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HSG Ethics Code

HSG Ethics Code

Asia Connect Center (ACC-HSG)

The Center pools the HSG’s Asia competencies and paves the way into emerging markets for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Lake Constance area. acc.unisg.ch

Center for Health Care (CHC-HSG)

This Center is a transdisciplinary competence centre in the health sector. It pools HSG’s activities in this field and pursues an integrative and interdisciplinary approach. chc.unisg.ch | chc-hsg@unisg.ch

Center for Disability and Integration (CDI-HSG)

This Center is an interdisciplinary research unit which explores the possibilities of professional integration of people with disabilities. cdi.unisg.ch | contactcdi@unisg.ch

Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG)

This Center serves as a competent contact point for questions in connection with aviation. It supports aviation by means of research and services, as well as seminars and conferences on a scientific basis. cfac.unisg.ch | cfachsg@unisg.ch

Center for Family Business (CFB-HSG)

This Center is dedicated to family businesses in order to support them in the long term. For this purpose, it conceives of itself as a leading internationally and nationally operating family business expert in research, teaching and executive education, as well as knowledge transfer. cfb.unisg.ch | cfb-hsg@unisg.ch

Center for Entrepreneurship (CfE-HSG)

This Center familiarises students with the fascination of entrepreneurship. In addition, it supports technology-oriented and knowledge-intensive start-up projects at HSG. ent.unisg.ch

Center for Innovation (CFI-HSG)

This Center aims to establish itself as a leading research unit for innovation management in Europe. This is done by combining the disciplines of technology & innovation management, marketing management, consumer behaviour and strategy. cfi.unisg.ch | cfihsg@unisg.ch

Centro Latinoamericano-Suizo de la Universidad de San Gallen (CLS-HSG)

This Center establishes a connection between HSG and Latin America by stimulating an exchange in teaching and research and facilitating and encouraging intercultural cooperation. cls.unisg.ch | cls-hsg@unisg.ch

Center for Leadership and Values in Society (CLVS-HSG)

This Center deals with public value, i.e. contributions to the common good by companies, public administrations and non-government organisations. clvs.unisg.ch | clvs@unisg.ch

Center for Energy Innovation, Governance and Investment (EGI-HSG)

This Center pools HSG’s resources in the research field of energy. It works out solutions to the challenges of energy transition. egi@unisg.ch

Center for Governance and Culture in Europe (GCE-HSG)

This Center examines social, economic, political and cultural processes of change and Europeanisation from an interdisciplinary and transnational perspective. gce.unisg.ch | gce-info@unisg.ch

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