International Master's programmes 2013

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International Master’s programmes from Switzerland’s leading business university

Topranke d in th

e Finan cial T Ranki imes ng

School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs • Marketing, Services and Communication Management • Banking and Finance • Strategy and International Management • Economics

• Quantitative Economics and Finance • International Affairs and Governance • International Law


University of St.Gallen (HSG): degree courses The Master’s programmes of the University of St.Gallen are postgraduate programmes of a consecutive nature, i.e. only students holding a recognised Bachelor’s degree in the same or a similar major are admitted. Students with a Licentiate’s or Master’s degree in a different major can also be admitted. Undergraduate studies leading to the degree of

Postgraduate programmes leading to the degree of

Title page: Prof. Dr. Christian Keuschnigg in a lively discussion with students of the Master’s in Quantitative Economics and Finance.

Bachelor of Arts HSG (B.A. HSG) Business Administration Economics International Affairs Law Law and Economics

Programme language English and German English and German English and German German German

Master of Arts HSG (M.A. HSG) Information, Media and Technology Management* Marketing, Services and Communication Management Accounting and Finance Banking and Finance Strategy and International Management Business Management Organization Studies and Cultural Theory Economics Quantitative Economics and Finance International Affairs and Governance International Law Law Law and Economics

German English and German German English English German German English and German English English and German English German German

Ph.D. Programmes Management (several areas of specialisation) Economics and Finance International Affairs and Political Economy Organization Studies and Cultural Theory Law

English and German English English and German English and German German

Executive School Full- and part-time MBA Several Executive MBAs

English English and German

* New name from Autumn Semester 2013 onwards: Business Innovation This brochure focuses on the 7 English-language Master’s programmes. Please consult our website for brochures and information about the other programmes.


Table of contents University of St.Gallen (HSG): degree courses


Welcome to the HSG


The University of St.Gallen (HSG)


Living in Switzerland


Living in St.Gallen


Master of Arts HSG in Marketing, Services and Communication Management


Master of Arts HSG in Banking and Finance


Master of Arts HSG in Strategy and International Management


Master of Arts HSG in Economics


Master of Arts HSG in Quantitative Economics and Finance


Master of Arts HSG in International Affairs and Governance


Master of Arts HSG in International Law


International orientation


Double degree programmes


Student commitment


Career perspectives


Financial information


Academic calendar and application process


Rankings and accreditations



“Internationality, rigour and relevance as well as an integrative view have been characteristics of the HSG ever since its establishment more than a century ago.� Prof. Dr. Thomas Bieger, President (second from left)


Dear Candidate, Welcome to the University of St.Gallen (HSG)

It is my great pleasure to introduce the University of

sponsorships thanks to its good relations with trade and

St.Gallen, also known as the HSG, to you. Our vision says:


“As one of Europe’s leading business universities, we are recognised globally as a place for thought leadership on

In demand on the labour market

current economic, business, and societal matters and for the

The HSG is Switzerland’s business university with the

development of talent able to integrate perspectives and act

strongest placement results. Graduates may expect top-level

both entrepreneurially and responsibly.” Accordingly, studies

starting salaries and the University’s Career Services Center

at the HSG have a specific profile:

supports them upon their entry into the labour market.

Unique academic profile

Worldwide HSG Alumni network

The academic profile at the University of St.Gallen meets

The HSG Alumni association consists of about 20,000 members

the highest academic standards. Our aim is to foster both

in 120 clubs on 5 continents.

the academic and the personal development of students by providing an education based on a humanist approach.

Rankings and accreditations The HSG is constantly ranked amongst the top business

Sustainability and responsibility

universities in Europe. In the Financial Times Global Masters

Our students learn to think critically, make decisions

in Management Ranking 2012 we are in 1st place with

responsibly and act flexibly. With these skills and an

the Master in Strategy and International Management

integrative mind-set, they will be able to assume a lasting

and in 3rd place with the CEMS Master in International

and sustainable position of responsibility in society.

Management. Our Master in Banking and Finance is ranked 5th in the Financial Times Masters in Finance Ranking 2012.

Genuine internationality

In addition, the HSG has enhanced its reputation with the

The HSG is linked up with 160 partner universities worldwide

EQUIS and AACSB International accreditations.

and offers exchange and double degree programmes. At the same time, we are part of the CEMS, PIM and APSIA networks.

This brochure will give you a more detailed insight into our

34% of students come from foreign countries, from a total of

University and our Master’s programmes. I would be pleased

80 nations worldwide.

if I could welcome you at the HSG soon.

Tuition fees Contrary to general opinion, tuition fees are rather low in Switzerland. The reason for this is because the lion’s share of the actual costs is subsidised by the Swiss Confederation and

Prof. Dr. Thomas Bieger

the cantons. In addition, the HSG benefits from numerous

President of the University of St.Gallen (HSG)


The University of St.Gallen (HSG)

The University of St.Gallen (HSG) was founded as a “Business

Contact studies

Academy” in 1898—in the heyday of St.Gallen embroidery—

Contact studies consist of lectures and seminars in small groups.

and offered its first lectures in 1899. We continue to pursue

Students have to attend programme-specific compulsory

the goal of providing our more than 7,000 students with a

courses, core electives and independent electives. Independent

practice-oriented education, guided by an integrative view of

electives can be selected from the students’ own Master’s

management, economics, law, social sciences and international

programmes or from other programmes. Thus our students

affairs. With success: the University of St.Gallen has constantly

have the opportunity to acquire additional knowledge in other

been ranked among the top business schools in Europe.

fields of interest.

Accreditations by EQUIS and AACSB International underline our

Independent studies

commitment to a holistic curriculum that meets the highest

Independent studies are multimedia-supported and interactive,

academic standards. The HSG aims to develop students both in

and they reinforce students’ personal responsibility. In terms

professional and personal terms by providing them with an

of subject matter, they complement contact studies.

education along humanist lines.

Contextual studies The academic profile

Contextual studies consist of courses in cultural awareness,

The HSG’s course structure consists of three pillars and

leadership skills and critical thinking, and they complement

three levels. The three levels stand for the Assessment Year,

specialised education with well-founded personality formation.

the Bachelor’s Level and the Master’s Level. Besides these three academic levels, courses consist of three didactic, subject-

Master’s thesis

related pillars of contact studies, independent studies and

To complete a Master’s degree, students must write a thesis

contextual studies.

worth 18 ECTS. The topics of the Master’s thesis may derive from any constituent of the Master’s degree courses.

With this model, the HSG satisfies the demands of society and the economy for graduates with intellectual flexibility


and intercultural qualifications.

Research at the University of St.Gallen is centred around the 43 institutes and research centres, which are an integral part of the University. The directors of the institutes double as HSG

With our unique course structure, we encourage critical thinking and the treatment of complexities and of cultural, social and ecological challenges. Our students should be aware of their role and learn to sustainably assume responsibility for society.


professors. Bringing theory and practice together, the institutes

CEMS Master in International Manage­ment. Our Master in

provide an important input for teaching at the University and

Banking and Finance is ranked 5th in the Financial Times

play a significant role in furthering the careers of young

Masters in Finance Ranking 2012. Additionally, the CHE

academics. Our almost 90 professors, over 90 assistant

Ranking awards good grades to the HSG, placing it in the

professors and permanent lecturers, more than 440 lecturers

top group in German-speaking Europe. The HSG has earned

and several distinguished visiting professors cultivate a

the EQUIS (2001) and AACSB (2003) accreditations and

scientific discourse with our students.

consequently has obtained the two most demanding international seals of approval for business schools. These two awards are evidence of the high standard of education, which is internationally recognised, as well as the HSG’s excellent quality of service on campus.

Executive education The institutes do not only stand for excellence in research, but offer consulting services and act as leading providers of executive education in German-speaking Europe. As such, the portfolio of study options is completed by a full- and parttime MBA and several Executive MBA programmes.

Campus The Campus of the University of St.Gallen (HSG) is situated

Rankings and accreditations In the Financial Times Global Masters in Management

on a hill on the outskirts of the City of St.Gallen. The town centre can be reached on foot in about 15 minutes. Our Campus offers a beautiful view of the Alps and of Lake Constance.

Ranking 2012 we are in 1st place with the Master in Strategy and International Management and in 3rd place with the


The academic structure at the University of St.Gallen (HSG) Three levels - three pillars (3x3)

Contact Studies

Independent Studies

Contextual Studies

Master’s Programme (13 Programmes)

Master of Arts HSG M.A. HSG

Freshman Week




Cultural Awareness

Critical Thinking

Major & Core Subjects

Business Administration

Law or Mathematics




Business Administration

Major & Core Subjects (5 Majors)

Leadership Skills

Master’s Level (1.5–2 years)

Practical Experience Bachelor of Arts HSG B.A. HSG Bachelor’s Level (2 years)

Assessment Level (1 year)

Secondary School Leaving Certificate

Mentoring Programme


Coaching Programme

Master’s Programme (10 Programs)

Mentoring Programme

Ph.D. Programmes

The University of St.Gallen offers the latest facilities and services to support individual and collaborative learning, including web-based communication platforms and wireless LAN. The library contains 600,000 bound volumes and non-books, 90,000 e-books and almost 30,000 e-journals. A great number of specialist journals that focus on the Economic Sciences and Law can also be found in the University Library.


Living in Switzerland

"The University of St.Gallen provides a setting which marries the promise of the future with the foundations of traditions - and an absolutely essential link between academic work and the practical world." Kofi Annan Former UN Secretary General Freedom Prize of the Max Schmidheiny Foundation University of St.Gallen, 18 November 2006

As a federal republic with a system of direct democracy,

An increasingly large number of companies are moving their

Switzerland enjoys a high degree of political stability. Its position

European headquarters to Switzerland to take advantage of the

as a neutral country allows it to play an important humanitarian

favourable business and living environment.

role in world affairs and to act as a mediator between conflicting parties. Switzerland is the home of various international organisations such as the Red Cross (ICRC), the United Nations (UN) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Switzerland’s economy is based on a highly qualified labour force. The main areas include micro-, hi- and biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, as well as banking and insurance know-how. Swiss companies are extremely competitive in world markets. The best-known export items are watches, chocolate and cheese, but in fact mechanical and electrical engineering and chemicals together account for over half of Swiss export revenues. Consultancy, banking, insurance and tourism are also a significant part of the export trade. Political stability and a flourishing economy allow for a high

Switzerland’s international reputation as a research centre is beyond

standard of living (e.g. security, lifestyle and employability) at

dispute. The high standard of the two Swiss Federal Institutes of

affordable prices. Contrary to general opinion, the cost of living

Technology, of the 10 cantonal universities and of the research

is lower than in, say, London, Paris or Rome.

institutes in Switzerland attracts many scientists and students from overseas.


Facts about Switzerland • Population of 7.9 million (22.5% foreign nationals)

• Zurich has the world’s highest gross and net wage levels

• Surface area of 41,285 square kilometres

• Very low unemployment rate: 2.7% (July 2012)

• 4 national languages: German, French, Italian, Romansh

• Zurich scores second highest worldwide for quality of living

• One of the highest annual per capita GDPs worldwide:

• Most competitive economy in the world

USD 67,500 – current prices

Switzerland is situated in the heart of Europe

St.Gallen is situated in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, close to the German and Austrian borders. Zurich International Airport can be reached by train in an hour.


View of the campus (bottom right), the historic centre of St.Gallen and the Alpstein Mountains

Living in St.Gallen

St.Gallen offers its approximately 75,000 inhabitants a historically valuable old town. The narrow streets with their many shops, cosy restaurants and bars at every corner create an atmosphere you can’t help falling in love with. The Abbey District with the baroque cathedral and the Abbey Library is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and thus of international significance. Further cultural highlights are provided by performances in the City Theatre, in the Concert Hall, at the St.Gallen Festivals, as well as by exhibitions in numerous museums. One event that is particularly popular with many students is the St.Gallen Open Air, during which the Sitter Valley is transformed into Switzerland’s biggest tent city for three days. There are many foreign restaurants in the area of St.Gallen: Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Mexican, Argentinian, Greek, Turkish, Indian, Spanish, Italian and American chefs are not the only ones by far to offer their countries’ specialities. In addition, foreign nationals often set up clubs and associations in order to cultivate their home country’s culture and language together. As a rule, they also sell local foodstuffs in shops of their own.

History St.Gallen became affluent through the textile trade. Although textile production has since moved to other parts of the world, St.Gallen is still the centre for textile design and prototype development. Once 90% of worldwide embroidery production was traded by St.Gallen’s merchants. The need for professional education soon became evident. In 1898, St.Gallen merchants founded a commercial school: the University of St.Gallen was established.


“I opted for the MSC because it far transcends classical marketing in terms of subject matter: various facets and professional areas of the marketing world are explained to us. This is often done in direct contact with Swiss and international companies. After such a project together with a worldwide operating Swiss company, I was offered an interesting internship, which for me is an ideal start to my career.“ Ivan Ulyanov Russia, MSC


Master’s Programme in Marketing, Services and Communication Management Objectives

the long term. The customer value approach is seminal and

Customer value – the goal of sustainable corporate management

helps build a basis for the core question of corporate strategies:

In a globalised world, sustainable corporate value can only be

customers and markets?

created through convincing products and services for

what products and services should be provided to what

customers, who are the focus of attention. Marketing along

Subject-matter and structure

these lines concentrates on achieving the highest possible customer focus with the products and services. This

Marketing, service management and communication and their application areas

integrative view, which transcends classical marketing, is

On the one hand, our programme is based on the functions of

what the Master’s Programme in Marketing, Services and

marketing, market research, service management and

Communication Management (MSC) is committed to: the

communication; on the other hand, it provides students with an

programme combines all management disciplines that take

insight into a great number of up-to-date application areas such

their bearings from customers and unites them with the

as interactive marketing, sustainable products and services, the

markets and business models of topical industries. The

marketing of innovations and automotive marketing, financial

knowledge and the wide-ranging network of contacts with

services and insurance or SMEs, and life-cycle-oriented

practice that are required for this are provided by the eight

corporate management.

institutes involved in the MSC. This orientation provides our

The selection of application areas is constantly being updated

students with an integrated understanding of corporate

and is intended to provide students with well-founded and

management from a customer’s point of view and of a

attractive access to practice and specific markets. One central

sustainable generation of customer value.

element of our course programme is also constituted by partnerships and project work with companies.

The customer value approach: value for customers and the value of customers


The customer value approach was developed by the faculty

The MSC encourages the exchange between students, institutes

members concerned in an elaborate joint research project.

and practice. In application projects, students work in small

It focuses on companies and institutions providing services

groups on real tasks set by a company or institute. The project

to customers.

partner remains the same throughout the three-term project

The problem solution for customers, their experience of the

period. This early and enduring contact with practice partners

products and services and thus the contribution to their

teaches students professional teamwork with business partners

satisfaction define the value that these products and services

and often leads to further cooperation between particular

have for customers. At the same time, however, companies

students/student groups for their Master’s thesis, individual

only take their bearings from customers who are valuable in

projects or job offers. 15

“The MSC’s customer value approach calls on students to develop an integrative view of marketing. The nature of the knowledge that is communicated requires a combination of analytical and creative skills, a constant examination of the latest trends and social changes. This education provided me with an ideal preparation for my present activities as a consultant and entrepreneur. The HSG’s international atmosphere, which has put a firm imprint on my studies, is something that I continue to appreciate in the Alumni network in Switzerland and the San Francisco Bay Area.” Fabio Duma, Switzerland/Italy Consultant Corporate & Business Development / Entrepreneur

International exchange programmes

• Faculty: in the MSC, you are taught by personalities who are

The Master’s Programme in Marketing, Services and

specialists in their respective fields. In addition, a sponsored

Communication Management (MSC) offers its students an

programme of visiting professors ensures that reputable

opportunity to take part in double degree and exchange programmes: • Exchange programmes with more than 160 partner universities worldwide

experts from all over the world teach in the MSC every year. • Appropriate approach: the MSC’s innovative, integrative customer value approach and cooperation with internationally operating companies offer students from all

• CEMS Master’s in International Management

over the world a well-founded education for their future in

• DM2 double degree programmes


Reasons for enrolling in the MSC

Career perspectives

• A personal note for your studies: the MSC offers you a

MSC graduates have a wide range of qualifications and are

wide range of core electives that are constantly

prepared for attractive functions and professional fields

supplemented by topical subjects. By carefully selecting

such as:

your courses, you can provide your studies with a personal

• executive and specialist tasks directly related to the market,

note that will later help you to successfully position yourself

such as product management, marketing, market research,

on the labour market.

customer relations management and service quality

• Networking: the MSC offers you numerous opportunities during your studies to become acquainted with reputable

management; • communication jobs such as media work, journalism,

companies and establish valuable contacts. Students are part

management, public relations, advertising and

of several international research networks.



Environment Diagnosis Market and Company Diagnosis Strategic Service and Customer Management

Service Production and Utilisation System Personnel System, Personnel Advantage, Resources

Service System, Provider Advantage

Configuration Commercialisation Competence

Customer Communication

Partner System Cooperation


• tasks in public administration such as location marketing and

LSAT 163. Admission with GMAT 650-670, GRE 740-750, GRE

the configuration and management of customer-oriented

Revised 158-159 or LSAT 161-162 is possible under certain

administrative processes;

circumstances. (Instead of an international test the German-

• specialist functions in the relevant industries; • corporate start-ups; • research and teaching at universities and universities of

or English-language admission test of the University of St.Gallen can be taken.) • Proficiency in the English language

applied sciences. The admission criteria may be subject to change. Please consult

MSC admission requirements • Recognised Bachelor’s degree in Management (or equivalent) or a recognised Master’s degree in any academic field. • Supplementary work may be required

our website for the latest admission criteria: For specific questions:

• Admission criteria for foreign nationals: International test: GMAT 680, GRE 760, GRE Revised 160 or 17

Curriculum Compulsory Courses

– Customer Value and Communication Management II – Applied Research Project II

Application Areas:

– Customer Value and Communication Management I – Consumer Behaviour and Market Research – Applied Research Project I

Application Areas:

1st sem.

– Customer Value in the Media and Communication Industry – Financial Services and Insurance – .. .

– Channel Management – Automotive Marketing – Customer Value in Transportation – .. .






Critical Thinking and Cultural Awareness

2nd sem.

Leadership Skills

– Applied Research Project III

Master’s Thesis

3rd sem.

Contextual Studies

Independent Electives

Core Studies

Core Electives



Total 18 ECTS


Schedule & tuition

Class of 2013*

Start: February (Spring Semester) or September (Autumn

Class size: 130


Average age: 25 Male / female: 55% / 45%

Duration: 90 ECTS, average duration of study 3-4 semesters /

Nationalities represented: 9

full-time programme

International students: 15% Job offers before graduation: 2.0**

Tuition fees: CHF 2,126 per semester for foreign students

Signed a job contract by graduation: 87%**

(The fees will be increased. Please consult our website.)

*German-speaking class profile. The English-speaking class starts in September 2012. **Average of all Master’s programmes 2011 (Source: HSG 2012)


Exchange rate (Aug. 2012): CHF 1.00 = EUR 0.83 / CHF 1.00 = USD 1.03

Master’s Programme in Marketing, Services and Communication Management



Prof. Dr. Christian Belz

For any questions regarding the contents and the structure of

Prof. Dr. Pietro Beritelli

the Master’s Programme in Marketing, Services and

Prof. Dr. Christian Fieseler

Communication Management, please contact:

Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer Prof. Dr. Urs Fueglistaller Prof. Dr. Sven Henkel

Prof. Dr. Sven Reinecke Academic Director

Prof. Dr. Andreas Herrmann Prof. Dr. Christian Lässer Prof. Dr. Peter Maas Prof. Dr. Miriam Meckel Prof. Dr. Sven Reinecke

Prof. Dr. Marcus Schögel Academic Director

Prof. Dr. Thomas Rudolph Prof. Dr. Marcus Schögel Prof. Dr. John Schouten Prof. Dr. Katarina Stanoevska Prof. Dr. Torsten Tomczak Prof. Dr. Thierry Volery

Prof. Dr. Pietro Beritelli Executive Director

Prof. Dr. Rolf Wüstenhagen

More information on our faculty members and their fields

University of St.Gallen (HSG)

of research can be found on:

Institute of Marketing

Dufourstrasse 40a CH-9000 St.Gallen Switzerland Phone +41 (0)71 224 25 25 Fax +41 (0)71 224 25 36 E-Mail:

“The Master’s in Banking and Finance is a great programme because it offers a broad range of lectures and seminars and because it allows us to design our individual curriculum according to our interests. The programme fosters the exchange between students, faculty, and financial institutions. This guarantees a focus of our lectures on the practitioners’ needs and leads to an optimal preparation for a professional career.“ Viriya Plodpliew Thailand, MBF


Master’s Programme in Banking and Finance

With a challenging curriculum, the Master’s Programme in Banking and Finance (MBF) is one of the leading international finance programmes. In the fields of financial markets,

CFA Program Partnership

financial institutions, corporate finance and quantitative

The MBF programme is an official programme partner of the

finance, the programme offers high-quality education in both

CFA Institute, which acknowledges that the MBF programme

theory and application. It is designed to train our students in

covers more than 70% of the candidate body of knowledge for

the critical reflection of the different concepts and approaches

all three levels of the CFA programme. Additionally, this

used in financial theory and practice.

partnership enables us to award CFA fellowships each year to five outstanding MBF students entering the programme.

Educational goals The programme’s educational goals encompass three

Curriculum: contents and structure


The core studies comprise the compulsory courses and the core electives, including a research seminar and the Master’s thesis. The

Functional dimension 1. An understanding of the function and importance of

MBF programme has been structured in such a way as to ensure that students are able to acquire their basic knowledge in the compulsory

financial intermediation in the context of the present

courses of the first semester. In the second and third semesters, our

and future development of economic systems and its

students select core electives according to their individual preferences

integration in the social, legal and political sphere.

and thus determine the orientation of their studies themselves.

Instrumental dimension 2. Knowledge of the theory and application of financial

Compulsory subjects The three demanding compulsory courses, Financial Markets,

markets, characteristics and implementation of modern

Financial Institutions, and Quantitative Methods, to be attended

financial instruments, and the core functions of

in the first semester, emphasise the integrative concept of the

modern financial management.


Institutional dimension 3. Knowledge of the core functions of planning, steering

Core electives In the second and third semester, students may design their

and supervision of financial institutions and their

individual curriculum according to their preferences and choose

strategic business units.

to focus on financial markets, corporate finance, institutions or methods. Of course, our students are absolutely free to choose from our long list of core electives.

Placed 5th in the Financial Times Global Masters in Finance Ranking 2012! 21

Core electives Markets

· · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Derivatives Real Estate Finance II Market Microstructure Institutional Asset Management Private Equity Empirical Real Estate Finance Alternative Investments

Corporate Finance

· · · · · · ·

Mergers and Acquisitions Corporate Financial Management Corporate Valuation


· · ·

Advanced Corporate Finance Corporate Governance Applied Corporate Valuation

· · ·

Commodity Markets

Topics in Investment Banking Topics in Private Banking and

· · ·

Computational Finance

· · ·

Financial Risk Management


Financial Modeling Workshop:


· ·

Mathematics and Statistics

· · · ·

Insurance Operations


Quantitative Aspects of Financial


Stochastic Modeling in Insurance

Time Series Econometrics Quantitative Portfolio


Commercial Banking Theory and Risk of Insurance

Financial Modeling Workshop:


Topics in Household Finance and Consumer Credit

Financial Econometrics Asset Allocation

Monetary Policy and Financial Markets

International Finance Behavioural Finance

Financial Regulation and

Wealth Management

Pension Finance Fixed Income Instruments

Asset Liability Management Risk Management

Ethics of Financial Services

Energy Finance

Financial Institutions Management


Asset Pricing and Portfolio Choice

Public Debt Management


The core electives may be divided into four possible tracks: Markets, Corporate Finance, Institutions and Methods. These tracks should give the students some guidance for their individual course selection. However, students are free to combine core electives from all the four tracks.

Research seminar

Industrial partners

In the research seminar, our students are required to write

The MBF encourages the exchange between students, faculty and

a seminar paper with a research focus and have to present

the financial industry. The “Partners of the MBF” with Credit

their findings. Therefore, in combination with the Master’s

Suisse Group, Deutsche Bank, UBS and Zürcher Kantonalbank,

thesis, the MBF provides a thorough preparation for a Ph.D.

guarantee an early contact with potential employers and support the MBF in many ways. Our industrial partners award

Independent electives

fellowships to the best students who start the programme, and

Independent electives create additional choices: students

they award prizes at the end of the programme for the best

may either attend further core electives of the MBF or

degree and the best Master’s thesis. Thanks to their ongoing

courses of other Master’s programmes. A third option is to

support, the MBF invites visiting professors from internationally

attend courses of the School of Management.

renowned universities on a regular basis. Doing internships


“At university, I was hardly able to imagine how much influence the MBF programme would have on my future. The knowledge gained in lectures such as Derivative Instruments, Corporate Finance, Pension Finance and Financial Services Management affects essential parts of my daily business nowadays. I got convinced that the conceptual content of the lessons taught at the HSG is absolutely in step with actual practice. I am glad that I was able to enjoy such an effective education.”

Danielle Brassel, Switzerland Associate, Aeris Capital AG

and collaborating with the financial industry when writing the

MBF admission requirements

Master’s thesis is simplified thanks to the “Partners of the MBF”.

• Recognised Bachelor’s degree in Management, Economics

Career perspectives

(or equivalent) or a recognised Master’s degree in any academic field.

The MBF guarantees a successful career start in the world

• Supplementary work may be required

of banking, insurance, asset management, financial consulting,

• International test: GMAT a minimum of 680 points, GRE

or other areas related to finance. At the same time, the rigorous and research-oriented approach ensures a thorough preparation for further academic studies, especially a Ph.D.

International exchange programmes

a minimum of 760 points or GRE Revised a minimum of 160 points • Proficiency in the English language • CV • Extracurricular activities

MBF students are offered an opportunity to participate in

• Motivation letter

the following double degree and exchange programmes:

• The Bachelor’s grade average is also considered in the

• CEMS Master’s in International Management • Double degree programmes with ESADE, Barcelona, Spain; HEC, Paris, France; RSM Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milan, Italy; and FGV-EAESP, Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, São Paulo, Brazil • Exchange programmes with 160 partner universities

admissions decision The admission criteria may be subject to change. Please consult our website for the latest admission criteria. For specific questions:

worldwide 23

Curriculum Compulsory Courses Core Studies 3rd sem.

Contextual Studies






Critical Thinking and Cultural Awareness

– Financial Markets – Financial Institutions – Quantitative Methods

– Derivatives – Private Equity – Financial Modelling Workshop: Derivatives – Financial Regulation and Risk Management – Institutional Asset Management – Corporate Valuation – Financial Econometrics – Computational Finance

Leadership Skills

Core Electives, e.g.:

Master’s Thesis

– Research Seminar Corporate Finance – Research Seminar Financial Institutions – Research Seminar Insurance – Research Seminar Real Estate Finance – Research Seminar Quantitative Finance – Research Seminar Financial Intermediation

Independent Electives

1 Research Seminar, e.g.:

2nd sem.

1st sem.

Core Electives



Total 18 ECTS


Schedule & tuition

Class of 2013

Start: Each Autumn Semester in September.

Class size: 130 Average age: 24

Duration: 90 ECTS, average time to completion is 3 to 4

Male / female ratio: 75% / 25%

semesters / full-time programme

Nationalities represented: 31 International students: 47%

Tuition fees: CHF 2,126 per semester for foreign students

Average GMAT: 710 points / GRE: 790 points

(The fees will be increased. Please consult our website.)

Job offers before graduation: 2.0* Signed a job contract by graduation: 87%* *Average of all Master’s programmes 2011 (Source: HSG 2012)


Exchange rate (Aug. 2012): CHF 1.00 = EUR 0.83 / CHF 1.00 = USD 1.03

Master’s Programme in Banking and Finance



Prof. Dr. Manuel Ammann (Academic Director of the MBF) Prof. Dr. Marc Arnold Prof. Dr. Francesco Audrino Prof. Dr. Martin Brown Prof. Dr. Martin Eling Prof. Dr. Matthias Fengler Prof. Dr. Karl Frauendorfer Prof. Dr. Roland Füss Prof. Dr. Andreas Grüner Prof. Dr. Andreas Käck Prof. Dr. Christian Keuschnigg Prof. Dr. Stefan Morkötter Prof. Dr. David Oesch Prof. Dr. Florentina Paraschiv Prof. Dr. Angelo Ranaldo Prof. Dr. Hato Schmeiser Prof. Dr. Markus Schmid Prof. Paul Söderlind, Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Stephan Süss Prof. Dr. Rico von Wyss

For any questions regarding the contents and the structure of the Master’s Programme in Banking and Finance, please contact:

Prof. Dr. Manuel Ammann Academic Director

Prof. Dr. Rico von Wyss Executive Director

Philipp Horsch MBF Assistant

Sina Marquardt MBF Assistant

More information on our faculty members and their fields of research can be found on:

University of St.Gallen (HSG) Swiss Institute of Banking and Finance Rosenbergstrasse 52 CH-9000 St.Gallen

Financial Times Ranking The MBF programme is ranked in 5th place in the Financial Times Global Masters in Finance Ranking 2012. Per criteria the MBF was ranked: • Number 1 for “aims achieved” • Number 1 for “employed at three months” • Number 2 for “value for money” • Number 2 for “placement success”

Switzerland Phone +41 (0)71 224 70 05 Fax +41 (0)71 224 70 88 E-Mail:

“The SIM programme offers much more than a degree. Behind these three letters lies a vast and breathtaking community, as well as new friendships and experiences. The programme offers a unique insight into diversity and interpersonal skills. Being part of the SIM programme is like becoming part of a large multicultural family.� Azin Malek Canada, SIM


Master’s Programme in Strategy and International Management

The mission of the Master’s Programme in Strategy and

SIM Advanced Management Courses (compulsory)

International Management (SIM) is to provide students with

These courses advance our students’ knowledge in the functional

the advanced knowledge of general management necessary

areas of management. Students explore advanced theories and

for a successful career as respected and responsible managers,

concepts while examining managerial practice and engaging in

entrepreneurs or business consultants. The programme offers

scientific discussion. The prerequisite for this type of course is

an integrative and interdisciplinary approach, because only

well-founded knowledge in the given field at the Bachelor’s Level.

an approach of this nature is capable of conveying the ability to cope with the complex management challenges of our time.

SIM Integratives (core electives)

The aspiration to act independently of all interests and the

The SIM Integrative courses focus on subjects of widespread

commitment to upholding high ethical and academic standards

and current interest in the field of management. Multi-disciplinary

serve as the basis of the SIM.

perspectives are needed in order to be able to embrace these subjects and explore ways to successfully cope with the major

The SIM programme offers a graduate education in strategy and

management challenges of our time. The course lecturers are

international management. The programme builds upon the

practising researchers in their respective fields and bring both

disciplines of strategy, leadership, finance, marketing, organisa-

their practical and subject-related experience into the classroom.

tional behaviour and international management. Advanced courses in these majors are complemented by so-called SIM

SIM International Project

Integratives, which explore major management challenges of our

Each student is required to engage in a challenging and

time by taking a holistic approach to the relevant management

international project (internship worth 6 ECTS) which has

disciplines. A carefully selected range of SIM Integratives

to be independently defined, planned, initiated, successfully

addresses issues at the heart of a company’s success.

completed and reflected upon.

The SIM curriculum unites the best of both worlds. It combines

The SIMagination Challenge

the academic rigour of a Master of Arts with the interactive

The SIMagination Challenge is a compulsory international social

nature and practice-oriented approach found in leading MBA

project which aims to create enriching and meaningful learning

programmes. This demanding curriculum also reflects the

experiences for the managerial profession, providing networking

confidence the programme has in its students’ abilities and

opportunities and enhancing career prospects. It encourages our


students to be responsible global corporate citizens, not just

Placed 1st in the Financial Times Global Masters in Management Ranking 2012 ! 27

“Before I participated in the SIM double degree programme at the HSG in St.Gallen and at the Nanyang Business School, Singapore, I graduated as an engineer from the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and worked in the consulting industry for two years. The SIM double degree programme was an excellent choice to pursue my Master’s studies in a challenging and international environment. The insights I gained during my time in Asia are a great asset in today’s business world.”

Daniel Dahinden, Switzerland Corporate Development Manager, Sulzer AG, Switzerland

competent managers. The SIMagination Challenge helps

International exchange programmes

students develop interpersonal and team skills as well as

In addition to students being offered an internationally

cross-cultural competencies. It is compulsory for all

oriented curriculum, they are also enabled to experience

SIM students and has to be completed in the first two terms

foreign cultures and perspectives first hand.

of study.

Educational partnerships provide SIM students with the

Independent electives Students may choose from a range of different independent electives, offered both by the SIM programme and other Master’s programmes. Thus students have the opportunity to acquire additional knowledge of specific fields of interest.

Corporate partnerships The SIM programme has close ties to the business world. Internationally operating companies, which are among the leaders in their fields, such as Deloitte and McKinsey & Company, support the SIM programme as corporate or workshop sponsors. This cooperation includes interactive workshops, lectures, invitations to visit their offices as well as attractive international internships.

following opportunities: • Double degree programme with the Nanyang Business School in Singapore. The Nanyang Business School is one of the top business schools in Asia. It is committed to excellent teaching, an innovative curriculum and quality research. It is the only business school in Singapore and the fifth in Asia to achieve full EQUIS accreditation. An exclusive double degree programme provides our students with the unique opportunity to gain both Asian and European perspectives on business. Within two years, students earn both the Nanyang MBA and the SIM Master’s degree at the University of St.Gallen. • CEMS Master’s in International Management • Double degree programmes with ESADE, Barcelona, Spain; HEC, Paris, France; RSM Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands; and FGV-EAESP, Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, São Paulo, Brazil


SIM content grid

approach, the SIM curriculum optimally equips students for

Financial Management

linguistic skills, as well as an interdisciplinary problem-solving

Strategic Leadership

Through fostering academic excellence, intercultural and

International Management

Strategic Management

Career perspectives

Organisational Behaviour & Change


Marketing & Consumer Behaviour

• Exchange programmes with 160 partner universities

SIM in Practice

top international management positions. Many find interesting positions in consultancy firms. Others start a career in the

promising academic career as it provides access to Ph.D. programmes.


this Master’s degree also enables SIM graduates to pursue a

SIMagination Project

Corporate Brand Management

pharmaceuticals or in academia. Subject to a student’s grades,

Corporate Entrepreneurship Mergers & Acquisitions Professional Service Firms

SIM admission requirements • Recognised Bachelor’s degree in Management (or equivalent)

Organising for Sustained Corporate Growth

SIM International Project

Alliance & Network Strategy

consumer goods industry, in the financial services sector,

or a recognised Master’s degree in any academic field. • Supplementary work may be required • GMAT a minimum of 650 points • Proficiency in the English language

General Management Disciplines

• Letter of motivation • CV • Proof of internships, extracurricular activities and work listed in CV • The Bachelor’s grade average is also considered in the admissions decision The admission criteria may be subject to change. Please consult our website for the latest admission criteria. For specific questions: 29

Curriculum Compulsory Courses

Core Studies 3rd sem.

Contextual Studies


3–9 20 ECTS


12 ECTS Core Electives 10 ECTS SIM in Practice

Critical Thinking and Cultural Awareness


Leadership Skills

Master’s Thesis

– Strategic Management – International Management – Strategic Leadership – Financial Management – Research in Management

Independent Electives

Integratives, e.g.: –M ergers & Acquisitions –O rganising for Sustained Corporate Growth –P rofessional Service Firms –C orporate Entrepreneurship – Alliance & Network Strategy – Corporate Brand Management

SIM in Practice

Advanced Management Courses, e.g.: –M arketing and Consumer Behavior –O rganizational Behavior and Change

2nd sem.

1st sem.

Core Electives


Total 18 ECTS


Schedule & tuition

Class of 2013

Start: Each Autumn Semester in September.

Class size: 36 students Average age: 24

Duration: 90 ECTS, average time to completion is 3 to 4

Male / female: 55% / 45%

semesters / full-time programme

Nationalities represented: 16 International students: 90%

Tuition fees: CHF 2,126 per semester for foreign students

Average GMAT: 710 points

(The fees will be increased. Please consult our website.)

Job offers before graduation: 2.0* Signed a job contract by graduation: 87%* *Average of all Master’s programmes 2011 (Source: HSG 2012)


Exchange rate (Aug. 2012): CHF 1.00 = EUR 0.83 / CHF 1.00 = USD 1.03

Master’s Programme in Strategy and International Management



Dr. Omid Aschari, MBA

For any questions regarding the contents and the structure of

Prof. Dr. Heike Bruch

the Master’s Programme in Strategy and International Management,

Prof. Dr. Peter Gomez

please contact:

Prof. Dr. Martin Hilb Prof. Dr. Markus Kreutzer

Prof. Dr. Günter Müller-Stewens Academic Director

Prof. Dr. Tomi Laamanen Prof. Dr. Christoph Lechner Prof. Dr. Markus Menz Prof. Dr. Günter Müller-Stewens Prof. Dr. Sven Reinecke Prof. Dr. Winfried Ruigrok

Dr. Omid Aschari, MBA Managing Director

Prof. Dr. Torsten Schmid Prof. Dr. Marcus Schögel Prof. Dr. Chris Steyaert Dr. Thorsten Truijens Prof. Dr. Alexander Zimmermann

More information on our faculty members and their fields

University of St.Gallen (HSG)

of research can be found on:

Institute of Management

Dufourstrasse 40a CH-9000 St.Gallen Switzerland

Financial Times Ranking The SIM programme is ranked 1st in the Financial Times Global Masters in Management Ranking 2012. Per criteria the SIM was ranked: • Number 1 for “value for money” • Number 1 for “aims achieved” • Number 2 for “placement success” • Number 4 for “weighted salary”

Phone +41 (0)71 224 23 67 Fax +41 (0)71 224 23 55 E-Mail:

“I made a conscious decision to opt for the subject of Economics and for the University of St.Gallen. I chose this major because I am very interested in economic issues such as unemployment, the fight against poverty and globalisation. In the MEcon I can select my subjects for the most part myself and so set my own particular focus. I also appreciate the practice-oriented teaching which is of a very high quality.� Alok Alamban India, MEcon


Master’s Programme in Economics

The Master’s Programme in Economics (MEcon) at the

Student profile

University of St.Gallen offers a high-quality graduate

You show great interest in socially and politically relevant

education in economics. Apart from a common set of core

issues. Your mathematical skills and your analytical talent are

courses, our students select from a larger menu of optional

above average, and you enjoy analysing current economic

courses to specialise in a desired field of economics.

problems. You are willing to make pragmatic use of newly acquired analytical tools and methods.

Theory and practice The MEcon combines modern theory and empirical analysis

• Interest in economic issues

with practical relevance. The programme familiarises students

Economics deals with issues such as growth, business cycles,

with cutting-edge research in economics and enables them to

unemployment, social security, inflation, the strategic

apply their knowledge to current issues of society and the

behaviour of corporations and governments, as well as

economy. The concern for practical relevance is underlined by

problems of globalisation, ageing, climate change and the

the fact that internships can be credited in addition to degree

current financial crisis. Economics is also highly relevant for


strategic management, industrial organisation, corporate finance and capital markets. If you want to study economics

MEcon’s flexible curriculum

successfully, you should be interested in current affairs.

In the MEcon, you can compile your individual programme according to your talents, interests and career objectives.

• Economic concepts: an enjoyable challenge

A carefully selected set of core courses allows for ample

The MEcon enables you to master the most important

flexibility regarding the choice of your specialisation.

theoretical and empirical tools. You will learn how to specify theoretical models, to empirically validate economic relations,


and to draw policy conclusions from your work. One

MEcon faculty members are committed to excellence in

important prerequisite for studying economics is therefore an

teaching and research. Small course groups provide direct

analytical and strategic intellectual capacity.

access to faculty members and guarantee a high degree of student satisfaction.

• Readiness for the pragmatic use of mathematical and statistical methods The MEcon emphasises applications, making use of mathematical and statistical methods which belong in every economist’s toolbox. A strong willingness to apply these methods to the analysis of current issues in economic policy, society and management is thus another important prerequisite.


Languages of instruction

Fast-track Ph.D.

The MEcon is taught both in English and in German. The core

If you attain the necessary grade average and fulfil other

courses are offered in English jointly with the MiQE/F (Master’s

requirements, the programme will provide you with access to

Programme in Quantitative Economics and Finance). This

the Ph.D. Programme in Economics and Finance (PEF). You

guarantees consistent mutual openness of electives and enables

will already be able to earn credits for the PEF during the

students to select courses according to their specialisations and

Master’s programme and thus complete your doctoral studies


in fast-track mode.

Content and structure

Internships with selected partners

Education in economics is largely standardised at an

The MEcon has agreements with a network of selected partner

international level, both in terms of subject matter and with

firms and institutions which regularly offer internship places

regard to the standards. The uniform 4 ECTS format allows for

and guarantee economic and practical relevance, thus

ample flexibility in the personal design of your studies. The

facilitating your start to a successful career.

focus of compulsory subjects on core issues of economics

The MEcon encourages you to gather practical experience and

enables you to configure a large part of the Master’s programme

establish valuable contacts already during your studies. On

according to your own interests and skills.

application, practice credits will be awarded for qualified internships, which are credited for up to two university courses (6 credits maximum). This corresponds to an internship duration of about three months.

International exchange programmes The Master’s Programme in Economics offers its students an opportunity to take part in different programmes: • Exchange programmes with 160 partner universities worldwide • CEMS Master’s in International Management • The MEcon offers students the possibility of participating in attractive double degree programmes with CBS, Copen­ hagen, Denmark; SSE, Stockholm, Sweden; ESADE, Barce­ lona, Spain; HEC, Paris, France; RSM Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands; and Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milan, Italy. Application is on a competitive basis. Further double degree programmes are in the pipeline.


“The MEcon taught me economic analytical procedures, economic policy strategies and their application to current issues in economic policy, society and management, and provided me with direct access to the PEF doctoral programme. The small course groups and our close contacts with professors made it easier for me to find a perfect assistant’s job.”

Stefan Legge, Germany Ph.D. candidate and research fellow

Career perspectives

MEcon admission requirements

A MEcon degree will provide you with the skills required to

• Recognised Bachelor’s degree in Economics (or equivalent)

understand, analyse and develop economic processes.

or a recognised Master’s degree in any academic field.

Application-oriented empirical analytical methods will

• Supplementary work may be required

support your strategic thinking. This will enable you to pursue

• Admission criteria for foreign nationals:

a successful career in many different fields. Not only

International test: GMAT 680, GRE 760, GRE Revised 160

universities, banks, insurance companies, public services and

or LSAT 163. Admission with GMAT 650-670, GRE 740-750,

administrations are interested in our graduates, but reputable

GRE Revised 158-159 or LSAT 161-162 is possible under

business consultancies also regularly employ well educated

certain circumstances. (Instead of an international test


the German- or English-language admission test of the University of St.Gallen can be taken.) • Proficiency in the English language Please note that the admission criteria may be subject to change. Please consult our website for the latest admission criteria. For specific questions:


Curriculum Compulsory Courses

Core Studies 3rd sem.

– Advanced Macroeconomics I – Advanced Microeconomics I – Advanced Macroeconomics II – Advanced Microeconomics II – Mathematics – Econometrics I






Critical Thinking and Cultural Awareness

different specialisations possible

Leadership Skills

– Advanced Macroeconomics III – Advanced Microeconomics III

– Public Economics – Labour Economics – Industrial Organization – Econometrics II – International Trade – Theorie der Wirtschaftspolitik – Microeconometrics – Time Series Econometrics

Master’s Thesis

Core Courses (2 out of 8 compulsory):

Other core elective courses amounting to 8 ECTS: 1st sem.

Contextual Studies

Independent Electives

2nd sem.

Core Electives



Total 18 ECTS


Schedule & tuition

Class of 2013

Start: Starting in September (Autumn Semester) is

Class size: 45

recommended, but the programme can also be started

Average age: 25

in February (Spring Semester).

Male / female: 70% / 30% Nationalities represented: 25

Duration: 90 ECTS, average time to completion is 3 to 4 semesters /

International students: 48%

full-time programme

Average GRE: 780 points Job offers before graduation: 2.0*

Tuition fees: CHF 2,126 per semester for foreign students

Signed a job contract by graduation: 87%*

(The fees will be increased. Please consult our website.)

*Average of all Master’s programmes 2011 (Source: HSG 2012)


Exchange rate (Aug. 2012): CHF 1.00 = EUR 0.83 / CHF 1.00 = USD 1.03

Master’s Programme in Economics



Prof. Francesco Audrino, Ph.D.

For any questions regarding the contents and the structure of

Dr. Christine Benesch

the Master’s Programme in Economics, please contact:

Prof. Dr. Stefan Bühler Dr. Daniel Buncic Prof. Enrico De Giorgi, Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Eva Deuchert

Prof. Dr. Stefan Bühler Academic Director

Prof. Simon Evenett, Ph.D. Christina Felfe, Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Matthias Fengler Prof. Dr. Reto Föllmi Prof. Dr. Manfred Gärtner

Franziska Fawcett Executive Director

Dr. Philipp Guyer Martin Huber, Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Christian Keuschnigg Prof. Dr. Gebhard Kirchgässner Prof. Dr. Martin Kolmar Prof. Dr. Michael Lechner Jochen Mankart, Ph.D.

University of St.Gallen (HSG)

Prof. Giovanni Mellace, Ph.D.

School of Economics and Political Science

Claudia Neri, Ph.D.

Varnbüelstrasse 19

Catherine Roux, Ph.D.

CH-9000 St.Gallen

Dr. Mark Schelker


Prof. Paul Söderlind, Ph.D. Dr. Carlo Strub

Phone +41 (0)71 224 29 26 Fax +41 (0)71 224 31 35

More information on our faculty members and their fields of research can be found on:



“I chose the MiQE/F programme because it uniquely combines quantitative methods with finance and other economic subjects. Students benefit from close contact with an international faculty. When questions and new challenges arise, professors are always ready to help at short notice. People who are looking for an academically demanding programme in a familiar atmosphere will be in the right place.� Irene Fensore Italy, MiQE/F


Master’s Programme in Quantitative Economics and Finance

The Master’s Programme in Quantitative Economics and

Master’s thesis

Finance (MiQE/F) offers a high-quality graduate education in

Your Master’s thesis is graded and weighted with 18 ECTS.

economic theory, finance, and quantitative methods. Apart

A topic from the MiQE/F core studies is required and the thesis

from a common set of core courses, you select from a larger

must be written in English.

menu of optional courses to specialise in economics, finance, or a combination of both.

Fast-track Ph.D. Graduates who attain the requisite GPA score and fulfil other

Your head start

requirements will be granted access to the Ph.D. Programme in

The unique feature of the programme is to combine rigorous

Economics and Finance (PEF). The PEF offers our MiQE/F

economic and finance theory with quantitative empirical

students a fast-track programme. Certain electives can be

methods to analyse and solve challenging practical problems

attended during the Master’s studies and can be additionally

in economics, finance and the private sector. Being equipped

credited to your future PEF studies.

with statistical and econometric methods and an expert knowledge of economics and finance, you will be uniquely

Practice credits

positioned on the job market to successfully compete for the

The MiQE/F encourages students to acquire practical experience

most challenging career opportunities in science, the private

and to establish contacts for their future career start. Therefore

sector and national and international policy institutions.

practice credits are awarded for qualified internships, which are credited to curricular courses (max. 6 ECTS).

Curriculum The compulsory courses mainly focus on economic theory and

Cooperation with LGT

quantitative methods. This allows students to choose their core

The LGT Group is a cooperation partner

electives according to their interests and talents. The uniform

of the MiQE/F. A prize for the best

4 ECTS format supports and facilitates a unique specialisation

MiQE/F degree result has been awarded

to shape students’ profiles.

every year by LGT. This award amounts to CHF 5,000.

The different specialisation areas include optional courses in

Furthermore, students may have the opportunity to do

econometrics, finance and economics, which are important to

internships at LGT, where they can earn practice credits.

prepare students for quantitative applications and make them competitive in the job market. The three specialisation areas can be flexibly combined. Students can choose their core electives and will have the possibility to create their profiles by specialising in a specific field of interest: • Quantitative economics • Quantitative finance • Corporate finance, banking and insurance


International exchange programmes The Master’s Programme in Quantitative Economics and Finance recommends its students to study a semester abroad in the network of partner universities and other schemes for student exchange: • The MiQE/F is part of the Quantitative Economics European Network (QUEEN), a network of several universities that offer Master’s programmes of sufficient depth and of high quality in quantitative economics and/or finance. Our students will have the opportunity to spend one semester in one of the other programmes. The first partner in this network is the English- language programme Master of Quantitative Economics at the Goethe University Frankfurt in Germany. • Exchange programmes with 160 partner universities

worldwide • CEMS Master’s in International Management • Double Degrees: The MiQE/F offers students the possibility of

prepares participants for ambitious careers that require a

participating in attractive double degree programmes with

good education in economics, finance and quantitative

CBS, Copenhagen, Denmark; SSE, Stockholm, Sweden;

methods. The competitive advantage of MiQE/F graduates

ESADE, Barcelona, Spain; HEC, Paris, France; RSM Erasmus

on the job market is the combination of quantitative methods

University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands; and Università

and expert knowledge of economics and finance. The

Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milan, Italy. Application is on

analysis of complex real world problems in international

a competitive basis. Further double degree programmes are

economic policy making, financial sector developments and

in preparation.

private industry increasingly requires the use of rigorous

• To extend the choice of courses, the University of St.Gallen

quantitative and theoretical methods and thereby creates a

and the University of Constance (Germany) have agreed upon

rising demand for our alumni. In addition, MiQE/F is an

cooperation at the Master’s Level. MiQE/F students thus have

ideal preparation for demanding Ph.D. programmes in

the opportunity to choose certain courses from the Master’s

Economics, Econometrics and/or Finance.

Programme in International Economic Relations at the University of Constance, and vice versa.

Career perspectives

Reasons for enrolling in the Master’s Programme in Quantitative Economics and Finance • Competitive advantage on the job market: because

Graduates with an economics degree often lack an in-depth

nowadays, good jobs for economists, in economics as well

education and extensive training in quantitative methods,

as in finance, require a profound knowledge of the

whereas mathematicians and statisticians often lack the

methods of empirical research and analysis.

necessary background in economics or finance. MiQE/F


“What distinguishes the MiQE/F from most other Master’s Programmes is its focus on quantitative methods. For my job in the Economics Department of the Central Bank of Lithuania, where I perform stress-testing and monitor the credit risk of the local banking sector, sound analytical skills, expert knowledge of statistical and econometric methods as well as a solid background in economic and finance theory are essential.”

Audrius Mozuras, Lithuania Senior Economist Central Bank of Lithuania

• Flexibility: make your own decision as to whether you want to specialise in Econometrics, Economics or Finance. • Faculty: work with a comparatively young and

MiQEF admission requirements • Recognised Bachelor’s degree in Economics (or equivalent) or a recognised Master’s degree in any academic field.

internationally recognised faculty that is an active part of

• Supplementary work may be required

the scientific community.

• GRE a minimum of 760 points or GRE Revised a minimum

• High educational standard: the MiQE/F adheres strictly to the highest international economic standards. • Benefit from small class sizes.

of 160 points (admission with GRE 740-750 or GRE Revised 158-159 is possible under certain circumstances) • Proficiency in the English language

• International setting: work with students and lecturers from different countries all over the world and from

The admission criteria may be subject to change. Please consult

different cultural backgrounds. All lectures and

our website for the latest admission criteria.

examinations are in English. • Ph.D: a successful completion of MiQE/F will be an ideal preparation for our demanding Ph.D. programme in For specific questions:

Economics and Finance (PEF). • Student participation: faculty members and students often meet informally in order to discuss further improvements, so students actually have the possibility of actively contributing to and participating in the development of the programme.


Curriculum Compulsory Courses

Core Studies 3rd sem.

Other core electives






Critical Thinking and Cultural Awareness

– Mathematics – Statistics – Advanced Macroeconomics II – Advanced Microeconomics II – Econometrics I – Theory of Finance

(1 of 3 compulsory): – Public Economics – Labour Economics – Industrial Organization

Leadership Skills

– Advanced Mathematics and Statistics – Econometrics II

(2 of 4 compulsory): – Quantitative Risk Management – Asset Pricing – Microeconometrics – Time Series Econometrics – Financial Volatility

Master’s Thesis

Field courses: Finance/Econometrics

Field courses: Economics

1st sem.

Contextual Studies

Independent Electives

2nd sem.

Core Electives



Total 18 ECTS


Schedule & tuition

Class of 2013

Start: Starting in September (Autumn Semester) is recommen-

Class size: 25

ded, but the programme can also be started in February

Average age: 25

(Spring Semester).

Male / female: 71% / 29% Nationalities represented: 20

Duration: 90 ECTS, average duration of studies is 3-4 semesters /

International students: 65%

full-time programme

Average GRE: 780 points Job offers before graduation: 2.0*

Tuition fees: CHF 2,126 per semester for foreign students

Signed a job contract by graduation: 87%*

(The fees will be increased. Please consult our website.)

*Average of all Master’s programmes 2011 (Source: HSG 2012)


Exchange rate (Aug. 2012): CHF 1.00 = EUR 0.83 / CHF 1.00 = USD 1.03

Master’s Programme in Quantitative Economics and Finance



Prof. Francesco Audrino, Ph.D.

For any questions regarding the contents and the structure of

Dr. Christine Benesch

the Master’s Programme in Quantitative Economics and Finance,

Prof. Dr. Stefan Bühler

please contact:

Dr. Daniel Buncic Prof. Enrico De Giorgi, Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Eva Deuchert

Prof. Dr. Stefan Bühler Academic Director

Prof. Simon Evenett, Ph.D. Christina Felfe, Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Matthias Fengler Prof. Dr. Reto Föllmi Prof. Dr. Manfred Gärtner

Franziska Fawcett Executive Director

Dr. Philipp Guyer Martin Huber, Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Christian Keuschnigg Prof. Dr. Gebhard Kirchgässner Prof. Dr. Martin Kolmar Prof. Dr. Michael Lechner Jochen Mankart, Ph.D. Prof. Giovanni Mellace, Ph.D. Claudia Neri, Ph.D. Catherine Roux, Ph.D. Dr. Mark Schelker Prof. Paul Söderlind, Ph.D. Dr. Carlo Strub

University of St.Gallen (HSG) School of Economics and Political Science Varnbüelstrasse 19 CH-9000 St.Gallen Switzerland Phone +41 (0)71 224 29 26 Fax +41 (0)71 224 31 35 E-Mail:

More information on our faculty members and their fields of research can be found on:

“The interdisciplinary and international education provided by the MIA enables me not only to liaise between different cultures but also between experts of a wide variety of disciplines. The possibility of selecting my specialisation areas on an informal basis also enables me to acquire a subject-related knowledge in an area of my own choosing and thus constitutes a first-class prerequisite for the start of my professional career.� Lucile Epper

Switzerland, MIA


Master’s Programme in International Affairs and Governance

The Master of Arts in International Affairs and Governance

Linking theory to practice is a top priority in the MIA

(MIA) is designed for students who seek a professional career

programme. There are several ways of bringing theoretical

in business, government, non-profit organisations and

analysis to bear on the solution of distinctly practical problems.

international agencies. MIA graduates are trained as generalists

Our students participate in projects with experts from

and are skilled at integrating the specialist knowledge required

international organisations such as the World Bank or the World

to address today’s pressing political, economic, and social

Trade Organization (WTO). They may earn credits towards

problems. Combining interdisciplinary study with a result-

their final degree through internships in companies and in

oriented approach, the MIA programme prepares graduates for

public institutions. The University of St.Gallen has a long-

a world in which leaders and professionals must increasingly

standing commitment to provide its students with a rigorous

be able to work across borders, disciplines and sectors.

practical training so as to facilitate their smooth transition from university life to professional life as much as possible.

The MIA programme is based on an interdisciplinary curriculum that covers economics, political science, business

International exchange programmes

administration and law. Compulsory courses provide the

Double degrees and other programmes

conceptual foundations, research methods and in-depth

• The MIA offers students the possibility of participating in

knowledge needed for a thorough understanding of complex

attractive double degree programmes. Application is on a

international affairs issues. Core electives such as specific

competitive basis. At present, there are partnerships with the

courses and practical projects enable students to choose and

Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po) in Paris, France, with

refine their areas of specialisation, thus developing a

The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy of Tufts University

professional portfolio of their own. Writing a Master’s thesis

in Medford, Boston, USA, and the Graduate School of

permits students to concentrate on a research question in a

International Studies of Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea.

subject area of their choice.

Further double degree programmes are in preparation. • CEMS Master’s in International Management

Our programme is particularly strong in the fields of trade and

• Specific exchange programmes with: Lee Kuan Yew School of

development, peace and security, as well as democracy and

Public Policy, Singapore; School of International Relations,

governance. The curriculum skilfully merges St.Gallen’s proven

St. Petersburg State University, Russia; The Graduate Institute

expertise in economics and business with the analytical study of practical issues pertaining to politics and society as a whole.

(HEID), Geneva, Switzerland • Exchange programmes with 160 partner universities worldwide


“The MIA enabled me to come to terms with a variety of topics such as European integration, international trade, political theory and the reform of public institutions. The courses were very demanding and the instructors were stimulating and easily accessible. The joint diploma programme with Sciences Po afforded me the opportunity to spend a year in Paris. Finally, the MIA led to my obtaining a much sought after position in the private sector.”

Dr. Werner Schäfer, Germany International Consultant in Berlin

International partner: APSIA

Career perspectives

The University of St.Gallen is a

The MIA programme opens the door to a great variety of careers

member of the Association of

in the public, private and non-profit sectors. For the past ten

Professional Schools of

years, our graduates have gone on to work in banking and

International Affairs (APSIA),

financial institutions, insurance companies, consulting firms and

which comprises thirty-five leading schools in the

other multinational corporations, federal, state and local

United States, Europe and Asia. APSIA promotes

governments, development agencies, international

excellence in professional graduate education

organisations and diplomacy, the media, political parties,

worldwide by sharing information and ideas among

NGOs, non-profit organisations, as well as universities and

member schools and the wider international affairs

research centres.


Moreover, the MIA programme prepares students for St.Gallen’s Ph.D. programme in International Affairs and Political Economy.


MIA admission requirements • Recognised Bachelor’s degree in International Affairs (or equivalent) or a recognised Master’s degree in any academic field • Supplementary work may be required • Admission criteria for foreign nationals: International test: GMAT 680, GRE 760, GRE Revised 160 or LSAT 163. Admission with GMAT 650-670, GRE 740-750, GRE Revised 158-159 or LSAT 161-162 is possible under certain circumstances. (Instead of an international test the Germanor English-language admission test of the University of St.Gallen can be taken.) • Proficiency in the English language • Letter of motivation • Reference letters by academics The admission criteria may be subject to change. Please consult our website for the latest admission criteria. For specific questions:


Curriculum Core Electives

Compulsory Courses

Core Studies

1st sem.

– Research Design – Establishing Equivalence between Measurement and Meaning

– International Governance – State and Economy – International Politics, Economics and Business

– The International Financial Architecture – WTO Seminar – International Trade – Energy Governance – Economic Development – Practical Leadership in Development Management – International Economic Policy Analysis – Foreign Policy Strategies – European Foreign Policy in Action – Security Governance – Asia-Pacific Security – Managing Defence – Challenges to the Welfare State – The Politics of International Law – Law and Politics of the International Protection of Human Rights – Global Communication and International Affairs – The Politics of Immigration – Managing Social Business






Critical Thinking and Cultural Awareness

Research Methods 2nd sem.

Specific Courses (examples):

Leadership Skills

– Issue Management – Development Cooperation – Public Affairs Management – World Bank Projects – Public Management

Master’s Thesis

Practical Projects:

Independent Electives

3rd sem.

Contextual Studies



Total 18 ECTS

Profile MIA

Schedule & tuition

Class of 2013

Start: February (Spring Semester) or September (Autumn

Class size: 72 students


Average age: 27 Male / female: 58% / 42%

Duration: 90 ECTS, average duration of study 3-4 semesters /

Nationalities represented: 8

full-time programme

International students: 32% Average GMAT: 720 points

Tuition fees: CHF 2,126 per semester for foreign students

Job offers before graduation: 2.0*

(The fees will be increased. Please consult our website.)

Signed a job contract by graduation: 87%* *Average of all Master’s programmes 2011 (Source: HSG 2012)


Exchange rate (Aug. 2012): CHF 1.00 = EUR 0.83 / CHF 1.00 = USD 1.03

Master’s Programme in International Affairs and Governance



Prof. Daniele Caramani, Ph.D.

For any questions regarding the contents and the structure of

Prof. James W. Davis, Ph.D.

the Master’s Programme in International Affairs and Governance

Prof. Dr. Patrick Emmenegger

(MIA), please contact:

Prof. Simon Evenett, Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Reto Föllmi Prof. Dr. Christoph Frei

Prof. Dirk Lehmkuhl, Ph.D. Academic Director

Prof. Dr. Dr. Roland Kley Prof. Dirk Lehmkuhl, Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Kuno Schedler

Prof. Dr. Christoph Frei Academic Director

In addition, the MIA programme draws on a distinguished faculty of scholars from all the University’s schools as well as on practitioners and experts from international institutions and the private sector: Prof. Dr. Jörg Baumberger; Dr. René Buholzer; Prof. Dr. Thomas

Dr. Daniela Engelmann Executive Director

Burri; Prof. Samia Costa, Ph.D.; Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ehrenzeller; Dr. Katja Gentinetta; Prof. Dr. Michael Graff; Dr. Beat Habegger; Prof. Dr. Heiner Hänggi; Dr. Urs Heierli; Dr. Urs Jäger; Dr. Andreas Koestler; lic.phil.hist. Claude Longchamp; Dr. Sonja Lüthi; Prof. Dr. Miriam Meckel; Prof. Dr. Silvano Moeckli; Dr. Michael Reiterer; Dr. Manuel Rybach; Dr. Roland Scherer; Prof. Andreas von Staden, Ph.D.; lic.rer.pol. Pietro Veglio; Andrew Walton, Ph.D.; Dr. Paul Widmer; Prof. Dr. Rolf Wüstenhagen; Jörg Zeuner, Ph.D.; Prof. Dr. Andreas Ziegler

University of St.Gallen (HSG) Master of Arts in International Affairs and Governance (MIA) Varnbüelstrasse 19 CH-9000 St.Gallen Switzerland

More information on our faculty members and their fields of research can be found on:

Phone +41 (0)71 224 31 33 E-Mail:

University of St.Gallen students enjoy taking advantage of the many outdoor sports activities in the Swiss Alps.


Master’s Programme in International Law

The shifting balance between the state and the economy has

With its interdisciplinary perspective, the MIL seeks to attract

given rise to new challenges at the intersections of law,

candidates from a variety of educational backgrounds. Some

business, and government. Addressing them calls for

MIL students will have earned their first degree in law or law

professionals who command the necessary legal skills and

and economics, others in fields such as international affairs,

management abilities as well as a profound understanding of

management, and economics. This will allow them to benefit

the complexities at issue.

from the interactions within a diverse class of academic peers. MIL students have a keen interest in the fascinating interplay

The Master’s Programme in International Law (MIL) is a new

of law, business, and politics, and they share a strong practical

programme that will start in autumn 2013. It is an innovative

commitment. In their professional careers, they will actively

study course with a clear focus on international law, business,

engage with some of the most demanding legal issues of the

and government. Through courses, research, and practical

present day.

engagement, students acquire a sound knowledge of international law and its sub-fields as well as a firm grasp of the


manifold interdependencies between law, the economy, and the

The MIL curriculum grants participants enormous freedom to

state. The Law School and the University of St.Gallen have

put together a course of study that meets their professional

outstanding curricular strength in a number of important fields

objectives and personal preferences.

enabling students to build strong expertise. These areas include international and European business law, financial and capital

Compulsory courses

markets law, dispute resolution, international organisations

The three compulsory courses provide students with the

and politics, and institutional management.

knowledge, the analytical tools and the practical skills required for a general grasp of the theory and practice of international

The MIL blends a specialised legal education with essential

law. Classes cover legal method and international business law,

aspects of business and politics and with a strong emphasis on

international negotiation, and the international legal order.

practical training. Its curriculum equips students with the

A wide range of electives enable students to specialise in

awareness and flexibility of thought to deal with cross-cutting

selected topics and, if they so wish, to complement their legal

issues that call for novel approaches and pose some of the most

education with courses from related areas such as management

exciting intellectual and practical challenges in today’s world.

studies or political science.

In this way, the MIL prepares its graduates for a wide range of careers in the corporate world, in government, diplomacy, international organisations, compliance and regulatory affairs, and other public and private sector institutions.


“The Master’s Programme in International Law combines theory and practice. We train broadly knowledgeable ­leaders to translate their thorough grounding in the latest legal, business and political thinking into practical, ­successful actions that shape international issues and events.”

Prof. Dr. Lukas Gschwend Dean Law School

Core electives

Independent electives and Master’s thesis

Core electives are designed to deepen the understanding of

Independent electives present a wide range of options, and

specific international law topics. Classes are organised in

students choose depending on their own objectives and

clusters, with each concentrating on a particular subject area.


Eventually, the programme may comprise up to six or seven

The Master’s thesis allows them to concentrate on a research

clusters covering subjects such as International and European

question in a specialised subject area of their own choice.

Business Law, Financial and Capital Markets Law, Dispute Resolution, International Organisations and Politics, Theoretical

Career perspectives

Foundations, Legal Profession, and Institutional Management.

With its innovative study programme, the MIL opens the door to a wide array of attractive positions, preparing graduates for

Legal electives

professional careers in multinational corporations, government,

Legal electives enhance participants’ legal expertise and allow

diplomacy, international organisations, compliance and

them to specialise further. Students are invited to engage in a

regulatory affairs, business consulting, law firms, NGOs as well

variety of practice workshops, especially Moot Courts in which

as other public and private institutions.

the Law School regularly takes part. They also benefit from

Given its focus on international law and interdisciplinarity, the

special courses offered by visiting professors.

MIL differs from standard legal programmes intended for students who, after their Bar exams, will go on to work as legal practitioners, particularly as attorneys, in their national jurisdictions.


“The flow of goods, technology, ideas, capital, and people across borders means that the work of lawyers, whether in private practice or public service, increasingly involves matters in which knowledge of legal systems beyond one’s own can prove important. The MIL prepares students to work in this exciting environment.”

Prof. Dr. Markus Müller-Chen Academic Director

Some law graduates, after completing their MLaw or MLE,

MIL admission requirements

might think about pursuing an international corporate or

• Recognised Bachelor’s degree in Law or a similar field of

public-sector career in order to practice law in a global context.

studies like International Affairs, Management or Economics

They may find that the MIL is just the academic programme

(at least 30 ECTS in legal studies) or a recognised Master’s

they are looking for as it can make an essential contribution to

degree in any academic field.

fulfilling their international aspirations.

• Supplementary work may be required

Subject to the grades achieved, the MIL degree will also enable

• Foreign nationals: International test: GMAT 680,

students to enter a promising academic career as it provides

GRE 760, GRE Revised 160 or LSAT 163. Admission with

access to Ph.D. programmes.

GMAT 650–670, GRE 740–750, GRE Revised 158–159 or LSAT 161–162 is possible under certain circumstances.

International exchange programmes

(Instead of an international test the German- or English-

While offering a distinctly international curriculum, the MIL

language admission test of the University of St.Gallen can

also enables students to personally experience international exposure, affording them the possibility to participate in

be taken.) • Proficiency in the English language

various student exchange schemes and partnership programmes:

The admission criteria may be subject to change. Please consult

• CEMS Master’s in International Management

our website for the latest admission criteria.

• Exchange programmes with 160 partner universities worldwide • Double degree programme with leading U.S. law school For specific questions:

(in preparation)


Curriculum Compulsory Courses

Core Studies 3rd sem.

Contextual Studies






Leadership Skills

Critical Thinking and Cultural Awareness

– Legal Method and Theory in International Business Law – International Negotiation – The International Legal Order

Master’s Thesis

Legal Electives

Independent Electives

Cluster Courses

– International and European Business Law – Financial and Capital Markets Law – Dispute Resolution – International Organizations and Politics – Theoretical Foundations – Legal Profession – Institutional Management

2nd sem.

1st sem.

Core Electives



Total 18 ECTS

Schedule & tuition Start: The MIL is a new programme and will start for the first time in September 2013. Afterwards, students can take up the programme twice a year in February (Spring Semester) or September (Autumn Semester). Duration: 90 ECTS, average duration of study 3-4 semesters / full-time programme Tuition fees: CHF 2,126 per semester for foreign students (The fees will be increased. Please consult our website.)

Exchange rate (Aug. 2012): CHF 1.00 = EUR 0.83 / CHF 1.00 = USD 1.03


Master’s Programme in International Law



Prof. Dr. Anne van Aaken

For any questions regarding the contents and structure of

Prof. Dr. Carl Baudenbacher

the Master’s Programme in International Law, please contact:

Prof. Dr. Urs Bertschinger Prof. Dr. Gary Born Prof. Dr. Thomas Burri Prof. Dr. Philippe Corruble

Prof. Dr. Markus Müller-Chen Academic Director

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ehrenzeller Prof. Dr. Thomas Geiser Prof. Dr. Lukas Gschwend Prof. Dr. Peter Hettich Prof. Dr. Dr. Roland Kley

Sabine Greiser, M.A. Executive Director

Prof. Dr. Alfred Koller Prof. Dr. Juliane Kokott Prof. Dr. Markus Müller-Chen Prof. Dr. Vito Roberto Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schindler Prof. Dr. Peter Sester Prof. Dr. Florent Thouvenin Prof. Dr. Robert Waldburger Dr. Thomas Werlen Prof. Dr. Isabelle Wildhaber Prof. Dr. Andreas Ziegler

University of St.Gallen (HSG) Law School Master’s Programme in International Law (MIL) Guisanstrasse 36 CH-9000 St.Gallen Switzerland

More information on our faculty members and their fields

Phone +41 (0)71 224 33 84

of research can be found on:

Fax +41 (0) 242 62 01


International orientation

The University of St.Gallen (HSG) encourages and enables

International exchange semester

students to supplement their academic curriculum with international experience. Double degrees, exchange

Exchange semester

programmes, students from all over the world, an

All students at the University of St.Gallen have the opportunity

international faculty, an internationally orientated

to spend an exchange semester at one of our 160 partner

curriculum and networks give students the opportunity to

universities worldwide.

experience foreign cultures and perspectives first hand.

International students and faculty:

Special exchange for MIA students

• 34% of students come from 80 different nations

Students of the Master’s in International Affairs and

• 48% of the faculty come from abroad

Governance can participate in special exchange programmes

• selected visiting professors from various countries

with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore,


the School of International Relations, St.Petersburg State University, and the Graduate Institute (HEID), Geneva.

• The Global Alliance in Management Education (CEMS) • Partnership in International Management (PIM)

Exchange in the QUEEN network

• Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA)

The Master’s in Quantitative Economics and Finance is part of

The HSG supports international networking with (a selection): • Hub in São Paulo • In Singapore we run a Hub and the St.Gallen Institute of Management in Asia (SGI) • Asia Research Center • The Sino-Swiss Management Training Programme • Centro Latinoamericano-Suizo de la Universidad de San Gallen


the Quantitative Economics European Network (QUEEN). Students have the opportunity to spend one semester at a QUEEN partner university.

International exchange programmes give students firsthand, personal experience in foreign countries. HSG student Christoph Schleiffer (right) visited the colonial village of Barichara with other students during his exchange semester in Bogotá.

A selection of our prestigious partners AGSM MBA Programs, UNSW, Sydney, Australia

IESA, Caracas, Venezuela

Ivey School of Business, Toronto, Canada

Babson College, Boston, USA

IIM, Ahmedabad, India

Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea

Beijing University, Beijing, China

IIM, Bangalore, India

Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden

CEIBS, Shanghai, China

Insper São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand

Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

LSE, London, United Kingdom

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Columbia University, New York, USA

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia

Cornell University, Ithaca, USA

National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Universidad del Pacif ico, Lima, Peru

Duke University, Durham, USA

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Universidad San Andres, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Northwestern University, Evanston, USA

University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, São Paulo, Brazil

NYU Stern, New York, USA

Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan

Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada

Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia 57 Wits Business School, Johannesburg, South Africa

Double degree programmes

CEMS Master’s in International Management (CEMS MIM) CEMS – The Global Alliance in Management Education – is a

The attractive CEMS programme is suitable for outstanding

strategic alliance of the world’s leading business schools and

students who want to hone their high academic standards and

multinational companies. The University of St.Gallen (HSG)

professional skills, to enhance their ability to perform effectively

has been a member of CEMS since 1989.

in a fast-changing environment, to develop an empathy with

The global network of 26 world-class academic institutions

different cultures, values and behaviours and the willingness to

provides our students with an opportunity of obtaining the

take responsibility within society, as well as to make themselves

CEMS MIM in parallel with their Master’s programme.

fit for global leadership roles. The alliance of universities,

This double degree in a network of renowned management

corporate partners, CEMS students and alumni creates the best

schools and over 70 corporate partners has occupied a leading

conditions for this and for subsequent career opportunities.

position in the global FT Ranking for Master’s Programmes in Management for years.

As the CEMS MIM is a double degree programme, our students need to pursue one of our HSG Master’s programmes in parallel

The excellent programme CEMS MIM is based on three

with the CEMS MIM programme. Application is only possible,

cornerstones: intellectual competencies, professional

once they are registered in one of our Master’s programmes.

competencies and practical competencies. These are provided by an exclusive one-year curriculum that consists of CEMS compulsory subjects in strategic and cross-cultural management, CEMS electives, CEMS business projects, a block seminar and skill seminars. Students need to obtain a high level in management business communication in two foreign languages. A compulsory internship abroad and an exchange semester at a CEMS school conclude the programme.


Five of the top European business schools operate the DM2

Double degree programmes with APSIA member schools

double degree programme under the aegis of DAFME (Double

As a member of the Association of Professional Schools of

Degree Agreement for Management Education in Europe).

International Affairs (APSIA), the HSG is able to offer students

• ESADE, Barcelona

of the Master’s in International Affairs and Governance double

• HEC, Paris

degree programmes with the following universities:

• RSM Erasmus University, Rotterdam

• Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po) in Paris, France

• Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milan

• The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy of Tufts

DM2 double degree programme

• University of St.Gallen (HSG) More than 30 different Master’s programmes from all the universities are involved in this double degree programme.

University in Medford, Boston, USA • Graduate School of International Studies of Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea

This results in a wide variety of programme combinations for

MIA students spend one year at our partner university and

more extensive studies in the same or a similar major or for the

one year at the University of St.Gallen. The close cooperation

choice of an additional major. After 2–2.5 years of successful

between the two institutions and the mutual recognition of

studies, selected HSG students obtain two full Master’s

course work ensures students receive a high-quality education

degrees from leading European universities. DM2 graduates

with a genuine cross-border reach. After two years students

also enjoy the very best career opportunities and close links

will have obtained a Master’s degree from each of the two

with both universities and their alumni organisations.


(This offer is not available for MIA students) Further double degree programmes are in preparation. 3 3 3


FGV-EAESP double degree programme Together with FGV-EAESP (Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo) we have put together a double degree programme that, after 2–2.5 years of studies, offers you a Master’s degree from the HSG as well as a second degree from the most renowned school of economics in Brazil. Students of the Master’s in Strategy and International Management and the Master’s in Banking and Finance are able to apply for this double degree programme.

MEcon and MiQE/F double degree The Master’s in Economics (MEcon) and the Master’s in Quantitative Economics and Finance (MiQE/F) offer a double degree programme together with CBS Copenhagen and SSE Stockholm.


Our SIM and MBF students have the opportunity to apply for a double degree programme at the excellent FGV-EAESP in Brazil.

Nanyang double degree programme The students of the Master’s in Strategy and International Management can participate in a double degree programme with the Nanyang Business School in Singapore to obtain an MBA from the Nanyang Business School and a SIM Master’s degree from the University of St.Gallen.


Student commitment “I chose the University of St.Gallen (HSG) because it is one of Europe’s top business universities. This is shown by the various rankings and by the EQUIS and AACSB International accreditations. Also, I love Switzerland because of its landscape with mountains, lakes, historic towns and the snow in winter. Thanks to the HSG, I found a very rewarding job at a global company based in Switzerland.”

Violette Yi QIN, China Corporate Accounting, Bühler Management AG

The Student Union

for intergenerational debate on issues of management, politics

The Student Union is the official student representative body

and civil society.

at the HSG and the umbrella organisation of all the associations

and initiatives. Its representatives and the students work

• The oikos Model WTO is an international event with 70

towards the realisation of their ideas and contribute to the students simulating the regular WTO minister conferences.

development of the University. The HSG supports such

students’ efforts and, in particular, encourages them to assume

• More than 110 firms of international significance participate in

personal responsibility. the HSG TALENTS Conference and present themselves on the

HSG Campus.

Student associations and initiatives Nearly 100 student associations and initiatives contribute to a

Sports and leisure activities

rich and diverse university life. These associations range from

To keep body and mind in balance, the University provides a

international ones such as the Gateway to India, the Club Latino

gym, weights rooms, football field, tennis, basketball and beach

and the Cercle des Francophones to sports associations like the

volleyball court. The University’s attractive location between

Snow and Mountain Sports Association, St.Gallen Sailing and

Lake Constance and the Alps makes St.Gallen an ideal setting

the Aviation Group. But cultural associations like ProArte, an

for all kinds of leisure activities, such as rock-climbing and

orchestra and the HSG Big Band also contribute towards the

sailing. The so-called “Three Ponds” are only a few minutes’

wide variety of leisure opportunities.

walk from the city centre: the three small lakes on a hill on the outskirts of the city serve as public swimming pools in the

The University of St.Gallen’s students also organise events of

summer and as ice rinks in cold winters. The Peter and Paul

international significance:

Wildlife Park is situated near the University and is popular with

• The St.Gallen Symposium is the world’s premier opportunity

students who want to go jogging and walking.


Career perspectives

“The St.Gallen programmes will offer you an unprecedented proximity to practitioners. The University of St.Gallen has always maintained very close ties to the European business communities, enabling it to benefit fully from the prevalence and the expertise of the surrounding international companies.”

Dr. oec. HSG Josef Ackermann Chairman of the Board of Directors Zurich Insurance Group Ltd and Zurich Insurance Company Ltd

Career Services Center (CSC-HSG) The Career Services Center conceives of itself as the central

Furthermore, we assist you with specific information about the

contact point and driving force for all questions relating to

work permit regulations in Switzerland for your respective

career entry and planning. Our aim is to support HSG students

nationality. While international students are allowed to work

in their search for an internship or an initial job at the outset of

part-time during their studies, regulations accord priority to

their careers and in their career planning according to their

Swiss and EU nationals after graduation.

prevailing requirements. Our Career Services for HSG students • Career Counselling: one-on-one assistance in all careerrelated issues • Career Events: HSG TALENTS business insights, seminars, workshops and training sessions • Recruiting Events: HSG TALENTS Conference in spring, HSG TALENTS Banking Days in autumn • HSG TALENTS Online: CV publication, event sign-up, jobs and internship postings, company profiles, newsletter subscription • Career Management Handbook: how to plan your application and career – competently and practically

The Student Career Services Team would be happy to speak to you to help you attain your career objectives.

Career Services Center (CSC-HSG) University of St.Gallen (HSG) Britta Naumann International Student Career Services Dufourstrasse 50 CH-9000 St.Gallen Phone: +41 (0)71 224 29 23 E-Mail:

• Career library: brochures on career-related issues


The HSG TALENTS Conference is the University of St.Gallen’s official recruiting event, and as such one of the biggest in the German-speaking area. Our students are offered the excellent opportunity to establish contacts with more than 110 companies, to market themselves and to extend their network.


Labour market • The labour market puts a premium on HSG degrees. On

Some of the HSG Alumni’s most important employers are:

average, graduates are able to choose between 2 job offers. • Search for employment: 87% of graduates already have a job at the time of graduation. • The quota of HSG alumni in Swiss top management is outstanding. The HSG has the greatest placing power in Business Administration and is the runner-up with regard to Law. (Source: Graduate Survey Report, 2012, University of St.Gallen)

HSG Alumni HSG Alumni is the official organisation of former students of the University of St.Gallen. With about 20,000 members and 120 Alumni Clubs on 5 continents, it is one of Europe’s leading associations of this type. It reinforces the alumni’s lifelong bonds with the University, as well as the networks among its members, by means of numerous events and information platforms.


Financial information

What does it cost to study at the HSG?

to the embassy to obtain the visa. Please note that you will need

Students’ living costs vary according to their lifestyles.

this amount during the first year, and make sure that you can

On average, our students’ annual expenses amount to

finance the following years as well.

approximately CHF 25,000.

Tuition fees*


Tuition fees per semester for foreign Master’s students are

We do not offer on-campus housing. Generally, students share

CHF 2,126. All students pay a one-off matriculation and

an apartment or rent a small one. If students share an apartment,

processing fee of CHF 250. The fees are relatively low in

they can obtain a single bedroom from CHF 450 upwards per

Switzerland because education is subsidised by the

month. Rents for small private studios range from CHF 650

Confederation and the cantons.

upwards per month. The Student Union has a housing market on its website. The HSG’s Student Mobility offers a limited number

The visa process

of rooms in a student residence against a brokerage fee. Interested

Most students who come to Switzerland must obtain a visa prior to

students should contact us as early as possible.

entering the country. It may take several months for a visa to be


issued. Please contact the Swiss Embassy in your home country at

an early stage to find out about the relevant procedures and documents to be submitted.


In most cases students must prove that they have sufficient

A regular menu at the on-campus cafeteria costs about CHF 8.

financial means for their stay in Switzerland. Therefore they will

Students can find all kinds of restaurants and snack bars in

have to transfer money (currently CHF 24,000) into a Swiss bank

town. Regular lunch menus are priced from around CHF 15

account and submit the bank statement with the other documents

upwards. In the fast-food outlets such as McDonald’s and kebab stands, menus are more favourably priced.

Health insurance Enrolment Services

Various items of information about moving to St.Gallen and

Our Enrolment Services assist international students with immigration formalities, with general issues related to settling down in St.Gallen and with problems during their early days at the HSG.

about health insurance schemes for foreign students can be found on the website of the City of St.Gallen. Students are required to take out a Swiss health insurance unless the Swiss authorities accept their original one. Costs start at around CHF 100 per month.

* The tuition fees will be increased as per Autumn Semester 2014. Please consult our website.



Money-earning opportunities

In Switzerland, travelling by public transport is very

International students can apply to work 15 hours a week and

convenient and is encouraged. Students are advised to obtain

full-time during the mid-term break. The university and its

the Swiss Federal Railway half-fare card in order to save 50%

institutes are always looking for students to work on some

on all tickets. It is available for CHF 165 and valid for one year.

project or do regular work. It is customary for a relatively high percentage of students to work at the University.

Swiss grants

Information for international students can be found at:

Switzerland also offers grants to international students

from some countries. Interested parties should contact both the Swiss Embassy in their home country and Helen Obrist, the Federal Grant Officer of the University of St.Gallen at Swiss Embassy:

Scholarship and loan fund at the HSG We have two different types of funds to help you finance your studies. First, to ensure financially disadvantaged students are also able to study at the HSG, we have the loan and scholarship fund. The fund offers scholarships and interest-free loans to

Monthly expenses

students enrolled in the Bachelor’s or Master’s Level. The

Housing costs

purpose is to support students in need. To be eligible to apply for either form of aid, students must be enrolled for a minimum of one semester. Second, the Starr International Foundation Scholarship Fund is set aside for highly talented foreign-language students with a recognised foreign Bachelor’s degree who are completing a Master’s degree in one of the English-language programmes. Exceptional students are identified by the Advice Center for Study Funding and asked to hand in an application. Please check our website and contact Ms Eva Flick, Head of the Advice Center for Study Funding, for further information on the above-mentioned or other options. E-Mail:


Rent 580 Food 340 Communication 70 Studying costs


Tuition (foreign students) and class materials


Transport 120 Other expenses


Health 180 Clothing 100 Spare-time activities


Miscellaneous 120 Total Expenses (CHF)


Exchange rate (Aug. 2012): CHF 1.00 = EUR 0.83 / CHF 1.00 = USD 1.03


Academic calendar and application process

Autumn Semester

Spring Semester

Application deadline

30 April

30 November

Start of semester

Calendar week 38

Calendar week 8

Mid-semester break

Calendar weeks 44­/45

Calendar weeks 14/15

End of semester

Calendar week 51

Calendar week 21


Calendar weeks 3–7

Calendar weeks 25–29

Application process

2. If you still are unsure whether with your academic

Applicants will have to fill in an online form and send various

background you are eligible for a degree course at the

documents to the Admissions and Crediting Office of the

University of St.Gallen, please send your certificates and

University of St.Gallen. You can find the online form and all

transcripts to the Admissions and Crediting Office for a

the necessary information under

pre-check by e-mail: This Office

The online form can only be filled in during the application

will establish whether you possess the necessary academic

time windows.


Application time frame:

3. If you have decided to apply for studies at the HSG, you

• to start in September (Autumn Semester): 1 February to

should sit an international test and possibly a language

30 April of the current year

test if you have not done so already. You must submit the

• to start in February (Spring Semester): 1 September to

results of these tests by the end of the application deadline.

30 November of the preceding year 4. Apply online for the course in good time. During this

How to apply for a Master’s degree course 1. You will find all information pertaining to degree courses, admission criteria and deadlines on our website at Please inform yourself thoroughly about the admission criteria on our website:


process you will be told what documents you have to submit. Prepare these documents, send them to us, and pay your application fee. Once you have done that, you have completed the application for a degree course at the University of St.Gallen. If your application is accepted, you may take up your studies at the beginning of the following semester.

Education fairs and campus visits The HSG takes part in various education fairs worldwide. We would appreciate meeting you at a fair and explaining more about the HSG. If you would like to get an idea of the University in person, you are cordially welcome to visit our campus. Please send an e-mail to us at so that we can fix a date.


Rankings and accreditations

Financial Times Ranking


• Masters in Management:

The University of St.Gallen is committed to maintaining its high

• 1st place among the best business universities worldwide

with the Master in Strategy and International Management • 3rd place among the best business universities worldwide

standard of education, which is internationally recognised, as well as its excellent quality of service on campus - these two aspects are considered to be ongoing for the HSG. It is for this

with the CEMS Master in International Management

reason that the HSG has introduced comprehensive measures of


quality assurance and development. It also subjects itself to the

• Masters in Finance: 5th place among the best business

scrutiny of the highest international quality standards by

universities worldwide with the Master in Banking and

independent experts for the purpose of accreditations. Thus the


HSG has earned the EQUIS (2001) and AACSB (2003)

• Top European business school: 12th place among business schools in Europe

accreditations and consequently has obtained the two most demanding international seals of approval for business schools.

CHE Ranking


• Excellence Ranking Economics Master’s Programmes

The European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) is a seal of

• Business administration: top group in European,

approval that has been awarded by the Foundation for

German-speaking countries • Economics: top group in European, German-speaking countries • International relations: top group in European,

Management Development (EFMD, Brussels) ever since 1997 to institutions that meet its standards of quality. These standards include general criteria such as national ranking and resources, internationality and links to the business world.

German-speaking countries


Handelsblatt Ranking • Business research: 1st place in European, German-speaking countries • Economics research: 9th place in European, German-speaking countries


The International Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International) was founded in 1916 as a special agency designed to advance B.A. and M.A. programmes. Besides leading American business schools, the best international business schools have also been granted accreditation since 1997.

Useful weblinks Studying in Switzerland

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

Swiss Scholarships

This brochure contains information about the seven Englishlanguage Master’s programmes of the University of St.Gallen (HSG). Please consult our website for information about the Germanlanguage Master’s programmes, as well as for information about the Bachelor’s Level, the Ph.D. Programmes and the Executive School. The relevant brochures can also be ordered on or downloaded from our website.

Information about Switzerland

Information about St.Gallen

© University of St.Gallen (HSG) 2012: The information in this publication is correct as of Sept. 2012, but the University of St.Gallen reserves the right to make changes affecting policies, fees, curricula, or any other matter announced in this publication without further notice. Editorial office: Marketing. Photos: Hannes Thalmann, University of St.Gallen.


General questions University of St.Gallen (HSG) Dufourstrasse 50 9000 St.Gallen Switzerland E-Mail: Phone: +41 (0)71 224 21 12

Questions regarding enrolment and admission E-Mail:

Student Mobility E-Mail:



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