) Benoit; USF President Arvid C. Johnson; Gloria & Edward J. Dollinger.
Saint Francis statue donor James R. Sefcik, Jr. in front of the newly unveiled statue.

Margaret (Kennedy ’69) & William C. Benoit in front of the new Benoit Commons.
500 Wilcox Street, Joliet, Illinois 60435
The University of St. Francis was founded and is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate.

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Athletics information or game schedules: 815-740-3464 • gofightingsaints.com
Donor, community and centennial events or giving information: 815-740-3748 • stfrancis.edu/give • stfrancis.edu/centennial
USF Art Gallery exhibitions and hours: 815-740-3787 • jmoore@stfrancis.edu
For information about all other university events and activities: 800-735-7500 • stfrancis.edu